How to make modular paintings with your own hands. Modular paintings in the interior - varieties and selection rules

Since ancient times, paintings have been decorating the interior. Use portraits, landscapes, still lifes. Paintings play an aesthetic role in the interior and give it a finished look. Back in Ancient Greece paintings consisting of several parts, united by a common style of execution, unity of color and compositional structure were valued - the so-called MODULAR paintings.

PICTURES like work of art

In modern interiors, modular paintings and so-called posters are becoming increasingly popular and fashionable. Such pictures speak of delicate taste!

Modular paintings as a work of art are painted on natural canvas with acrylic or oil paints, and also use direct printing on natural material. Then the finished picture is cut into parts (modules) of the same or different sizes. Each module is stretched onto a wooden subframe. Parts of modular paintings are placed on the wall next to each other so that the original image is obtained. The division into modules gives the picture special expressiveness.

I really like these stylish paintings in the interior.

DIY modular paintings

A wide variety of paintings, including modular ones, can, of course, be purchased.

For my modest interior, I often select pictures I like on the Internet, print them on a color printer and put them in a frame. I really love landscapes by contemporary artists.

More recently, on social media. I saw the album “Panels on Styrofoam” on networks. This technique is very popular now in Europe.

I had the idea to create modular paintings with my own hands.

I chose a picture on the Internet with my favorite roses, copied it, divided it into parts into graphic editor, each part was enlarged to the size of a standard A4 printed sheet and printed on a color printer.

Now you need to take pieces of foam plastic, you can even use ceiling tiles, and cut out rectangles of the desired size with a sharp knife.

Glue the parts of the painting onto the surface of the foam plastic with PVA glue.

Decorate the side surfaces of the foam with strips of paper of a matching color.

Glue a loop on the back side of the foam.

That's all - the modular painting “Flowers” ​​is ready! All that remains is to find a suitable place for it in the room, hang it on the wall and admire it!

You can make such paintings with your own hands on foam plastic different forms and sizes, use pictures, wallpapers, photographs, pieces of fabric, knitted compositions. And instead of polystyrene foam, you can take another material, such as plywood or fiberboard. Only then will the picture be somewhat subtler, but no less beautiful.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings will be a wonderful interior decoration!

Many owners of houses and apartments are increasingly taking the decoration of their premises into their own hands. And if it is sometimes advisable to entrust the creation of a general interior to specialists, then figurines, vases, paintings and others small elements It’s better to do it yourself so that you end up with completely unique things. Fortunately, today it exists huge amount opportunities to master as much as possible simple ways production of various decor.

Initially modular paintings, representing several canvases united by a single sketch, semantic or color composition, appeared in the 1960s and were actively used to decorate interiors in the Art Nouveau and minimalist styles. In modern design, such elements always look organic, you just need to choose a suitable plot.

In this article we will talk about do-it-yourself modular paintings made from wallpaper. A master class describing a simple technology and its features will allow you to understand the principle and use it when creating original decorations for your home.

Options for modular paintings

Segments of the picture can be the same or different sizes. A clear square or rectangular shape is considered the most optimal, but there are also original compositions with round, oval or polygonal elements.

Depending on the number of component parts, the following types of paintings are distinguished:

  • diptych (2 segments);
  • triptych (3 segments);
  • polyptych (more than three segments).

Modular decor can be located:

  • strictly symmetrical horizontally;
  • strictly symmetrical vertically;
  • with displacement in different directions.

To change visual perception Asymmetry is best suited to the room, allowing you to expand, stretch or otherwise adjust the space.

In order for the ones that will later show off in the home album to be complete, all segments must be at the same distance from each other.

Beginner decorators should choose square modules in the amount of two or three segments and place them horizontally.

How to make modular paintings from wallpaper

Choosing the right patterns and colors is one of the most important points how to properly create modular paintings with your own hands from paper wallpaper. The master class presented below will show the fundamental points in the technology of making decor from ordinary or photo wallpaper.

Stages of work:

First of all, you need to decide what the size and shape of the future composition will be.
Next, decide on the general stylistic direction and, depending on this, select necessary materials. This could be scraps left over after renovations or wallpaper specifically purchased for decorating.

Then choose the basis for the picture. Lightweight foam is the ideal choice, but sheets of plywood or fiberboard will also work. Measure and cut pieces of the required size, process the edges.

Mark and cut the wallpaper into segments, taking into account the necessary folds of the paper floorfrom to the other side.

Important nuance! When choosing photo wallpaper with a clear landscape or pattern, you will need, depending on the number of segments, two, three or more pieces of wallpaper with the same image. This is due to the fact that each module of the picture must be decorated by folding the pattern onto the sides and slightly onto the back side. Due to this, only one part can be cut out of one large piece of wallpaper for a future painting.

Attach the prepared pieces of wallpaper to the base using PVA glue, pulling it tightly enough so that no folds or wrinkles form.

Also coat the sides with glue, carefully fold the paper over them and secure them on the back side using a regular or furniture stapler.

Make a loop fastening at the back from strong wire or special furniture canopies of a suitable size.

Screw screws into the wall in certain places at a distance clearly measured using a level, corresponding to the location of the future modular composition, and hang pictures on them.

Using the same technology it is possible to produce various options which we discussed in one of the last articles.

Modular paintings in the interior

An excellent addition to the design of the room will be original do-it-yourself modular paintings made from wallpaper. The master class for making them, discussed above, will allow you to create unique masterpieces; you just need to take into account that for each room you should select images that correspond to the overall design so that the atmosphere is harmonious.

Paintings for the living room

Paintings with city landscapes will look natural in the living room. Within the framework of modern stylistic trends, it is better to choose monochrome or not too bright color photo wallpapers with skyscrapers, bridges and roads of large cities.

To complement a living room decorated in modern or high-tech style, unusual, abstract or clear geometric images are suitable.

Compositions with various floral prints, as well as photo wallpapers with flowers shot in macro mode or just close-up are quite universal.

Paintings for the bedroom

The main condition for a comfortable stay in the bedroom is to create a suitable relaxing environment. Modular decor for this room should be selected based on the overall design of the room, but be sure to avoid oversaturation with bright shades.
Natural landscapes that depict mountains, trees, forests, fields, sea, sunsets are considered universal.

Floral images are also very popular. They can be contrasting or match the overall color scheme of the bedroom.

Paintings for the kitchen

To make it easier to care for a painting in the kitchen and preserve its original appearance for a long time, it is best to place such decor above the dining table, away from the stove and sink. The ideal choice is plot motifs related to food in one way or another.

Most often, the kitchen is decorated with images of fruits, pastries, tea and other drinks. With the correct selection of shades, such paintings fit optimally into the surrounding environment.

Unusual bright scenes made in different styles also look impressive.

An excellent way to diversify the interior and add new interesting accents to it is to use modular paintings created with your own hands from wallpaper.

A master class describing a simple technology for making such decor, discussed in this article, will allow you to make original hand-made creations that can give a particular room a certain zest.

Today, a modular painting is considered a modern and quite stylish piece of furniture. Her main feature is the fact that it is divided into several parts that belong to one composition. Such products can be purchased both on the market and in specialized or online stores. But if you want to create a truly original and non-standard interior while saving on budget, we will tell you how to make modular paintings with your own hands.

Modular paintings and their types

A modular painting is a decorative element of the interior, consisting of several individual parts, which are united by a common idea or style direction. This decor is placed mainly on the wall. As a rule, such jewelry has a certain thickness, regardless of the material. For example, the depth of the modules may be the same or different. In the second option, the difference in volume allows you to achieve the effect of a three-dimensional image.

Most often, the following materials are used as the basis for making modular paintings with your own hands at home:

  • Regular or photo wallpaper;
  • Various photographs;
  • Colored paper;
  • Canvas;
  • Textile.

Important! The most original paintings are those that were drawn with one’s own hand on canvas or paper.

The arrangement of modules can be linear, abstract or diagonal. As for the shape of the elements, it can be completely different - from standard square or oval to completely arbitrary.

Important! For home production of modular paintings, it is best to use a rectangular shape. This is due to the fact that a rectangular base is much easier to work with, especially for a beginner.

Where is the best place to place a finished product?

Each room has its own characteristics, goals and objectives. That's why right choice various decorative elements will highlight not only all the advantages of the room, but also minimize its disadvantages.

Living room

This is an ideal option for various experiments using bright and rich colors. As for the sizes of the elements, it is best to select them in accordance with the area of ​​the room. For example, in a room with a small area it is better not to hang large paintings, as they will look simply ridiculous, and vice versa - in large room small modules will simply get lost on the wall.

Important! It is best to place modular paintings above the sofa, as this is the most frequently visited place by family members.


For this room, all decorative elements should be selected carefully. It is best to give preference to abstract images or calm landscapes. They will help you take your mind off your worries and relieve stress, making your sleep much more restful.

Important! In order to achieve complete harmony, choose images in which the primary colors will be in complete harmony with the overall color palette interior design.

Children's room

In this case, bright colors should be avoided. Try to choose modular paintings with images of animals or fairy tale characters. As for abstraction, the baby will simply not be interested. Another original option is to create a modular picture from photographs of the owner of the room.

Important! If the room belongs to a teenager, you should invite him to make his own choice. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your favorite musician or film actor may appear on the canvas.


Here it is most appropriate to use the simplest possible images. This is due to the fact that family is quite rare here, so you and your guests simply will not have time to stand and look at complex works.


For this room you should choose stylish, rich and bright combinations. In this case, you can not be afraid to experiment. The most important thing is that the compositions fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If your kitchen is small, it is best to abandon various accessories in favor of more functional shelves or racks.

Master class on making a modular picture from photo wallpaper

Such decorative elements made from photo wallpapers look very unconventional and original, and most importantly, you can make them yourself. To make a modular painting you will need the following materials:

  • White or colored paper;
  • Foam;
  • Cardboard;
  • Photo wallpaper;
  • Stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.

Important! You can make modular paintings with your own hands from photo wallpaper on completely different bases. For example, for a more accurate image, you should use wooden dies, and for a more voluminous image, foam plastic. The most important thing is that they fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room and be combined with other decorative accessories.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Select the required photo wallpaper.
  • From the photo wallpaper you need to cut out a fragment of the shape you need.
  • Cut the previously prepared fragment into several elements.

Important! It is best to make a picture with 3-5 modules.

  • Glue the parts of the picture onto pieces of foam plastic using PVA glue.
  • Cover the sides with paper of the same color as the image.
  • Attach loops to the back of the finished product so that it can be hung on the wall.

Important! If you were unable to choose the photo wallpaper you need, you can find the picture you like on the Internet and print it in the size you need.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings from ordinary wallpaper - master class

If, after renovation, you still have wallpaper that is no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw it away, you can turn it into original paintings, which will become an excellent decorative element in the interior of the room.

For this you will need:

  • Colored paper (to match the wallpaper);
  • Scissors;
  • Polystyrene foam or cardboard;
  • Old wallpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Stationery knife.

Once all the materials have been prepared, you can safely begin work:

  • Choose several wallpapers with different patterns, but in the same color scheme.

Important! Since high-quality wallpaper is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, you can purchase canvases that are left over in the store’s warehouse. They are in no way inferior in quality, but the price is much cheaper.

  • Cut out several elements of the size and shape you need.
  • Glue the elements you cut out onto cardboard or pieces of foam.
  • Glue the joints on the sides with colored paper.
  • Make loops on the back side of the product.

Master class on making fabric modular paintings with your own hands step by step

The basis for such a product can be designed independently and printed, ordered from a designer, or purchased ready-made. In this case, everything depends purely on your desires and financial capabilities. Once you have decided on the main part, you can begin making the modular painting.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

Modular ones were invented by the ancient Greeks. They were the first to create and begin to decorate the walls with images divided into several canvases. Moreover, they are all united by one plot, style, color and composition.

Today, modular paintings are a single image divided into several canvases. They are placed side by side on the wall, leaving a free distance of 1-2 cm between the canvases. This way the painting looks larger and more original than a monolithic image.

Attention! Modular paintings should not be framed so that the image fits together well.

The most expensive are modular oil paintings. But today they are easily replaced with decorative images made using typographic printing. But you don’t have to spend money on them either. After all, you can make modular paintings with your own hands. This will require auxiliary tools and perseverance.

How to make a modular picture from photo wallpaper

Modular paintings can be made on different bases, depending on the preferences of the person and the requirements of the interior. So with wooden dies the images will be more accurate. If more volume is required, polystyrene foam should be used.

What you will need to create a modular painting:

  • photo wallpaper;
  • foam;
  • cardboard;
  • colored or white paper;

  • PVA glue;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.
  1. Select photo wallpaper, outline and cut out a fragment of the desired size in a square or rectangular shape.
  2. Cut the cut fragment vertically into several more pieces. It is best to divide the picture into 3-5 fragments.
  3. Take a plate of foam plastic, measure out rectangles on it that correspond to the fragments of the picture, cut them out with a stationery knife and sand the edges.
  4. Glue the parts of the picture onto the foam plates using PVA glue.
  5. Cover the sides with paper of the appropriate color.
  6. At the back, using thread and cardboard, make loops for attaching the pictures to the wall.

Advice. Instead of polystyrene foam, you can use plywood, a sheet of chipboard, or thick cardboard. But if you haven’t found the photo wallpaper you need, you can select a suitable image on the Internet and print it on a special printer.

How to choose modular paintings for different rooms

It is important not only to make a picture that is not inferior in quality to the purchased decor, but also to choose an image that matches a particular room.

  • Hallway. If the size of the hallway allows you to hang a picture here, it is better to choose simple images with a minimum of small details. At the same time, the picture here should set the tone for the entire home interior.
  • Living room. Here you need to use bright and rich colors. It is important to consider the size of the room. On a large wall, small paintings will get lost and will look like indistinct spots. And vice versa, big picture in a small room it will visually narrow the space even more. Modular paintings in the living room will look best above the sofa or armchairs.

  • Kitchen. A modular picture in the kitchen should be bright and juicy. At the same time, it should fit well with the interior and not overload it. It is best to hang such paintings above the dining table.
  • Bedroom. You need to be very careful here, because this room is intended for rest and relaxation. Therefore, it is better to hang modular paintings with a calm landscape here. You can also hang an abstract image in pastel colors. In any case, the color scheme should correspond to the overall design concept of the bedroom. If we are talking about the newlyweds’ bedroom, here you can make and hang modular paintings collected from the couple’s wedding photographs.
  • Children's room. It would seem that everything in a nursery should be bright and cheerful. But paintings with too catchy prints will “overload” the interior of a room where there are already enough bright toys. Paintings depicting animals will look best here.

Advice. If there is no one living in the room small child, and a teenager, you can create modular picture along with him. And depict on it a photo of his favorite band or even him and his friends.

Despite the fact that the first modular paintings appeared many centuries ago, they still decorate the walls of houses and apartments. Today they look modern and stylish. And simple master classes will allow you to save money on their purchase, and create just such a decorative element that will suit each specific interior.

DIY modular painting: video

Modular paintings are a generally recognized trend in interior design, which consists of several canvases united by a common idea or image. Today we'll talk about doing it at home.

Modular paintings in the interior

The originality of such products as modular paintings lies in the following:

  • they give the room a unique and complete look;
  • emphasize the taste of the owner of the house;
  • attract the attention of visitors;
  • have high quality color rendering;
  • are powerful source energy;
  • create the illusion of movement in the room;
  • hide small surface defects, etc.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

Today there is a wide variety of modular paintings, differing in size and shape. So they can have horizontal, vertical, asymmetrical displacement, and also be segmented and divided into several separate images (diptych, triptych, penaptych, etc.).

A special place is occupied by modular paintings on glass, made using special paints and printers.

You don't have to be talented artist and a designer to get a unique product. It is enough to choose any picture you like and print it using special equipment on fabric, paper or other sheet material. After this, all that remains is to cut the image into the appropriate elements and fix them.

The process of creating a painting from modules
Method No. 1

To make a modular picture for the kitchen, you need to prepare several wooden frame structures of various sizes and attach the finished printed image to them using a furniture stapler. At the same time, keep in mind that the frame itself should remain on the wrong side.

in the absence of the possibility of printing and painting yourself, you can use patterned bright fabric as a canvas;

If desired, the frame can be replaced with a piece of chipboard or rectangular plywood.

Method No. 2 (Modular painting “Flowers”)

1. Prepare oil or other paints that do not fade and are used for painting batik and paintings on canvas.

2. Take several canvases and frame structures of a certain size. However, keep in mind that the latter should be slightly smaller than the fabric, otherwise you will not be able to capture the resulting image.

3. Secure the canvas to each frame using a furniture stapler.

If used acrylic paints, then it is better to work with them on cotton fabric or silk (batik technique). The advantage of this method is that you first draw the design on a piece of paper and then place it under the fabric.

DIY modular painting video: