What day did the baron give? What day, according to the film “That Same Munchausen,” did the title character give to his hometown?

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Response website. Today is September 30, 2017, on Channel One most interesting game, which is called . All answers in the game dated September 30, 2017 can be found in the game review; the article can be accessed via the link above. But tomorrow will not be September 31, because we do not have Baron Munchausen, unfortunately he was in the singular.

What day, according to the film “That Same Munchausen,” did the title character give to his hometown?

Unfortunately, the players were unable to correctly answer the eleventh question of today's game and left with nothing. The question turned out to be really difficult, I myself did not know the exact answer. After all, we were confused by a film called “June 31st”.

“June 31” is a Soviet two-part television musical film in the fantasy genre based on the story of the same name. English writer John Boynton Priestley, filmed in 1978. Significantly different from the book. This is one of the most significant works of director Leonid Kvinikhidze and composer Alexander Zatsepin.

As we can see, this film is not what we need to answer this question correctly. To answer the question, we need to turn to the desired text.

May 32 is another day of spring...

- Stop! Stop! Our trial has been turned into a shameful farce.
Mister Judge, please read it again
divorce letter from Baron von Munchausen.

- I, Baron Karl von Munchausen...
- Read the date!
- 1779, May 32. Mister Baron, you are mistaken, such a number does not exist.
- Happens!
- If yesterday was May 31st, what is today?
- 32nd. This day is my discovery. This is my gift hometown.

- I’ll explain everything to you now!
- Gentlemen, gentlemen!
- I’ll explain everything to you now.
- This can’t be, this can’t be!
- Bravo.

- Thirty what?
- 32, Your Highness.
-Where does he propose to insert it?
- Here.
- 29th, 30th, 31st...
- 32nd.
- There’s no room here.
“That’s why the court considered itself deeply offended, Your Highness.” We ask you to cancel the divorce decree.
- 29th, 30th, 31st...
- And so on.

Thanks to the man who always speaks only the pure truth, my dearly beloved Baron Munchausen, today is May 32! Before I met him, I celebrated my birthday on the last day of spring, and the next day summer began. But now everything is different - the baron gave us the VERY last day of spring... Another “sunrise and sunset... An extra afternoon... Thousands of new seconds...”
This is one of his greatest discoveries, and maybe the most... Remember: “How many days are there in a year?.. Three hundred sixty-five!.. Exactly?.. No, not exactly... There are three hundred sixty-five days and six hours in a year. These hours are added up, and then every fourth year becomes a leap year.. But I wondered: is it really true that there are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year?! It turned out, no! In a normal year, there are three hundred and sixty-five days, six hours and three more seconds... Any astronomer, even one less reputable, will tell you this. I. You just need to go up to the stars with a chronometer and from there follow the rotation of the Earth. I have done this more than once... So - over the years, these seconds add up to minutes, over centuries - to hours. During the existence of our city, we have an extra day coming up! The thirty-second of May!”
So many works have been written, drawn, staged, filmed and acted about Munchausen that it is simply surprising how such different faces may belong to the same hero. In the Bookcase, the barons are even given a whole shelf next to the Alices. But when I close my eyes and try to imagine the real Munchausen, my imagination always pictures him like this:

Because this is "The Same Munchausen".
Gorin's brilliant film was shot in 1979 based on the works of Raspe about the adventures of the baron, brilliantly played by Oleg Yankovsky. I have seen this film countless times, I know it by heart, I can quote it at any time of the day or night, and I rewatch it with great pleasure, especially if someone is watching it with me for the first time (The same Munchausen, DVD film on OZON.ru).
A countless number of books about the adventures of Munchausen have been published, in various translations, retellings, “based on”, and with different illustrations, for every taste. Today, my two favorite publications retold by Chukovsky are the “book with history” from IDM with illustrations by Wilhelm Zimmler and the adventures of the baron from childhood with drawings by Gustave Doré.

Last year was fruitful good editions Munchausen. But they didn’t stay in the stores for long. I consider the most interesting of those available for sale today " Amazing stories and the merry adventures of Baron Munchausen" from Moscow Textbooks, retold by Razumikhin with illustrations by Anatoly Eliseev.
Well, if we take a different price category, then I dream of purchasing an “adult” Munchausen August Bürger translated by Waldman with engravings by Gustave Doré for the Wardrobe, since my Doré is from childhood good quality printing is no different at all.

Well, congratulations to everyone on the very last day of spring! "Smile, gentlemen. Smile!"

A magnificent story by Grigory Gorin, in which there is a lot of subtle, kind, sincere and sharp humor. Almost every phrase is a diamond! Brilliant acting. And what actors! Constellation! And of course, a wonderful production by Mark Zakharov.

The story of this film begins with theatrical production- the play “The Most Truthful”, for the creation of which plots from the works of the German writer Rudolf Erich Raspe about the adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen were used, Grigory Gorin wrote at the request of actor Vladimir Zeldin, who really wanted to play the role of Baron Munchausen. The performance was staged at the Soviet Army Theater and was an incredible success among the audience. Mark Zakharov watched this performance and decided to transfer it to the big screen.

Here is how the director himself talks about how he came up with the idea of ​​making a television version of the play: “That Same Munchausen” began for me with a wonderful play by Grigory Gorin, when I saw the premiere performance of it at the Theater Soviet army. Munchausen is a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become reality. But it meets with misunderstanding of the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

However, members of the artistic council also had doubts about the correctness of the choice of director. Zakharov was told that Yankovsky was not suitable in age and was fit to be the baron’s son. Screenwriter Grigory Gorin also had doubts about Yankovsky, writing in his memoirs: “Before that, he played straightforward, tough, strong-willed people - Volga characters that betrayed his origin. I didn't believe in his baron. The work began, he got into character, changed before our eyes. He grew into the role, and Munchausen appeared - smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!”

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend Yankovsky’s candidacy. “There was an element of risk in inviting Oleg Yankovsky to the role of Baron Munchausen,” the director recalled. “After all, he developed as an actor of a completely non-comedy kind. But to Oleg’s credit, his acting palette also contained comedic colors, which found worthy embodiment in the film, especially in its first part.”

But choosing an actress to play Martha turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's beloved were Irina Mazurkevich and Galina Zolotareva, but Zakharov was inclined to cast Tatyana Dogileva in the film. The fact that Koreneva, unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the actors in the film, was not an actress at Lenkom, directed by Zakharov, helped make the choice in favor of Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to filming. “If everyone is taken to filming, who will act in the theater?” - Mark Anatolyevich noted.

Satire Theater actor Yuri Vasiliev played the role of Theophilus, but Leonid Yarmolnik was cast.

An actor from the Moscow Art Theater Kolesnikov auditioned for the role of Ramkopf, but the majority on the artistic council voted for Alexander Abdulov. They said that although there is no irony in him, he has youth, charm, and he has the sympathy of the audience.

But Leonid Bronevoy was approved without tests.

In the initial scene of Munchausen's conversation with the hunters, German actors were filmed together with Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Katin-Yartsev, who were later voiced by Russians. If you look closely, you will notice that their articulation does not match the text.

It turned out to be difficult to depict a deer with a cherry tree on its head, which comes out of the forest in confirmation of Munchausen’s words. “When we came to the zoo to film the animal, it turned out that the deer were just shedding their antlers, so there was no need to attach the tree,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - We tried to remove the scarecrow, but his eyes were empty. Then they resorted to combined photography. At the animal base of the Tsentrnauchfilm studio, they found a deer that could be passed off as a deer, decorated the enclosure's lattice to resemble a forest, and laid turf. They released the deer, and instead of walking in front of the camera, he began to roll on the ground. Then we decided to try to lure the deer with a treat. It worked. He followed him along the required route. Then we took a cherry tree trunk from the Moscow State University biological station and attached artificial flowers to it. Our familiar choreographer from the Operetta Theater, having carefully studied the passage of the deer, repeated his movements with a tree on his head. After which the tree was cut out and combined with the deer.”

Combined photography was also used in the scene of Martha and Baroness Jacobina passing in a carriage. “We filmed this episode in the Mosfilm pavilion, and it was necessary to place a city german landscape, - says Vsevolod Yakubovich. - It turned out that the footage taken in Germany was not suitable: the camera was placed on a high tripod, and the carriage windows were at the level of the second floor. I had to zoom in a lot and only use the bottom of the frame.”

“There is a scene in the film: Munchausen’s servant looks through a telescope and, when he sees ducks flying up, gives the baron a sign,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - He shoots into the chimney, and a roast duck falls out of the fireplace. According to the idea, the servant was supposed to see ducks in the chimney flying towards him. When we started looking in film libraries for such a flight, we found many shots of ducks flying away from the camera, but not a single one of them flying in the other direction. I had to organize a movie hunt for ducks and drive them towards the camera. A bear also took part in the filming of the film - according to the plot, he came out of the forest during the ducal hunt. In order for the animal to go in the right direction, it was lured with a jar of sprat - when they knocked on it, the bear followed the familiar sound.”

A German stuntman, a kind of German macho, took part in the filming. During the break, the dashing Abdulov approached him and offered to measure his strength: to find out who has the stronger fingers. They crossed index fingers and started pushing against each other. “Suddenly I heard a crunching sound and saw that Abdulov’s finger was twisted somehow unnaturally,” says Dolinsky. “I tell him: “It seems he broke it for you.” “It doesn’t seem like it, but for sure,” Abdulov answers. How Zakharov cursed later! Alexander was given an invisible plaster cast, and he continued filming with it. But his adventures did not end there. Right on the set, Abdulov also managed to break his toe.”

Mark Zakharov already spoke about this: “It wasn’t broken, it was dislocated. Abdulov - very gambler and persuaded me to allow him to jump from a four-meter fence without an understudy. The second director - a more experienced person - said that it was necessary to make a special hole that would soften the impact on the ground, and something else. I took it lightly. As a result, Alexander Gavrilovich jumped and injured his leg. I really regretted giving in to him. There was another episode involving risk for Yankovsky, when his hero climbs a rope ladder. I tried it myself first, the steps disappeared from under my feet, it was scary. But Yankovsky, without a backup and insurance, rose to a decent height.”

“That Same Munchausen” suffered less from censorship than Zakharov’s other films - for example, when it was submitted to the artistic council “ An ordinary miracle“Each phrase had to be defended with a fight. A single insignificant scene was cut from “Munchausen”: “Director Mark Zakharov set me the task of writing words for a song about Munchausen, which the heroine Lyubov Polishchuk would sing,” says poet Yuri Entin. - Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya recorded it. When the film was released, I sat down by the TV in the hope of hearing my song, I watched the first episode, the second - there was no song, although my last name was indicated in the credits. Then it turned out that the song was banned because of Polishchuk, who at that time for some reason was out of favor on television. I resigned myself to not including “That Munchausen” in my filmography, but a few years later the song was returned to the film.”

The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was released on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who received the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation. From the very first showing on television, the film became very popular, and now, more than thirty years after the premiere, it, having acquired the status of a cult film, remains beloved a huge amount spectators.

The same Munchausen


It was necessary to choose one of two things: to die or to somehow be saved.
- Well, what did you choose?
- Guess.

But my hand, thank God, is strong, and my head, thank God, is thinking!

Are you saying that a person can lift himself up by his own hair?
- Necessarily. A thinking person is simply obliged to do this from time to time.

What, cherry tree?
- Tree? On the head of a deer? Better say - cherry orchard!
- If a garden grew, I would say garden. And since the tree has grown, why should I lie?

- Of course, we all know how to pull. The handle is hanging, why not pull it?

Mister Baron has been waiting for you for a long time. He has been working in his office since the morning.
- He locked himself up and asked: “Thomas, he says, Mr. Pastor has not arrived yet?”
- I say: “Not yet.”
- He says, “Well, thank God.”

Mister Baron once went hunting in the forest.
- The bear rushed at him. And since Mister Baron was without a gun...
- Why was he without a gun?
- I’m telling you, he went hunting.

Thomas, look, are they flying? A?
- They're flying, Mister Baron! Now they will fly over our house.
- We'll shoot through the chimney.

So how?
- Got it. Duck. With apples. It looks like it's cooked well.
“It seems like she doused herself with sauce on the way.”
- Yes? How nice of her.

So. Unfortunately, Baron, I can't help you.
- Why?
- Because while your wife is alive, you cannot marry again.
- You say alive?
- When alive.
-Are you proposing to kill her?
- God! God forbid you, Baron!

Maybe you shouldn't have started with Sophocles? And this time you were too clever with the duck too.
- I wanted to cheer him up. They told me: a smart man.
- Well, you never know what they talk about a person.

Mr. Ramkopf, you are a friend of our family, you do a lot for us. Take it one step further!
- Everything in my power.
- Challenge your father to a duel.
- Never.
- But why?
- Well, first of all, he will kill me. And secondly...
- The first one is enough. Calm down, Feo.

Judging by the abundance of compliments, did you come back with bad news?

No reason? The man destroyed his family, drove his wife and child out onto the street.
- What child? I'm an officer!
- Kicked out his wife and the officer.

But is this a fact?
- No, this is not a fact.
- This is not a fact?
- No, this is not a fact. This is much more than a fact. That's how it really was.

The fact is that our beloved Duke in Lately was in some confrontation with our beloved Duchess.
- And what?
- Oh.
- Terrible boy. Just like my father.
- Oh well. They say she caught him with some lady-in-waiting. It was terrible! It was...
- And what?
- Being somewhat nervously overexcited, the Duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words “Freedom! Free everyone!”

The whole solution is in the waist. Where do you think we will make the waist?
- At chest level.
- Brilliant!
- Brilliant, like everything true.

I will not allow the waistline to be lowered to the hips. 155.
- After all, we are the center of Europe.
“I won’t let any Spaniards dictate terms to us.”
- If you want a cut-off sleeve, please.
- Do you want a pleated skirt with darts? I accept this too.
- But I won’t let you lower your waistline.

- "The daily routine of Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen on May 30, 1779."
- Curious.
- Very much.
- "Wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning."
- Not punishable.

- "From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. is a feat."
- What does it mean?
- This means that from 8 to 10 in the morning he has a feat planned. Well? What do you say, burgomaster, about a man who every day goes to a heroic deed, as if to serve?

I serve myself, madam. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrate. I won't say that this is a feat. But in general there is something heroic in this.

Gentlemen, we have reached a very interesting point. "16:00 - war with England."
- With whom?!
- With England.
- Lord, why didn’t England please him?
- Where is she? Where, I ask you?
- Who?
- England.

Recall all those dismissed to the reserve. Cancel holidays. Build a guard on central square. The dress code is summer, formal. Blue uniforms with gold trim. Sewn-in sleeve. The lapels are wide. The waist is 10 cm lower than in peacetime.
- Below?
- That is, higher.
- And the chest?
- What, breasts?
- Should we leave it where it is?
- No, we take it with us.

Is it really impossible to arrest one single person? The horse is tired!
- It's okay, Your Highness. Baron Munchausen will be arrested any minute. He asked me to tell you not to disperse.

What is this?
- Arrested.
- Why with an orchestra?
- Your Highness, first celebrations were planned, then arrests. Then they decided to combine.

Where is our guard? Where is the guard?
- Obviously, he is outflanking.
- Whom?
- Everyone.

Hand over your sword.
- Your Highness, do not go against your conscience.
- I know, you are a noble man, and in your heart you are also against England.
- Yes, in my heart I’m against it. Yes, I don't like her... Yes.
- But I sit and keep quiet. War is...

Why does the war continue? Don’t they read your newspapers?

My husband, gentlemen, a dangerous person! 20 years of my life are given to him! For 20 years I pacified him. I kept him within bounds family life. And thereby saving lives. Your life. The life of society comes from him!...

It's not scary that I'm abandoned. Not scary. It's scary that he's free!

What is she talking about?
- He's hiding the Baron.
- And what does he say?
- It’s clear that he’s a scoundrel, he says. He's crazy, he's an unfortunate liar.
- And what does he want?
- It’s clear why, so as not to quit.
- Logical.

There are couples made for love. We were created for divorce.

Jacobina has not loved me since childhood and, to give her credit, she managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in me.
In church, when the priest asked if we wanted to become husband and wife, we unanimously answered “no,” and we were immediately married.
After the wedding, my wife and I left for our honeymoon.
I went to Turkey, she went to Switzerland, and for three years they lived there in love and harmony.

Great God, make sure everything goes well.
Help us, Lord. We love each other so much.
And don't be angry with Karl, Lord.
He is impudent, he is often ready to argue with you, but, Lord, you are older, you are wiser.
You must give in. Give in, Lord.
You've already endured so much. Well, be patient a little longer.

Baron, you are man of sense. I have always treated you with sympathy.
I respected your way of thinking. Loose shoulder line, tapered trousers.

We have too many of them, these obstacles. They are beyond my strength. Lord, why didn’t you marry Joan of Arc? She agreed.
- I knew that I would meet Martha.

And let the monument that we erect in his honor become a symbol...
- The symbol is sluggish.
- Okay, let it become more than just a symbol.
- Better.
- Let it become not only a symbol of the city’s selfless love for its citizen...
- It’s better to say: “To your great son.”
- Better. Let it become a source of courage, courage, a spring of life-giving optimism that will never stop flowing...
- Better to say flow.
- But the spring, it flows.
- Sometimes it hits, and sometimes it flows. IN in this case It's better for it to flow.

What time is it, Thomas?
- The clock struck 3, the baron fell at 2, so it was only an hour.
- Why are you talking? You have to add 3 plus 2.
- It used to be necessary to add, but now it’s better to subtract.

It's only a pity that it's only one half. What if you are not afraid and...
- Eliminate.
- Or bring it closer?
- Connect.
- Well... This is even funnier.
- Much. And water will immediately flow.
-Where are we going to get the water from? From what place?
- We won’t pour water out of Munchausen, gentlemen. No need.
- He is as dear to us as Munchausen. Like Karl Friedrich Hieronymus.
- And whether his horse drinks or doesn’t drink is not of concern to us.
- Not in the desert.

Are you all joking?
- I quit a long time ago. Doctors forbid it.
- Since when did you start going to doctors?
- Immediately after death.

Good boy?
- 12 kilograms.
- Running?
- For what? Walking.
- Chatting?
- Silent.
- Smart boy, he will go far.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?

Let's talk another time.
- Fine. Today at midnight at the monument.
- At the monument. To whom?
- To me.

Mister Burgomaster! His Highness the Duke missed again! For the fourth time we drive this pig past His Highness, and His Highness, excuse the expression, smears and smears. Will you order us to drive away for the fifth time?
- No. Inconvenient. He already remembered his face.
- Who will win?
- Duke of the Boar.

No, well, we're done, huh? We've done it! We steal bears from the gypsies! But they were, were... Literally the homeland of bears.

Martha left me.
- She's gone crazy. Ungrateful, rubbish. Cook. She thinks it's easy to be the lover of such a man. Scoundrel. We'll get her back.
- It's not scary. Really. We'll persuade her.

No, you don't know her well. To get her back, you have to get yourself back.

Here are the facts: an extract from the church register, a certificate of death of the baron, a receipt for the coffin.
It would seem that there is more than enough evidence.
However, the defendant continues to persist!
Taking advantage of your external resemblance with the late baron, having insidiously taken possession of his gait, voice and even fingerprints, the defendant naively hopes to deceive us and force us to recognize our dear baron, whom we solemnly celebrated three years ago!

Frau Martha, Frau Martha! Frau Martha, we have trouble, the baron has risen.
There will be trouble, Frau Martha.

If a person wants to tell the truth, he has the right to do so. I would just like to know what truth you mean?
- There is only one truth!
- There is no truth at all.
- Yes. The truth is what this moment considered true.

God! Do you really have to kill a person to understand that he is alive!
- Well said. Very. But we have no choice.

Mister Pastor, Mister Pastor!
- Well?
- Ask to be let through!
- I packed him some things for the trip. Still, the path is not close.
- Do you really think that he will make it?
- To the moon? Certainly.
- You can’t even see her.
- When you can see it, the fool will fly. The Baron likes it to be more difficult.

- What, your highness?
- I say, it’s amazing how our people harmonize with nature.
- ABOUT! I'll remember this.
- You write it down.

Well, won’t there be anything unnecessary?
- What are you saying, Your Highness? Everything will go according to plan. After the overture - interrogations. After - the last word the defendant, volleys, general fun, dancing.

Why can't you hear? I don't understand what they are talking about.
- Your Highness, the defendant thanks the city authorities and seems to be joking with his beloved.
- Fine. Especially the lace collar and front dart really suit him. And in general, he looks like a deceased person.

Well... Let's confess.
- I did this all my life, but no one believed me.
- Please, ease your soul.
- It happened naturally, pastor. I had a friend. He betrayed me. I had a favorite. She renounced. I'm flying light.

Rough. How we still love... Always would... This is not the main thing.

They put raw gunpowder, Karl! They want to stop you, Karl!
- Here. Thank you. Thank you, Martha. Let them envy! Who else has such a woman?

My God. The pharmacist's daughter is the pharmacist's daughter.

Where is the commander?
- Commands.

I don't understand anything anymore. So is it him or not?
-Can’t wait 2 minutes?

Well, here's the thing, we were all probably wrong about something...
- Gentlemen, the decision of the Hanoverian court in connection with the successful completion of the experiment...
- Since everything has turned out this way, let it go as it goes...
- It is ordered, by the highest command it is ordered to consider the defendant Baron Munchausen!
- And here some people began to allow themselves to sew on patch pockets and tighten sleeves - we will not allow this.

Heartiest congratulations!
- But with what?!
- Happy return from the Moon!
- Not true! This time I wasn't on the moon!
- How was it not, when there is already a decision that there was?

Join us quietly...
- Join us, Baron. Join us.

Yes, understand!
Baron Munchausen is famous not for the fact that he flew or did not fly.
And the fact that he doesn’t lie.

Thomas, go home! Prepare dinner! When I return, let it be 6 o'clock!
- 6 pm or 6 am?
- 6 days.

I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile.

A little old man sitting by the fireplace, telling stories, absurd and incredibly interesting, very funny and “true”... It seems that a little time will pass, and the reader himself will decide that it is possible to pull himself out of the swamp, grabbing his hair, turning the wolf inside out , discover half of the horse, which drinks tons of water and cannot quench its thirst.

Familiar stories, isn't it? Everyone has heard about Baron Munchausen. Even people who are not very good with fine literature, thanks to cinema, will be able to immediately list a couple of fantastic stories about it. Another question: “Who wrote the fairy tale “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”?” Alas, the name of Rudolf Raspe is not known to everyone. And is he the original creator of the character? Literary scholars still find the strength to argue on this topic. However, first things first.

Who wrote the book "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"?

The year of birth of the future writer is 1736. His father was an official and part-time miner, as well as an avid lover of minerals. This explained why early years Raspe spent time near the mines. He soon received his basic education, which he continued at the University of Göttingen. At first he was occupied by law, and then natural sciences captured him. Thus, nothing indicated his future hobby - philology, and did not foretell that he would be the one who wrote “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”.

Later years

Upon returning to his hometown, he chooses to become a clerk, and then works as a secretary in a library. Raspe made his debut as a publisher in 1764, offering the world the works of Leibniz, which, by the way, were dedicated to the future prototype of the Adventures. Around the same time, he wrote the novel “Hermyn and Gunilda”, became a professor and received the position of caretaker of an antique cabinet. Travels around Westphalia in search of ancient manuscripts, and then rare things for a collection (alas, not his own). The latter was entrusted to Raspa taking into account his solid authority and experience. And, as it turned out, in vain! The one who wrote “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” was not a very wealthy man, even poor, which forced him to commit a crime and sell off part of the collection. However, Raspa managed to escape punishment, but it is difficult to say how this happened. They say that those who came to arrest the man listened and, fascinated by his gift as a storyteller, allowed him to escape. This is not surprising, because they encountered Raspe himself - the one who wrote “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”! How could it be otherwise?

The appearance of a fairy tale

The stories and twists and turns associated with the publication of this fairy tale actually turn out to be no less interesting than the adventures of its main character. In 1781, in the “Guide for Merry People” the first stories with a cheerful and all-powerful old man are found. It was unknown who wrote The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. The author considered it necessary to remain in the shadows. It was these stories that Raspe took as the basis for his own work, which was united by the figure of the narrator and had integrity and completeness (unlike the previous version). Fairy tales were written in English language, and the situations in which he acted main character, had a purely English flavor and were associated with the sea. The book itself was conceived as a kind of edification directed against lies.

The tale was then translated into German(this was done by the poet Gottfried Burger), adding and changing the previous text. Moreover, the edits were so significant that in serious academic publications the list of those who wrote “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” includes two names - Raspe and Burger.


The resilient baron had a real-life prototype. His name was the same literary character, - Munchausen. By the way, the problem of this transmission remains unresolved. introduced the variant “Munhausen” into use, but in modern publications the letter “g” was added to the hero’s surname.

The real baron, already at an advanced age, loved to talk about his hunting adventures in Russia. Listeners recalled that at such moments the narrator’s face became animated, he himself began to gesticulate, after which one could hear from this truthful person incredible stories. They began to gain popularity and even went into print. Of course, the necessary degree of anonymity was observed, but people who knew the baron closely understood who the prototype of these sweet stories was.

Last years and death

In 1794, the writer tried to start a mine in Ireland, but death prevented these plans from coming true. Raspe's meaning for further development literature is great. In addition to inventing the character, who had already become a classic, almost anew (taking into account all the details of the creation of the fairy tale, which were mentioned above), Raspe drew the attention of his contemporaries to ancient German poetry. He was also one of the first to feel that the Songs of Ossian were a fake, although he did not deny their cultural significance.