The place where the twin towers were. Twin Towers Fall Site (Ground Zero)

15 years ago, the bloodiest and most monstrous terrorist attack in human history took place. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers.

During this time, the world has only become more dangerous, and the bastards continue to kill innocent people. But life goes on.

Instead of the two destroyed twin towers, several new skyscrapers were built under the same name World Trade Center and a memorial to the victims was opened.

1 The tallest of the building complex, WTC 1 or “Freedom Tower,” opened in 2014.

2 To get inside, you need to know one of the employees. Dima took me there newyorkrealty , working as a realtor in New York. But having friends is not enough; you have to register and go through checks, like at the airport: send your things to an X-ray scanner, and go through the metal detector yourself. After this, you will be called for an elevator, which can only take you to a few permitted floors. There are even two elevators: the first goes from the 1st to the 45th floor, the second from the 46th to the 90th.

3 Sixty-fourth floor - observation deck.

4 How many times have I been to New York, I have never climbed the tourist observation decks. A useless waste of money. You can look at the no less breathtaking view on your own, but more original. IN in this case, alas, the glass is in the way, but one day we climbed onto the roof of a newly built 80-story skyscraper, and there was beauty there!

5 Twenty floors above is the coworking space itself. The public space occupies one floor, two more house meeting rooms, mini-offices and a dining room for tenants.

6 Outwardly, it is not very different from a regular office, the only difference is that there are almost no assigned places here. People come and go as they please. But in this case, you also need to carry your things with you.

7 If you can’t work without your favorite mug, a rug for your feet and a photo of your dog, the “hot desk” is not for you. An unassigned seat, when you occupy any free table, costs $450 per month.

8 There are 155 coworking spaces participating in the network, and membership gives you the opportunity to work in any of them. There are four locations in New York alone. In the USA there are also Chicago, Boston, Washington, San Francisco, but the main thing is that there are similar coworking spaces in dozens of countries around the world: do you want to work from Australia? There are offices in Sydney and Melbourne please.

9 Are you traveling in China and urgently need an office? Find the nearest one in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai or Guangzhou. Did something difficult bring it to Lebanon? Even Beirut has one. In Russia and Ukraine, alas, offices have not yet been opened.

10 Every office worker dreams of freeing himself from “slavery” and becoming a freelancer. Every freelancer sooner or later realizes that working in an office is more efficient. This is how coworking spaces appeared, which today are growing like mushrooms all over the world.

11 You can come here to work just for this view!

12 If you are excited by urbanism and tall narrow towers, the views from the window will give you +10 to your productivity!

13 When you look at New York from above, it's really motivating.

14 The site of the Twin Towers is now broken memorial park with two swimming pools (one is visible in the photo), following the contours of the buildings.

15 Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.

16 The usual New York life is seething below.

17 Rooftop air conditioners are a great way to avoid damaging building facades.

18 The Statue of Liberty - in full view!

19 Verrazano Bridge, one of the largest suspension bridges in the world.

20 Residents of the coworking space can take a break from work while playing a game board games, ping pong or shuffleboard.

21 This is a type of table curling; the game board needs to be sprinkled with salt so that the puck glides better.

22 I've never seen anything like this before!




Many thanks to Dima for the excursion

Twins Tower or twins - this is how New Yorkers lovingly called the tragically famous towers of the World Trade Center. The tragedy of September 11, 2001 went down in US history as a national tragedy, and the tragic news spread throughout the world in a matter of minutes.

It was not without reason that the terrorists chose the New York skyscrapers as the target of their attack, which were not just the pride of the Americans, but a symbol of their exorbitant pomp and love for gigantism. The “Project of the Century” turned into a tragedy at the end of the century.

How did the miracle begin? In the 60s, the prestige of American democracy was shaken. In order to awaken pride in their country and restore optimism and faith in the future to the people of the United States, an all-American project was needed - something grandiose that would have a stunning effect on the minds and feelings of millions of people.

There have been many projects put forward that could capture the imagination of the American people. One of the architects who was actively involved in the project was the Japanese-American architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912 -1986), already well known for his works, including the airport building in St. Louis, the complex of buildings at the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit, and the American Concrete Institute.

Minoru Yamasaki conceived the World Trade Center project in 1962; in January 1964, the architect commissioned by the Port Authority created drawings of the buildings; a little later that year, he presented for discussion a 1:130 life-size model, and two years later (5 August 1966) powerful excavators began to dig a foundation pit.

Before the twins, skyscrapers in New York were built on a natural stone base. Manhattan is truly made of stone, it has stone and granite under a layer of earth, this can be seen when you watch the construction of new houses: pits here are not dug, but cut down, gnawed out with the steel teeth of loggers.

The first problem that the engineers encountered was that there was no footstone in the place where the twins were supposed to stand. Instead, they discovered artificial, alluvial soil that previously “belonged” to the Hudson River. This soil was large number artificial soil, mixed with layers of cobblestones, sand, gravel, pebbles, even old ships were found in artificial soil. The builders were in despair: additional difficulties, additional costs, additional concrete.

This was not the only problem that beset the architect and engineers. The next problem that befell them was the 164 large and small, narrow and wide buildings, most often made of stone, that stood on the site of the future World Trade Center and had to be demolished. It was not difficult to take them down, but the problem still remained after that. It was much more difficult to leave intact and then move a rich and complex system of underground communications, a fire alarm system, multi-core telephone and electrical cables, gas, heat, pneumatic and water pipes, not to touch the nearby expressway and preserve numerous pedestrian roads and transitions.

Another problem was the underground station railway, from here starting an underwater route to New Jersey that carries hundreds of thousands of people to and from work. If the road were closed, New York and the entire United States would face inevitable economic problems. The subway transported people until a new underground station was built in the lower tier of the complex.

This is not to say that the work of the builders was easy. What are they worth? 1.2 million cubic meters yards of land which had to be dug up and removed. Instead, under the twins, the so-called Plaza was created - an underground space where numerous restaurants and banks, travel agencies, airline ticket offices, shops, a new station of the New Jersey road, much better than the previous one, were located. warehouses, technical workshops for servicing the twins and an underground garage for two thousand cars.

Faced with the challenge of constructing a building of unprecedented height, engineers adopted an innovative structural model: a rigid "hollow tube" of closely spaced steel columns, with floor trusses extending out toward the center. By outer surface On each of the four sides of the building there were 61 steel beams along the entire height, between which cables were also stretched along the entire height. The columns, clad in silver aluminum alloy, were 476.25mm wide and set just 558.8mm apart, making the towers appear from a distance to have no windows at all. The load-bearing walls were assembled from prefabricated steel blocks, each weighing 22 tons, height 36 feet (4 floors high), width 10 feet. The steel embedded in Gemini weighs two hundred thousand tons in total.

As the twins grew, installers laid interfloor floors from special, pre-prepared corrugated steel and durable concrete slabs. The ceilings were attached to the external load-bearing walls from the outside and to the internal, the only steel columns in the twins with a purely useful function - they were erected to attach internal elevators.

The elevator system used in the buildings is also. The Twin Towers were the first supertall buildings designed without masonry. Concerned that the intense air pressure generated by high-speed elevators could bend standard shafts, engineers developed a solution using a "dry wall" system anchored in a reinforced steel base. Elevators with a standard configuration to serve 110 floors could require half the area of ​​the lower rooms to accommodate the shafts. Otis Elevators developed a fast and compact system in which passengers would take turns in "sky lobbies" on the 44th and 78th floors, cutting the number of shafts in half. In total, the World Trade Center complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators, which were controlled by a computer center from the Port Authority. Each elevator with a lifting capacity of 4536 kilograms could lift 55 people with a lifting speed of about 8.5 meters per second.

Construction proceeded quickly, despite the difficulties with financing that arose every now and then. New York City Budget 1965 -1970 was 6 billion dollars. To raise money to invest in the construction of the Trade Center, the city issued bonds with a guarantee of their repayment. But in 1970, New York suffered a financial crisis. The deadline for paying off the bonds has also arrived. The construction was almost frozen. To save the situation, new, increased taxes in the business sector had to be introduced. Another source of money was found: they began to rent out future Gemini premises for offices. And they were expected to be huge - 100 thousand square meters. m. We finally managed to “get out” of all the difficulties. The north tower was completed in 1971, the south tower in 1973. Grand opening World Trade Center took place on April 4, 1973.

The twins soared to a record height of 450 m. The towers were square in cross-section, with a side of 65 m. Each tower was 110 floors. The foundations of the structures went 23 m underground. 200 thousand tons of rolled steel were spent on the building frames, and electrical network cables, with a total capacity of 80,000 kilowatts, stretched for 3 thousand miles - half the distance from New York to London, across the Atlantic. Listing quantitative data can hardly get boring, because each new figure or number speaks of the unprecedented scope of what has been created.

The structure of the buildings was simple and reasonable. The facades are made in the form of steel frames and modular aluminum sections mounted on them measuring 3.5x10 m, manufactured by factory stamping. This design is earthquake-resistant and can withstand very strong wind pressure at great heights. The World Trade Center building could even withstand a collision with an airplane or other flying object. But the unfortunate Gemini could not resist the violent explosion and fire of 5 thousand liters of aviation gasoline from the tanks of the aggressor aircraft.

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The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center have been a symbol of the financial power of the United States and New York for almost three decades, and as a result, today they are associated with one of the most tragic events in history. modern history— the September 11 terrorist attacks. However, it would not be superfluous to look at the one, without a doubt, unique story, which was at the Twin Towers.

The decision that an ultra-modern office complex would be built in an inconspicuous part of Lower Manhattan was made back in the early 60s of the last century. New York was undergoing significant renovation in those years, so it was quite logical that the developer and chairman of the Chase Manhattan bank, David Rockefeller, and his brother, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, came to the conclusion that such a large-scale project was necessary in a rather poor part of the city at that time . In 1962, under the leadership of the Port Authority, planning began for the complex, the author of the project was the famous American architect of Japanese origin, Minoru Yamasaki. His idea to build two huge towers, the likes of which no city in the world knew at that time, caused a lot of controversy. In particular, many noted that they simply disfigured the appearance of the city.

However, construction began in 1966, lasting 7 years and encountering many difficulties. To begin with, 164 buildings had to be demolished, five streets had to be closed, and 1.2 million cubic yards of dirt had to be removed from what would become Battery Park City. At one point, up to 3,500 workers could be working at the construction site. In total, approximately 10,000 people were involved in the construction of the towers, 60 of whom, alas, did not live to see the completion of construction.

The structure of the towers was very atypical for its time - avoiding masonry, the engineers used special steel beams running the entire height of the building. There were 61 such beams on each side. The columns of the towers were clad in aluminum and located only half a meter apart from each other, so that from a distance the twin towers could appear as buildings without any windows. The floors between floors consisted of concrete slabs and corrugated steel and were attached to the external load-bearing walls.

Particular attention was paid to the elevators, which were designed specifically for the towers by Otis. A total of 239 elevators with a lifting capacity of over 4.5 tons were installed. Opened on April 4, 1973, the North and South towers were 417 and 415 meters in height, respectively, and the northern one was also crowned with a huge antenna. In total, the towers had 110 floors, and at the time of construction they were the tallest skyscrapers on the planet.

Terrorist acts

The Twin Towers have had their fair share of challenges. The first truly serious disaster was a fire in 1975, which broke out on the 11th floor and then spread between the 9th and 14th floors.

However, these were still flowers compared to the terrorist attack of 1993, when on February 26 a truck with 680 kilograms of explosives was blown up in the underground parking lot of the North Tower. The result was a 30-meter hole, which “decorated” 5 underground floors at once, and serious smoke in the building, which was felt even on the upper floors. 5 people died, and the perpetrator of the terrorist attack, Ramzi Yusef, managed to escape to Pakistan. However, he was soon caught and extradited to the States, where he faced a life prison sentence.

Alas, after the first terrorist attack, the WTC buildings remained standing for only eight and a half years. It all ended on September 11, 2001, when two terrorist attacks led to the destruction of both towers.

First, at 8:46 a.m., an American Airlines plane hijacked by terrorists, operating flight number 11, collided with the North Tower. Its impact hit the northern façade of the building between the 93rd and 99th floors. At the same time, as a result of this blow, a severe fire broke out, and all possible exits for those who were on the upper floors were blocked, thus over a thousand people were trapped.

Seventeen minutes after the first attack, another United Airlines plane hijacked by terrorists, operating flight number 175, crashed into the South Tower. Moreover, this airliner hit the space between the 77th and 85th floors, that is, noticeably lower than the first, however, due to the fact that The space closer to the corner of the tower was damaged, but one flight of stairs remained intact, which saved many lives.

The South Tower was the first to collapse, at 9:59 a.m., as its load-bearing structures were severely damaged by the plane's impact and the fire that broke out afterwards. In the North Tower, the fire lasted 102 minutes, so it collapsed a little later - at 10:28.

Also on September 11, but in the evening, the seventh building of the World Trade Center complex collapsed. As a result, it was necessary to get rid of all the buildings of the World Trade Center as not subject to restoration and further use. The same fate befell the neighboring Marriott Hotel, damaged by the towers' debris, and the Deutsche Bank building, which was subsequently dismantled.

The total number of victims of these terrible terrorist attacks in New York is estimated at 2,752 people - that is how many death certificates were issued by the authorities. However, it is often emphasized that if the attacks had occurred not in the morning, but at the height of the working day, there could have been many times more casualties, since there were usually about 50 thousand people in the towers at the same time during these hours.

After the terrorist attacks, a huge number of stories appeared about how many people, due to various domestic or transport problems, did not have time to go to work, which ultimately saved their lives. Among all companies greatest number victims - 658 - occurred at the Cantor Fitzgerald L.P. bank, located on the 101-105 floors of the North Tower. Also, 343 New York firefighters, 84 Port Authority employees and approximately 60 police officers were killed in the terrorist attacks.

In the recent history of both the United States and the whole world, such victims as a result of terrorist attacks are something completely unprecedented and truly terrifying. It is safe to say that September 11 was the first such event in the history of the new millennium, after which we can say that the world has truly changed.

I was afraid to interfere. But some time passed, and this weekend we decided to check out the view from the new skyscraper.

I’ll tell you about this observation deck, how to get there, and what you can see from it...

Construction of the tower began to be planned in 2001, shortly after the September 11 attacks, when the previous twin towers were destroyed. But the architects and the city competed for a long time with different projects, and as a result the rack stood idle for many years. Construction began in earnest only in 2006. Then it was called the Freedom Tower. By the time it was completed last year, the patriotic fervor had waned, and it eventually received its current name, which simply duplicates its address: One World Trade Center.

It is quite difficult to look at the tower from below - your neck immediately begins to hurt. The building is 540 meters high and has 104 floors.

Right next door is a park where there is a memorial to the fallen twins and the people who died there. Behind the park stands a nearly completed transport hub designed by Santiago Calatrava, a Spanish architect known for his futuristic buildings. Many of them resemble skeletons of fantastic animals.

In the early 2000s, Calatrava built the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia - one of my Top 10 places in the world. The construction of the WTC transport hub has already dragged on for 6 years longer than planned, and has cost twice as much as the original estimates (today the price is about $4 billion). ( .)

The memorial to the twins is very beautiful - it is made in the form of two fountains, which are gaping holes in the ground, exactly in the places where the towers stood until 2001. Water falls from the black stone walls, as if into an abyss. The names of people who died in the terrorist attack are carved on these stones.

The fountains are designed in such a way that standing next to them it is impossible to see their bottom.

Tickets to the observation deck currently cost $32 and are sold for a specific time. You can buy them in advance, via the Internet (), or at the entrance, standing in another line. The time on the ticket does not guarantee admission immediately - after your time is up, you will be allowed to stand in line outside.

And then another one inside. True, you can skip both of these lines by purchasing a VIP ticket for $54. Now that the rush has died down, these lines are not as long and move quickly, so decide whether you should spend the extra money to avoid the lines.

By the way, if you are a little late for the agreed time, the ticket can still be used. We bought at 3:15 and arrived around 3:40 without any issues.

At the entrance they check like at the airport - there is an X-ray for things, and a metal detector for visitors. There is even a machine in which you have to raise your arms up, but so far it has not been used. They force you to take everything out of your pockets - they take security seriously here.

A visit to the skyscraper begins with the elevator. They wrote about him a lot. Climbing one hundred floors takes less than a minute. At this time, the elevator shows passengers a mini-show about the history of New York on its wall monitors.

You can watch the elevator show

Once upstairs, you will be made to wait a few minutes, and then you will be taken into a small theater where they will show a mini-presentation. It seems like they decided to add a little interactivity to justify the high ticket price.

The performance consists of many pieces of New York life that are projected onto a relief wall. To accomplish this, in small theater It costs a ton of healthy projectors.

There's a mini surprise waiting for you at the end of this show, I won't spoil it.

We decided that we could do without him.

Right before the start of the beauty there are the next scammers of tourists. These offer to take a souvenir photo of you against the backdrop of skyscrapers. True, for some reason the skyscrapers are drawn on the big screen. Moreover, they use some special cameras, which, when you press a button, turn on for a second on all these monitors green color(to make it easier to photoshop later different types).

This photoshopography immediately reminded me of Chinese photographers who took similar pictures for tourists.

These various special offers for tourists occupy the entire one hundred and first floor. The main part of the observation deck is located on the hundredth - there the entire perimeter space is open to visitors and it is easier to enjoy the views. By the way, the design of the site, and indeed all the interiors of the new skyscraper, are not very impressive. Typical modern glass and steel, most of the walls are plain white and the ceilings are hung low, reminiscent of your average office. They could at least come up with something better for the observation deck.

I don’t know if this was on purpose, but the first view that greeted us was the Stout of Liberty. There are surprisingly many different boats floating around it - the water is lined with white traces.

Here's a view of the west side of Manhattan. There's a wide one on the right, not too wide tall building- this is my job. (You can read about it today from Varlamov)

Like any self-respecting skyscraper, there is a glass floor attraction.

But since there are no elements hanging over the abyss in this tower, the glass floor has to be simulated using LCD monitors. The effect is not at all the same, it turns out not scary. It’s a little awkward except to feel like you’re walking on TV with your feet.

On the main floor there are two stations like this, where city experts tell visitors stories about New York. While the narrator waves his hands, the picture on the screens changes in a circle. Then they invite visitors to point somewhere on the city map and tell them about this place.

At this height, the initially wide facades of the building converged into these narrow corner sections:

The view of the city is certainly stunning. For example, the financial district of lower Manhattan and Governor's Island.

Here are my favorite New York bridges. Next to the Brooklyn is the shamefully flat backside of Frank Gehry's apartment building. And the carousel in Dumbo is clearly visible, and "the ugliest building in New York"(Verizon concrete block).

There is a cafe-bar on the one hundred and first floor. If you're lucky, you can grab a table near the window, drink overly expensive drinks and enjoy the view...

The quality of service here is of course disgusting - we waited about twenty minutes for someone to come up and take our order. However, the impression was that the service corresponds to the quality of the food.

There is also a bar where you can use your mobile phone while at a great height.

But let's look through the windows again - this is what we came here for...

Here's a view of Midtown. I've been hanging around here triumphal arch, which is located in Washington Square Park. Will you find it?..

Or for example Brooklyn Heights and downtown Brooklyn. A rather boring sight, a bit like Sim City.

But these brown matchboxes in the center are Stu-town, a town of the same type of housing. I have a couple of friends living there. I wonder if they saw me when I took this photo?.. I waved at them just in case.

Very colorful roofs of houses. They are not visible from the street, and owners often do what they want with them. And they want a lot of things.

Unique perspectives open up from above. Here is an example of a view of the Calatrava transit hub:

Or here - one of the fountains of the Twin Towers Memorial.

After five o'clock in the afternoon the crowd noticeably increases - we were there on Friday, and people probably come here after work. It becomes difficult to photograph something without letting it into the frame extra people. And walk without getting into someone else’s frame.

Sometimes guards with a dog walk along the observation deck, and the dog tries to sniff out explosives from someone. Seeing the dog, I immediately felt very anxious - it serves as a reminder: “a terrorist attack could happen here.” But it quickly passed.

It's time to leave - the exit here, as always, is through the souvenir shop.

On the floor there is a very cool display of cute binoculars, but unfortunately they are not sold in the store, but rather a standard assortment of cups, T-shirts, pens and other similar crap.

When you find where the real exit is, it turns out that you have to stand in line to get into it. A VIP ticket will not help here; it only allows you to skip the entry lines.

Finally, look at another view of the southernmost tip of Manhattan:

While riding down in the elevator, its walls show another show. But it’s not as good as what’s playing on the way up, and in general, you don’t care about it anymore, because at this time your ears are stuffed wildly...

1946 China is expecting a new civil war. Japan still cannot recover from the terrible atomic attack. Europe is in ruins. And everything is fine: the dollar has been recognized as an international currency, the International Bank is being established, and the construction of new buildings is beginning. The United States expects that it will soon become a powerful power and “take over” the whole world.

In the same year the mighty of the world This, namely the leadership of New York, comes up with a proposal to build the World Trade Center - World 1 in Lower Manhattan. They assume that post-war countries will begin to conduct international trade. But the Cold War could have prevented this: the Russians, with the strongest land army in the world, are acquiring atomic bomb, cast icy glances at Europe and strengthen friendly relations with Asia: helping the Koreans end the war and cementing their relationship with China forever. It was then that the Americans had to postpone the construction of the World Trade Center indefinitely.

History of the Twin Towers

The chief architect of the World Trade Center seemed to have a presentiment that one day the structure he designed would play fatal role for USA. Minoru Yamasaki wrote that if it were possible, “I would solve the architectural problems that confront me by designing one-story houses.”

It all started on the initiative of the director of the New York Port Authority, August Tobin - it was he who, in 1946, put forward a proposal to build a World shopping mall 1. Roughly speaking, he wanted to create something that would generate a lot of income.

The Legislature authorizes the construction of 21 buildings on the banks of the East River - land that belongs to the Authority. The project was being developed, and when it was already ready (in 1949), the approval document was withdrawn.

In the mid-1950s, David Rockefeller saw the developed project. Only his goal is different - to restore the attractiveness of the lower part of New York City (Manhattan). In 1958 they began to develop a plan to increase business activity, and in 1960 they began to evaluate the World Trade Center project. According to it, the complex was supposed to be located on 53 hectares of land owned by the Port Authority, and there would also be a 300-meter exhibition hall surrounded by 50- and 70-story hotels and offices. Entertainment was provided such as theatres, restaurants and shops. But it was not until September 1962 that the chief architect (Minoru Yamasaki) was appointed to work on the final design, and construction began in 1965.

Yamasaki made his own adjustments: he unconditionally rejected the possibility of erecting a group of buildings and proposed opting for two twin towers 80 floors high. It followed from this that the project needed to be completely changed. However, everything happened very quickly: at the end of 1970, the topmost element of the supporting structure was installed in a ceremonial ceremony, and in 1973 the buildings were put into operation.

Events of September 11, 2001

For almost 30 years, the twin World Trade Centers have been the world's tallest buildings. The first tragedy occurred on February 26, 1993. On this day, a truck containing a bomb exploded on the second floor of the North Tower, where the underground parking was located. Omar Abdel-Rahman (Islamist leader and organizer of the terrorist attack) hoped that the tower would begin to collapse and hit the second one, that is, the complete destruction of skyscrapers would occur. But he miscalculated - the creations of the talented architect survived. The collapse killed 6 people, injured approximately 1,000, and the building completely ceased to function.

102 minutes - the most terrible in 2001. Just an hour and a half later, 1 World Trade Center ceased to exist. At 8:46 a.m., a plane with terrorists on board rammed the first tower, and at 10:28 a.m., another Boeing rammed the second, and these terrible seconds were captured on video. This terrorist attack is the largest in the history of mankind. Almost 3,000 people became victims, and another 24 were missing.

Revitalization of the building

November 21, 2006 was the day when the first phase of construction of the modern World Trade Center 1 began. This project took a lot of time and money - almost 4 billion dollars and 7 years (like its predecessor, destroyed on September 11, 2001). The height of the tower is 541 m (including the spire, which weighs more than 700 tons). Today this architectural creation is the tallest in New York, the USA and the entire Western Hemisphere.

In those places where the twin towers previously stood, 2 memorials were installed in the form of pools made of granite, and lined with bronze slabs engraved with the names of the victims along the perimeter. They are located exactly where the foundations of the buildings were laid. And WTC 1 itself is located in the western corner of the site. It turns out that the new buildings seem to surround Ground Zero (memorial).

Characteristics of a modern building

1 World Trade Center, or Freedom Tower, is a commercial and office building. The structure strongly resembles its predecessors. This is a light spiral-shaped building with a huge spire at the top. It is glazed on the outside, and inside the central part there is a large hall. The height of the room is 24 m, and from here there is access to offices, restaurants, information centers and exhibition halls.

The underground part is equipped with lobbies connected to railway lines and the city metro. At the very top, of course, are the restaurants, which offer a stunning view. There are also observation decks on the upper levels. The lower part of Freedom Tower is lined with prismatic glass, and the upper part is clad in blue.

  • Most budget funds was intended to provide security in the event of a terrorist attack.
  • In 1776 it was adopted by the United States. The building is 1,776 feet tall, and for good reason.
  • The glass panels chosen as the cladding material are reduced by 20%, as thanks to them the interior spaces are filled with daylight.
  • The memorial to the people who died and went missing when previous Manhattan skyscrapers collapsed is by various estimates the most visited, but the project has been criticized for its enormous cost and lack of aesthetics.

What do tourists need to know?

Any tour of New York includes a visit to 1 World Trade Center. You can also get there on your own. Price entrance ticket for the observation deck is about 30 dollars. As in many other countries and cities, here you can purchase a New York Pass and visit all the desired places (including World Trade Center 1) for free.

Observation decks in the Freedom Tower (New York, Manhattan) are located on levels 100, 101 and 102. High-speed elevators take you up, with displays built into the walls showing the stages of the city’s development as it “grows up.”

Considering terrible tragedy which happened on this site 15 years ago, many people are afraid to visit World Trade Center 1. When the building was put into operation, the owners waited a long time for the tenants of the premises - few wanted to take such a risk. But, as we know, a shell does not hit the same crater twice, and one would like to hope that this will actually be the case.

1 World Trade Center - a response to terrorism

WTC 1 is not just a beautiful architectural object with a panoramic observation deck. This is a worthy response to global terrorism, as well as a place where one can honor the memory of dead people. The modern New York building is one of the main attractions that is most frequently visited local residents and tourists.