New synonyms. New New dictionary of synonyms

Other | other | modified | unlike | new | second | similar | opposite

unprecedented | unprecedented | imaginary | extraordinary | new

recent | new

neophyte | new

newbie | new

rookie | new

newly invented | -baked | -fashionable | new

newly-minted | new

New | unprecedented | newly invented | newly minted | newfangled | newly-minted | fresh | last | recent | another

Last | final | final | extreme | final | final | rear | new | final | thin

proselyte | new

fresh | new | cold

brand new | new

old honk on new way| repetition

fresh from the needle | new

Synonym database 2:

America | USA | States | United States of America | Amerisa | New World| States

newly baked | new | freshly baked | newly minted

old | former | old | recent | old | antique | former | past | (long)past | immemorial | ancient | ancient | old | long-term | primordial | eternal | past | long gone | the times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea | century-old | distant | grey-haired | at lunch a hundred years | shaggy | former | hundred years at lunchtime | bygone | furry | further. Ant. new | modern

additional | auxiliary | additional | redundant | superfluous | remaining | minor | spare | surplus | added | extra | new | supernumerary | extra | supernumerary | one more | top-up Ant. main | basic

other | other | other | rest | modified | unlike | new | second | various | opposite | matter (other | tenth) | article (individual | special) | different breed | alternative | not like that | wrong | opposite | someone else | opposite | dissimilar | of a different kind | someone else | from another opera | anyone else | other damage | of a different order | disgusting | reverse | dissimilar | another warehouse | from another test | didn't lie nearby | didn't lie close | of a different kind | excellent | not this one. Ant. identical | similar | given | this

worn out | shabby | old | obsolete | spoiled | thin | worthless | shabby | trampled | ruffled | tattered | worn out | exhausted | tattered | worn out | used | shabby | shabby | worn out | worn out | weakened | worn out | worn out Ant. new | unused

cool | sheer | rocky | flat | sloping | sloping | harsh | stubborn | strong | strict | cold | best | first | resolute | person | reinforced concrete | special | extraordinary | inexorable | intolerable | sharp | high flying bird | extreme | precipitous | big shot | big shot | important person | important bird | bird of the highest flight | important figure | ugly | important person | flies high | exceptional | emergency | elite | big shot | pan | does not allow descent | does not give concessions | short conversation | does not give up | cannot be compared | authority | incredible | boss | does not give indulging | cool | doesn't like to joke | cool | rapid | extraordinary | pretentious | draconian | best | outstanding | out of the ordinary | business | new Russian | von-baron | phenomenal | first | extraordinary | best | flint | jokes are bad | extraordinary | looks - the forest withers | hard | cool | pompous | fabulous | selected | ace | person | important person| tramp | defies any description

little-known | unknown | unfamiliar | new

flies don't give a fuck | new | new | unworn | intact

in a new way | unconventionally | in a new way

unprecedented | unprecedented | unheard of | unprecedented | unprecedented | record | imaginary | extraordinary | new | anecdotal | incredible | chimerical | incomprehensible | supernatural | anecdotal | unusual | extraordinary | implausible | the likes of which the world has never seen | which the light did not produce | mind boggling | wonderful | fabulous | unthinkable | original | exceptional | chimerical | phenomenal. Ant. regular | ordinary | everyday | banal | ordinary

recent | new | modern | recent | yesterday's | recent | later | recent Ant. old | old | old | past | outdated | old-fashioned

recently appeared | new | last | just appear | newest | fresh | previously unknown

immemorial | old | old | former | bygone | ancient | ancient | old | great-grandfather | grandfatherly | antique | ancient | distant | old | distant | far. Ant. new | modern | current | current

unfamiliar | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unexplored | some | unknown | unknown | unknown which | left | never heard of | what the hell | new | who knows what | uninformed | some | God knows what | They didn’t see it with their eyes. Ant. acquaintance | famous

unworn | not used | unworn | new

unworn | new | not used | not worn

extraordinary | fabulous | unprecedented | inspiring | not seen by sight | freelance | impressive | outstanding | wonderful in its own way | buggy | dizzy | wild | outlandish | you won't find another like it | only | funny | quirky | pretentious | intricate | amazing | out of the ordinary (out of the ordinary) | exceptional | casual | (what | what) light did not (seen | produced) | extreme | cool | funny | magical | little-used | gluttonous | unprecedented | unprecedented | unimaginable | remarkable | unnatural | extraordinary | incredible | abnormal | extraordinary | unusual | non-fiction | exorbitant | unusual | difficult | ordinary | unusual | untold | unheard of | unconventional | uncommon | defies any (description | comparison) | new | original | special | special | special | separate | stunning | paranormal | amazing | amazing | whimsical | unnatural | striking | rare | rare | rare | original | wayward | peculiar | unheard of | stunning | weird | strange | surly | these don’t lie on the (road | street | floor) | this (in the daytime with a fire) (you won’t find | look (with a lantern)) | amazing | mind-blowing | unique | fantastic | phenomenal | devil in a hood | emergency | excessive | what a parable! | wonderful | miraculous | exotic | exotic | extravagant | extraordinary | extreme | emergency | eccentric | eccentric. Ant. ordinary | regular | ordinary | banal

Neon | young | new

neorus | new Russian | novorashen

neophyte | new | convert | proselyte | newbie | follower

unusual | new | Chinese | unusual | purple | unusual | non-Russian | left

untrodden | unexplored | new | untrodden

unusual | unusual | unusual | new

outdated | old-fashioned | obsolete | antediluvian | yesterday | archaic | yesterday's | old | obsolete | dilapidated | anachronistic | anachronistic | obsolete | archaic | obsolete | outdated | patriarchal | archived | irrelevant | old style | published | old testament | Old Testament | has outlived its usefulness. Ant. modern | current | new

unconventionally | original | extraordinary | peculiarly | in a new way | unique | individually | on your own | non-trivial | original | non-standard | peculiarly | in a new way | in my own way

untrodden | little-traveled | untrodden | new | unbroken | untrodden | unfussy

newest | new | modern | last | fresh | just appeared | recently appeared | state-of-the-art. Ant. old | old-fashioned | irrelevant | ancient

brand new | new | brand new

newbie | new | new | student | proselyte | debutante | debutant | nulson in lubrication | neophyte | beginning

rookie | new | recruit | new guy

newly elected | favorite | new

newly minted | new | freshly baked | newly baked

newfangled | new | stylish | trendy | fashionable

newly recruited | new | dialed

newly formed | educated | newly formed | new

newly built | new | newly built | newly built

to arrive | new | newcomer

newly acquired | acquired | new

newly produced | produced | new

Novorashen | new Russian | neorus

novoukrainets | new Ukrainian

new | newly minted | freshly baked | newest | last | fresh | unprecedented | newly invented | newfangled | newly-minted | recent | brand new | from a needle | modern | newbie | rookie | neophyte | proselyte | other | from the hammer | brand new | brand new | unworn | null | newly baked | newly acquired | newcomer | newly elected | newcomer | newcomer | newly built | fashionable | newly established | fashionable | little-known | unusual | unfamiliar | incontinent | null | flies don't give a fuck | unusual | just appeared | previously unknown | not used | unusual | unworn | untrodden | additional | recently appeared | untested | untrodden | newly-cut | newly formed | newly recruited | new | newly produced. Ant. former | old | old-fashioned | irrelevant | ancient

new Russian | cool | Novorashen | soon rich | neorus

New World | America | North America

New Torg | Torzhok

New Urengoy | capital of gas workers

null | fresh | null | inexperienced | zero | no | preparatory | preparatory | new | silly

New York | city ​​of contrasts | new amsterdam

repetition | renewal | recreation | play | imprint | chip | cast | snapshot | copy | borrowing | imitation | plagiarism | counterfeit | parody | doublet | rehearsal | relapse | confirmation | reflection | reflection | echo | echo | echo | old (song | honk) in (new way) | stereotypical (phrase) | fairy tale (about a white bull | about a white bull) | recovery | play | prefix re-: re-layout | interrogation | reprint | correspondence | refurbishment | rebidding | re-examination | return | relay | perseveration | self-reproduction | recapitulation | recurrence | reduplication | replication | self-repetition | tautology | quote | buzzing | epiphora | tremolo | relay | coincidence | simploc | chiselling | iteration | polyptote | reprise | rehearsal | chiseling | repeat | duplication | rehash | chewing gum | fairy tale about the white bull | rehash | blowing | copying | parallelism | ostinato | sequence

in a new way | in a new way | unconventionally | again | creatively | again

last | final | final | final | final | final | extreme | end | new | newest | fresh | remaining | final | rear | in the tail | swan song | thin | last | abusive | final | defamatory | residual | abusive | previous | previous | passionate | the last of the Mohicans | worst | first from behind | recently appeared | the worst | farewell | the only one left | diarrhea | past | just appeared | definitive | opinion | side by side | worst | irrevocable | mortal | deadly | dying Ant. initial | starting | old | obsolete | irrelevant

shabby | worn out | old | spoil | thin | crushed | worn | grated | frayed | retired | shabby | frayed | stale | used | tattered | tired | outdated | used | shabby | worn out | unhealthy | worn out | worn | deserved. Ant. new

holiday | report card (highly solemn and victorious days) | holiday (service | non-attendable | royal) day | celebration | triumph | celebration | celebration | bread saved | apple saved| Ascension of the Lord | Sabantui | Pentecost | that | joy | miraj | holiday | Dormition of the Virgin Mary | paganalia | potlatch | Panathenaic | cerealia | ligo | matronalia | maulid | zul khural | reapings | Lupercalia | Bayram | baptism | husks | new year | bathed | carnival | tsam | Exaltation of the Holy Cross | party | Palm Sunday| Nativity of the Virgin | baptism of the Lord | introduction of the Virgin Mary into the temple | perfume day | name day | entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem | Christmas | Maslenitsa | euphoria | Shabbat | erection | fun | christening | gala | transformation | trinity | meeting | festive mood | Easter | feast | Christmas tree | honey saved | evening | weekend | rainbow | anniversary | coven | dormition | resurrection | fiesta | rejoicing | cover | Sunday | Eid al-Adha | saved | Annunciation | rusalia | walking | christmas | Eid al-Adha | parade | Ivan Kupala. Ant. everyday life | weekday

former | former | old | old | ancient | old | former | past | past | bygone | previous | previous | preliminary | recent | above | summer | precedent | antecedent | ex-(king) | (ex-king) | debunked | overthrown | defrocked | front | immemorial | ancient | a priori | last | old | then | the same | same. Ant. future | new | modern | current | current | subsequent | next

proselyte | new | ger | follower | newbie | neophyte | convert

previously unknown | new | recently appeared | just appeared

brand new | in a modern way | newcomer | fashionable | stylish | newcomer | not used | new

from the hammer | new | hang by the wall

freshly baked | received | newly minted | appeared | appeared new | newly baked | baked

fresh | new | newest | last | cold | fresh | freshish | steam room | untired | cheerful | full of strength | recovered | immediate | freshest | juicy | fresh | fresh | vigorous | cool | updated | clear | null | unstained | null | rested | natural | bright | pure | recently appeared | just appeared. Ant. old | old-fashioned

North America | New World

soon rich | nouveau riche | new Russian

modern | current | present | recent | new | newest | today | cutting-edge | outdated | timely | current | modern | modern | ripe | spicy | sore | arch-modern | ultra-modern | ultra-modern | on the agenda | appropriate to the moment | modern | ultramodern | ultramodern | current | urgent | burning | burning | topical. Ant. obsolete | long-standing

antique | old | ancient | old | ancient | forefatherly | archaic | long gone | centuries-old | heavy | old | patriarchal | antique | immemorial | archaic | old testament | century-old | old-world | grandfatherly | great-grandfather | centuries-old | ancient Ant. new | modern | current

old | (like the world) | anachronistic | archaic | archaic | archaeological | white-headed | (white | grey-haired) like a harrier | handsome | bearded | former (from time immemorial | in use) | former | beu | aged | into the coffin (look | watch) | in years | at lunch a hundred years | eternal | century-old | veteran | decrepit (of days) | Old Testament | well-worn | the times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of Crimea | yesterday | worn out | released (in circulation | out of use) | old | old | long ago (past | days gone by) | bygone | distant | distant | grandfather | grandfatherly | grandfather | holding | three farts to death | antediluvian | ancient piety | ancient | ancient history| decrepit | bedraggled | inveterate | obdurate | mature | callous | honored | stale | worn out | shabby | shabby | ruffled | stale | worn out | eternal | worn out | primordial | fossil | deteriorate due to age | worn out | frayed | tattered | asks for porridge | stale | Lenin saw | venerable | Mesozoic | centuries-old | perennial | centennial | moth-eaten | mice (does not catch | does not trample) | in old age | worthless | void | immemorial | not new | outdated | worn | worn | dilapidated | dilapidated | mossy | worn out | frayed | shabby | shabby | shabby | one foot in (the coffin stands | grave) | old | frosty from antiquity | (outdated | outdated | served) (its (age | term)) | retired | retarded | sand pours | used | elderly | faded | half-blind | worn | sawn | grey-haired | shabby | shabby | shabby | remembers Stalin's funeral | of advanced age | venerable years | great-grandfather | forefatherly | previous | former | old age | elderly | elderly (years | years) | elderly | old | fallen into disrepair | past | with a beard | archived | gray-haired | gray-haired | grey-headed | grey-haired | gray | tearful | oldest | old man | old | old | old man | old man's | antique | antique | deep antiquity | ancient | oldish | old style | ancient | ancient | old testament | old-fashioned | old | senile | senior | hundred years at lunchtime | gray-haired | obsolete | obsolete | thin | darned. Ant. new | young | modern | current

capital of gas workers | New Urengoy

present | real | modern | recent | new | newest | today | current | current | actual. Ant. future | past | last

just appear | last | recently appeared | newest | fresh | new | previously unknown

Torzhok | New Bargain

obsolete | old-fashioned | outdated | obsolete | obsolete | archaic | dilapidated | antediluvian | fossil | old testament | Old Testament | archaic | unstylish | patriarchal | anachronistic | anachronistic | outdated | old | yesterday's | stale | used | the times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea | yesterday | retarded | outdated | archived | unfashionable | published | outdated | old style | grandfatherly | not new | dilapidated | obsolete. Ant. new | modern | current

Fergana | New Margelan | Skobelev

Synonym database 3:

new | newly minted | freshly baked

new | newest | last | fresh


newly minted, freshly baked, newest, latest, fresh, unprecedented, newly invented, newfangled, newly emerged, recent, brand new, brand new, modern; novice, recruit, neophyte, proselyte; another; off the hammer, brand new, brand new, unworn, zero, newly baked, newly acquired, newly arrived, newly elected, newcomer, newcomer, newly built, fashionable, newly established, trendy, little known, unusual, unfamiliar, incontinent, zero, flies didn’t give a fuck, unusual, just appeared, previously unknown, not used, unusual, unworn, untrodden, additional, recently appeared, untested, untrodden, newly cut, newly formed, newly recruited, brand new, newly produced. Ant. former, old, old-fashioned, outdated, antiquated


adj 1. newly minted, freshly baked one that has recently appeared and has not yet had time to properly express itself 2. newest, latest, fresh a recently appeared element of a sequence for which the next element has not yet appeared

Dictionary of Russian synonyms 3



Unprecedented, newly invented, newly minted, newfangled, newly emerged, fresh, latest, recent; novice, recruit, neophyte, proselyte.

Dressed immaculately (i.e. in a completely new dress). The coat is fresh from the needle.


additional, little-known, incontinent, unfamiliar, unworn, unworn, unusual, unusual, untrodden, untrodden, new, newest, brand new, brand new, brand new, newly established, newly elected, newly minted, newly recruited, newly formed, newly built, newly arrived, newly acquired, newly produced, newly cut, newly minted, latest, freshly baked, fresh

NEW meaning

T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



n O new


a) First created or made, recently appeared or arisen.

b) Previously unused, unused.

c) Preserving its original appearance, untouched by time.

a) Relating to the present time; modern.

b) Present, present.

c) Replaced the old one.

3) Next, next.

4) Newly discovered, previously unknown, newly revealed.

a) Unfamiliar, little-known.

b) Unaccustomed, inexperienced in something. in fact.

a) colloquial

Not previously served (about a person, people).

b) Introduced to replace the old, previous one.

a) Not the same as before; other.

b) Updated.

8) Appearing after something; another. 9) Related to given year

, the last harvest. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary



Russian language

1. NEW, -aya, -oh; new, new, new, new and new. First created or made, appeared or emerged recently, to replace the former, newly discovered. New technology. A new book. N. tenant. New planet. N. everyday life New ideas. N. meaning. Grain of the new harvest. Feeling new

2. (noun). full f. Relating to the immediate past or present time. New story. Russian

3. literary language new time.

full f. Insufficiently familiar, little known.

| He's here n. Human. Visit new places. New Testament Christian part of the Bible. decrease new guy

, -th, -oe (to 1 value).



What's new?

(what's the news, how are things going?).

Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Aya, oh; new, new, new, new and new; newest (to 1, 2 and 5 digits). Newly made or newly acquired; not used or slightly used. New suit. New wardrobe. It had to be broken

an old house to build a new one in its place.

Chekhov, Old House.

A column of new cars from the Gorky Automobile Plant was heading towards Moscow along a shiny, oily highway.

Paustovsky, Heroic southeast. One that did not exist before, has just, recently arisen, has appeared or will arise, will appear.

New words. New acquaintances. New styles. The city of Abakan is new, many streets still have no pavements.! A. Kozhevnikov, Living Water.

A great reconstruction must take place throughout our country; a completely

new system Libedinsky, Education of the soul. Rediscovered, reinvented.

New medicine.

New method One that did not exist before, has just, recently arisen, has appeared or will arise, will appear.

. New invention.

Newly bred (about a plant variety, animal breed, etc.).

I stopped one of them (Papuans), behind whose back, tied to a spear, hung an animal that was new to me. Miklouho-Maclay, Travels.

Someone who recently started doing something, recently appeared somewhere.

He's new to school.

It is impossible for a new person to understand where the island is, where the mainland is, where the river is, where the sea lagoon is. Kreps, "Vityaz" in the Indian Ocean.

Appearing in place of the former, previously former, replacing the former, or the one that appears will replace the former.

New teacher. New edition of the book.

It's getting dark. Everyone was ready to start a new battle in the morning and stand until the end. Lermontov, Borodino.

My bow caused Durasov to laugh again. S. Aksakov, Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson.

(Mother) moved the bed along with Pavlunya to a new place, closer to the window. Belov, Starlings.

(Schwartz:) Those who marry more than once are the greatest optimists, Elizaveta Sergeevna. For some reason they hope that new wife will be better than the old one. Arbuzov, Lost Son.

Untested, unexplored by smb. earlier.

(Nina:) I'm leaving my father, leaving everything, starting new life. Chekhov, The Seagull.

My soul was burning with some new feeling that I had never experienced before. Wanderer, Through the Gauntlet.

Relating to the current year.

New potatoes. Stock up for new bread.

-Are you going to the mountains? Isn't it a little late in September? There, go, now new snow knee-deep both on the mountains and on the passes. Tikhonov, Double Rainbow.

Relating to the immediate time, era.

New time. Textbook of new history.

Educational institutions offer courses in the history of modern and contemporary music. S. A. Morozov, Music stays with you.

6. in meaning noun new, -Wow, Wed

What has recently arisen has appeared.

Feeling new. The fight between the new and the old.

- Why didn’t you, Zaitsev, go to the mine, be closer to your father? - You have a new tunnel being built here. I want something new, I want to learn. Chakovsky, Year of Life.

7. in meaning noun new, -Wow, Wed

Something that didn't happen, smth. newly discovered, discovered, heard, etc.

Searching for something new. Discovery of something new. There is a lot of new stuff in the newspapers.

- What's new, Beck? - Vetkin asked. Kuprin, Duel.

While working on preparing the text for publication, I learned a lot about Elizaveta Turaeva, to whom the letters belonged. Kaverin, Before the mirror.

NEW, opposite old, old, ancient, ancient, former, past; recently created, made, revealed; recently ended, happened; our century, this year, month, day; different, different, not the same as before: hitherto unknown or... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

NEW, new, new; new, new, new, new. 1. First made, recently appeared. “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.” Griboyedov. New writer. || Preserving its original appearance, untouched by time. This dress is still completely new. 2.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

NEW, oh, oh; new, new, new, new and new. 1. Created or made for the first time, appeared or emerged recently, replacing the previous one, newly discovered. New technology. A new book. N. tenant. New planet. N. everyday life New ideas. N. meaning. New grain... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Testament is a theological term that, like the Old Testament, contains... itself a double concept, meaning 1) an agreement between God and man and 2) a collection of books that are an expression of this agreement. In the first sense, N. The Testament is... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

new- new, brief. f. new, new, new, new and permissibly new; compare Art. newer; excellent Art. newest... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

new- updated - [] Topics information protection Synonyms updated EN new ... Technical Translator's Guide

New toponym. Contents 1 Settlements 1.1 Belarus 1.2 Russia 1.3 Ukraine ... Wikipedia

new- breathe new life into action, causation, repetition introduce new technologies beginning, use arose new problem existence/creation, subject to meet New Year ritual to celebrate the New Year ritual to cause a new explosion ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

The village of Novy Yar, Ukrainian. Novy Yar Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

new- oh, oh; new, new/, but/in 1) Newly created, manufactured or newly acquired; not used or slightly used. New suit. New watch. 2) Rediscovered, invented. And now a new genre is born, which the Byzantine did not know... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


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