Scenarios for the “Apple Savior” holiday. Apple rescue script, crafts, history

Municipal budget preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 19 of general developmental orientation" in the city of Mozhga
Holiday scenario
(senior group)
“Orekhovo – bread saver”

Performed by music director
Melnikova Lyudmila Leonidovna
first qualification category

Goal: To introduce children to the national holiday.
Objectives: Develop emotionality, singing and dancing skills,
bring joy to children.
(under Russian folk melody children enter the hall)
Ved.: September is approaching again, the nuts in the gardens are ripe...
Today I congratulate you all on the Orekhov Savior, friends!
After the Apple Savior - on August 29 comes the Walnut Savior,
he is also called the Third Savior. Guys, let's remember what
Have we already celebrated the holidays?
(children list)
Ved.: Yes, the first was the honey Spas, August 14th. Followed by
apple - August 19. The nutty Spas completes the cycle.
On this day it was customary to collect and bless nuts. Guys, come on
Let us remember the signs of the third Savior.
reader: Swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior.
After the third Savior, the last swallows fly away.
reader: If the crane flies to the third Spas, then it will be frosty on Pokrov.
reader: The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.
reader: There is no nut harvest for two years in a row. If this year's harvest is
nuts - bread harvest for next year.
reader: On the Third, Nut Spas, you need to buy some thing,
a small souvenir or trinket. It is believed that if this is not
do, then the whole year will pass in poverty.
reader: The Third Savior - the people shout, it happens every year.
A fresh, delicious loaf - I'll break off the edge.
reader: And the nuts were born, and they were useful to me.
I’ll click them with interest with mom, with dad and with you.
Ved.: Nuts are wonderful food for the mind and body.
I want to tell you about beneficial properties nuts
(accompanied by slides)
Previously, only forest (hazelnuts) and walnuts grew in our lands
nuts. Now from different countries they are brought in much more, and each of them
nuts are healthy and tasty in their own way.
Nuts contain the main sources of energy - proteins and fats. They
contain many minerals and trace elements, in particular iodine and
zinc, as well as many vitamins.

Thus, peanuts help patients with hemophilia and diabetes. Cedar
nuts increase defenses and immunity. Nutritional properties
cedar oil is higher than sunflower oil. Pistachios are good for
brain and heart, as well as liver diseases.
Walnuts are also called food for the mind. Priests in ancient
Babylon was not allowed ordinary people eat nuts so they don't become
too smart.
Hazelnuts have been collected at all times. There is more protein in this nut than in
meat, and the oil is used in cosmetology. Hazelnuts cleanse the body
promotes intestinal function, it is recommended to take before bedtime
a handful of these nuts.
Ved.: In Nut Spas it is customary to collect and eat walnuts and hazelnuts
new harvest. Guys, can you distinguish a walnut from
forest? (answer) Now we'll see.
Game "Sort out the nuts"
Ved.: Everything was sorted out correctly - nut to nut. Let's hear how
they sound.

Ved.: One more thing popular name Third Spas – Canvas (Spas on
canvas) - was given because fairs took place on this holiday,
where trades were held for linen and canvases. (slides)
Ved.: We wove canvases. Now we will test their strength.
Game: “Who can wrap himself in canvas faster”
game "Tug of war"

reader: The third nut Savior has arrived, the last birds are flying away.
Prepare some bread for yourself so you can enjoy it later.
reader: Khlebny Spas is the time of summing up the warm days,
This is a time for those who worked, in gratitude for these efforts.
Ved.: In the villages on this day the harvest season was finishing, it was approaching
end of the wheat harvest. People baked bread in their houses - from here
a second name for the holiday appeared - Bread Savior.
On the third Spas - Bread Day - they baked the first loaf of the new
bread, prepared dishes with nuts and treated them to all relatives and guests,
walked around the wells in circles, as if closing time.
People say:
reader: “The third Savior is good - he has stored up bread.”
(Mistress enters)
Hostess: Hello, my dears! I'm glad to meet you.
If we want to meet someone with honor and honor,
Greet you generously from the heart, with great respect,
We greet such guests with a round, lush loaf! (slide)
It is on a painted platter with a snow-white towel.
We offer salt with the loaf, bowing, and ask to taste it.
Our dear guest and friend, take the bread and salt from our hands!
reader: The people have the words: “The bread of all life is the head.”
He is famous first on earth, he is placed first on the table.
reader: Everyone knows words of wisdom: Bread is the master of the house, he is the head of everything!
reader: By the power of the state they called him to the old days,
Bread is rightfully king in the state.

Game "Baikachi".
Baikachi, kachi, kachi! Look at the bagel rolls.
Look at the bagels, the rolls, piping hot, hot from the oven.
From the heat, from the heat from the oven - everything is rosy, hot.
The rooks swooped in and picked up the rolls.
We have some lamb left.
Hostess: In the old days, cutting bread with a knife was considered a great sin. His
were broken into pieces. And when they began to cut, they cut while pressing him to
breasts People have made up many proverbs about bread.
(yes the bread is sweet)
Bitter work...
Do you want to eat rolls...
(don't sit on the stove)
(don't open your mouth)
For someone else's loaf...
Sweat on my back...
(so is the bread on the table)
They added that...
(left without bread)
Hostess: Guys, do you know the way to the bread?
(plow the field, sow the grain, harvest the crop, grind the grain, etc.)
The flour at the mill has been ground, it needs to be transferred.
The game "Who can carry the bags faster."
Ved.: For people - bread for children - peace, let a friendly feast begin.
Now is the time for us to shout bread - a unanimous “Hurray!”
(The hostess begins to knead the dough)
Ved.: The mother said, sowing flour through a sieve:
Hostess: Also, children, snow fell on the fields in winter. (sifts flour)
Ved.: She threw small grains of salt into the flour:
Hostess: Your father also sowed wheat seeds. (salts)
Ved.: She poured fresh water on the flour:
Hostess: There was also a rainfall across the fields in the spring. (pours water)
Ved.: And quickly two hands mixed everything.
Hostess: We also harrowed the fields in the spring. (kneads)
And now I’m off to the bakery, kids.
How good the bread is - rosy and fragrant.
A mother's heart is at peace if her children are well fed.
(takes out a loaf)
It is impossible to live in the world without bread! And since ancient times we have been saying...

Summer event for primary school"Nut Saved"

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara City District
Description The script can be used by primary school teachers and educators to conduct extracurricular activity and leisure in a school summer camp for primary and secondary school students.
Target Organization of leisure time for students.
- give an idea of ​​the Nut Spas holiday
- expand children's horizons about nuts;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities.
- enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment;
- cultivate love for the traditions of the Russian people and their culture;
- work to create a cohesive team of like-minded people, a creative association of children;

Progress of the event

1 Presenter
Good afternoon guys! August 29 is celebrated folk holiday, which among Orthodox Christians is dedicated to the Savior. Do you know what kind of holiday this is?
(children's answers)
Try to guess the riddle:
He's not fragile at all
And hid in a shell,
Look into the middle -
You will see the core
Of all the fruits it is the hardest,
It's called...
It grows very thickly
Imperceptibly it blooms.
And when summer comes,
We eat his sweets.
Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell -
Take care of your teeth, kids.

Swallows fly away
They leave us
And the nut one came,
The third is the Savior.

New loaves
Serve it on the table
Let's greet autumn tenderly,
It was not in vain that the Savior came!

The third Savior is already with us,
Congratulations to all people.
He gave us health,
Lots of good news.

God willing good health,
Live in kindness to everyone, and with love.
So that everyone appreciates each other,
Then we are not afraid of the blizzard.
2 presenter
It is celebrated on August 29, and among the people the Third Savior is also called the Bread Savior, the Canvas Savior, the Nut Savior, the Small Savior, and, finally, the Savior on Canvas. On this day, the transfer of the Miraculous Image of the Lord Jesus Christ to Constantinople is celebrated, as well as the beginning of the collection of nuts, peasants sow winter rye, and townspeople begin to sell linens and canvases.
They walk brightly and joyfully on the Third Spas at city fairs, also celebrating the end of the Dormition Lent. In previous years, faith was an integral part of life Russian people, and therefore folk festivities most often coincided with Orthodox holidays. So on Khlebny Spas, housewives bake bread and pies from new flour, add fresh nuts and honey to their dishes and treat them to their relatives and friends.

By this day, hazelnuts (hazel) ripen in the forests, so the holiday is also called Nut Savior, and dishes with the addition of nuts are always prepared, which are treated to all relatives and friends.

At the end of summer, a bright holiday
August ends with the Savior of the Bread.
Accept, Savior, gratitude,
For the grain that is poured into the bins,

For the bread that has grown and been mowed,
For a delicious fresh loaf!
For nuts, a gift from the taiga forests
Yours, for a land rich in miracles!

You are our help, friend and consolation.
In the most bitter or difficult hour!
You grant us your forgiveness,
Our Nut and Bread Savior!

Let's say a prayer of gratitude
For all your universal love!
Let's give out a lot of sweets to the kids,
Let's hear them sing the anthem!

How wise You are, Lord, and how merciful You are!
You gave us a magical, wondrous land!
Every year on our lands we will grow
We are a rich, generous harvest!

Give us strength, Lord, and strengthen our souls!
So that we can resist evil,
So that all enemies of Russia are weakened,
Let Rus', the mother of nations, rise from its knees!

In Yours Holy holiday the heavens will open -
And a bountiful harvest will be blessed!
Tired fields will be covered with fog -

Having given everything, let them sleep until spring.
1 Presenter
And people call the holiday the Savior of Nuts because from this day they began to collect hazelnuts. According to tradition, before everyone went to collect nuts, one of the most respected women in the village was sent into the forest.

She was harvesting the first harvest, which was declared the norm for other women. Then they all went into the forest, laid out carpets and went in search of nuts. The spoils were laid out on a common carpet, and the real festivities began - fun, songs, dances.

Where the hazel blossomed in the spring,
There are heels flashing:
Alone and in a crowd
The boys are running around!

Friends are working hard -
They don't know how tired they are!
And bags of nuts
They stuff it tightly.

And there are a lot of nuts here...
They'll fill it all winter!
2 Presenter
There are signs and rituals.
Young girls read fortunes using nuts and found out their fate for the year ahead. The first nut picked had to be eaten and, based on its taste, one had to determine what awaited the next year.
If the nut turned out to be ripe and sweet - to great love; bitter nut - your loved one will cheat; if the nut is not ripe, wait for important news; and if it turns out to be rotten, there will be trouble.
1 Presenter
Folk signs on the Third Spas say that bath brooms, which were knitted from hazelnuts collected on this very day, were able to save people from absolutely any disease. So all those who like to take a steam bath with a broom are recommended to go for a hazel tree on August 29, but you just need to follow one rule: first you should ask for forgiveness from the hazel tree, and after that, while you are cutting off the branches, you need to read any prayer. And when you cut as many branches as you need, don’t forget to thank the forest doctor.

2 Presenter
What do you know about nuts? What are they?
(Children's answers)
Walnut Tale

The nuts gathered for a secret council:
How to feed the whole world with them?

- It would seem that,
The world is full
We are everywhere:
And in Africa we are
On Manchurian soil!

There's a lot of us growing
In European forests,
In America we are maturing;
We are in all places!

However, we would like
Many children
Taste our taste
On a huge planet!

That's why we
Let's get together from now on
And we will knock
For every apartment!

The nuts settled down
In a big truck;
Hazelnut got behind the wheel,
They all drove away in an instant!

And so they stop by
They're in the cities
And every nut
Introduces himself!

- Not born yet
In the world for now
The nut tastes better
Than Hazelnut!

- Brazilian nut
Will not let everyone lie -
Children would like
Know its taste!

Blurred Almond
In your sweet languor:
– I don’t even have sweets
The sweetest thing in the house!

- The cleverest,
Of course, Walnut,
He inspires everyone
A resounding success!

– One type of coconut
Will always answer -
I'm enough for everyone
For lunch, friends!

Pistachios have opened
In a cheerful smile:
- Just look at us
And the fun is ready!

– Manchurian walnut
The most powerful
Of all:

Split me
Can only be done in the oven
It's no use knocking
By the powerful head!

And all because
What's in the Manchurian forests
I live in very very
Harsh places!

And so, he performs
Pine nut:
- I smell like pine needles
And white as snow!

– Cashews are like a month
Floating in the fog
And with this to yourself
Attracts people!

And suddenly - how it fell
Peas from the sky -
Peanut leads
All the children are delighted!

On this unrestrained
A note of fun
Nut Ball
Spun me like a carousel!!!
(Bekhterev Children's Poems)
2 Presenter
What proverbs and sayings do you know about nuts?
(children's answers)
Game "Collect a proverb"
Let's play a game. I prepared proverbs for you, but they fell into pieces. Help me connect them and get a whole one.
A sin is as big as a nut, a kernel is as big as a bucket.
Sadness in the heart is like a worm in a nut.
If you can't crack the nut, you can't eat the kernel.
Harvests are not nuts; they don’t happen two years in a row.
He eats nuts, but there are holes in his zipun.
Nuts are girly fun.
For some, even cotton wool rustles, for others, even nuts do not crack.
Raking a nut is a small gain.
Well done! It turns out that you know well the proverbs and sayings about nuts.
Game "Squirrels, nuts, cones"

All the guys stand up, holding hands, three at a time, forming a squirrel’s nest. They agree among themselves who will be the squirrel, who will be the nut, and who will be the cone. The driver is alone, he does not have a nest.
There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: squirrels, cones, nuts. If he said squirrels, then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes free place in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader.
If the leader says: nuts, then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut.
The driver and presenter can be different people, or both functions can be performed by one person. The presenter can be given the command: squirrels-cones-nuts, and then everyone changes places at once.
Well done! Everyone managed to be both a driver and a presenter!
1 Presenter
There are also signs.
With the arrival of the Third Savior, autumn fully comes into its own. According to popular wisdom, a stormy August foreshadows a long, warm autumn.

Elena Pitenko

Children in Russian folk costumes to the sound folk music They enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Bells are ringing (in audio recording)

Presenter 1. In broad Rus' to our mother

The bells are ringing,

And we have kids in this room,

The glorious holiday begins now.

Presenter 2. The third Savior has now arrived for us,

Look, this Savior hasn’t forgotten about us!

Our Savior invited guests to the clearing

And he treated everyone to fragrant bread!

Presenter 1. Answer me, kids.

Mark which Spas is time?

Children. Bready, nutty

Yes, even canvas.

Everything is ready for the holiday today!

The presenter gives the floor to the invited clergyman.

Presenter 1:

Name all the rescues here

Together, speak in unison

Children call: honey, apple, nut.

Presenter 2:

On the first Savior - they eat honey

In the second, the apples are removed and the children are given a treat.

The third rescued - canvases are sold on the mountains of earth.

Nuts are collected and bread is baked.

Presenter 1:

They bake bread, sprinkle it with nuts, and sing a Russian song.

Performed by r. n. song "Long Crane"

Presenter 2:

It's in my basket

Treats for children

Guess it right - you get a prize

Made from flour, a big surprise.


1) This will go well with tea,

It just begs to be put in our mouths

This sweetness is delicious,

Eat something crunchy. (cookie)

Places cookies on the tray.

2) We baked it with filling,

It got cold in my basket

He has a ruddy side

Delicious festive. (pie)

takes out the pie.

3) Ruddy rings hang on a thread,

The rosy rings will crunch in your mouth.

Vanilla, with poppy seeds, hanging like toys,

Baked, round, delicious. (drying)

Takes out a bundle of dryers

4) The most important one on the table

He will feed everyone in the family.

Cut it into pieces

Lush, fresh. (loaf)

He takes out a loaf.

Presenter 1:

Guys, they also make dumplings from flour in Kuban. Listen to the comic Cossack song “Galushechki”

Performed Kuban folk song"Galushechki"

Presenter 2:

Here are some more riddles for you,

Tell me the answers.

1) Hanging high, falling low.

It's bitter on the outside, but sweet on the inside. (nut)

2) The man is small, and his fur coat is made of bone. (nut)

Presenter 1:

In a round dance, children, get up

And visit the forest.

We'll find a nut there

Let's dance and sing together.

The Russian folk song “We were in a round dance” is performed (program “Ladushki”)

The children sit down.

Sounds funny music. 2 squirrels run into the hall.

The “Squirrel Song” is performed, then the dance “Cock, Nut” - an old polka (“ Musical director", No. 6, 2007)

Presenter 2:

Guys, the squirrels have already stocked up on nuts for the winter.

Look how many nuts there are! (shows hazelnuts and walnuts)

The squirrel whispers something to the presenter.

Presenter 2:

Guys, the squirrels are asking for help in sorting out the nuts. Forest ones - in one basket, walnuts - in another. Shall we help?

The “Spread the Nuts” relay race is being held.


We are funny squirrels

We love to run and jump!

We invite everyone, guys.

Play on the shells.

The orchestra performs R. n. m. “Like ours at the gate” (attach several halves of walnut shells on sticks)

Presenter 1:

Thank you, squirrels, you made us happy and amused. Stay at our celebration.

Presenter 2:

We were friends with the squirrels,

They forgot about the canvases.

Girls, bring the canvases.

Dance, bleach.

“Dance with Canvases” under the river. n. melody (girls dancing)

Presenter 1: And now, baby,

It's time to play.

Game "Pull the Canvases" (like "Tug of War")

Presenter 2 (asks girls): Did you take the canvases out into the sun?

Girls: Yes!

Presenter 1: Did you go out into the open field?

Girls: They were leaving!

Presenter 2: Look, both rye and wheat are heading there!

Child 1:

We collected a sheaf of wheat

And they fought them off with chains.

Miller take the grain,

Let it become torment.

Child miller: (takes a bag of grain)

I will grind all the grain,

I will call the wind to help.

The chalk will spin

Grain turns into flour here.

Girls, hurry here,

Take some flour from me.


Miller, give us some flour,

Let's cook a loaf.

Bagels and pies

Come, grooms.

The girls cook and sing:

We haven’t eaten a loaf for a long time!

Everyone wanted a loaf.

Loaf, loaf

Our oven bake.


Our stove is madam

baked a loaf of bread for us, lady.

Very fragrant,

Tasty and pleasant.


Don't crunch the bread crust,

Give all the kids a treat.

With our loaf,

We'll dance now.

Round dance "Loaf", Russian folk. melody.


Our best loaf

Baked for Khlebny Spas.

Such a height

Such lowlands, etc.

Loaf, loaf,

Come on, start dancing.

Free dance of all children with a loaf of bread.


Congratulations on the third Savior,

Let's treat you to a loaf of bread!

give a piece of loaf to all children

Presenter 1:

Very tasty loaf

You grow up with him!

Presenter 2:

Grow up, eat a loaf of bread,

Give mom and dad a treat.

Don't forget your grandparents

And always be healthy!

Happy Holidays!

The Russian folk dance "Barynya" sounds

Publications on the topic:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music, pretending to fly. “Flies” around the entire hall, waving to the children. He stops in the center of the hall and presses.

Scenario sports festival V kindergarten on June 1 - Children's Day Children's Day in kindergarten. Outdoor scenario for the youngest.

Scenario for the holiday “Honey, Nut, Apple Saved” Presenter: - Good evening, guests are invited and welcome! Today we have a holiday: Apple and Honey Spas! On August 14, the Honey Savior is celebrated in Rus'.

Goal: To promote children's understanding historical heritage, formation of moral feelings. The hall is festively decorated in autumn style.

Scenario for the autumn holiday “In the Autumn Forest” for children in the senior group of kindergarten (5–6 years old) Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, gaming, perception fiction, communicative, productive. Goals:.

Dear children, dear adults, today we invited you to the national holiday - “The Savior of Bread”.

It was celebrated in the old days on August 29th. The ancient name for August is stubble or sickle, since grain is harvested in August. And they stung them with sickles. So the month was called ser-

stump or stubble. The Bread Festival was the most important holiday in the life of our ancestors.

It was a long time ago. So long ago that there were no grandmothers, no grandfathers, or even the great-grandmothers of our grandmothers in the world. Life was very difficult for people then: they did not know how to tame animals or grow plants. In order not to die of hunger, they wandered through dense forests and clearings in search of edible herbs and fruit roots. And then one day they found some grains.

How tasty the seeds seemed to people! Scientists suggest that it was wild barley.

Time passed, man learned to make fire and use it for cooking. He began to roast the crushed grains of wild cereals and mixed them with water. Later people They began to bake unleavened bread in the form of flat cakes. The dense, burnt pieces of grain mass bore little resemblance to ours. wheat bread. But it was with the advent of these flat cakes, baked on hot fires, over a fire, that bread baking began on earth.

And even later, man learned to bake bread from sour dough. The method of its preparation was discovered about five thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt. Due to an oversight of a slave assigned to the kitchen, the dough became sour. Wanting to avoid punishment, he baked cakes. And they turned out to be tastier, more fluffy and rosy than those that were prepared before. Instead of punishment, the slave earn praise.

Yes, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard.

We worked hard on the ground!

Yes, guys, in order for bread to grow, you need to put in a lot of work. First you need to preserve and germinate the grain, repair the plow and harrow; Every morning before sunrise, go to the field - prepare the land, plow and harrow. And only then sow.

When the seed has already been sown, it needs to be looked after: weeded, watered, fertilized. The fields are large - you can’t even glance at them, and the farmer’s work was manual, and therefore very hard.

That is why people were so happy about bread.

He does not fall to us from heaven,

Doesn't appear suddenly

So that an ear of bread grows,

It takes the work of dozens of hands.

Children go out to national costumes two couples and bring out bread and salt.

  1. Here he is
  2. Scented bread
  3. With a crunchy twisted crust.
  1. Here he is
  2. Warm, golden

As if bathed in sunshine.

To every home

For everyone

He came, he came

In it lies our health and strength.

There is wonderful warmth in it

So many hands raised him,


It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Grab both cheeks -

Grow up to be a hero.

  1. Children deliver bread to each child and parent.
  2. Try our bread!

1st student

The beginning of the harvest is the beginning.

In the spring, men plowed the land and sowed grain, and harvesting the grain was entirely on the shoulders of women.

Women who reaped bread were called reapers.

2nd student

Harvesting, like sowing, is a holy thing. Therefore, in the old days, they assigned the most respected and experienced woman - the reaper - to start it. She took with her black bread with salt and tied it in a clean towel, along with an icon. She quickly walked into the field and began to reap (cut) the ears of corn (with a sickle like this).

3rd student

Harvest is a difficult time for a farmer; there is no time for games or fun. We must seize every fine hour, strain all our strength to collect bread without loss.


Sunny, look out

Red, shine it on

Come to our field,

Get along with scythes and sickles.

Go away storm cloud

We have a working field

She should be green

We have to go with sickles

Zhito, shake rye

And tie them into sheaves.

(Song about “Bread”)

1st student

On August 28, the harvest ended - dozhinki. On this day, rituals dedicated to the last sheaf were performed.

The last compressed sheaf is the birthday boy. They dressed him up in summer clothes, beads, even a sundress. The peasants called their last sheaf “the beard of a goat” (a goat is a symbol of fertility and wealth).

Farmers curled the spikelets, intertwining them with ribbons. They believed that this ritual returned strength to the earth.

1st child: The goat is lying on the boundary

Marvels at the beard.

2nd child: Oh, someone's beard

And the whole snail is full of honey,

And it's all covered in silk.

3rd child: We are already weaving, we are weaving a beard

at Vasily's on the field.

4th child: Curled beard

At our Ivanovich's

On the great field

On a wide strip

5th child: Weigh, weave, beard

Beard, hang yourself,

Fill up your soul

Get some more bread

6th child: Squeezed the cornfield to the end

Until the last crown

The end of the nivushka, the end,

We will braid the crown.

2nd student

And then the day came, August 29 - the holiday of the third Savior - Bread. They bake bread from the flour of the new harvest and light it in the temple. They sing, play, have fun, bake pies.

People said

3rd Spas - stocked up on bread

On the third Spas - bake a loaf and pies.

On the 3rd Savior - and the beggar has provisions.

The Savior has come - the hour of joy.

This is already the case in Rus',

What talented people

He is both a reaper and a Swiss,

And there is a player on the pipe.

Game "Grandfather Sysoy"

Hello, gray-haired

Grandfather Sysoy

Don't shake your beard

Like a broom

Don't hit the club

Like a mortar

And listen to what we say,

Yes, look what we show.

Hello young children,

Where have you been, what have you seen?

In a damp barrel.

We sat on a hummock,

We stood on a stump,

Yes, we worked in the field.

The same children.

  1. The bread was removed and it became quieter

The bins are breathing hotly

The field is sleeping, it is tired

Winter is coming.

Smoke floats over the village,

Pies are baked in houses

Come in, don't be shy!

Help yourself to good bread!

  1. Come to us for a holiday by car

The loaf has arrived now

Let's crunch the fluffy crust,

We'll treat everyone in the world

Cover it quickly

Table with a clean tablecloth,

In front of us is a loaf

With a fragrant crust

He's cool and oily,

Moderately cool, salted,

Smells like sunshine

It smells like a sultry field.

Cut and eat with all your heart.

Gain strength

Just don’t crumble in vain,

Throw some bread.

So that in good, bright hour

Bread appeared on the table

Someone got up earlier than us

And he worked hard.

(Song " green sprout») .

Rkbyat, how should you treat bread? It’s true what they say, if you step on bread, you will fall through the ground in shame, in front of those who raised, nurtured and baked this bread.

It hurts me when I accidentally see

That half-eaten bread is shamelessly thrown away.

Hey, you trampling the crust with your foot,

You trample on our human dignity.

You insulted your mother, you caused an insult,

The land on which I was born and raised.

Bread is obtained through labor,

Without being born by itself

Bread is not just wealth

He is our support.

“If there is bread, there will be a song”

There is truth in these words.

There will be full bread

There will be joy in the eyes.

Everyone is involved in bread

Let's all be careful.

There will be bread - there will be happiness

There will be life on earth!

We looked into the old days,

Maybe not completely.

Feast of the Savior, Feast of Bread

Touched everyone's hearts!

In the summer, Orthodox people adhere to which lasts exactly three weeks. It ends with the offensive of the three Spas. The very first one is celebrated on August 14th. Five days later, on August 19, the time comes. The last one, the third one, is the Nut Spas, popularly also called the Bread Spa. It is celebrated before the onset of autumn - August 29.

History of origin

The Nut and Bread Spas was first celebrated back in 944. It was on August 29, by order of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine, that the Image of the Savior appeared in Constantinople. The employees moved him from ancient city Edessa.

Orthodox traditions

In Russia, it is not customary to celebrate the Nut and Bread Savior in any special way. Usually this day is revered only by deeply Orthodox people. What cannot be said about which is quite popular in our country.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to work on August 29th. No one took a day off or allowed themselves to relax and celebrate. As a rule, everyone around was interested in harvesting and working in the fields.

The only thing that happened on this day was folk fairs. There was a belief that on this day trade would be more fruitful than ever. At that time, each person took into account the following formula:

  • The first one, Honey Spas, stands on the water.
  • They are content with apples for the second Spas.
  • The third Savior has stored up some bread.

After a hard day of work, the peasants treated themselves to a festive dinner.

What should be on the table on this day?

The third day is usually celebrated at a round table with the closest people. Housewives carefully prepared for dinner and tried to surprise their guests with a pie with nuts. Bread was an obligatory attribute on the table. Previously, he was taken to the church to be consecrated. God’s “gift” could not be cut with a knife; all guests broke off a small piece from it and ate it.

This conditional tradition still exists today. But bread cannot be bought in a store; the owner must bake it herself.

Another important attribute on the festive table is a nut branch. She acted as a symbol of this sacred day. They were also previously taken to church. It was believed that after consecration they were endowed with powerful powers. This branch had to be brought into the house in Orekhovy and Khlebny Spas and left there for the whole year. According to ancient tradition, this amulet brings happiness to the house.

Men celebrated this holiday with strong beer, but drank festive table no more than one large glass. They stretched it out throughout the evening. On this day it was also customary to visit loved ones with a festive cake. It was believed that if a person did not eat a piece of such a loaf on a given day, then the next year would be unsuccessful.


There are several signs that take their power into the Nut and Bread Spas.

  • It is believed that it is after the Nut Spa that a sick person can be cured, and a healthy person can improve their health. To do this, you need to bring a broom made of hazel into the house and hang it on the door.
  • It is on August 29 that it is customary to purify and sanctify water. A priest approached each well in the villages and performed his ritual. From the next day, underground water was considered healing.
  • On the eve of the sacred holiday, it was customary to cleanse the soul and body. In the evening, before going to bed, people went to the bathhouse and steamed with a broom. During the day, it was customary to go to church to atone for sins. Purified inside and out, Orthodox people celebrated the holiday.
  • It is recommended to sow rye for the winter on this day, then the harvest will be rich. The old rye is removed and made into flour.
  • In the morning, before breakfast, home prayer was said. As a rule, women stayed at home and men went to work in the fields.
  • On holiday, grandmothers prepared medicine for the whole winter - a special nut tincture against colds. After which they put it in a dark, cool place for three weeks.


The offensive of the Nut Savior can be recognized by several folk signs:

  • It was noticed that on this day last time The most beautiful birds - swallows and cranes - make themselves known. It was believed that if they flew away, the winter would be frosty. If they remain for some time after this day, the winter will be warm.
  • If the Walnut Bread Savior on August 29 is accompanied by rain with a strong thunderstorm, the harvest will be large.
  • It was believed that if there is dry heat on this day, autumn and winter will be poor.

On the first, second and third Spas, it was customary to baptize children. People believed that if this procedure was performed on a sacred holiday, the baby would be under the protection of the Savior. The construction of a new well was also considered a good omen. People who wanted to improve their health made hazel brooms and went to the bathhouse with them.

How do they celebrate now?

Of course, many traditions have already been lost, and this sacred holiday has long been no longer celebrated as it was celebrated before. No one brings walnut branches into the house and no one goes to church to bless bread. Many people continue to work and engage in land affairs on this day. However, there are still deeply Orthodox people who remember the existence of the holiday. They bake pies and treat them to their neighbors, relatives and friends. People gather in a warm family circle over a cup of tea.

Pleykast "Nut and Bread Savior" sends young people to each other in social networks. At the same time, they study the features of the holiday. Some schools conduct educational classes.


In almost every home, congratulations are heard on Nut Bread Spas. People wish each other good harvests, warmth and kindness. It was customary for young couples who recently entered into a marriage to be given a calico diaper, wishing them a speedy appearance of an heir.

The poems of the Nut and Bread Spas also ring loudly own composition. They are usually recited in temples and at themed events. classroom hours in schools. For example, you can hear these:

The Bread Savior came to our house,

He brought comfort and joy.

And leave it for later

All the misfortunes and losses!

You can also congratulate in prose, for example, say to close people: “On this sacred holiday, we want to wish that your home is full of love, kindness and understanding.”

More than ten centuries have already passed since this holiday appeared. Of course, many traditions that existed previously have already been lost and are not respected, as well as folk signs. However, in church calendar The Nut Savior is still considered. Therefore, every believer should congratulate his loved ones on this great day.

Despite the fact that this holiday is no longer as popular as it was several centuries ago, on this day the doors of temples are still open to Orthodox people. On August 29, services and sacred rites are held.