GTA characters in real life. Biography of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas characters. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas characters in real life

At the time of release GTA: San Andreas became the record holder for the number of invited actors to voice the game - no other game project could boast of the figure of 339 people. Quantity does not always mean quality, but we exclude SA from this rule, because the actors did a wonderful job, and everything turned out atmospheric.

Despite different types rumors that the protagonist was voiced by comedian Dave Chappelle or rapper 50 Cent, CJ received his voice from Christopher Bellard, better known as rapper Young Maylay. You can know him from his collaborations with such performers as Ice Cube, WC and others. In appearance, the actor and the hero are almost dissimilar, apparently due to the fact that Karl has a resemblance to Michael Washington, which caused a scandal and legal battles quite recently.

Christopher Bellard and Carl Johnson.

After working on the game, Chris released his first music release, the title of which was "San Andreas: The Original Mixtape". The cover is stylized as the SA cover. The tracks featured music from the game, including the title theme song.

The same cover of "San Andreas: The Original Mixtape".

Pre-release illustration by Carl Johnson.

The role of Shawn Johnson, better known as Sweet, was assigned to actor Faizon Love, who played in such films as Elf, Friday and Torque. This is his first and so far last experience in the gaming industry.

Freyzon Love and Sweet.

Illustration with beta version of Sweet.

The voice of Melvin Harris, better known as Big Smoke, was played by actor Clifton Powell. His track record includes the role of Sean in 50 Cent's film "Before I Self-Destruct", the role of Earl in the comedy "Norbit", the role of Luke in the film "Rush Hour", the role of Chauncey in the drama "Menace to Society", roles in the series "M.D. ", "Law and Order", "Crime Scene" and a little more than a hundred roles.

Clifton Powell and Big Smoke in an alternate colorway.

Like most heroes, Big Smoke also had a beta version that can be seen in the game: in the last mission, there is a traitor statue in Smoke's hideout.

Beta version of Big Smoke.

The Johnson brothers' only sister, Candle, was voiced by actress Yoladnda Whitaker, also known in the hip-hop world as Yo-Yo. The girl tried on more than 15 roles, including the role in “Menace to Society.” In music, she had more success, releasing 5 studio albums (although one of them remained unreleased), 2 EPs and about 14 singles.

Yolanda Whitaker and Candle Johnson.

Another rapper, MC Eiht, gave the voice to another prominent character - Lance Wilson (aka Ryder), who took part in the filming of Menace to Society and several other films. He has 14 solo and eight joint albums to his credit. There is no doubt that when working on the character's appearance, the developers used the appearance of the late rapper Eazy-E.

On the right is MC Eiht, on the left is a comparison of the appearance of Ryder and Eazy-E.

Clifton Collins Jr., who voiced Caesar Vialpando, has appeared in projects such as Crank 2, CSI, and Public Menace alongside Yo-Yo, Clifton Powell.

Clifton Collins Jr. and Caesar Vialpando.

The voice of Jeffrey Cross, also known as OG Loc, belongs to actors Jonathan Anderson. It is possible that this character is a parody of rapper Ja Rule, who was suspected of stealing rhymes and other style features of another rapper under the pseudonym DMX. Looking ahead, it should be noted that another rapper took part in the scoring of the game, who at that time was on the same label as 50 Cent, who at that time had a beef (feud between two rappers) with Ja Rule. So this could be a cleverly designed joke, who knows...

Jonathan Anderson and OG Loc while working at Burger Shot.

Famous actor Peter Fonda, who can be remembered for his role as Mephistopheles in the film “Ghost Rider,” voiced the old hippie nicknamed Truth.

Peter Fonda and Truth.

A truly outstanding actor gave the voice to Mike Toreno, as James Woods played leading roles in such masterpieces as Once Upon a Time in America and Casino. He also starred in the film Scary Movie 2 and worked on the creation of the games Kingdom Hearts II (as well as its sequel) and Scarface: The World Is Yours, and also worked as a voice actor on the cartoon Catch the Wave!

James Woods and Mike Toreno.

The blind head of the triads, Wu Zi Mu, was voiced by Japanese-born actor James Yagashi, who also worked on the BioShock game, giving the voice to Dr. Suchong, and later on GTA 4, giving the voice to Charlie, an undercover LCPD agent. In the "four" in Chinatown, you can hear the phrase "My cousin owns a casino in Las Venturas. Maybe we should move there."

James Yagashi and Wu Zi Mu.

Another hip-hop figure voiced a hero with his own profession. We are talking about the dubbing of Madd by rapper Dogg by the legendary performer Ice T, whose musical achievements are not worth talking about again. In addition to regular roles in television and film projects, Treacy Morrow took part in the games Sanity, Aiken's Artifact and Scarface: The World Is Yours, and in this moment working on Gears of War 3. It is noticeable that in some ways Ice T became the prototype for Madd Dogg.

The alias Madd Dogg may be based on the nickname of Vincent Call, an Irish hitman. There is also an option of origin that the phrase appeared after combining the name Snoop Dogg and the previous name (“Mad Doc”) of the now related company “Rockstar New England”.

Ice T and Madd Dogg.

The main antagonist of the game, officer Frank Tenpenny, received his voice from the most popular actor Samuel L. Jackson, who can be considered a giant of the film industry. Suffice it to recall the films “Goodfellas”, “Menace to Society”, “Jurassic Park”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Die Hard 3”, “ star Wars"(four films), "51st State", "Kill Bill 2", "The Incredibles" (cartoon dubbing), "xXx 2: The Next Level", two parts " Iron Man", "Thor" and others. In addition, he voiced roles in the games Iron Man 2 and Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars. Amazing fact: Jackson is currently working on three films ("Captain America", "The Avengers" and "Nick Fury"), where the actor will play the same character he played in both parts of "Iron Man" (and once voiced the game) and "Thor " - Nick Fury.

Samuel L. Jackson and Frank Tenpenny.

Officer Eddie Pulaski was voiced by the quite recognizable actor Chris Penn, who played in the film “Rush Hour”, the TV series “CSI”, “Law and Order”, as well as in other projects. Unfortunately, at the age of 40, Christopher died.

Chris Penn and Eddie Pulaski.

Armando Riesco, who voiced another officer, Jimmy Hernandez, received a small but important role. Perhaps the only film from the actor’s short track record that can say something to the average viewer is “National Treasure,” where he played the role of FBI agent Hendrix. Riesko was more successful in scoring games. The first experience of this kind was working on Vice City, where he voiced the minor role of a supplier. By the way, after the role of Hernandez (and part-time he also voiced ordinary pedestrians) in San Andreas, Armando worked on The Ballad of Gay Tony, giving a voice to the average parking attendant. As you can see, the history of his appearances in the series is very interesting. But in addition to GTA, Riesco voiced such popular games as Midnight Club 2, The Warriors, Need for Speed: Undercover and Need for Speed: World.

Armando Riesco and Jimmy Hernandez.

The goofy Zero was voiced by David Cross, who, among other things, appeared in the films Scary Movie 2 (the role of Dwight) and Men in Black. However, he achieved more in voice acting, working on the film "Doctor Dolittle" (voice of the dog), the animated series "Family Guy" (episodic role), the cartoons "Kung Fu Panda", "Futurama: The Beast with Billions of Backs", "Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five", "Alvin and the Chipmunks 2", "Megamind" (the role of Minion), "Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special", "Megamind: The Doom Button", "Kung Fu Panda 2" and many others. Also participated in the creation of the game Halo 2.

David Cross and Zero.

Charles Murphy and Jizzy B.

The brutal bandit named (or nicknamed) T-Bone Mendez was voiced by Los Angeles rapper of Mexican origin Kid Frost. Perhaps his track record as an actor does not include many roles, but as a musician, Kid is doing well. By the way, the radio station Radio Los Santos plays the song “La Raza” performed by him.

Mendez wears a unique jersey that is not found anywhere else in the game, although there are similar ones. Such shirts were worn by members of Mexican gangs for 30 years: from the 1970s to the late 1990s. By the way, it is unknown whether T-Bone Mendez is related to the Mendez brothers from Vice City Stories. Rock musician and vocalist Shaun Ryder, a member of the band Black Grape, voices Meisser, who regularly appears in the game along with Kent Paul. Sean participated in the creation of the soundtrack for the films “The Devil Wears Prada”, “Goal” and others.

Shaun Ryder and Meisser.

Mark Wayne, better known as B Dup, was voiced by the famous rapper Game.

From left to right: Game, B Dup in his original appearance, and Mark Wayne's beta version.

Barry Big Bear Thorne was voiced by Kurt Big Boy Alexander, best known for his role as Cousin Bosley in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

Kurt Alexander and Barry Thorne.

Carl's first girlfriend, Denise Robinson, was voiced by Heizer Alicia Sims.

Heiser Alicia Sims and Denise Robinson.

Helena Wankstein is voiced by actress Bijou Phillips.

Bijou Phillips and Helena Wankstein.

A certain Eugene Jeter Jr. took on the small role of Emmett.

This great amount, that in reality everyone appearing in the game cannot be mentioned. But there are those that are memorable or take a significant part in the life of the main character. There are quite a few of them too.

We will talk about them, let’s start, as usual, with the most important:

Carl "CJ" Johnson

Five years after Brian's death, Carl returns home to Los Santos after learning of his mother's murder. He will have to regain the former influence of his gang, prove his importance in the state and go through many obstacles along the way.
Voice: Chris "Young Maylay" Bellard

Sean "Sweet" Johnson

Karl's older brother and part-time leader of the Grove Street Families gang. He blames Carl for Brian's death and doesn't communicate much with him for some time. He stands strong for his gang, and does not approve of the spread of dope on his territory.
Voice: Faizon Love

Kendl Johnson

Sister of Carl and Sean. She meets with Caesar Vialpando from the Latin gang of Los Santos, which Carl approves of, but Sean is negative about, saying that the sister of a gang leader should not date a white guy.
Voice: Yolanda Whittacker

Cesar Vialpando

Kendle's boyfriend and Carl's good friend. He is distinguished by a large number of tattoos on his body, a love of sports cars and cars with low suspension. Has influence in the Varios Los Aztecas gang.
Voice: Clifton Collins

Wu Zi Mu

"Lucky Mole" or simply Woozy. Beneath his calm exterior, lurks the leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys triad, a high-spirited racer and professional killer who has been developing his skills over many years. He strives to please his boss Ran Fa Ly, get rid of the local Vietnamese gang "The Da Nang Boys" and lead the triad "Red Gecko Tong".
Voice: James Yaegashi

Minor characters

Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris
An influential figure in Grove Street Families and a close friend of the Johnson family. He runs his own business in both Los Santos and San Fierro.
Voice: Clifton Powell

Lance "Ryder" Wilson
A cold-blooded killer and authority in the Grove Street Families gang. He is distinguished by his signature cigar and an interesting gait. Has connections with the Loco Syndicate in San Fierro.
Voice: MC Eiht

Frank Tenpenny
A slippery and corrupt Los Santos cop who wants to influence the course of the city's history. I know Karl and his gang well. Excessively cruel and vain.
Voice: Samuel L. Jackson

Eddie Pulaski
Tenpenny's right hand. He hates Karl fiercely, which affects his behavior. Participated in the murder of Detective Pendelbury, who wanted to get the couple out clean water. Together with Tenpenny, he pins this murder on Carl.
Voice: Chris Penn

Jimmy Hernandez
A calm cop who never wanted to get involved in the dirty business of the C.R.A.S.H department. Doesn't approve of Tenpenny and Pulaski's actions, so he rarely hangs out with them.
Voice: Armando Riesco

A very emotional girl who is Caesar's cousin. Lives away from the bustle of the city and plans robberies of banks, catalysts, etc. She loves Karl, but still flies to Liberty City with the protagonist, Claude. Sometimes she calls from there, which explains her caring attitude towards CJ.
Voice: Cynthia Farre

Ran Fa Li
Leader of the Red Gecko Tong triad. He is extremely quiet and worried about frequent attacks by the Vietnamese gang "The Da Nang Boys".
Voice: Hunter Platin

Jeffery "OG Loc" Martin
A very cheerful young man who has many plans for his future. He wants to prove to everyone that he is a real gangster and talented singer. Inside the apartments you can see Og Lok on the covers of magazines.
Voice: Jonathan Anderson

Rap from Og Lok:

Mad Dog (Madd Dogg)
Famous rapper in Los Santos and Og Lok's main competitor. During the course of the plot, Karl will harm and, on the contrary, help his career more than once. He is the owner of the Golden Disc.
Voice: Ice T

Mike Toreno
Undercover agent and influential person in state. He gained the trust of the Loco Syndicate and successfully escaped from San Fierro. Subsequently, he let Karl carry out secret operations.
Voice: James Woods

Jizzy B
Member of the Loco Syndicate and the most successful pimp in San Fierro. He is the owner of the Domes of Pleasures club.
Voice: Charlie Murphy

T-Bone Mendez
The main hitman in the Loko Syndicate. He is distinguished by his composure and serious character. Respects Toreno and tries in every possible way to please him as a boss.
Voice: Kid Frost

The Truth
, with an equally mysterious van. Connections with Officer Tenpenny have been noted. He has an extremely negative attitude towards the secret affairs of the US military.
Voice: Peter Fonda

James Zero
A 28-year-old computer genius who owns an electronic toy store in San Fierro. In fact, most of his products are scaled-down versions of real-life prototypes and are formidable weapons for all sorts of purposes.
Voice: David Cross

Kent Paul
Paul moved from Vice City straight to San Andres. Loves to be in the company of his friend Macker and supports a good relationship with Ken Rosenberg.
Voice: Danny Dyer

Macker is among friends from Vice City: Kent Paul and Ken Rosenberg. He is engaged in recording and is distinguished by his addiction to drugs. It is also known that Maccer began his journey in show business in Manchester, and that he has “his own” website at
Voice: Shaun Ryder

Ken "Rosie" Rosenberg
After losing his job as a lawyer and his relationship with Tom Vercetti, Ken cherished his dream of finding a bright future in the state of San Andres. What did he get? Depression, pressure from the three mafias (Sindacco, Leone and Forelli) and huge problems with the Caligula casino subsequently. But still he manages to get out of the game and gradually get rid of stress.
Voice: Bill Fichtner

Salvatore Leone
Don Salvatore Leone conducts business not only in, but also throughout the state of San Andres. Known as a powerful boss, the "owner of Caligula" in Las Venturas and a sworn enemy of the Forelli family.
Voice: Frank Vincent

Johnny Sindacco
Son of Paulie Sindacco. A high-ranking figure in the mafia. Was caught in the Four Dragons casino and maimed during a trip with Karl (see). Treated in hospital, Forelli was kidnapped. Carl as Ken Rosenberg's assistant. Later, Johnny sees his abuser (Carl) and dies of a sudden heart attack.
Voice: Casey Siemaszko

Fleeting characters

Mark "B-Dup" Wayne
Having arranged Big Bear to be his servant, B-Dap did not get along very well with Karl. A drug dealer who later gained influence among the Ballas, Bi-Dap crossed all boundaries, completely ruining relations with Grove Street.
Voice: The Game

Barry "Big Bear" Thorne
Once a respected member of the Grove Street Families gang. After the gang lost influence, Big Bear became addicted to crack and became B-Dap's servant. In the end, he gradually recovers from his addiction and gives change to his “master”.
Voice: Kurt Alexander aka Big Boi

The protagonist, still very young and full of ambition, did not quite understand with whom he would have to start a business. Participating in the race, he lost to Karl, but received a Catalina, which will later happen to him... By the way, the players only learned his name from the plot.
Voice: no

Jethro and Dwaine
Since he bought out Jethro and Dwayne's boat station in Vice City, they had to move to San Fierro. Dwayne became a hot dog salesman, and Jethro became a worker at the Xumer gas station. According to the plot, Karl will change their destinies by hiring them for more or less decent work in a garage located in Doherty.
Voices: John Zurhellen, Navid Khonsari

Advisor to Vusi. Authority in triad circles. Killed during a raid on a cargo ship (see). Su Zi Mu takes his place.
Voice: unknown

Su Xi Mu
Su Zi Mu, otherwise known as "Suzy", is Woozy's right-hand man and the controller of the bookmaker's office. Seen in association with Ziro.
Voice: Richard Chang

Cheap gun supplier and member of the Seville Boulevard Families gang. The Kalashnikov, which is used in the mission "" and which jams at the most crucial moment, was purchased from Emmett, which proves the unreliability of his goods.
Voice: Eugene Jeter Jr.

Maria Latore
Waitress at the Caligula casino. Soon he builds a closer relationship with Don Salvatore Leone.
Voice: Debi Mazar

Old Reece
A local barber in the Idlewood area who knows the Johnson family well based on his exchanges with Carl.
Voice: unknown

Jimmy Silverman
The man Carl and Mad Dog meet after chasing Og Lok in the mission "". Wants to help sue the latter.
Voice: Gary Yudman

Former cellmate of Og Lok, member of the Los Santos Vagos gang. Geoffrey accuses him of stealing poetry, but in fact it turns out that the persecution of Freddie was carried out for Og Lok's personal reasons. Judging by Freddie's remarks, he raped Jeffrey in prison, which he could not forgive him for. Was killed in the mission "". After the mission, Karl makes fun of Og Lok, saying that he likes men with mustaches.
Voice: unknown

A talking parrot that says mafia slang terms, obscenities, and quotes from Tony Montana in the movie Scarface. Morally helps Ken Rosenberg, who has been on edge for some time in San Andres.
Voice: unknown

Tony the parrot keeps his word:

Kane, Big Daddy and an unnamed member of the Ballas gang (Kane, Big Daddy)
Kane was one of the leaders of the Ballas gang, was associated with drug trafficking and was killed by Karl in the mission "". Big Daddy is a drug dealer and leader of the Los Santos Vagos gang who forcibly seized Mad Dog's house. He was killed in the mission "", and the house was returned to the owner. An unnamed member of the Ballas gang, who is seen in the opening video of Madd Dogg's Rhymes (wearing a brown jacket), coming out of the closet and criticizing Og Loc's rap; in Jizzy's club in the mission "" and in the video "The Introduction" (he is still wearing the same brown jacket).
Voices: unknown

Colonel Farberger
Colonel from whom Carl and Ryder stole boxes of weapons in the mission "Home Invasion". Works on the docks, lives in the territory of the Los Santos Vagos gang and is rumored to have been killed by Officer Tenpenny.
Voice: unknown

Other characters

Ralph Pendelbury
The cop who had evidence against Tenpenny and Pulaski. For some time he controlled the situation, but was still killed by his “dirty” partners.
Voice: no

Brian & Beverly Johnson
Brian is Carl's younger brother, who died in 1987. Apparently, Karl was partly to blame for his death. Beverly is Carl's mother. She was killed by the Ballas gang, sworn enemies of the Grove Street Families. It is because of her death that Carl returns home to Los Santos.
Voices: none

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Main characters

Carl Johnson (CJ)

Having learned about the murder of his mother, Carl returns home from Liberty City to Los Santos. There he learns another news - the Grove Street Families, the Johnson family gang, which was one of the strongest groups in the city several years ago, has almost completely lost control over the streets. In addition, the police department wants to pin the murder of a police officer on Karl, which he did not commit. The main character will have to go through many trials and adventures in the vast state of San Andreas. Despite persecution from corrupt cops, betrayal of friends, death of loved ones and the insidious intentions of mafia bosses, Karl defends the honor of his family with dignity.

Sean "Sweet" Johnson

The older brother of the main character of the game - Carl Johnson. Sean believes Carl is responsible for the death of his younger brother, Brian. Sweet is the head of the Grove Street Families gang and is respected by the Grove Street Families. At the same time, he has many enemies in other groups. It is to him that CJ must prove his worth and the right to fight for the honor of the family.

Sister Carla. Kendle constantly quarrels with her older brother Sean and is clearly not happy that Carl left for Liberty City, leaving the family at a difficult time. She is head over heels in love with Caesar Vialpando from an influential Latin group in Los Santos. After the death of her mother, Kendl fell on the shoulders of taking care of the house and brothers.

Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris

An old friend of the Johnson family, one of the most influential figures in the Orange Grove Families. Despite excess weight, Smoke often carries out dirty operations that require physical strength and dexterity. Melvin is an independent figure in the gang, so he runs his own affairs in San Fierro without Shawn Johnson's consent.

Lance "Ryder" Wilson

Ryder is Carl's longtime friend and Shawn Johnson's right-hand man. He carries out all the bloody and important assignments in the gang and has a very high authority among the “Roshchinskys”. Together with Ryder, CJ will get into more than one scrape.

Almost all of Caesar's body is decorated with tattoos. Perhaps this is what helped him win the heart of Candle, Carl Johnson's sister. Caesar is obsessed with cars, with a particular interest in stealing expensive sports cars and extravagant lowriders. Vialpando is one of the authorities in the Los Santos group Varios Los Aztecas. Having overcome the initial hostility, Caesar and CJ become friends and do a lot of dirty deeds together.

Like most Asians, Wu is calm and focused. His friends call him simply “Woozie,” but underneath his frivolous nickname he is the ruthless leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys, the group that runs the affairs of San Fierro.

Even complete blindness does not bother him. Over the years, he managed to adapt to the eternal darkness and seriously develop his other senses. Today Wu Zi Mu is known as one of the best racing drivers and a successful golfer. His goals: to develop the empire of his boss Ran Fa Ly, destroy his opponents from the Vietnamese gang The Da Nang Boys and lead the Red Gecko Tong triad.

Officer Frank Tenpenny

Frank Tenpenny is one of two corrupt Los Santos police officers who are trying in every possible way to ruin Karl's life. He is distinguished by his particular cruelty and disregard for everything except the criminal empire he created. Tenpenny is officially the head of C.R.A.S.H. - Department for Combating Organized Crime. Unofficially, he is engaged in underground business: racketeering, drug trafficking, bribery of officials, violence. Another cop helps him in this - officer Eddie Pulaski.

Officer Eddie Pulaski

Officer Pulaski is the second in command of C.R.A.S.H, and it is he who helps Frank Tenpenny run his shadow business. Fiercely hates Karl, which, however, does not prevent him from collaborating with the “boss”. Their latest operation is the murder of detective Pendelbury, who was trying to bring the criminal couple to clean water. It was this corpse that the corrupt cops “hung” on Carl Johnson.

Minor characters

Officer Jimmy Hernandez

Jimmy - new employee Department of C.R.A.S.H. He strived to be an honest cop, but Pulaski and Tenpenny involved him in their dirty deeds. Hernandez disagrees with his bosses' methods, but keeps his mouth shut. At the end of the game it will still count towards him.

He is also "Farley", the head of the Red Gecko Tong, one of the largest triads in San Fierro. Ra Fan Ly's main enemies are the Vietnamese bandits from The Da Nang Boys, who have already managed to destroy one of the triads and are now targeting Red Gecko Tong. However, Farley also has ill-wishers among his allies...

Also known by the nickname "Susie". Another person from the triads, the right hand of Wu Zi Mu. Su Zi Mu runs a bookmaker's office in San Fierro Chinatown. Su's main opponents are the Vietnamese from the gang The Da Nang Boys. Zero, the owner of an electronic toy store, was spotted among the contacts.

Owner of an electronic toy store in the Garcia district of San Fierro. However, Zero believes that he is not just selling toys, but smaller copies of real vehicles, controlled by remote control.

The man's name says it all: a peaceful hippie quietly floating along the river of life. The Truth drives a stupid minivan called The Mothership and is friends with Jethro and Dwayne, both hippies like himself. Unfortunately, Pravda is doing business with Officer Tenpenny, and this, of course, will negatively affect his future fate.

Caesar's cousin. Yes, yes, it was against her that we fought in Liberty City! As it turns out during the course of the game, betrayal, deceit, secrecy and thirst for money distinguished Catalina already in her youth. The aspiring bitch settled in a squalid shack in Red County, away from prying eyes. Her yard is a small cemetery. As we already know, favorite hobby Catalinas - organization of robberies.

As the plot progresses, she will involve the main character in her dirty deeds. Despite the boorish attitude that Catalina shows towards Carl, she truly loves him. Alas, a breakup is inevitable. Her next victory on the love front is... do you remember the main character? GTA3? So, now we finally know his name - Claude. It is with him that Catalina intends to move to Liberty City.

Talented race car driver, also known as the "tongueless snake" and the main character GTA3. This nickname is a constant reminder of his muteness. Together with Catalina, Claude intends to move to Liberty, and we already know how their story will end. There is absolutely no need for voice acting for obvious reasons.

Mark "B-Dup" Wayne

B-Dup recently moved to the Glen Park area - the territory of The Ballas gang. According to rumors, Mark has retired from criminal matters, but in fact continues to be involved in drug trafficking. He often hangs out with Barry "Big Bear" Thorne.

Jeffery "OG Loc" Martin

Young rapper and member of the OGF gang. Jeffrey’s criminal career can hardly be called solid, but he has already been to prison. Once freed, OG Loc recorded a rap album called "Straight from Tha Streetz", and now Jeffrey's thoughts are all about music. Some claim that Martin is the worst rapper in history, others consider him a real discovery in the genre. Alas, competition from Madd Dogg prevents him from becoming a full-fledged “star”.

Madd Dogg is a state legend, one of the best rappers and producers on the West Coast. After the tragic death of his manager, he became depressed and quickly became addicted to alcohol and drugs. His luxurious villa, located in the hills of Vinewood, costs a fortune. Madd Dogg has been known to have ties to the Vagos gang, and was even forced to give up his mansion for drug debts. His most famous albums are "Huslin" Like Gangstaz", "Still Madd" and "Forty Dogg". OJ Lock's main competitor and nemesis.

A former member of the Gurning Chimps, Macker is now a recording artist. He was born in Salford (UK), later moved to Manchester, where he became interested in show business. Macker invented his own style - "extremely baggy", managing to break every conceivable musical rule.

Known for his addiction to drugs and sadomasochism, as well as his personal Internet site located at His circle of acquaintances includes Kent Paul and Ken Rosenberg.

We first met Kent in GTA: Vice City. After leaving the City of Vice, Paul moved to San Andreas, became addicted to drugs, and now he often takes doses in the company of his friend Macker. Kent maintains friendship with his old acquaintance - former lawyer Ken Rosenberg, whom he met back in Vice City.

Any time (but not during a mission). When the character is not being played, he goes about his daily activities. Some missions in GTA 5 require only one character, some require two, and on some missions three heroes go at once. During missions where the hero is not alone, sometimes it will be necessary to switch. The presence of several characters at once plays an important role in the structure of tasks, which makes the gameplay richer.

In this IGN article, Andrew Goldfab wrote: “During missions, players will be able to combine the efforts of all three characters, each with a different set of skills. For example, during one robbery, Michael climbs down the side of a building while Franklin covers him with sniper rifle from afar, and Trevor flies nearby on helicopter. Players can switch back and forth between Michael, who "rummages around" inside the building, and Franklin, who "takes down" enemies. At the end, you can switch to Trevor, pick up everyone and escape in a helicopter, or shoot all the enemy pilots as Michael. Well, or go to car, shooting backwards for Michael."

Michael De Santa

Successful bank robber. “Retired” and now lives comfortably under the witness protection program. Him difficult relationships with his wife Amanda, and children Tracy and Jimmy are constantly doing something that defies understanding. He used to do robbery with Trevor. At that time he still bore his real name, Townley. Prior to the game's release, it was believed that this character would be named "Albert De Silva", a reference to Kevin De Silva.

Franklin Clinton

Franklin works for Armenian Semyon Yetaryan, who sells luxury cars. His job is to confiscate the cars of customers who cannot pay for them. He hangs out with his abnormal and childish friends, his best friend name is Lamar. Having met Michael, he sees how different life can be. Then he lights up with the desire to leave the streets forever and get rich.

Trevor Philips

A crazy drug addict, a former military pilot who now lives in a trailer in the middle of the desert. He definitely doesn't have everything at home. Trevor grew up in Canada, but apparently lived most of his life in the US, so he speaks with a slight accent. Prior to release, this character was named "Simon".

Main characters:

Lester Crest

Another longtime accomplice of Michael and Trevor. He used to help them plan robberies and now he's back at it again. Can access any information. He loves video games even more than movies.

Tracey De Santa

Daughter of Michael and Amanda, sister of Jimmy. She likes everything that girls her age usually like. Sleeps with just anyone. Craves fame famous singer and dancer, ready to do anything to make her dream come true.

"Nervous" Ron Jakowski

Trevor's neighbor. Afraid of everything. Suffering from paranoia and believing in conspiracy theories. I recently got divorced after a scandal. Before release, he went by the name "Nervous Jerry".

Jimmy De Santa

Son of Michael and Amanda, brother of Tracy. He smokes ganjubas and does nothing else. Wants to be a gangster.

Lamar Davis

Franklin's friend and accomplice, they both work for Yetaryan. A guy with a slightly slanted roof.

Amanda De Santa

Michael's wife, Tracy and Jimmy's mother. He loves to waste money and give Michael a “fun life.” When she was a stripper, she lived in a trailer park, and then she met Michael. He has silicone tits, apparently an inheritance from his previous job.


Gustavo Mota

Gustavo Mota is a Latino, professional fighter, member of the Vagos gang. Gustavo is a great weapons expert, making him one of the best marksmen in the game, but he also demands the most a large share of all fighters - 14%

Eddie Toh

Eddie Tou is a Chinese professional criminal. Provides the gang with transport and finds the best ways to retreat after robberies. Has the highest driving skills. Requires a share of 14% of production.

Paige Harris

Professional hacker. The best hacker in the game, and therefore demands a share of 15% of the production. Works well with both computers and alarms.

Other characters:

Ashley Butler

A member of the Lost biker gang, she came to Los Santos from Liberty City with Terry, Clay and her boyfriend Johnny. When you look at her, it's immediately clear that she has a problem with methamphetamine.

Aunt Denise

A staunch feminist. Franklin's housemate.

Bradley Snider

Was once the third member of Michael and Trevor's gang. As far as Trevor knows, Bradley is in prison, but that may not be the case.


Definitely not the best guard in the world. He was forced to participate in a robbery when his cash-in-transit car was seized.


Works in Trevor's laboratory and makes drugs. Can be a good shot during robberies.


A Rottweiler that once belonged to Lamar but then went to Franklin. Can carry out various commands and help Franklin in business.

Clayton Simons

Member of the Lost biker gang who migrated from Liberty City with Johnny, Ashley and Terry.

Cris Formage

Head of the Epsilon Program sect

Dee (from the Ballas gang, D from Ballas)

An old friend of Franklin and Lamar, who joined a gang hostile to them. Not the most successful gangster, but that doesn't mean he's afraid of problems.

Dave Norton

This FBI agent provided Franklin with a witness protection program and thus an easy life. Works under the supervision of Steven Haynes. After Michael returns to business, Dave gives him several tasks that should help him (Dave) keep his job. Prior to release, it was believed that the character's name would be Calvin North.

Devin Weston

As already written above, he is a billionaire investor, as well as the owner of the largest package shares Merrywese Security and its Executive Director. He is ready to go over his head to achieve what he wants.

Dr. Isiah Friedlander

Helps Michael restore his relationship with his wife.

Fabien LaRouche

His profession speaks for itself. Masters controversial yoga poses.

Ferdinand Kerimov aka Mr. K

Officially dead, but actually working for the SDGs. Later, Franklin, Trevor and Michael kidnap him on instructions from the FBI. In early previews, this character was called Brad, but this could lead to some problems in the kidnapping mission.

Floyd Hebert

Wade's cousin. Lives in the apartment of his girlfriend, whom she fears more than Trevor

Harold "Stretch Joseph"

Franklin's old "friend", recently released from prison.

Johnny Klebitz

Came to Los Santos from Liberty City with Terry, Clay and his girlfriend Ashley. Methamphetamine addict. This character was also in previous games in the series: Grand Theft Auto IV The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Kyle Chavis

Plays tennis with rich men and their lonely wives. Michael catches him giving Amanda "extra lessons."

Martin Madrazo

Leads a Mexican-American drug gang. I almost answered according to the law for my crimes, but the witnesses suddenly disappeared somewhere. Due to some misunderstanding, Michael owed Martin a certain amount of money. Stealing the jewelry should help Franklin settle the deal.