AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo: Walkthrough. AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo: Walkthrough We go, we go, we go...

So, you get out of the carriage and find yourself in La Mancha Square. Look around the area and try to talk to the man reading the newspaper on the bench. Pay attention to the signs on the houses: to the right of the merchant (1), behind the man on the bench (2), and on the building with the stairs (3). Ask the guitarist or the salesman behind the counter where the artist's home is. Go through the arch near the merchant - a map will appear. Click on Diez Palencia.
Talk to Carmen about everything - you will learn a lot of interesting things. Carmen will give you the key to the room. Open the door on the right and go into the room. Examine the table on the left. Read the diary lying on the table. There is a box of cigars and a letter on the shelf. Look at the picture hanging above the table with the number 10. In the upper left drawer of the table standing by the window, take the key to wind the mechanism. To the right of the table (near the easel) examine the sketches of the painting. Next is a closed door. To the right of the door on the bookshelf are books with sheet music. An artist's pipe hangs nearby. Go ahead and leaf through the books on the following bookshelves. There is a music box on the table by the bed. Insert the key and wind the box. Remember the melody. When the ballerina dances, click on her - a note will fly off from her, take it and read it.
Go out into the courtyard and talk to Carmen. After the conversation, give her the letter. Try to go outside the gate - Carmen will offer you cookies. Take the cookies and go to the square. Give the cookies to the guitarist and he will play three tunes. We are interested in the melody of El Nenufar. You will have to go for cookies a couple more times - only after that you will hear the desired melody. Return to the room and go to the far bookshelf closed door. Take the leftmost book at the top left and on the penultimate page find the notes of the melody El Nenufar, which was written by A. Lozaho, Op.28. Go to the table and examine the diary. Find entries marked Op.28. This tune was taught in 1899, class VI. Go to the box and turn the disks (from top left to right) to make LOZANOVI. Press the button below and the box will open. Take the medallion and letter. Exit the gate and head to Candelas.
Ask Isabel about everything. Examine the picture on the right - there is a sign with the number 8 on it. Return to Diez Palencia.
You will see Carmen on a bench in the courtyard. Talk to her. Read the letter and talk again. Go into the room and examine the box - another lock has appeared. Go out into the courtyard and talk to Carmen again. Go out the gate and go to the police.
Ask the sergeant about Francisco, then about the residents of the town. pay attention to moon calendar behind last year, hanging on the wall to the left. Leave the area and go to the square.
Walk right, past the man reading the newspaper. Go to the corner of the palace (No. 3). The front door is closed. Turn around and approach the lattice door leading to the garden. Ring the bell. Talk to the butler. After he gives you the stamp, talk to him again. Ask about the town's residents. Go through the arch and click on Arriaga's store.
Talk to the seller and sell him the stamp. I hope you know how to bargain. Ask the seller additional questions. Return to the square.
Go to the garden and talk to the butler. Look in your inventory for the book and permission. Talk to the butler again and go to the police station.
Show the sergeant your permission and go right to the cells. Ask Francisco about everything. He needs paper and pencil to write a note to his mother. Go to the sergeant and ask them. The answer is negative.
You can appease the sergeant by treating him to cigars. Cigars can be obtained in two ways:
- return home, take a box of cigars from the shelf by the table. Number the switches on the box from 1 to 8 from left to right (on the front 4, 5). Click 6 and 7 switch. Take a cigar.
- go to the square to the Palace Garden. Talk to Hugo. When he leaves, read the letter left on the bench. Leave the garden and you will receive a cigar at the exit.
At the station, give the cigar to the sergeant. Take paper and pencil from the table to the right of the entrance to the cells. Look at the two photographs on the table. They have plates with numbers 18 and 16. Go to Francisco's cell and give him the paper and pencil. Read the letter given to you. Exit the site and go to Candelas' house.
Give your mother the letter and go up the stairs on the right. Go into Francisco's room and look around. There are objects in the room that cannot be taken out of the room: a toy bicycle on the shelf by the door, a mirror in the corner on the nightstand and a fishing rod behind the table. Go to the window. Look through the photo album lying on the table. In the photographs there are again plates with numbers (11, 5, 7, 14, 15, 19, 1, 12 and 4). Look through the book on the bedside table. Return to Diez Palencia.
Talk to Carmen and take the medallion from her. Go to Arriaga's store.
Show the medallion to the seller and follow him (behind the curtain, up the stairs on the right and into the open door on the left). Go to the window and try to open the blinds. Turn around and you will see the stolen sword. Talk to the seller and give him any answer. You can now leave the store and return to Diez Palencia.
Unlock the locked door with the key. Take the matches from the table on the right. Turn around to the door and light the red lantern on the shelf to the right. Look through the hanging photos. On one of them there is a sign with the number 11. Take the camera, lens cap and empty cassette from the table. Take the photographic plate from the shelf above the table. To the right of the shelf, see the instructions for use. Go to the red lantern and cover it. In inventory, place the photographic plate in the cassette. Exit into the courtyard and go to Candelas' house.
Go up to Francisco's room. Place the camera on the windowsill. Take the fishing rod and use it on the shutters opposite the window. Take a toy bicycle and hang it from the window frame hooks on top. Take the mirror and place it on the windowsill on the right. Take the end of the fishing line and use it on the bike. Look at the front of the camera and move the lens four stops to the right. Point the light from the mirror at the shutters. Look at the back of the camera - if everything is fine, you will hear a corresponding exclamation. Look at the front of the camera and place the lens cap on. Take the end of the fishing line and use it on the lens cap. On the back of the camera, use a cassette. Click on the right side of the cassette - the trap is ready. Go to Arriaga's store.
Talk to the seller. Follow him into the room and talk again. Go to the window and raise the blinds. Talk to the seller again. Now go to Candelas' house.
Go up to Francisco's room. Go to the window and use the frosted glass on the back of the camera to close and pick up the tape. Leave the house and go to church.
Remember that to open the next lock music box you need to enter a date important to the artist. The main events in the artist's life include his years spent in England, the birth of Carmen and his return to Toledo, and the creation of a secret society. The only indication of the date is that the creation of the Other Sun society occurred fourteen years ago before Easter. It is necessary to find out the date of Easter.
Talk to Father Perez. He will tell you how the date of Easter is determined. After the conversation, examine the keyholes on the metal door on the right. Talk to Father Perez again. Leave the church and go to the police station.
Open the March calendar hanging on the wall. The book on viticulture says on page twelve that the equinox falls on March 21st. Based on the explanations of Father Perez, it becomes clear that the date of creation of the secret society is March 30, 1889. Exit the site and go to Candelas' house.
Go up to Francisco's room and take the book with the calendar on the last pages. Use the tables to find out that March 30, 1889 falls on a Saturday. Go to the artist's room and set the date (keep in mind that the number 30 will be "upside down"). Click the button below. Take the key and notebook artist. Examine the notebook. The next castle is associated with a quote from the bible. Go into a dark room. On the top shelf of the closet on the right, read the book about chemical reagents. Below on the shelves are reagents. Take dispensed dishes from the drain sinks.
Pour 40 ounces of water from the large tank to the right of the sinks into the left sink. Take 10 ounces of developer from the top reagent shelf on the left and add it to the left sink. Pour 40 ounces of water into a medium sink. Take 10 ounces of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) from the same middle shelf (also on the left) and add it to the middle sink. Pour 50 ounces of water into the right sink. Take 5 ounces of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) from the middle reagent shelf (on the right, with the narrow neck) and add it to the right sink. Close the red lantern lamp cover. Right-click on the cassette in your inventory. Place the negative in the left sink for 30 seconds. Place the negative in the middle sink for 30 seconds. Place the negative in the right sink for 60 seconds. You will hear the following comment: "Looks like I did everything right. Time to dry it." Open the cover of the red lantern. Place the damp negative on the drying rack to the right of the sinks.
From the shelf on the left (next to the shelf with reagents) take the photo paper. Before use, you need to increase its light sensitivity. Release the drains by pressing on the taps. Pour 40 ounces of distilled water into any sink. Pour 10 ounces of silver nitrate (AgNO3) from the top shelf above the sinks into a sink of distilled water. Immerse the photo paper in the solution for 10 seconds. Turn around and hang the wet photo paper on the thread to dry at the right end.
Take a dry negative. Take the empty frame on the chair near the wall. Combine the frame with the negative. Take dry photo paper. Combine the negative frame with photo paper. Exit dark room to the courtyard. Place the charged frame under the sun's rays.
Talk to Carmen. Return to the room and examine the paintings in the corner, near the easel. Go to the bookshelf on the opposite wall and look through El Greco's book (top shelf, left). On the last pages there is a description of the painting "The Fifth Seal". This theme was used on the artist’s unfinished canvases. Go out into the courtyard and go to the church.
Talk to Father Perez. From him you will receive a Bible. Return to Diez Palencia.
Enter the room. Open the Bible and look for the lines associated with the title of El Greco's painting "The Fifth Seal". They are on page 712 below (line 06:09). Enter R, E, V, 0, 6, 0, 9 into the box and press the button. Take the strange key and short letter from the box.
Go into the dark room. In the left corner, on the floor, there is a rug - remove it. Use the padlock key on the lock. It's dark to go down. Take the empty lamp on the table by the door. There is kerosene on the shelf nearby - fill the lamp. Go down the hatch.
Go forward. When you walk along the corridors where members of the “Other Sun” could walk, look around - there are signs on the walls. The first intersection (shield with sword, crown) - straight. Second intersection (horse) - left. Examine the lock on the door. Climb the stairs - you will see a parrot. Go down and go to the sun sign (1 click). Go straight to the monkey sign (3 clicks). Turn left, go to the sign with circles and a crown (1 click). Turn left and go to the sign with a hand (2 clicks). Turn left and go to the sign with a portrait (1 click). Go straight to the sign with a flower bed (5 clicks). Turn right and go to the hole in the wall. Go into the secret basement.
On the right side of the shelf there is a picture with the number 14. Examine the small table by the bookcase. Take the key. Look through the book and scroll. In the bookcase, look through all the books you can take. Here you will find two more pictures with signs (numbers 2 and 12). Look at the wall on the right - there is a message from VK (111412310 WK). There is a box on the floor near the wall that has nothing to open yet. Nearby on the altar there are two more pictures (numbers 13 and 3). Go through the hole you entered and return to Diez Polencia.
Climb the stairs and go out into the courtyard. Take the frame and examine it in your inventory to disassemble it. Go into the dark room. Pour 60 ounces of water into the left sink. Pour 40 ounces of water into a medium sink. Take 1 ounce of gold chloride (AuCl3) from the shelf above the sinks and add it to the middle sink. Take 1 gram of ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) from the same shelf and add it to the middle sink. Pour 40 ounces of water into the right sink. Take 10 ounces of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) from the shelf on the left wall and add it to the right sink. Place the photo in the left sink for 20 seconds. Place the photo in the middle sink for 80 seconds. Place the color photograph in the right sink for 80 seconds. Take a wet edited photo. Turn the taps to free the sinks. Pour 60 ounces of water into any sink. Place the processed photo in water for 60 seconds. Take the finished photo. Hang the wet photo on a thread to dry. Take one or two steps back. Go back and take the finished photo. Go out into the courtyard and talk to Carmen. Give her the photo. Go to church.
Go to the metal door on the right. In your inventory, click on one of the strange keys. Take the second one with the left button and combine it. Perform an action on the keys and you will have a double key. Try using it on door keyholes. Go to the square.
Talk to Domingo. Give him money and go to church.
Talk to Father Perez. Go to the door and use the double key on the keyholes. Go inside.
Go to the small table. Take the tower key and Carlos' letter. Read the letter. Look through the bookcases at the other end of the room. Go to the kaleidoscope by the window.
Please note that the tubes in the kaleidoscope can be changed by rotating the switch under the eyepiece. There is a key on the side that can be opened by making a certain sequence of patterns in the tubes. We have a clue left by WK on the wall in the secret basement - the sequence of numbers 111412310. We saw patterns with numbers everywhere. You need to figure out exactly what numbers you need to use.
The calculation process is a long and tedious task, so I will not describe it. The result is this - you need to install patterns from pictures with the following numbers: 1, 11, 4, 12, 3, 10. The switch pointer should be in horizontal position, to the right. Switch should be counterclockwise. Set up the following patterns:

Take the old manuscript (page with the code) from the kaleidoscope that opens. Exit the tower and the church. Travel to Diez Palencia.
Go into the dark room, then into the basement, then into the secret room. Go to the wall with a hint. Use the key from the tower to open the box on the floor. Take the sword and examine it. The initials on it are JC, and the initials on the stolen one are CC. Francisco noticed this error. Return to Diez Palencia and go to the Candelas house.
Talk to Isabella. She will give you the key to the workshop. Go to the forge, located in the basement of the house. Take a knife from the table, and a crowbar and gloves from the shelf near the right wall. Exit the forge and head to Diez Palencia.
Go to the basement, then to the "Exit" location. Use a crowbar on the ring in a metal bar door. Climb the stairs on the left and use a crowbar to remove the hatch cover. Look at the parrot and go into the house. Go straight ahead, behind the curtain. Examine the chess lying on the floor. There are whole chess sets on the shelf in the closet. Take from them an ivory horse. There is bird food on the counter. Take a handful of them. Go out into the yard and feed the parrot, giving food one at a time. For such care, the parrot will tell you steps from the “Viennese Waltz”. Go down the hatch and use the horse on the keyhole of the metal door. Fits great, but needs something less flimsy. Enter any passage and return to Diez Palencia, and from there to Plaza La Mancha.
Take the newspaper from the bench on the right. Go under the arch and talk to the potter. He will allow you to take the clay using the ring. Now head to House Candelas' forge.
Come to the table. Use a knife to separate the clay in your inventory. Place the clay into molds on the table. Place the knight in the left shape. Close the form. Open the form and take the elephant. Use the knife on the top left of the mold. On the nail above the shelf, take the unfinished key and use it on the left form. Close and take the form. Take firewood from the stove and place it inside. Put the newspaper there too. Light the stove using matches. Swing the bellows on the left a few times. Place the mold in the oven. Step back and approach the stove - the fire will subside a little. Using gloves, slide the mold. Take the crucible on the right and place it in the furnace. Inflate the bellows again. Step back and approach the stove. Use gloves to pour the metal from the crucible into the mold. Take the form and place it on the anvil. Use the knife on the mold. Take the key and go to Diez Polencia, and from there through the sewers to the "Exit" location.
Use the key you made on the keyhole of the metal door. You are back in the maze. A hint for its passage is the parrot's words: left, forward, right, right, left, forward, forward, right, right, forward, left, left, right, left. Go up the stairs and go through the door.
You are trapped. Go to the right corner of the room and look at the ceiling. This ventilation shaft is the only way to escape. Go to the broken wardrobe and take the game from the box. Next, you need to build some kind of lift to the drawer on the wardrobe. To do this, we use barrels, a box and a chair to create the following structure:

Go upstairs and take the rope from the box. Lower the box to the floor. Go up again and pick up the shovel bayonet and broken handle. You can't reach the chain with the hook. Enter the elevator and look at the elevator capacity sign. Insert the broken handle into the trigger wheel. Click on the lever to the left and turn the handle. Take the long pole to the right of the elevator. Now you need to drag the closed barrel into the elevator. Go into the elevator, press the lever and turn the handle - go up. Climb to the top of the wardrobe and use the pole to free the chain. Now we have to build the following structure:

Keep in mind that the empty barrel must be on top. Climb onto this structure and use the chain and hook on the grate. Go downstairs. Based on the lift capacity chart, half a barrel full is equal to an adult person, a fully filled barrel is equal to two adults. Enter the elevator and go down. In inventory, combine the shovel bayonet with the long pole. Throw four shovels of earth into the barrel and lift it up. Place it next to the elevator. Take the empty box and go downstairs with it. Place two shovels of earth in it. Go up. Pour the soil from the box into a half-filled barrel (6 shovels). Go down again and fill the box with two shovels of dirt. Go upstairs, pour the soil into the barrel (8 shovels). Come down again. Fill the box and place the box next to the elevator. Drag a barrel of earth into the elevator. Place a box of soil on the barrel. Go to the corner, take the dangling chain and tie it to the elevator. Press the trigger with a shovel. Pick up the hook and tie the rope to it. Climb the structure to the ceiling and use the rope with the hook on the hole in the ceiling. Step out into the light of day. Exit the forge and go to Candelas' house.
Talk to Francisco and, in the end, try to win the game against him (you will receive a prize - a granite plate). This is where the fourth part ends. What adventures await the professor next? We'll see.

La Mancha Square

We have arrived in the city of Toledo and are in the central square. We need to find the Candelas family, and also, at the request of his wife Dorothy, visit her drawing teacher Salvador Diez - Palencia. Let's ask people in the square. After talking with the musician (sitting near the cafe), we learn that the artist Salvador Diez - Palencia, lives on Cayeja de los Astilleros street. All that remains is to find this street. We pass by the potter standing behind the counter and go into the arch. Select Diez Palencia on the map.

Diez Palencia

Let's talk with Carmen, the daughter of Salvador Diez - Palencia. We will receive a key to the artist's room, with a separate entrance, in which we were allowed to stay. Let's ask Carmen more about her father. Carmen will talk about his life and romantic relationships, about myself and my mother. Let's ask her about the death of the artist. Carmen will tell you about the illness and that her father left a will and a box. We learn more about Carmen, the music box, the Candelas family, the house where they live and the crime of which the young gunsmith is accused. After the conversation, turn right and approach the door. We use the key received from Carmen on her. Entering the room, we examine the table and the secretary standing on the left. On the secretary we take and read the magazine, which shows the ratings of young musicians. On the shelf of the secretary we take a red box with a tricky lock. We read the letter attached to it. This box contains cigars. Let's go to the table. Open the top left drawer and take the key to the box. We go around the bed to the left and look at the box standing on the bedside chest of drawers. We click on the lid and take a closer look at the box. We see a ballerina and disks around her. It looks like a combination lock. There are 8 disks and each has 12 letters. In the inventory we take the key for the winding mechanism and use it in the quadrangular connector. A fragment of the melody will sound. But we never heard him. Let's listen to it again to remember it well. And while the ballerina is dancing, click on her. Oops... What is this? Yes, this is a note! Let's take it and read it. I wonder what treasures hidden in the box we are talking about. Maybe they can help Carmen? We go to her, in the yard, and ask about the melody of the music box and the combination lock. But Carmen can't help us. We give a note from father. All we have to do is find a person who will help us find out the melody of the box. Maybe ask the guitarist who is sitting in the square. We leave the yard, but at this time Carmen turns to us and offers us a biscuit. Great, especially since last time the guitarist asked for food. We approach the small pool in the center of the yard and take cookies from the plate. Now we go to La Mancha Square.

La Mancha Square

We approach the guitarist and ask him, in exchange for biscuits, to play songs that are known to everyone in this area. He will play three tunes: “La Vidalita”, “Pasear a Cabayo” and “Marceliano”. No, among these melodies, there is no melody from the box. We return to Diez Palencia, take a biscuit and go to the guitarist. After talking with him, we give the biscuit and listen to three more tunes: “El vals de la adas”, “Campanillas de viento” and “El tore almenara”. But even among these melodies there is no melody we need. We return to Diez Palencia again and take a biscuit. We return to the guitarist, ask him to play again, and give him a biscuit. He plays us three more tunes: “El Nenufar”, “Amor se paga con amor” and “La barca di amor”. Yes, this one theme song"El Nenufar." This is exactly what sounds in the box. We return to Diez Palencia.

Diez Palencia

Having gone into the room of Salvador Diez - Palencia, we examine the bookshelves. We are interested in everything related to music. On the top shelf of the bookcase, which stands to the right of the closed door, we find a collection of sheet music of Spanish songs, which contains the EL NENUFAR that interests us. We find this theme in the collection, it was written by A. Lozano (A. Lozano) Op.28. We go to the secretary and look at the students' journal. We find the work of A. Lozano, studied by the VI grade, in the second semester of 1899. We approach the box and begin to place letters on the disks. I–L, II-O, III-Z, IV-A, V-N, VI-O, VII–V, VIII–I. Press the button at the bottom of the box, slightly to the right of the middle. The box is open. But what do we see? There is another level there, which is also closed with a combination lock. All the same 8 disks that we have to open. But we'll deal with this later. We see that jewelry is wrapped in a scarf and a letter is attached to it. We click on the letter and Carmen enters the room. We leave her alone with a letter from her father. It's time to visit the Candelas family. Select Candelas on the map.


Let's talk with Isabella Candelas, asking her questions. Let's ask about the son, the husband and the sword. Then we turn to Isabella again and ask all the questions from the list. Conversation is over. We found out what we could. We go to the police station.

At the police station we talk with Sergeant Reoyos. In order to talk to Francisco, we need written permission from Alonso Garcia de la Rica. After the main conversation, we ask additional questions about everything on the list. The sergeant doesn’t really want to help us, and Alons is out of town right now. Need to come up with something. On one of the walls of the police station we notice an old calendar. Let's go to central square cities.

La Mancha Square. Mansion of Alonso Garcia de la Rica

Once on the square, we approach a building with steps standing on the right. But the front door is closed. Then we turn right and approach the side gate with a bell. We ring the bell and the butler comes out to us. Let's talk to Hugo. But Alonso really left and will return only in a week. Then we turn to Hugo with a request to forge a permit. He will happily forge a signature if we help him sell a valuable postage stamp. The brand will appear in our inventory. Let's talk to Hugo again, asking all the questions from the list. We go to the acre and select Arriaga on the map.

Let's talk to the owner of the antique store. He will tell you about special products. But But Arriaga is very suspicious and he needs proof of our solvency. We talk to him about the brand. We show the seller the brand. When the conversation turns to price, we choose 1700 pesetas. After a short bargaining, we will have 1600 pesetas in our inventory. We return to Alonso's mansion. We go through the side gate. We approach the gazebo to talk with Hugo. We give him the money. We will have 100 pesetas left in our inventory. Hugo will give us a forged permit and a book about viticulture. After that, we'll ask Hugo about Pablo Arriaga. Now we can go to the police station.

We give the sergeant permission, talk with him on abstract topics, from which we learn about the sergeant’s passion for good cigars and go to the cell in which Francisco is located. Let's talk to him. Let's tell the truth about who we are. He will be surprised and tell you about the game. Then we'll ask him about additional information and find out about everyone who will be on the list. Francisco wants to write a note to his mother and we need to get some paper and a pencil. We return to Sergeant Reoyoso and ask him for paper and pencil. But he's not going to give us anything. Maybe he can appease the sergeant with a cigar? All that remains is to find it and try it. We leave for Diez Palencia.

Diez Palencia

Entering the courtyard, we talk with Carmen, who is sitting on a bench. She will give you the letter and ask you to open the second lock of the box. We ask her all the questions from the list. In the inventory, read the letter by right-clicking on it. From it we learn a sad story about three friends. Let's ask Carmen about the closed door and get the key to it. Carmen will also say that Priest Perez wants to talk to us. We will also receive a medallion from Carmen. But first we need to finish things up at the police station. We go into the artist’s room and take a box of cigars from the secretary. But it's closed. If you number the levers as shown in the figure, then just turn 6 and 7.

Well, whoever managed to screw it up and now can’t open the box, then download save number 1. Having opened the box, take the cigar and go to the police station. We give the cigar to the sergeant, and he will allow you to take paper and pencil. We approach the table near the map and take the paper and pencil. We take them to Francisco and he will write a letter to his mother. Out of curiosity, we read the letter and go to Candelas’ house.


After talking with Senora Candelas, we give her a letter from her son. After the conversation, turn right and go up the stairs to his room. Near the bed, on the nightstand, we notice an almanac. We look around the room. We look at the photo album on the table. I wonder what these numbers with signs are on the buildings? We look out the window. From here you can see Arriaga's store. Now you can go to the antique store. When leaving the Candelas house, pay attention to the photograph hanging to the right of front door. Again a number and a sign. This is getting more and more interesting. Select Arriaga on the map.

Let's talk to the owner of the store, show him the medallion. Arriaga offers to follow him to look at something special. Let's follow him. Having passed into the next room, we go up the stairs and go through the open door. Arriaga invites us to look around. That's what we do. After examining the table and walls, we approach the window and turn around. We look at the sword, decorated with jewels, with a coat of arms on the hilt. I wonder where he got the sword that just recently hung in Alonso’s house? We turn to the window and try to open the blinds. But it was not there. Let's talk to Arriaga. After his explanations, let's turn to him again. Let's say that we have not yet decided on our choice. You can leave the store and go in search of evidence. And for this we need a camera. Maybe you can use Salvador Diez-Palencia's camera. We leave for Diez Palencia.

Diez Palencia

Having gone into the artist’s room, we use the key to the dark room on the closed door and go inside. We turn to the right and take matches from the table. We turn left towards the wooden shelves. At the very top there is a lantern. We use matches on it and the room will be filled with red light. We look around the room. Shelves with vessels and containers. We approach the photographs hanging on the rope. And we consider them. We look down and remove the carpet lying on the floor. But the door leading somewhere down is locked. Anyway. We'll deal with this later. We approach the table where we took the match. We study the poster above the table in order to find out how we can assemble a camera and take pictures in the future. We need: a camera (take it on the table), a cassette (on the table there), a light-sensitive glass plate (take it in the cabinet above the table, to the left of the instructions for the camera). We approach the red lantern and lower its lid. Now in the inventory we combine the light-sensitive plate with an empty cassette. Now we have an assembled cassette ready for use. And we can start taking photographs. We go to the Candelas house.

Candelas. Taking a photo

After talking with Senora Candelas, we go up to Francisco’s room. We approach the window and install the camera on the windowsill. We turn left, approach the table and take the fishing rod in the corner. We return to the window and use the fishing rod on the blinds of the window opposite. Then we turn right and approach the shelf on which there is a toy bicycle. Taking it, we return to the window. We look up and use the bicycle at the top of the window. Then we take the fishing line lying on the windowsill and apply it to the bicycle. All we have to do is focus the camera. Click on the front top of the camera. In front of us on the window sill are four holes that allow you to adjust the sharpness. We install the camera in the fourth hole by simply clicking on it. We look into the camera and notice that there is not enough light. Then we turn to the right and take the mirror from the bedside table. We install it on the window sill and adjust it so that the beam of light falls on the closed blinds of the window opposite. We look into the camera again. It works now. Again we look at the upper front part of the camera and apply the cap from the inventory to the lens. Then we take the edge of the fishing line lying on the windowsill and apply it to the front of the lens. Then we use the assembled cassette on the camera. We have frosted glass in our inventory. Click on the right side of the inserted cassette to slide out the cassette frame. Now we are all ready. All we have to do is figure out how to raise the blinds in Arriaga's store. That's where we're going. Having entered the store, we ask you to look at the blade again, and go up to the room above. We talk with Arriago, and he will allow us to raise the blinds for a couple of seconds. We go to the window and raise the blinds. After the photo is taken, we speak with Arriago and return to Francisco's room in the Candelas house. We approach the camera and apply frosted glass on it. A used photographic plate in a cassette appears in the inventory. We return to Diez Palencia.

Diez Palencia

After talking with Carmen, we go into the artist’s room. It's time to think about how to open the box. Let's look at the box. It must be some date, very important date. We remember major events in the life of the artist: his time living in England, raising Carmen, returning to Toledo and creating a secret society. Of all of the above, we only know the approximate date of the creation of the secret society “Another Sun”, which falls on Easter. In order to find out the exact date we need to talk to the priest. We leave the room, exit the courtyard and select the Church of San Pedro on the map.

Church of San Pedro

Entering the church, we will talk with the holy father. He will explain why he was so silent on the road to Toledo. From the conversation we learn that there are only two telephone sets in the city. One of them is at the police station, and the second is at a bar in the square. Let's ask him how to correctly calculate the day on which Easter falls. This day falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the spring equinox. And, as a rule, this day occurs between March 22 and April 15. After that, we’ll ask him about everyone who is on the list. We turn right and approach the metal door. Let's take a closer look at the double lock. Then we will return to the priest and ask him about this door. After the conversation, we leave the church and go to the police station. After all, it was there that we saw the calendar.

Police. Calendar

We look at the left wall and approach the calendar. Open it and scroll to the month of March. Since Easter is celebrated between April 22 and April 15, we find the first full moon after March 22. It falls on March 23rd. Accordingly, the first Sunday after the full moon falls on March 30th. It turns out that the secret society “Another Sun” was founded on March 30, 1889. It remains to find out what day of the week it was. We remember the calendar in the almanac in the Candelas house and go there.


We go up to Francisco's room, go to the bed and take the almanac. We open it on the penultimate page and read the rules for determining the date. We find the number 89 in the left table. Drawing a straight line from this number to the table on the right, we find the number under the Roman numeral III (the month of March). This is the number 5. Next we add 30+5=35. In the upper right table we find 35 and see that it corresponds to Saturday. Now perhaps we can open the box. We leave for Diez Palencia.

Diez Palencia

Having gone into the room of Salvador Diez - Palencia, we approach the box and begin to display the discs: I-1, II-8, III-8, IV-9, V-Mar, VI-3, VII-0, VIII-Sat. Press the button at the bottom of the box, slightly to the right of the middle. The box is open. From the box we take the key to the padlock and the artist’s notebook. And in the box another puzzle awaits us and the opening of the next level of the box is possibly connected with a quote from the Bible. We'll deal with this a little later. Now let's do photography. We study the artist's notebook. In it detailed instructions for mixing reagents and developing film. We go to the room where we took the camera. We take a step forward and take a book from the shelf. Read the description of the reagents used in photography. They must be handled very carefully, as they are poisonous. We turn left and take an empty photo frame from the chair. We go to the table with three sinks and take three mugs (10 ounces, 1 ounce and 1 g). Following the artist's notes, let's begin preparing to develop the photograph. To do this, pour 40 ounces of water into the left sink from the tank located to the right of the sinks. We go to the shelves on the left and take 10 ounces of developer (top shelf, left bottle). Pour the developer into the left sink. Let's move on to the middle sink. Pour 40 ounces of water into it. Again we return to the shelf on the left and take 10 ounces of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). Pour it into the middle sink. Let's move on to the right sink.

Pour 50 ounces of water into it. To this sink you need to add 5 ounces of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), (narrow neck bottle, on the bottom shelf). Close the cover of the red lamp. In the inventory, by right-clicking on the used photographic plate in the cassette, we remove the exposed negative. We take the negative and lower it into the left sink for 30 seconds, then transfer it to the middle sink and hold it there for 30 seconds. Then we transfer the negative to the right sink and hold it for 60 seconds. If everything was done correctly, then the phrase will sound: “It seems I did everything right. It's time to dry it out." Open the lamp cover and place the developed negative on the drying stand, to the right of the sinks. While the negative is drying, we go to the table and take photo paper from the shelf. But before use, it is necessary to increase its light sensitivity. We return to the sinks and drain the liquid from any of them by pressing the tap. In an empty sink, pour 40 ounces of distilled water (large bottle on the middle shelf on the left) and add 10 ounces of silver nitrate (AgNO3, top shelf). Place photo paper in this solution for 10 seconds. Having taken out the paper, we turn around and approach the rope on which the photographs are hanging. We hang wet photo paper next to the existing photographs. Our negativity has already dried up. We take it and combine it in the inventory with an empty frame. We take the dry photographic paper from the rope and combine it with the frame with the negative. We go outside and place the charged frame on the side of the pool. Let's talk to Carmen. Let's ask her all the questions on the list. Now you can pick up the photo. We still have to work with her. We return to the darkroom. We drain the liquids from the sinks and proceed to the final part of developing the photograph. Pour 60 ounces of water from the tank into the left sink, 40 ounces of water, 1 ounce of gold chloride (AuCl3) and 1 gram of ammonium thiocyanate (aka ammonium thiocyanate NH4SCN) into the middle sink, 40 ounces of water and 10 ounces of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) into the right sink ). Place the paper in the left sink and hold for 20 seconds. Transfer to a medium sink for 80 seconds. We get a colored photograph. We transfer it to the right sink and hold it for 80 seconds. We get a wet attached photo. Drain chemicals from sinks. Fill any sink with 60 ounces of water from the tank and place the photo there for 60 seconds. Then we take it out and hang it on a rope to dry. She really did it! We return to the sink and drain the water. Now you can pick up the photo and take it to Carmen. Now she has proof of Francisco's innocence. We talk with Carmen again. She mentions her father's passion for the work of the artist El Greco, unfinished paintings and a quotation from the Bible read at the funeral. We return to the artist’s room and approach the desk. To the right of him, on the floor, we examine unfinished paintings. These seem to be sketches of one painting. Perhaps they are related to the work of El Greco? We approach the central bookcases and take the El Greco book, which lies in the middle of the top shelf of the left cabinet. On the last page we find this picture. It's called the "Fifth Seal." Read the description. Now we need to know more about the funeral of Salvador Diez-Palencia. So we go to church.