Photoshop tutorials – Drawing a tree. Create two realistic wood textures in Photoshop Draw realistic trees in Photoshop

If you have created your own isometric pixel city or a small pixel image, then you may also need pixel trees.

Such trees are a wonderful decorative element; they will decorate any painted city, scene, not to mention parks or cityscapes.

Final image:

1. Dimensions

We'll draw the tree enough large size, slightly larger than a bush, but not quite huge.

Step 1

The height of the future tree is half the height of the character.

These are working sizes. The height can be adjusted as you draw.

Step 2

The width of the tree trunk should be slightly thicker than the character's legs. In my case, it's 4 pixels between lines.

Step 3

This is about the top of the tree.

2. Shapes

The top of the tree will consist of a cluster of ovals. You can use simpler shapes such as a circle or square, but a cluster solution will give the tree a more realistic look.

Step 1

This is what the oval we will draw looks like. Its width 24 x 18px, but you can make it anyone.

Draw an oval using the tool Oval selection area(Elliptical Marquee Tool) by disabling the anti-alias function in the tool properties panel.

Then, the drawn selection needs to be filled with color. To do this, shrink the oval selection by 1 pixel Select > Modify > Contract(Select - Modify - Compress) and fill it green. But I prefer to draw an oval using the tool Pencil(Pencil Tool), so that its edges are slightly jagged.

Step 2

Use the same oval to add it to the cluster. We will create three ovals on the top of the tree and five on the bottom.

Try several ways to place the ovals. This line will have three ovals.

Step 4

The third oval on this line will be located slightly lower.

Step 5

Add a couple of ovals to the bottom of the tree - You can paste them onto a new layer, move the layer below the original one and merge (Ctrl + E).

Step 6

Remove the guides used to draw the tree:

Step 7

The rounded tree trunk visually softens its jagged edges:

We have created the basic shape of the tree and now we need to draw a shadow to add volume to it.

Step 1

Gradually, by adding shadow to the tree, we will get rid of the contour lines inside it.

Step 2

Upper part the tree will be illuminated more strongly than the others. This shade will be 10% brighter and will also have a warmer tone.

Step 3

Using the screenshot as a guide, add exactly the same shade as in the previous step to the side parts of the tree's foliage:

Step 4

Add exactly the same shade to the central oval:

Step 5

Now add a dark shade to the bottom of the ovals in the center. This shade should be 10% darker than the base color of the foliage.

Step 6

Add another shade to the very bottom of the foliage - it should be 10% darker than the previous one.

Step 7

Now change the color of the tree trunk to brown. Also, after the color of the trunk is set, you can change it using the Hue/Saturation command (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation).

Step 8

Finally, add a shadow to the tree trunk. The edges of the trunk may be darker or lighter. In my case, they are darker.

Now we will add texture to the wood by mixing several different shades. This is done to add leaf texture to the tree.

Step 1

To create a smooth transition, I will use areas of 4 pixels of color, and for individual areas, 2 pixels.

For greater convenience, when drawing, zoom in with the tool Zoom(Scale).

Step 2

At the top of the tree and a little to the left, a pixel texture is drawn.

Step 3

Copy the pixel texture (Ctrl + C) and paste it on the other side of the tree and into the central part (Ctrl + V).

Step 4

Now paint a pixel texture on the middle part of the tree, creating a smooth transition from green to dark green.

Step 5

Smooth the texture just above the middle part of the tree to make it look voluminous and to make its shape rounder.

Step 6

Now add some dark pixels to highlight the gap between the side and the center of the oval. This will give the tree the cluster appearance it was intended to have.

Step 7

Once this part is ready, copy it (Ctrl + C), flip it horizontally (Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal) and place it on the opposite side.

Step 8

Also, place the finished pixel part from the previous step on the lower dark green part of the tree:

Step 9

To add a pixel texture to the tree trunk, on a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) draw a small black pixel texture pattern, apply it to the trunk and reduce the opacity to 20%. Afterwards, flatten the layers (Ctrl + E).

Thanks to this, the trunk will acquire the texture of bark.

Step 10

Lighten the outline of the trunk, and also draw a black shadow around the tree, falling to the ground from its top. Reduce the opacity of the shadow layer to 10%.

Final image:

Translation: Slutskaya Svetlana

In the previous lesson we drew “Sunny Edge”. Now we have the background of our future drawing.

The next step is to add a tree trunk. We drew the crown of a tree, and, as you know, there is no crown without a trunk.
So, let's draw the trunk.
Create a new layer called "Trunk" and place it below the "Leaves" layer. Click on the new layer with the left mouse button, and without releasing it, drag the “Trunk” layer under the “Leaves” layer.
Then select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and draw a selection on the right, taking in a little bit of the foliage. Thus, we will create the impression of a trunk emerging from under the crown, as it should be. Fill the selection brown. Now let's put bark on our trunk. To do this, set the main color to light brown, and the background color to brownish brown, for example. Now go to the “Filter” menu item, select “Rendering”, sub-item “Fibers”. Next, set the following settings for this filter: mismatch – 21, intensity – 10.
Deselect the selection by pressing CTRL/D. Using the Dodge and Burn tools On the one side brighten trunk, and on the other - slightly darken. But first, change the settings for these tools. Make the brush shape round and also change the brush size.
Then you need to combine the “Trunk” and “Leaves” layers into one layer called “Tree”. To do this, select the “Leaves” layer and press CTRL/E.
Next we duplicate this one. To do this, in the “Layers” menu, select the “Create a duplicate layer” tab. Name the resulting copy “Tree_2” and place it under the “Tree” layer.
Then make the “Tree” layer temporarily invisible by clicking on the eye next to the layer icon.
After which, using “Free Transform”, this command can be called by pressing the key combination CTRL / T, reduce “Tree 2” and move it slightly up and to the left. You can also add leaves on top and to the right to hide the sharp edges of the layer.
Now turn on the “Tree” layer in the foreground. In order to create the impression that a small tree is standing in the background of the picture, let's blur it a little. Go to the “Filter” menu, “Blur” item, “Gaussian Blur” sub-item and set the value to approximately 0.5-0.7% (zero point five - zero point seven percent). Thus, you can add as many trees to the edge as your imagination dictates and the area of ​​the drawing allows.

Now let's save the result in order to continue drawing in the next lesson.

Getting started
1. Introduction to raster and vector graphics 3:18 0 52477
2. Program interface 2:34 1 27224
DIY image
3. Introducing the brush tool, drawing a clearing 4:25 4 45818
4. Working with the Filter menu (Wooden surface) 4:42 0 21067
5. Ice thorn - drawing a screensaver for your computer 2:21 0 23192
6. Transformation - changing the picture 3:50 2 20223
7. Dandelion - draw a flower 5:01 0 23546
8. Funny fluffy, lesson 1: learning to draw from scratch 3:23 1 63567
9. Funny fluffy, lesson 2: drawing eyes 5:45 0 20371
10. Funny fluffy, lesson 3: draw a nose and mouth 2:43 1 14454
11. Sun Edge Lesson 1: How to Create a Layer 3:56 0 25283
12. Sunny edge, lesson 2: drawing a tree 4:03 0 13128
13. Sunny edge, lesson 3: draw grass and rays of the Sun 4:36 0 22758
14. Filling text with a pattern 2:41 0 33421
15. Transparent text 3:56 3 25197
16. Green text 2:58 0 5495
17. Coloring, volumetric text 3:07 0 28455
18. Fire text lesson 1 3:36 0 19725
19. Fire text lesson 2 2:43 0 17575
Photo processing
20. Elimination of skin defects 3:13 3 112317
21. Removing red eye 2:29 2 14570
22. Changing eye color 2:09 0 44465
23. Teeth whitening 3:56 1 50921
24. Creating a frame, cropping 2:42 0 14751
25. Plastic surgery in Photoshop 2:45 0 52385
26. Combining two images 3:28 8 238354
27. Converting a color photo to black and white 1:58 1 24094
28. Coloring fragments of a black and white photograph 3:11 1 12236
29. Antique photo processing 1:58 0 21995
30. Troubleshooting color errors 1:45 1 11929

In this tutorial I will tell you how to draw a tree in Photoshop. In order to draw in Photoshop, it is advisable to have graphics tablet, but you can get by with a mouse, but in the case of a mouse you will have to try to draw as accurately as possible. Well, let's start drawing.

Step 1

In order to draw a tree in Photoshop, you need to create a new document. Choose a canvas size large enough for the detail to be at the proper level. I usually choose a canvas size of at least 1000 pixels wide.

Using a regular round brush, draw a tree trunk. Here you can not limit your imagination and draw exactly the trunk you like.

Now you need to select a brush or create one. If you don’t know how to create brushes in Photoshop, write to me about it, and I will definitely make a lesson. By the way, Photoshop has a standard brush with leaves, you can use it. The brush should be translucent - along the edges we paint over the crown of the tree not completely, but so that it seems to shine through.

Step 2

Now we need to decide which side the light is coming from. So, we have determined that the light is coming from the left, which means we need to highlight left side tree crowns. We choose a color a little lighter than the base color and begin to apply it to most of the tree crown. Then we choose an even lighter color, but now we paint a smaller area. We also make the left side of the tree trunk lighter.

Step 3

Now we need to add color to our tree. You can immediately paint in the correct color or create a layer with a gradient and the blending mode you like. We begin to apply stains on top of the crown using different brushes so that the crown looks heterogeneous.

Step 4

We add details to both the crown and the trunk. We also add grass near the base of the tree so that it doesn't look so lonely. You can also draw branches on the tree in different places that show through the crown.

Step 5

All that remains is to add a background, a couple of fallen leaves, and make color correction.

A lesson has already been published on the site, which showed one of the methods. But for some it might seem difficult. Therefore, you are invited to learn how to achieve the desired effect in a simpler way.

First, create a new document.

Now fill the canvas with the desired color ( Edit > Fill or Shift+F5). You can use any shade, this tutorial uses color #5a3222 .

Create a new layer and name it Texture .

Now click the button D, so that your default foreground and background colors are set to black and white. And apply a filter Filter > Render > Clouds .

Click Ctrl+T to enter Free Transform mode and increase the Layer Height Size to 600%.

Then apply the filter Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with the Angle: 90 and Distance: 236 pixels parameters.

Go Image > Adjustments > Posterize and set the Levels value to 25. You will immediately see how the image begins to resemble wood texture.

Let's highlight the “annual” rings on the cut. Apply filter Filter > Stylize > Find Edges .

The lines turned out a little light and fuzzy. Therefore, let's adjust the levels Ctrl+L .

Now add some noise Filter > Noise > Add Noise with the Amount parameter 65%.

And blur the image a little Filter > Blur > Motion Blur .

The next step is optional, but if you want to add some dimension to the texture, you can add it at this stage. Duplicate the layer Texture, name it Lighting and place it between the background and the layer Texture. Make the duplicate invisible. Change the blend mode Blend Mode layer Texture on Multiply.

Now make the layer invisible Texture and go back to the layer Lighting .

Invert layer Lighting Ctrl+I . After that, adjust the levels Levels Ctrl+L .

Change the blend mode Blend Mode layer Lighting to Screen and set the opacity Opacity by 10%. Make the layer visible Texture .

Now activate the tool Move Tool and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the layer Lighting a few pixels to the right and down.

Final result


If you change the color of the background layer, the shade of the texture will change accordingly. Here are some examples.

In this tutorial we'll show you how to paint an amazing tree using only standard Photoshop brushes. The basics of light theory will also be described below. With this lesson you can draw a wonderful illustration in less than 2 hours.

The result is a fairly realistic scene))). All you need to complete this tutorial is Photoshop with a standard set of brushes and a little enthusiasm*). This can be quite a difficult lesson for beginners, but if you put in the right amount of effort, you will succeed!

Step 1

Make a new document with settings 1024 px 768 px. Fill the background (# 8 CC2 FF) color. Next add a gradient from the base to the middle with color # CFECFE, and set the gradient from 100% to transparent . This will be our sky, of course you can choose any other light blue color for the sky, or even make an evening scene, but in this case you need to remember that the lighting will be completely different.

Step 2

In this step we will make clouds. This is a simple and quick technique with a pretty effect. The tricky part here is choosing the right brush. .Below you will see which brush you should choose, the red arrows are my mouse. The color of the clouds is white. Don't forget to paint each cloud on a separate layer.

Step 3

So far the clouds don't look convincing. Let's change this. We can use eraser tool Withround soft 35-45 pxbrush and set the opacity to 10-20% . Gently erase the middle-right (slightly bottom) part of each cloud, but don't overdo it. Copy layers" clouds" twice. And place a copy of the layer below the original. Next, apply Gaussian blur filter for them .Then move the clouds a little down and to the right. If desired, you can slightly increase the transparency of the layer

Step 4

The clouds are done! Next, select your light source and where and where it shines from. In this case, the light source is the sun, even though we cannot see it.

Note: Do not place the light source behind the main subject because it will be too dark. You can only do this with a certain type of image.

My sun is not placed very high because it is Autumn. Let's see below some facts of Light Theory:

  • Light and camera: The brightest area on an object is not always in the same place for all cameras.
  • Light intensity : The second ball is too bright. It looks flat and loses color at the top.
  • Shadows: Shadows on objects should not be brighter than the object itself. Also, remember that other objects (even objects like grass) can reflect light.

Step 5

Select hard black brush 2 pxand start placing the main object. The sketch does not have to be very precise, but can only outline the edges. I know it's hard to do this with a mouse, but be patient. The sketch is very important.

Step 6

Install sketch layer transparency around 10% . Takehard-edged brush or marquee tool. Next fill in the grass area #719126 color.

Now select the brush shown below. Select color #90 B033 , change the brush size to approximately 15-30 pxand start painting. Remember to paint from top to bottom. Try your best and you will achieve excellent results.

Turn the brush vertically, set the angle to approximately -134 %, and make the edges on the base. We still have to add lighting effects and shadows, but we will add them later.

Step 7

Fill a plot of land with color #5 C4 E43 . It is the middle tone between the lightest and the most dark color. The shadow will be very strong because the light is weak. Remember that the base is hidden by other parts of the object, so it should be quite dark. To begin, you must plan exactly where the various shadows will be located on your plot of land.

Step 8

To draw on a layer we must block transparent pixels . Now select hard edged brush (size: 13 px, opacity: 20%) with settings and colors as shown below. Then we paint it dark and add light in some places. At the end, we make a few clicks in both areas, the cat should shine with a third color. Note: Don't hold the mouse button all the time, try to draw by clicking in quick steps.

Step 9

Let's turn to Color Theory For Warm and Cold tones .

The same gray color looks different on different backgrounds. Remember that orange and red colors add a warm effect to an image, while blue colors add a cool effect to an image.

Step 10

Select hard brush size approximately 19 px. Use the settings shown below. Note: Avoid soft brushes in digital painting. Mixing colors with hard brushes looks more natural and attractive.

The red arrows show my mouse movements. Using this technique, fill the wood with dark brown. You can use mine color palette or make your own.

Note: Of course it's better to use more than just two or three colors in a mix, but I'm only describing the basics.

Step 11

At this point we can hide the layer " sketch"Remember to plan for shadows. The top of the tree will be hidden by leaves, so it should be dark.

Now you can paint with the darkest color first, then add some shine. Draw in the same way as in the previous step. Brush with low opacity (approx. 10-15%) . You can block transparent pixels , so as not to worry about the drawing outside the tree trunk. Paint over the same area several times to make the tone brighter or darker.

Step 12

Compare this image to the one above. They look different, but only in some details. I added some depth and sparkle to the hole in the middle of the tree. And some shadows under the branches. Five minutes of work and the tree is transformed.

Step 13

Now we need to improve the roots. Let's make them more natural and use them eraser tool , selecting the “grass” caste - the same as in Step 6. Further gracefullyeraselower parts of roots.

Step 14

Select grass brush and add shadows to the grass behind the tree relative to the light source. The shadow under the tree should have hard edges and be darker. Be aware of the shadows behind the roots.

Step 15

Take the same brush, but change the color to a sunnier one (my choice # AECA66 ). Now let's softly paint on the grass.

Step 16

Select the same brush as below and choose a color close to light yellow (possibly # FFFF00 , my choice# E9 E.B.29 ). Exhibitingopacity 15-30% and strength 50% .

Step 17

Most of the work is behind us! Now it's time to add the leaves. In fact, this is the easiest part of painting. The main thing here is to choose the right colors.

We will divide the leaves into 3 parts: dark, medium and light. I choose red tones because... Please note that dark color is located under the branches. My colors: Dark #982 C1 F, Average# BD4428 , and Svetly# F44830 .