What happened between Timati and Kirkorov. Adventures of a Frenchman in Russia. Where did Marouani end up? Plot. “40 percent of the notes are the same - this is plagiarism”

"Star Factory - 4". Young stars congratulate People's Artist of Russia Philip Kirkorov on his birthday. The 20-year-old "manufacturer" Timati has the most important task - taking out the birthday cake.

Guests, project participants, are treated with understandable respect. Could anyone then imagine that 8 years later the same Timati would not only publicly insult Philip Kirkorov, but also declare war on an entire generation of musicians?
Before the release of his video, Timati publishes a message on the Internet addressed personally to Kirkorov: “Who are you going to teach wisdom here, you scarecrow? Don’t confuse the two shores and go on, goodbye!”
Timati's behavior split Russian show business into two camps. Some were outraged by his performance, others sided with the rapper. But the majority agrees: this is a symptom of the disease of the entire Russian show business.
So what happened? Why did Timati publicly declare war on Kirkorov? And how will this scandal end?
It all started on the set of the video for new song Timati and Grigory Leps. According to the director's plan, Timati was supposed to take off. A fairly standard trick, he had done it more than once. And that day he refused the understudy. A few minutes later, Timati’s cable broke. Severe back injury, hospital, corset. As a result, the Muz-TV award ceremony for the first time in long years passed without his participation.
Having looked at the ceremony from the outside, Timati expressed his opinion about the winners on Twitter: “How could you not give “Breakthrough of the Year” to Ivan Dorn, “Clip of the Year” and “Song of the Year” to the group “Silver”? “Mama Lyuba” - 20 million on YuoTube! I’m generally silent about radio. “Very biased!”
According to Timati, the Breakthrough of the Year award should have been received by Ivan Dorn, whose songs are heard on all radio stations in the country. Instead, the award went to the lesser-known Max Barskikh. Timati was sure that the prize for the best video would go to the video “Mama Lyuba” by the group “Serebro”, because it had received more than 20 million views on the Internet. However, the prize in this category went to Philip Kirkorov and his video “Snow”. Perhaps this is precisely what hurt Kirkorov. He writes back to Timati: “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn’t ask any questions last year. There is professional science, okay? Remember!” Actually, in response to this remark, Timati burst out with a harsh statement: “Professional ethics of mobile exhibition structures is when you humiliate journalists and kick women, and then call my elders and ask them to excuse me.” And the clip that followed.
So who is Timati? Where is he from? Who is behind him? Why did he decide to openly criticize the master Russian stage? And isn't he afraid of the consequences?
He calls himself Mr. Black Star. His videos certainly feature expensive cars and snow-white yachts. He celebrates his birthday in Saint-Tropez and generally does not deny himself anything. How does this video reflect his real life?
He really doesn't cheat. A Rolls Royce Phantom worth more than half a million dollars or, for example, a Ferrari worth 300 thousand euros from Timati’s personal garage flashes in the frame. People, looking at the millions in the frame, immediately established their source: it is known that the rapper’s father is a very wealthy businessman. For many people, this became a wonderful reason to say again: “In any case, dad will do everything for him.”
Surely dad would have done everything if not for his son’s dubious choice. My father was skeptical about show business, so Timati set out to conquer this vicious world without starting capital. At first he worked as a DJ for Decl. 17-year-old Timati's debut on television took place in the video "Party". Then Timati encountered real adult show business for the first time.
The first person to believe in him was producer Igor Krutoy. It was he who took Timati to Star Factory 4. And soon popularity came to the young rapper. According to the participants of that “Factory”, Philip Kirkorov was not a special authority for Timati even then.
But no matter how the “manufacturers” feel about Kirkorov, he, of course, remains one of our most popular artists, and his concerts are always sold out. At the same Muz-TV Award, because of which the scandal erupted, Philip Kirkorov was recognized as the best performer of the decade, for which he received an award in a special category. And here Timati, who was not even included in the list of this year’s nominees, calls the distribution of prizes inadequate.
Timati decided to challenge the authority of the king of the Russian pop scene. The word “ethics” especially bothered him. He reminded Philip about the scandal in Rostov with journalist Irina Aroyan, better known among the people as the “pink blouse,” and about his forced stay in an Israeli clinic. That time, Kirkorov could not cope with his outburst of anger and beat up the director’s assistant, Marina Yablokova. In all cases, Philip Bedrosovich, as Timati writes, resolved conflicts with the help of his elders. What will happen this time?
Timati is ready for anything. However, his life changed little after the quarrel with Kirkorov. Except that I started giving interviews less often. The call "Come on, goodbye!" in a matter of days, it finally went to the masses and became a general trend. He now appears in a prominent place in the Black Star office - so that they remember who they are dealing with.
Timati is ready to answer for his words, as expected cool guy. Together with him, his guards are ready to answer for his words - guys of outstanding size. Maybe Timati is seriously afraid for his life?
Powerful security is an important part of the image of a real rapper. Just like tattoos. He made his first one at the age of 13. Today, more than 70 percent of the rapper's body is covered in tattoos. And in this he is also the first - the most tattooed star of domestic show business.
Personal life is also a component of the image. At the Star Factory, Timati had an affair with the 15-year-old daughter of a Ukrainian tycoon, Alexa. This love story, of course, became one of the most striking in the entire history of the project. Having matured a little, Timati moved from romance to business. Anyone could watch the details on the Internet bed scene with TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak.
Working on your image and occasional scandals are an important part of life. modern musician. But Timati doesn’t just sing today. He owns one of the largest rap music labels. He's doing restaurant business, sews clothes and seems to only dream of a vacation - too much work.
Timati himself says that he cannot sit idle. And here is the result: the relatively calm Russian show business is now in chaos and turmoil. So far no one can imagine how this fight will end. We can only hope that no spectators will suffer in the battle between two superstars.

About the continuation of the music-criminal scandal, which has become one of the main news of the last day. The dispute over the copyright of a popular tune has turned big quarrel two music stars. Police, pranksters, mutual accusations, and all this because of one song. “Cruel love”, which divorced Philip Kirkorov and Didier Marouani.

“I didn’t even know that love could be cruel, and a heart so lonely...” Nor did Philip Kirkorov’s fans know that thousands of kilometers from Moscow, the motive of this hit may seem familiar. And not just anyone, but the leader of the Space group, Didier Marouani. And even more so, no one could have imagined how brutal the confrontation between the stars would be.

He only has time to shout: “Victim!”, and disappears behind the door of the police car. The French musician and his representative were detained the day before in the center of Moscow. There, in the Sberbank office, they were going to meet with Philip Kirkorov to sign a settlement agreement. Allegedly, the singer himself agreed to pay a million euros.

But it turned out that Maruani became a victim of pranksters; it was they who, on behalf of Kirkorov, offered to settle the matter and invited him to Moscow. Marouani flew to Russia and made an appointment with the now real Kirkorov, for whom this became a complete surprise. And in legal language - an attempt at extortion.

“Well, can you imagine that I will conclude a settlement agreement with the extortionists?! Neither I, nor my lawyer, nor anyone entered into any negotiations with these people. Everything that is said from the other side, from the first day when this information began, is all a lie, it is all slander. At first I laughed, then I thought. And when this whole stream of lies and slander crossed all the boundaries of what is permissible and possible, I simply turned to law enforcement agencies for protection,” said National artist RF Philip Kirkorov.

The scandal has been unfolding for more than a month, with both sides declaring that they carried out an examination: Marouani believes that plagiarism has been proven, “Tough Love” is a reworking of his song Symphonic Space Dreams. Representatives of Kirkorov, on the contrary, assure: experts did not find any signs of musical theft. The verses, indeed, are not similar at all. We are most likely talking about the chorus.

“The fact is that there is such a thing as a “golden sequence”, which is used by all composers, starting with the composers of the Middle Ages. Therefore, I am 152% sure that 152 people have already written this melody before us, it seems so to me,” explains composer Oleg Popkov.

From this point of view, says composer Oleg Popkov, in general everything musical works similar. According to the musician, he wrote “Tough Love” back in 1996, and first performed it in 1999. The Space group presented their composition a year later. So who stole from whom - big question. There is one more thing: what does Kirkorov have to do with it, because he is the performer of the song, and no one has made any claims against the author in all these years.

“I don’t understand why they were silent before this. In theory, they should have contacted me, because I am the author, and in principle I am ready to defend myself, and fight, and prove my innocence and my authorship, but, apparently, I cannot give a million euros, you know? Therefore, in this sense, my candidacy is not very interesting to the other side,” says the composer.

Kirkorov also agrees with this version. By the way, he is going to file a lawsuit against Maruani for the forced disruption of his concert today in Kurgan. He found another familiar motif in the actions of French musicians.

“Why did they suddenly remember her on the eve of Space’s tour of Russia? Who is so smart, who advised: come on, let’s have a scandal with Kirkorov! It really works. Pink blouse, there are some other scandals. It’s very catchy, it’s like a bull reacts to red. Your name will immediately become popular. Well, the result is obvious - all means mass media they are writing today about the Space group,” explains Philip Kirkorov.

Maruani says: he doesn’t need PR - and everyone knows that, even at the police station the law enforcement officers asked to take a selfie. The musician and his representative were released a few hours after their arrest. Capital City Police Department is conducting an investigation and no charges have been brought against anyone yet. Marouani said he was a victim of circumstances. And he is going to fight to the end.

“As for the lawsuit that my lawyers have prepared, the only goal is to restore my copyright to this composition and receive the income that this song generated. Because if a composer’s song is taken away, he will no longer be able to create anything,” said composer, leader of the group Space (France) Didier Marouani.

At the press conference, Didier Marouani even began to sing, apparently as proof of authorship. It is the chorus, Maruani is sure, that is the most striking illustration of plagiarism.

“If we talk about the chorus, then the examination shows that 71% of the notes match. I emphasize 71%. This can't be an accident. And even those who have nothing to do with music can easily notice the stunning similarity between the two songs,” said Didier Marouani.

The prospects for a trial, according to experts, are quite vague. There have been no such precedents in Russia yet. Abroad, music disputes are usually resolved before trial. However, Marouani's representatives promise to use all possibilities, for example, they are going to file a lawsuit in the United States for 10 million dollars. In any case, the examinations already carried out, which the parties to the conflict are talking about, will not have any significance if the process begins.

“We are now talking about the examination that the parties did in advance. This is not a forensic examination and these are not the experts who will be appointed by the court, most likely additionally. Arbitrage practice In the Russian Federation, this category of cases did not work out. And it’s almost impossible to talk about the amount of compensation or talk about how this case will probably be resolved,” explained lawyer Alina Topornina.

According to the law, the court must also evaluate the originality of the work. There are no clear criteria, which means the judge may even require a sociological survey. So the process, if it begins, promises to be interesting.

5 June 2012, 06:14

On June 1, the MUZ-TV Prize, one of the most significant, large-scale and prestigious events in Russian show business, held by the MUZ TV channel since 2003, took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Every year, the music awards ceremony attracts tens of thousands of spectators and maximum amount stars The MUZ-TV Award 2012 became an anniversary award – the 10th in a row. The ceremony promised to be the most spectacular in its entire history, but in the end it turned out to be the most scandalous! Leapfrog with the presenters, accusations of conspiracies and pressure “from above”, a more than dubious distribution of “plates”... And, it seems, everything calmed down just as it flared up new scandal, which will probably eclipse all the previous ones and quarrel with half of our stars!
Timati vs Kirkorov Tonight, on Twitter, an interesting skirmish took place between the “king of pop” Philip Kirkorov and “our answer to gangsta rap” Timur Yunusov. The beginning was made a couple of days ago, when Timati wrote next message on your page:
Kirkorov, for some reason, reacted only today. I would venture to suggest that he was informed about the “mutiny on the ship” belatedly :) But the reaction, as always, was in his characteristic manner:

And it seems that we were expecting, as they say, “a release on the brakes” or a smoothing out of the situation... BUT! Not so! Timati struck back with a crushing blow:

We can only wait for our show business, led by the “king,” to wake up and place bets: WHO - WHOM? and HOW will the support groups for the “duelists” be distributed?

I will update the post as information becomes available)) Updated 05/06/12 08:37: So far, despite the heated discussions of fans and simply curious people, the stars are carefully keeping silent and pretending that they “didn’t notice.” Only Kudryavtseva, who was pestered with questions, wrote back on this topic. And also, Dasha Anikina, if I’m not mistaken, from Love Radio. Lera Kudryavtseva
Dasha Anikina
Updated 05/06/12 10:30: __________________________________________________________________________---- I continue reporting from the lists, that is, Twitter) Discussions are in full swing. The vast majority of Twitter users support Timati. (I think it’s not so much about his popularity, but about the fact that Kirkorov’s fans are mainly people of the older generation, who are not so widely present on social networks) The most popular comment, from neutral ones, is: “Stock up on popcorn. We’re waiting.” when Kirkorov wakes up." Kirkorov hasn’t “woke up” yet, but Timati has woken up. He not only duplicated his late-night tweet again, but also introduced a new hashtag: #Philip, goodbye
He was supported by Anastasia Kalmanovich (ex-producer of singer Zemfira) and her husband, DJ Fyodor Fomin. Anastasia Kalmanovich
For those who don't understand on Twitter, she provided more detailed explanations:
Fedor Fomin
Updated 05/06/12 11:27: ______________________________________________________________________________ Already, purely out of sporting interest, I’m waiting for a message “for” Kirkorov... The major “players” of our show business continue to remain silent, Philip is asleep, and everything else is in favor of Timati. I will no longer duplicate all the messages, but I will note that Max Gore (Ksenia Sobchak’s stylist), designer Antonina Shapovalova, and media representatives also perked up slightly in his favor: Love Radio Vladimir Solovyov
Well, where can we go without the main “truth teller” from yellow press, and part-time, editor-in-chief of Life.ru, newspapers “Life”, “Heat”, “Your Day”, “Izvestia”, etc. - Ashot Gabrelyanova Updated 05/06/12 12:02: Timati goes to the piggy bank Joseph Prigogine:
And, finally, Kirkorov’s light artillery - the producer of another “triumphant” of the Prize - Yana Rudkovskaya. Somehow Ian is not drawn to “heavy” artillery. For a close friend and constant ally, a very cautious comment, from the series: “No matter what happens.”
Updated 05/06/12 17:03: ________________________________________________________________________________ Let's continue... Love Radio keeps its finger on the pulse of events
Ilias Mercouri (RUSSIA.RU)
Artyom Korolev Lera Kudryavtseva
Nikolay Baskov
But the young mother is not very interested in the showdown between mosquitoes and elephants) Anfisa Chekhova
Updated 05/06/12 17:41: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dima Bilan
Sergey Asharin (“Rumor Check” on MTV)
Vladislav Tsyplukhin (press secretary of the social network VKontakte)
Nastya Zadorozhnaya
Love Radio still trying to get to Kirkorov and other stars of our show business

Sergey Lazarev
Updated 05/06/12 18:53: ______________________________________________________________________________ Who ordered "Let Them Talk"? There will be no Kina! Andrei Malakhov busy, he has no time for scandals)
Olga Alekseeva (PR manager of Philip Kirkorov)
Joseph Prigogine threatens Kirkorov

Ksenia Borodina (DOM-2 on TNT)
Even Ksenia Sobchak briefly took a break from the “revolutions”
Updated 05/06/12 21:07: ______________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile hash tag #philippe, goodbye continues to spread on Twitter at the speed of light. Today it has become a global trend. And in Russian-language Twitter it occupies an honorable first line. Love Radio listeners vote :)
Clip Alana Badoeva, based on the song “Snow” by the king of pop, was awarded the MuzTV Prize in the category " Best video", so his sympathies are predictable. (thanks to blogger Kvertoff for the tip)
Our answer to Bieber, a child YouTube star - Roma Acorn, supports Timati
Interview magazine (Russia) is betting on Timati Updated 05/06/12 21:38: ________________________________________________________________________________ Hooray! Finally, dear “gossips” and “gossip girls”, we have waited for the first comment from Philip Kirkorov!
Kirkorov will go to the bottom for six months The domestic “king of pop” Philip Kirkorov, who celebrated his 45th birthday, turned out to be the main triumphant at the last anniversary ceremony of the Muz-TV award. He was awarded three times, including as “ best performer decades." Now Kirkorov intends to go into the shadows for a while, but before that he managed to talk with Izvestia columnist Mikhail Margolis.
Philip Kirkorov about his immediate plans: I’m going to take a break from all kinds of television filming, festivals and competitions for about six months so that my audience can comprehend what I’ve done over the past year. I spilled too much information on her. Therefore, this summer I will not go to any “ Slavic Marketplace"to Vitebsk, nor to " New wave» to Jurmala. This is where my willpower probably comes into play. These are all very tempting projects in terms of ratings and presence on television. To refuse to participate in them requires showing character.
Philip Kirkorov about young artists: They are all weaklings, and in creativity too, with the exception of the talented few. It would never even occur to them to rebel against TV and authoritative figures in our show business. Relatively speaking, they will not climb the barricades. The spirit is not the same.
And finally... Philip Kirkorov about the scandal with Timati: I believe in a person for a long time until I myself get burned by his actions. Fortunately, there are few such people in my life. But they exist. Now Timati is one of them. Updated 05/06/12 23:18: ______________________________________________________________________________ And, perhaps, the last update for today... unless, of course, something even more scandalous happens;) Maxim Fadeev
Oleg Gazmanov Timati, happy with second place in global Twitter trends
And for dessert... The favorite of all "gossip girls" - Nikita Dzhigurda!
Updated 06/06/12 19:49: ______________________________________________________________________________ Malakhov never showed up, but there is... Ivan Urgant Ivan mocked the Kirkorov-Timati scandal on Twitter, saying that they managed to outdo even the scandal with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, whose video he posted was blocked on his miniblog. Updated 06/06/12 21:13: _______________________________________________________________________________

About THOSE who are Timati’s “seniors”... Who are these mysterious “elders”??? There were so many different assumptions, from the series, or maybe these are THOSE who are sitting THERE))) I decided to clarify the question Tina Kandelaki, But Timati answered with a new riddle)

Updated 08/06/12 21:44: ______________________________________________________________________________ And today the director of the MuzTV Prize, who is also the musical director of the MuzTV channel, decided to speak out - Arman Davletyarov

Pioneer electronic music Didier Marouani found himself in a very unpleasant situation in Russia - he came to Moscow for compensation due to plagiarism, but ended up with the police as an extortionist.

World-famous musician is suing Russian pop singer Philip Kirkorov because of the song “Cruel Love”, which, according to Marouani, is plagiarism of his composition Symphonic Space Dream.

Korrespondent.net followed the adventures of the Frenchman Didier Marouani in Russia.

Reasons for the conflict between Maruani and Kirkorov

The conflict arose due to Marouani’s demand, as the leader of the Space group, to ban the performance of the song “Cruel Love” through a Moscow court. The French performer estimated the damage from copyright infringement at 75 million rubles (million euros).

According to experts, the song “Tough Love” borrows 41 percent of Marouani’s work, and the chorus is 71 percent the same.

Space - Symphonic Space Dream

Philip Kirkorov himself calls accusations of plagiarism against him absurd.

"Everything looks absurd. What do the accusations against me have to do with it when the song has an author? Why did all this suddenly arise after 15 years of performing this song, which was heard in international competitions, was on worldwide air? Why suddenly now?” says Kirkorov.

Philip Kirkorov - Tough Love

On November 28, the French performer’s lawyer, Igor Trunov, said that the parties managed to reach an agreement out of court. According to him, Kirkorov acknowledged the claims of Marouani and the Space group and even agreed to pay compensation.

However, according to the representative Russian singer Alexander Dobrovinsky, pranksters Vovan and Lexus corresponded with Maruani on behalf of Kirkorov, but the pop musician himself never contacted him.

“They were pranksters, but when they realized that things were not going well, they contacted me and told me everything,” said Kirkorov’s lawyer.

The lawyer noted that Philip Kirkorov was not going to put up with Maruani, since the examination showed the absence of plagiarism in the song “Cruel Love.”

“We hired very serious experts and did an examination. The examination shows that these are two completely different songs. There is no borrowing there. It’s all fiction,” the lawyer said.

Kirkorov filed a statement with the Main Investigation Department in connection with “desecration of reputation, slander and extortion.”

Detention of Marouani

Marouani and his representative Trunov were detained on Tuesday evening at a Sberbank branch in Moscow, where they were planning to meet with Kirkorov to sign a settlement agreement.

Lawyer Lyudmila Aivar said that the police were already waiting for them at the bank branch and called the detention a planned provocation of Kirkorov.

“Without a criminal case, without arrest, we voluntarily sat in the police station for 8 hours. They took away our dossier on Kirkorov and still haven’t given it back,” says lawyer Trunov.

According to him, he and Marouani were treated roughly and their Cell phones and documents.

Trunov told reporters that he had already written a statement to the police to bring Kirkorov and his lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky to justice for false denunciation.

How Marouani reacted

As Marouani said, after Dubrovinsky’s lawyer’s assistant took out two bundles of 500 euros each, 60 police officers burst into the room.

"Of course, I was shocked. It was like being in a bad detective play. We have all, of course, seen these films, but it is not very pleasant to experience it for ourselves," Marouani said.

The musician also said that at the police station, where they were brought along with his lawyer Igor Trunov, all the police asked to take a selfie.

“I told them that you treated me badly at first, and now you’re asking for a selfie,” Marouani said.

He also emphasized that he was no longer considering the possibility of a settlement with Philip Kirkorov after this incident.

“He had time to think about everything and accept the settlement agreement that was agreed upon. But yesterday his lawyer and he behaved like hooligans. Now he must pay, but to the court, there will be no settlement agreement,” Marouani noted.

Later this evening, the French performer said that he had a “very polite” conversation with Kirkorov and it went well.

“At the end of this conversation, he said that Oleg Popkov (author of the composition “Cruel Love”) is a rich man and the mafia is helping him. Whether this was the beginning of intimidation, I cannot say. But I was not afraid. And he offered to pay compensation in cash. Suitable for to me, I say: “Let’s go without kissing!” Maruani said.

Didier Marouani is a French musician, composer and keyboardist, leader of the band Space. One of the pioneers in electronic music.

In 1983, Marouani visited the USSR with a series of concerts, demonstrating laser shows. In 1992, he also gave a series of concerts in Ukraine and Russia.

It is worth noting that his album Space Opera was taken by astronauts to the Mir station.