Children's bedtime story for a child. Short bedtime stories to help you fall asleep faster

One of my readers' favorite fairy tales is. She was born spontaneously, on the move, when I was putting my daughter to bed. I didn’t expect at all that this fairy tale would be so loved by readers, and even end up in. It turned out that both children and their parents really love these bedtime stories. Therefore, I share with you two more evening fairy tales.

The tale of the rhinoceros who couldn't sleep

Once upon a time there lived a Rhinoceros, he was gray and thick-skinned, with a large horn on his nose. So cute, Rhino. One day the Rhinoceros began to prepare for bed. He drank a glass of milk and cookies, washed his face, brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed.

Everything is as usual. Only that evening Rhino could not fall asleep. He tossed and turned in bed, but sleep did not come. First he decided to think about something pleasant. He always did this when he couldn't sleep. The rhinoceros remembered the colorful butterflies fluttering in the sky, then thought about the juicy fresh grass. Delicious... But sleep never came.

And that’s when a wonderful idea came to Rhino! He thought that he couldn't sleep because he forgot to do something before going to bed. Probably something very important. What exactly? He thought carefully and remembered! It turned out that Rhino forgot to put away his toys. That's what it was all about! He even felt ashamed.

The rhinoceros got out of bed and removed all the toys that were scattered on the floor. Then he lay back in bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Good night, Rhino!

Meditative sea tale

Imagine that you are sitting on the back of a blue dolphin. It has nice slippery sides. You hold onto him tightly with your hands, and he carries you forward along the playful waves. Funny sea turtles swim next to you, a little octopus waves its tentacle in greeting, and Sea Horses swim with you in a race. The sea is kind and gentle, the breeze is warm and playful. Already ahead is the very rock to which you are swimming, your friend, the little mermaid, is sitting on its edge. She is waiting impatiently for you. She has a green scaly tail and her eyes are the color of the sea. She laughs happily when she notices you and dives into the water. Loud splash, splashing. And now you are rushing forward together, to the magical island. Your friends are waiting for you there: a cheerful monkey, a clumsy hippopotamus and a noisy motley parrot. Finally, you are already close to them. Everyone sits down on the shore, a dolphin in the water, a little mermaid on the rocks. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. And then she begins to tell you extraordinary things. fairy tales. Tales about seas and oceans, about pirates, about treasures, about beautiful princesses. The tales are so wonderful that you don’t notice how the sun sets and night falls on the earth. It's time to sleep. The little mermaid says goodbye to everyone, the dolphin takes you on his back to carry you home to a warm bed, and the animals say goodbye to you, already yawning a little. Night, night has come. It's time to sleep, it's time to close your eyes to see in your dreams wonderful tales, told by the little mermaid.

– 7 bedtime stories

Series cautionary tales(fairy tales) from our magical fairy Nelly Kopeikina - this is a world of goodness that teaches children to be sensitive, attentive, honest and the best children in the world!

Read these short stories with your children before bed and let your children grow up healthy, smart and kind!

Series: That's it!

In good hands

Two girls were playing in the park. They blew colorful soap bubbles. Their mothers sat at a distance on a bench and watched them. A man entered the park with a box in his hands. Stopping next to the girls and mothers, the man took a small, cute, eared puppy out of the box and sat it down on the playground.
After greeting everyone, the man announced:

– I’ll give the puppy to good hands.

He explained that he loves this puppy very much, but circumstances are such that he needs to leave urgently, and he will not be able to take the puppy with him.

- Who wants to take it? – the man asked, looking around at the mothers and girls.

Both girls and mothers became interested in the puppy. One of the girls gently picked him up and held him close.

“Mom, let’s take him,” she asked her mother. “He’s so cute, so funny.”

The girl lovingly gently stroked the puppy's head with her finger. The puppy was very small because he was young in age, and also because he was a puppy of small indoor dogs. The girl's mother immediately agreed. But suddenly the second girl said loudly:

- No, I'll take it! This is my puppy!

With these words, the second girl reached out to the puppy, grabbed his paws and pulled him towards her.

- Carefully! – the girl holding the puppy shouted in fear. - You'll tear off his paws!

With these words, she hastily handed it over to the girl, who was ready to tear off the puppy’s paws just to take possession of it.

“Mom,” the second girl turned to her mother, “let’s take him!”

The girl's mother agreed. But the man who brought this puppy objected:

- No, girl, I will never give it to you.

- Why? – the girl was indignant. - I want him! You said you were giving it away.

“I said that I would give it to good hands,” the man answered. - This means that I will give to the good ones. good people who will take care of him and protect him. He's completely defenseless. And you were ready to tear off his paws, you didn’t feel sorry for him at all. You were only thinking about yourself.

The girl snorted offendedly and almost threw the puppy onto the playground. Another girl immediately carefully sat down next to the baby, checking to see if he was hurt.

“And you, girl, take it,” the man said, turning to the girl who sat down next to the puppy. “I see you will be a true friend to him.” I think he will always make you happy too.

The girl stood up with a puppy in her hands. Her face shone with happiness and delight. Her mother was happy too. The man was happy too. He saw that he was passing the puppy into good hands.

Mischievous boy

The mischievous boy was very fond of mischief: he would break a rose that someone had carefully planted in the front garden, he would break a sand castle built by the boys in the sandbox, he would pull a girl’s braid, he would scare away a cat. His mischievous tricks spoiled the mood of those around him, and this made the mischievous boy happy.

On the first day of September, the day when all schoolchildren, after long summer holidays were returning to school, the mischievous boy was also getting ready for school. He began to think about what harm he could do today.

He put a previously prepared stone into his school backpack in order to throw it into the fountain pool and splash the children passing nearby. He did not forget to put a thick black felt-tip pen in his backpack, this was in order to paint the window sills and walls at school. I took the buttons in case someone managed to place them on the chair. He set an alarm on his phone for the time when the first lesson would take place.

The Good Fairy saw the bad boy's preparations and decided to teach him a lesson. She made this boy appear through the looking glass.

Coming out of the entrance of the house, the mischievous boy saw the neighbor's cat, whom he always scared. But now he held the door open and called the cat in a feignedly gentle voice:

- Go, I'll hold the door.

And he himself already intended to pinch the cat's tail. The cat knew the boy’s bad temper and was in no hurry to enter the entrance. But suddenly another boy appeared from behind the door, very much like two peas in a pod, looking like a mischievous boy, and pushed the door. The door slammed right on the mischievous boy's finger. The mischievous boy exclaimed in pain, shook his hand, and blew on his sore finger.

- What, does it hurt? – asked a boy similar to him, letting the cat into the entrance. “It would hurt the cat just as much if you pinched its tail.”

With these words, the mysterious boy, who looked like a bad boy, disappeared, and the bad boy went to school. Having reached the fountain, he took the stone he had prepared from his backpack and began to wait for the approaching guys. But suddenly, from the other side, a stone of the same size as the one he was holding in his hands flew into the water, and the splashes caused by its fall into the water splashed the harmful boy from head to toe.

- What, is it fun? - asked the splashed boy, a mysterious boy similar to him appeared out of nowhere. “It would be the same for everyone else you sprayed.”
Having said this, the mysterious boy disappeared.

“Now everyone will laugh at me,” thought the mischievous boy, but the guys who came up to him didn’t even think of laughing at him, on the contrary, they tried to help him dry off.

IN school yard it was festive and fun. Only the mischievous boy was not very happy, because he had not yet managed to commit a single crime.

“It would be great if the paint on the benches wasn’t dry,” thought the mischievous boy, watching the girls sit on the bench. But the paint was well dried, no one got smeared in it.
“I’ll go pull that little girl’s braid,” decided the mischievous boy, heading towards the girl with white bows woven into her braids. As soon as the mischievous boy extended his hand to the girl’s pigtail, someone gave him a strong slap on the back of the head.

- Eh! What are you doing? – the mischievous boy was indignant, seeing next to him the same boy who looked like himself.

- Aren’t you having fun? – asked the mysterious boy. “The girl you wanted to pull by the braid just now would feel the same way as you do now.”

Before the mischievous boy could answer, the mysterious boy disappeared. “Hmm, it’s not at all unpleasant when they slap you on the head, pinch your finger, or spray you with water,” thought the mischievous boy. - Okay, I won’t push buttons on anyone, it’s probably also unpleasant to sit on a sharp button. But I’ll write on the windowsill.”

With these thoughts, the mischievous boy entered the clean school lobby, went to the back window, took out a felt-tip pen and began to think about what to write. There were three options - “Verka is imaginary”, “Tolyan is an idiot” or “All teachers are fools”. I decided to write about teachers, but I couldn’t write it. Someone covered the window sill with white paint, which the mischievous boy got his hand into.

- What, unpleasant? – the mischievous boy heard behind him. Once again it was a boy mysteriously appearing and disappearing.

- And who are you? – the mischievous boy asked him angrily.

– I am you, only through the looking glass.

– What another looking glass! – the mischievous boy was indignant. - It only happens in a fairy tale.

- And you are in the fairy tale. The Good Fairy decided to teach you a lesson for your harmfulness, so she placed you through the looking glass.

- Forever? – the mischievous boy asked in fear.

– I don’t know, it all depends on you. I think she will release you when you reform.

- What is there to improve?

– You must stop causing harm.

- Oh, but this is so cool! These are jokes, this is fun.

- Funny? – asked the mysterious boy. “I didn’t notice that you were having much fun.”

“Although, only those who do harm have fun,” agreed the mischievous boy. The mysterious boy objected:

“But I didn’t have fun when I pinched your finger, I didn’t have fun when I splashed you, when I slapped you on the back of the head.” And now I'm not having fun. Come on, dry yourself quickly.

The mysterious boy gave the mischievous boy a napkin, with which the mischievous boy quickly wiped the paint off his hand.

“Yes, perhaps you’re right,” agreed the mischievous boy, “this isn’t fun for anyone.”

With these words, he took out his phone and turned off the alarm on it, which was supposed to ring during the lesson. When the mischievous boy looked up, the mysterious boy was no longer nearby. There were a few minutes left before the start of the lesson, and the mischievous boy went to his class.

It is not known how long the mischievous boy remained behind the looking glass. It is only known that now it does not harm anyone, but on the contrary, it suppresses other pests.

Girl and Time

One day the Bunny came to the Good Fairy with a request to help his friend, the Girl, who was always late.

“I think,” said the Bunny, “Time has bewitched my friend, leads her through its labyrinths, and therefore she cannot correctly navigate in time.”

The Bunny told the Fairy that this Girl was late not only by minutes, but even by hours. And it often happened that the Girl did not come to the meeting at all on the appointed day. The fairy listened to the Bunny attentively, shook her head sternly as a sign of disapproval and said:

- Yes, this is very bad.

“Dear Fairy,” the Bunny almost begged, “you can do anything.” Talk to Time, let it disenchant the Girl!

The fairy thought. “I see that this Girl is not friends with Time, does not respect him, but Time could hardly be so cruel to her. There's some confusion here. We need to figure this out,” thinking so, the Fairy said to the Bunny:

- Well, let's turn to Time together. I think Time will explain everything to us.

With these words the Fairy called Time:

– Dear Time, please give us your attention. Bunny and I really need your help.

The Bunny almost shouted “And the Girl,” but he was a well-mannered Bunny and therefore restrained himself and did not shout, although it seemed to him that it was the Girl who needed help.
Time appeared before the Fairy and the Bunny in the form of an old clock in a large beautiful frame.

– Hello, Fairy and Bunny! - Time greeted. - How can I help you?

The Fairy and the Bunny responded with greetings, and the Fairy told Time about the Bunny’s friend, the Girl who was always late. Listening to the Fairy, Time frowned more and more.

- Yes, I know this Girl. She really is almost always late. This is not good.

- So help her! – the Bunny almost shouted in excitement, turning to Time.

- I? - Time was surprised. - How can I help her?

- Break the spell on her, please! Make sure she doesn't wander in your labyrinths.

- But why, Bunny, do you think that she wanders in my labyrinths?

- How else? Why is she always late?

“Well, that needs to be cleared up.” Let's sit down more comfortably, I'll turn back the time for you, and we'll understand everything.

The Fairy, the Bunny and Time sat down comfortably on the sofas, and Time asked the Bunny:

- Remember, Bunny, when the Girl was late to meet you.

The bunny remembered many cases at once, but named only one.

“Yesterday morning we were going to go with her to the river to catch and release dragonflies, but she didn’t come.

– Didn’t come at all or didn’t come on time? - asked Time.

“Absolutely,” Bunny answered dejectedly, hanging his ears.

- Well, maybe she called you and apologized?

“No,” answered the Bunny sadly.

- Well, let's see what happened to the Girl. Where was she this morning?

All three saw a cheerful Girl. She walked along the path towards Bunny's house. A little wolf was walking towards her with a blue ball in his paws.

“Little wolf,” the Girl turned to him, “where are you going?”

- Why do you want to know? I'm not asking you where you're going.

- I’m going to see the Bunny, he and I will go to the river to catch dragonflies.

“Go ahead,” muttered the Wolf Cub, “and catch your dragonflies.” And the Fox and the Raccoon and I will play dodgeball.

“Take me with you, Little Wolf,” the Girl asked. “I’m so good at kicking!”

- Yes? – the wolf cub was surprised at something. What about Bunny and dragonflies?

- Well, them! – the girl waved her hand towards the Bunny’s house, as if brushing off something.

“Let’s go,” agreed the Wolf Cub. - Only, mind you, you will be a bouncer.

The girl, without thinking about anything anymore, changed the direction of the path and went with the Wolf Cub.

The bunny looked in surprise at the Girl and the Wolf Cub and kept expecting that now the Girl would take her beautiful phone out of her dress pocket and call him, invite him to the lawn to play dodgeball. But neither on the road, nor on the lawn, where the Fox, the Raccoon and the Squirrel were waiting for the Wolf with the ball, did the Girl call the Bunny. The bunny saw how cheerfully and joyfully the children were playing on the lawn, and he remembered how sadly he sat on a swing near his house and waited for the Girl.

– What an unnecessary Girl! – the Good Fairy was indignant.

“And even mean,” said Time. “She betrayed her friend Bunny.”

“Or maybe she just forgot about our agreement,” the Little Hare suggested in some uncertain tone.

- When else has she let you down?

Bunny thought to himself, “almost always,” but said:

- The girl was six hours late for my birthday. She came when the holiday was already over.

“Let’s see, let’s see where this Girl wandered,” said Time.

All three saw the Girl at home. She looked at her watch. The clock showed that the celebration in honor of Bunny's birthday had already been going on for forty minutes. But the Girl’s face did not show any concern, she was not in a hurry, she still remained sitting at the mirror table and polished her nails.

Then she saw that her favorite cartoon was on TV. The girl sat down on the sofa and began watching a cartoon. The cartoon ended after thirty minutes. The girl turned off the TV, stood up, looked in the mirror, looked at her watch, took the gift she had prepared for the Bunny, and slowly left the house.

Seeing a mouse blowing soap bubbles in the park, the Girl approached him and began to watch the bubbles. Finally the Girl got tired of it, and she went to the Bunny. On the way to the cinema, the Girl saw the Tiger Cub. The girl had seen him before, but was not familiar with him. The Girl really liked this Tiger Cub. He was handsome, imposing, tall. He had powerful paws and a strong long tail. The tiger cub sat on a bench near the cinema and counted crows. The girl happily jumped up to the Tiger Cub and stopped opposite him.

- Hello, Tiger Cub! - she said. - What are you doing?

- Hello! – Tiger Cub answered the Girl. - Do we really know each other?

“No,” the Girl answered, not at all embarrassed. - But we can meet. I am a girl. I'm going to Bunny's birthday party.

The tiger cub hesitated a little, but still answered:

- And I am Tiger Cub.

- Why are you sitting here alone? – asked the Girl.

– I’m going to the cinema now.

- One? – the Girl was happy about something.

“Yes,” answered the Tiger Cub sadly. “My sister was supposed to come, but she called and said that she wouldn’t be able to come.” Can not get in time.

The Tiger Cub wanted to continue, wanted to explain why his little sister couldn’t keep up, but the Girl interrupted him:

- Do you want me to go with you?

– You’re going to your friend’s birthday party.

“It’s still early,” the Girl lied, not at all embarrassed. - I have time.

- Is it true? – the Tiger Cub was delighted, looking at the Girl in a beautiful blue sundress. - Let's go to!

The girl and Tiger Cub went to the cinema. At the end of the film, the Tiger Cub accompanied the Girl to the Bunny’s house, and they said goodbye.

The Bunny, who was no longer waiting for the Girl, was glad to see her, but at the same time upset, because the holiday had already passed, the guests had left. He expected the Girl to apologize and somehow explain her lateness, but the Girl made do with the following words:

- Oh, sorry, I'm late. Congratulations, Bunny!

The Good Fairy and Time looked at the Bunny. He sat dejectedly and did not look at anyone.

- Well, at least the Girl isn’t late for her birthday? – the Fairy asked the Bunny.

“He’s late,” answered the Bunny, nodding his head.

“This Girl shows great disrespect for everyone,” Time remarked sadly. – As you can see, she does not wander through my labyrinths at all. This girl simply does not value her time or anyone else's. She is not friends with me, but I don’t want to be friends with such a Girl.

- And you, Bunny? - asked the Fairy. -Will you still be friends with her?

“No,” answered the Bunny firmly, but sadly. - This girl is not my friend, and I cannot be a friend to such a Girl.

“That’s true,” Time noted. – With such behavior, this Girl can never be anyone’s friend. And I will punish this disgrace, let her really wander through my labyrinths.
From now on, this Girl will always be late for all her special occasions. important events.

- How? - Bunny exclaimed in fear. – For the most important events! This is terrible! She will be unhappy.

- I do not know, maybe. And perhaps she won't even notice it.

- No, no, please don't do this! – the Bunny begged.

“But this impudent liar must be punished,” Time stated firmly.

Here the Fairy intervened:

“The girl has already punished herself.” She lost Bunny's friendship.

Optimist and Pessimist

Two brothers came to one village to visit their grandparents. They arrived late in the evening, saw little around, and the next morning they both woke up to the crowing of a rooster. The boys had never heard a real rooster crow before.

- Who is that screaming, grandma? – one of the brothers asked the grandmother.

- This is our rooster crowing. He announces that a new day is beginning.

– A real rooster? – the boy was surprised and delighted. - Grandma, where is he? Can I look at him?

- Shut your rooster! He doesn't let you sleep! – the other brother asked angrily, turning to the wall.

“Let’s go,” the grandmother quietly beckoned to the boy who wanted to see the rooster. And they went into the yard.

It was a wonderful, sunny day. With joy, the boy walked around the entire yard. I met a rooster and chickens, a goat, a dog and a cat. Everything was very interesting to this boy, he was extremely happy about everything.

Every day this boy began to wake up and start his day early to the crowing of a rooster. In the old days, that’s what they said about waking up early - “rises with the roosters.” This boy became friends with everyone in the yard, and everyone loved him, and the dog even became his true friend. He ran after the boy everywhere and rejoiced in everything with him. Every morning this brother happily fed the chickens and rooster with his grandfather, picked berries from the ridges and bushes with his grandmother, and helped his grandfather and grandmother in many other ways.

The other brother was not very happy about anyone. He did not like the rooster because of its loud morning singing, which prevented him from sleeping, he was afraid of the goat because of its long horns, and generally considered the cat and the dog to be parasites. And there was no help from him for my grandparents: picking berries - the bushes are prickly, bringing water - it’s hard, taking a goat into the pen - it’s dangerous, in case it gets gored. The brothers were different. What pleased one brother rarely pleased the other, and more often, on the contrary, upset and irritated him.

– Look how the droplets sparkle in the sun! - one brother rejoiced at the dew.

“Well, now all your feet will be wet,” another brother grumbled, looking at the dew.

- It's windy today! Let's run and fly kites! - one brother rejoiced. Of course, you guessed it: the one who got up with the roosters.

“The wind is so nasty today,” another brother grumbled, “it will blow again.” It's better to sit in front of the TV.

- Rainbow! Look how big the rainbow is! – one brother exclaimed, inviting those around him to rejoice with him.

“Fee,” another brother snorted contemptuously, “just think, this is a simple spectral analysis.”

This is how these brothers were nicknamed in the village: the brother who was happy about everything was called the Optimist, and the other brother, who was annoyed by everything, was called the Pessimist.

Everyone loves an optimist: people, animals, sun, water, wind and others. Everyone is always happy to see him. In the kingdom of goodness, the Optimist, without knowing it, is considered very important and respected. His optimism, love of life, kindness, responsiveness, curiosity, friendliness and all other qualities bring everyone a lot of good, which is so necessary for the existence of the kingdom of goodness and the whole world.

Everyone tries to avoid a pessimist; meeting him does not bring joy to anyone, because he is always dissatisfied with something, grumbling, complaining, moaning. But the Pessimist was noticed in the kingdom of evil. With his eternal grumbling and discontent, the Pessimist, albeit a little, brings evil into the world. After all, everything negative emotions is evil, and evil is necessary for the existence of the kingdom of evil.

This is how these brothers live. A pessimist rarely, very rarely brings joy to someone, and he himself almost never rejoices at anything. But he, without knowing it, constantly supports the kingdom of evil with his pessimism. An optimist, on the contrary, with all his actions pleases those around him, he himself always rejoices in everything good, which means he brings good into the world.

This is how all people live, bringing good and evil into the world. Goodness strengthens the kingdom of goodness, which guards the world. Evil strengthens the kingdom of evil, which leads our world to destruction. Fortunately, good is always stronger than evil, because people like Optimist are on his side. Rejoicing in life, delighting those around them with their actions, Optimist people, without knowing it themselves, give the world the main magic against the destruction of the world - goodness, happiness, joy. The more good there is in the world, the more we rejoice, the happier we are, the stronger and more stable our world is.


One day, two boys on bicycles were riding along the path around the fountain in the yard. One boy had a red bicycle, and the other had a green one. They rode one after another: a boy on a red bicycle in front, and a boy on a green bicycle behind him. The boy who was driving behind was tired of being second, but he was unable to overtake and go around his friend.

Then he turned around and drove towards his friend. When the boys met, they should have gone to different sides of the path, but none of them wanted to move from the middle of the path. The boys stopped opposite each other and started a verbal altercation:

- Let me go, I need to pass! - announced the boy on the green bicycle, who changed his direction.

“You’re driving the wrong way, you should go this way!” Move over! - his friend answered him.

- It’s you who bothers me! I'm going there! – the boy, who changed direction, waved his hand, indicating where he was going.

“Why do you have to go there, it’s wrong, you and I were going there,” his friend protested.

- I was the first to go out for a ride! – the boy on the green bicycle put forward an argument.

- So what. I'm in a hurry for important negotiations! - his friend answered him.

- Just think, I am the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you must give way to me.

With these words, the boy who changed direction, the one who was a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, got off his green bicycle, walked up to his friend and pushed him. The friend who was going to the negotiations turned out to be strong, he did not fall, he got off his bike and pushed his friend, the EMERCOM worker, so that he fell straight into the bushes. Having got out of the bushes, the rescue boy climbed towards his friend with his fists.

At this time, their bicycles stood on the path opposite each other and were worried.

“It’s a pity,” said the red bicycle, whose owner was the boy who was going to the negotiations, “my owner will never get to the negotiations.” I didn’t quite figure out who he considered himself to be, a diplomat or a businessman, but I see that he will never be either one or the other.

“Yes,” agreed the second bicycle, “he certainly won’t be a diplomat, he doesn’t know how to negotiate.” He was unable to come to an agreement with my master. Maybe he was going to business negotiations.

- Maybe. But he is unlikely to be able to become a businessman either. A businessman also necessarily needs the same qualities as a diplomat: endurance, tact, respect for a partner.

“My master will never be a rescuer either,” the green bicycle said sadly.

- Probably, yes, it won’t. What kind of rescuer is he? Most likely he was a thug. How he ran into my master!

Meanwhile, the boys, punching each other, decided to continue on their way. Moreover, each of the boys wanted to be the first to slip in their own direction. They both jumped on their bikes at the same time and rode towards each other. The bicycles collided. The boys themselves hit each other painfully.

Grandfather was sitting on a bench nearby. He approached the boys and asked:

-What are you? Don't know how to leave?

- None of your business! – the rescue boy was rude.

“We’re going on business,” answered the second boy. “And he drove into oncoming traffic and blocked my way.”

- He drove into oncoming traffic! My business is more important, I am a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

– And who are you rushing to save? Are you going to a fire? - Grandfather asked.

“Then you’re late,” said grandfather sadly. “While you were arguing and fighting here, the house, if they were waiting for you there, would have already burned down.” You failed to save anyone. You don't have to rush anymore. If you hadn't wasted your time arguing and fighting, you could have helped a lot of people. I hope the real rescuers put out the fire and saved the residents.

-Who should I save?

“I think,” said the grandfather, “if you do not follow the road rule, you will not only not be able to save anyone, but you will also get into trouble yourself.”

-What other rule? – the rescue boy muttered.

– Have you ever seen motorists rushing at each other head-on? Of course not. All cars driving towards each other move away. Each of the cars travels right side roads, and it turns out that oncoming cars are driving on different sides. This rule is established for all transport participants.

People were passing by. The old man pointed at them:

– You see, pedestrians don’t attack each other, everyone disperses. You should too.

– I understand, we shouldn’t drive in the middle of the road! – the boy who was going to the negotiations was delighted. – If we drive along the edge of the path, we won’t hit each other.

“That’s right,” answered the grandfather, nodding his head approvingly. The boys moved their bicycles to the right, and since they were standing towards each other, it turned out that they parted in different directions. Now the boys no longer touched each other and could calmly part ways. Having cheerfully jumped on their bicycles, they each rushed off in their own direction.

Having rolled around, the boys drove up to their grandfather.

“Grandfather,” the boy who owned the red bicycle turned to his grandfather, “we rode correctly, on the right side, and did not touch each other.” So we can be motorists?

– To become a motorist you need to know and follow not one, but many road rules, Need to know road signs and signs,” answered the grandfather. – When you grow up, you will definitely learn all of them. Before going on the road, everyone must take exams according to these rules.

- How do we recognize them? - the boys asked.

– All of them are written in special textbooks.

“They are registered,” the rescue boy muttered dissatisfiedly, “but I still don’t know how to read.”

“It’s no problem,” answered the grandfather. – When you become an adult, you will definitely be able to read well. In the meantime, your parents and teachers will teach you some rules. There’s one rule you already know for sure, right? – Grandfather asked, slyly peering into the boys’ faces.

“We know,” the friends answered almost in unison. – You should always drive on the right side of the road.


Two sisters lived in one family - an older and a younger one. The older sister had poor health and was weak, but she was a kind, hardworking girl. The younger sister was a very healthy and strong girl, but lazy and cunning. The little sister did not like any kind of work, and therefore constantly pretended to be sick. It was necessary to help my parents clean the house, the eldest, although she was sick, pretended to be healthy and out of last bit of strength I did what I could: vacuumed the floors, wiped the dust, watered the flowers, and the youngest, saying she was sick, did not help her parents in any way. It was necessary to help the parents in the garden, the older sister was right there, pretending to be healthy, with the last of her strength weeding the beds and watering the flowers, and the youngest, pretending to be sick, was idle again.

Gradually, everyone in the family got used to the fact that the youngest was always “sick” and did nothing around the house; she was never asked for any help.

One Sunday winter day the sisters woke up and greeted each other. The eldest got out of bed, made her bed and went to the toilet rooms. Along the way she greeted her parents. Mom was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and dad was rubbing ointment on his skis. The parents announced that after breakfast everyone would go for a ride in the park. Having put herself in order, the older sister returned to the bedroom and saw that the youngest was still lying in bed and looking at the pictures.

- Get up quickly! It's so sunny today, let's go to the park.

- Is breakfast ready? – asked the little sister.

- No, mom is cooking, but for now you go and wash yourself, the bathroom is free.

– Oh, I’m not quite well, I’ll lie down for a while. Call me for breakfast.

“Okay,” the eldest agreed, “and I’ll go and help my mother set the table.”

Dad came into the bedroom, affectionately greeted his youngest daughter and invited her to breakfast.

“Oh, daddy, I’m not feeling well, bring me breakfast in bed,” the youngest asked the porch.

“Well, daughter,” dad objected, taking her out of bed, “we need to get up.” You won't be lying in bed all day. Let's all have breakfast together and go to the park. Do you want to go to the park?

- Want! – the youngest agreed.

After eating, the youngest, as always, left the table, threw “Thank you” over her shoulder and left, and the eldest remained to help her parents clear the dishes. The three of us quickly - dad, mom and eldest daughter - got things done in the kitchen. Everyone quickly got ready and went to the park. Mom and Dad took skis, and the girls took sleds.

The park was wonderful. Mom and Dad ran several laps on skis along the alleys of the park, and the girls and all the kids sledded down the hill. All four - parents and daughters - returned home cheerful, rosy, joyful and a little tired. The most tired of all was the eldest daughter, who during the ride helped her sister bring the sled up the mountain, but she did not show it, did not show her fatigue, and, having changed clothes and washed her hands, went to the kitchen to help her mother with lunch. Her younger sister, although she was full of energy and strength, as always, was tired and sick, and did not help anyone.

On the same day alone Kind fairy collected magic invisible dust into a silver jug ​​and flew in a magic sleigh over different countries, different cities, towns and villages, showering all the pretenders with invisible fairy dust. This dust, falling on pretending people, made them who they pretend to be. The fairy believed that everyone wants to be better and pretends to be better than they are: stupid - smart, weak - strong, cowardly - brave, and therefore with great joy showered people with her magic dust from time to time.

Just when the eldest daughter was setting the table, an invisible piece of magical dust fell on her. The girl didn’t even notice how her strength returned, her fatigue disappeared. And from then on, it began to grow and get stronger day by day. But the younger sister, on the contrary, began to weaken and began to become really ill. After all, pretending to be sick, a magical invisible speck of dust also fell on her, and she became sick.

The fairy, not knowing that not everyone pretends to be good, to this day from time to time flies over cities, towns, villages and hamlets and scatters her magical invisible dust, which turns pretenders into those who they pretend to be.

To the envious

There is an envious girl in the world who really doesn’t like it when someone has something better than her. For example, seeing something new on a friend Nice dress, she is not happy for her friend, but is upset that she does not have such a dress, although her dress may not be worse. Seeing that her other friend jumps ropes better and more dexterously than she does, the envious girl is not happy for her friend, but is upset that she can’t do it that way.

And since there is always someone who has something better, or there is someone who is superior to her in something, the girl is constantly upset. And grief, as we know, takes a lot of strength out of people, so the envious girl also loses strength from her grief. But the envious girl also has joy. She is always happy that someone has something worse than her, that someone has something more difficult than she does.

There are a lot of such guys too. Someone thinks worse than her, someone sings worse than her, someone generally has complete troubles in life. These joys are wrong, since one should rejoice at the good, the good...

Fortunately, the envious girl knows how to rejoice in good things, but very little, because in search of the shortcomings of those around her, she does not notice much around her that really gives joy.

Close to fairy tale world Baba Yaga lives, she is also very envious. One day Baba Yaga saw this girl and was very happy: “What a wonderful girl! She will make a real Baba Yaga!”

Since then, Baba Yaga has constantly taught the envious girl not only to be upset when someone has something better than her, not only to be happy when someone has something worse than her, but also look for shortcomings in others, and if there are none, then even invent them. The envious girl, without knowing it herself, quickly learns everything from Baba Yaga and becomes more and more like her. And as the girl learns, Baba Yaga becomes more cheerful, cheerful, and stronger.

With Baba Yaga in a fairy-tale world lives a kind cat Fedoseya, who is a friend of many fairy tale characters in this world, everyone respects him, happily communicates with him, and Baba Yaga considers him her pet cat. Seeing that Baba Yaga was getting younger before her eyes, the cat Fedosei asked her:

- Baba Yaga, how do you manage to look so young? Did you really find a tree with rejuvenating apples?

“No,” answered the grandmother, “I met a girl who, like me, envies everyone.” She, like me, doesn’t like it when others are doing well, just like me, she rejoices at other people’s failures and the fact that someone has something worse than her. I also teach her to look for and find bad things in others and constantly discuss it with everyone. And soon I will teach this girl to even invent something bad about those around her! Then she will become a real Baba Yaga!

- Yaga, why do you want this girl to become Baba Yaga?

– The more Yags in the world, the stronger I become. This girl is one hundred and sixty-first person whom I will turn into Yaga. When I transform six hundred and sixty-six people into Yag, I will become very young! My friend from the neighboring forest has already turned three hundred and six people into Grandfathers-Yagas and Grandmothers-Yagas. She’s unrecognizable now, she’s completely younger!

The cat Fedosei was happy for Baba Yaga, who was getting younger day by day and becoming more and more cheerful, she even stopped scaring him with her stick, but at the same time the cat Fedosei was upset, he felt very sorry for the envious girl turning into Baba Yaga, and the other guys, whom Baba Yaga dreams of finding and turning into Yaga. Of course, living with the young Baba Yaga is more fun, but still the cat Fedosei decided that it was necessary to help envious children. The cat thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​going to a kind storyteller and asking her to write a fairy tale that envious children would read and understand that being envious is very bad. But where the good storyteller lives, the cat Fedosei did not know. He turned to the old owl:

- Uncle Owl, you are so wise and learned, don’t you know how to get to the good storyteller?

“I know,” answered the owl. - Why do you need to see her?

The cat told the owl about the envious girl, Baba Yaga and about his idea to help envious children. The owl did not really approve of the idea of ​​the cat Fedosei, but still promised to help. He knew where the good storyteller lived, and he really liked the idea of ​​being a guide, because he would show the cat the way, and it would depend on him, the old owl, whether the cat would get to the good storyteller or not.

- Okay, I’ll help you cat Fedoseya. - Said the owl. “But it’s a long way to the good storyteller’s house; you may not be able to withstand such a road.”

“It’s not a problem,” said the cat Fedosei, “I’ll ask my friends to help me.”

The cat turned for help to his friends - the wolf brothers from the nearby lair. The wolf brothers, all five, without hesitation, agreed to help the cat Fedosei. So the seven of us: an owl, a cat and five wolf brothers set off on their journey. The owl flew and showed the way, the wolf brothers, transferring the cat Fedosei from back to back, ran along the path indicated by the owl.

How long did the wolves run, but the old owl was tired and asked everyone to stop and rest. Then a fox ran out of the thicket and asked where they were going. The cat told her that they were heading to a kind storyteller and wanted to ask her to write a fairy tale for the children. The fox heard this, and she really wanted to get into this fairy tale.

“Take me with you,” she asked, “I also want to get into this fairy tale with you.”

No one objected, and the fox ran with everyone to the good storyteller.

How long or how short did the eight of them race, but they reached the good storyteller.

The storyteller praised the owl:

- You, Uncle Owl, are a great fellow, you dared to take such a long and difficult flight. And I see the road, remember it well. You helped everyone.

The storyteller also praised the wolves:

“You, brother wolves, have proven yourself to be true friends, helping the cat Fedosei on such a long and difficult journey. Without you, he might not have gotten there.

The kind storyteller said to Fedoseya the cat:

- You, Fedosei the cat, have come up with a good idea of ​​how to help envious children. I will definitely write this fairy tale.

– Maybe an envious girl will read this fairy tale. Then she will understand that envy is bad,” said one brother wolf.

“Yes, let all the envious people know that they are turning into Grandmother-Yagas and Grandfathers-Yagas,” said the other brother wolf.

– Will I end up in this fairy tale? – the fox asked the storyteller.

“Well, since you really want it, you’ll get there,” the storyteller promised the fox.

– Then can I say something to the guys through your fairy tale?

“Tell me,” the storyteller agreed.

– Dear guys, you have read a fairy tale written for you by a kind storyteller at the request of the cat Fedosei. We are all in this fairy tale: the envious girl, and Baba Yaga, and the kind cat Fedosei, and his faithful friends the wolf brothers, and the wise owl, and the storyteller herself, and I, the fox. I hope you understood everything correctly from this fairy tale: envy is very bad, you can simply turn into a Yaga boy or a Yaga girl.

If one of you is jealous of someone, try to overcome this harmful feeling in yourself, because your envy takes away your strength and gives strength to the real Baba-Yagas.

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime story! Short good fairy tales will calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

Who is in charge in the forest?

There lived a family of hares in the same forest. So, somehow, they gave birth to bunnies. They were small and fluffy, like balls. Mommy hare and daddy hare couldn’t stop looking at their babies. They invited guests to the viewing. The animals who lived in the neighborhood came with gifts and congratulated the happy parents. The bear brought a barrel of honey, the squirrel brought a whole basket of nuts, the hedgehog brought the ripest apples. Everyone wanted to please with their gift. But suddenly, a couple appeared that no one was expecting. It was a wolf and a fox. Nobody liked them and everyone tried to avoid them on the tenth road, because they were hooligans, littered in the forest, and offended little ones. The wolf and the fox came empty-handed and approached the bunnies.

“What wonderful kids,” said the fox.

Go away,” answered the hare, “I didn’t call you.”

You don't need to call us. We come wherever we want and whenever we want. Ha-ha-ha,” they laughed and, waving their tails, walked away.

“We need to do something with them,” the hare pitifully addressed the neighboring animals, “this couple is dangerous for my children.”

“Let’s drive them out of the forest,” the hedgehog suggested.

Yes,” the bear supported, “we will collect signatures from all residents, and they will have to leave.”

And so they did. The squirrel galloped around the inhabitants of the forest and collected signatures to evict the wolf and fox from the forest. Then she brought this list to the hare, and he bravely went to the hooligans. But the closer he came, the more scared he was. Father hare saw a fox and a wolf in a clearing. They played cards on a tree stump.

Here,” said the bunny and held out a document in his trembling paw, “get out of our forest!”

The wolf and fox came closer, read the paper, and then laughed loudly.

“Do you think we were scared,” the wolf laughed, then he grabbed the piece of paper from the hare’s paws and ate it, “there was a document, and there is no document.” The commander has been found here!

Bunny could hardly hold back his tears, but he couldn’t cry, because he was the father of the family. It was necessary to act. He came home, packed his things, said goodbye to the hare and went to the lion for help. The lion was supposed to help drive the insolent people out of the peaceful forest. After all, the lion is the king of animals, everyone obeys him. The bunny walked for a long time and finally came. The lion was lying in the sun, resting, and his cubs were climbing on him, playing.

“Good afternoon,” said daddy hare, “I came to you from afar for help, because you are also a father and should understand me.”

The hare told the lion about his misfortune.

But I won’t be able to drive them away all the time. “When I go home, they will return,” said the lion.

The bunny became sad. But the lion calmed him down.

“I think I know what needs to be done,” and the lion whispered his plan into the hare’s ear.

They returned to the hare's native forest and went to look for the wolf and the fox. They were just throwing cones into the jay's nest. The lion hid behind the bushes, and the hare came forward.

Stop it immediately,” the hare shouted, “I order you!”

Who are you to tell us?

Now I am the leader in this forest. I visited the king of beasts, the lion, and he appointed me in charge here.

Well, yes, that's what we believed. How can you prove it?

The hare took a deep breath, and at that time, behind him, in the bushes, the lion roared with all his royal strength. The trees shook from such a roar. The hare closed his mouth.

Well, do you believe it now? - asked the bunny. The wolf and the fox tucked their tails and ears.

Y-y-yes. They believed it.

So,” the hare commanded, “so that your spirit is not in this forest, and don’t even think about offending the animals, otherwise you will have to deal with me!”

The hooligans turned around and ran away, only their tails flashing between the trees. The bunny thanked the lion, said goodbye to him and went to his home. There he was met by a hare and kids.

“Now I’m calm for you,” said daddy hare and stroked the kids on their fluffy heads.

Since then, no one has been mischievous in the forest, and there is no trace of the wolf and the fox.

Let short good bedtime stories will become a good tradition and will bring you and your baby closer.

Do you like to read short stories for children ? But this is very beneficial for those who do not really like to read or tell fairy tales. After all, a short fairy tale for children takes very little time, but conveys the plot of the fairy tale almost completely! Well, fairy tale lovers, we invite you to our page. Short stories for children. This is especially for you!!!

When fairy-tale heroes come to life, they become much more convincing than real prototypes.

We invite you to the World of Fairy Tales and Adventures. This castle is very high. A beautiful princess was sitting on the roof. and near her feet the Serpent Gorynych wriggled and slid down the wall.

Bluebeard hugged the horn of the castle with his hands, and wild grapes climbed up his back. Koschey the Immortal supported with his head the balcony on which the mermaids were hanging. View of the castle windows. like the eyes of a fat-headed dragon. And near the entrance, bulging, they sat Gray wolves, and the entrance itself gave the impression of an open pasture of some huge monster. Everything looked so scary and funny at the same time.

And funny things are never scary!

Short fairy tales for children are small, funny, scary, kind, instructive stories from a collection of fairy tales. This is a fairy tale, only shortened.

The Tale of Petya the Cockerel

Once upon a time there lived Petya the Cockerel. Oil head, silk beard, spurs on legs. And what a voice he had! Clean, clear, loud! One morning the cockerel woke up. Earlier then others. I looked out the window, it was dark, everyone was sleeping. And the sun is still sleeping. “Not in order!” - thinks Petya the Cockerel. Petya jumped onto the fence and shouted: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Loud, loud! Loud, loud! The sun heard him, woke up, and opened his eyes. “Thank you, Petya, for waking me up! – says Sunny, “I fell asleep somehow.” The sun rose into the sky. The day has begun. Everyone slowly began to wake up. Thanks to Petya the Cockerel.

The Tale of a Hungry Mouse

Once upon a time there was a mouse, his name was Peak. One day Peak looked out of his hole and said: “I want to eat. What would you like to profit from? A little mouse ran out of his hole to look for something to eat. He sees a doll lying on the floor. The girl played and left. “What a beautiful doll, probably delicious,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the doll. He grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. No, not a tasty doll. You can't eat it. He looked around and saw a pencil lying on the floor. Beautiful, red. The boy drew and left. " Beautiful pencil“Probably delicious,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the pencil, grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. The pencil is not tasty, you can chew it to sharpen your teeth, but it is not suitable for food. He looked around and saw a newspaper lying there. Dad read it and forgot. “Oh, what a newspaper! I’ll definitely get enough of her,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the newspaper, grabbed it with his teeth and started chewing. Chewed it a little and spat it out. The newspaper is not tasty, I don’t want to eat it. Suddenly, Pieck felt that he smelled something delicious. He looks and sees a piece of cheese lying on the floor. Someone dropped it. “This is what I’ll eat,” thought Pieck. The mouse ran up to the cheese, grabbed it with his teeth, and did not notice how he ate the entire piece. " Delicious cheese, it’s a pity that it’s over,” thought Pieck and ran to his hole to sleep.

Tea Sea

fairy tale for little ones

There is a table. There is a cat and mice at the table. There is a teapot in the cat's paws.

Do you want some tea? - he asked the mice.

Yes! - said the mice. - Give us a whole bowl of tea!

This will be our sea.

We will float with tea in cups.

We will row with spoons.

We will have an island made of buns, and on it - white grass made from coconut shavings.

We will have broccoli trees.

Our clouds will be made of cotton candy, and the rain will be made of juice.

Our houses will be made of cookies.

Will you have a beach? - asked the cat.

Yes! But all the sand will be made of sugar, said the mice.

Will you have sun? - asked the cat.

But of course! - answered the mice. - Our sun is CHEESE!

Magic word

short fairy tales for little children

What should you do if a mother tells a boy: “Put away the toys”?

You have to run to your grandmother and shout: “Grandma! Save me! They're chasing me!"

What should you do if a mother tells a boy: “Go brush your teeth”?

You have to hide under the bed and shout: “I’m not at home!”

What should you do if your mother says: “Go eat. Is dinner getting cold?

If you ever need to read someone a bedtime story, you won't find a better one than this one.


It was time to sleep, and the little bunny grabbed the big hare tightly by the long, long ears. He wanted to know for sure that the big hare was listening to him.
- Do you know how much I love you?
- Of course not, baby. How should I know?
- I love you - that's how it is! - and the little bunny spread his paws wide, wide.
But a big hare has longer legs.
- And I love you - that’s how.
“Wow, how wide,” thought the bunny.
- Then I love you - that’s how it is! - and he reached up with all his might.
“And you too,” the big hare reached out after him.
“Wow, how high,” the bunny thought. “I wish I could!”
Then the little bunny guessed: somersault on his front paws, and up the trunk with his back paws!
- I love you to the very tips of your hind legs!
“And I’ll take you to the very tips of your paws,” the big hare picked him up and threw him up.
- Well, then... then... Do you know how much I love you?... That's it! - and the little hare jumped and tumbled around the clearing.
“And I like that,” the big hare grinned, and jumped so much that his ears reached the branches!
“What a jump! - thought the little bunny. “If only I could do that!”
- I love you far, far along this path, like from us to the river itself!
- And I’ll take you - like across the river and oh-oh-he’s over those hills...
“How far away,” the little bunny thought sleepily. Nothing else came to his mind.
Here above, above the bushes, he saw a large dark sky. There is nothing further than the sky!
“I love you to the moon,” the little bunny whispered and closed his eyes.
- Wow, how far... - The big hare put him on a bed of leaves.
He settled down next to him, kissed him goodnight... and whispered in his ear:
- And I love you to the moon. All the way to the moon... and back.

“That’s how I love you” - translation of the fairy tale in poetic form:

The little bunny smiled at his mother:
- I love you like this! - and spread his hands.
- And that’s how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and showed too.

- He crouched down and jumped high like a ball.
- I love you like this! - the bunny laughed.

And then in response, running wildly,
- That's how I love you! - the bunny jumped.
“That’s a lot,” the little bunny whispered, “
This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.

I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And he somersaulted on the ant-grass.
- And that’s how I love you! - mommy said,
She tumbled, hugged and kissed.

“That’s a lot,” the little bunny whispered, “
This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
Do you see a tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this - you understand, mom!

And in my mother’s arms I can see the whole valley.
- That's how I love you! - the mother told her son.
So it was a fun day. At the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.

At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?..

Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
Quietly before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- This is very, very much, it’s so nice,
If you love to the moon, and then back.