Where is Burkhanov? Oleg Burkhanov latest news, rumors, gossip. Participation in a TV show

Oleg Burkhanov was born on December 16, 1994. Oleg is originally from Bukhara, Uzbekistan, although everywhere on social networks he indicates that he is a native Muscovite.

There is confusion and with his last name he indicates Burkhanov, but on the official website he is registered as Burkhanov.

Often such inconsistencies are intentionally made so that it is impossible to trace the history of the participant to the project.

Oleg came to the project when he was 20 years old, in November 2014. Before the project, he worked as a manager in a bar. He is interested in sports and practices jiu-jitsu, studies by correspondence at one of the capital's universities and writes poetry.

I came to Alena Ashmarina’s project. It didn’t stop him that the girl was 8 years older than him and the presence of a child, however, the relationship, for some reason, didn’t work out.

Then the guy turned his attention to Tatyana Okhulkova, who had recently broken up with Evgeny Rudnev.

They declared themselves a couple and moved into a separate room; at first, thanks to Oleg’s efforts, the relationship was almost perfect.

He prepared surprises for his chosen one, courted her, and brought her breakfast in bed. Subsequently, Tatyana began to open up on the other side, discussed their relationship with her friends, talking about often far-fetched problems, and the couple broke up.

There was also an attempt to build a relationship with Victoria Romanets, but she was still in love with Andrei Cherkasov and nothing worked out for the guys.

There was also some adventure. Oleg and another participant went to a nightclub and spent the whole night with unfamiliar girls.

The producers didn’t like this very much and Oleg was asked to choose either to leave or to move into a room with one of the girls.

The couple lived under the same roof for some time, but this casual connection also did not result in a serious relationship.

In October, Oleg was offered to participate in the second season of House 2 Island of Love, he agreed.

After arriving at the filming location of the reality show, even before the start of the main project, he managed to ruin his relationships with almost all the girls and they advocated his expulsion.

He was given an ultimatum and given three days to correct it, but already on the first day he managed to be rude and quarrel with the participants. And now it is not clear whether he will continue his participation or leave the project

While participating in the project, Oleg was a popular participant, as he is a young, athletic guy and girls like him.

Account: burhanov_official

Occupation: former member TV project “Dom-2”

Oleg Burkhanov Instagram interests more than 200 thousand subscribers. Oleg came to the project in 2014 with a girl several years older than himself. She had a child, but this did not frighten the young man, and he wanted to achieve the girl’s love. However, it was not possible to build a relationship with her, but Oleg did not get upset. Funny nice guy I was not used to being alone and quickly began to meet girls. Despite his youth, he is a very confident and charismatic young man.

The profile for the TV show Dom-2 claims that he is a native Muscovite, however, some sources report that Burkhanov is from Uzbekistan, and his real name is Aslan. It’s not so easy to understand who is right here, but Oleg definitely looks like a native of the south.

Instagram of Oleg Burkhanov like others social media is very active. He happily shares photos with his followers. Oleg Burkhanov Instagram photos are always filled with cheerfulness. In the photographs, Oleg looks very positive, smiling, and his eyes glow with joy. If he goes on any trip, he always takes a camera with him, and his fans can follow his adventures almost in real time. He loves parties and expensive cars. His girls are the most beautiful, and his cars are luxurious.

At heart the guy is a very romantic and vulnerable person. He is not shy about posting photos with his dog or pictures of him goofing around. At the same time, he established himself as an intelligent young man, he is not rude and does not snap even at the most unpleasant comments addressed to him.

Biography of Oleg Burkhanov

The biography of Oleg Burkhanov is of interest, first of all, to fans of House-2. He was born in 1994 in Moscow. Before joining this television project, he was actively involved in sports, studied and worked as a bar manager. After entering the reality show, Oleg Burkhanov’s biography was structured as follows:

  • November 22, 2014 - passed the casting and first appeared on the perimeter of the show “Dom-2”.
  • May 2015 – started dating Anastasia Kiushkina. The guys' relationship did not last long, and they broke up. Oleg still had fleeting romances, however, true love he never found it on the project.
  • February 11, 2016 – left the project.
  • Oleg spent 447 days on the project.

Account: burhanov_official

Occupation: former participant in the television project “Dom-2”

Oleg Burkhanov Instagram interests more than 200 thousand subscribers. Oleg came to the project in 2014 with a girl several years older than himself. She had a child, but this did not frighten the young man, and he wanted to achieve the girl’s love. However, it was not possible to build a relationship with her, but Oleg did not get upset. The cheerful, handsome guy was not used to being alone and quickly began to meet girls. Despite his youth, he is a very confident and charismatic young man.

The profile for the TV show Dom-2 claims that he is a native Muscovite, however, some sources report that Burkhanov is from Uzbekistan, and his real name is Aslan. It’s not so easy to understand who is right here, but Oleg definitely looks like a native of the south.

Oleg Burkhanov’s Instagram, like other social networks, is very active. He happily shares photos with his followers. Oleg Burkhanov Instagram photos are always filled with cheerfulness. In the photographs, Oleg looks very positive, smiling, and his eyes glow with joy. If he goes on any trip, he always takes a camera with him, and his fans can follow his adventures almost in real time. He loves parties and expensive cars. His girls are the most beautiful, and his cars are luxurious.

At heart the guy is a very romantic and vulnerable person. He is not shy about posting photos with his dog or pictures of him goofing around. At the same time, he has established himself as an intelligent young man; he is not rude or snaps at even the most unpleasant comments addressed to him.

Biography of Oleg Burkhanov

The biography of Oleg Burkhanov is of interest, first of all, to fans of House-2. He was born in 1994 in Moscow. Before joining this television project, he was actively involved in sports, studied and worked as a bar manager. After entering the reality show, Oleg Burkhanov’s biography was structured as follows:

  • November 22, 2014 - passed the casting and first appeared on the perimeter of the show “Dom-2”.
  • May 2015 – started dating Anastasia Kiushkina. The guys' relationship did not last long, and they broke up. Oleg still had fleeting romances, however, he never found true love on the project.
  • February 11, 2016 – left the project.
  • Oleg spent 447 days on the project.

Oleg Burkhanov is a former participant in the TV show Dom-2. Handsome young man adoring physical activity and sports. On Instagram, Oleg Burkhanov publishes stylish photographs in which he shows off his toned torso. In addition, he is a great romantic and loves to write poetry.

The guy is on at the moment the most young participant the infamous reality show about love “Dom-2” - he came to the project at the age of twenty. Before getting on the show, Oleg worked as a bar manager. Burkhanov firmly decided to participate in the reality show in order to win the favor of Alena Ashmarina. At the same time, the young man was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the girl was already married and had a child, as well as the big age difference (Alena is eight years older than him). But start serious relationship It didn’t work out with Alena.

On the project, Oleg met Tatyana Okhulkova and they quickly began a bright, but not long-lasting romance. He met his “true” (according to Oleg himself) love later on the same project - Anastasia Kiushkina became his chosen one, with whom they later broke up because they could not overcome some differences. Burkhanov devoted almost a year and a half of his life to the project and has now left it, but fans continue to follow the personal life of this bright young man on Instagram.

Not so long ago, Oleg and Anastasia were seen together again, and although the guys say that they simply maintained good friendly relations, no one believes them anymore. Most likely, the couple is simply tired of publicity and does not want to advertise their relationship. Oleg Burkhanov has not posted photos with Nastya on his official Instagram for a long time.

Dom-2 and Instagram

Oleg Burkhanov updates his Instagram regularly. His account is not just a PR page. On it, a young man both posts photos and talks about the events of his life, gives detailed and interesting tips. Posts are often accompanied by a detailed description, which gives a feeling of live, direct communication.

Oleg’s page is very popular among former and current participants of the reality show; to date, over 240 thousand people have subscribed to it.

On Instagram, Oleg Burkhanov publishes photos from professional photo shoots, as well as interesting pastimes with his friends. Therefore, Instagram fans can expect regular updates telling about the life of the young man.