Poems for Science Day, congratulations on Russian Science Day

Hello. We sincerely congratulate you on World Science Day. Your achievements in scientific research The natural sciences and humanities are being enriched. They should become the basis for solving many problems not only in modern stage development of science, but also in the future. Thanks to your tireless activity, desire for innovation, creative search, and implementation of progressive ideas, our country has powerful scientific and technological potential. Thank you for your active, focused work, for your contribution to the domestic and world science. May all your plans be in demand and realized! We wish you new wonderful discoveries, peace, good health and happiness.

Science is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is she who moves society forward, develops technology, improves production and opens up new paths. On your professional holiday I wish you only happiness, health and the opportunity for self-realization! May all paths in your life lead to high technologies and discoveries. May good luck accompany you. And let every day bring satisfaction from work. Happy Science Day!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday I would like to wish you good conditions for work, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

We congratulate everyone who is looking for something new, striving to learn the unknown, to know the unknown and convey all their knowledge to people, on the day of the greatest field of activity in the world, Science Day! Let your hypotheses turn out to be correct, and let your conclusions always serve the good of the country.

To the people of science, on Science Day I want to say thank you for progress, for new ideas that one day will certainly enter our lives and surprise the whole world! Be firm in your aspirations! Let your salary grow and there will be ample opportunities for your most varied professional activity!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable things await you ahead scientific discoveries! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to demonstrate your abilities and never stop there!

Short congratulations on World Science Day in prose

Science is powerless without scientists; they are the ones who create the future. Congratulations to those involved on World Science Day. Happiness, time and desire to create everything that ordinary people received ready-made!

On Science Day, I want to congratulate you without any tricks! I know that you, as a scientist, have a great future, so let it contain, in addition to scientific delights, a fair share of personal happiness, love and fulfilling desires! Let your discoveries help change our world for the better!

Short congratulations on Science Day in prose

Science Day is a holiday for those who dedicated their lives to scientific activities. This is a holiday of people who believe in the power of scientific thought and are aimed at discovering new things. Holiday out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

Putin congratulates you on the Day Russian science

Russian folk ditties for Russian Science Day

Your whole life is experiments, ideas, thoughts, inspiration!

In the world of experience and knowledge
Definitely not boring.
Congratulations, erudite,
Today is Happy Science Day.

I want to wish you discoveries,
Bright and useful
Receive grants more often
Become famous quickly.

I wish on this day
Brilliant thoughts.
Let science remain
In your life there is meaning. ©

You are a brilliant scientist
After all, the mind is a chamber!
On science day I wish
The only big thing is the salary.
I wish to generate
Lots of ideas everyone needs,
May you have enough strength and health
For ideas and undertakings. ©

Will be crowned with success
Let your efforts
Make an important discovery.
In general, happy science day.

You are a scientist, a genius, a guru,
You are the pride of the Fatherland,
Leave your beautiful mark
In the life of humanity.

Let everyone be appreciated
Your unusual impulse
In the world of tricky science
Let it be like an explosion. ©

greeting card

Russian Science Day

You are the famous minds of Russia,
All your achievements are strength,
Always focused, a little strict,
They are always true to their principles.

Happy Science Day, please accept congratulations,
Let discoveries bring inspiration,
Find pleasure in your work,
Joy, health to you, patience.

On Science Day I wish
Glory to you loudly.
Let support in your endeavors
Gives from a nice family.

Take a break from work
For leisure and friends.
And, of course, a scientist, -
Bright and explosive ideas! ©

Fellow scientists
Involved in the discovery!
Open for you today
Anything will have to happen -
Sprats and shrimps,
The secret of the nucleus and the cell,
And a jar of caviar,
And starry worlds,
A bottle of Chablis
Or maybe cognac
And the formula of love
For many centuries.

Happy Science Day.
Your golden hands
We have helped you more than once.
Your life is extraordinary.
Let the unknown mystery
Will become an open book
On a special day for you.
Congratulations, creators of ideas,
Authors of hypotheses and discoveries.
With all your destiny, dare for people,
Live and create for a long time!

Voice congratulations on Russian Science Day

Congratulations on Russian Science Day from Medvedev

Let's glorify Russian science!

Cool song: Brains! Brain! Long live the brains!

Among scientific workers
Golden, brothers, hands,
Well, maybe their heads
Gold is a hundred times more expensive!

May you live without boredom,
Let everyone appreciate your hands,
Your experience and skills,
And heads – no less!

Scientists drive science
Inspired by dreams and knowledge,
Their ideas take off:
Inventions, discoveries
They fly through time so quickly,
Source - learned man.
You have a meager salary
But the soul is rich in dreams!
Without you, we will go backwards.
Losing you is a loss for us,
After all, in the heads there is a chamber of the mind,
You are the most valuable treasure for the country!
Even if they promise you in the West
Countless riches a hundredfold
More than in my native country,
You are faithful to the Motherland and to us.
We bow low to you,
Celebrating your holiday in the spring.

Please accept congratulations on Science Day!
Let inspiration visit you more often.
Let your work embody your ideas,
Lightning strikes scientific thought!

All achievements will pay off more than once,
Your connection with finances becomes stronger.
May all searches not be in vain,
Resources are eternal and reliable expectations!

Yours, my friend, is a scientific mind
Thinks a lot of smart thoughts,
He can know everything in the world,
Your mind is more valuable than gold!

Thank you for your scientific work,
Let important discoveries await you,
May your golden mind be appreciated everywhere!
Good luck in science! Good luck in your work!

On Researcher's Day, please accept my sincere joy that we know each other. I wish to strive for Nobel Prizes and leave your mark on science! In science, the main thing is experiment! I propose to move on to the famous experiment of Mendeleev: study the ratio of alcohol and water in solution! And then your scientific Muse will definitely fly to you today and give you inspiration!

If the younger one cheats on his wife Researcher, they say about him: “A dirty libertine.” If a research assistant cheats, they say: “Womanizer!” If a doctor or professor cheats, then they say: “Dear naughty guy.”
We wish everyone who is busy, scientific activity, successfully “gnaw the granite of science” in order to quickly turn into “cute naughty girls”!

A merchant and a scientist were sailing on a ship. The merchant was rich and brought with him a lot of goods, but the learned man had nothing. A storm arose at sea, and the ship was wrecked. Only the merchant and the scientist were saved. They grabbed onto a log and the wave carried them to the shore. Having recovered from his experience, the merchant, lamenting, says:
- How much goods I carried on the ship! What riches! And I lost it all!
- And my wealth is always with me! “Right here,” the scientist said and pointed to his head.
Let's raise a glass to wealth that cannot be lost! Let's drink to the people who have this wealth! For the scientists!

​PozdravOK.ru​And a gift -​ with science,​ Congratulations go up We are proud of you,​ The sun from behind the house​ Today is your holiday​ Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,​ servant of science,​ has gone down the centuries! Science - this one verse! Congratulations to all scientists, Do not meet with proud falcons, Long years of human disgrace to all, I wish creative growth ,​ strength,​ Love for you​ All that surrounds​ science! I would like to wish the state. It is she who on the glorious holiday, ​ in boredom, in the heavens to Science Day,​ Call on everyone to learn.​ to you, scientific geniuses,​ your success is inevitable!​ the sidewalks are preparing a barrage of​ again.​ hurry.​ And happiness will​ life be easy and​ let those ahead​ develop technologies, improve​ and for work ​Science is something​ ​After all,​ ​Your IQ​Oh, how amazing minds are​They actively go to​“Without science, nowhere!”​Don’t be sad and​ forever!​ interesting, we owe​ valuable scientific discoveries!​ production and opens ​ unsurpassed,​ what separated​ us is very high!​ golden!​ gymnasiums.​ Without science -​ don’t be sad,​ Science, my friend,​ ​ science! Thank you Thanks to such as new paths. I wish to all scientists we press away from barbarism and our usual wishes: How do your labors pass by the red-eared ones, but nowhere, After all, despondency - study, for a bright mind, you, science is not in your professional hands .​ ​ gave the light of knowledge.​ Let everyone​ go priceless!​ he is not bored,​ Everyone knows this.​ this is a sin,​ But about himself​ a rich imagination and​ stands still,​ a holiday of only happiness,​ Not only Thanks to her, we have everyday problems, These minds are born, That a person grows, Don’t be sad, Better smile more often, don’t forget, bold decisions. For​ and life improves.​ health and opportunities​ scientist we treat diseases, build​ Immerse in love​ only in Russia.​ ​ stupid and submissive;​ never -​ Just be happier​ And never what​ I don’t wish good health, self-realization! Let in​ With wise science at home and just​ personal lives,​ Apparently, Lomonosov’s genes.​ After all,​ In life​ everything​ of everyone! ,​ we live. The whole world, In it the law of Thank you for your work can happen every second! does not work!​ your day and​ Extract the square root. Thank you for​ and never​ high technologies and​ For many, a student​ is unthinkable without science​ Even though Newton​ of the night is worthy,​ datki.net​ Remember about science,​ I wish for you,​ “Candidates of Science, professorship”​ that to stop there! discoveries. May I owe you.​ and her achievements.​ respect,​ Thank you for your efforts and suffering. ​ ​I congratulate​ all the scientists​ Never forget​ my friend,​ Candidates of Science,​ professors​,​ offices and​ laboratories​,​ I want to​ congratulate​​ good luck. And​Deputies, engineers,​ And has​Only apples in​ Let's congratulate scientists today​ ​Happy Russian Day​ - And rest, and​Bachelors, and​ laboratory assistants​, work to create​ you, chief scientists​ let every day​ All science makes sense to deny this. forehead - this is we urgently science, ​There is no fun in the world, Doctors and Master's degrees, the future. Happy Day to countries whose

SMS congratulations on Russian Science Day

science! Victories, achievements
Works make discoveries in life. Happy Day
​Career officers -​ Science Day!​
​With the exorbitant let​ of Russian science!​
​Your minds and​greets.ru​
​science​Happy science day​
​and discoveries!​
People are easier, better than science!
​Without it there is no Science, you are already granite ​by attraction
​Let the clouds hang over science.​
​Not all yet​
​And in life I want heartily
​Science makes our​ and more comfortable. you
​Please accept my congratulations.​
​gnawed,​fall from the sky
​do not thicken, I wish you great achievements,​
Openly achieve a lot, ​I want to congratulate you
​life is both more comfortable and more interesting,​
- the key to prosperity
Happy Science Day!​
​For all of us​
​You're a little short of cash!​
​And rapidly develops​Brilliant and courageous​
​Eat for science​Be able to overcome yourself​
Happiness, and easier. Thanks to science ​our country and​
​ Science is very important to me,​
​new discovery.​Work for the benefit of your beloved​
​ she,​ ideas,​
​(It happens, it is necessary),​
​I wish you discoveries​ we have cures for many​
Pride for her.
I follow with respect In every industry ​Five in existence​
​Everything is great
​And go Russian​After all, there are many prospects​
So that the spirit rejoices
diseases. Today such
​ You invent something​ with your scientific career.​
​she​ bisector
​So that we become scientists,​
​Science​Primary, brave.​
​and flesh,​Only the worthy and the day that reminds​
What saves millions It’s immediately obvious that
​We must sow​And it’s no secret​
stronger and richer, so proud of him
​Ahead, let the planets​May you all​And become happy​
​ real!​ about the importance of science. This ​ lives. In yours you do what you love
For grandchildren, the process of lithium decay.
​You are the pride​
The whole country, the whole.
​succeeds,​ and loved ones!​
​“I sincerely wish you joy”​ holiday for scientists​
Professional day, in action. I wish you
​Seeds of wise knowledge!​
​World Science Day​ people, you -​ ​Today is Science Day​Happy All-Russian Science Day​
​How it turns out!​“Hello Russian science!”​
​Let the scientific world​ and all of us. Happy day
​ Science Day is about new interesting discoveries,​
​To everyone who loves science,​ - this is yours,​
good glory
It is noted
​Congratulations to all of you.​May there be new horizons​
​Hello Russian​ is thriving,​ science, my dear
​I want to wish you​ interesting publications, intelligent​
​At least it’s an accompanying holiday for her​Profession.​We wish you great achievements,​
​And I congratulate​Improve only knowledge​
​In science they are discovering!​ science!​
​Let them wait for discoveries, friend!​
​even more inventions,​ graduate students. Good health to you
​respects,​Let's go with you​
​good luck.​ cordially everyone,​ ​I wish you mine.​
​Everything that is​I am with it​
​miracles,​Without science it is unthinkable​
​world breakthroughs in​ strong, happiness, success​
​I'll drink some pleasant discoveries one at a time,​
​On the holiday of ideas​Discovery, let only​
​So that they read more intelligently in this life​
​ in the afternoon I want to congratulate May it be a new day
The future. Science is created by areas of science, success In all matters and important
​My old friend,​ and great discoveries,​
​don’t end,​Before you go to bed
useful, you.
Welcomes you kindly, scientists. Thank you for your
​and abundance of knowledge.​ and pleasure from​
​I wish you a friend and comrade-in-arms throughout life.​
​Which you can be proud of​
​And scientists are waiting for books.​ ​Unique, interesting,​
​May the heavens give you good luck,​
​work, for everything
​ May good luck work for you for many years to come!​
​Well,​On World Science Day​
Happiness and success!
​We learned new things in​Everything is invented, brothers,​
​will extend his hand, I sincerely wish you joy,

Congratulations on Science Day

​never fails​My dear highbrow​
​ who doesn’t like​ We will shake the scientists​
​We wish you significant bright​
​Science days for the country​
​life​ science
​Let your dreams come true​
​At work -​
​ boundaries in your work​ ​ and let it be a friend! On occasion -​
​events​We definitely need.​
​You are without respite.​And to those​ who are now.​ all the best,​
​activities that are great for you in your life reigns
Today's holiday you can I wish you to love science,
​Appreciating selfless work.​We wish you success in​
​I congratulate you cordially. I congratulate you on Russian Day. I am connected with it, May the scientific world
​Live prosperous prospects and discover new order and happiness!​
It would be, of course, Because, alas,
​Only,​ all the time!​
​And I wish you happiness in science! I wish everyone
​has no time for sorrows at all,​
​In deciding life horizons, dear scientists.​
​Happy Science Day!​ join with you​
​We can't get enough of a day,​
​PozdravOK.ru​ forever.​
Receive the most cherished boredom.
​Forward with vigorous steps of tasks!​
​Congratulations on this​Not being afraid to be​
​you can’t live through a discussion regarding the boson!​
​Few times on​Happy World Science Day​
​Let your dreams and desired knowledge come true.​
​But we will distract​
​"To all scientists"​ important day - World​
​ misunderstood, underestimated, you, Higgs, or theorems
​The rocket launched from the spaceport,​

Congratulations on Science Day

​Peace, light to you,​ Have the opportunity to realize​
​ them today
​Let a series of discoveries​To all scientists​
​ Science day!​
​scientist, don’t back down​ Farm, or else​
​Took to Fomalhaut​We always have to​
​She is definitely kind.​

your potential. To be
From thoughts and
​expects new ones,​
​I want to wish​
​Science is what​
​ from your dream!​ something important for​
​ landmark,​ praise them,​
moves progress

​May health come,​ may you be aware of all​ discoveries.​ Let all the best be​ Be able and the mind​ that has separated us​ Be a scientist -​ You and you​ In countless test tubes​ Only he lives,​ May you be successful and​ May success is not about innovations and discoveries. We want to congratulate you.

A short

​and hands,​
from barbarism and gave light
This means understanding such nonsense. But
And retorts don’t bother,

I wish you well, he leaves!
​ Let treatise
​ scientists​"Representative of Russian science"​
​How to apply!​ knowledge. Thanks to her we
​that I prefer your work
​Our wondrous one is born
​Who is with science​Still, less for you​
​Happy Russian Science Day​ will be appreciated by​
​With no less​You are a representative​
​To achieve recognition, we treat diseases, we build
​important, necessary, and Once again check
​new world.​

​ true friends.​ pain, stress.​
​ - we are all with dignity and always
important event!​ Russian science,​
​Scientific path.​
​ at home and just living.​ only from you​ in practice theses​
​Today we think reverently
​UNESCO approved Science Day​Science gave us​
We honor her, could be embodied in

​The spine is bent, like​You know, your holiday​
​And most importantly -​ The whole world, everything​
The result depends. In the great Mendeleev, who
​About everyone about​For the world and​
​so much knowledge,​We love you very much and​
life. Learn, analyze, hit by the shaft,
​Today has come!​ to fall in love,​
​human society is unthinkable​your professional holiday​

has achieved perfection in
those who are stars
​progress on Earth.​
​I gave you even more, so we respect you,
dream and achieve
​But will I wish the scientist
​And find happiness!​
​ without science and I would like to wish it to you

He gave us experiments on connection, Let’s unite in a reap
​advantages,​We value knowledge, carefully​
​desired!​ think about trifles​
​to get rid of boredom​“I wish you good luck, I wish you well”​
achievements. And does not have good conditions for
​alcohol with water​Thanks to Tesla,​
​our hands,​I wish not to lose​
We keep them
​On the day of Russian science,​ flaw?​ Our scientific world​
​Scientific discoveries are tempting​ meaning to deny it.​ work, generous funding​
​ - uncork the bottle and Einstein, so that knowledge will light
We are in doubt, On this holiday we glorify your wisdom.

​He knows perfectly
​didn't die!​ world​
​ With the coming World Day​developments that will help​
​and with pleasure​And we thank Lomonosov.​
​made his way into the gray
​I wish you were​ we congratulate you!​
Let them be proud of what Darwin wrote,
Let new discoveries Let your doors
​ Science!​ to all humanity and,​
To drink to your Apple fell from a branch in the darkness.
​great and mighty!​I wish to be​
​ grandchildren,​ What are we -​

The horizons are waiting, will open,
​datki.net​ of course, deserved recognition​
holiday. Happy Day - Scientists, students, graduate students,
​What is science​ wise, to know a lot​
​Health for many years​ only the descendants of monkeys.​
Let hundreds of roads be food for the mind,
​"New ideas"​ and respect!​
​science!​Newton passed nearby.​

Congratulations on World Science Day

​We need to understand.​In this life,​
​ we wish.​The sun will seep into​
Lead to the heights, for joy -
​Let a new day​Science be a lady​
​Every year in February​The branch turned out to be a mark​
​waiting.​Everything that has been collected​
What is so multifaceted, Science Day! Science Day!​
​a tiny crack,​Only those who will be successful​

​to the scientific world​
capricious. Not all of Russia celebrates
​ -​
​The universe has gigantic chimes in sound,​
​And I wish you success
​ - Like a little festering
​May this​ Bring you the goodness of discoveries​
She opens it to everyone
​ Science Day. This is completely in the forehead
​For scientific feats​
​This must be accepted.​ I will reach you,​
​It spread across the pavement.​
​ wound,​ May the days be inspiration​
The day will give.

​new,​ his secrets, not​ a great holiday of innovative​ he received.​ name! Without her, there is nowhere to Develop always tirelessly, There is no place today And he will hide for​ they will bring! I wish you good luck, I wish that every moment for everyone under the power of ideas, discoveries and It was painful, but

​Happy Science Day,​ we​
​To store experience,​ boredom,​
​ dusty shelf,​ “Everything in science is not easy
good, it was successful,
​comprehend her laws of knowledge given to us
​Without her, without science, dear.​
​and then -​We all celebrate​

​Where it is piled on​
​world"​And personal happiness​
​And with everyone​
And wisdom. Scientists scientists. To you, great ones
​Suddenly exclaimed enthusiastically:​ nowhere,​
​The one who knows​ to convey,​
​ country.​ bank bank.​
​It’s not easy everything in​ - in full,​

​with a gracious word
​ cannot become one day.​ minds, today we express
- Gravity law, Everyone would die
​science,​And, in science​There are many who​
​Girl's heart, evaporated​
scientific world-In order to honor
Inspiration for you
A true scientist never expresses gratitude for priceless

​It seems that I have become
Out of boredom, He's probably a hero.
A very wise person can contribute,
​in iodine.​Here - only​
Your shouting has come soon,
​never stops learning,​ knowledge, continuous experiences,​
​If only, well​About everything that​

Happy Science Day!
And with all our hearts we wish:
The most interesting events,
New, significant discoveries!
Secret plans for accomplishments,
All projects are completed!
So that Russian science
I didn’t miss you like a beech tree,
Developed constantly
Briskly, correctly and zealously,
So that the scientists of the planet
We were envied for this!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I follow your scientific career with great respect. It is immediately obvious that you are doing what you love. I wish you new interesting discoveries, interesting publications, and smart graduate students. I wish you good health, happiness, success in all your endeavors and pleasure from work for many years to come!

On Science Day, let me congratulate
With the fact that you are smarter than many in the world,
And how science should be glorified,
And all your discoveries are in it!

Everyone would die of boredom
If there was no science!
No iPad, no iPhone,
Not a cool phone!
There is no apartment, no chandelier,
No buzzing smart cars,
There is no knife or fork,
For nails use the usual file.
There is a disease, but no potion,
No synthetics for the jacket,
There is nothing to fly into space,
There is nothing to wash the dress with.
There is no sofa, no armchairs,
The world is cruel, prickly and insipid.
Without science in our century,
Humans couldn't!

Happy Science Day! We, Russia
(I reject false modesty,
I confess, as if in spirit),
It's heard all over the world.
We have something to be proud of,
What to celebrate today.
Happy Science Day from Russia!
Let me wish you:
Clear head, good luck
And Einstein's brains,
The scientific path without flaws
And recognition of work!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable scientific discoveries await you ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

Scientists are moving time forward.
They direct the course of history.
And no matter how many secrets are revealed
And no matter how people honor them.
They continue their path in science.
Nothing will stop their search.
Let there be no demand for openings,
Let them put spokes in the wheels,
They and amateurs will withstand an argument
They will go to the stake for ideas,
But they will not be consigned to oblivion.
The struggle will spur them to strive
Reach high peaks in science -
The source of knowledge is inexhaustible!
We take our hats off to them.
In winter we celebrate Science Day,
We hope for them, believe them, wait for them
All the new discoveries gained by labor
Let their thoughts be winged,
And they themselves are rich during their lifetime!

Science does not stand still
And to everyone who moves progress,
Today we wanted to be together
Give you one process!
The process of submitting congratulations,
And thanks for
That you are a great scientific genius
And this has been clear to everyone for a long time!
For your bright discoveries,
For your brilliant mind,
For all the latest events
We congratulate you to the fullest!
And on Science Day we wish you,
So that you have enough strength for everything!
We sincerely congratulate you
You are our luminary among luminaries!

People of science - special people,
Those who bite into granite knowledge,
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
Let your guiding star shine brightly!
On this day dedicated to Russian science
We wish discoveries made without pain,
You are the people who drive global progress
And they find so many miracles in ordinary things!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you good working conditions, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

Without science it’s like without wings
The country will not fly into the distance.
Science is our strength
She gives us a chance to create!
And on Science Day, congratulations
We are those who value it,
We know who is connected with her,
That science will win everything!

Congratulations to you,
May you always be lucky in everything!
So as not to die of boredom,
Don't sit with your hands folded
To have interest in life,
Progress helps us
Multiply, add,
We take away when we lose,
We divide, if we have to,
Let's leave out what's gone.
There is reaction and strength,
Numbers, fractions, reagents,
There is not a day without an algorithm,
Taste and smell, shapes, rhymes,
So the holiday has come,
Fits everyone well
We celebrate Science Day,
Let's celebrate as best we can!

Happy Science Day!
We wish you new plans,
And successes and discoveries,
Certificates, awards and events!
And perseverance in endeavors,
And hopes and efforts,
And finances, of course,
Be completely happy!
Interesting monographs
And good, honest colleagues,
So that in difficult times
Don't hang your nose!

Science is what separated us from barbarism and gave us the light of knowledge. Thanks to her, we cure diseases, build houses and simply live. The whole world, the entire human society is unthinkable without science and its achievements. And it makes no sense to deny it. Happy World Science Day!

Fables are told all over the earth,
Sonnets, songs and poems
About the fact that there are no smarts anywhere
Scientists, except in Rus'.
After all, only we are capable of even
Descend into the depths underground.
After all, we are children, not otherwise,
Russian gold science.

Being a scientist is not an easy calling,
But the sages are always able to do everything.
Let the snags be fleeting
They don’t stop you from creating abundantly.
May all your hopes come true,
Let there be a reward for everything.
Law of the Universe: Glory Before
There is more than one obstacle ahead.
How many stars are there in the sky,
So many geniuses below:
Someone builds airplanes
Someone flashes lightning in a thunderstorm
With a cunning plan he whistled
At the Thunderer-Zeus.
Zeus only managed to open his mouth
From the wonders of progress.
We wish the brave ones
Mathematicians, doctors,
Engineers, chemists
Live and live happily!

Today is Science Day on the planet,
All those who studied DNA,
Colliders, dolphin speech sounds
And everything that is unknown to us yet!
How can a person survive without science?
You can't survive without formulas from your mind!
You can’t get into a mortgage without paying it off,
And you can’t prove something from Fermat!
I congratulate you! Tirelessly
Do science, dear!
But a bug like Grisha Perelman
Do not be! Let happiness be your friend!

Science makes our life more comfortable, more interesting, and easier. Thanks to science, we have cures for many diseases. Today is a day that reminds us of the importance of science. This is a holiday for scientists and all of us. Happy Science Day, my dear friend!

Russian science! Hail!
Today is your day for a reason,
How many people are there in Russia
They take care of you, lovingly.
And they give without reserve
Into the abyss of branches of science,
Either they receive a grant, or they open it
How to treat what ailment!
Let all the great discoveries
There will be more every day,
Hail, Russian science,
We love you all!

May your work bear countless fruits,
May you make unprecedented discoveries!
Let the problems be inconspicuous,
And even better - completely invisible.
May everyone be surprised by your successes,
May you conquer the Universe and time,
With your victorious sonorous laughter,
May you take the burden of paradoxes off your shoulders.
May you receive recognition from the world,
The main thing is to drive away doubts.
After all, he is already calling you to a meeting
The coveted Nobel Prize.

Cool congratulations to scientists on Science Day

Science never stands still -
Thanks only to you, progress moves forward,
May every new opening day give
And there are many awards awaiting you in the scientific community.

I want to sincerely wish you goodness and happiness,
The whole world is open to you and has no secrets!
I wish you never have problems,
Let worries and sadness become a thing of the past!

Move science forward:
You are a scientist - not an artist.
And decide at your leisure -
“Where is the meaning hidden in life?”

I wish you a career
Light, bright, punchy
And great love, without end -
So, head first!

May things go well
May success follow you
Let everything be personal in life -
Happiness, holiday, joy, laughter!

Science is certainly an important matter,
But everyone needs rest during work:
Throw away all your paperwork,
And antiquities frozen in ice.
Reckless ones are due to you today
Celebrations that are not alien to the “minds”.
Go to crowded restaurants
To celebrate Science Day together there!

Everything we use every day -
Everything is your creation.
You are driving progress, not laziness -
We wish you a lot of inspiration!

Congratulations on Science Day, your day,
May all your plans come true,
We are waiting for new discoveries from you -
May you get them more often!

Happy Science Day, scientist-dreamer,
Which is always half a step forward.
You have talent and knowledge,
Let Fortune not let you down!
I wish you strength and wisdom,
And go ahead like a tank.
Get all scientific degrees,
And skillfully go all-in.
And also so that life is full
Happiness, joy and luck.
To visit you more often
And discoveries and insights!

For true knowledge of radius
And giving the fervor of the mind to the country,
Are you used to working for an idea?
And therefore you will always be appreciated:
Head and hands live in harmony,
Consistently delivering results...
Let me congratulate you on Science Day
And wish you discoveries and rewards!

Pundit, sage, keeper of knowledge -
There are many beautiful names,
They sound both significant and proud,
You have firmly decided to become a scientist.
And they began, devoting themselves to science!
So let there be no boredom in your work!
Create, learn, discover,
Succeed in everything, always, everywhere!

I am writing congratulations on Science Day!
I wish inspiration to all scientists!
Let smart thoughts come to you often!
And let bad weather pass by!
To everyone who devoted themselves to each of the sciences,
Who slogged and worked tirelessly,
I wish you interesting, glorious everyday life,
There are more funny events in life!

What progress has come!
What has science come to?
Everything is driven by the nano-process,
You see, that's the thing!
And the nano-scientist sits
At my nano-table,
He looks into the nano test tube,
He is friends with the nano core!
We are nano-congratulations
We will send it to him from the bottom of our hearts!
And we won’t hide our admiration
Before his nano-labor!
