Congratulations on Russian Science Day. Poems for Science Day, congratulations on Russian Science Day

Day Russian science In our country it is celebrated annually on February 8th. This holiday was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999.

On February 8, 1724, by decree of the government Senate by order of Peter I, the Academy of Sciences was founded in Russia. In 1925 it was renamed the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1991 - into Russian Academy Sci.

Russian Science Day is an excellent occasion to attract the attention of the public, business circles, youth, and schoolchildren to the enormous possibilities of science.

Congratulations on Russian Science Day. I wish every new day to be full of creative and unique ideas, useful and great discoveries, interesting and worthy achievements. Let science develop in our country and attract more and more talented, inventive, purposeful people.

We congratulate you on Russian Science Day and wish you success in professional activity, the joy of discovery, fruitful work in a team of like-minded people, good health, vigor and determination.

Happy Russian Science Day. I wish you confidence, strong strength, inspiration, a bright mind and prosperity, I wish you great opportunities and the faithful support of others in the implementation of all your plans. Let every day be progress and a bold movement only forward for both you and Russia. I wish you to always remain an inventive, enlightened and creative person.

Congratulations on Russian Science Day. I wish that our country always remains a leader in scientific progress, interesting ideas, successful projects, big discoveries, great results and grandiose breakthroughs in science. I wish you a bright mind, fresh inspiration, incredible patience, confident strength and eternal love to science!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Russian Science Day! I wish you success in your work in your difficult field, optimism always and in everything and, of course, good health, so that you have enough strength for new discoveries and inventions for the benefit of all our people and this world!

Congratulations on Russian Science Day! I wish everyone to receive the most cherished and desired knowledge. Have the opportunity to realize your potential. Be aware of all innovations and discoveries. Let scientific work will be appreciated and could always be brought to life. Study, analyze, dream and achieve what you want!

We would like to congratulate you on Russian Science Day. And I sincerely, with all my heart, wish you many new discoveries, more brilliant ideas and the conquest of the most incredible scientific heights. May your heads always be reasonable and bright. With all sincerity, we wish you health and good luck in achieving your goals! All the best.

Congratulations on Russian Science Day! Let this holiday inspire scientific activity, new ideas and discoveries, bold decisions! We wish you successful development in your field, fruitfulness and effectiveness in your work!

Congratulations to all the outstanding minds of Russia and all those who work for the benefit of our Russian science. I wish you a lot of new discoveries and patents that will allow our country to always be a leader. Wish great ideas and the most interesting solutions. Let each of you be able to contribute a huge amount to the overall development of innovation and technology. Happy Russian Science Day!

Thanks to the people of science for making our world more perfect, safe and comfortable. Thanks to your efforts, we receive much-needed benefits every day. We sincerely congratulate you on Russian Science Day and wish you new ideas, achievements, and the implementation of your most daring plans.

We shake hands tightly
To the people of world science,
It is 100 percent Russian,
Rest of the countries for 100 cents,
But the statistics today
Looks like a pimp
We will send it on our day,
Let's congratulate you on Science Day
All scientists, erudites,
Let everything be open to us,
Everything has been explored by you,
I will pave your path with flowers!


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Base of future creations!

We need brains like this
Your talent and your hands.
On this holiday, Science Day,
Congratulations, dear ones!

And discoveries and accomplishments -
We wait, hope and believe.
Experience of older generations -
Base of future creations!

Congratulations on Science Day

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Happy Science Day

All professors, scientists and inventors
Happy Science Day!
So that all numerators and denominators
Calculated very quickly!
What would cosines, sines and integrals -
Do not interfere with the joy of the family!
So that work brings joy!
May you find happiness sooner!


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Congratulations to all the scientists.

We can't live without science,
Do not see wonderful discoveries!
Science should be valued
After all, experience is the son of difficult mistakes!

Congratulations to all the scientists,
We wish you to reach Mars,
AND kind words, from the lexicon,
And endless applause!

Happy Science Day, you!


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The greatest luminaries.

Congratulations on Science Day,
Greatest luminaries!
We wish you that without boredom,
The chain of discoveries has passed!

We wish that experiments
Everything ended well
So that there are precedents,
All attempts - definitely!

Happy Science Day, you!


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Congratulations, dear scientists!

That's it - the day of science has come!
All scientists - on a pedestal!
Please accept our congratulations!
After all, everyone knows that light is learning!
Let's raise our glasses full!
Hello, scientific world!
More small discoveries for you,
And even more big ones for you!

Congratulations on Science Day

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You create new devices
And adapt your life process.
You are not afraid of bureaucratic fences -
Every one of you has climbed over a hundred.

Create new things for the good of our lives,
For this, the Motherland respects and honors you.
Let your high principle remain,
May the Lord God love and protect you.

Today we congratulate you on Science Day -
We wish you many healthy years!
We believe you will not be different.
Let a bright light come into your thoughts!


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Learning is light, not learning is darkness,
We remember these main words from childhood,
Comprehend the granite of science honestly,
And reap a huge harvest of achievements.
We cordially congratulate you on Science Day,
We wish you great success, of course,
Good health, good luck and goodness,
May your discovery be useful.

The work of scientists is honorable and rich,
Their achievements in science are just a treasure,
Important discoveries have already been made
How many more are there yet to come?
Congratulations on Science Day,
May you have worthy achievements,
So that the country is proud and appreciates you,
Prosperity, health, goodness to you.

You are the famous minds of Russia,
All your achievements are strength,
Always focused, a little strict,
They are always true to their principles.
Happy Science Day, please accept congratulations,
Let discoveries bring inspiration,
Find pleasure in your work,
Joy, health to you, patience.

You work tirelessly year after year,
Your contribution to science deserves honor,
Work painstakingly on your dissertation,
And the opening is accompanied by an ovation.
May all your wishes come true on this holiday,
Please accept my wishes with gratitude,
May luck never fail you,
I wish you success, health, strength and goodness.

You are making progress rapidly
Interest in science increases every year,
You conquer the peaks with your achievements,
You surprise with incredible and obvious discoveries.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
I wish you great luck and success,
God grant that the truth be of value to you,
Good health, joy, goodness.

In February we celebrate a glorious holiday,
We sincerely congratulate all scientists,
Their contribution to science is quite large,
The scientist is a leader in his discoveries.
We wish you ideas for achievements,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
A scientific genius in his own way,
From dissertations and discoveries
The shelves are already bursting.

Something is not happening these days
Mendeleevs in the country.
Unfortunately, the work is not in full swing
From scientists on earth.
Few discoveries are made!
We send them this congratulations,
So that from petty events
Everyone could do a miracle!
So that they can work
Without sparing your mind.
periodic table
Suddenly it seems simple!

One who is too learned
Doomed to torment:
Always in the clouds
And he doesn’t know what and how much.
Once I came across one like this -
I lost my peace with him:
Even though the man has a beard,
But in love I don't miss a beat
At the learned donkey
The roof has apparently collapsed
From his stupid formulas
I left and that's it.

Happy Science Day
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that the riddles are before you
They opened up quickly!
For a really important date
We have Science Day.
After all, friends, this is a birthday.
Academy, by the way!

Science is a unique field,
After all, this is a world of discovery and knowledge,
In which wisdom, obsession and patience
Able to pick up the keys to a mystery.
Birthday of the Academy of Sciences
And we celebrate Science Day right away,
And this is really wonderful...
Happy holiday to you, scientist friend!

Happy Science Day!
And with all our hearts we wish:
The most interesting events,
New, significant discoveries!
Secret plans for accomplishments,
All projects are completed!
So that Russian science
I didn’t miss you like a beech tree,
Developed constantly
Briskly, correctly and zealously,
So that the scientists of the planet
We were envied for this!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I follow your scientific career with great respect. It is immediately obvious that you are doing what you love. I wish you new interesting discoveries, interesting publications, and smart graduate students. I wish you good health, happiness, success in all your endeavors and pleasure from work for many years to come!

On Science Day, let me congratulate
With the fact that you are smarter than many in the world,
And how science should be glorified,
And all your discoveries are in it!

Everyone would die of boredom
If there was no science!
No iPad, no iPhone,
Not a cool phone!
There is no apartment, no chandelier,
No buzzing, fast cars,
There is no knife or fork,
For nails use the usual file.
There is a disease, but no potion,
No synthetics for the jacket,
There is nothing to fly into space,
There is nothing to wash the dress with.
There is no sofa, no armchairs,
The world is cruel, prickly and insipid.
Without science in our century,
Humans couldn't!

Happy Science Day! We, Russia
(I reject false modesty,
I confess, as if in spirit),
It's heard all over the world.
We have something to be proud of,
What to celebrate today.
Happy Science Day from Russia!
Let me wish you:
Clear head, good luck
And Einstein's brains,
The scientific path without flaws
And recognition of work!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable things await you ahead scientific discoveries! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

Scientists are moving time forward.
They direct the course of history.
And no matter how many secrets are revealed
And no matter how people honor them.
They continue their path in science.
Nothing will stop their search.
Let there be no demand for openings,
Let them put spokes in the wheels,
They and amateurs will withstand an argument
They will go to the stake for ideas,
But they will not be consigned to oblivion.
The struggle will spur them to strive
Reach high peaks in science -
The source of knowledge is inexhaustible!
We take our hats off to them.
In winter we celebrate Science Day,
We hope for them, trust them, wait for them
All the new discoveries gained by labor
Let their thoughts be winged,
And they themselves are rich during their lifetime!

Science does not stand still
And to everyone who moves progress,
Today we wanted to be together
Give you one process!
The process of submitting congratulations,
And thanks for
That you are a great scientific genius
And this has been clear to everyone for a long time!
For your bright discoveries,
For your brilliant mind,
For all the latest events
We congratulate you to the fullest!
And on Science Day we wish you,
So that you have enough strength for everything!
We sincerely congratulate you
You are our luminary among luminaries!

People of science - special people,
Those who bite into granite knowledge,
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
Let the guiding star shine brightly!
On this day dedicated to Russian science
We wish discoveries made without pain,
You are the people who drive global progress
And they find so many miracles in ordinary things!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday I would like to wish you good conditions for work, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

Without science it’s like without wings
The country will not fly into the distance.
Science is our strength
She gives us a chance to create!
And on Science Day, congratulations
We are those who value it,
We know who is connected with her,
That science will win everything!

Congratulations to you,
May you always be lucky in everything!
So as not to die of boredom,
Don't sit with your hands folded
To have interest in life,
Progress helps us
Multiply, add,
We take away when we lose,
We divide, if we have to,
Let's leave out what's gone.
There is reaction and strength,
Numbers, fractions, reagents,
There is not a day without an algorithm,
Taste and smell, shapes, rhymes,
So the holiday has come,
Fits everyone well
We celebrate Science Day,
Let's celebrate as best we can!

Happy Science Day!
We wish you new plans,
And successes and discoveries,
Certificates, awards and events!
And perseverance in endeavors,
And hopes and efforts,
And finances, of course,
Be completely happy!
Interesting monographs
And good, honest colleagues,
So that in difficult times
Don't hang your nose!

Science is what separated us from barbarism and gave us the light of knowledge. Thanks to her, we cure diseases, build houses and simply live. The whole world, the entire human society is unthinkable without science and its achievements. And it makes no sense to deny it. With the coming World Day Science!

Fables are told all over the earth,
Sonnets, songs and poems
About the fact that there are no smarts anywhere
Scientists, except in Rus'.
After all, only we are capable of even
Descend into the depths underground.
After all, we are children, nothing less,
Russian gold science.

Being a scientist is not an easy calling,
But the sages are always able to do everything.
Let the snags be fleeting
They don’t stop you from creating abundantly.
May all your hopes come true,
Let there be a reward for everything.
Law of the Universe: Glory Before
There is more than one obstacle ahead.
How many stars are there in the sky,
So many geniuses below:
Someone builds airplanes
Someone flashes lightning in a thunderstorm
With a cunning plan he whistled
At the Thunderer-Zeus.
Zeus only managed to open his mouth
From the wonders of progress.
We wish the brave souls
Mathematicians, doctors,
Engineers, chemists
Live and live happily!

Today is Science Day on the planet,
All those who studied DNA,
Colliders, dolphin speech sounds
And everything that is unknown to us yet!
How can a person survive without science?
You can't survive without formulas from your mind!
You can’t get into a mortgage without paying it off,
And you can’t prove something from Fermat!
I congratulate you! Tirelessly
Do science, dear!
But a bug like Grisha Perelman
Don't be! May happiness be your friend!

Science makes our life more comfortable, more interesting, and easier. Thanks to science, we have cures for many diseases. Today is a day that reminds us of the importance of science. This is a holiday for scientists and all of us. Happy Science Day, my dear friend!

Russian science! Hail!
Today is your day for a reason,
How many people are there in Russia
They take care of you, lovingly.
And they give without reserve
Into the abyss of branches of science,
Either they receive a grant, or they open it
How to treat what ailment!
Let all the great discoveries
There will be more every day,
Hail, Russian science,
We love you all!

May your work bear countless fruits,
May you make unprecedented discoveries!
Let the problems be inconspicuous,
And even better - completely invisible.
May everyone be surprised at your success,
May you conquer the Universe and time,
With your victorious sonorous laughter,
May you take the burden of paradoxes off your shoulders.
May you receive recognition from the world,
The main thing is to drive away doubts.
After all, he is already calling you to a meeting
The coveted Nobel Prize.

Starting from June 7, 1999, according to the Presidential Decree, February 8 is celebrated as Russian Science Day. This day was not chosen by chance: February 8 (January 28, old style) 1724 By decree of the government Senate, by order of Peter I, the Academy of Sciences was founded in Russia.

In two s more than a century Russian science has given the world many great names and discoveries. Scientists such as M.V. Lomonosov, I.P. Pavlov, D.I. Mendeleev, E.K. Tsiolkovsky, P.L. Kapitsa, L.D. Landau, I.V. Kurchatov are known all over the world. A. P. Alexandrov, S. P. Korolev, N. A. Dollezhal and many others.
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the crisis of Russian science, most often explaining this by insufficient attention to it from the state. Let's not deny this fact. But the crisis of Russian science and science in general has another side: science began to be separated from thinking, from high spiritual values, turning into a branch of production where narrow specialization and a narrow worldview prevail.

Half a century ago, the English scientist Alexander Fleming said that the machine conquered man, not man the machine. Indeed, scientific discoveries have become directly dependent on appropriate technical means, including computer systems. Now technology leads scientific thought.
Man has received the strength and knowledge quite sufficient to destroy not only his own kind, not only cities and entire countries. A real danger threatens life on the planet. Do we have enough sense to stop? And here science plays a huge role. The purpose of science is to help a person to know himself, to know the meaning and purpose of his existence.

Science and morality must become inseparable. Only truth should be an absolute value for a scientist, regardless of whether it is bitter or sweet, convenient or not suitable for anyone. This is how he, a scientist, differs from a politician who, relying on society’s expectation of a bright future, strives to nourish it only positive emotions.

Two thousand years ago, Lucius Seneca said: “Nature does not reveal its secrets once and for all.” Scientists still have many secrets to discover; the main thing is to choose the right path.

February 8 – Russian Science Day
We will celebrate the holiday of Russian science
Today Russia is one step ahead
Not in many sciences, but everything can be fixed
Don’t judge scientists strictly now.
Back in the nineties, remember how it was,
Now is much more pleasant than the year.
Sometimes money is found for innovations
And sometimes even for bonuses for everyone.
I congratulate you on this Day and I know
That times will definitely come for us,
When we will all be proud of science,
What is in our country is so bright and smart.
Let all of Asia, and behind it Europe,
And also Japan, States, China
They don't believe we can do much
Only you don’t think the same way, my friend. ©

On the festive Day of Russian Science
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let your hands never tire of creating
New discoveries, great success!
Your bright mind is the property of the state!
Always be full of fresh ideas!
May your cause always be right!
Happiness, good luck and true friends! ©

Vivat to you, young friends!
My path will not be overgrown:
Russian science is alive,
While your eyes are sparkling!
For what you fail,
And I will forgive, and God will forgive:
There will be food for you, young men -
The joy of the elders weighs heavily!
You will go through all the obstacles -
Through rigidity, stupidity, laziness...
All our own Platos
And the quick-witted Newtons
I congratulate you on this day! ©

There is no such thing as boredom in life,
And there are no free minutes
People who have days in science
They are happy to lead you.
Derivation of formulas, reasoning
You leave it for later
And please accept congratulations
Happy professional day! ©

Happy Russian Science Day,
Our bright minds!
Laziness without knowing or boredom
You are full of fresh ideas!
Happy holiday to you!
Better working conditions,
We wish you super salaries!
Always new discoveries! ©