List of unusual wishes. The “I want” list and fulfillment of desires

In order to wish fulfilled, you need to know from the beginning what exactly you want. You need to formulate your desire very clearly to yourself in the smallest detail. Most likely, there is more than one desire.

In this case, it is very useful to write everything your desires list, and then read them yourself and understand exactly how you see your future life.

On our website after registration you receive Personal account where can you make one for yourself? Wish List.

Create yourself a list of what you would like in life.

What to do?

What to have?

Who and what should I become?

How many items should be on this list? More the better.

Give free rein to your imagination, and you will be surprised how many hidden thoughts will break free.

Don't be afraid to be funny or ridiculous. After all, you are writing this for yourself.

Our Wish list gives you the ability to define for each one added to the list desires show it to other users, or don’t and it will only be visible to you personally.

Every thought deserves to be written down. You just have to start and desires will flow from your subconscious like a river. You will want to add to this list more than once. Allow it to grow and multiply according to your changing needs and views.

The list will grow and some desires will move to set goals. Some goals will come true and you will be interested to see these desires of yours come true. After all, you will see the date when you first wrote down this desire.

By completing at least 10 points, you will become more sensitive to yourself. And once you start moving along at least some of them, you will feel real results and the joy of victory.

Example Wish List some of our users:

wonderful four-room apartment in the center of Moscow

find a true friend and your soul mate

marry the man of my dreams

live a month in Paris in the summer

Get a slim figure by summer

find spiritual harmony

control your emotions

make love to Lena

start your own business

pass microbiology


always be beautiful and attractive

create a happy, harmonious family with Olya

grow by 15 centimeters mainly due to the growth of legs

win a case in court

open a visa to America

I want to be happy

get interesting high paying job

I want to travel around Europe

I want a diamond ring

a new fur coat and beautiful boots

win the lottery jackpot

be beautiful

fall in love

to be a successful person.

money for my son's university studies

open a beauty salon

to Turkey this fall

to the Maldives

receive 50,000 USD/month

get out of debt

get enough sleep

open a gallery of paintings

Coming soon

become a world celebrity

own yacht 20 meters long

I want to weigh 58 kg

marry Sergei and move to live with him

go live abroad

villa in the Caribbean

so that Stas loves me

earn a lot

give birth to a child

pay off the mortgage

so that the deposit contains 200 thousand euros

pass this session successfully

become the head of a department

make peace with friends

think clearly

receive 3000 euros per month

enter the University of St. Petersburg on a budget

grow organic vegetables in your garden

get pregnant

To help you, we have developed a special List of questions that will help you understand your inner world And understand yourself, as well as formulate your main desires.

You will be asked to answer questions such as:

To be happy? What does it mean?

Determine for yourself what you need to be happy.

What income?

What kind of work?

What family?

What should leisure be like?

Happiness in your personal life. How do you understand this?

What's happened perfect family?

Describe your ideal partner/husband/wife.

What qualities should you have?

How to look?

What should he do and how should he behave so that you are completely satisfied with him?

After answering the questions from our questionnaire and making a list of your wishes, you can understand yourself much better and deeper. And this is the step leading to the inner harmony that everyone so needs.

How long have you dreamed of making your dreams come true? Believe it or not, bucket lists actually work. Astro7 experts shared secrets that will help you fulfill all your desires.

Why do you need a wish list?

You need to write desires on paper at least in order to think carefully and understand what you really want to get from life. Many people complain about life, but at the same time they themselves do not understand what they really want. Good job, happy family, beautiful house- all these are abstractions that society dictates to us. They have nothing to do with what you really want.

Desires must be meaningful and specific. A standard example is you tell your friend: “I want to get married.” If the desire is not specified, it can be fulfilled in the most unexpected way - a good-for-nothing husband, he’s also a husband, isn’t he? It seems that the wish came true, but there was still no female happiness. Or a person makes a wish, the fulfillment of which requires some effort, while he lies on the sofa. For example, if you want to win a million in the lottery, but don’t buy lottery ticket, then no “magic list” will help here.

The success of your bucket list depends only on you, not on Higher powers. Dream, specify your desires and go towards them according to a clear plan. Remember, no one is more beautiful, smarter or more worthy than you. It’s just that someone knows what they want and confidently moves towards their goal while you are not even aware of your real desires.

What determines the effectiveness of a list?

The power of a bucket list depends on your level of awareness. It is customary to distinguish three levels of awareness, which, like nesting dolls, lie within each other. A person can go through all three levels, or he can remain on the first without taking a single step forward.

Level 1: “Life in the Shallows”

You live in the shallows - feeling unhappy and lonely, avoiding what scares you and pursuing what you enjoy. But isolation from the people around you and fixation on material wealth does not bring you the desired psychological satisfaction. Your wish list is doomed because it only reflects an obsession with things. What kind of dreams are there if you only have money in your head?

Second level: “Inner peace”

You have achieved inner peace, but at any moment you can lose it and find yourself in shallow water. To prevent this from happening, remember that money has never made anyone happy - do not put material wealth at the top of your wish list. Only those who have achieved inner harmony can count on their wishes coming true.

Level 3: Ring of Fire

You have no attachment to everything you loved in the shallows. Do you know what it is true values: physical and mental health, relationships with family and friends, family harmony, etc. If you are at this level, you write down truly cherished dreams on your list and they come true.

Choose a day when you have a few hours free from work and household chores. Turn off the TV and radio, turn off the phone and retire so that no one at home disturbs you. Take a few sheets of paper, a pen and start writing your wishes.

First, write everything that comes to your mind - do not think about how desirable and fulfillable your desires are. When all your thoughts are on paper, re-read the list. You must recognize each desire and cross it off or keep it on the list. Specify the desires that you have decided to leave, and decide what steps and in what time frame you need to take to fulfill them. Write your wishes down on a separate sheet of paper - this will be your list.

Then work with your wish list as your intuition tells you. Some people reread their wishes every day, others once a week or month. If your wish comes true, cross it off the list, and if you come up with something new, update the list. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because that’s the only way you’ll discover your personal formula for success.

Have you already made your wish list? Tell us - we'd love to hear about your experience.

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2013 is coming to an end and I want to get back to my bucket list. It’s not for nothing that I did it.
I will note what has happened this year and what has changed...
I have shortened the text of the wishes, but by the name of the category, you can go and look at the description of the wishes in more detail.
Next to the wish that more or less came true, I will write a comment in red.

  1. I want to keep a gratitude journal.

  2. I want to do different hairstyles.

  3. I want to learn how to weave Indian mandalas to make “my own”.

  4. I want to wear dresses and skirts. I bought myself 8 new dresses! It's just cold to wear them in winter. Looking forward to spring!

  5. I want to learn to meditate.

  6. I want to trace my connection with lunar cycles. By the way, it’s amazing how dependent I am on the Moon! I have so much energy during the waxing moon, but on a full moon you can’t get me off the couch!

  7. Charity.

  8. I want to make cards with recipes and ingredients for creating a menu for the week.

  9. I want to send regular postcards to someone. I registered for postcrossing and already sent more than 10 postcards myself, and received 4!

  10. I want to sort out my sleep patterns.

Nothing is planned here either. Next year we are going on vacation to Montenegro!

  1. I want to visit the annual carnival in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.

  2. I want to visit Indonesia again on the island of Bali.

  3. I want to go to the Philippine Islands again.

  4. I want to visit Malaysia and dive on the island of Sipadan.

  5. I want to visit the Galapagos Islands.

  6. Another great diving destination is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

  7. I want to national park Ngorongoro, which is located in Tanzania.

  8. I want to go to Cuba and the Dominican Republic, the homeland of salsa, merengue, bachata and regaeton

  9. I want to go to Italy.

  10. I want to travel around the USA. I especially want to go to California and the Hawaiian Islands.

  1. Healthy hair.

  2. I want to set aside time for regular manicures and pedicures

  3. I want to switch completely to skin care using natural oils. Well, almost passed. At night I only use oils.

  4. I want to make myself a beautiful hairpin with my own hands

  5. I want to regularly go to the sauna with my friends. Almost once every month and a half, we make an outing to the Vorontsov Baths.

  6. I want to go for massage regularly. Preferably aromatic :)

  7. I want to be able to lie in a bath with delicious foam.

  8. I want beautiful posture.

  9. I want something beautiful long dress. I even bought 3 long dresses!

  10. I want to give myself curls more often and walk around with my hair down.

It’s somehow deaf here too: (Shame on me.

  1. Go to a club somewhere to dance

  2. Do a joint “love story” photo shoot, like before the wedding.

  3. Light candles and aroma lamps more often

  4. Learn massage techniques and use them regularly

  5. Rent a limousine and ride around the city together with champagne and in a beautiful long dress :) Well, I want to.

  6. Go on a short trip with just the two of you.

  7. Give your husband unexpected gifts more often, not necessarily expensive ones.

  8. Do a photo shoot for the three of us.

  9. Compose stories and fairy tales for Anyutka.

  10. I want to search and plan interesting games for Anyuta. We started going to CIPR and I really like it there and so does Anyutka. This is very helpful during the winter season.

  11. I want a second child

  1. Ideally, I would like to give up refined foods

  2. I would like to at least reduce meat consumption in our family to 2-3 times a week. I try to adhere to this rule, but it doesn’t always work.

  3. I want to learn how to cook delicious vegetarian dishes.

  4. I think you should go to medical appointments regularly (at least once a year). examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, dentist. Passed everyone except the mammologist.

  5. Get blood tests done once a year to check your thyroid hormones. I passed it, everything is fine!

  6. Do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal organs once a year.

  1. And I dream of living in my own house.

  2. I dream about large kitchen with full uniform.

  3. In the meantime, I want to re-stick the wallpaper and repaint the walls in our apartment.

  4. I want to sell the early start and buy Anya a full-fledged sports complex.

  5. I actually want to redo her play area.

  6. I’ll learn how to sculpt beautifully and make flower arrangements for the kitchen and living room.

  7. I want to make a wall creative works Anyuta, and mine :)

  8. I dream of an aquarium

  9. And about the Chuhuahua :)

  10. And it would be great to have your own creative corner. !

  1. The main thing is that I would like to find my life’s work, or at least the near future. While I only see myself in sculpting, I am completely captivated by it. Let's see what happens.

  2. Of course, it would be nice if this activity brought financial bonuses.

  3. It would be ideal if my job allowed me not to send Anya to kindergarten (full-time).

  4. It would be nice if it was work from home.

  5. Perhaps in the future it will be worth opening a shop at a crafts fair. Opened it!

  6. I want to try to help my husband as an analyst

Well, let me summarize the statistics:
In total, I have 92 wishes and of them, I think 15 have come true. 16% for 3 months. Well, a good result, I think.
In addition to this global list, I want to try to write lists for each season with smaller wishes, so that I don’t forget to fulfill them.

"100 wishes" technique

Anyone can learn how to make wishes come true. To do this, you just need to agree with your subconscious! And you will learn how to do this from the rituals that you will find in this section (more than 100 exercises and techniques). Rituals and rituals for the fulfillment of desires will help you better understand the law of attraction, which works the same for everyone! Do you want to launch the mechanism of success? Read our section with techniques for making your wishes come true - and choose what you like! Many of these rituals for fulfilling desires have been repeatedly tested by the authors and users of our site. They will definitely help you fulfill your dream in the best possible way!

100 wishes

In my coaching arsenal there is an exercise called “100 wishes” - one of my favorites. It is truly universal and can be used absolutely always when it is necessary to “pump up” a person’s desire to change their life for the better. Personally, I used it both in time management training and in training on finding a calling; with its help, we simply formed a list of desires that we would like to fulfill and thus get used to implementing “small steps”; I also used it in my “School” program Household Wizards."

The exercise itself in the original was quite complex, you can find it in its entirety in Bettjaer Frank’s book “Yesterday’s Loser, Today’s Successful”, the book itself is very positive, I recommend reading it;)

I simplified the “100 wishes” technique to 4 questions:

“What do I want to have?
- What do I want to be able to do?
- What do I want to do every day?
“What do I want to do at least once in my life?”,
each of which requires 25 different answers.

Why exactly 25?

The fact is that a person who personal growth does not practice, the skill of “dreaming, wishing, realizing” has a rather low threshold for “switching off”. At the 10th desire (in the answer to the fourth question this is especially evident) we already stumble; here the most obvious of “dreams” end. But, as always, the most interesting thing begins if you give up on the “quality” of desires and start writing the remaining 15 simply because the task says “write 25 different answers.” It is these last 15, as a rule, that are the most valuable - we begin to get hold of dusty dreams that were written off a long time ago as unrealizable.

Try the “100 wishes” exercise, I’m sure you’ll like it. Just don’t write the answer “I want to know what to do with all these answers”)) I’ll tell you) They can and should be used to develop your ability to fulfill your dreams. Take any desire, break it down into steps and take a small step every day. Thus, anything can be accomplished.

While you are doing this exercise, I will write in a continuous list interspersed the desires that I personally would like to fulfill. As each wish comes true, I will put a link to the corresponding post with “crossing out”. Frankly speaking, I have no idea how long it will take me to “make my dreams come true”, but it would be very interesting to find out)

100 wishes ordinary person)

1. Be smart about your expenses.
2. Manage your time
3. Ride a horse
4. Write well and express your thoughts coherently
5. Sing
6. Knit beautiful things
7. Play volleyball
8. Walk in high heels
9. Make jam
10. Make chocolate
11. Rollerblading
12. Wear skirts
13. Go to a manicurist regularly
14. Create a family-look for my family
15. Fold a crane
16. Master speed reading techniques
17. Cook lasagna
18. Embroider a picture with beads
19. Embroider with ribbons
20. Make several scrapbooking albums
21. Play chess
22. Understand economic processes and stock markets
23. Grill steak correctly
24. Go to the movies with your kids and husband
25. Visit and invite guests
26. Swim in the pool
27. Do yoga and qigong
28. Walk in the park, garden, forest
29. Play with your family board games or games like go
30. Light a fire
31. There is a barbecue
32. Drink tea in a chair under a tree
33. Love ironing clothes
34. Drink juices in the morning
35. Go to training
36. Run in the morning
37. Study, play with children and not get tired of it
38. Develop creativity, creative thinking and logic
39. Go hiking in the mountains
40. Ride a motorcycle
41. Look at the stars through a telescope
42. Listen to classical music
43. Watch the sunrise and sunset at sea
44. Run on the grass barefoot
45. Sleeping outdoors
46. ​​Play with children puppet theater which I sewed myself
47. Write fairy tales
48. Go to the salon for massages and spas
49. Sleeping in a tent by the sea
50. Good relationship with relatives and neighbors
51. 1,000,000 rubles invested in a “portfolio” of various investment products
52. Flowers on the table every day
53. Media library (music and films)
54. Sleep in a hammock
55. Collection of jewelry made from your favorite stones
56. Cute table lamp
57. Freedom
58. House with a garden
59. Traveling to a new country every year with the whole family
60. Athletic body shape
61. Library
62. Your own office
63. "Mirror"
64. Birkin bag)))
65. Kitchen aid mixer with attachments
66. Confectionery-cafe with fresh pastries in Dombay
67. iPad
68. Coffee maker
69. Pet the whale
70. Pet the giraffe
71. Published books
72. Pond near the house
73. Skiing
74. Yacht)
75. Fireplace
76. Travel alone
77. Ride a Harley
78. Play billiards
79. Shoot at the shooting range
80. “Dressing up” the house for the holidays
81. Take a walk through the parks of Kyoto
82. Climb Mount Fuji
83. Take a “safari trip” to Africa and see what the Bushmen, Zulus and other comrades from Mine Read’s books look like)
84. Sit in all the splits and learn how to do a cartwheel and a somersault mortal.
85. Complete a pilot course to sail a yacht
86. Fly 40 hours to get the title of “recreational pilot”)
87. Paragliding and hang gliding
88. Sew about a hundred clothes for my daughter’s dolls)
89. Travel through the Amazon jungle
90. Ride camels across the Sahara and see the pyramids
91. Drive your car through all major and beautiful cities Europe
92. Visit Angkor Wat
93. Unearth some mysterious antiquity and solve the riddle)
94. Get a “letter in a bottle”
95. Get wet in a tropical downpour
96. Bake an Opera cake
97. Husky dog
98. Dance salsa and rumba at milongas
99. See the Northern Lights
100. Ride in a reindeer sleigh

In fact, I have much more desires than these hundred, but these desires are not for the rest of my life) I hope that in three years (and maybe earlier) I will get rid of all of them and write a new list of 100 desires)

You can write down your 100 wishes right now on our forum