Mysterious cities. The most mysterious places on earth

Mysticism is extremely attractive to humans, like everything unusual that generates curiosity. There are many mystical places on our beautiful planet; scientists study them, but often they cannot explain the phenomena occurring in these territories. What is the most mystical place on Earth?

We will not rank the most mystical places on the planet, since each of them is unique in its own way, and what happens there is inexplicable from the point of view of earthly laws.

Nazca Plateau

Almost 500 km² of the Peruvian Nazca Plateau covers mysterious lines(geoglyphs). Images geometric shapes, insects, animals and people - grooves 30 cm deep in the sand and pebble pound. Who made such huge images that are only visible from a considerable height? For what purpose was the complex of huge drawings created? Why haven't the images been destroyed in 2000 years? There are no reliable answers to these questions yet.

Uncanny Valleys of Death

Several earthly territories are rightfully considered the most mystical places in the world; they are called the valleys of death.

Yeluyu Cherkechekh

The Yakut Death Valley is located in the Vilyuiskaya Lowland. Large metal objects dug into the ground are located in hard-to-reach places. Hunters who stayed overnight in warm metal chambers fell ill and soon died. The symptoms of the disease are strangely similar to signs of severe radiation exposure. Local residents are sure that iron fell from the sky, and once a century a huge column of fire bursts out of the ground, burning out everything within a 100 m radius.

Peruvian Death Valley

In the western Andes in Peru there is a gorge where those who visited at night fell ill with a severe form of anemia and quickly died. Those who visited the valley in daytime remained healthy and unharmed.

Pyrenean Death Valley

In the very center of the valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains, is the cleanest Lake Alet. But even birds don’t fly here. Periodically, people disappear in this place. Those of them who returned look strangely aged and not entirely sane.

There are mysterious and terrible Valleys of Death in China - the Hollow of Black Bamboo, and in Canada - the Valley of the Headless, and in Russia - Dyatlov Pass.

Sable Island

Located in the Western Hemisphere, a small nomadic island is called the “ship eater.” Due to the peculiarities of the local current, thousands of ships found their last refuge in this terrible place. Huge sea ships were pulled inside the island sand in just a couple of months. There is an assumption that the island is a living substance of silicon nature.

Bermuda Triangle

Plot Atlantic Ocean in the Western Hemisphere is associated with numerous reports of the disappearance of ships and aircraft without a trace, the appearance of ships abandoned by the crew, and unusual temporal, light and spatial phenomena. There are many hypotheses about what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle: some claim that the inhabitants of Atlantis found their refuge in this place on the ocean floor, others believe that there is an alien base here, and still others believe that this territory is a portal to other dimensions.

Easter Island

The stone giants were created between 1250 and 1500 AD. How the islanders could hew monolithic statues, and most importantly, how the multi-ton figures were transported from the place of extraction, cannot be explained.

Pyramids of Yonaguni

Massive platforms and rock pillars lie at a depth of up to 40 m near the Japanese island of Ryuku. Some are trying to dispute the man-made origin of the complex, but most scientists rightly believe that nature cannot create such a multitude of right angles and regular square shapes.

Devil's Tower

Exceeding the size of the Cheops pyramid by 2.5 times, Devil's Tower is located in the US state of Wyoming. The local population claims that mysterious lights are sometimes visible on the top of the mountain. People cannot get to the mysterious object!

City of Jihlava

The most mystical city in the world is Jihlava in the Czech Republic. In the catacombs made by people in the Middle Ages, there are ghosts and the sounds of an organ can clearly be heard. A special archaeological expedition in 1996 did not find a single room in the underground passage that could accommodate a bulky instrument, but confirmed the reality of the existence of organ sounds. In addition, a luminous staircase was discovered in the catacombs, the nature of the glow of which scientists could not explain.

In addition to the mystical ones, there are others on the planet - and the very ones where all lovers rush.

Intrepid travelers always want to go somewhere where they can do more than just admire beautiful scenery, but also to “tickle your nerves” with something mysterious and enigmatic.

It seems that the time when tourists went en masse to exotic islands to get a beautiful, even tan under the tropical sun is passing; today extreme types of tourism, including “mystical tourism,” are gaining more and more popularity. The ranking of the most mysterious places on our planet includes the following travel destinations:

1) Glastonbury (England)

Topping the list of the most mystical places in the world are these mysterious hills of Somersetshire in England. Here, at the foot of the 159-meter-high St. Michael's Hill, archaeologists excavated one of the most ancient settlements in Europe. It is no coincidence that this area of ​​England attracts extreme tourists. This place is associated with the Holy Grail, with the legends of King Arthur.

Here there is a depression in the rock, in which reddish water splashes. Believers believe that this well contains the blood of Jesus Christ himself. An interesting fact is that the well has been in operation for more than 2000 years and the water does not dry out even during the worst droughts. There is a belief that the water in this well-bowl is healing, which explains the huge flow of pilgrims who come here in the thousands.

2) Sedona (Arizona, USA)

This city in the southwest of the country is called “magical”. What is special that tourists can see or experience here, in the heart of the Arizona desert? The city is considered almost a Mecca for lovers of alternative treatments. Seekers of the spiritual origins of life on our planet come here to feel the serene tranquility of these places. Wind vortices are constantly created around the town, similar to small tornadoes or twisting spirals.

It is believed that these are special clots of energy with a center of spiritual rotation, which promotes meditation and healing from serious illnesses. Experts in these places claim that prayers in this place especially help believers, since turning to God occurs at the level of another dimension, beyond our physical sphere. To believe in all this you need to be a true believer, but many tourists come here out of ordinary curiosity, to observe the unusual energy vortexes with their own eyes.

3) Machu Picchu (Peru, South America)

This city is in the territory modern state Peru is located on top of a ridge, very high above sea level. Tourists often give Machu Picchu the most poetic names - “City among the Clouds”, “Lost City of the Incas”, “Top of the World”, etc. Even archaeologists, despite their excavations and research, are at a loss to accurately determine the purpose of this place.

IN scientific world There is such a thing as an “archaeological mystery.” This definition perfectly applies to Machu Picchu. Despite its proximity to the city of Cusco, Machu Picchu cannot be seen from below, at the foot of the hill. This explains the fact that this place was opened relatively recently. There are still ongoing debates about why the ancient creators of the city left it so hastily that they left everything intact. Who will reveal this secret and how long will the veil of mystery remain over Machu Picchu?

4) Uluru (Australia)

The most famous mystical attraction of the continent of Australia is the large orange-brick-colored sand hill of Uluru or, as the locals also call it, Aires Rock. To understand the spirituality of this place, you need to try to travel back several centuries. The hill dominates the entire area and is considered an ancient monument.

Its height is 348 meters, it is all “cut up” by grooves of unknown purpose, the depth of which in some places reaches 2 meters. Pilgrims still perform rituals in this place, where, according to legend, the Spirit of the Mountain, a water python, lived in ancient times. The base of the sand hill is decorated rock paintings and carvings of extraordinary beauty on rocky outcroppings. By the way, tourists are prohibited from climbing to the top of Ayres Rock, since this place is sacred to the aborigines. You can admire its beauty from a distance or at the very foot of the hill.

5) Mount Kailash (Tibet, Himalayas)

An acquaintance with the mystical Mount Kailash cannot begin without mentioning Tibet. This mountain is also known under the names “Roof of the World”, “Earth in the Snow”, etc. For the Western world, this place is more than a mystery. Regardless of age, tourists come here to touch the spirituality of Tibet and feel the reverence of these places.

Mount Kailash is considered sacred to representatives of three ancient religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Only a few are allowed to climb the sacred mountain, having previously undergone rites of initiation and spiritual purification. It is believed that only those who are destined by Fate itself can climb Kailash. Tourists come on a mission to walk around the mountain three times clockwise in order to be filled with divine energy and to be cured of illnesses.

6) Meteora (Greece)

This monastic complex near Santorini and Mykonos in Greece is considered a place of spiritual awakening. Here is large complex Orthodox monasteries built in sandstone soils thousands of years ago. It seems that the caves with chapels literally hang in the air.

There is evidence from archaeologists that these places in Greece have been inhabited by Homo sapiens since Paleolithic times. In the 9th century, several hermit monks began building caves here for sacred solitude and prayer. Seeking isolation from society, pilgrims still come here to pray. Meteora today is the center of Greek tourism, but its main purpose remains the same - highly spiritual.

7) Mount Sinai (Egypt)

It was here, according to ancient biblical legends, that Moses received his Ten Commandments. It is difficult to say whether this really happened, but the mountain today is a central place of pilgrimage on Earth. Believers come here in search of spiritual wisdom, and tourists visit these places in search of mysterious adventures. Mount Sinai is home to one of the oldest active Christian monasteries. There is also a beautiful old Greek church and mosque at the top of the mountain.

In other words, there are no restrictions for any kind of religion, which is especially surprising. It's best to climb the mountain moonlit night and wait at the top for sunrise. Then this place will seem doubly mystical to you, the spectacle will be unforgettable. Any person, even one who does not believe in God, will feel the origins of the spirituality of the world here.

8) Great Barrier Reef (Australia)

Someone will express their doubts about the mystical or spiritual content of this place. However, the Great Barrier Reef, which is clearly visible even from space, is not just coral shoals, it is a special marine organism that lives an isolated life.

Even experienced divers get the impression that this is the highly developed brain of our planet, where Mother Nature herself rules. Only here, in the depths and surrounded by many sea creatures, can you feel your insignificance within the entire Universe. Only here will you feel your complete surrender as a reasonable person.

If these places haven’t convinced you to go on the road to explore mysterious places Earth, if these cities and mountains make you doubt about their mystery, then go to the holy city of Jerusalem, to the Temple of the Lord, to the Holy City. If spirituality does not attract you, then you can go to the northern latitudes to see an amazing natural phenomenon - the Northern Lights. Or go to places where you can increasingly see mysterious crop circles of the most unimaginable shapes, configurations and sizes.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, no one on the planet can claim that the world around us has been fully studied. We have achieved a lot, learned a lot, and invented a lot, but dark spots that are beyond our consciousness still remain. Many of the mysteries of the past have been able to reach us, which is truly incredible!
This is confirmed by the numerous anomalous zones that scientists and archaeologists find from year to year. A lot of time and effort was devoted to studying them, but no one was able to show the world an explanation of any mystical place.
And since the unknown has attracted people at all times, we decided to tell you about ten unusual, mystical and mysterious places that are located in our country - Russia.

In the Rzhevsky region there is another mysterious and anomalous place, which is called the “cursed stream”. This small stream flows through a gloomy coniferous forest. Even on a clear sunny day it is very dark and damp here. All visitors to this area have a feeling of anxiety and fear for no reason. However, something else is interesting. The fact is that with the onset of darkness, you can see a mirage near the stream - silhouettes of soldiers who fill their flasks with water from the stream. And if you rewind a few years ago - until the time of World War II, in this place there were Soviet positions that were under enemy mortar fire. Unable to get out of the enemy's encirclement, the tired and hungry soldiers were able to survive only thanks to the flowing stream, which prevented them from dying of thirst.

Shushmor (Ushmor) tract. Moscow region

This anomalous zone is one of the oldest and scary zones in the Moscow region. For more than a hundred years, people have been mysteriously disappearing there. The vegetation in these places is also surprising - huge ferns, the size of an adult person, there are square trunks of birches, pine trees two girths thick... There are completely no populated areas nearby, the guards advise not to even approach these places. After studying this territory, experts concluded that the influence of this zone on people is similar to the Bermuda Triangle. Ball lightning can often be seen here, and thunderstorms occur here much more often than in other places.
There have been many attempts to explain the disappearance of people and the phenomena in Shushmore, but there are no clear conclusions yet.

Between the Arkhangelsk region and Karelia there is the Solovetsky archipelago, consisting of several islands. Main feature and the attraction of the Solovetsky Islands are the mysterious constructions left by Stone Age people. These structures are labyrinths or babylons, made of stones laid in a long row (mostly boulders) in a configuration reminiscent of a spiral. Labyrinths have one entrance, which is also an exit. In the center of the labyrinths there is a cluster of stones in the form of a small hill. The significance of these structures still remains a mystery to archaeologists, however, the main assumption is the hypothesis of local historian N.N. Vinogradov that there were ancient burial grounds here where the souls of the deceased live, which, according to local beliefs, have the ability to enter the world of the living and cause them various harm. The essence of these buildings is to ensure a safe transition to another world for the souls of the dead, as well as to prevent the souls of the dead from getting confused and unable to get out to living people thanks to the tangled paths and ridges of stones.

Ukok plateau. Gorny Altai

This place in Altai is considered absolutely unique. This plateau is located at the junction of the borders of four countries: Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. This plateau is located at an altitude of 2000 -2600 m, it is surrounded by the snowy peaks of the Southern Altai and the South Chuya ridge.
This Altai Tibet is one of the most amazing places in Russia. Ancient land keeps in itself huge amount riddles and hundreds of legends. Local residents have long considered Ukok “the end of the inhabited world,” because this edge of the world lies just before firmament, but a mere mortal cannot see this region; only powerful spirits can do this.
The plateau has been inhabited since the Paleolithic, this is confirmed by archaeological finds dating back to the 8th - 3rd centuries BC. There is a version that aliens flew here. At the end of the 20th century, “ Altai princess", and although the girl belonged to the middle class, she became an object of religious worship. The mummy was perfectly preserved thanks to low temperatures. Residents of Altai associate all the hardships that followed this event with the disturbance of the peace of Ak-Kadyn.
The picture that you will see near the plateau is a lifeless, endless, gloomy surface of sand and rubble, wind and dust storms. And the secrets that this land keeps are inexhaustible.

Medveditskaya ridge. Volgograd region

This place is located on the border of two regions and is a chain of old hilly mountains, their height ranges from 200 to 380 meters. This place has long been shrouded in many legends and secrets, and they are not based on simple inventions local residents. A very interesting fact is that not far from one of the villages a burial ground was dug in which the skeletons of huge people whose height exceeded 2.5 meters were discovered; on the other bank of the Medveditsa River another burial of people was found, but their average height was 50-60 cm! This area is also famous for its increased UFO activity. Locals claim that these space guests come to them almost every week, and to confirm their words they show unusual traces on the grass and on the ground. These traces are of completely different shapes - triangular, octagonal, round. Later, grass or bushes still grow in these places; local residents have repeatedly tried to plow up these traces and continue to use these lands for their intended purpose, but, alas, they did not succeed. When tractors approached these areas, their engines always stalled, and therefore it turned out to be more profitable to leave these traces of space aliens alone than to constantly repair the engines.
There is also a slope of crazy lightning here and it is famous for ball lightning, which appears with enviable regularity, and in any weather. The “intelligent” behavior of these fireballs seems surprising and incredible - they move along the same route, can “stop” in the air, and unite in groups. These lightning burns or mutilates the trees, so the entire slope is covered with thin, mutilated trees. And during the study, scientists received amazing results - many trees were burned out from the inside, as if lightning had struck them from underground.
This place is fraught with many secrets that have not yet been solved and may not be solved soon.

Even in the middle of the 19th century it was known about this mysterious land. While studying the basins of the Chona, Vilyui, and Olekma rivers, naturalist scientist R.K. Maak heard from the local population mysterious story about strange huge cauldrons buried in the ground. The legend also mentioned how these strange objects ended up on the ground - first there was fire, then darkness, and only then everyone saw huge round-shaped objects. Even then, part of these boilers was underground and only a “small” edge was visible on the surface. At first, everyone thought that these boilers were made of copper, but over the course of several decades there were many attempts to break off a piece of this metal, but this was not possible, even just scratching the surface of the boiler did not work, although different tools were used for this.
Modern researchers have discovered only reservoirs that have a suspiciously regular round shape, and many more identical bare hills with a sharp top. Upon closer examination, these turned out to be large cubic blocks, about a meter high. Flying around the stone mountains, the researchers were surprised by their shape; it was a regular rounded shape, and one of the hills could easily be called a pyramid with regular, clear “shelves.”
Near these cauldrons there is always very lush vegetation, even the grass there is taller than human height, dogs begin to fearfully look around with their tails between their legs, and people seem to see some objects moving across the sky. People who were near boilers later develop health problems, and these problems cannot be treated. There are many versions about the origin of these boilers from an unknown metal, but all of them have not yet been confirmed.

Moleb triangle. Perm region

It is considered the first anomalous zone on the territory of the USSR. This triangle on the territory of our country carries no less mysteries and secrets than the famous Bermuda Triangle. Various types of UFOs are often observed here, luminous bodies, most often these are balls, a change in the passage of time is often observed, objects can float above the ground and then fall again, people hear different sounds - creaks, groans, body temperature may rise, dizziness and headaches appear. In this triangle there are zones with “their” anomalous phenomena and each of them has its own name. “Witches’ Rings” will make a very strong impression on anyone, because here huge, strong trees are uprooted and neatly stacked. And in the photos taken in this place, balls with white spots appear. Near the Black River, time changes course. At Vyselki, many see mysterious creatures or incomprehensible visions, and those who spent the night here are then haunted for a long time by nightmares. Many inexplicable things can be seen or felt here, and although many are trying to give a scientific explanation for the events taking place here, the anomalous phenomena of the Moleb Triangle cannot be ignored!

Kholat-Syakhyl (Kholatchakhl). Sverdlovsk region

This mountain is located on the border of the Sverdlovsk region and the Komi Republic, next to it there is another mountain, but it does not have a name, but between them there is a pass, which is known throughout the country as the Dyatlov Pass.
Translated from the Mansi language, the name is translated as Mountain of the Dead, although many locals say that it is the Mountain of the Nine Dead. There are many legends, but they all agree on one thing: if nine people go to this mountain, then all participants in the hike will face inevitable death. According to local belief, this mountain is considered sacred; only shamans (and even then, not all) can go there; the Mansi themselves avoid this place and do not advise others. Kholatchakhl is located far from large populated areas, so not all tragic incidents became known and reflected in documents. The first case of death on the mountain of the dead became known in the 30s of the last century, then the body of a female geologist was found. Her tongue was torn out, her eyes were gouged out, and a grimace of horror was frozen on her face. Next known fact there was a death of fugitive criminals, there were nine of them. However, no one began to investigate the death of the fugitives; a version that satisfied everyone was invented.
Then the famous tragic incident with a group of young climbers led by Igor Dyatlov. All members of the expedition died, there were also nine of them. The bodies of all the boys were mutilated, and most importantly, horror was frozen on everyone’s faces. There are many versions of what happened, but none of them explains the entire set of facts. After this tragedy on Kholat-Syakhyl, another group of nine people died, people who were on this mountain, but not as part of the groups, disappeared. Many bodies were not found, and those that did find the cause of death could not find out.
Surely similar cases there was so much more to this place. The Mountain of the Dead keeps many terrible secrets that have never been revealed, but all these secrets attract tourists, but before you decide to go to this mountain, remember the words ancient legend: “The sacred place of the dead should not be disturbed.”

Devil's glade. Krasnoyarsk region

This anomalous zone is located in the Angara taiga of the Kezhemsky region. This disastrous place was formed (according to the stories of old-timers) almost a hundred years ago. Eyewitnesses observed a huge hole in the ground, which was blazing with unbearable heat, and black smoke was pouring out of it. When this place burned out, a large black bald spot appeared on the ground, which had anomalous properties. Animals that wandered into this creepy clearing either died or, maddened with fear, jumped out from the “ashes”, but soon they still died.
The round bald spot that appeared began to negatively affect all living things in the area, even birds flying over this area died, people approaching this disastrous place began to experience an insurmountable terrible fear, the trees surrounding the Devil's Cemetery bent towards the center with their charred trunks. Over time, the Devil's Glade became covered with the bones of dead animals, and presented an eerie sight - a black ashes with bleached bones, because even in winter it was never covered with snow. Since their appearance near and on the Devil’s Glade itself, several dozen people have died or disappeared without a trace, and entire expeditions have disappeared that tried to unravel the mystery of this devilish place. This place attracts many researchers, but, alas, the reasons for the strange and creepy anomalies have not yet been found.

Vottovaara. Karelia

This mountain in Karelia has a bad reputation among the local population - old people begin to be baptized just at the mere mention of this place, women and children are not allowed there, they are forbidden to talk loudly near the mountain, and they are not advised to go there out of curiosity. And those who do end up on Vottovaara see before them an ominous landscape that is reminiscent of old fairy tales about Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal. There are trees around that are incredibly twisted and deformed, “tied” into bizarre knots, and this clearly could not have happened due to the fault of wind or frost, stones are piled up all around, violating all the laws of physics, and there are no birds or animals. Creepy...
Why are local residents afraid of the mountain? After all, Death Mountain is located five kilometers from Vottovaara. This name appeared during the Great Patriotic War, in July - August 1942, a partisan brigade, consisting of about 650 people, died here, and already in post-war years Timber industry workers began to find the remains of partisans. And one of the search engines came across an amazing and creepy place. The area of ​​this terrible place is about six square kilometers. Scattered throughout the territory are stones covered with brown moss, reminiscent of blood stains, trees in unimaginably creepy poses, you can see hundred-year-old pines, but their height is... only a meter! Everywhere there are many seids - lonely stones that in an unknown way lie on smaller stones. There are several versions about the appearance of seids: an earthquake, the descent of glaciers, the creation of human hands, but none of them has been proven. There is a kind of amphitheater here, of a regular round shape, and a staircase to heaven... It has thirteen steps, but immediately after the last step there is a cliff. The lakes are somewhat strange in appearance; they either have almost no water or are more like swamps. The clock may go faster or slower, strange bright lights appear, water boils at an abnormal temperature. People feel sudden anxiety, their pulse quickens, fear and depression appear, while others, on the contrary, feel a surge of strength and energy. This is one of the favorite places of psychics, magicians and sorcerers.

Today, science has reached its highest development; scientists can explain almost everything that happens on our earth. At the same time, there are places on the planet that still keep their little secrets.

Some corners of our globe are so saturated with mystery that it is almost impossible to find a reasonable explanation for the processes occurring there. We invite you to get acquainted with some of the most mysterious, in our opinion, places on the planet.

Caño Cristales is a river located in the Sierra de la Macarena mountains in Colombia. This is an unusual river. It is called the most beautiful river in the world. Most of the time of the year it looks like an ordinary river, but in the short period of time between September and November, when the transition from wet to dry climate occurs, it becomes colorful. Red, pink, blue and green colors mainly come from unique species flora growing in the river bed.

This mountain is a Taoist shrine. It is often referred to as the "Garden of the Gods." It consists of many interesting unusual shape forest granite columns and ledges. Against the backdrop of frequently changing weather conditions and constant fog (about 200 days a year), Mount Sanquingshan has a truly unearthly appearance. Visitors to this place note the emergence of a feeling of calm and tranquility in this area.

The geyser, located in the Nevada desert, consists of three large colorful bumps that constantly shoot up 5 feet of water. This miracle was created by chance in 1916 during the regular drilling of wells. It worked fine until the 1960s, when heated geothermal water began flowing through the well. Dissolved minerals began to accumulate and eventually became the large colorful mounds you can see in the photo. The flying geyser is a very secret place. Tourists and excursionists are not allowed here.

Situated at the foot of Mount Fuji, Aokigahara is Japan's most famous forest. The forest extends over 3500 hectares. It consists of twisted coniferous trees. There are legends about this place that supposedly there are ghosts, phantoms, spirits, and demons here. Unfortunately, for a number of unknown reasons, this forest is the second most popular place where suicides have occurred. Since the 1950s, 500 people have committed suicide here.

It is impossible to imagine a list of mysterious places without mentioning the Bermuda Triangle. For those who do not yet know, we remind you that the Bermuda Triangle is a triangular-shaped territory in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Bermuda and San Juan. Over the years, many unexplained phenomena have occurred in this place related to the disappearance of planes, ships and people. No one has been able to explain exactly what happened in those cases in the Bermuda Triangle. Some attribute such events to the appearance of a mysterious sea monster, others talk about alien abduction, and some claim that the cause is weather conditions.

Moguicheng is a desert located in the Xinjiang Uyghur region of China. The literal translation of the name is “City of Satan” or “City of the Devil.” Traveling through the desert to the old abandoned city, people often reported strange, inexplicable phenomena. Many visitors to this place have reported hearing mysterious sounds and melodies, such as a guitar solo or a child crying or a tiger roaring. From a scientific point of view, no explanation has yet been found for these sounds.

This structure is often called the Eye of the Sahara. It appears as a circular geographical feature in the Sahara Desert. Its width is about 30 miles. You won't even notice anything once you're inside it. Only from a bird's eye view can you see the picture as in the photograph. Initially it was believed that this structure was created as a result of an asteroid impact, and later they began to think that the cause could be a volcanic eruption. The appearance of this object is shrouded in mystery. After all, they still cannot explain why the structure is a perfect circle, and its rings are equidistant from each other.

This miracle of nature is pleasantly pleasing to the eye. This creation took many years to create. Water, saturated with white travertine, flowed down the slopes of the mountains, forming the purest natural pools.

Valleys are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. This little-explored area belongs to the desert with the most extreme conditions and, perhaps, the driest place on Earth. It receives only 4 inches of rain annually. These valleys are located very strangely - in the middle regular ice and snow of Antarctica. They have nothing on, they are completely naked. There is even no vegetation. Scientists have proven that dry valleys are very similar to the surface on Mars.

This mountain is unusual because at its top, instead of a peak, a huge plateau has formed. It is believed that such a plateau was created as a result of geological formations under the influence of rain and wind. The plateau is often shrouded in clouds and contains unique flora and fauna found nowhere else on Earth. There are no explanations yet for why such a plateau of enormous size was formed.

The world is full of mysterious monuments created by ancient masters. These sites have been carefully studied by scientists, historians and archaeologists, but some of them are so ancient, unfinished or obscure that it is still not clear why they were built or what purpose they served. We have prepared a selection of “the most mysterious places on the planet” that still raise many questions, confusing researchers. Stories about each of these places separately have already been in our previous issues, so in the list we will refer to detailed topics. Following the links in the topic you will find a huge variety of interesting materials and photographs.

10. Let's start from tenth place - this is Cahokia Mounds.

Cahokia is the name given to an Indian settlement near Illinois, USA. Archaeologists believe that the city was founded in 650 AD and the complex structure of its buildings proves that it was once a highly developed, prosperous society. At its peak, Cahokia was home to 40,000 Indians, the most populous settlement in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans. Cahokia's main attraction is the earthen mounds, up to 100 feet high, on a 2,200-acre site. There is also a network of terraces throughout the city and it is believed that particularly important buildings, such as the ruler's house, were built on the uppermost terraces. During the excavations, wooden solar calendar called Woodhenge. The calendar played a vital role in the life of the community, both religious and astrological, marking the solstices and equinoxes.

9. Ninth place on the list - Newgrange

It is believed to be the oldest and most famous prehistoric structure in all of Ireland. Newgrange was built from earth, stone, timber and clay around 3100 BC, approximately 1000 years before the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. This structure consists of a long corridor that leads to a transverse chamber, which was probably used as a tomb. Most characteristic feature Newgrange is its precise and robust design, which has helped the structure remain completely waterproof to this day. Most amazingly, the entrance to the tomb is positioned relative to the sun in such a way that at the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the rays of the sun are directed through a small opening into a 60-foot passage, where they illuminate the floor of the central room of the monument.

Newgrange Mystery
Archaeologists suggest that Newgrange was used as a burial ground, but why and for whom is still a mystery. It is also difficult to determine how the ancient builders calculated the structure with such precision, and what role the sun occupied in their mythology. Scientists have never been able to determine the exact reason for the construction of Newgrange

8. In eighth place are underwater Pyramids of Yonaguni

Of all famous monuments in Japan perhaps none is more puzzling than Yonaguni, an underwater formation that lies just off the coast of the Ryuku Islands. The site was discovered in 1987 by a group of shark divers. The discovery instantly sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community. The monument is made up of a series of carved rock formations including massive platforms and huge stone pillars that lie at depths ranging from 5 to 40 meters. The most popular formation is called “turtle” due to its unique shape. The currents in this area are quite dangerous, but this has not stopped the Yonaguni Monument from becoming one of the most popular diving spots in all of Japan.

The Mystery of the Yonaguni Monument
The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni is based on one key question: is the monument a natural phenomenon, or man-made? Scientists have long argued that millennia of strong currents and erosion have carved the formation out of the ocean floor, and they point to the fact that the monument is single part solid rock. Others point to lots of straight edges, square corners and lots of formations different shapes, proving that the monument is of artificial origin. If the proponents of artificial origin are right, then an even more interesting mystery arises: who built the Ionaguni Monument, and for what purpose?

The Nazca Geoglyphs are a series of lines and pictographs located on a dry plateau in the Nazca Desert, Peru. They cover an area of ​​approximately 50 miles, and were created between 200 BC and 700 AD by the Nazca Indians. The lines have managed to remain intact for hundreds of years thanks to the arid climate of the area, where rain and wind are very rare. Some of the lines span distances of 600 feet and depict a variety of subjects, from simple lines to insects and animals.

The Mystery of the Nazca Geoglyphs
Scientists know who made the Nazca Lines and how they did it, but they still don't know why. The most popular and reasonable hypothesis is that the lines must have figured in the religious beliefs of the Indians, and that they made these drawings as an offering to the gods who would be able to see them from heaven. Other scientists argue that the lines are evidence of the use of massive looms, and one researcher has even proposed the outlandish theory that the lines are the remains of ancient airfields used by a vanished, technologically advanced society.

6. Takes sixth place Goseck circle in Germany

One of the most mysterious sites in Germany is the Goseck Circle, a monument made of earth, gravel, and wooden palisades that is believed to be the earliest example of a primitive “solar observatory.” The circle consists of a series of circular ditches surrounded by palisade walls (which have since been restored). The monument is believed to have been built around 4900 BC by Neolithic peoples

The Mystery of the Goseck Circle
The precise and high quality construction of the monument has led many scientists to believe that the Circle was built to serve some primitive solar or lunar calendar, but its precise use is still a source of debate. According to evidence, the so-called “solar cult” was widespread in ancient Europe. This has led to speculation that the Circle was used in some kind of ritual, perhaps even a human sacrifice. This hypothesis has yet to be proven, but archaeologists have recovered several human bones, including a headless skeleton. You can read more about this place in the topic Goseck Circle

5. In fifth place is mysterious Sacsayhuaman– ancient fortress of the great Incas

Not far from the famous ancient city of Machu Picchu is Sacsayhuaman, a strange complex of stone walls. The series of walls were assembled from massive 200 ton blocks of rock and limestone, and they were arranged in a zigzag pattern along the slope. The longest blocks are approximately 1000 feet in length, and each is approximately fifteen feet in height. The monument is in surprisingly good condition for its age, especially considering the area's proneness to earthquakes. Catacombs were found under the fortress, most likely leading to other structures in the Inca capital, the city of Cusco.

The Mystery of the Sacsayhuaman Fortress
Most scholars agree that Sacsayhuaman served as a kind of fortress. However, this issue remains quite controversial, since there are other theories, which can be found in the topic “Sacsayhuaman - a powerful Inca fortress.” Even more mysterious are the methods used to build the fortress. Like most Inca stone structures, Sacsayhuaman was built from large stones that fit together so perfectly that not even a piece of paper would fit between them. How the Indians managed to transport such heavy stones is still unknown.

4. Takes fourth place easter island off the coast of Chile

On Easter Island there are Moai monuments - a group of huge human statues. The moai were carved between approximately 1250 and 1500 AD by the island's earliest inhabitants, and are believed to depict human ancestors and local gods. The sculptures were carved and carved from tuff, a volcanic rock that is common on the island. Scientists have discovered that there were originally 887 statues, but years of fighting among the island's clans led to them being destroyed. Today, only 394 statues still stand, the largest of which is 30 feet tall and weighs over 70 tons.

The Mystery of Easter Island
Scholars have reached agreement on the reasons for the statues, but how the islanders made them is still a topic of debate. The average Moai weighs several tons, and scientists are unable to describe how the monuments were transported from Rano Raraku, where most were built, to various parts of Easter Island. IN recent years, the most popular theory is that the builders used wooden sleds and blocks to move the Moai. This also answers the question of how such a green island became almost completely barren.

3. In third place are the Georgia Tablets.

While most sites have become mysteries over the millennia, the Georgia Tablets were a mystery from the start. The monument consists of four monolithic granite slabs that support a single cornice stone. The monument was created in 1979 by a man under the pseudonym R.C. Christian. The monument is oriented according to the cardinal directions; in some places there are holes pointing to the North Star and the Sun. But the most interesting thing is the inscriptions on the slabs, which are a guide for future generations who survived the global cataclysm. These inscriptions caused a lot of controversy and outrage, and the monument was desecrated several times.

The Mystery of the Georgia Tablets
Apart from many contradictions, very little is known about who built this Monument or what its true purpose was. R.C. Christian claimed that he represented an independent organization and had no contact with them after construction. Because the monument was built during the height of the Cold War, one popular theory about the group's intentions is that the Georgia Tablets were intended to serve as a textbook for those beginning to rebuild society after the nuclear Holocaust. More information about the inscriptions on the slabs can be found at the link above.

2. A list of mysteries has no right to exist if it does not include the Egyptian Pyramids - the most mysterious buildings of the past. In second place is the Great Sphinx at Giza

Incredibly, the Sphinx statue is carved from a single solid piece of rock and is 240 feet long, 20 feet wide and 66 feet high. It is the largest monument of its kind in the world. Historians largely agree that the function of the Sphinxes was symbolic, since the statues were strategically placed around important structures such as temples, tombs, and pyramids. The Great Sphinx of Giza stands next to the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre, and most archaeologists believe that it is his face that is depicted on this statue

1. First place - the most mysterious place on the planet - Stonehenge in England

Of all the famous monuments in the world, none is shrouded in such mystery as this one. The ancient monument has been causing debate among scientists, historians and researchers since the Middle Ages. Stonehenge is stone megalithic structure 130 km southwest of London. In a circle along the outer shaft there are 56 small burial “Aubrey holes”, named after John Aubrey, who first described them in XVII century. To the northeast of the entrance to the ring there was a huge, seven-meter high Heel Stone. Although Stonehenge looks very impressive, it is believed that its modern version is just a small remnant of a much larger monument that has been damaged over time.

The Mystery of Stonehenge
The monument became famous, puzzling even the most brilliant researchers. The Neolithic people who built the monument did not leave any written language, so scientists can only base their theories on the current structure and by analyzing it. This has led to speculation that the monument was created by foreigners, or that it was built by a highly developed society of technologically advanced superhumans. All craziness aside, the most common explanation is that Stonehenge served as a monument near burial sites. This is confirmed by several hundred burial mounds found nearby. Another theory suggests that the site was a place for spiritual healing and worship. Read more about this great and mysterious structure in the topic “Stonehenge. Shards of the past"