The main problems of the novel The Master and Margarita. Philosophical issues of the novel The Master and Margarita

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most interesting works which I have read. And the author of this work, Mikhail Bulgakov, certainly raises very important and current topics, which are and will be encountered to this day in our world. The work shows two sides of the coin of our life, it exposes the evil that is hidden behind sycophancy, brings out clean water all liars, and shows us that evil is not something abstract and something that cannot be seen, but evil is done and it is hidden in people.

"The Master and Margarita" is not just a work about evil spirits, but a story of love, creativity, eternal struggle good with evil. Every person on our planet is aware of this eternal war of two opposing forces. Just as the thinkers of previous generations realized it. Bulgakov is convinced that everything begins with faith. God is good, and the devil is evil. Which side a person will suddenly find himself on is decided by someone other than himself. These decisions are observed by Woland, one of the main characters of the novel. He punishes everything that has deviated from goodness with the help of his retinue. I think that punishment for the evil of people was carried out only for the sake of justice. Is Woland to blame, for example, for the death of Berlioz or for the fact that Ivan Bezdomny went crazy? It seems to me that people themselves are to blame for their failures. And the author warns the reader and leads him to the right way. The hell we created, in our hearts, in our souls, and in our homes. This is what contributes to the madness in our world. Nothing goes unpunished - the author proves to the reader. Woland, in a conversation with Levi Matvey, says interesting thing: “... what would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?” By this, Bulgakov makes it clear that without darkness there will be no light - this is necessary for a full life. And, undoubtedly, these two forces must be in balance. Also, this work talks about such an eternal and probably immortal theme like: love. The Master's love for Margarita (and vice versa) makes me believe that it is real and true love will be able to survive all the terrible moments that come their way together. Also, I am (more likely proud than condemned) surprised by Margarita’s determination that she was able to leave her luxurious life, in money and endless wealth, to live with the Master - supporting him in all her endeavors, seeing talent in him and not giving in what Woland's tricks? I really liked her words when she told her husband that she was leaving him:

Forgive me for disturbing you, but I have to tell you terrible news... No, I don’t dare... My gloves whistled in the cafe today. So funny! I put them on the table and... I fell in love with someone else.

In his brilliant novel M.A. Bulgakov touched upon huge amount eternal topics and questions. The novel “The Master and Margarita” is a work that, from the very first pages, amazes the reader with its unusualness and depth. His work teaches not only that one should not succumb to all evil tricks, but also to love, create, dream, fight to be right and, most importantly, to believe that good can always defeat evil, but for this, each person must not let go hands.

Problems of the novel “The Master and Margarita”

Literature and library science

Most of all, the theme of oppression and persecution of an extraordinary talented individual by the state is present in the fate of the Master. Margarita trashes the apartment of the critic Latunsky, who killed the Master, but rejects the offer to destroy her enemy. After the ball at Satan's, the heroine first of all asks for the suffering Frida, forgetting about her own passionate desire to return the Master. It is Woland who brings the Master and his girlfriend to their eternal home, giving them peace.

8. Problems of the novel “The Master and Margarita”

deepest philosophical problem problemrelationships between power and personality,power and the artist is reflected in several storylines. The novel contains an atmosphere of fear and political persecution of the 1930s, which the author himself faced. Most of all, the theme of oppression, persecution of an extraordinary, talented person by the state is present in the fate of the Master. It is not for nothing that this image is largely autobiographical. However, the theme of power, its deep impact on the psychology and soul of a person, is also manifested in the story of Yeshua and Pilate. The originality of the composition of the novel lies in the fact that the story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate based on the Gospel plot is woven into the plot fabric of the story about the fate of the Moscow inhabitants. Here Bulgakov's subtle psychologism is revealed. Pilate is the bearer of power. This determines the duality of the hero, his spiritual drama. The power vested in the procurator conflicts with the impulse of his soul, which is not devoid of a sense of justice, good and evil. Yeshua, who wholeheartedly believes in the bright beginning in man, cannot understand and accept the actions of the authorities, their blind despotism. Faced with deaf power, the poor philosopher dies. However, Yeshua instilled doubt and repentance into Pilate’s soul, which tormented the procurator for many centuries. Thus, the idea of ​​power is connected in the novel with the problemmercy and forgiveness.

To understand these issues, the image of Margarita and the posthumous fate of the two are important. loving friend friend of heroes. For Bulgakov, mercy is higher than revenge, higher than personal interests. Margarita trashes the apartment of the critic Latunsky, who killed the Master, but rejects the offer to destroy her enemy. After the ball at Satan's, the heroine first of all asks for the suffering Frida, forgetting about her own passionate desire to return the Master.Bulgakov shows his heroes the path of spiritual renewal and transformation.The novel, with its mysticism and fantastic episodes, challenges rationalism, philistinism, vulgarity and meanness, as well as pride and spiritual deafness. Thus, Berlioz with his smug confidence in tomorrow the writer ends up dead under the wheels of a tram. Ivan Bezdomny, on the contrary, turns out to be able to transform himself, abandoning past misconceptions. Another interesting motive arises herespiritual awakening motif, which comes with the loss of what is considered reason in an inert society. It is in a psychiatric hospital that Ivan Bezdomny decides not to write any more of his pathetic poems. Bulgakov condemns militant atheism, which has no true moral basis. An important idea of ​​the author, affirmed by his novel, is the idea of ​​​​the immortality of art. “Manuscripts don’t burn,” says Woland. But many bright ideas live among people thanks to students who continue the work of the teacher. This is Levi Matthew. Such is Ivanushka, whom the Master instructs to “write a sequel” to his novel. Thus, the author declares the continuity of ideas, their inheritance. Bulgakov’s interpretation of the function of “evil forces”, the devil, is unusual. Woland and his retinue, while in Moscow, brought decency and honesty back to life, punished evil and untruth. It is Woland who brings the Master and his girlfriend to their “eternal home”, giving them peace. Motif of peace also significant in Bulgakov's novel. We must not forget about the vivid pictures of Moscow life, remarkable for their expressiveness and satirical sharpness. There is a concept of “Bulgakov’s Moscow”, which appeared thanks to the writer’s talent for noticing the details of the surrounding world and recreating them on the pages of his works.

Bulgakov widely covers the problem of the relationship between the Master and society and facesloneliness of a creative personality.The Master's novel, the meaning of his whole life, is not accepted by society. Moreover, it was decisively rejected by critics, even when unpublished. What did the Master want to tell people? He wanted to convey to them the need for faith, the need to seek truth. Consonant with the loneliness of the Masterloneliness of Pontius Pilate. He seems to have everything for happy life: money, power, fame... This is exactly what should encourage the people around him to communicate with him. But even when we first meet Pilate, we notice some kind of yearning in his soul. He has not yet felt lonely, but it is no coincidence that Yeshua tells him: “The truth, first of all, is that you have a headache...” Yeshua sees Conscience in him, sees concern for people (after all, the expression “headache” also has a figurative meaning) . Pilate's loneliness is not only proof that he has moved away from everyday vanity and has come closer to understanding the truth. It's also a punishment. Punishment for the fact that he neglected his Conscience and chose to fulfill the law of Yershalaim, breaking the higher law.

Margarita in the novel is the bearerhuge, poetic and inspired love, which the author called “eternal”. And the more unattractive, “boring, crooked” the lane where this love arises appears before us, the more unusual this feeling turns out to be, flashing with “lightning”. Margarita fights for the Master. Having agreed to be the queen at the Great Full Moon Ball, she, with the help of Woland, returns the Master. Together with him, under the peals of a cleansing thunderstorm, she passes into eternity.

One of the most interesting problems of the novel “The Master and Margarita” isproblem of creativity.Bulgakov vividly and expressively described the world of literary conjuncture, which represented contemporary to the writer art of words. We can say that here too Bulgakov uses the technique of comparing types of writers. The master managed to rise above society, practically separating himself in the basement. He had practically no acquaintances in Moscow. This gave him the freedom to create what the conscience of a moral man, the pen of a free writer and the talent of a Master dictated. And sooner or later he had to show his novel to the world. And then people like Latunsky began to judge him. Did they understand that they were raising their hand against creation about the eternal? Perhaps they understood, since from time to time fear came over them, like Berlioz. It was a hidden fear that in addition to the power that feeds them and sets them against someone, there is higher powers. But they are used to living without asking themselves questions. The main thing is that it is satisfying. It is no coincidence that the scenes in the restaurant are so similar to the scenes of Satan's Great Ball. The ironic image of the corridors and offices of the writers' union, where the inscriptions are completely far from creativity, leaves no doubt. This is a kind of distributor of material goods, and that’s all. This has nothing to do with creativity. So the irony of Behemoth and Koroviev, who think aloud about the talents of the Griboedov house, is entirely understandable. Real writers don't need proof of who they are; just read a few pages of their work. But they pretend to be great writers. Ivan Bezdomny fits into this circle quite successfully at first. But he is endowed with a living soul, although he has an undeveloped mind. It’s just that this young man was brought up in unbelief in an era when temples and souls were being destroyed. Faced with the incomprehensible, he loses, first of all, lies and refuses to write. He is young, and the author hopes that he will still understand the truth. Ivan Popyrev became a professor, however, he did not achieve the freedom without which creativity is impossible. Did the Master acquire it? Yes and no. After all, he could not fight for his novel. That's why he deserves peace. The fate of the master, like the fate of Ivan Bezdomny, is the fate of those who tried honestly and uncompromisingly to figure out where the truth is and where the lies are, and to know the truth. It is on them that G. Bulgakov himself places his hope.

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Each reader has his own “bible”. M. A. Bulgakov presented people with several works that can lay claim to such a high title. First of all, the reader comes to mind the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Loneliness is like the air that heroes breathe

Loneliness is the primary reality human existence. People are born alone, death is also a lonely matter. And to be completely honest, a person cannot truly share his life with someone. You can get married successfully, give birth to a bunch of children, but deep down remain completely alone.

It seems that this is exactly what M. A. Bulgakov expressed in his imperishable novel. Most of his main characters are invariably lonely: Woland, Pilate, Yeshua, Ivan Bezdomny, the Master, Margarita. Loneliness is so natural for them that they don’t even notice it.

To illustrate how the novel “The Master and Margarita” is revealed, we will move in our analysis from one hero to another.


Can Satan have companions or partners? Or maybe friends? Of course not. He is doomed to be alone. At the very beginning of the novel, M.A. Berlioz asks the “Consultant”: “Professor, did you come to us alone or with your wife?” To which Woland replies: “Alone, alone, I’m always alone.” And at the same time, the “professor of black magic” is perhaps the least lonely compared to other heroes, of course, because of his retinue. This strange company does not give off a painful feeling of hopelessness, probably because it arrived in Moscow not for fun, but in order to save the Master and give the “Hundred Kings” ball.

We have to insist on this particular order, since the annual holiday could have taken place in any city in the world, but Moscow in the 1930s was not chosen by chance, namely because the Master and his novel about Pontius Pilate were there. This is the portrait of Woland in the context of the topic “The problem of loneliness in the novel “The Master and Margarita”.”

Pontius Pilate

With Pilate, too, in this sense, everything becomes clear from the very beginning; he hates Yershalaim. He's lonely. The only creature he is attached to is his dog Bunga. The procurator wants to die because of an unbearable headache. He should rest, but no, he has to interrogate some tramp. According to rumors, he persuaded the people to destroy the temple.

Then this tramp miraculously heals the procurator and speaks to him in a way that few people allow themselves. Despite this, the hegemon is ready to let the “philosopher” go, but then it turns out that Yeshua is also guilty of. According to the law, the procurator must crucify his deliverer, because there is nothing more terrible than a crime against Caesar.

Pilate does everything possible to prevent the tragedy, but, unfortunately, his efforts are in vain. During the course of the story, a spiritual transformation happens to him. He changes beyond recognition and discovers that in fact the tramp, whom the Sanhedrin did not want to pardon, turns out to be as close to him as Bunga, although there are no reasonable reasons for this. The problem of loneliness in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov is unthinkable without the image of Pontius Pilate.

He is perhaps the loneliest and most tragic figure in the novel. And without her, the work would have had a completely different face and different depth. All subsequent torments: moonlight, insomnia, immortality - nothing compared to the moment when Pilate lost his only friend - Yeshua.

So far, the theme “The Problem of Loneliness in the Novel “The Master and Margarita”” is maintained in a sad tone. Unfortunately, nothing changes when it comes to the fate of Ivan Bezdomny

Ivan Bezdomny

With the characters representing the Soviet reality of the novel, everything is more complicated. Their loneliness becomes obvious only in borderline situations - points of human existence where life approaches its limits (death or madness).

This happened with the poet I. Bezdomny, who only realized in a mental hospital how wrong his life had been before. True, the figure of Ivan Bezdomny is, one way or another, tragic - life revealed to him the truth about his homelessness, but gave nothing in return. Ivan has no hope of finding salvation.

Main characters

The Master and Margarita are the only pair of characters whose story ends well, but not in this reality, but only in the “other world.” If we free this story from the romantic flair, it turns out that it was loneliness that pushed them into each other’s arms.

Margarita’s husband is not in the novel (he is present only in her words), but the reader understands that, most likely, her husband is boring, practical to the point of vulgarity and smart only in everyday or commercial issues, that’s why the woman wanted to fly.

The Master too He has nothing but a basement and a novel about Pontius Pilate, and he, like no one else, needs the love of a pretty woman. True, due to the fact that the couple has no money at all, only strong love keeps them together, or maybe the fear of returning to their total and complete loneliness. In general, it is difficult to say for sure whether there was love between them. If she was, she was probably sick and lame, but there was definitely a fear of being left alone. It turns out that the problem of loneliness in Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is hidden even where, at first glance, love lives.

The master's mind changed precisely because he could not cope with the burden of unfulfilled hopes and aspirations. He really counted on the novel, on its publication, but the essay was met with criticism, which closed his way into the world.

The master could no longer torment Margarita. “The boat of love crashed into everyday life.” Or rather, the Master simply had a conscience, but then Woland came and fixed everything. True, even his power was not enough to give the couple salvation in this life and not in another.

The novel by M. A. Bulgakov is a multi-layered work

Accordingly, the problems of the novel “The Master and Margarita” are not limited to the theme of loneliness. The writer's talent lies in the fact that the reader cannot say with certainty what main topic this mysterious novel: either it is “The Gospel of Mikhail Bulgakov” (the title of the book by Alexander Zerkalov), which means that religious issues occupy the main place in it. Or maybe the main thing is satire directed against Soviet reality?

The novel is about everything at once, and in order not to violate its integrity it is better not to split it into molecules and components. This is probably the most general answer to the question of what problems exist in the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Philosophy as a sign of high classics

It is generally accepted that philosophy is something boring and lives somewhere within the walls of academies. All this is definitely inaccessible to a mere mortal. This is the popular and fundamentally incorrect idea of ​​the “love of wisdom.” In fact, in the life of every person (and even more so an artist) there comes a time when he thinks about God, fate, and human loneliness. Usually such works are difficult to write, they are difficult to read, but they give an unusually much to a person. There are a great many such creations both in Russian and in world classics, so hypothetically the topic of the article could sound like this: “The problem of loneliness in...”. The Master and Margarita were not chosen by chance, because these characters and the book about them are incredibly popular among modern Russians.

Kurt Vonnegut and Mikhail Bulgakov: two views on the problem of loneliness

Just like our classic, he has been “sick” with the problem of loneliness all his life and tried to solve it in his own way. For example, in the novel “Balagan, or the End of Loneliness,” he proposed that all people unite into families so that not a single lonely person remains in the world (the reader can refer to the original source for details). In some of his journalistic books American classic wrote something like this: human life is a constant struggle against loneliness.

It seems that Bulgakov would completely agree with this, but they would disagree on the issue of overcoming loneliness. According to our novel, loneliness (this is clearly visible in The Master and Margarita) is insurmountable, tragic and inevitable for a person. K. Vonnegut looks at man and his prospects more optimistically, which cannot but rejoice. If suddenly people overcome their own selfishness and understand that “we are all brothers,” then there is hope for victory over loneliness. True, to be honest, it looks like a miracle.

M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is one of the brightest works. It intertwines present time (the time of writing the novel) and past time (the time of the arrival of the son of God on earth). In the present tense we see the struggle of the mind, education with nonsense, greed and discourtesy. From the very first pages of the novel, the author shows that discourtesy must be punished. Thus, the director of MASSOLITA Berlioz paid with his life for his attitude towards the creator of all mankind. He, not knowing that he was arguing with the devil himself, expressed his disdain for higher matters without plunging into the depth of the problem. In his novel “The Master and Margarita,” Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov vividly depicted for us the so-called theme of choice.

This, first of all, concerns the problem of Margarita’s choice between “ beautiful life"with the rich and loving husband and real happiness with a wretched and useless writer - the Master. We also see the problem of Pontius Pilate’s choice between his duty and common sense, his desire. Pontius Pilate made his choice, but it turned out that he was in at the moment It doesn't matter at all. The procurator knew that by pronouncing the death sentence on Yeshua, he was making a terrible mistake that would be impossible to correct.

Thoughts are confused in his brain, he is torn between work and conscience. The Master and Margarita met one day on the street and immediately, at first glance, realized that they were made for each other. From that time on, a feeling of love arose between them. Before this, the heroine lived in a wonderful house with her husband, who loved her and satisfied all her desires, but despite all this, Margarita was not happy in her marriage to him. The woman had everything she wanted, but money did not bring her happiness.

She agreed to give all this in order to be with the Master, who lived in a semi-basement and whose only occupation was the novel he was writing. It was a story about Pontius Pilate, the all-powerful procurator. In his work, the Master saw the meaning of life, and Margarita inspired him. When the novel was completed, the Master's request to publish his work was rejected. Different ones began to appear critical notes and articles in newspapers. The master was very worried about these articles, so much so that he even dared to burn them. main job of your life. After this act, the Master became completely confused in his own horrors and he himself turned to a psychiatric hospital for help.

In order to return her lover and take revenge on her offenders, Margarita compromises with Woland and his retinue. She agrees to sell her soul to the devil, become a witch and be Satan's prom queen for a while. At the same time, Margarita has not lost her sincerity and, when Woland asks about her desire, she saves the unfortunate martyr Frida from remorse, instead of regaining the Master. In the end, her greatest wish came true. The Master and Margarita remained together forever, and they were given peace. All who were tempted by the devil were punished. Of course, evil never goes unpunished, and good, as it should be, wins.

“Real”, noble people made their choice, and it became the right one, since they acted not out of their own interests, but for the benefit of those around them, and also for the sake of bright feelings.