At the pike's command. The script for the theatrical performance “The Tale “At the Pike’s Command”

Script for production
Russian folk tale
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 35 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 7.


Marya the Princess

In the foreground on the left is Emelya’s house, in the middle there are several snow-covered trees, on the right is the king’s palace. In the background there is a lake and winter forest. The daughter-in-law leaves the house.


Hey Emelya, wake up
Get ready for water.
Stop sleeping on the stove!

Emelya looks out of the window.

Emelya (yawning)

Calm down, don't scream!
No desire for water -
This is not my job!
You went better than your brothers.


They went to the market.
I'll scold you
If you won't help.

If I bring water,
What is the reward for your efforts?


The brothers will bring it from the market
A pair of boots for you.
If you sleep on the stove,
There are no gifts in sight!

Okay, I'm on my way.

Emelya comes out of the hut with buckets.


I'm expecting you by lunchtime.

The daughter-in-law goes into the house, and Emelya, with buckets on a yoke, slowly walks towards the lake.

Emelya (singing)

A smart person won't get ahead,
A smart person will go around the mountain.
There's a fool lying on the stove
It's good for him anyway!

Emelya stops in front of the lake, takes a bucket and scoops it up. There is a pike in the bucket.

Emelya (joyfully)

What luck! Ha ha ha!
There will be a nice soup!

The pike is trying to escape. Emelya grabs her with his hands.

I barely held it in!

Let me go, Emelya!
Know that I will be useful to you,
If I end up in the river!

Wow, how you got into conversation!
You would be good for my ear.
Why do I need you in the river?
What should I do there with you?

Let go, you won't regret it!

Emelya (incredulously)

Well, what can you do?
I feel like you're deceiving me.
I'll let you go and you'll end up in the water!
Don't flood me here!

Whatever you want, wish!

Here he fools with miracles.
I want the buckets themselves
They followed me home,
They carried the water themselves.

So that everything becomes your way,
You say it like I said:
How to pike command,
Yes, according to my wishes!

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Buckets, come to my house,
Don't spill the water!

The buckets begin to move slowly towards the house.

What a miracle of miracles!
You are not a pike - a pure demon!
If you have such strength,
Why didn't she bite me?

The pike begins to flutter in Emelya’s hands.

Okay, okay, so be it,
You can sail away!
After all, looking from any side,
Cooking fish soup is a hassle for me!
I'm too kind in the morning
It's time for me to go home and bake!

Emelya throws the pike into the hole and goes to get the buckets.

Emelya (singing)

Even though it doesn’t fly in the sky
And he doesn’t bite science,
The fool in the world knows everything
And he is always lucky!

Buckets enter the house. The daughter-in-law looks out of the window.


It’s so wonderful, holy God!
This all looks like a dream!

That's it! I climbed onto the stove.


No, now you’re going to the forest!
You have no time to lie around
Please get ready.
The house has run out of wood,
The stove is barely warm.

Emelya (yawning)

Well, what are you here for?
Do this, do that.
Reluctance! I'll sleep!


All! There are no gifts in sight!

Wow, you are so harmful -
Everyone grumbles and reproaches!
I will receive gifts
I really, really want them!

Emelya leaves the house. A sleigh without a horse appears from behind the house. Emelya gets into the sleigh.

Open the gate quickly!


I didn't care!
How are you going, you fool?
You didn't harness the horse!

Emelya (laughs)

It's okay, I'll do it somehow.
Don't forget to give me some bread!

The daughter-in-law leaves the house and hands Emelya a loaf of bread.

Emelya (to the side)

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Go, my sleigh,
To the dense forest for firewood!

The sleigh starts and goes to the forest. The daughter-in-law goes into the house. A boyar looks out of the palace window.

Emelya (singing)

Oh you sleigh, my sleigh,
I don't need an all-terrain vehicle!
Behind the mountains, behind the forests
Hardly anyone will find better!

The sleigh stops near the forest. Emelya comes out. The sleigh is hiding behind the trees. The boyar leaves the palace, approaches the forest and looks out from behind the trees to see what Emelya is doing.

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Chop some wood, an axe,
If you are still sharp,
And firewood - tie it yourself
And jump on the sleigh
I'll sit down and rest,
I'll eat the crust and take a nap.

Boyar (aside)

Something is obviously wrong here,
You know, Emelya is not a fool!
Where have you seen a sleigh
They rolled through the snow on their own.
I'll sit quietly
I’ll keep an eye on Emelya!

Emelya hides behind the trees. An ax immediately appears from behind them. The boyar looks out from behind the trees from the side of the lake.

Knock-knock! Knock-knock!
I chop wood without hands!
Beware, honest people!

The ax swings at the boyar.

Hey, don't stand here under the pine tree!

Oh you! Lord save me!
Look how he mowed down the forest.
We must report to the king!

The boyar runs away towards the palace. The ax disappears behind the trees, and a sleigh loaded with firewood immediately appears. Emelya sits on top of them.

Emelya (yawning)

Sani, I'm telling you,
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
And with firewood, and with me
Let's go home!

The sleigh drives to the house and hides behind it along with Emelya. The boyar runs up to the porch of the royal palace. The king looks out of the palace window. The boyar points his hand towards the forest.

The king is our father! Trouble!
Never before
To drive a sleigh through the snowdrifts
They drove the fools themselves,
Buckets fetched water,
Axes chopped wood.

Tsar (menacingly)

Who are they? How dare you?

Boyar (bowing)

It's all the fool Emelya!
He cut down the trees
He suppressed the darkness of the people,
Our kingdom is being ruined
And he does this...
Our king, father, trouble!

King (angrily)

Bring him here!
Yes to the dungeon! He will know
How can you not respect the king?

The Tsar hides in the window, and the boyar goes to Emelya’s house.

Boyarin (sings)

Right hand of the king
I don’t call myself for nothing.
If there is no money in the treasury,
They entrust this to me!
If there is turmoil in our kingdom,
I'll deal with it in a minute -
I'm for every trouble
I'll find the culprit!

The boyar knocks on Emelya's door. Emelya looks out of the window.

I am by royal decree
I'm arresting you right away!
Hey, Emelya, get off the stove!

Emelya (yawning)

You, boyar, don’t shout!
I have my own concern -
I don't feel like it today!

The boyar grabs Emelya by the hair and pulls him out of the window. Emelya fights back.

Oh, you are! Well, wait a minute!
Hey, stick, come out.
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Give the boyar a kick
Break off his sides!

A club appears from the house and begins to beat the boyar. The boyar runs away. The club is behind him.

Oh! Ay! Hurt! Guard!

The daughter-in-law appears on the doorstep.

Daughter-in-law (Emele)

You shouldn't have scared him off.
He will return with the soldiers,
We'll be filled with tears!

The boyar runs into the forest, the club behind him.

Well, okay, I'm not afraid.
At least I can fight the army!
And I won’t get off the stove,
At least promise me rolls!

A out of breath, beaten boyar with a bandaged head appears from behind the trees and walks towards the palace.

What a terrible misfortune
It won't be long before the abyss is over!

The Tsar appears at the palace window and looks down at the boyar.

Where are you from?

Boyar (with a sigh)

From Emelya!

King (angrily)

Why are you dragging along barely?
Where is Emelya? Where is the fool?

There is no way to stop him!
On my sore back
He set his club.

King (surprised)

What, boyar, are you talking about?
Bring him as you like!
Otherwise for all the sins
You'll get your own nuts!

The king hides in the palace, and the boyar slowly walks back to Emelya.

Boyarin (sings)

The royal service is difficult,
There is only one head.
I feel sorry for my head
You have to be smart
After all, you can’t sit in a puddle
To the statesman!

The boyar knocks on Emelya's door. The daughter-in-law comes out onto the porch.

Daughter-in-law (whispers)

Hush, Emelya is sleeping.
He is terribly angry with everyone.

Boyar (also in a whisper)

What to do? What should I do?
How to persuade him?
After all, this is the order of the king.


Don't threaten him in vain.
He can't stand screaming.
Well, what if they ask him
Yes, they will promise a new thing,
He will be happy to please.

The daughter-in-law goes into the house. Emelya looks out the window.

Emelya (yawning)

You again? Come on, dumbass...

Boyar (with a bow)

Have pity on my back!
I, Emelyushka, brought
I'll pack a cart for you.
If you go to the king,
I'll give you a red hat!

Emelya (yawning)

Boyar, I don’t feel like it!
I've been yawning all day -
I'm lying on the stove,
I'm spending my time usefully.

Boyar (ingratiatingly)

If you go, Tsar Ivan
Red will give you a caftan,
And on two legs
Boots made of morocco!

Emelya (condescendingly)

Okay, you go ahead
Get the people out of the way.
Let the king prepare dinner
I'll follow you!

The boyar runs to the palace.

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Do as I say:
Go bake to the king!

The house is shaking, Emelya leaves it on the stove and rides through the forest to the palace.

Emelya (singing)

Won't you take me, frost -
My oven is like a locomotive!
Even there are clouds in the sky
They won't catch up with the fool!

The king leaves the palace. The stove stops in front of the palace.

Tsar (menacingly)

What have you done, villain?
Why did you crush people?
He cut down the royal forests
And beat the boyar?

I'm not to blame for anything.
All! Let's go back!

Marya the Princess appears in the palace window. Emelya looks at her.


Baby! How dare he!
He will regret this!
I order from my shoulders
Cut off his head!

And the princess is pretty.
It's a pity, she looks like her father.
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Let it be in broad daylight
He's going to fall in love with me!
Come back, bake, home!

The stove slowly moves towards the hut. Marya Princess runs out of the palace and runs after.


Where are you going, my love?
Wait, what about me?

King (indignantly)

What is it, my daughter?
Hey, set up the chase!
Put everyone in prison!

The king is hiding in the palace. The boyar runs out of the palace, catches up with Princess Marya at the edge of the forest and pulls her back. She resists.


I want it at the end of the week
Marry Emelya!
I can’t live without Emelya -
I'll run away from home!
Let go, otherwise
I'll scream and cry!

The Tsar appears in the window.

What a disaster, what a disaster!
He shouldn't have come here!
Well, what about you? own daughter,
Get out of the house.
You are not my daughter yet
Do you want a fool husband?

The Tsar and Boyar are hiding in the palace, and Marya Princess catches up with Emelya and sits down next to him on the stove. The stove approaches the hut.

That's it, we've arrived. Get off!

Marya Princess (capriciously)

I don't want to go into this dirt.
I want, like with my father,
Live with you in the palace!

Emelya (scratching head)

This is hilarious! Ha ha ha!
Why is the hut bad for you?
Okay, I'll arrange everything now
And I will build a palace for you!
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Build a golden palace!

The hut disappears, and a golden palace appears in its place.

Marya Princess claps her hands.


You, Emelya, are great!

The stove, together with Emelya and Marya the Princess, enters the palace. Emelya looks out of the window, and Marya Tsarevna goes out onto the porch.

Marya the Princess

What a beauty.
If father finds out,
That we have such a palace,
He will lose his peace
He will envy us
Estimate the cost.

Princess Marya looks at Emelya.

Marya the Princess

Is it possible to wish
So that you can become handsome?

Emelya (laughs)

Look what you wanted!
Beauty without benefit!
But if you want, I’ll help you,
Just wait, I’ll say:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
I wish I could become smarter and more beautiful,
As Masha wishes!

Immediately, instead of Emelya the Fool, Emelya the Tsarevich appears in the window.

Marya Princess (admiringly)

You, Emelya, are simply a miracle!
I'll be with you until death
Lying on the stove together
And adore with all my heart!
In the golden palace together,
We will live like in heaven!

The princess goes into the palace, Emelya the prince hides. The king looks out from the window of the royal palace.

King (admiringly)

Oh, what a wonderful view -
The Golden Palace stands.
I don’t understand anything -
He wasn't there!
What's happened? Who dared?
And when did the villain have time!?
I can't stand this
After all, the land underneath is mine!
Hey, boyar, come out,
Look at this!

Boyarin leaves the palace.

Good God! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The poppies are burning with fire!

You, boyar, do not be baptized,
Go and figure it out!
Take the army and go into battle,
I'm following you!

The boyar and the Tsar go to the Emelin Palace. The king looks out from behind the trees. The boyar knocks on the door. Emelya leaves the palace. Marya the Princess appears in the window.

Do you want to go to jail?
Who are they? Why
Committed a crime -
Erected without permission
Gilded your palace?


Tell the Tsar Father
He loved and favored us -
He came to visit us!


Otherwise, tell the king
I will destroy the entire kingdom!
Ali didn’t recognize Emelya?

The king comes out of the forest.

Is that you? I don't believe!
If so, marry Masha
And take our whole kingdom,
Just don't destroy us!


We'll celebrate the wedding now!
I don't hold it against you
Finally, I’ll just say:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
I found my happiness!
Let everything be fine!

Vladislav Panfilov

(buffoonish farce).

Buffoons - they are:
guests of the king,
and all other characters.
Main personalities:
Princess Nesmeyana,
1st Sister Emelya,
2nd Sister Emelya

The buffoon runs onto the stage (he is also, in the future, the Herald.)

Buffoon (for all honest people). The Tale of Emel the Loafer, Tsar
Peas, Princess Nesmeyane and the magic pike word!

Killer folk music sounds.
And onto the stage, from all corners of the auditorium, from all
doors - in a word, buffoons run out from everywhere.
They arrange a fun “shari-vari”: dancing, somersaults,
somersaults, etc.
Suddenly, in the most cheerful place, the music stops.
The buffoons are at a loss.

- Hey! What's happened?
- Give me some music!..
- What's the matter?!
- etc. phrases.

1st Buffoon (points into the hall). Look - Emelya!

Emelya walks through the hall, yawning and scratching himself, with a pillow in his hand, in an awkward hat, with an incomprehensible swing, in felt boots - he doesn’t know where.
The buffoons, having quickly whispered, pretend
to "forest":
someone whistles like a bird,
someone is making noise with the tree,
someone croaks, someone quacks.
In a word, everything is in order.
Emelya gets up on stage, looks around, puzzledly remembers:
where is the forest from?

EMELYA (yawns). I'll sleep here...

Goes to bed.
The buffoons cease to be a “forest” and surround Emelya.

1st Buffoon. Sleeping again!

Emelya, shall we go and play?
EMELYA. Reluctance...
2nd Buffoon (obviously supports the sneering tone of the 1st
Buffoon). Emelya, shall we go to the river for a swim?
EMELYA. Reluctance.

This “reluctance” amuses the buffoons.

3rd Buffoon. Emelya, shall we go and eat some ice cream?
EMELYA. Reluctance!
4th Buffoon. Emelya, will you go to the disco?
EMELYA. Reluctance!

The buffoons whispered and screamed in unison into Emelya’s ears.

Buffoons. Eme-e-a-a-a!

The buffoons instantly ran away in different directions and again
pretended to be in the “forest”.

EMELYA (jumped up, waving a pillow, yelling). I won't go! Don't want! I won't!

He looks around in bewilderment: there is a “forest” all around...
Did you dream it, or what?
He falls asleep again.
The buffoons again surround Emelya.

1st Buffoon. Yes, the problem...
2nd Buffoon. Guys, let's give it to him

Gesture to Emelya.

Shall we arrange a fairy tale?
Buffoons. Let's!
2nd Buffoon. Should there be a king in a fairy tale?!
SKOMOOKHI. So you will be king!

The “king’s” robe is quickly brought out.
The 2nd Buffoon puts on it, transforms like a king: he grunted, tsked, glared, and all the “people” bent down in a semi-respectful bow.

Buffoons-PEOPLE (enthusiastically). Oh! Tsar!
KING (adjusting the crown on his head). Fine!

Looks at the “people”.

Soooo. I need an assistant - Nobleman!
PEOPLE. And you will be a nobleman!

They push out the 3rd Buffoon.
The “Nobleman’s” robe is immediately brought out.
The nobleman has put on his clothes, transformed: he glances at the “people”, and caresses the “king” with a smile.

NOBLEGE. Father Tsar, I also need an assistant - Voivode!
TSAR. Agree! The governor is here!

“Voevoda” flies out, receives his “uniform”, punches people with his fist

VOIVODA. Father Tsar, you need a daughter!
KING (joyfully). Yes, yes! I need a daughter!
VOIVODA (turned to face the people). Come on, people, who will be the daughter!

Two girls come out - by their “texture” they are clearly not starving.

GIRLS. We will be daughters!..
PEOPLE. No! We won't feed...
TSAR. No... It hurts! Very powerful!

Two more girls come out: legs from teeth, and smiles from ear to ear.

GIRLS. We will be daughters!
TSAR. Wow!
PEOPLE. No! Just give them everything from Yudashkin! And we will again
run around with bare bottoms!..
TSAR. Woohoo! It won’t work!.. We would like something simpler!

The people push out the small, cheerful girl.

PEOPLE. Whoa! Here's my daughter!
TSAR. Similar. Gorgeous. Will do!

They bring out some kind of unkempt wig with a crown and place the wig on the girl’s head.

PEOPLE. Princess!.. Not laughing!
GIRL. Which one of me is Nesmeyana? I can't even cry.
SOMEONE FROM THE PEOPLE. If you don't know how, we'll teach you.
PEOPLE. Let's teach!
SOMEONE FROM THE PEOPLE. If you don't want to, we'll force you!
PEOPLE. Let's force it!
GIRL (begins to show the character of Nesmeyana). You won't force me!
PEOPLE (winks at each other and yells in unison, scaring her). Ah-ah-ah!

Nesmeyana squeals and runs away.
The people scatter in different directions.
The Tsar shouted: “Daughter!”, and the Noble and the Voivode: “Princess!” - they run away after Nesmeyana.
Emelya jumped up at the general shout and noise and shouted after the king.

EMELYA. Various kings ran away here! Are there no government affairs?..

Emelya looks around: there is no one around.

Wow, I said so much, I’m even tired.

Falls asleep.
And Emelya’s sisters appear in the hall: in today’s language, they are very cool girls.

1ST SISTER (looking for Emelya). Eme-e-e-e!
2ND SISTER (looks for Emelya at the other end of the hall). Emelya-ah-ah!
1ST SISTER (points to a male spectator sitting in the hall). Here is Emelya!

Emelya, come on, run for water!
2nd sister. Stop! This is not our Emelya! Ours is a smaller sprout.

Man, what's your name?

The viewer responds.

Here, did you hear?
1ST SISTER. Where is our Emelya?

He addresses the audience very sweetly.

Have you seen our Emelya?

The audience gives hints.

2ND SISTER. Ah-ah-ah! There he is sleeping! Sleeping again! Well, I tell him!..

The sisters run onto the stage.

1ST SISTER. Emelya, we need to go get some water!
EMELYA. Reluctance...
2ND SISTER. How reluctant?.. So this is who we are

weak women will fetch water, and you will lie here? Yes I love you!..

Shaking his muscles, he runs up and tries to “punish” Emelya.

1ST SISTER (restraining her). Wait! You can't do that with him.
2ND SISTER. Still like “lzya”! I'll give it to you right now!
1ST SISTER. But he won’t take it, and we’ll be left without water!
2ND SISTER. What should I do?
1ST SISTER (actively whispers in the 2nd sister’s ear). Understood?
1ST SISTER (whispers to the 2nd sister in the other ear). Do you understand now?
1ST SISTER (looks into the 2nd sister’s ear and laughs). Uh, yes, in one ear
flies in and flies out of another. We'll fix it now.

She plugs one ear of the 2nd sister and whispers into the other.

Well? Understood?

The 2nd sister nods her head, saying she understands.
The 1st sister releases her hand from the 2nd sister’s ear, and she immediately reacts as if something had flown out of her head.

1ST SISTER (shows fist). Right now, how...!
2ND SISTER. No need! I'll understand! You start, and I will understand! I'm smart!

The sisters approach Emela.

1ST SISTER. Emelya!..
2ND SISTER (repeats everything after her exactly). Emelya!
1ST SISTER (as if by the way). But the brothers will return from the fair...

An expressive look at the 2nd sister.

2ND SISTER (happily realized). And they won’t bring you any gifts!
EMELYA (jumps up). How is it that they won’t bring it?
1ST SISTER. And this is how it is!..
2ND SISTER. They won't deliver it at all!
BOTH SISTERS (together). They will never deliver! Go get some water!
EMELYA. Well, okay, okay! Bring your buckets.

The sisters run to bring buckets to Emela.

1ST SISTER. Emelyushka, and to be the cleanest!
2ND SISTER. And make sure the bucket is full! With a slide!
EMELYA (takes the buckets). “Go to the factory, go get some water”...

So he mumbles irritably and leaves.

SISTERS. Hurray! It worked!

Both at the same time, wanting to tease each other.

And I know where the key is... to the cupboard where the jars of jam are!

We came to our senses.

And they ran a race to this key.
Nesmeyana runs through with a wild roar.
Behind her is the Tsar and his retinue.
The king stops to catch his breath.
The retinue sneaks on.

TSAR (after the Nesmeyans). Daughter! Daughter!

Voivode! Voivode!!!

The Voivode runs in.

VOIVODA. What was your name, Father Tsar?
TSAR. Call your mom!

The Voivode screams deafeningly in different directions - it is immediately clear that the method of calling the Mother has been practiced for years.

VOIVODA. Mom-ah! Mom-ah!

Mamka, a huge woman, runs in.

VOIVODA (gesture towards the king). The Tsar Father is calling!

The mother joyfully runs to the Tsar and grabs him in her arms.

NURSE. Father Tsar!!
VOIVODA. Subordination of dishes!

The mother releases the Tsar and moves away to a respectful distance.

NURSE. Was your name Tsar Father?
TSAR. Called. Call the nobleman!

The mother and the Voivode perform the ritual of summoning the Noble, familiar to them to the “green devils”.

MUMMA and VOIVODA. Nobleman! Nobleman! Nobleman!

The nobleman appeared very angry, apparently he had been torn away from something “important”.

NOBLEGE. Why are you so upset?
MUM and VOIVODA (gesture towards the Tsar). The Tsar Father is calling!

The nobleman immediately doubled over.

NOBLEGE. Was your name Tsar Father?
TSAR. Called... Listen, Nobleman, the Tsar's decree!

Comes to the forefront.

They say, whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse me, I will marry her to him... well, he will live and live in the palace. Got it?
NOBLEGE. Got it.
TSAR. Do it!

Proud of his fulfilled duty, the Tsar proudly leaves.
The nobleman instantly straightened up and assumed a nobleman’s posture.

NOBLEGE. Voivode! Listen, Voivode, the Tsar’s decree!

Comes to the forefront.

They say, whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse herself, the king will marry her to him, and he will be registered in the palace. Got it?
VOIVODA. That's right!
VELMOZHV (leaving the stage). Nurse!..
NURSE. Yes, killer whale?
NOBLEGE. Follow me!
NURSE. Seagull, sir?
NURSE. With cucumber?

The nobleman and the mother leave.
The voivode looks around.

VOIVODA (yells). Army-oh-oh!

The faces of boys and girls poked their heads out from behind the scenes and immediately disappeared.


Same reaction.
Then the Voivode puts three fingers into a figurine and raises it up.

But who wants honey gingerbread?!

The people-army flies out from behind the scenes.


They see the cookie and freeze in bewilderment.

VOIVODA. Ate your gingerbread!

Form up! Be equal! Attention!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Cheated again?
VOIVODA. Not again, but again! Attention!

The army lines up. Freezes.

Listen to the army of the kings' decree!

Comes to the forefront.

They say, whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse, the Tsar will marry her, and whoever does not make her laugh and amuse -

Shows the army a huge fist.

they will prescribe it for him! Got it?
VOIVODA (gestures to the audience in the hall). Execute!

The army goes into the hall and tries to yell at the throat
consciousness of the audience.

PEOPLE-ARMY. Whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse him, the king will
will give her away in marriage!

Each of the troops repeats this phrase several times.
But, not seeing a response to the call to help, the army leaves the auditorium somewhere in the foyer: there to look for happiness.
Emelya appears loaded with buckets.

EMELYA (mumbling). “Go get some water, go get some water...”

Looks around.
Addresses the audience.

Where is your river? Do you have a river here?
Let's call the river...
At “three or four” we’ll shout together: “River!”

Screams along with the audience.

River-ah! River-ah!

Girls appear with long pieces of cloth in their hands.

Ooh! River! And they said that you don’t have a river!

The girls wave, as if shaking, pieces of material.

GUYS. Kwa-kwa-kwa!
GIRLS. Bul-tyh!
GUYS. Kwa-kwa-kwa!

And so several times - until Emelya gets water.

Emelya (taking water into buckets). Be quiet!

The “river” falls silent.

I'll sleep here...

He yawns and goes to bed.
“River” is also dozing.
And in auditorium sisters appear.

1ST SISTER. Pi-i-i-it!
2ND SISTER. Emelya, pee-and-it!
1ST SISTER. Pi-i-it! Emelya!
2ND SISTER. Water!

The sisters noticed each other.

1ST SISTER. Well, have you eaten some gingerbread?
2ND SISTER. Have you had enough jam?
1ST SISTER (with a challenge). I've bitten it!
2ND SISTER. And I got a lot!
1ST SISTER. And I bit into it!
2ND SISTER. And I got a lot!

It seems that they are about to “bite into” and “smash” each other
friend: with teeth and claws.
But thirst is stronger than enmity.
The sisters recoil from each other with heart-rending screams.

SISTERS. Pi-i-i-it!
1ST SISTER (to the audience). Guys, have you seen our Emelya?

The hall tells where Emelya is.

Look, he's sleeping!
2ND SISTER. He's sleeping again! Well, I'll tell him now!

From somewhere - from a secret pocket - he takes out a small, elegant slingshot.
Taking aim. Shoots.


From behind the scenes there is a cry: “Bang-bang!”
This flight of stone is voiced by the guys behind the scenes.
But the stone did not hit Emelya, but “River”.
“River” jumped up and started shouting at the sisters.

- Why are you rushing?
- Do you have a head or not?
- So you can kill!
- The whole river is clogged!
- Poachers!..

And other phrases can sound in approximately the same spirit.
And the sisters, in response, blame everything on themselves to the spectators sitting in the hall, they say, it’s all of them.
Finally, the sisters admitted to what they had done.

SISTERS. We won't do it again!
RIVER. That's the same!

He sits down to doze not far from the sleeping Emelya.

2ND SISTER. Cackle, belugas!
1ST SISTER. Well, I got it, the sniper!... Who shoots like that?
Here, learn while I'm alive!

He takes out a huge spear from a “secluded place” in the hall.

In! Slingshot!

Addresses one of the spectators.

Come on, eagle, hold the instrument!

Whistle again.
Again: “Bang-bang.”
The “river” jumped up and began to gurgle.
Emelya jumped up and jumped straight into the “River”.
The sisters, seeing what they had done, quickly ran away. Emelya jumped out of the “River” with a “pike” in his hands.

EMELYA (yelling). I'm drowning! Help!

He notices a pike.

ABOUT! Wow! Pike! Real! Foam rubber! I'll take the pike to my sisters. They will cook fish soup out of it! Wow, the ear will be sweet!

And behind Emelya, “River” was already lined up.
Peeking out from behind their clothes, the girls talk to Emelya
on behalf of the "pike".
Emelya himself looks only at the “pike”, as if she
talks to him.

PIKE-RIVER. Let me go, Emelyushka! I will make you happy!
EMELYA. How is this?
PIKE-RIVER. And so: just say the magic words...
“At the behest of the pike, at my will...” And any of your wishes will come true!..
EMELYA. What, someone will do everything for me?
EMELYA. And go for water?
PIKE-RIVER. And go for water!
EMELYA. And chop wood?
PIKE-RIVER. And chop wood!
EMELYA. And wash the floors?
PIKE-RIVER. And wash the floors!
EMELYA. Are you lying?
PIKE-RIVER. Check it out!
EMELYA. And I'll check!
PIKE. Check, check!
EMEL. And I'll check! Come on... “At the behest of the pike, at my will...”

Why would you wish for something?

The children give hints.

Exactly! In! Let the buckets go home on their own!

Sounded rhythmically magical music.
“River Pike” transforms into girls.
One girl takes the “pike” from Emelya, others roll up the “River”, and the two most lively come up and take the buckets.

GIRLS. Where to go?

Emelya watches in shock the movement of the matter, the pike and the bucket of water.

EMELYA (shows direction). There...

The girls, dancing, set off.
Emelya, stunned and delighted, follows the dancers
And a roaring Nesmeyana jumps onto the stage.
Behind her, enraged by this roar, is Mom.
Nesmeyana is crying.

NURSE. Come on, chick!

Nesmeyana becomes quiet.

Or maybe you want to eat?
NURSE. Cook! Pova-a-ar!

The cook brings in the “dish”.

COOK. Baked pheasant stuffed with nuts! Delicacy!
NURSE. Baked pheasant! Stuffed with nuts! Share as is!
And eat, princess! Eat!
NOT LAUGHED. I don't want pheasant!
NOT LAUGHED. I'm afraid of him. He bites!
NURSE. How can he bite when he's fried!?
NOT LAUGHED. I'm still afraid!

Nesmeyana begins to “pump up” into tears.
The mother makes a gesture - the cook runs away.

NURSE. Cook! Cook!

The Cook runs in with another “dish”.

COOK. Pies! With meat, rice, cabbage and jam!
NURSE. Princess, pies with meat, rice, cabbage and jam!
NOT LAUGHED. I don’t want it with rice, meat or cabbage!
NURSE. What do you want with?
NESMEYANA (thinks nervously). I want... I want!...

With frogs!

The cook looks at Mom.

MUMMA (commanding gesture). With frogs!
COOK. I'm running to catch!

NURSE. Cook! Cook!

The Cook runs in with a tray.

COOK. Ice cream! White! Chocolate! Creamy! Ice cream! Popsicle!
NURSE. Princess, ice cream! White! Creamy! With chocolate! Eat!
NOT LAUGHED. I don't want white ice cream!
NURSE. Which one do you want?
NESMEYANA (with a challenge). Black!
NURSE. There is no such thing as black ice cream!

NURSE. And I say - it doesn’t happen!
NOT LAUGHED. And I say - it happens!

He begins to whine and sniffle.

NURSE. What is black ice cream made from?
NOT LAUGHED. From shoe polish!
MOMMA (puzzled). From shoe polish?


The girl runs in with a box of shoe polish.

Shoe polish?
GIRL. Shoe polish, shoe polish!

Mom tries.
The servants cowered in fear beforehand.
Nesmeyana is “dragging.”

NURSE. Ugh! This is shoe polish-i-in! Water! Water!

The servants bring a bucket of water.
Mom drinks to the bottom.
He grabs Nesmeyana by the scruff of the neck.

Your shoe polish makes me sick!
NESMEYANA (breaks out). And I want your ice cream

He grabs the ice cream from the tray and dumps it down Mamka’s collar.

MOMMA (gets furious). It's cold, right?! Cold?!
NURSE. And I'll steal you!

He grabs a scarf and covers Nesmeyana with the scarf.

NOT LAUGHED. And I'm hot!

Proudly takes off his scarf.

NURSE. And I'll blow on you!

It blows so much that Nesmeyanu is blown to the side.

NESMEYANA (jumps up). And I'm cold!
NURSE. And I'll steal you!

Covers Nesmeyana with a scarf.

NESMEYANA (throws off her scarf). And I'm hot!
NURSE. And I will blow!!!
NOT LAUGHED. And I'm cold!

Music bursts in.
On stage there is a kind of “duel-bullfight” between Mamka and Nesmeyana: who will win.
As a result, they both became weak.
The music stops.

MOMMA (falling to her knees). And I'm hot!
NESMEYANA (covers her with a scarf). And I'll cover you...
NURSE. And I'm cold...
NOT LAUGHED. And I'll blow on you...

Nesmeyana begins to whine.
Mom comes to her senses.

NURSE. From your tears, princess, streams and rivulets spill across the floor...

Nesmeyana is crying.
The mother rolls up her sleeves.

Let me put it under your right eye...

Nesmeyana is wary.

...a golden bucket! And under the left eye... a silver bucket! Buckets!

The girl brings in buckets.

Nesmeyana sits down near the buckets and cries very loudly in them. The Tsar, the Nobleman and the Voivode come running to the noise.

TSAR. Report, Mom, did the princess cry a lot of tears?
NURSE. The right bucket is exactly full, and the left one is only half full!
TSAR. Yeah! So, my daughter, you cry louder with your right eye,
than the left!
QUEEN. No! Same!
TSAR and PEACE. Shibche!
NOT LAUGHED. Same-oh-oh!
TSAR and PEACE. Shibche-ee!
NOT LAUGHED. Same-oh-oh!

Starts to roar.

TSAR and PEACE. Tsuk-y-ts!

Nesmeyana falls silent.

TSAR. Maybe you want to eat?
TSAR and PEACE. Cook! Cook!

The Cook runs in with the “dish”.

TSAR. So, what do we have?
COOK. Pies!
ALL (joyfully). With what?
COOK. With frogs!

Everyone: Nesmeyana, and Mother, and the Tsar and his retinue - scream in fear and run away in different directions.
“Vedra” comes out, followed by Emelya.
“Buckets” take center stage.

EMELYA (to the girls who brought the buckets). Free!

The girls leave.

But now I’ll sleep!

Goes to bed.
The Sisters appear.

SISTERS. Pi-i-it! Pi-i-it! Emelya? Pi-i-it!

They see buckets, rush to them and drink.

1ST SISTER (after getting drunk). Emelya, the floor needs to be washed!
2ND SISTER. And dig up the garden!
1ST SISTER. And milk the cow!
2ND SISTER. And cut some hay!
EMELYA. Did I bring you water?
SISTERS. Brought it.
EMELYA. Well, and “chore”!
EMELYA. Enough!
2ND SISTER. How is that enough?!
1ST SISTER (makes a conspiratorial gesture to her sister). Emelya, but tomorrow
the brothers will return from the fair...
2ND SISTER (remembered). And they won’t bring you any gifts!
EMELYA. How come they won’t bring it?
SISTERS. But they won’t deliver it!
1ST SISTER. We need to wash the windows!
2ND SISTER. Sweep the floor!
1ST SISTER. Mow the hay!
2ND SISTER. Dig up the garden!
1ST SISTER. Milk the cow!
EMELYA. OK! “At the behest of the pike. According to my desire" - let the floor
he washes himself, the windows are cleaned, the cow is milked, the hay is cut, the garden is dug, the laundry is washed...

The sisters look at Emelya like she’s crazy.
But then “magic” music sounds and guys and girls appear, and let’s work to the music!
A sort of “dance-work”.
The sisters, of course, were stunned at first, and then they were delighted and let’s have their own - sisters - dances.
And the boys and girls did everything, they all danced and left. The sisters rushed to Emelya.

SISTERS. Emelya, do it for me!..

The Herald appeared.
The sisters, seeing him, hid, just in case.

CRIER. Whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse him is the king
will give her away in marriage! And whoever doesn’t make you laugh and amuse will be prescribed!

I noticed Emelya.
He walked up to him and barked into his sleeping ear.

Whoever makes Princess Nesmeyana laugh and amuse her, the Tsar-Father will marry her...
EMELYA (jumped up as if stung). What kind of scarecrow is this?
CRIER (looks around). Where is the scarecrow?
EMELYA. You're a scarecrow!
CRIER. Fool!
EMELYA (looks around). Where is the fool?
CRIER. You are a fool!
EMELYA. I'm not a fool! I'm Emelya!
CRIER. And I'm not a scarecrow! I am the royal herald! I am a royal decree to the masses
I'm bringing it!
EMELYA. So rush yourself to the masses!..

The Sisters ran up.
They fawn on Emelya and shoot their eyes at the Herald.

1ST SISTER. Emelya, but no firewood came from the forest...
EMELYA (to get rid of it). “At the behest of the pike, at my will” -
let the firewood come from the forest itself. Yes, hurry up.
CRIER. Ha ha! So they will come! They'll just come running! Wait!
SISTERS. Here we are waiting!
CRIER. Wait, wait!
SISTERS. And we are waiting!
1ST SISTER. Emelya, make me a dress so that everyone: “uh-oh-oh-oh!” and with
hat in the most fashionable fashion!
2ND SISTER. Emelya, I have ten of the same dresses and twenty hats,
and so that everything is both in the face and in the figure! And felt boots on bobbins!
1ST SISTER. Emelya, I have a hundred hats! And a thousand dresses! And let everything shine!
And they shimmered!
2ND SISTER. Emelya, and me too, so that everything overflows for me!..
And yet - a chest! Big and full to the top...
1st COPS. Bedbugs!.. Ha-ha-ha!
2ND SISTER. Should I get bedbugs? And you have an itch on your collar! Kilogram!
1ST SISTER. Do I have scabies? And you have three kilograms of runny nose!
2ND SISTER. And you have scabies!
1ST SISTER. And you have a runny nose!
EMELYA. “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - be it your way!

The sisters begin to sneeze and itch.
The herald kept laughing - he thought he was being played.
But then firewood came - guys and girls with firewood. The herald was clearly puzzled.


The firewood went into the barn.
The sisters ran away - somewhere.
Emelya went to bed.
The herald walked around Emelya like a dog around
your rug.

Listen, Emelya, how is it all working out for you?
EMELYA. What's all?
CRIER. Firewood from the forest, runny nose, scabies?..
EMELYA. Ahh... I know this magic word. Whatever I want, everything
will come true.
CRIER. Yes, you're the one lying!
EMELYA. I? I'm not lying!
CRIER. But I don't believe you!
EMELYA. Check it out!
EMELYA. Hotti!
CRIER. Want! What do you want?
EMELYA. Well, tell me, what do you want now?
CRIER. I want a lot of things!.. I want!.. No, not enough!.. I want!..
No, a lot!.. I want it! Oh! I want it, Emelya! Want!..
I want a girl from India to fly here now on an Eraplane and dance in front of us!..
And so that she could have it here!

Pokes a finger into his forehead.

But ours don’t have it!

A “eroplane” arrives: the guys crossed their arms, made wings - a girl from India, lying in their arms, spread her arms like wings, dangling her legs, smiling from ear to ear, a dot on her forehead - as ordered.
It flies like a swallow.
She jumped off the airplane.
And let's dance the Indian dance.
And the Herald also entered.
And he danced so much that he didn’t notice: and the girls
He’s no longer from India and he’s dancing with his sisters, who manage to sneeze and itch as they dance.
The Herald yelled in a bad voice and ran away. The sisters are behind him.
But the Little Herald is not a fool, he deceived his sisters and
jumped out from the other side of the stage.
And straight to Emelya.
He talks to Emelya, but he itches and sneezes without stopping.

CRIER. Apchhi!
It itches.

Emelya, you are exactly what I need! Apchhi!
EMELYA. Why else?
CRIER. Apchhi! (Itches). Haven't you heard the royal decree?
Who will make Princess Nesmeyana laugh?

If she scratches it, the king will give her in marriage. Apchhi!
EMELYA. There are no fools, scratching the king's daughters!
CRIER (gestures to the audience). The king orders - there will be fools!
EMELYA. But I don't feel like it.
CRIER. How is that?
EMELYA. And so! Reluctance and that's it!
CRIER. So you won't go? Apchhi!
EMELYA. I won't go!
CRIER. And then I will take you by force! Apchhi!
CRIER. And I'll try! Apchhi!

He gets into a karate pose, moves his arms and legs threateningly, and sniffles with his nose.

Apchhi! That is: “Ki-i-iya!”
EMELYA. “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - come on, club,
break off his sides.

Huge guys jump out with clubs in their hands and start bludgeoning the Herald.

CRIER. Save! Help! They are killing!

Runs away.
The batons are behind him.

EMELYA. No! You won't sleep here!

The Tsar appears.

TSAR. Voivode! Voivode!

The Voivode runs in.

VOIVODA. The name was Tsar-Father!
TSAR. Call your mom!

Nurse! Mommaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Mom appears.
Nesmeyana trails behind her, holding onto Mom’s skirt.

MUM (to the Voivode). Called, killer whale?
VOIVODA (gesture towards the Tsar). The Tsar Father is calling!

The mother rushes to the Tsar and wants to pick him up.

NURSE. Father Tsar!
VOIVODA. Subordination of dishes!

The mother retreats to a respectful distance.

NURSE. Did you call, Father Tsar?
TSAR. Call the nobleman!
MOMKA, VOIVODA and INDEPENDENT. Nobleman! Nobleman!

An evil nobleman bursts in.

NOBLEGE. Well, why are you upset?
MOM, VOIVODA, IS NOT LAUGHTER. The name is Father Tsar!

The nobleman tenderly bowed.

VELMOZHA. Was your name Tsar Father?
TSAR. Called! Was the decree announced?
GRANDMAN (to the Voivode), Has the decree been announced?
VOIVODA. That's right. Announced?
GRANDMAN (to the King). That's right! Announced!
TSAR. I suppose someone came?
NOBLEGE (to the Voivode). I suppose someone came?
VOIVODA (gesture: “Who knows?”). I guess he came...
GRANDMAN (to the King). Don't be afraid! He's here!
TSAR. Well, come on, call this Nebosya!
NOBLEGE (to the Voivode). Come on, call your Heaven!

Voivode, Mamka and Nesmeyana are somewhat puzzled - who should we call?

VOIVODA, MOMMA and NEMEYANA (shouting). I suppose! Sky-a-axis!
The sky-oh-oh-axis!

Some very dead, trembling little man appears with some kind of scroll in his hands.

Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Come here!

They take the peasant’s certificates and scare him.
The man runs away.
The retinue shouts joyfully.

The nobleman unfolds the list he brought.

NOBLEGE. “Guest number one! A foreigner with a learned camel!”
ALL. With which camel?
NOBLEGE (reads it carefully). “B-bitch!”

“Haremyk girls” appear, i.e. from the harem.
Then the “Foreigner” himself - clearly from the East, and behind him the “Camel” with a rope on his leg.

FOREIGNER (after the “haremyk girls” dance). Gudimo-ning-trali-wali!
TSAR. What did he say?.. Which of you is trained in foreign languages?
NOBLEGE. Yes, I'm a little confused!
TSAR. Well? Come on, godfather! Mekai! What did he say there?
NOBLEGE. Oh, “hello”, I guess!

The Tsar and his retinue actively greet the Foreigner.

FOREIGNER (gesture to “camel”). Das ist is a learned camel!
CAMEL (yells like a donkey). Eeyore!
FOREIGNER (waves his hand to silence him). Ooh, Satan!
Their bin - drink-trawl-wali!
Ain, tsvay, drive, drool - high phase!
Here" Because!
TSAR. What is he saying?
NOBLEGE. He says that this is a learned camel! If you start it
three times, then he will spit five times!
KING (joyfully). Let him show! Please! Please!

Arranges the entire retinue as if for a photo shoot. It reaches Mom. Stunned by its scale.

ABOUT! Kala-bank!
NURSE. What bank? What did he say?
NOBLEGE. Shocked by the grandeur and corpulence!
MUMMA (to a foreigner). Vulgar!
FOREIGNER (to Camel). Achtung!

Turns on the Camel.

Ain, tsai, dray!

He pulls the string on his leg.

The camel spits.
The Foreigner commands five times - once the camel spits.
With a scream, they fly away in turn: Tsar, Nobleman, Voivode.
Nesmeyana hides behind Mom's back.
And Mom takes the last two spits.
And then she spits herself - once, but in such a way that both the Foreigner and his camel were blown away.
The “harem girls” ran away on their own.

KING (after me). No camels allowed!


NOBLEGE (reads the scroll). Guest number two. Mage, sorcerer, wizard,
extra... sense - Professor Spirkins!

Someone appears wearing white gloves and carrying a bag. Shows his hands to everyone: they say, everything is without deception - that’s how magicians do it.
Shows the bag: they say, here it is - empty.
He makes a magical movement with his hands - he puts the entire retinue, led by the Tsar and Nesmeyana, to sleep.
Robs them.
Puts everything stolen in a bag.
Shows the audience a full bag: this is the trick. He plans to steal from Nesmeyana.
Kisses her on the cheek.
And disappears.
Nesmeyana woke up.
He grabs the kissed cheek and starts screaming and crying.
Everyone woke up.
Assessment that they were robbed.

ALL. Stolen!
NOBLEGE. Quietly, quietly! I write down what happened, what was stolen.
TSAR. Write. Twenty-five crowns were stolen! Golden ones!
VOIVODA. Thirty gold and silver plated binoculars!
NURSE. And I have earrings! Wow! With the same chains and
brilliants! And such a ring! And a kilo of sweets!
ALL. Ooo!
NOBLEGE. And my entire treasury was stolen!
ALL. Salary!?
NURSE. (Nesmeyans). What do you have?
NESMEYANA (shows cheek). Kissed!
ALL. Well, rejoice!
Tsar. No more psychics allowed in!


NOBLEGE. Guest number three! Prince from the Caucasus Mountains with his brother
from the Kuntsevo market!

Two horsemen appear.
They dance.
Nesmeyana is delighted.

PRINCE. Do you like me?
NOT LAUGHED. I like you!
PRINCE. Marrying me - will you be your eighth wife?
NOT LAUGHED. What kind of wife?
PRINCE. Well, the one after the seventh!
NOT LAUGHED. What else! Yes, I myself - just whistle, a hundred suitors come to me
they'll come running.
PRINCE. Come on, get over it!
NOT LAUGHED. And I'll whistle!
PRINCE. Well, get over it!

Nesmeyana tries to whistle, but it doesn’t work.

PRINCE. Ha ha! She whistled!
NESMEYANA (to the King). Dad, come on, whistle!
KING (to the nobleman). Come on, whistle for him!
Voevoda (voevode). Voivode, come on, whistle louder!
VOIVODA (to Mom). Mom, come on, whistle to him - for us, for all of us! For the Motherland!
MOMMA (rolls up her sleeves). I'll whistle now!
PRINCE. No! No, mom! We'll leave on our own!


And I’ll kidnap you and torture you.

The mother raises her hands.
The horsemen are running away.
Mom is behind them.
And then he returns with the Prince’s dagger.

MOMMA (joyfully). In! She whistled!

Hands over the dagger to the Voivode.

Hold it, killer whale, otherwise yours has become dull a long time ago!
TSAR. Next!
NOBLEGE. Guest number four!..

The Herald runs into the hall.
He holds on to his sides. Yells good obscenities.

CRIER. Found it! Found it! Found the Tsar Father!
TSAR. My crown? Crown?
VOIVODA. Binoculars?
CRIER. Not really! I found the guy!
TSAR. What are you saying?!
CRIER. The guy lives in the village! Whatever you want - everything
will fulfill!
TSAR. Why didn't you bring him here?
CRIER. But he doesn't come!
VOIVODA. And you by force!
CRIER. I tried it! Whoa!

Shows bruises.

ALL (with great respect). Wow!
VOIVODA (proudly). Russian style, it's called!
MOMMA (to the King). Father Tsar! Have your say!
TSAR. Listen, Voivode, the Tsar’s decree!

Comes to the forefront.

Straighten your peaks! Sharpen your sabers! Load the guns!
Take the guy Emelya by storm! Got it?
VOIVODA. That's right!
TSAR. Do it!

Army-oh-oh! Army-oh-oh!

Behind the scenes - zero reaction.

But who wants honey gingerbread?!
MUM (pulling her back). Tsk, beggar! We have a whole bag at home

The Voivode is already nervous: he feels uncomfortable in front of the Tsar.

But who wants a keg of bread kvass?

Runs out.

VOIVODA. We drank your kvass! The new generation chooses Pepsi!
PEOPLE-ARMY (with disgust). Ugh!
VOIVODA. Form up!

The army is being built.
The governor comes to the fore.

So, army, listen, army, the king’s decree! Sharpen the peaks!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Sharpen the peaks!
VOIVODA. Load your sabers!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Load your sabers!
VOIVODA. Point your guns!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Point your guns!
VOIVODA. Take the guy Emelya by storm!
VOIVODA. On the horses!

The army-people pretend to jump on hot horses.

Follow me! To the village! March!

The governor and the army-people gallop away.
After them - in excitement - the Nurse jumps.

KING (Non-Smeyans). Well, now you'll laugh!
NOT LAUGHED. I won't laugh!
VOIVODA. You'll laugh!
NESMEYANA (crying). I won't laugh!
TSAR. You'll laugh like a sweetheart! Mom-ah-ah!

Mom rushes in and jumps off an imaginary horse.

Mom, come on from this flank. Nobleman, you are from here, and I am from here!


Now we will catch you and punish you for disobedience!

Scene of catching Nesmeyana.
Several times the Tsar tries to seize the princess.
Every time she escapes.
And as a result, the Tsar, by chance, is captured by the Mother, and, confusing him with the princess, spanks the Tsar in his “soft royal place.”
Nesmeyana laughs.
The mother, tucking her " soft spot", runs away.
The Nobleman also runs away from harm's way.

TSAR (runs after Nesmeyanaya). Well, I'll show you now!

They run away.
Emelya comes out.

EMELYA. Well, this is where I’ll sleep!

He lies down and falls asleep.
The Voivode appears, behind him - like a caterpillar, holding on to each other - the army.

VOIVODA. Stop! Centipede! Halt!

The army and people scatter and begin to “rest” intensively.
The governor addresses the audience.

Where does your guy Emelya live?

The audience points to Emelya.

This one? Aren't you lying? Let's check it now!..

Hey man, wake up!
EMELYA. For what?
VOIVODA. Do you know where that guy Emelya lives?
EMELYA. Well, I'm Emelya!
VOIVODA (to the hall). Look, you didn't deceive me!..

Come on, man, get up!
VOIVODA. The Tsar Father ordered you to appear at the palace!
EMELYA. But I don't feel like it.
VOIVODA. What-oh?
EMELYA. Reluctance!
VOIVODA. And now the army will fight back this reluctance for you!.. The army!
Form up! Attention! Napra-nale-crutch on the shoulder! Running around...
EMELYA. Head on the wall!

The army, which carried out all the orders of the Voivode, by inertia also carried out the order of Emele.
And now he holds his foreheads.

VOIVODA. Leave it alone! Put up a crutch! Run away! Tighten up!
The right flank is on the left, the left flank is on the right - to storm Emelya!.. Hurray!
PEOPLE-ARMY. For what?
EMELYA. “At the command of the pike, at my will,” go, army
home, and to the music!

“Gypsy girl” sounded.
And let the army dance! And so they left dancing.

No! You won't be able to sleep here either!

Emelya leaves.
The Tsar, the Nobleman and Nesmeyana appear.

KING (threateningly). You'll laugh!
TSAR. Then we will execute your favorite bird!
NOBLEGE (in a scary voice). Execute the bird!
NOT LAUGHED. I won't laugh!
TSING and GRANDMAN (in scary voices). Then we will order
execute your favorite dog-oo-oo!
Execute the dog!
NOT LAUGHED. I won't laugh!
TSAR. Then we will order you to be executed!

Together with the Nobleman.

First we'll put you in the cold water!
NOBLEGE. In a ho-o-cold vo-o-ode!
TSAR. So-o-oh in a hot-o-o-ode!
VEOTMOZHA. Into the hot water!

Nesmeyana has been crying for a long time.

KING and GRANDMAN. Then we’ll tie it to the wheel and spin it,
twist, twist, twist!

And at this moment an army appears under the “gypsy girl”.
And he dances.
Nesmeyana stops crying and dances with the army.

TSAR (Army). Are you all dancing?
PEOPLE-ARMY. Let's dance!
TSAR. Now you will start singing with me!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Let's binge!
TSAR. Pala-a-ach!
PEOPLE-ARMY. Pala-a-ach!

To someone from the army.

Are you an executioner!?
TSAR. Executioner?
EXECUTIONER. Executioner!
TSAR. Show me the document!
EXECUTIONER (remove your belt). Whoa!
TSAR. Good document. So, executioner, flog the army!
NOBLEGE. Whipping!
TSAR. Turn it inside out!
NOBLEGE. Turn it out!
TSAR. And flog you again!.. And don’t forget yourself!
EXECUTIONER. And I won’t offend myself!
TSAR. Execute!
VOIVODA. Troops, flogging with music - step by step!

"Gypsy girl."
And the people-army, dancing, leaves for flogging.
And on stage Nesmeyana dances and dances and
can't stop.
The Tsar and the Nobleman call Mother.
The mother rushes in, grabs Nesmeyana and takes her to a place where there is no music.

TsARB (Nobleman). So that's it. Listen, Nobleman, the king's decree.
Go to the village and bring the man Emelya! Alive! Got it?
NOBLEGE. But of course!
TSAR. Do it!

The king left.
And the nobleman sat down sadly.
And then Emelya appeared.
I looked around.
I noticed the motionless Nobleman.

EMELYA (gesture to the nobleman). Here is the fountain. I'll sleep here.

He lies down and falls asleep.
The Sisters appear. They sneeze and itch.

1ST SISTER. Are you still sneezing?
2ND SISTER. I'm sneezing! Are you still itching?
1ST SISTER. I'm itching!.. But I'll tell Emelya and he'll fuck you up
will turn!
2ND SISTER. In gugupotamma?! Who is this?
1ST SISTER. Behemoth, in Russian
2ND SISTER. Me in “hippopotamus in Russian”?! Yes, I will tell Emela, he is one of you
will make a bird! It's called a brain-biter!
1ST SISTER. Is this what makes me crazy? Yes I am!
2ND SISTER. And me!..
GRANDMAN (perked up at the name Emelya). Come on, be quiet! What kind of
Emelya? The same one?
SISTERS. The same one!
NOBLEGE. Where is he?
SISTERS. Yes, I've come home!
NOBLEGE. Oh, he landed!?

Swings at Emelya.
But the sisters are holding the Nobleman.

SISTERS. What are you doing? You can't do that with him!
NOBLEGE. How should it be done?
SISTERS. With affection!
1ST SISTER. Promise something...
NOBLEGE. What should I promise?
1ST SISTER. The dress there, with the neckline...
2ND SISTER. A fashionable hat!
NOBILE (to Emelya - very affectionately). Emelya, let's go to the palace
Make the little one laugh!
EMELYA. Reluctance!
NOBLEGE. And for you, Tsar-Father, a dress with a neckline...
NOBLEGE. Oh! He will give you a velvet caftan!
EMELYA. Reluctance!
SISTERS. Shoes! Promise me shoes!
2ND SISTER. On the bobbin!
NOBLEGE. Emelya, let's go to the palace! Tsar Father shoes for you... then
He will give you some morocco boots. With golden spurs!
EMELYA (interested). Boots with spurs?.. Reluctance!
SISTERS. Promise him something sweet!
NOBLEGE. Emelya, let's go to the palace! The Tsar Father is your home from
will build gingerbread houses.
EMELYA. Gingerbread house?
NOBLEGE. Do-o-oh from gingerbread-o-ov! You will also have gingerbread cookies lying on the stove.
pick out the walls!
EMELYA. House! Gingerbread from the wall... pick it out... Reluctant!
SISTERS. Give me a stash!
VOIVODA. Will chewing gum work?
SISTERS. It'll do!
VOIVODA (waves chewing gum in front of Emelya’s face). Emelyushka!

Emelya sees the chewing gum and, like a goat after a carrot, follows it.
Stops. He's thinking about something.

EMELYA. Stove! Stove!
2ND SISTER. What is it about? What stove?
1ST SISTER. We've had an electric stove for a long time!
EMELYA. Stove-ah!

A guy appears.

BOY. I'm Pechka! Ivan Petrovich Pechka!
EMELYA (jumps on him, waves his hand towards the Nobleman). Let's go!

Both the Nobleman, who seduces Emelya with chewing gum, and Emelya, who does not take his eyes off the chewing gum, leave.

1ST SISTER. This Emelya is a fool, after all! May I have something so magical
word, I would... become a queen!
2ND SISTER. Are you a queen? All you have to do is sit on the potty and shout:
1ST SISTER. What did you say? No, can you repeat what you said?
2ND SISTER. What I heard myself!

Runs away.
1st sister chases after her.
The Tsar comes out.
Behind him, like a “tail,” is Nesmeyana.
Nesmeyana imitates the Tsar in everything.

TSAR. Executioner!
NOT LAUGHED. Executioner!

The Executioner runs in.

TSAR. Executioner?
EXECUTIONER. Executioner!
TSAR. Flogged the army?
TSAR. Have you forgotten yourself?
EXECUTIONER. And I didn’t offend myself!
TSAR. And now you will spank me!
NOT LAUGHTER (like a repeat). And now you will spank me! Oh! That is

Gesture towards the Tsar.

You'll flog him!
TSAR. For the fact that I have such a daughter growing up!
NOT LAUGHED. What kind of daughter is this?
TSAR. And here it is! Not a daughter, but a complete crybaby: a fountain of friendship among peoples.

Nesmeyana roars.

Whoa! That's what I'm saying! My daughter is “not a fountain”!

The executioner is just beginning to punish the Tsar when Emelya rides in on the Stove, and the Nobleman runs in front of him.
The executioner runs away.
Emelya dismounts. He grabs some gum.
The stove is resting.
Emelya goes to bed.

TSAR. Is this the same guy Emelya?
NOBLEGE. The same one, Father Tsar, truly the same one!
KING (Emele). Come on, man, make Nesmeyana laugh to me!
EMELYA. First of all, give me the promised morocco boots
with golden spurs, a velvet caftan and a palace made of gingerbread.
So that I could lie on the stove and pick gingerbread cookies out of the wall!
TSAR. Who promised you all this?
NOBLEGE. But he didn’t want to go for nothing!
TSAR. Are you a Nobleman or where? Are you on duty or what? Cook! Cook!
NOBLEGE. Why immediately “cook”!?

The Cook runs in.

TSAR. What do we have pies with?
COOK. With frogs!
TSAR. I order: feed the Nobleman pies with frogs!
NOBLEGE. For what?
TSAR. For not croaking too much!

The cook takes the nobleman away.

And you, Emelya, let’s make Nesmeyan laugh.
EMELYA. But I don’t feel like it!
TSAR. And I order!
EMELYA. But I still don’t feel like it!
NESMEYANA (who all this time looked with curiosity
Emelya). But he doesn’t know how!
TSAR. Yes! But you don’t know how!
EMELYA. I can!
EMELYA. I can! “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - let him
Princess Nesmeyana...

Thinks slyly.

TSAR. Laughs!
EMELYA. Will fall in love with me!
NOT LAUGHED. I? In such and such?

I grabbed my heart.

Round dance of girls.
Nesmeyana's wig and crown are removed and a scarf is tied.
And it turns out Nesmeyana charming girl. The round dance leaves.

NESMEYANA (rush to Emelya). Emelyushka! Emelyushka!
EMELYA. What are you doing?

Let's get out of here! Looks like we went too far!

Nesmeyana is blocking Emelya’s path.
NOT LAUGHED. Emelyushka, take me with you! I'll... bake pies for you!
EMELYA. Pies? What about the pies?
NESMEYANA. With rice, with meat, with jam, with cabbage!
KING (prompts). With frogs!
NESMEYANA (repeats). With frogs!
EMELYA (scared). With frogs?! No! No need for frogs!
Stove, go!
NOT LAUGHED. Emelyushka, take me with you! I'll tell you fairy tales
EMELYA. Fairy tales? What are fairy tales about?
NOT LAUGHED. About three little pigs, about seven kids, about...
KING (prompts). About the Terminator!
NOT LAUGHED. About the Terminator!
EMELYA. Oh! No need to talk about the Terminator! Tired of it! Stove...
NOT LAUGHED. Emelyushka! I came up with an idea! You will sleep, and I will stay away from you
I will drive away the flies!
EMELYA. I like this!.. I agree! Well, come with me!
NOT LAUGHED. With you! Even to the ends of the earth! Only with you!
TSAR. Stop! How is it - let's go? What about me? What about me? Come on Emelya, do it
and for me something romantic-adventurous-exotic!
Respect wise old age!
EMELYA. “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - go ahead,
King, to the Trans-Bahama Islands... with someone!

Exotic music sounds.
Dancing palm trees appear, servants with fans and
Emelina's sisters, intensively “seducing” the Tsar.
The king does not know whether he should be delighted by this exoticism or flee from it.
The sisters drag the Tsar into the depths of the island.
The dancing palms disappear.

Emelya (Pechka). Mercy. Free.

The stove is leaving.

So, princess, I’ll sleep, and you drive the flies away from me.

Falls asleep.

NESMEYANA (having driven away the flies). Emelyushka, do you want to eat?
EMELYA. What do you care?
NOT LAUGHED. And I want to eat.
EMELYA. What do I care!?
NOT LAUGHED. And I will cry.
EMELYA. Well, cry.

Nesmeyana begins to cry.
This prevents Emelya from falling asleep.

Okay, okay.
“At the behest of the pike, at my will” - a cow appears, a cow
milk it!

A melody like “Moscow Evenings” sounds.
The Cow swims out.
Very similar to Mama.
The Cow has an udder made of an inflated rubber glove, and a bucket. The cow takes out a bag of milk from the bucket and hands it to Nesmeyana.
While Nesmeyana drinks milk, Cow addresses the audience.

COW. The Burenka company offers milk in which it drowns
"Milky way." Our phone number: 222-555-777 and two zeros!
Drink milk, children, what will you do? Right! Healthy!

Like cows!

He takes the milk carton from Nesmeyana and floats away to the music.
Nesmeyana again drives away the flies from Emelya. But not for long.

NOT LAUGHED. Emelyushka, are you bored?
EMELYA. What do you care?
NOT LAUGHED. And I'm bored!
EMELYA. What do I care?
NOT LAUGHED. And I will cry!
EMELYA. Come on, cry!

Nesmeyana is crying.

“At the behest of the pike, at my will” - let it be fun!

Loud music.
Guys and girls appear - all those who were at the very beginning of the performance.
They dance, sing, play, tumble.
Of course, there's no way to sleep here.

EMELYA. Quiet! “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - let
it will be boring!

All the people, yawning, sighing, sat down bored.

NESMEYANA (to the people). Guys, let's go for a walk?
PEOPLE. Reluctance!
NOT LAUGHED. Did you go to the dance?
PEOPLE. Reluctance!
NOT LAUGHED. How about swimming in the river?
RELUCTANCE. Reluctance!
NSMEYANA (pushes Emelya). Emelyushka, become handsome.
EMELYA. Reluctance.
NOT LAUGHED. And I will cry!

She sobbed loudly.

EMELYA. OK! “At the behest of the pike, at my will” - let me
I'll become handsome...
NEMEYANA (prompts). And a hard worker!
EMELYA (by inertia). And a hard worker. What?!?!?!

"Magic" music.
A round dance in which all the people stood up.
And when the round dance went in different directions - instead of Emelya stood the handsome Emelyan - in a shirt, boots, etc.
Nesmeyana rushed to Emelyan.
And he also rushed, but not to Nvsmeyana, but to a shovel, broom, bucket and other work equipment.

EMELYA (to all the dumbfounded people). Why are you standing?

Why are you sitting there? We need to work! Sweep the roads!
Level the mountains! Dig pits! Turn the tides
rivers! Sow everything and reap everything!

The people are going crazy with horror.

Cut down the forests for firewood! Burn wood for fuel!
Let's go pump oil! Coal digging! Let's build channels!
We'll set up the dams!

And Emelya carried and carried this!!!
1st buffoon (runs up to Emelya, points to the sky.

1st Buffoon. Look what a bird!
EMELYA. Where?

Immediately all the buffoons take away Emelya’s work tools.
And they lure Emelya into a dance.
While dancing, he finally notices Nesmeyana.
And, of course, there is a general cheerful dance around - around Nesmeyana and Emelya.

Olga Novikova
Scenario for the New Year's theatrical performance "At the Pike's Command"

New Year's fairy tale script"By pike command»

2013 – 2014 academic year year


Maintaining and strengthening celebration traditions New Year in Russia.

Main tasks:

To form among schoolchildren idea of ​​the New year as a cheerful and good holiday, as the beginning of the calendar year;

Develop the ability to bring joy to loved ones and give thanks for New Year's surprises and gifts;

Evoke emotionally positive attitude for the holiday, to involve children in the national fun.


Presenter 1,2:

Emelya's mother



To the hall under beautiful music the presenter comes out

Presenter 1:

Happy New Year, all the guests here today,

We wish everyone happiness, goodness and frosty, clear days.

Let your cheerful ringing laughter sound in the hall today

Happy New Year, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Presenter 2:

There are many wonderful holidays,

everyone comes in their turn,

But the best holiday in the world

Well, all together - this is... - NEW YEAR!

Presenter 1:

IN New Year holiday anything happens

And on our holiday the fairy tale begins.

(the well is illuminated, a pike appears)


By - pike command, according to my desire, the snow storms will calm down,

Let's tell a fairy tale, let's tell a fairy tale, show miracles!

(fairytale melody)

(At this time Emelya comes out and lies down on the stove)

Scene 1:

Presenter 1:

Once upon a time there lived an old man, he had 3 sons.

Two are smart, the third is a fool, Emelya!

His brothers are working all together, (brothers are chopping wood in the background)

and Emelya lies on the stove all day long

He doesn't want to know anything!

(The presenter throws a scarf over her shoulders - she is a mother) .

(Izba. There is a stove and a table in the room. Emelya’s mother sweeps the floor, sings. On the second verse, Emelya joins the song.)

Mother: It’s not the wind that bends the branch,

It’s not the oak tree that makes noise,

That's mine, my heart is groaning,

How autumn leaf trembling.

Together: I was tormented by sadness,

Underwater snake.

Burn out, burn out my torch,

I will burn out with you too.

(Mother sadly finishes singing and sits down at the table)

Mother: Emelya!

Emelya: A!

Mother: Emel!

Emelya: What, mother?

Mother: Yes, really! Are you still lying down?

Emelya: I’m lying down, mother!

Mother: - You’ll lie there all the time! Look at the street! Outside the window it’s white – white! New Year soon! And here we have!

Emelya: - What do we have, mother?

Mother: - And here the hut is not heated, the linen is not washed, the tree is not cut down. You should at least go to the ice hole and bring water.

Emelya: - Yes, I don’t want to, mother!

Mother: - Look, you’re reluctant! Why do you want to hunt, lazybones?

Emelya: -And I would like, mother, for all our work to be done by itself. This is what I dream about! It’s as if you and I are sitting by the window, and our hut is tidy, our garden is tidy, and our stove is heated. And we drink tea with sugar rolls and honey gingerbread. And they don't end! This is where life is fabulous!

Mother: - You've had enough, you idle talker! He wanted a fairytale life! Well, take the buckets and go get some water just like your mother says, otherwise I’ll draw some gingerbread cookies in the right place for you with a twig!

(slaps Emelya with a broom).

Emelya: (rubs the bruised area) Let him swear at you! I'm on my way to tea! And I already took the buckets! And then immediately with a broom! So you will knock all the dreams out of me!

(The mother threatens him after him, sighs, continues to clean the hut, starts singing the song again - the last verse. She goes backstage.

Emelya comes forward with buckets and approaches the ice hole)

Scene 2.

Emelya: - It’s really freezing outside, the paths are so frozen! Well, okay (spits on his palms, water, just water. If I bring it quickly, I’ll quickly climb onto the stove to warm up.

E-Eh! (throws the bucket into the hole and pulls it out)

The water is good - clean, cold. And another bucket! Eh!

He doesn’t understand who is talking to him)

Pike: Let me go good fellow! Let me go to my little children. For this, whatever you want, I will do everything for you!

Emelya: Fathers of light! Can it really be that I am imagining a wondrous miracle! Or is the evil spirits making fun of me? Identify yourself, show yourself, don’t intimidate!

Pike: This is me talking to you - Pike, river fish, magical! Don't be scared of me. Yes, name the desire. If you let me go, everything will come true!

Emelya: What a miracle - wonderful! Fish, but he speaks our language! It’s a sin to fry something like this. Swim for yourself what you can!

(releases the pike back into the hole)

Pike: Thank you, Emelyushka! Because you did not destroy me, I will repay you as promised. As soon as you want something, just say your cherished words

"By pike command, according to my desire" and your wish will instantly come true.

Emelya: (waves away from the hole) It's okay for you to come up with ideas. Swim to your children, and don’t get caught again. Yes! What a joker this pike is!

(goes into the house and lies down on the stove)

Scene 3:

Leading: - So, the brothers went to the market, and the daughters-in-law began to send him for firewood.


Hey Emelya, wake up

Go get some wood.

Stop sleeping on the stove!

Emelya (yawning)

Calm down, don't scream!

Reluctant to buy firewood -

This is not my job!

You went better than your brothers.


They went to the market.

I'll scold you

If you won't help.

If I bring it then,

What is the reward for your efforts?


The brothers will bring it from the market

A pair of boots for you.

If you sleep on the stove,

There are no gifts in sight!

Emelya: - Okay, I'm on my way.

Daughter-in-law: - I'm waiting for you for lunch.


A smart person won't get ahead,

A smart person will go around the mountain.

There's a fool lying on the stove

It's good for him anyway!

Mother:- Emelya, and Emelya, would you go and get some firewood?

Emelya: - I’m reluctant, I’m dreaming!

Mother: - Emelya, and Emelya, would you step into the water?

Emelya: - Yes, I don’t feel like it, I’m dreaming!

Mother: - Emelya, and Emelya, get up, the porridge is getting cold! (Emelya gets up and scratches the back of his head)

Emelya: - I dreamed, Mama, that I went on a trip to distant countries, I wanted to see how they celebrated the New Year there. Eh, mama didn’t let me see this dream through, okay, I’ll go get some firewood.

Mother: - Go, or don’t forget to grab an axe. (Emelya puts on felt boots and a hat and goes out to the middle of the hall)

Emelya: - Oh, how cold it is, I wish I could go to warm countries now! Why am I grieving, because I have a pike (approaches the well) .

Emelya: - By- pike command, in my opinion, I want to go to hot countries!

(the light goes out, Emelya puts on a captain’s jacket and cap and stands at the helm of the ship - a flat model near the central wall. The light turns on)

Emelya: - Well, pike, thank you, I bow to you for such a gift, I’ll swim to distant countries, what is this? (notices a balalaika, a keg of kvass, a spyglass, looks into it) .

The light turns off. The leader and African children come out,

sit in a circle - the leader is in the middle.

Emelya: - Why are you all so unhappy? New Year is just around the corner, and are you sad?

Leader - We have no joy. Our favorite elephant is sick!

Emelya:- It’s not a problem - I’ll bring Russian kvass now, give the elephant something to drink. When you drink Russian kvass, you gain strength.

(Emelya carries kvass, gives it to the leader) .

Leader: Thank you! Now we will have a New Year and we will dance.

Dance "Chunga-changa" 8th grade

Emelya: - Thank you for the dance, What a miracle of miracles! Well, I climbed onto the stove. (lays down on the stove)


No way! No time to lie around

You must get ready for the forest.

The house has run out of wood,

The stove is barely warm.

Emelya (yawning)

Well, what are you here for?

Do this, do that.

Reluctance! I'll sleep!

Daughter-in-law: - All! There are no gifts in sight!

Emelya: - Wow, you’re so harmful –

Everyone grumbles and reproaches!

I will receive gifts

I really, really want them!

Scene 4.

(The royal palace. The princess runs out crying wildly. She sits down on a chair. She shakes her head, her face is covered with her hands. She continues to cry loudly. The king comes out next).

Tsar: Well, daughter, well, beautiful! Well, why are you crying, what do you want?

Princess: I don’t want anything, nothing! I want to cry and that’s it! And I will cry!

(He covers his face with his hands again and continues to sob).

Tsar: Well, maybe I can amuse you with something? It might make you laugh, and then your little eyes will dry out!

Princess: I won’t have fun and that’s it! And I don’t need your fun! And in general...I'm...cold!

(The king covers her with a blanket)

Princess: (sobs and freezes for a moment): and now...and now I’m hot. Hot!

(stomps his feet).(The king takes off the blanket from her).

Princess (he calms down again) And now... it's cold again!

(The king shelters)

Princess: (Already smiling and swinging his legs) Hot!

(The king takes off the blanket)

Princess: Cold!

(The king shelters)

Princess: (she's fed up, she's tired, she starts sobbing again) Hot!

(Crying loudly again)

Tsar: All! I can't! I have no more strength! It's time for you to get married! Maybe then you will stop being capricious and mocking your parent.

Princess: (Listens and stops sobbing. Sobbing and wiping tears, he asks)

Married? Get married! Or maybe it really is! We live here in a palace, we don’t go anywhere, we don’t bring guests! No news, no girlfriends! Get married! What if some prince, a handsome man, will come and take me away on a white horse to the thirtieth kingdom. Hmmm!

(turns to the king and begins to dance

with him to the song “I want to get married, I want to get married...”)

I want to get married! I want to get married! (Stomps his feet) Want! Want! Want!

Tsar: Oh! Just don't cry! I want it myself!

(The princess turns around at him in surprise)

Tsar: No! I don't want to get married! I want you to stop crying! Hey! Voivode! Come on, come here, we're talking!

(The governor enters)

Voivode: What do you want, king-father?

Tsar: Tell me, Voevoda! Do we have any handsome single princes in mind, and certainly...

Voivode: (Takes the king forward to the edge scenes. He talks quietly)

What are you, a king - father? What princes? With her whims and tears, our princess, who scared away the princes long ago, does not even want the merchants to come to us. Soon there will be nothing to eat in the palace. Actually, I have one option!

(Oriental dance grade 9)– in conclusion, the prince comes out and bows.

Princess: - Married? For this? Is this really a handsome prince? And how will he take me to the thirtieth kingdom? Horse where?

Tsar: - So what should we do? There was no life left for her! She cries and cries, but she doesn’t know why she’s crying! They even call her the princess - ISN’T LAUGHING! Eh! We would like some kind of miracle!

Voivode: Miracle, you say? Do you know, father, there is neighboring village boy. My name is Emeleya. People say all sorts of things about him. It’s as if whatever he wishes comes true right away! Maybe he will help us make the Princess laugh and amuse her?

Tsar: Come on! Or maybe it will actually work out? Well, then, Voivode, take this Emelya to the palace! Let's see what kind of goose it is, otherwise maybe people are lying.

(The governor leaves. The king returns to the princess).

Scene 5.

Tsar: Well, daughter, maybe you should go for a walk in the yard, get some color on your cheeks, and get some air?

Princess: - What are you telling me about blush? Am I pale and ugly?

Tsar (scared)- No, what are you talking about, you are my beauty! This is me suggested, for a change.

Maybe it's time to sit down for lunch? Come on, shall we taste the royal dishes?

Princess:(even more indignantly)- We've already had lunch! Do you want to make me fat and ugly?

Tsar (sits on the floor, clasps his head in his hands): All! I can’t do it anymore, I don’t have any more strength.

(music sounds. A tired, out of breath Voivode comes out,

holds his sides, looks around)

Tsar: ABOUT! Voivode! Did the dogs bite you, or did you climb into the bear’s den by mistake?

Voivode: Allow me to report, Father Tsar! I found that guy, Emelya! Oh, it’s not for nothing that people talk about how he’s friends with by evil spirits. I've never seen anything like this.

Tsar: Stop groaning then! Tell me exactly how it went!

Voivode: So, I went to that village. I collected gingerbread and sugar candies with me to lure Emelya to the palace. I say, the Tsar, Father, wants to see you! He even sent you gifts.

Tsar: Well, what about him?

Voivode: And he, "Don't want", speaks, "Reluctance. Let the Tsar himself come to me if he needs to!”

Tsar: Where has it been seen that the Tsar would visit a peasant!

Voivode: So I say the same to him. And then I say: “If you don’t want anything good, I’ll take you to the palace by force!”

Tsar: Well?

Voivode: And then he whispered something, when a huge baton jumped out, let’s crush my sides. It flies and hits on its own. It flies and hits. (holds his sides).

Tsar: So why didn’t this Emelya go?

Voivode: I went, but I wish I hadn’t seen it.

When he heard about the Princess, he decided to look at her.

Tsar: So Emelya is here! Well, let’s see now!

Scene 6:

(Emelya enters)

Emelya: Hello, Tsar-father! Why did you call, why did you call? Are you in trouble, or are you bored?

Princess: -Who is this, father? What kind of guy is a hillbilly? He stands in the palace, talks to the Tsar, and holds his hands on his hips!

Emelya: - Who is this guy - a hillbilly! Is it me? Come on, come on - pike command, in my opinion...

(Music plays, Emelya takes off her rustic outfit, and underneath it is beautiful clothes)

Emelya: - And you, apparently, are the same Princess - Nesmeyana, who sheds tears in vain and does not give life to everyone? That's what you are! Nothing, pretty.

Princess (stomps his feet with joy): - Wow. You are so cute! And where did you forget the horse?

Emelya: (points to the back horse scenes) - Yes, he let me go for a walk!

Tsar (takes Emelya aside): Help, Emelyushka, people say that you can do a lot, you work miracles. My Voivode will never recover from your miracles!

Emelya: How can I help?

Tsar: Yes, you see, Princess! There is no life at all, now he cries, now he is capricious, now he is capricious, now he cries! Have some fun with her. Calm down. Please!

Emelya: Well, you can try it! By pike command, in my opinion... let the Princess become cheerful!

Come on guys and girls, show how Russian people know how to have fun!

(10th grade "Russian folk dance")

Princess: Oh! How good it is, father! And I don’t want to cry at all anymore, but on the contrary, I want something good do: spin, sing, dance, laugh! Oh, I remembered, I still really want to get married!

(Looks at Emelya)

And you’re okay, even though you’re rustic, you’re so cheerful (laughs).

Father, I want to marry Emelya!

Emelya: And you won’t be capricious anymore?

Princess: No, no, no!

Emelya: And will you be picky and mischievous?

Princess: No, no, no, no! I promise! Never - never! Now I will be obedient and hard-working! You'll see, Emelyushka!

Is that you? I don't believe!

If so, marry Masha

And take our whole kingdom,

Just don't destroy us!

I don't hold it against you

In the end I’ll just say:

How to pike command,

Yes, according to my desire

For the New Year to happen

Let the people call

Father Frost and Snow Maiden,

I found my happiness!

Let everything be fine!

Come on, together one, two, three! Father Frost, Snow Maiden!

(Everyone calls Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they come out)

Father Frost:

Hello my friends! I am your guest New Year!

My beard is gray and my eyelashes are in the snow,

If I came here, let's have fun!

Snow Maiden:

I'm in New I wish you success this year!

More cheerful, loud laughter

We have a lot of fun living here with you

Let's all get up and sing a song!

(Final song)


(on new way)

The music of “Skomoroshin” sounds. Two buffoons roll onto the stage a screen with the inscription “At the command of the pike.”
Sk.1: The tale of Emelya -
"At the command of a pike"
Sk. 2: A fairy tale, but in a new way
Everyone will be glad to hear.
Sk. 1: At the Tsar's at Emelyan's
There was a daughter - Nesmeyana (Open the screen - behind her is the king and Nesmeyana).
Sk.2: From morning to morning
She'll cry two buckets of tears. (Nesmeyana cries.)
Tsar: What should I do, what should I do?
How to stop tears?
Cries during the day, roars in his sleep.
Come on, come to me, the doctor!
The doctor enters.
: You called, father, or not?
Tsar: Doctor, I need your advice!
Doctor: What? Feeling unwell?
Nesmeyana: I cried to the point of insensibility-ah-ah!
Doctor: I’ll give you an injection (pats Nesmeyana on the head)
Maybe I'll give you a potion,
But for greater success
You can heal with laughter.
I urgently need to go to the circus,
To laugh to your heart's content!
Nesmeyana: I'm not laughing today.
I can't go to the circus.
I'm ashamed, but I confess -
I'll get lost on the road.
After all, I don’t know at all
Traffic rules. (roars)
Doctor: Tsar! Take my advice!
There is the Internet.
You go into it now -
Place an advertisement
What teacher do you need
According to road rules.
The screen closes. The buffoons run out.
Sk.1: Emelyan issued a decree -
The clerk carried out the order.
How according to the pike's command,
An advertisement appeared:
Sk.2:“We need him, without delay,
Who knows the traffic rules.
Who will teach my daughter,
He will get her as his wife!”
Sk.1: This announcement is coming soon
The man Emelya read it.
And Emelya decided so - (Emelya takes a step from behind the scenes)
Emelya: I am an expert in all matters!
And I can be a king!
I will help the non-smeys! (hides behind the scenes)
To the music “Oh, you canopy,” Emelya rides out on the stove and sings.
I am a teacher without a flaw -
You will recognize Nesmeyan.
Here I am going to the palace -
This means the end of all troubles.
Oh, you, my stove, stove,
My stove is fast.
When I get to the parking lot -
I'll leave you there!
Emelya leaves the stove behind the scenes and goes out to the Tsar and Nesmeyane. The screen opens. Nesmeyana is crying.
Emelya: I am a teacher. Call Emelya. (Bows)
I arrived following an announcement.
I will teach the foolish one -
I'll get her as my wife!
Emelya and the rest of the heroes go on stage. Ditties are performed, during which buffoons demonstrate road signs.
Emelya: Dear student,
Listen carefully -
Know about traffic rules
You will definitely be there.
So that Nesmeyana laughs
From morning to morning -
They are performing in front of you
Two filled buckets.
Buckets: We, at the command of the pike,
We walk on water.
ABOUT road signs together
We'll sing today.
On the road under a car
It's a miracle they didn't hit.
We're drinking water out of fear
Almost spilled.
There is a helper on the way!
Where to cross the road
This sign will indicate this -
"Pedestrian crossing"!
Don't cross the road -
There is a stream of cars there.
Don't worry - there is an overhead one
And an underground passage!

Emelya: Need a bus urgently?
You don't need any fuss.
This sign will indicate exactly
"Transport stop."
If you got hungry on the way
Look for this sign.
And you'll see him soon
There will be tea, salad and cabbage soup.
Doctor: You got sick on the road -
Anything is possible.
Look on the side of the road
This is a road sign.
Tsar: Everyone knows for a long time,
What is a traffic light?
Red - stop, if yellow - wait,
And the green light - go!
Nesmeyana: I won't cry anymore.
Don't worry about me.
After all, about traffic rules
I know everything perfectly well.
Tsar: Ay, Emelya, well done!
All: This is where the fairy tale ends!
Bow. To the sound of “Skomoroshina” the heroes leave the stage.

Scene 1. On the street.

There are four buffoons on the front stage. Musical instruments: pots, pans, rolling pins for rolling out dough. One of the buffoons is the “conductor”, in his hands is a “conductor’s baton” - a stick with a palm. The conductor scratches himself, then conducts.

The buffoons dance a cheerful dance, then the buffoons perform an “overture.”

1st: Oh, my enamel pan! (hits the pan)

2nd(plays the rolling pin like a pipe): Tru-lyu-lyu! Play, my dude! Call the people here!

3rd: Dear viewers! Don't you want to have some fun?

Conductor: Today I am glad to present the old tale in a new way! (They leave while dancing, laughing and tumbling over each other)

Scene 2. Emelya's hut.

There is a stove on the stage with someone lying on it. Identically dressed children are sitting on a bench at a table - a junior studio. In front of each person is a small bowl. In the corner are two buckets and a broom on a long stick. Mother comes out and brings out a large bowl of pancakes and a bowl of honey. The view is overwhelming. He sits down on the edge of the bench. I'm tired.

1st child (stands up on the bench): Mommy, give me a pancake! ( sits down)

2nd child (also gets up): And me ( everyone else - standing up and sitting down): Me too! Me too!!

Emelya(bass from the stove): Me too!

Mother gives everyone pancakes. Emele passes the plate to the stove. The mother sits on the edge of the bench.

1st child: And the honey? (demanding)

2nd, 3rd, etc. (getting up): Me too!

Emelya (bass): Me too!

The mother pours a spoonful of honey on each pancake. Emelya holds out the bowl. The mother falls on the bench exhausted and wipes herself with a handkerchief.

Mother: Oh, my legs can't hold me up!

1st child(knocks with a bowl): Mommy, take the bowl!

2nd, 3rd, etc.: And mine! ( the rest do the same)

Emelya (in a deep voice, extending his hand with a bowl from the stove): And mine.

Mother (grunting, gets up, rubs his lower back, takes Emelya’s bowl): Oh, my grief! You're a slacker, son, just like a slacker!

Emelya: Well, yes, otherwise the brothers work a lot...

Mother: They are learning! They already read books! And they are small, where should they work! (goes to the buckets)

Mother: But there’s no water! Get off the stove, Emelya, you need to bring water!

Emelya: Reluctance!

Mother(pokes Emelya with a broom): Is blinking hunting? Berivedra, it is said, and run to the river!

Emelya (getting off the stove. It becomes clear that he is grimy): Well, then let’s run!

He takes the buckets and waddles towards the door. The mother tiredly sits down on the bench again and sighs.

Scene 3. On the river.

In the foreground is the river bank. Emelya “scoops up water.” He picks up the bucket.

Emelya: Somehow the bucket is painfully heavy. ( takes a pike out of a bucket): This ear will be sweet!

Emelya drops the pike into the bucket.

Emelya(looking back): Who's swearing here? ( gets into a warlike pose): Come out - I’ll punish you!

Pike: Emelya, look into the bucket.

Emelya (again taking out the pike, without any surprise): Oh, it was you who started scolding me. I miss Mommy! Well, they’ll make fish soup out of you and we’ll see how you start swearing!

Pike: You don't like fish!

Emelya: And what about the little brothers? They'll eat your soul for a favor ( Throws a pike into a bucket)

Pike (from a bucket): Take your time, weirdo man. Do you come across a talking pike every day?

Emelya: What do I need your conversations for? Should I tell stories? Well, my mom is good at this, and your voice is disgusting! (reluctantly picks up the buckets, preparing to carry them).

Pike(scared): Hey, Emelya, wait, I’ll be useful to you! Whatever you want, I’ll do it!

Emelya (puts buckets): You're lying, I suppose?

Pike: Well, tell me, what do you want now?

Emelya (scratches his head): I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill!

Pike: Remember my words: when you want something, just say: By the command of the pike, by my desire...

Emelya: At the command of the pike, at my will, go home yourself, buckets...

The leitmotif is “Desire”, the lights go out, then come on. Buckets are walking across the stage.

Pike(screams): Where, where!

Emelya: Oh, I completely forgot! (buckets): Stand! ( takes out a pike, “throws” it into the river - behind the scenes. There is a splash. To the buckets): And now - home! (buckets go into the wings, Emelya follows them)

Scene 4. The Royal Palace.

The king sits on the throne, dozing. Nearby on the bench is Princess Marya. Reading a big book. The king snores and wakes up.

Tsar: Daughter, we need to talk.

Marya the Princess(absentmindedly, turning the page): A? Then, father, I came across an interesting book!

Tsar(resolutely takes the book from her, slams it shut): And who are you born like? Mother Queen never held a book in her hands! I don't even know any letters. (menacing) This is not a royal matter!

Marya the Princess: What is the king's business?

Tsar: It’s time for you to get married, for me to give birth to grandchildren, so that I have someone to leave the kingdom to.

IncludedVoivode: Hope is king! So the suitors have arrived again...

Tsar: Lead on. ( looks critically at daughter): Marya! Comb your hair!

Marya the Princess: (she tries to take the book from the king, but it doesn’t work. Out of breath) And it will do!

The king sits on the throne. There is nowhere to put the book, he puts it under himself. The governor stands at the throne. One after another, the suitors appear. Everyone carries beautiful gift. The grooms come up one after another, bow, and put down gifts. The king nods graciously, happily rubs his hands and feels the gifts...