Personal horoscope by year of birth. How to create a personal horoscope for free

Every day, any person encounters horoscopes on the pages of magazines and newspapers, as well as on the Internet. And regardless of whether these forecasts coincide with reality, whether the reader believes in them or is indifferent, no one refuses the opportunity to read them.

The topic of drawing up horoscopes for today is extremely relevant, since every person at least for a moment wants to look into their future. To make a forecast for all zodiac signs, you do not need to be a highly professional astrologer; you just need to have the necessary knowledge of basic arithmetic, as well as show your imagination, patience, ingenuity and, of course, scrupulousness and accuracy.

To the question: how to make a horoscope yourself? The answer is quite simple and banal - elementary and simple, for this you need to adhere to certain rules, master the necessary methodology, after which each person, if desired, can draw up a horoscope for himself and any sign.

So, how to make a horoscope yourself? The first step towards drawing up horoscopes is to memorize general rules. Initially, you need to determine what sign you are, “pure” or whether you and your character traits are influenced by the next or previous sign. If a person was born from 1-18, therefore, he belongs to the “pure” signs. When drawing up a personal horoscope, you need to know the date, day of the week, as well as the time of birth of a person, since the sign in which the Moon is located also affects the fate and character of a person.

In accordance with the date of birth, the zodiac sign is determined, for example, if a person was born between March 21 and April 20, then according to his zodiac sign he is Aries. Any sign is influenced by one or more planets, each of which affects life events. So, for example, for Aries the planet Mars is subordinate, assertiveness is the main character trait. For Taurus - Venus (emotionality, love of love and sexuality, the main traits). Gemini - Mercury, people of this sign are changeable, their senses are well developed. The Moon is subordinate to Cancer, these people are especially sensitive with wealth inner world. The sun obeys the lion, domination over someone is the mission of this sign, all lions are strong and balanced individuals. Virgos, like Geminis, are very changeable and unstable. Libra is ruled by Venus; they are balanced, emotional and loving individuals. For Scorpio, the patron planet is Pluto and Mars; these are passionate and energetic people. Freedom-loving Sagittarians always achieve their goals; Jupiter is their patron planet. Capricorns always differ from other signs in their prudence and restraint; Saturn is subordinate to them. Aquarius is creative people(Uranus, Saturn), and finally, Pisces are overly intuitive individuals, to whom Jupiter and Neptune are subordinate.

Using this description, you can easily create a horoscope for any sign, for example, about Cancers you can say the following: people of this sign are extremely sensitive and have a huge inner world, they are subordinate to the planet Moon, which in turn gives them special sexuality, vulnerability, kind soul and heart.

When drawing up horoscopes for all signs, it is necessary to predict events that can come true by 80%. For example, to the best of his imagination, the forecaster writes that for cancer it is necessary to concentrate efforts on only one goal, and as a result, any idea will be realized on the specified days. If you focus your attention on praising your superiors, it can ultimately lead to development business relations And so on.

When drawing up horoscopes, it is necessary to conditionally divide all the signs into groups; the first group includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; for these signs you can predict, for example, “severe and difficult trials.” The second group includes such signs as Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer, for these signs there is balance, i.e. balance in all respects. The third group includes Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, success and good luck await these signs, and the fourth includes Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - stability is the main thing for these signs characteristic feature. You can, of course, come up with other options, based on your ingenuity and imagination.

When drawing up horoscopes, you should pay attention to the upcoming holidays, according to which the prediction may promise a deterioration in health (after a hangover) for some signs; for others, the forecasts promise friction and quarrels in the family. You should always end your horoscope with love and family, as well as health, for example, you can sign up for classes in the pool to improve your health, or you need to take care of your family, but work can wait, or your family is the support with which victory will always be yours.

How to draw up a horoscope yourself is a question that needs to be approached creatively and, of course, with imagination, adhering to the basic recommendations and the relevant characteristics of each sign. Make your own horoscopes and see how educational and exciting this activity is. Having mastered the method of drawing up horoscopes, you can easily make the necessary prediction.

Lesson: how to make a horoscope yourself? photo (click on photo to enlarge):

Lesson: how to make a horoscope yourself?


Every person knows his date of birth and, accordingly, his zodiac sign. There are a total that correspond to each time period in the year - on average, about a month. But there are 365 days in a year, and a person born on any of these days will have a unique and inimitable character and destiny that will not be similar to the fate of another person. That is why it follows that a horoscope drawn up only in accordance with the zodiac sign is not entirely correct and accurate. Each of us has our own, unique and unique horoscope, which best reflects future events in our lives. We will help draw up personal horoscope , which will help you in the future with plans and goals, and will tell you the right course of action for every day.

This method is used by almost all astrologers whom people turn to in order to receive. So: the first thing you need is a natal chart. What it is? The natal chart is the most accurate map starry sky at the moment of human birth. To draw up such a map, it is necessary to take into account the place of birth of a person and exact time days. The place of birth of a person is necessary in order to determine the exact geographical position stars in the sky. You know the expression “Born under a lucky star”? So, to find out whether there is a lucky star in the natal chart, you need to take into account all the nuances.

The stars in the sky quickly change their location, so to draw up a natal chart you need to know the exact time of birth, which ranges from 5-10 minutes. These few minutes will have great importance during the preparation of the natal chart. If the exact time of birth of a person is unknown, then the astrologer needs to clarify the full information about the dates and only then draw up an accurate chart.

In astrology, a procedure known as rectification is known. It consists in the fact that a reverse analysis is carried out on all events in a person’s life, his character and habits. This is quite logical - if an astrologer can determine the future and past events of a person by date of birth, then in reverse order it is possible to clarify the time of a person’s birth.

Drawing up a natal horoscope chart yourself

To compose a horoscope yourself, you still need special knowledge, without which it is impossible to obtain exact values. There are several methods for drawing up a horoscope. The first method is the simplest - to use the services of various Internet services. There are a large number of different programs with which you can create a natal chart. But, nevertheless, this option does not guarantee exact values, since the human factor in this work is of primary importance.

The next option is to draw up a natal chart yourself. In general, the compilation methodology is as follows. The positions of various planets, the Sun, and the Moon are calculated for a certain period of time. For calculation on coordinate plane the ecliptic longitude of each celestial body is calculated. The ecliptic in a horoscope is a circle that is divided into 12 sectors of 30 degrees each, for each zodiac sign, respectively. The ecliptic longitude determines which sector a particular celestial body falls into. Let’s say that the Moon at the time of a person’s birth was at 45 degrees of ecliptic longitude. This means that at that time the Moon was under the sign of Aquarius. The position of other bodies is calculated in the same way.

The next step is to calculate the angular distance between the planets and stars. If the distance corresponds to the magnitude of one of the astrological aspects, then we can say that the planets and stars are in aspect with each other. In the horoscope, planets in aspect are connected by a straight line.

We talked about the geographic location of a person’s birthplace - it will be important at the stage of compiling characteristics of the celestial sphere for a certain area. It is necessary to calculate several values ​​of intersection with the horizon: the ascendant, the descendant, the points of intersection with the points of the midheaven and the base of the heavens. All this data is entered into the cosmogram, which represents full picture provisions celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth. We can say that at this stage the construction of the horoscope ends.

As you can see, this is a very painstaking work that requires a lot of time and effort. And special knowledge is needed that will help you freely navigate the compilation of these quantities and their further characteristics. That is why create a horoscope for free and without special knowledge it is somewhat difficult for many people.

Making a horoscope using ephemeris tables

But how to draw up a horoscope yourself without special knowledge? There is another option - using ephemeris tables. To compile, you need a world atlas, a table of Houses, ephemeris tables and a calculator.

Ephemerides are special tables that indicate the relative positions of the planets for each day. In fact, all the calculations have already been done for you. The most common tables are the "Rosicrucian Tables", which cover the entire twentieth century. Ephemeris tables can be found in special publications.

Tables of houses will be needed in order to determine the axes of the horoscope and the cusps of the Houses. Such tables can be found in large quantities on the Internet, some of the best are Placidus tables.

The atlas is necessary to calculate the exact geographical coordinates of a person’s position at the time of birth. Although on this moment You can also use Internet resources, such as Google Earth. With this program you can get the most accurate information. A calculator will be needed to perform the calculations indicated in the ephemeris tables.

Tired of reading or listening to the same type of horoscopes for your zodiac sign, which, moreover, often do not come true? Judge for yourself, how can the predictions of the 12 zodiac signs be correct for all 7 billion people? However, you yourself can create your own personal horoscope, which will best suit you.

Most accurate horoscope can be called a natal chart, which determines the main character traits of a person, his possible interests, talents, attitude to life, etc., that is, it general horoscope. Let's talk about how to create such a horoscope.

Natal chart: we make it ourselves

Drawing up a natal chart is quite a painstaking job that requires high precision and care. It is believed that you cannot do this without special knowledge, but if you take the matter seriously, then you will be quite capable of drawing up a true natal chart.

  1. First you need to find out as accurately as possible the time of your birth, down to the minutes, as well as your place of birth. The position of the stars in the sky is calculated relative to time and place, which influence the fate of a person.
  2. After this, you need to find out the position of the stars in the sky at the moment of birth, taking into account the place and time. It is necessary to determine the position of all planets in solar system, as well as the Moon and the Sun. To do this, you need to calculate the ecliptic longitude of these celestial bodies. The ecliptic for a horoscope is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which leaves 30 degrees. By degrees you can determine in which constellation a particular planet was located at the time of birth.
  3. Then you should calculate the relative positions of the planets relative to each other. So, if the planets form astrological aspects, we can say that they influence a person’s life. The following aspects are highlighted:
    • Conjunction (planets are in the same degree and in the same sign) - a positive aspect, denotes the merging of the functions of the planets;
    • Sextile (planets at a distance of 60 degrees from each other) - a harmonious, successful aspect, denotes a mitigation of the situation, predicts positive opportunities;
    • Trigon or trine (planets are 120 degrees relative to each other) - a harmonious aspect, denotes constancy and stability;
    • Opposition (planets opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees) - a negative aspect, denotes opposites, difficulties;
    • Square (the relative position of the planets at a distance of 90 degrees) is a negative aspect, signifying tension, contradictions and obstacles.
  4. You also need to calculate the values ​​of intersection with the horizon: ascendant, descendant, intersection with the points of the middle and base of the heavens.
  5. Each of the 12 sectors represents a specific house. Houses in a horoscope describe a person’s life in different areas. The characteristic will depend on the position of a particular planet in a particular house at the time of birth. Here's what the houses mean:
    • 1 House - personality, appearance, early childhood, consciousness;
    • 2 House - a person’s possessions, his material security, finances, and related moral values;
    • 3 House - relationships with people, social life, communication, communication, perception of information, mind;
    • 4 House - connection with the past, ancestors, roots, parental home, traditions, family karma;
    • 5 House - creativity, love, self-expression, children;
    • 6 House - health, work, daily work, working relationships with people;
    • 7 House - partnership, marriage, friendship, enmity, business connections, social work;
    • 8 House - the house of metamorphosis and rebirth, is responsible for inheritance, rebirth, death, etc.;
    • 9th House - religion, philosophy, worldview, education, world consciousness;
    • 10th House - profession, career, purpose of life, power, connection with the outside world;
    • 11 House - groups and organizations, acquaintances, friends, creativity in a team, hopes, achieving goals;
    • 12th House - mystical abilities, occultism, freedom, state of mind.

Considering all these points, you can make your own detailed horoscope. The main thing in this matter is maximum data accuracy.

Horoscope using ephemeris tables

You can create a horoscope using ephemeris tables. You will need a table of Houses, a world atlas, an ephemeris table, and a calculator.

  • Ephemeris - tables that indicate mutual arrangements planets for every day. This means that you don’t need to calculate anything yourself; you can just look at the table and get the information you need. Thus, the “Rosicrucian Tables” are considered good (the entire 20th century is considered);
  • The table of houses will help determine the cusps of the Houses and the axes of the horoscope (for example, you can use the Placidus table);
  • The atlas will help calculate the exact geographical location at the time of birth;
  • The calculator is needed for calculations in ephemeris tables.

But if you find it difficult to create your own horoscope, then you can use ready-made astrological natal charts, for example, this one. You just need to correctly enter all the necessary data, click on the “Calculate” button, and you will receive a personal detailed natal chart.