How to find out your personal horoscope. Individual horoscope online


In the window that opens, fill in the active fields suggested by the service for the program to perform accurate calculations. This will be your name, date of birth and time.

Now select the city closest to your place of birth from the drop-down menu list. Geographic coordinates, if you do not know them, will be determined and filled in automatically by the program.

On the next page you will find a natal chart or birth horoscope built for you, on which you see the location of the planets at the time of their appearance in this world. Study it carefully and compare it with the description below. This is a decoding of all the most important aspects of the horoscope.

Study the texts that explain the initial situation for this horoscope with inherent opportunities, predispositions and an indication of the need to work out weak positions. The influence of the most important planets, their location in the houses of the horoscope and transits are described here.

At the very end of the above texts, which describe all the smallest features of the natal chart, find a list of literature with the help of which this interpretation and forecasts were compiled. A link to reputable astrologer authors will help you find additional literature on this topic. Or, on the contrary, look for another interpretation of the points that interest you.

Drawing up a horoscope means carefully analyzing many astrological charts, to achieve self-knowledge. Only a professional astrologer can help you correctly compare all the nuances, but you can independently try to predict how the stars are positioned towards you by doing some research.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a natal chart, which is a map of the starry sky at the moment of a person’s birth. Geographical location stars depends on the exact time and place of birth of a person. A person's fate is influenced by being born in a certain place, at a certain time of day. Based on these criteria, you can easily create a horoscope. These data make it possible to understand why people born on the same day have different horoscopes and accordingly destinies. When drawing up a horoscope decisive role play a few minutes of deviation of a person’s birth time in the natal chart.

The next step in drawing up a horoscope is analysis and decoding of the natal chart, which contains many important aspects, for example, the location of the planets. The complexity of this stage lies in the fact that it is necessary to combine the information received with extreme precision and create the correct combination. It is important to correlate a specific sign individually with a specific person.

In practice, to independently obtain personal horoscope, you can follow the scheme:

1. find out the most exact date, time and place of birth. Moreover, the place of birth includes geographic latitude and longitude;

2. convert local time using the formula: Gv = Mv - N, where Gv is Greenwich time, Mv is local time, N is the time zone number;

3. determine sun sign by date of birth;

4. determine the ascending sign according to the time of birth, taking into account geographical coordinates;

5. Having drawn a circle of an individual horoscope, place the houses of the horoscope and the signs of the Zodiac in it. It is important to take into account the rising sign;

6. fill out the horoscope using special tables that show the position of the Moon, Sun and other planets in the signs of the Zodiac. These tables are called ephemeris;

7. correctly identify aspects;

8. analyze the resulting horoscope.

Video on the topic

Astrology classes are extremely exciting and interesting. Astrology lifts the veil of secrecy over the future, gives advice for every day and warns against future dangers. Learn astrology Anyone can do it if they want.


There are many varieties astrology– natal astrology (mapping a person’s life from the moment of his birth, identifying key events and fateful turns in accordance with the influence of the planets), synastric astrology (explaining the structure of the world and a person’s place in it), astropsychology (determining a person’s temperament, his predisposition to representatives of others zodiac signs, etc.). Each type astrology requires large number time to study, so to understand astrology on a professional level, first choose for yourself priority direction. For example, natal astrology is the most common type of astrological charts, which you can learn to compose yourself. To do this, buy special books on astrology in the bookstore in the “esoterics, fortune-telling, astrology” section, arm yourself with drawing supplies and go ahead - draw up your life map, looking at the book’s instructions.

Knowledge astrology helps you understand in a matter of minutes what a person really is. So, having learned his date of birth, one can already judge his character and life priorities. For an accurate forecast, you need to have a good understanding of the characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs.

Find several sources of information about zodiac characteristics– books, magazines about astrology, Internet - thematic forums, sites with horoscopes. Gather as much information as possible, including the smallest details characteristic qualities a certain zodiac sign. Learn all the collected material. Then start testing your knowledge on friends and acquaintances. Chat with them and tell them what you think of them. Most likely, they will agree with you, and maybe they will ask you to draw up a compatibility horoscope for a couple in love, for example.

A rare player will be able to stay in the black for a long time when betting on sports, based only on his intuition. To make stable earnings at a bookmaker's office, you need a detailed analysis of each match, which analysts prepare in the form of a short forecast. In football, the analytical forecast includes the influence on the result of factors such as player injuries, the emotional state of the team as a whole, the characteristics of the pitch and even the expected weather.

You will need

  • - Access to information about the current status of players on each team;
  • - Results, as well as video replays of past games.


Full analysis football match provides for the evaluation of each team. The current state of the team is indirectly evidenced by the statistics of its recent games. Include the results of recent games in your prediction, noting the number of goals, cards and all other parameters relevant to the bet you are proposing.

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Prediction of fate by date of birth.

Do you want everything to always work out?

How to achieve this?

It’s very simple - you need to know what lies ahead!

Become successful, find out your destiny, prediction will give you freedom to choose your actions!

Find out your destiny, you can prepare for accidents!!

Prediction by date of birth and what is expected in the future, is it possible to predict important events?

The test will help you see your future, which is most likely to happen. Through the symbiosis of sciences we have the opportunity to have detailed information about the future! Astral psychological forecast covers the largest number of aspects for an accurate forecast.

Do you want to know what your fate will be?

Prediction by date of birth helps you look at things correctly and appreciate what you have.

Fate depends on many factors; you can predict a chain of events if you sum up the whole mass of prevailing circumstances, personal data, astrological aspects that affect everyone around. No one brain is capable of summing up such an amount of information and outputting the result, but computer technology helps. An instant calculation, taking into account errors, will show the result and give the most accurate prediction.

What is your destiny? A test to predict events awaiting you; your upcoming fate is in your own hands. Much is predetermined in life, and our actions cause a chain of incidents that cause subsequent ones. Is it possible to influence what is expected in the future? If you follow the advice, they will become known after testing, then you can avoid many troubles awaiting you ahead.

Over thousands of years, knowledge in astrology has been improved and developed; it gave rise to many sciences that appeared thanks to it. Forecasts given by astrologers can be based on a variety of foundations and schools of teaching. Branches use their own methods for determining future events. But only the computer age made it possible to combine them, selecting the most accurate and valuable. The test result was tested many times in a variety of exercises and showed itself to be very good.

Predicting fate by date of birth can give a maximum forecast for the future.

How successful is it to turn out, what are the risks, difficulties of life, health problems, misfortunes with loved ones? Identify and find out, try to avoid danger by following the advice from the test results!

We also recommend predictions based on hand lines!

Palmistry, using its prediction techniques, has no less history than astrology. In ancient times, a strange coincidence was apparently noticed in the signs present on the palms of people with a similar fate. The signs were repeated in the same places. Past events were reflected in the patterns of the palms. It is no coincidence that all people have individual fingerprints. Everyone has different fate. A person who appeared at the same moment with you, at the same moment on the other side of the world, will inherit a different life, the structure of society, parents, friends, teachers, pushing him towards a different fate, different from yours, but the most important aspects his existence may be similar to yours.

The test will tell you when you die! Along with predictions for the future, it is possible to specifically clarify main event your life - the end of it! Surely, by following the advice given at the end of the study, you can avoid or delay the tragic end.

Based on your own date of birth, you can get answers to many more questions! Prediction by date of birth is fundamental in astrological forecasting!

Personal astrological forecast on our website gives you the opportunity to get a real individual horoscope for every day. Using this astrological forecast in your everyday life and by being aware of the influence of the planets at a particular moment in time, you will be able to prevent and avoid problematic and conflict situations (or at least mitigate them) and not miss the chances life provides. An individual astrological forecast helps you plan your actions wisely, use your capabilities more effectively and become more successful and prosperous.

Date of birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Time: Time zone:

:GMT -12 -11 -10 -09 -08 -07 -06 -05 -04 -03 -02 -01 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12

Remember me on this computer

How does this work...

To obtain a horoscope, position 10 is calculated based on the entered date and time celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Next, the position of the planets on the date you specify is calculated. Then the position of the planets relative to each other is analyzed (calculation of aspects) and a text interpretation of the influence of the planets on you during the specified period is given. "Astro Diary" interprets 5 classical aspects of natal and transit planets: conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile. Each heading of the interpretation text is structured as follows: Name of the aspect - Transit planet (i.e. of the horoscope for the day of the forecast) - Natal planet (i.e. of your birth horoscope). Asterisks indicate the significance and importance of a given astrological influence

What is the Opposition?

Driving forces oppositions involve difficult circumstances in which the only solution is compromise. Events associated with the opposition cannot be changed or eliminated; you should accept them as they are. During this aspect there is a possibility of separation or loss. Whatever planets are in opposition, such aspects are moments of gaining invaluable experience, since they are accompanied by difficulties.

What does Trigon mean?

The driving forces of the trine, which is considered the most successful of the aspects, provide a continuous flow of energy. This aspect is associated with harmonious circumstances, cooperation, creativity, inspiration and generosity. But human nature such is that the trine has certain disadvantages for it: it lacks obstacles and difficulties. Material wealth and easy success usually do not cause the need for achievements and the desire for them. What's easy to get is easy to lose.

What does Quadrature mean?

In contrast to the circumstances associated with the trine, which generates the need for achievement and action, the square symbolizes the collapse of plans and obstacles that require an immediate response. Unlike the insurmountable difficulties associated with opposition, square is associated with problems that can be resolved with some effort and determination and turned into advantages.

What does Sextile mean?

A sextile is similar to a trine in the sense that the circumstances associated with it are usually positive character. But if with a trine prosperity and easy success are taken for granted and achieved at little or no effort, the sextile does not symbolize success itself, but only an opportunity that can later lead to success. Opportunity is keyword, when it comes to the driving forces behind the sextile.

What is a Connection?

Two planets located in the same degree of the same sign form a conjunction. This is a powerful aspect. The driving forces of the conjunction combine and concentrate the energy of the planets participating in it. The harmonious or disharmonious influence of a conjunction depends on the quality of the planets involved in it, and the conjunction is also susceptible to the influence of other planets forming aspects with it.

In fact, the division into “bad” and “good” aspects is very arbitrary and invented by people. The result will depend on how constructively you use the energy of the emerging planetary configurations.

Every day a person, as a rule, is subject to the influence, sometimes contradictory, of different planets and different strengths. The longer the influence, the more serious it is, and can serve as a background for weaker influences. Thus, the Moon, Sun, Venus and Mercury move quickly across the sky, so their influence lasts from several hours to 3-4 days and does not necessarily lead to events in your life. This could be a change in mood, some emotions, maybe conversations, meetings, etc. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn are slower planets, their influence is more serious, so pay more attention to these transits. They tend to do most of the work. Higher planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto move slowly, their transits last a long time (up to 2 years) and occur only once or twice in a lifetime, they have a deep transformative effect on a person and can cause serious turns in life, so it is better to trust their interpretation astrologer.

It is possible that sometimes you will encounter contradictions in the forecast. This is not a bug in the program. This means that various forces are acting on you at the same time, and an event will occur that will be a consequence of the influence of a stronger configuration.

Individual horoscope online

On this page, using the Antares-web astroprocessor, you have the opportunity to build your individual horoscope online and receive its computer interpretation for free. When you open the page, you see the "Current Horoscope" - a map with current situation planets on at the moment time and coordinates of Moscow.
In order to receive your individual birth horoscope, enter your Name, day, month, year and time of birth(please note that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope (!), and also note that by default the time setting is enabled in GMT mode (i.e., without taking into account the time zone and “summer/winter” time), if you enter local time your birth (it’s better to do exactly this (!), you need to switch the checkbox to “local”). Next, select "Geographic coordinates" from the drop-down menus first country, then region And city(locality) of your birth, and the latitude and longitude fields are filled in automatically. Next, in the "Options" table, you have the opportunity to select some visual and functional settings for the map, but if you are not familiar with practical astrology, it's better to leave everything as it is. To build your horoscope, just click the " Create a horoscope".
In a few seconds, the “Natal Horoscope” will load with your birth chart, under which you will see a table with a list of objects depicted on the map, their astrological and astronomical parameters. To get full description your individual horoscope, select the “Interpretation” line in the “Horoscope” drop-down menu. You can get separate interpretations of the position in the horoscope of each specific object in the table “Coordinates and status of the planets” by clicking on the link name of any object of interest.

Individual horoscope by date, time and place of birth, in contrast to the general zodiac horoscope, is calculated by the location of the planets for a certain geographical latitude and longitude at a given point in time. An individual horoscope, by determining and analyzing the position of the planets at the time of a person’s birth, more accurately and in detail describes the fate, character, characteristics, weaknesses and strengths, inclinations and potential of the individual.

An important part of the birth horoscope is also the analysis of the main trends and predispositions that will begin to manifest themselves in the process of human development and life. Based on this information, you can better understand your own capabilities and learn the ways by which success, happiness and harmony are achieved.

To know better inner world(your own or another person), characteristics of character and behavior, opportunities and paths of development, you can create an individual horoscope for free online by date of birth using the form on this page. If you are interested in the future and want to know what the stars personally advise you, turn to, which describes positive and negative periods in such areas of life as business, health, love and relationships.

You can also receive it for free, without registering or sending SMS and.

Instructions for filling out the form

To get your individual horoscope by date of birth:

1. Type your name (it will be indicated in the text of the interpretation of the individual horoscope by date of birth).

2. Enter your date and time of birth. If the time is unknown, select 12:00.

3. Indicate your place of birth (for example, Moscow), select a country from the list (for example, Russia).

4. Click the City button.

5. If a settlement is found, the message “Similar cities found.” will appear. Click on the name of the city in the list, after which the fields “Region”, “Latitude, Longitude:” and “Time Zone:” will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

6. If the locality is not found, enter only the first few letters with which the name begins and click the “City” button.

7. The message “Similar cities found.” will appear. and a list of found settlements. Click on the name of the desired city, the fields “Region”, “Latitude, Longitude:” and “Time Zone:” will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

8. If the locality could not be found, select the city that is closest to the desired locality. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

You can independently enter the coordinates and time zone of the desired location.