Why do gypsies dream? Dream book of a modern woman. What does it mean if a woman or a man dreams about romals?

What kind of bad dream is this?

Why do gypsies dream? No good! Just as in life they often produce nothing but disappointment, so in dreams. Such dreams tell us about problems in the future, about any material losses, about betrayal, troubles, deception, and so on... Let's move on to more detailed interpretation this bad dream.

Why do gypsies dream? Interpretation No. 1

1. This is, first of all, a sign of deception, deceit and lies! Today you saw this dream, and tomorrow you were robbed...

2. If you are talking with a representative of this people, then expect unpleasant events that are already close.

3. If in a dream a gypsy woman tells fortunes on your hand in your own home, this means losing a round sum of money, material damage, or losing in some gambling game.

4. If you buy something from these people, then the store is more likely to cheat you by a certain amount.

Why do gypsies dream? Interpretation No. 2

In principle, gypsies coming to us in a dream are a manifestation of our carelessness, frivolity, and extreme frivolity. If we don’t come to our senses in time and become more cautious, then we risk being involved in one or another adventure on the part of unscrupulous people. Therefore please contact special attention to these dreams:

1. Why do you think a gypsy camp is dreamed of? What if you also visit it in person? To deception? To betrayal? You guessed wrong! Such a dream promises you some important proposal or deal, thanks to which you will be able to understand some very confusing matters. In principle, this is not a bad dream.

2. If girls about to get married dreamed of a gypsy telling fortunes, then they should think carefully before walking down the aisle. The fact is that this dream warns you about a future unfaithful husband, about a gigolo...

3. If a gypsy persistently offers you to tell fortunes in a dream, then you have entrusted your precious life to a person who is not interested in you, a simpleton or a scoundrel and a hypocrite.

4. If a gypsy tells fortunes to you in a dream, and you hear what she says, then try to remember the words. They can become prophetic.

5. Very often people dream of just a nomadic camp. Why do you dream about gypsies who constantly wander? First of all, this is an appeal to yourself: your bad habits are mercilessly destroying you, your negative character traits do not allow those around you to live in peace, and are also gnawing at you from the inside.

6. Another interpretation of nomadic gypsies speaks of promiscuous sex, warning you of a possible HIV threat! Force yourself to change your sexual lifestyle!

7. If a gypsy camp leaves in a dream, there is a risk of lending money to someone and never getting it back.

It's not all bad!

All this bad dreams, however, there is one option that, in principle, does not foretell anything unpleasant for you. It is this vision that every dream book interprets in the same way: why do you dream of gypsies who sing and dance around you? To the fact that your not entirely serious behavior does not please any person. As you can see, there is really nothing bad in this dream, well, if someone doesn’t like your behavior, that’s his business, right?

The meaning of the dream Gypsies according to O. Smurov’s dream book

A dream about gypsies invariably foreshadows troubles and material losses. After such a dream, you do not need to lend money to anyone for at least one year. A particularly bad dream is one in which a gypsy (gypsy) woman will try to take your purse or wallet. Talking to them in a dream means that you can do something very stupid, which will result in bad consequences for you and can destroy your happiness and well-being. If in a dream you are surrounded by a crowd of gypsies, then beware of deception or some kind of trick from your enemies or envious people. Gypsy songs and dances in a dream warn you that you should not trust false words and beautiful promises. Buying something from gypsies in a dream is a harbinger of loss due to deception of partners or competitors.

Dream of Gypsies in an intimate dream book

A dream about a gypsy camp symbolizes the confusion of your intimate life; you will need a lot of strength to put your relationships with members of the opposite sex in order. A woman who dreams that a gypsy is telling fortunes for her will marry too hastily. And if she is already married, she will poison her existence with groundless jealousy. If you dream that you are buying something from gypsies, it means that in reality you will meet a beautiful, but insidious person, because of whom you will experience a lot of trouble. A dancing gypsy foretells you a fatal love with tragic outcome. For a woman, love for a gypsy, experienced in a dream, foreshadows loneliness after the treacherous betrayal of her lover; for a young girl - love for a person whom her parents will not approve of.

Interpretation of the dream Gypsies in Miller's dream book

If in a dream you visit a gypsy camp, an offer of special importance awaits you, which will help you understand the true state of your complicated affairs. If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, this promises a hasty marriage. If she is already married, she will be overly jealous. If a man is having a conversation with a gypsy woman in a dream, it means that he is likely to lose valuable property. In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. The dream warns you: you should not attach such great value material side of life.

Gypsies according to L. Morozova’s dream book

If you dreamed about gypsies, a lack of self-control can ruin your business; seeing gypsies at work is a pleasant surprise; talking to a gypsy in a dream - lack of self-control greatly harms you in life; being a gypsy in a dream is a big surprise in life.

The meaning of the dream Gypsies in Hasse’s dream book

To see gypsies - such a dream indicates that there is no self-control in your character, and this causes you harm; If you allow yourself to tell fortunes, your hopes will not come true.

If a gypsy camp burst into your dream with noise, singing and laughter, then you cannot pass by such a dream. One of the most mysterious peoples in the world, in which there are many sorcerers and fortune-tellers, foretells you bright, sometimes unusual changes.

To understand why gypsies dream, we first ask the dream book: gypsies usually dream about fun and unexpected expenses. First, you should remember how many gypsies you have dreamed about, and understand why you dream about a gypsy, and why you dream about a whole camp of gypsies.

  • If you dreamed of a gypsy dancing, then expect fun soon; there will be a reason for a big celebration in your house.
  • If a gypsy sings in a dream, then this portends you easy week, on which everything will work out without difficulty. How well noted Women's dream book, a gypsy woman who sings is a symbol of peace and prosperity.
  • If in your dream you have a gypsy in your arms, then this foreshadows chores around the house, perhaps you will have some general cleaning or unexpected fuss.

If you dreamed of a young gypsy with a child, then most likely an attractive young man will soon become interested in you, so don’t miss your chance. Seeing a proud gypsy in a dream means that you will soon have a long journey and troubles ahead of it.

If you dreamed of a whole camp, then get ready to spend time with pleasant, interesting interlocutors. If a woman dreams of a camp, then soon she will receive pleasant news at work, as well as a meeting with old friends.

If you meet a camp on market square, then this is a harbinger of deception. Try to be more vigilant and not take others at their word, they can take advantage of your gullibility, which in the end will not end well for you.

Seeing gypsies on a passage in a dream or a gypsy woman with a child begging for alms means the need of your loved ones. Soon one of your friends or relatives will find themselves in a difficult situation and will ask you for help, both material and moral, be prepared for this.

Was the horse stolen?

It is also important to pay attention to whether you interacted with someone from the camp or not. A dream book will help you analyze what the gypsies did.

A witch who tells fortunes by hand foretells unexpected and pleasant news. If she is telling fortunes using Tarot cards, remember what cards fell out, then you can look at their interpretation in detail, but if you don’t remember the layout, then, in general, such a dream predicts news from your past.

  • If a young woman reads your fortune, then expect peace and personal well-being.
  • If the old one is telling fortunes, then unexpected guests will appear in your life who will be able to give you wise advice. Don't miss the chance to listen to wise people.

If a woman dreamed that she was seduced by a gypsy man, then soon she will receive news or advice that will allow her to better understand the current situation. Also, such a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, may mean that you recently fell in love, but your feelings are still unanswered, do not rush things, the object of your sighs will soon pay attention to you.

Many men wonder why they dream of a gypsy who seduces them. So, if a man dreams of a gypsy with whom he spends the night, then this is a sign of meeting a femme fatale who can steal your lonely heart.

If a man has a soul mate, then this dream means that a woman will probably appear who can become good friend and an adviser for such a man.

If you dance with a romale, it means that you will soon find yourself in a whirlpool of events that will capture you emotionally quite strongly, so try not to lose your mind while making serious decisions.

If gypsies steal a child before your eyes, you will soon have to face the lies of a person close to you. But don’t be upset, this will only be beneficial, and you will be able to understand exactly who you are dealing with.

If gypsies steal in a dream, then, according to Miller’s dream book, be prepared for serious material expenses; soon you will need to buy new thing and spend a tidy sum on it.

In any case, romale and tabor appear in dreams for a reason, and understanding why gypsies dream is not always so easy. Try to think positively, meet difficulties with a song, and look at the predictions of the gypsies through a dream book.

If the gypsies were not walking in a noisy crowd through Pushkin’s Bessarabia, but looked into your dream, then you cannot ignore this. Funny, mysterious people, among whom there are many witches and fortune-tellers, often promises us bright, unusual events. However, in order to get the most accurate interpretation of the dream, you should try to remember as many nuances as possible, for example: what the gypsies looked like, what they did in the dream and what emotions you experienced after what you saw. In addition, many interpreters recommend drawing an analogy between reality and what is dreamed.

  1. Karatova. Someone is misleading you.
  2. Vasilyeva. Your loved one will betray you.
  3. Melnikova. You probably lack self-control when communicating with loved ones, but you are more than irritable.
  4. Miller. Some secret will be revealed.
  5. Astromeridian. To chaos in business.
  6. Wangi. For some reason, you fear for your property.
  7. Tsvetkova. Quarrel with one of your relatives.
  8. Hasse. Your worst fears about your loved one will come true.
  9. Esoteric. To theft.
  10. Big. If you visit a camp in a dream, it means that soon you will be advantageous offer. Don't give up on it.
  11. Rasputin. To troubles in all areas of life, the collapse of hopes.
  12. Adaskina. By the birth of a child loved one or to betrayal in love.
  13. Everyday. Soon you will learn the truth that has been hidden from you for a long time.
  14. Universal. You are too careless, which can bring many problems.
  15. Lewis. They personify the desire to live without obligations.

If you dreamed of a gypsy wedding, it means that your chosen one will be an unlucky person

According to Modern dream book, if a dancing gypsy appears in a vision, it means that fatal love with a tragic outcome awaits you.

Who exactly did you see?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on who exactly visited your dream.


If you see an old gypsy man, then there is a high probability that someone from your close circle will deceive you. A dream warns about unjustifiably risky transactions, in which you know for sure that the romale will decide to deceive you.

The dream of a young gypsy symbolizes free life, reluctance to commit oneself to any obligations. Also, this vision may indicate that due to your recklessness you will get into large debts.

Gypsy with a knife warns of danger


A young lady of gypsy blood promises love adventure, which will completely blow your head off. If she told you fortune in a dream, it means that you do not want to control the situation and will happily shift this matter onto the shoulders of another person. However, such recklessness will not benefit you.

A pregnant gypsy is a sign that it’s time to start doing things that you have been putting off “for later.” A gypsy with a child in her arms means household chores. Perhaps you will start a renovation or decide to do a general cleaning of the house.

The old gypsy is a symbol of change. No matter how much you want it, it’s simply impossible to leave everything as before. Look at what is happening from a different angle, and you will notice many positive aspects in all of this.

All sorts of troubles in the financial sphere are promised by a vision in which a gypsy boy revolves around you. A gypsy girl is a sign that you will be easily misled. Be careful and don’t trust people you don’t know too much. In some cases, gypsy children dream of the loss of a valuable thing, which will soon be discovered.

Gypsy child in a dream - to troubles in the financial sector

If you dress up as a gypsy or a gypsy in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to outwit your competitors.

If a woman or a man dreams of gypsies

  1. For a girl, a dream in which she saw gypsies prophesies a quick wedding. If in a dream a gypsy stole a gold jewelry, it means that your loved one is cheating on you. Seeing yourself dancing in a circle of gypsies is a sign of a passionate romance that will end in disappointment.
  2. For married woman dreaming about gypsies is a sign that her husband will give her a reason for jealousy. Don't judge him harshly, you may have pushed him away yourself.
  3. A pregnant woman should beware of the appearance of gypsies in a dream, because this symbol often prophesies health problems.
  4. For a man, funny novels portend troubles in the professional sphere. Do not get involved in scams, as you may lose all your acquired property.

For a girl, the appearance of gypsies in a dream predicts a quick wedding

Where did you see the gypsies

When interpreting a dream, you should definitely take into account the place where the meeting with the romale took place:

  • in the house - to unexpected guests who will bring joy and fun to your home. If you dreamed that they lived with you, it means that in reality you were too deep into charity. Of course, compassion for other people is good, but you shouldn’t put their interests above your own;
  • if you yourself visited the camp, it means that you will soon find yourself in the center of some kind of celebration, and this will happen unexpectedly;
  • gypsies on a country road - a long journey that will bring long-awaited variety to your life;
  • meeting a gypsy woman begging for alms with a child means that one of your loved ones needs your help;
  • gypsies in the market square - to deception. Be more vigilant, otherwise unscrupulous people may take advantage of your inexperience for their own gain.

If a girl talks to a gypsy woman in a dream, but cannot understand a word of the dialogue, it means that in reality she can’t wait to get married, but there are no suitors for her hand and heart yet.

A gypsy woman with a child in her arms promises household chores

Actions in a dream

  1. If a young gypsy tells fortunes to you in a dream, it means that your future will be cloudless. The old witch symbolizes wise people whose words are worth listening to.
  2. Night dreams in which you witness thefts committed by gypsies indicate the fact that you pay too much attention to material values. The dream promises financial problems if the romale stole something directly from you.
  3. Kicking gypsies out of the house is a symbol of the fact that you are experiencing difficulties communicating with others. You may not wish anyone harm, but a quarrelsome nature does its dirty work.
  4. Being stolen by gypsies means routine troubles.
  5. A fight with gypsies means that you will be unfairly accused of a crime. A fight to the point of blood indicates trouble with relatives.
  6. Greeting gypsies in a dream is a sign of financial failures that you need to take for granted. Greeting the Baron means sorting out the confusion going on around you.
  7. Drinking with a gypsy means a conflict situation that will happen to you when you are drunk.
  8. Bargaining with a romale is a risky but profitable deal.

Video: what a meeting with gypsies portends

As you can see, the presence of a romale in a dream does not always foreshadow unpleasant events. Therefore, try to think positively and go towards difficulties with a song. Remember that everything in our lives can be changed, the main thing is to really want it. Good luck and pleasant dreams!