The most interesting writers of all time. The most outstanding Russian writers

Modern domestic literature rich in variety of names. Many book resources compile their own ratings of the most read authors, best-selling books, top-selling books (,, LitRes.,, Read-Gorod, We present the “twenty” of the most popular contemporary writers in Russia, whose works can be found in the collections of the Centralized Library System of Volgodonsk.

Speaking about modern Russian literature, one cannot help but recall the masters of writing novels.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya. A bright representative of Russian literature of the post-Soviet period. She began writing prose when she was already over forty. In her own words: “First I raised children, then I became a writer.” The first collection of stories by the writer, “Poor Relatives,” was published in 1993 in France and was published on French. Ulitskaya’s book “Medea and Her Children” brought her to the finalists for the 1997 Booker Prize and made her truly famous. The “Big Book” prize was awarded to: the collection of short stories “Our Tsar’s People” and “Daniel Stein, Translator,” which soon received bestseller status. In 2011, Ulitskaya presented the novel “The Green Tent,” which tells about dissidents and the lives of people of the “sixties” generation. The writer’s autobiographical prose and essays were included in the book “Sacred Trash,” published in 2012. Fans of the writer characterize her work exclusively as bold, subtle, and intelligent.

Dina Rubina. Critics often call her a "women's writer", although her novel On the Sunny Side of the Street won a third prize. Big book” in 2007, when the first one went to “Stein” Ulitskaya. The 2004 novel “The Syndicate,” which describes the Moscow branch of the Israeli agency “Sokhnut” with a satirical intonation, quarreled her with many in Israel. But Russian readers still remain big fans of her work. The story “When Will It Snow” brought particular popularity to the author. The work went through several editions, was filmed, played on theater stages. The writer's books are distinguished by their colorful language, colorful characters, rough sense of humor, adventurous plots and ability to speak clearly about complex problems and things. From latest works- trilogy “Russian Canary”. The plot, the character of the characters, the Rubin language - it’s impossible to tear yourself away from all this!

Aleksey Ivanov.High-quality Russian prose in the genre of realism. The words of one critic that “Alexei Ivanov’s prose is the gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russian literature” are often reproduced on the covers of his books. Ivanov's heroes - be they the mythical Voguls of the 15th century ("Heart of Parma"), semi-mythical raftsmen of the 18th century ("Gold of Rebellion") or mythologized modern Permians ("The Geographer Drank the Globe Away"), speak a special language and think in a special way. All works are very different, but they are united by the author’s subtle humor, which gradually turns into satire. The writer Alexey Ivanov is notable for the fact that, while emphasizing his “provincialism,” he nevertheless carefully ensures that the plot follows all the laws of a Hollywood action movie in any novel. His latest novel, Bad Weather, was received ambiguously by the reading public. Some talk about the cardboardness and lifelessness of the characters, the hackneyed nature of the criminal theme, others speak with delight about the writer’s ability to create a portrait of our contemporary - a man brought up during socialism, who received a good Soviet education, and during the global breakdown of society, he was left alone with his conscience and questions. Isn't this a reason to read the novel and form your own opinion about it?

Oleg Roy. Bright name among novelists. He lived outside of Russia for a little over a decade. It was at this time that his creative career as a writer began. The title of the debut novel, “Mirror,” was presented to post-Soviet readers as “Amalgam of Happiness.” After this book he became famous in book circles. O. Roy is the author of more than two dozen books of various genres for adults and children, as well as articles in popular printed publications. The writer's work will appeal to those who simply love good prose. Writes in the genre of urban novel - life stories, slightly seasoned with mysticism, which gives the author’s work a special flavor.

Pavel Sanaev.The book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” was highly appreciated by critics and readers - a story in which the theme of growing up seems to be turned upside down and takes on the features of surreal humor! A book in which the very idea of ​​a happy childhood is parodied in a homerically funny and subtly evil way. The continuation of the now cult story was published only in 2010 under the title “The Chronicles of Razdolbay.”

Evgeny Grishkovets. He started out as a playwright and performer of his plays, but then dramatic scene it seemed to him not enough. He added music studies to this, and then turned to prose writing, releasing the novel “The Shirt.” It was followed by a second book, “Rivers.” Both works, judging by the reviews, were warmly received by readers. Short stories and collections of stories began to be published. Despite the fact that the author works very seriously on each of his works and then proudly notes that his “author’s position” in this book is not at all similar to the “author’s position” in the previous one, one gets the impression that Grishkovets, with his plays, performances, in prose and songs all his life he writes the same text of his name. And at the same time, each of his viewers/readers can say: “He wrote this directly about me.” The author’s best books: “Asphalt”, “A...a”, collections of stories “Plank” and “Traces on Me”.

Zakhar Prilepin.His name is known to the widest circle of readers. Prilepin spent his childhood and youth in the USSR, and grew up in the difficult 90s of the 20th century. Hence the frequent reviews of him as the “voice of generations.” Zakhar Prilepin was a participant in the Chechen campaigns of 1996 and 1999. His first novel, “Pathology,” which tells about the war in Chechnya, was written by the author in 2003. The writer’s best books are the social novels “Sin” and “Sankya,” in which he shows the life of modern youth. Most of the author’s books were warmly received by the public and critics; “Sin” received rave reviews from fans and two awards: “National Bestseller” and “Loyal Sons of Russia.” The writer also has the “Supernational Best” award, which is given for best prose decade, as well as the All-China “Best foreign novel" The new novel, “The Abode,” about life in the Solovetsky special purpose camp, became a bestseller due to its historical and artistic content.

Oksana Robski.She made her debut as a writer with the novel “Casual,” which laid the foundation for the genre of “secular realism” in Russian literature. Books by Oksana Robski - “The Day of Happiness is Tomorrow”, “About LuOFF/ON”, “Oysters in the Rain”, “Casual 2. Dancing with Head and Feet”, etc. caused numerous and contradictory reviews from critics. According to some observers, the novels truthfully reproduce the atmosphere of “Rublevka” and indicate the lack of spirituality and artificiality of the world of the so-called Rublevka wives. Other critics point out numerous inconsistencies and say that Robski's works have little to do with the realities of everyday life of the business elite. The artistic merits of her works are generally assessed as low; At the same time, some critics emphasize that Robski, in fact, does not pretend to high artistic goals, but presents events easily, dynamically and in clear language.

Boris Akunin.Fiction writer. Akunin is a pseudonym, and not the only one. Publishes his works of art also under the names of Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin. And in life - Grigory Chkhartishvili. The author became famous for his novels and stories from the “New Detective” series (“The Adventures of Erast Fandorin”). He also created the series “Provincial Detective” (“The Adventures of Sister Pelagia”), “The Adventures of the Master”, “Genres”. In each of his “brainchild”, a creative person amazingly combines literary text with cinematic visuality. Positive reviews from readers indicate the popularity of all stories without exception.

Many readers prefer detective genres and adventure literature.

Alexandra Marinina. She is called by critics nothing less than the queen, the prima donna of the Russian detective story. Her books are read in one sitting. They are distinguished by realistic plots, which makes the reader wholeheartedly experience the events that happen to the characters, empathize with them and think about important life issues. Some of the author's new works, which have already become bestsellers: "Execution without malice", “Angels Can’t Survive on Ice,” “Last Dawn.”

Polina Dashkova.The writer gained wide fame after the publication of the detective novel “Blood of the Unborn” in 1997. During the period 2004-2005. The author’s novels “A Place in the Sun” and “Cherub” were filmed. The writer's style is characterized by vivid characters, an exciting plot, and good style.

Elena Mikhalkova. Critics say she is a master of the "life" detective story. The best books of the writer are detective stories in which all the characters have their own story, which is no less interesting to the reader than the main one. story line. The author takes ideas for plots for his works from everyday life: a conversation with a supermarket salesperson, leaflet texts, family conversation at breakfast, etc. The plots of her works are always thought out to the smallest detail, making each book very easy to read. Among the most popular books: “The Whirlpool of Other People’s Desires”, “Cinderella and the Dragon”.

Anna and Sergei Litvinov. They write in the genres of adventure and detective literature. These authors know how to keep the reader in suspense. They have written more than 40 novels together: “The Golden Maiden”, “Sky Island”, “The Sad Demon of Hollywood”, “Fate Has Another Name” and many others. In their reviews, readers admit that the Litvinovs are masters of intrigue and exciting plots. They harmoniously combine in their texts a mysterious crime, bright characters and a love line.

One of the most popular literary genres among Russian readers is female love story.

Anna Berseneva. This literary pseudonym Tatiana Sotnikova. She wrote her first novel, Confusion, in 1995. Anna Berseneva is the only author who managed to populate modern women's novels with extraordinary male heroes. After all, it is the lack of expressive male characters, according to sociologists, that is the reason that women's novels are practically absent from the domestic book market. A series of novels by A. Berseneva about several generations of the Grinev family - “An Unequal Marriage”, “The Last Eve”, “The Age of Third Love”, “The Catcher of Small Pearls”, “The First, the Accidental, the Only” - formed the basis for the multi-part television film “Captain’s Children” "

Ekaterina Vilmont. Her books are loved by readers all over Russia. She wrote her first romance novel at the age of 49 (“The Journey of an Optimist, or All Women are Fools”). Then I tried myself in the genre children's detective. In their women's novels Vilmont reveals inner world modern, mature, independent women, capable of managing circumstances, talking about their failures and victories, tragedies and joys, and about what worries every reader - about love. Ekaterina Vilmont's novels are full of humor, cheerfulness and witty titles: “In Search of Treasures”, “The Happiness Hormone and Other Nonsense”, “Incredible Luck”, “With All the Dope!” , "An Intellectual and Two Ritas". It's ironic, light, lively prose, which is read in one breath and charges readers with optimism and self-confidence.

Maria Metlitskaya. Her works appeared on the market of modern women's love literature relatively recently, but have already managed to win the respect of fans. The first novel has been published since 2011. The writer's best books are known for their precision of detail, life-affirming mood and light humor. Feedback from her fans suggests that these books helped them find a way out of difficult life situations. Today, the list of the writer’s works includes more than 20 novels and stories. Among her latest works, it is worth highlighting the following: “Our Little Life”, “Mistake of Youth”, “The Road to Two Streets”, “Faithful Husband”, “Her last Hero" and others.

In Russian modern science fiction there is a whole galaxy of talented writers whose names and works deserve attention.

Sergei Lukyanenko. One of the most widely circulated authors among science fiction writers. The first circulation of his book “The Last Watch” was 200 thousand copies. Films based on his novels became an important factor in increasing popularity. The release of the blockbusters “Night Watch” and “Day Watch” increased the circulation of this author’s books by more than seven times.

Nick Perumov.He gained widespread fame after his first publication in 1993 of the epic "The Ring of Darkness", set in the Middle-earth of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. From novel to novel, Nick's style becomes more and more individual and unique, and the initial opinion of critics and him as a Tolkienist is a thing of the past. The best books by Perumov and his series are included in the treasury of the Russian fantastic literature: “The Chronicles of Hjervard”, “Chronicles of the Rift”, “Soul Stealers”, “Black Blood” and many others.

Andrey Rubanov.His fate was not easy: he had to work as a driver and bodyguard in the difficult 90s, and live in the Chechen Republic at the height of the military campaign. But it gave him the necessary life experience and helped me successfully start my journey in literature. The most flattering reviews were earned by the works that are rightly included in the list of the best books of the science fiction writer: “Chlorophylia”, “Plant and it will grow”, “Living Earth”.

Max Fry.The author's genre is urban fantasy. Her books are for people who have not lost faith in fairy tales. Stories about ordinary life and a light style can captivate any reader. What makes the image of the main character popular and extraordinary is the attractive contrast: the male external role and behavior and the female motives for action, the way of describing and assessing what is happening. Among popular works: “The Power of the Unfulfilled (collection)”, “Volunteers of Eternity”, “Obsessions”, “Simple Magical Things”, “The Dark Side”, “Stranger”.

These are not all the names of modern Russian literature. World domestic works diverse and exciting. Read, learn, discuss - live with the times!

Reading any book takes time and often a lot of it. The number of books, one might say, is endless, but life, alas, is the opposite. This means that you don’t have to read everything. This is where difficulties arise: “What is good and what is bad?” But, there is one small subtlety that makes it easier to find the answer to this question. Someone has already read any book before you. In the worst case - only the author and in the best - millions and millions. But the number of people who have read a particular book does not always indicate the quality of the book. Moreover, people have very diverse tastes. This means that you should first choose people whose opinions you can rely on.

100 best writers and 100 best books
XIX-XX centuries

That's how it all began. The result is the plate shown below. This is the result of a generalization of about 20 ratings, opinions of various literary authorities, lists of laureates of various awards (including the Nobel Prize). There is nothing personally from me in these ratings (author of this text: Andrey Matveev). The only thing that is mine here is the choice of period (19-20 centuries). Of course, these ratings do not mean that all works must be read and the biographies of all writers must be studied from cover to cover. Moreover, this list is based mainly on English-American ratings with a bias, naturally, on English-language literature. However, the result obtained is interesting and seems worth getting acquainted with.

Andrey Matveev, 2001

Top 100 Writers

1. Faulkner William (1897-1962) W. Faulkner
2. Joyce James (1882-1941) J. Joyce
3. Dickens Charles (1812-1870) Charles Dickens
4. James Henry (1843-1916) G. James
5. Woolf Virginia (1882-1941) V. Wolf
6. Hemingway Ernest (1899-1961) E. Hemingway
7. Dostoevsky Fyodor (1821-1881) F. Dostoevsky
8. Beckett Samuel (1906-1989) S. Beckett
9. Mann Thomas (1875-1955) T. Mann
10. Orwell George (1903-1950) J. Orwell
11. Conrad Joseph (1857-1924) J. Conrad
12. Kafka Franz (1883-1924) F. Kafka
13. Steinbeck John (1902-1968) J. Steinbeck
14. Tolstoy Leo (1828-1910) L. Tolstoy
15. Lawrence D.H. (1885-1930) D.H. Lawrence
16. Nabokov Vladimir (1899-1977) Vl. Nabokov
17. Sartre Jean-Paul (1905-1980) J.-P. Sartre
18. Camus Albert (1913-1960) A. Camus
19. Bellow Saul (1915-) S. Bellow
20. Solzhenitsyn Alexander (1918-) A. Solzhenitsyn
21. Twain Mark (1835-1910) M. Twain
22. Mill John Stuart (1806-1873) J. S. Mill
23. Morrison Tony (1931-) T. Morrison
24. Roth Philip (1963-) F. Roth
25. Emerson Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) R. Emerson
26. Ibsen Henrik (1828-1906) G. Ibsen
27. Marquez Gabriel Garcia (1928-) G. Marquez
28. Eliot T.S. (1888-1965) T. S. Eliot
29. Freud Sigmund (1865-1939) Z. Freud
30. Melville Herman (1819-1891) G. Melville
31. Forster E. M. (1879-1970) E. M. Forster
32. James William (1842-1910) W. James
33. Shaw George Bernard (1856-1950) J.B. Shaw
34. Yeats William Butler (1865-1939) W. B. Yates
35. Fitzgerald F. Scott (1896-1940) F. S. Fitzgerald
36. Nietzsche Friedrich (1844-1900) F. Nietzsche
37. Wharton Edith (1862-1937) E. Wharton
38. Rand Ayn (1905-) E. Rand
39. Cather Willa (1873-1947) V. Kater
40. Huxley Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) O. Huxley
41. Eliot George (1819-1880) J. Eliot
42. Hardy Thomas (1840-1928) T. Hardy
43. Flaubert Gustave (1821-1880) G. Flaubert
44. Whitman Walt (1819-1892) W. Whitman
45. Salinger J.D. (1919-) J.D. Salinger
46. Stein Gertrude (1874-1946) G. Stein
47. Calvino Italo (1923-1985) I. Calvino
48. Borges Jorge Luis (1899-1986) H. L. Borges
49. Rilke Rainer Maria (1875-1926) R. M. Rilke
50. Styron William (1925-) W. Styron
51. Singer Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991) I. B. Singer
52. Baldwin James (1924-1987) J. Baldwin
53. Updike John (1932-) J. Updike
54. Russell Bertrand (1872-1970) B. Russell
55. Thoreau Henry David (1817-1862) G. D. Thoreau
56. Kipling Rudyard (1865-1936) R. Kipling
57. Dewey John (1859-1952) J. Dewey
58. Waugh Evelyn (1903-1966) I. Vo
59. Ellison Ralph (1914-1994) R. Ellison
60. Welty Eudora (1909-) E. Welty
61. Whitehead Alfred North (1861-1947) A. N. Whitehead
62. Proust Marcel (1871-1922) M. Proust
63. Hawthorne Nathaniel (1804-1864) N. Hawthorne
64. McCarthy Cormac (1933-) K. McCarthy
65. Lewis Sinclair (1885-1951) S. Lewis
66. O'Neill Eugene (1888-1953) Y. O'Neil
67. Wright Richard (1945-) R. Wright
68. DeLillo Don (1936-) D. DeLillo
69. Capote Truman (1924-1984) T. Capote
70. Adams Henry (1838-1918) G. Adams
71. Bergson Henri (1859-1941) G. Bergson
72. Einstein Albert (1879-1955) A. Einstein
73. Chekhov Anton (1860-1904) A. Chekhov
74. Turgenev Ivan (1818-1883) I. Turgenev
75. Neruda Pablo (1904-1973) P. Neruda
76. Wolfe Thomas Kennerly (1931-) T. Wolf
77. Warren Robert Penn (1905-1989) R. P. Warren
78. Pound Ezra (1885-1972) E. Pound
79. Brecht Bertolt (1898-1956) B. Brecht
80. Cheever John (1912-1982) J. Cheever
81. Mailer Norman (1923-) N. Mailer
82. O"Connor Flannery (1925-1964) F. O'Connor
83. Chesterton G.K. (1874-1936) G. K. Chesterton
84. Pynchon Thomas (1937-) T. Pynchon
85. Carson Rachel (1907-1964) R. Carson
86. Achebe Chinua (1930-) Ch. Achebe
87. Golding William (1911-1993) W. Golding
88. Maritain Jacques (1882-1973) J. Maritain
89. Robbe-Grillet Alain (1922-) A. Robbe-Grillet
90. Paz Octavio (1914-1998) O. Paz
91. Ionesco Eugene (1909-1994) E. Ionesco
92. Malraux Andre (1901-1976) A. Malraux
93. Montale Eugenio (1896-1981) E. Montale
94. Pessoa Fernando (1888-1935) F. Pessoa
95. Pirandello Luigi (1867-1936) L. Pirandello
96. Stevenson Robert Louis (1850-1894) R. L. Stevenson
97. Strindberg August (1849-1912) A. Strindberg
98. Rushdie Salman (1947-) S. Rushdie
99. Carroll Lewis (1832-1898) L. Carroll
100. Malamud Bernard (1914-1986) B. Malamud

100 best books

1. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
2. Ellison Ralph.
Invisible Man
R. Ellison.
3. Steinbeck John.
The Grapes of Wrath
J. Steinbeck.
The Grapes of Wrath
4. Proust Marcel.
Remembrance of Things Past
M. Proust. Looking for
lost time
5. Orwell George.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
J. Orwell.
6. Faulkner William.
The Sound And The Fury
W. Faulkner.
The Sound and the Fury
7. Nabokov Vladimir.
Vl. Nabokov.
8. Morrison Toni.
T. Morrison.
9. Marquez Gabriel Garcia.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
G. Marquez.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
10. Achebe Chinua.
Things Fall Apart
Ch. Achebe.
And destruction came
11. Fitzgerald F. Scott.
The Great Gatsby
F. Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby
12. Capote Truman.
In Cold Blood
T. Capote.
Completely cool
13. Huxley Aldous Leonard.
Brave New World
O. Huxley.
O brave new world
14. Salinger J.D.
The Catcher In The Rye
J.D. Salinger.
Catcher in the rye
15. Woolf Virginia.
To the Lighthouse
V. Wolf.
To the lighthouse
16. Lee Harper.
To Kill A Mockingbird
H. Lee.
To Kill a Mockingbird
17. Flaubert Gustave.
Madame Bovary
G. Flaubert.
Madame Bovary
18. Twain Mark. The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn
M. Twain. Adventures
Huckleberry Finn
19. Lawrence D.H.
Sons And Lovers
D. G. Lawrence.
Sons and lovers
20. Mann Thomas.
The Magic Mountain
T. Mann.
Magic Mountain
21. Joyce James. A Portrait Of
The Artist As A Young Man
J. Joyce.
Portrait of the artist as a youth
22. Camus Albert.
The Stranger
A. Camus.
23. Warren Robert Penn.
All The King's Men
R. P. Warren.
All the king's men
24. Tolstoy Leo.
Anna Karenina
L. Tolstoy.
Anna Karenina
25. Styron William.
Sophie's Choice
W. Styron.
Sophie makes a choice
26. Carson Rachel.
Silent Spring
R. Carson.
Silent Spring
27. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
Crime and Punishment
F. Dostoevsky.
Crime and Punishment
28. James William. The Varieties
of Religious Experience
W. James. Manifold
religious experience
29. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The Brothers Karamazov
F. Dostoevsky.
Brothers Karamazov
30. Eliot George.
J. Eliot.
31. Kafka Franz.
The Trial
F. Kafka.
32. Faulkner William.
As I Lay Dying
W. Faulkner.
On deathbed
33. DeLillo Don.
White Noise
D. DeLillo.
White noise
34. Thoreau Henry David.
G. D. Thoreau.
Walden or Life in the Woods
35. Wright Richard.
Native Son
R. Wright.
America's son
36. Wharton Edith.
The Age of Innocence
E. Wharton.
Age of Innocence
37. Rushdie Salman.
Midnight's Children
S. Rushdie.
Midnight's Children
38. Hemingway Ernest.
A Farewell To Arms
E. Hemingway.
A Farewell to Arms!
39. Heller Joseph.
J. Heller.
40. Mitchell Margaret.
Gone With The Wind
M. Mitchell.
gone With the Wind
41. Adams Henry.
The Education of Henry Adams
G. Adams.
The Education of Henry Adams
42. Kipling Rudyard.
R. Kipling.
43. Forster E. M.
A Passage To India
E. M. Forster.
Trip to India
44. Orwell George.
Animal Farm
J. Orwell.
45. Hemingway Ernest.
The Sun Also Rises
E. Hemingway.
And the sun rises
46. Lowry Malcolm.
Under The Volcano
M. Lauri.
At the foot of the volcano
47. Bronte Emily.
Wuthering Heights
E. Bronte.
Wuthering Heights
48. Conrad Joseph.
Lord Jim
J. Conrad.
Lord Jim
49. Whitman Walt.
Leaves of Grass
W. Whitman.
grass leaves
50. Beckett Samuel.
Waiting for Godot
S. Beckett.
Waiting for Godot
51. Faulkner William.
Light In August
W. Faulkner.
Light in August
52. Walker Alice.
The Color Purple
E. Walker.
Purple color
53. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The Idiot
F. Dostoevsky.
54. James Henry.
The Ambassadors
G. James.
55. Kerouac Jack.
On The Road
J. Kerouac.
On road
56. Kuhn Thomas. The Structure
of Scientific Revolutions
T. Kuhn. Structure
scientific revolution
57. Freud Sigmund.
The Interpretation of Dreams
Z. Freud.
Dream interpretation
58. Bellow Saul.
The Adventures of Augie March
S. Bellow.
The Adventures of Augie March
59. Burroughs William S.
Naked Lunch
W. Burroughs.
Naked breakfast
60. Tolkien J.R.R.
The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien.
Lord of the Rings
61. Melville Herman.
Moby Dick
G. Melville.
Moby Dick
62. Mill John Stuart.
On Liberty
J. S. Mill.
About freedom
63. Tolstoy Leo.
War and Peace
L. Tolstoy.
War and Peace
64. Faulkner William.
Absalom Absalom!
W. Faulkner.
Absalom Absalom!
65. Keynes John Maynard. The
General Theory of Employment
Interest and Money
J. M. Keynes.
General theory of employment
interest and money
66. Beauvoir Simone de.
The Second Sex
S. de Bouvoir.
Second gender
67. Agee James and Walker Evans.
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
J. Agee. Walker.
Let's praise celebrities
68. Nabokov Vladimir.
Pale Fire
V. Nabokov.
Pale Flame
69. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
70. Forster E. M.
Howard's End
E. M. Forster.
Howards End
71. Percy Walker.
The Moviegoer
W. Percy.
72. Hurston Zora Neale.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Z. Harston.
Their eyes saw God
73. Morrison Toni.
Song of Solomon
T. Morrison.
Song of Solomon
74. Hemingway Ernest.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
E. Hemingway.
For whom the Bell Tolls
75. Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr.
The Gulag Archipelago
A. Solzhenitsyn.
Gulag Archipelago
76. Camus Albert.
The Plague
A. Camus.
77. Woolf Virginia.
Mrs. Dalloway
W. Wolfe.
Mrs Dalloway
78. Turgenev Ivan.
Fathers and Sons
I. Turgenev.
Fathers and Sons
79. Pynchon Thomas.
Gravity's Rainbow
T. Pynchon.
Gravity Rainbow
80. Irving John.
The World According to Garp
J. Irving.
Peace from Garp
81. Malamud Bernard.
The Fixer
B. Malamud.
82. Proulx E. Annie.
The Shipping News
A. Proul.
Navigation news
83. Roth Philip.
Portnoy's Complaint
F. Roth.
Portnoy's complaints
84. Vonnegut Kurt.
Slaughterhouse Five
K. Vonnegut.
Slaughterhouse Five
85. Lawrence D.H.
Women In Love
D. G. Lawrence.
Women in love
86. McCullers Carson.
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter
K. McCullers.
The heart is a lonely hunter
87. Conrad Joseph.
Heart Of Darkness
J. Conrad.
heart of Darkness
88. Borges Jorge Luis.
H. L. Borges.
89. Malraux Andre.
Man's Fate
A. Malraux.
Human Purpose
90. Miller Henry.
Tropic Of Cancer
G. Miller.
Tropic of Cancer
91. Rand Ayn.
The Fountainhead
A. Rand.
92. Agee James.
A Death in the Family
J. Agee.
Death in the family
93. Welty Eudora.
Collected Stories
Y. Welty.
94. Carroll Lewis. Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland
L. Carroll.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
95. Emerson Ralph Waldo.
R. W. Emerson.
96. Wow Evelyn.
Brideshead Revisited
I. Vo.
Return to Brightshead
97. Rand Ayn.
Atlas Shrugged
A. Rand.
Atlas shrugged his shoulders
98. Marx Karl.
K. Marx.
99. McCarthy Cormac.
All the Pretty Horses
K. McCarthy.
Horses horses. . .
100. Melville Herman.
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In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, which is why the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, striking in their soulfulness and vitality.

The main character is the soul. For a person, his position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find the truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who has the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flatly, but multifacetedly. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing existence in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but what unites them is that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created the best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects his writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

The three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were completely different people from each other, had different destinies, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature by writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is that they ridicule the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Such books always touch the soul.

Here you can find the best works of classical literature. You can download books of Russian classics for free or read them online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention the 100 best books of Russian classics. IN full list The books included the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that brings together best works great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

A hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the development of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from school. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age and require wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete; it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She doesn’t just teach something, she radically changes lives, helps us understand simple things that we sometimes don’t even notice.

We hope you liked our list of classic books of Russian literature. You may have already read some of it, and some not. A great reason to make your own personal list of books, your top ones that you would like to read.