Detective riddle game. Children's detective. Exciting stories and detective mysteries for young detectives


Everyone knows regular tests on IQ, where, by answering (or not answering) 40 questions, you can find out your level of intelligence. However, there is another way to find out what your mind is really capable of.

AdMe has selected several detective riddles for you that not everyone can solve.

Task No. 1. Escape

Jack was put in a prison with a dirt floor and one window located so high that he could not reach it. There was nothing in the cell except a shovel. The prison is very dry and hot, but Jack will not receive any water or food, so he only has 2 days to escape, otherwise he will die.

How can Jack escape from prison if the digging option is not an option, since digging it will take much more than 2 days?

Task No. 2. Stolen necklace

Mrs. Smith contacted the police to report that an antique necklace was missing. When the police arrived at the scene, they saw that there were no signs of forced entry on either the door or the windows, and only one window was broken. The inside of the house was a complete mess, and there were dirty marks all over the carpet.

The next day Mrs. Smith was arrested for fraud. Why?

Task No. 3. Murder at school

On the first day academic year At the last break, the body of a geography teacher was discovered in one of the classes. The police had 4 suspects: a gardener, a math teacher, a physical education teacher and a school principal. They all told where they were at the time of the murder:

  • The gardener was trimming the bushes in the backyard.
  • The mathematics teacher administered the final semi-annual test.
  • The physical education teacher was playing basketball with his students.
  • The director spent the whole day in his office.

Immediately after this, the police arrested the criminal. Who killed the geography teacher and how did the police identify the killer?

Task No. 4. Lonely person

On the outskirts of the city lived a lonely old man who never strayed far from home. At the height of summer, one Friday morning, a postman came to his house and called the owner, but he did not answer. He looked out the window and saw him lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The postman called the policeman, who found two bottles of warm milk, one of cold milk and a daily newspaper for Tuesday near the house.

The next day, a policeman arrested the killer. How did the police identify the culprit so quickly?

Problem No. 5. Two tablets

A serial killer kidnapped people and forced them to take 1 of 2 pills: the first did not cause harm, and the second killed instantly. The killer always took the remaining pill himself. The kidnapped person swallowed the chosen pill, washed it down with water and died immediately, and the killer always got a harmless pill.

Why did the killer never get a poison pill?

Problem No. 6. Frozen windows

One freezing winter day, John found his friend Jack dead in the living room of his home. John immediately called the police and, when asked by the policeman how he found the body, replied that he was walking by and decided to go visit Jack.

According to him, he knocked and rang the doorbell for a long time, but his friend did not open it for him, although through the frozen window it was clear that the light was on in the house. Then John breathed on the frozen window glass to melt the ice. When he looked into the room, he saw Jack lying on the floor.

The policeman immediately arrested John on suspicion of murder. Why?

Problem No. 7. Chemist's riddle

A famous chemist was found murdered in his own laboratory. No evidence was found in the room, except for a piece of paper next to the body, which listed several chemical elements. The investigator found out that on the day of his death, 3 people came to the scientist’s laboratory: his wife Mary, nephew Nicholas and friend Jonathan.

The investigator immediately arrested the murder suspect. How did he do it?


Problem No. 1. Solution

With the help of a shovel, Jack needs to make an earthen mountain under the window, stand on it and get out of prison.

Problem No. 2. Solution

The police realized that Mrs. Smith was deceiving them: the glass in the house could only be broken from the inside, because if it had been broken from the outside, the fragments would have been on the floor of the room.

Problem No. 3. Solution

A mathematics teacher killed a geography teacher. According to him, he conducted semi-annual testing, but the crime happened on the first day of school of the year.

Problem No. 4. Solution

It is obvious that the killer is a newspaper delivery boy. Only he could know that on Thursday and Wednesday there would be no one to read the newspapers.

Problem No. 5. Solution

Both tablets were completely harmless, and the poison was in a glass of water intended for the victim.

Problem No. 6. Solution

John couldn't melt the ice crust on the glass outside the house because it only appears on inside windows.

Problem No. 7. Solution

The clue was on a piece of paper lying next to the victim. If you add up the letters representing chemical elements, then you get the name Nicholas in Latin: Ni-C-O-La-S.

We still have a lot of very interesting articles! Here are just a few of them:

Something that cannot exist (photos of incredible artifacts)...

The presenter invites children to play detectives and complete a number of interesting, mostly humorous, tasks to develop attention and creative thinking.

Two teams with any number of players participate. The winner is the one who gets greatest number tokens for correct answers.

The event is designed for students in grades 3 - 4.

Leading. Let's play detective. I invite you to an internship at a detective agency. The main qualities of a good detective are observation, out-of-the-box thinking, determination. Which team is in to a greater extent has these qualities, we find out at the end of the game.

The first competition is called “Warm-up”.

Who committed the first crime in human history? (Eve)

The science of techniques and means of solving crimes. (Forensics)

The popular Soviet detective series is called “The Investigation is Conducted...” (experts).

Who invented the famous Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)

Fingerprinting is the science that studies... (fingerprints).

The famous writer who invented Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. (Agatha Christie)

Killer is... (killer).

Kidnapping is... (child abduction).

The most famous dog, accomplice to the crime committed on the peat bogs. (Hound of the Baskervilles)

Physical evidence left at a crime scene. (Evidence)

Who is in charge of solving the crime? (Investigator)

What is the name of a criminal who has repeatedly committed crimes? (Recidivist)

What is the name of the procedure for obtaining information about the case from the offender, which takes place in the investigator’s office? (Interrogation)

Who determines the degree of guilt of the accused? (Court)

The second competition is called “The investigation has established...”. Who are we talking about?

1. A certain person, using her experience and knowledge, forced a boy who had recently been born under strange circumstances to engage in an activity that was not typical for a child of the first year of life, namely, teaching school sciences. Special features. She: has hair blue color. He: outstanding nose. (Malvina and Pinocchio)

2. A person of Eastern nationality, whose age is estimated at thousands of years, was engaged in deliberate deception of a minor named Kostylkov, which is expressed in providing him with false information that the earth has the shape of a flat disk, stands on six elephants, and they, in turn, on to the turtle. Special features of an elderly person: long gray beard; wears a turban. (Hottabych and Volka Kostylkov)

3. Three malefactors, being on public service, misled the king regarding the birth of an heir, and also committed forgery of documents, which resulted in the disintegration of the family, and also threatened the life and health of the mother and child. (Weaver, cook, matchmaker Babarikha)

4. A powerful female person, possessing the powers of magic and sorcery, was caught in kidnapping, that is, kidnapping a child, and seducing a minor through kisses, as a result of which he became cold and insensitive. ( Snow Queen and Kai)

5. The detainee, a native of Denmark, nicknamed “Close Your Eyes,” was engaged in infiltration at night into other people’s apartments, namely, into the bedrooms of children, opened magic umbrellas over young citizens and, through hypnosis, instilled in them the dreams that, in his opinion, they deserved . (Ole-Lukoie)

6. A creature whose habitat is the water element was noticed in exceeding its official powers, which served as an unjustified advancement up the social ladder of an elderly woman, from a peasant woman to a free queen, which, in turn, entailed the beating of this power-hungry person of her husband in presence of witnesses." ( Goldfish, old woman)

7. As a result of natural disasters, a van, which is the residence of an American family from Kansas, collapsed along with its inhabitants - a minor girl and a dog - onto the permanent residence of the sorceress, which led to the death of the latter. There are no criminal actions in this case." (Ellie, Totoshka, Gingema)

8. Two representatives of the animal world are suspected of fraud in order to seize someone else's property, namely five gold coins. Special characteristics of the suspects. She: red tail. He wears black glasses and uses a cane when walking. (Fox Alice, cat Basilio)

The third competition is called "Criminal Specialization".

As a rule, criminals have their own specialization and stick to it throughout their lives. So, for example, a fraudster specializes in forgery of documents and bribery, but never kills. The blackmailer obtains information that is compromising the person and, speculating on this, forces him to pay.

Pick the code and decipher the specialization of the criminal who...

♦ cracks safes


♦ robs apartments


♦ pulls valuables out of citizens’ pockets and purses


Answers: bugbear, burglar, pickpocket.

The fourth competition is called " Mysterious stories» . (The presenter reads the text.)

One king had three daughters - Maria, Helen and Anna. All three are beautiful, you won’t be able to take your eyes off them. One is blond, her hair falls down to her knees in waves, the other has green eyes that shine brighter than emeralds, the third has a thin waist, thinner than the thinnest birch tree in the royal garden. And one more thing: one of the sisters sang the best in the kingdom, the other danced the best, and the third knew how to ask such riddles that no one could guess them!

All day long the king looked for worthy grooms for his daughters.

Princes came from overseas countries, and even from distant kingdoms and thirtieth states, but, in the king’s opinion, no one was suitable for his daughters: some were too poor, others were not smart enough. Therefore, the visiting princes were not even shown to their daughters.

But finally, a worthy groom was found for Princess Anna - Prince Gluttony the First. He was a prominent groom, very noticeable.

- Tomorrow is the wedding! - the king announced his royal will and ordered, just in case, until tomorrow do not let Anna out of the royal palace.

- What should I do? - Princess Anna wringed her hands, shedding tears. (The fact is that the young forester who lived in the royal forest was dear to her heart - it was to him that Anna promised her hand.)

- Stop crying! - said the sister who knew how to tell riddles. - We need to warn your forester, and you will get married today in the church in the neighboring town!

- We'll warn you now! - Elena supported her.

She took a bow and arrow, walked to the window that looked out onto the royal garden, took aim and fired.

The arrow pierced with a ringing sound into a large oak tree that grew near the forester’s house. He, of course, immediately guessed what this meant and gave a sign to his to the faithful dog. A loud bark filled the entire forest.

- It's time! - said Elena. - The forester is waiting for you.

- But how will I leave the palace? - Anna asked, drying her tears and looking around busily. “The royal guards are all around!”

- I think I came up with something! - Maria exclaimed, her green eyes flashing. -Where is the white wig? And give me your cloak here!

A few minutes later, Maria, having put on a wig and her sister’s cloak, was already racing on a horse through the royal park.

- Hold her! Hold it! Here she is! - the guards shouted, mistaking her for Anna, and rushed in pursuit.

Now the way was clear, and after a few minutes Elena escorted her sister to a small secret gate in the royal garden.

- I wish you good luck! - Elena said, kissing her sister and closing the gate behind her. “I envy your future husband: no one in our kingdom can sing to him better than you!”

Soon Anna was already at the forester's house. Next to the happy forester stood Anna’s sister, who safely escaped the chase.

- Your fiance almost led me to the crown! — the sister said laughing, returning Anna’s cloak and taking off her wig. - I got confused with you out of excitement!

A couple of hours later, Princess Anna, arm in arm with the forester, appeared before her father. A wedding ring glittered on Anna's finger.

The king was angry at first, but when he saw how the previously round face of Gluttony the First stretched out, he began to laugh.

This is the end of our story.

Teams receive 9 signs with the inscriptions: “Elena”, “Anna”, “Maria”, “Green eyes”, “ Thin waist", "Blonde hair", "Sings", "Dances", "Keeps riddles."

Exercise: During repeated reading, lay out these tablets in three columns so that it is clear who is who.

Note: the presenter carries out repeated reading with short pauses in appropriate places so that the players have time to put down the signs.

Leading. And another mysterious story.

Ivan was walking through the forest when he suddenly saw: there was a hut on chicken legs, and a curious Baba Yaga was looking out of the window. Apparently he is waiting for him.

- Hello, grandma! - Ivan bowed.

“Yes, I’m trying, I’m good for now,” Baba Yaga creaked in response. - It’s just that with every new hundred years your health doesn’t increase... And where are you going? good fellow?

- Who greets guests with questions? - Ivan reproached her. - First, feed me, give me something to drink, heat the bathhouse, put me to rest, and only then ask questions!

“Your truth,” agreed Baba Yaga. She did everything as Ivan ordered, and then sat down next to him and asked:

- Well, come on, tell me quickly!

“Kashchei kidnapped my bride, Vasilisa the Beautiful,” Ivan sighed. “I’m going to the Kashcheevo kingdom to rescue my bride.” Do you know the way there?

- Why not! - Baba Yaga responded readily.

- When you leave my hut, go straight north! Where is north, do you know?

- Now we’ll find out! - said Ivan, pulling out the compass from travel bag. - How long does it take to walk?

“Exactly one day,” answered Baba Yaga. - And then you turn left. Remember?

“I remember,” Ivan nodded and looked at the compass. - To the west, that is. How long does it take to go?

- One more day.

- And I will end up in the Kashcheevo kingdom? - Ivan asked incredulously.

“Not yet,” said Baba Yaga. - Turn left again and walk as much as you did in these two days...

“That means I’ll go south,” Ivan noted.

- And then?

- Turn left again...

— It turns out I’ll go to the east. Strange... And how long does it take to walk?

- Just one more day! - Baba Yaga said joyfully. - And then you’ll turn left again and walk just one day...

- Well, grandma, consider that I have already passed all these days! - Ivan suddenly became angry. “Now tell the truth, old woman, how to go to Kashchei?!”

Question: Why do you think Ivan treated Baba Yaga so impolitely? What would have happened if he had followed her advice? (Ivan would again return to her hut on chicken legs, since Baba Yaga deliberately confused him.)

Leading. Now we'll play. The game is called “Detective” (fifth competition). I will ask one person from the team to leave. Please turn your backs to each other. A detective, or detective, must be very attentive. On command, turn to face each other and within five seconds try to remember the appearance of your counterpart. Then, on command, stand again with your backs to each other and take turns describing appearance opponent.

The sixth competition is “From the problem book of Grigory Oster.”

Exercise: solve problems. (The answer is recorded and then spoken out.)

The criminals spent only 13 minutes in the bank. Of these, 2 minutes were spent tying the bank director to a chair, 3 minutes for breaking into a safe, and 7 minutes for putting money in a bag. How many minutes

was it like surrendering to the police when they arrived and leaving the bank with your hands up? (1)

In one apartment the criminals stole 3 slippers, and in another 1 slipper. How many pairs of slippers were stolen by the criminals in both apartments? (2)

Sherlock Holmes exposes three criminals every 12 pages. How many criminals will he expose in 48 pages? (12)

The length of the sewer pipe from entrance to exit is 96 meters. Fleeing from the police, the criminal crawled 27 meters along the pipe. How many meters does the criminal have to crawl until he reaches the exit where another policeman is waiting for him? (69)

One criminal was about to rob his own grandmother and pointed two pistols at her. But the grandmother herself was an old criminal and pointed twice as many pistols at her grandson. How many guns did the grandson and grandmother point at each other? (6)

One small police dog received 9 tasty bones as a reward for his bravery. She immediately gnawed 3 bones and buried the rest in the police yard. At night, criminals climbed over the fence and stole half of the seeds. How many bones does the brave dog have left for breakfast? (3)

The seventh competition is “Gastroler”.

Leading. A guest is a criminal who commits his crimes, each time moving to other places, thus hiding from law enforcement agencies. The "tourist's" bag fell into the hands of the police. Guess from the stickers which city the criminal started his journey from and where he is now. (See attachment)

Answer. I started my trip in Tokyo and ended in Kyiv.

Eighth competition - “Attention: wanted!”

A dangerous criminal of advanced age, unpleasant appearance, and sloppily dressed is wanted. Perhaps hiding in the forest. Has personal air transport at his disposal. Nickname: Bone Leg. (Baba Yaga)

Wanted former producer puppet theater. It is particularly cruel in its treatment of children. Special features: long beard; always carries a whip with him. (Karabas Barabas)

A boy lost in the jungle is being sought. (Mowgli)

We are looking for four pets who escaped from cruel owners. (Bremen Town Musicians)

Wanted woman of Eastern nationality, noble birth. Possesses the art of charming men. The place of residence is not permanent; he has the habit of living in a tent. (Shamakhan Queen)

A boy is wanted who left home with his cat. Possible location: countryside. (Uncle Fedor)

Leading. Now let's summarize...

Counting the number of tokens. Awarding the winners.

. A book that will appeal to all children, without exception, and even adults. And all because it contains 50 different detective riddles in pictures. A real holiday for little detectives and an exciting logic game of Danetki!

Let's play detective

« Hot on the heels» - unusual book for MYTH. She will become great addition to this summer's hit - the book« Detective Pierre unravels the case”, which was loved by small and large readers.

Everyone knows how children and many adults love secrets, riddles, detective games, adventure stories with pirates, cowboys and treasures. All this is in our new product.

On each page, readers will find a new mysterious incident that needs to be investigated. This cannot be done without logic, ingenuity and attentiveness.

Where did the thief hide the stolen brooch? Why are visitors not welcome in an African hotel? What is encrypted in the mysterious message? Who robbed the bank and caused a disturbance in the saloon? The answers to the tasks in this book are most often hidden in the pictures. They have a lot of small and interesting details, so your child, like a real detective, should stock up on a magnifying glass.

The book contains the most different types tasks: riddles in pictures, crosswords, tasks for attentiveness and intelligence, intricate puzzles. The riddles vary in complexity: for novice detectives and those who have already become proficient in this matter (for example, you need to not only look for something in the pictures, but also guess what is missing).

By solving them, children will be able to visit the jungle and on real pirate ships, on an island where treasure is hidden, in the wild west where cowboys do their business, take part in the investigation of city crimes and mysterious incidents in the jungle, find a variety of missing items and fool the scammers.

This is incredibly exciting!

From the “father of Wimmelbuchs”

The book is not only very fascinating, but also unusual. And here's why:

It contains very original black and white illustrations from Hans Jürgen Press, a German illustrator, author of children's books with riddles in the drawings. The press is considered the “father of Wimmelbuch.” He was one of the inventors of picture books, created for entertainment and training attention and memory. Press's books contain very unusual vintage pictures with many details, among which are hidden answers to riddles. You will not find such illustrations in modern books.

The book comprehensively develops a child from 7 years old. It trains logic, attentiveness, memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity, spatial thinking, and broadens one’s horizons.

The pages recreate the special atmosphere that reigns in detective stories. There are various objects and things that can become evidence in a crime investigation: newspaper clippings, postcards, photo chronicles.

The book is compact. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or travel.

Book on different cases life. Riddles can be solved alone or in company, for example, on children's party or birthday. It will also appeal to adults who love detective stories and puzzles.

And now a couple of riddles from the book. Try to guess!

Sleight of hand

Returning from the circus, bosom friends witnessed an amazing incident. First they heard the clink of glass, then, running up, they noticed a suspicious man near the jewelry store. He stuck his hand into the broken glass window.

Come on guys! - Eddie whispered. - We're surrounding you!

Soon the thief was trapped.

Hands up! Police! - Eddie commanded menacingly. - Lay out the glass!

You can check my pockets,” the man replied. - You won't find anything!

Indeed, the detainee’s pockets were empty. Angela came to the rescue:

Attention, a completely new thief trick!

Mystery: Where does Angela suppose the thief hid the loot?

Treasure Island

One day, in an old sailor's chest, Ian discovered yellowed parchment. What a success! It told how to get to the mysterious treasure on the island Good Hope. Ian shared the secret with Tom, the friends got into a motor boat and went in search of treasure, exactly following the instructions of the unknown sailor.

1. Go ashore at Pirates' Cove.

2. Go south to Turtle Beach.

3. Now go east to the grave of Admiral Pinkerton.

4. Follow north to the anchor.

5. Turn east and go to the silver stream.

6. Follow the stream to the big waterfall.

7. Follow south to the cannon.

8. Turn east and go to the Cave of Moaning Souls.

9. Now go north and look for the "+" sign.

10. Go where the arrow points. The treasures lie there!

Exercise: Where did Ian and Tom find the treasure?

Theft of an antique glass
“I absolutely cannot imagine, Mr. Inspector, who could need a glass from the 17th century, especially since it is impossible to sell it.” — These were the words the museum director greeted Inspector Warnicke. — Last night the glass was still there. No one else entered the room after me. I locked it myself. The cleaning of the museum is carried out by the Zeisig couple; they have been working for us for a very long time and, of course, are beyond any suspicion.
“Yes, Mr. Inspector, everything was in order during the evening cleaning,” said Mr. Zeisig.
Inspector Warnicke thought for a moment.
— How long ago did you start collecting museum rarities? - he suddenly asked Zeisig.
What allowed Inspector Warnicke to suspect the Zeisig family of stealing the glass?

The Zeisig family fell victim to a professional habit. The couple stole the glass and removed the glass fragments from the display case.

One man performed a dangerous and difficult work, so he had to wear a mask for protection. Suddenly, out of the blue, he tore off his mask and….. died. His beloved family was waiting for him at home, everything was fine at work too, i.e. he had no reason to commit suicide. In addition, he also did not use drugs or alcohol. However, something still made him take off his mask.

The man was a diver. When breathing compressed air great depth at 60 meters or more, the so-called “nitrogen narcosis” appears. The person gets excited, loses his sense of reality, and it seems to him that the mask is completely useless and needs to be thrown away.

During the war, a British soldier held Adolf Hitler at gunpoint. This was the real Adolf Hitler - the one who led the Third Reich. The war was in full swing, but the soldier did not shoot at him. Why?

It was during the First World War, when Adolf Hitler was a career soldier in the German army. He was wounded, and the English soldier decided that it was undignified to kill him.

When the warehouse manager arrived for work, an employee knocked on his office. He explained that last night he had a dream that there was a bomb in one of the warehouse rooms that would explode at two o'clock in the afternoon. The boss was skeptical about this story, but agreed to inspect the warehouse. During the inspection, the bomb was found in exactly the place the employee spoke about. The police were called, the bomb was defused, and a tragedy was averted. However, the boss immediately thanked the employee and fired him. The fired man did not plant the bomb, and his dream prevented the tragedy...
Was the boss right to fire him?

The fired man worked as a night watchman. He had to stay awake all night and perform his duties. However, if he had a dream, it means he was sleeping. That's why he was fired.

The man called his wife from the office and said that he would be home by eight. He arrived home at eight hours and two minutes. They had no definite plans for eight hours. However, his wife became very angry that he was late. Why?

The wife expected her husband home at eight in the evening, and he returned at 8:02 the next morning.

Every Saturday four friends took a bath. Peter, a musician, always took a player with him to listen to music. Alexander, a banker, brought with him a thermos with some drink. Phaedrus and Paul were lawyers and each time they took papers with them to read. One day Pavel was found dead in the steam room. He was killed by some sharp object. The police were immediately called. The police questioned all three suspects, but found no leads. What happened?

Alexander killed Paul. He brought a piece of ice in a thermos. The ice melted and left no traces.

Two personnel were sent from the mineral research base to collect samples. While completing the task, they were attacked by vicious animals. The researchers immediately stopped work and headed to the base. One moved very slowly, carefully watching the animals. The other one panicked and moved very quickly. The alarmist died as soon as he got to the base, but his colleague, having suffered through fear, remained alive. Why?

These people explored ocean floor in search of minerals. They dived to a depth of 100 meters, where normal air becomes dangerous. When brought to the surface, nitrogen globules can form in the diver's lungs and cause a blockage.

A small store in New York is called "Seven Bells", but there are 8 bells hanging outside.
The store owner could easily correct this mistake, but chooses not to. Why?

Initially it was just a mistake, but over time the store owner noticed that people often came into his store to point out the discrepancy, and this only increased his sales.

The Venezuelan police have long been aware of the black deeds of one thief; several attempts were made to arrest him, however, they were all unsuccessful. It happened like this: the police knew the address of this thief. IN once again Having received a warrant for his arrest, they went to this address to his home. But as soon as they arrived, he ran away and locked himself in his bedroom. The police waited for some time, but were soon forced to leave..
Why did this happen?

His house stood on the border of Venezuela and Colombia. Entrance door and the kitchen were in Venezuela, the bedroom in Colombia.

Evgeniy and Alla were spouses and taught together at the same University. Evgeniy was a philologist, and his wife was a geographer. Due to the low salary, they also worked part-time in the economic department of the University and were treasurers of its fund. During the annual inspection, the commission discovered a large shortfall. Evgeniy and Alla were interrogated and released due to lack of direct evidence. The next morning, their bodies were found in Evgeniy and Alla’s apartment. Nearby was a note that read the following:
“This is the only way out for Anna and me”
It would seem that now everything is clear. This is suicide and Evgeniy and Alla are to blame for the theft at the University. However, not everything is so simple. And the policeman did not agree with this version, but suspected murder.
What made him suspicious?

Evgeniy was a philologist and could not make such stupid mistakes in the note.

Alexander the Great ordered all his soldiers to shave. He was sure that clean-shaven soldiers had an advantage. Why?

Bearded men could be grabbed by the beard in hand-to-hand combat.

One sunny morning, passersby could observe the following picture.
A man and a woman were arguing on the roof of a building. A large number of people below were watching them. Suddenly the woman pushed the man. The man tried to grab onto something, but to no avail, and fell down, hit the pavement very hard and... died... The most interesting thing is that it was not the woman who pushed him who was accused of murder, but a completely different person.
Whom? Why?

A movie was being filmed on the roof of a house, and the man was a stuntman. The man who was responsible for the stuntman's insurance was blamed for his death.

A man killed his wife and completely dissolved her body in a bath of acid. He got rid of her clothes and jewelry, but one piece of evidence still gave him away. Which?

The woman's body was completely dissolved in acid, but she had artificial tooth, which has not been exposed to acid.

The woman brought it to the bank widely famous portrait president. As a result, a criminal was caught who had previously visited the same bank and had previously committed a crime in the woman's house.
How was the criminal caught?

A thief entered a woman's house and stole all her savings. One of the banknotes got stuck in the bank, and the thief in a hurry tore it in half. The woman filed a report of theft with the police, and then went to her bank with half of the banknote, where she was told that a man had come to them in the morning with the other half of the same banknote.

One young man hijacked a passenger plane.
He told the pilot to fly to the airport and convey the following demands from him: the terrorist demanded 10 million rubles and two parachutes. The plane landed and the hijacker was given money and parachutes.
The terrorist demanded that the pilot take to the skies again. After some time, he put on a parachute, took the money and jumped out. The second parachute remained on the plane. Why did the invader ask for two parachutes if he didn’t need the second?

The kidnapper asked for two parachutes so that the police would think he was planning to take a hostage. And he was given two working parachutes. If he had asked for one, it would have been clear that he needed the parachute for himself and there was a possibility that he would be given a faulty one.

One sunny morning, a man parked his car at the entrance, went home, returned with a bucket of water and poured the water on the sidewalk. Why?

The man was going to wash his car, but while he was going to get water, the car was stolen.

I was traveling alone on the train from Moscow strange people, for unknown reasons, he jumped from the window of the train as it rushed towards full speed ahead. There was only one person in the compartment. After examining his compartment, the police managed to find, in addition to his personal belongings, a piece of bandage. Why did this man commit suicide?

A man has just completed treatment for blindness. He decided to remove the bandage himself to check his vision. When he took off the bandage, he saw nothing - and decided that he was not cured. He couldn't imagine a future without sight and so he jumped out of the train.

An art critic went to an auction and bought a painting that he knew was worth nothing. He was an honest man, and he had no criminal intentions. He also had no intention of doing anything to make the painting more valuable. Why did he buy it?

The painting itself was worthless, but it was framed in an expensive, beautiful frame that he intended to use.

In the laws of several states in the United States, one crime deserves punishment. If a person is caught attempting to commit this crime, he will not escape punishment. However, if it is not possible to prevent this crime, then those who committed it remain without punishment. What kind of crime is this?


Greetings, my insightful friend! I have no doubt that you love solving incredible detective stories, hunting down bloodthirsty gangsters and cunning scammers. In this book you will find everything that goes into the work of a real detective: chases, evidence, stolen treasures, intricate tracks and unusual codes. Together with the resilient Inspector Busley, you will try to solve the most unexpected crimes in history.

And you know, I even envy you. Of course! After all, you will have to go through so many amazing adventures in search of especially dangerous criminals: you will find the treasure of the last pirate John Hapankin, solve the robbery of the Funny Horrors store, hunt for the ghost of the Caliper castle, solve the secret number of Dwarf Mong, defuse a bomb in a flying saucer, find out... who wanted to throw rotten sausages at the editorial office of a famous magazine, and also... Stop! Why am I telling you all this? You will soon find out everything yourself, playing the role of Sherlock Holmes. So turn to the next page and get started! And don’t forget to show this book to your friend or girlfriend - unraveling mysterious crimes together is much more interesting!

1. Note for Bulldozer

Buslya spent December 31 at the police station. Having finished all his work, he was already getting ready to go home to meet him there. New Year. And then the door opened, and a breathless courier from the central prison ran into the room.

We urgently need to decipher this note! - he told Busla from the threshold, handing him a piece of paper rolled into a tube. - She was just intercepted by our people in prison. It was intended for a dangerous criminal named Bulldozer. But we cannot understand what is written here. What nonsense!

Come on, come on, let’s see,” Buslya said and unfolded the note.

Five minutes later he jumped up and shouted:

I understood everything! We must immediately strengthen the security of the Bulldozer. Otherwise he might run away.

Why did Buslya make such a conclusion and what was written in the note?

2. Bank robbery

At exactly midnight the alarm went off at the Nadezhny bank. I immediately went to the scene of the incident task force police led by Inspector Busley. Arriving at the bank, they found its doors open, and next to only a suspicious blind man, quickly moving away. The detainee swore that he did not see anything, had not even heard about the bank and was simply walking by. However, after carefully examining the blind man, Buslya ordered his arrest.

This is not a real blind man,” he explained to his assistants.

Why did Buslya make such a conclusion?

3. Kidnapper

Late in the evening, an unknown criminal attacked an old woman, Evpatoria Feodosyevna, walking along the street and took her purse. The police immediately arrived in response to the victim’s screams and within a few minutes detained three suspicious young men.

The next day, the grandmother was invited to the police to identify the criminal. She was seated on a chair, and all three detainees were placed in a row against the opposite wall.

Evpatoria Feodosyevna,” Buslya turned to the old woman, “help us find out which of these young people attacked you last night.”

Oh, I really don’t know! - Evpatoria Feodosyevna clasped her hands. - It was dark. And my memory is no longer the same as it was a hundred years ago. But I do remember that this hooligan’s hair was either black or red, and his trousers were either checkered or striped.

This is quite enough to identify the criminal,” Buslya rejoiced. - This...

Who did Detective Buslya mean?

4. The Last Pirate

When the last Russian pirate, John Khapankin, died, everyone - both bandits and detectives - rushed to look for the treasures he had looted. Bandits - to make money, and detectives - to return valuables to their owners. The detectives were luckier - they got their hands on the plan of the city zoo and a strange note in John’s hand: “The treasure is under the cage of the beast that is hiding in the TV.”

Yes, well, he gave us a problem! - Busley's not very smart assistant, Sergeant Grizzly, muttered. - We will now think about this stupid phrase for a year. Or maybe we can take the TV apart?

No, we don’t need a real TV,” Buslya smiled. - But I guessed what kind of animal John Khapankin had in mind.

So where is the treasure of the last pirate buried?

5. Brothers-robbers

The most dangerous criminals in the city of Nikakusinsk are twin brothers Tolya Yes and Tolya No. It was one of them that Detective Busley suspected after a daring robbery by a masked stranger at the Funny Horrors joke store.

After a month of searching, one of the brothers was arrested. However, it was unclear which of them was detained - the problem was that the brothers were like two peas in a pod. The only difference is that one of the brothers - Tolya Da - always tells the truth, and the other always lies. After thinking, Buslya asked him two questions:

1) Did you rob Funny Horrors?

2) Do you have a brother?

Tolya proudly answered “no” to both questions.

Yep, gotcha! - Buslya shouted joyfully, rubbing his hands. - Now I know your name and who robbed the joke store!

Did you guess it?

6. Fake rubles

Arriving on vacation in Mukhomorye, detective Buslya first went to the bank.

Hello! - he said to the man in the window. - I want to exchange my money for fly agaric rubles.

Glad to welcome you! - The bank employee smiled broadly. - My name is Byakis Cheburakis. Give me your money and I'll change it right away.

And a few seconds later Cheburakis gave Busla 3 pieces of paper for 99 rubles each.

Arriving at the hotel, Buslya carefully examined the bills he received. “This is interesting money,” he thought. And suddenly he rushed to the phone.

Police! - he shouted into the phone. - Urgently arrest Byakis Cheburakis from the local bank. An hour ago he gave me three 99 ruble bills. Well, at least two of them are fake!

Which banknotes are counterfeit?

7. Strange portrait

Getting ready to go home, Detective Buslya walked into the office of his partner, Sergeant Grizzly. He was looking at some drawing with a gloomy look, and four men stood right in front of him.

What kind of woman is this? - Buslya asked, looking at the drawing.

I don’t understand it myself! What nonsense! - The sergeant threw the sheet of paper on the table in despair. - We know for sure that one of these four robbed the exhibition of talking toys. But who exactly is unknown. And just imagine, the police just received a letter from a random witness to the robbery. He wrote that he managed to draw a portrait of the criminal and put it in an envelope. But the picture shows a woman! I don't understand anything!

The sergeant clutched his head in horror.

I must have gone crazy!

Calm down, sergeant, everything is fine with you,” Buslya consoled the poor fellow. - And from this drawing you can really imagine a portrait of a criminal. You just need...