I dreamed that a bag with documents was stolen. What was the bag like in the dream? Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

Sometimes theft that occurs in a dream in reality means lies, gossip, or the desire of someone you know to take advantage of the sleeping person’s resources. After dreaming that a bag was stolen, quarrels over trivial matters, groundless accusations and ambiguous situations are possible.

What if you dream about your bag being stolen?

If in a dream a person tells someone how his bag was stolen, this can serve as a warning for him to talk less about his affairs strangers. Discover that a bag has been stolen in public transport- most likely, at work there is already a lot of gossip about the sleeping person, which is not true, but is popular.

Worrying about a stolen bag that contained important things or secret papers means the dreamer regrets his frankness with someone. Usually such dreams are seen by a person who suspects that his secret has not been kept and is already known to many people.

A girl who sees someone from her family approaching her bag with the intention of stealing it most likely has great difficulties with personal space. Perhaps there is no way to be alone for a minute at work, or you don’t have your own room at home, or perhaps the available personal time is catastrophically small. The dream suggests that she should devote more time to herself and not neglect rest.

Seeing your stolen bag in the hands of your husband in a dream means suffering from his groundless and strong jealousy. Having remembered such a dream after waking up, it is necessary to somehow solve this problem, since it clearly interferes with the peace of the sleeping woman.

A complex dream, in which the owner of the bag was first asked to borrow money or some thing, and after his refusal they decided to steal the bag, means that the sleeper suffers in reality from his reliability. Sometimes such dreams are seen by those who finish everything left behind by others at work, without having the courage to say no. The same dreams can come to parents whose grown children constantly torment them with exorbitant demands.

Finding a bag missing, but not remembering the circumstances under which it was stolen - perhaps the sleeper is faced with a serious problem and does not know who to ask for help. The same dreams can be experienced by a person who has been refused help by everyone he asked, and who is afraid of not being able to cope with the problem alone. Perhaps, having seen this dream, you should think some more and turn to someone else for help, especially if a lot really depends on solving the problem.

According to interpretations ancient dream books, if a person’s bag was stolen in a dream, then in reality he may be disappointed in his friends.

What does it portend?

It is also possible that after this dream a person will notice unusual behavior of colleagues, since one of the interpretations of this dream is problems at work. These problems are most often caused by the envy of colleagues towards some trait of the sleeper, and perhaps towards his professional success.

To dream of a friend or acquaintance stealing someone's bag, but not helping him in this, portends disappointment in this person. If the sleeper takes part in this without being the initiator, then such a dream threatens him with moral decline in his own eyes. There is a possibility that he will actually have to do something almost criminal, but maybe both the event and the dream will be a reason to change his views on some things.

Seeing a bag stolen from one of your family members - soon this person may give really good reasons for concern. This dream may portend illness or serious troubles that a person cannot cope with without the dreamer’s help.

With the help of the interpretation of any dream, you can change, if not the situation that caused the dream, then at least your view of it. Therefore, it is important not to ignore memorable dreams, but to try to find the correct interpretation for them.

Briefly about the main thing

If a purse is stolen in a dream, this most often signals a violation of a person’s personal boundaries in reality. To more accurately decipher what a bag is stolen in a dream, you should pay attention to the size of the accessory, its contents and the events that took place in the dream.

TOP 2 positive values

  1. Theft of a briefcase with documents- there will be valuable securities or important things that were lost.
  2. If there was money inside- to big profits or promotion.

TOP 2 negative values

  1. A bag given for storage was stolen- those around you will learn about the dreamer’s unpleasant secrets.
  2. Stealing a wallet from a handbag- to large financial losses.

What does it mean when a bag is stolen in a dream according to Miller’s dream book?

Such a dream is an alarming sign; the subconscious tries to hint to a person about existing problems in his life and protect him from rash actions.

To correctly understand why a bag is stolen in a dream, Miller suggests paying attention to where it happened:

  • in the store - to unsuccessful purchases and new things;
  • on the street - the dreamer is worried about fears and self-doubt;
  • in a crowd - you should beware of unfamiliar people, they can lie;
  • at the station - the planned trip will be disrupted;
  • in transport - to a difficult journey;
  • home - to family quarrels and discord;
  • on the road - you should not take on a responsible task alone.

Video about the meaning of a dream where a bag appears

Filmed by the “Horoscope for Today” channel.

Freud's Dream Book

If a sleeping person sees that an item is missing from his bag, it is worth remembering what it was: this will tell the person what he is missing in reality.

If the bag itself is missing, then in reality the person most likely experiences:

  • fear;
  • self-doubt;
  • jealousy;
  • preoccupation with something.

If the bag was stolen and then returned, the vision has a sexual connotation and means the return of attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream encourages you to protect intangible values: relationships, peace of mind. It also warns that on the day when the dreamer watches his bag being stolen, he should not lend money.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed about the theft of a briefcase - it’s worth thinking about your inner world. This vision suggests that the sleeper has little initiative, is driven, and a series of unfortunate events awaits him ahead.

To steal a bag from a friend - in reality the person treated him meanly.

Loff's Dream Book

According to this book, dreams of a bag being stolen signify the dreamer's vulnerability. He feels unprotected and needs the support of family and friends.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The interpreter predicts difficulties in family relationships and failures in the professional field. Decisions should be made carefully to avoid problems.

To rob a passerby yourself means unexpected income.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This dream may mean that its owner is facing betrayal or disappointment in a loved one.

They tried to steal the bag, but didn’t do it - the impending danger would pass by.

For women:

  • this dream is a warning that her beloved man is deceiving her and is not faithful.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A dream about theft bodes well only for those who are planning to commit fraud. For the rest, she predicts failure in business and loss of funds. The more expensive the stolen bag, the more the sleeping person will lose.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, if a person sleeping recognizes a thief in a dream, this is a warning: the person feels envy and plans meanness.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Watching theft from the side means the dreamer will witness someone's family discord.

The bag contained the keys to successful deals and strong relationships.

For women:

  • the dream promises the girl a quick declaration of love.

Azar's Dream Book

The handbag was stolen in front of the sleeping man, and he did not remember the thief - you should not be too open, among your acquaintances there is someone who constantly lies.

If a person recognizes the offender, the dream is interpreted taking into account who he is in reality:

  1. Relative. Soon the problems will be resolved and a way out of the difficult situation will be found.
  2. Unfamiliar woman. Don't trust others, they might spill the beans.
  3. Favorite person. Excessive jealousy and suspicion on his part threatens.
  4. Unknown man. Gossip and envy are coming.
  5. Close friend. Someone needs the help of a dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

If there was only an attempt at robbery, this is a warning that in the circle of acquaintances there is a dishonest person who wanted evil.

Dreams about the complete theft of a bag, on the contrary, foreshadow good news.

Someone will take on the sleeper's problems if the handbag:

  • empty;
  • dirty;
  • old

According to the interpretation of Canaanite, dreams in which a person himself stole a thing promise the beginning of serious changes in a negative direction in his life.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream meanings:

  • if a large and expensive bag is stolen from you, pleasant surprises will not keep you waiting;
  • a small and dirty handbag disappears - to gossip and envy of others;
  • losing a briefcase means that the sleeper is losing control over his life.

Aesop's Dream Book

Such dreams indicate that you should not rush to make decisions, you need to think things over.

If the handbag was a lady's, you should not trust a woman close to you.

A man's bag was stolen - a loved one is not who he says he is, there is hypocrisy and lies.

English dream book

In a night vision, hand luggage was stolen - to longing for loved ones. Ahead lies parting and a long journey.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Such dreams indicate that pressing problems will be solved, and someone, without knowing it, will make the sleeper’s life simpler and easier.

French dream book

A suitcase was stolen - the dreamer should expect sudden love.

Stolen and returned - the relationship will be short and disappointing.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing a bag being stolen along with things means loss large sum or moral forces. It is better to cancel all transactions - fraud is possible.

Assyrian dream book

The dreamer is in danger, and the larger the bag, the more serious the troubles are coming.

If the contents are stolen, the problems will be resolved, and an influential person will help with this.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The healer believes that such a vision is ambiguous, and the main content of the stolen bag is important in the interpretation:

  • paper - to empty promises;
  • clothes - the sleeper does not accept himself as he really is;
  • money - to waste;
  • doll - you should be wary of witchcraft, someone may send damage;
  • ladies' accessories - for a pleasant meeting;
  • scarf - the dreamer is protected by white magic.

Other versions depend on the circumstances:

  • dreams in which a bag of groceries is stolen advise the sleeper to go on a diet;
  • thieves stole a bag with documents and keys - a friend will help you overcome the problems that have arisen;
  • stealing yourself - the dreamer’s defiant actions will bring him trouble;
  • to find someone else's thing - the sleeper will take on the burden of another person.

According to the interpretation of the healer Akulina, dreams in which robbers grabbed a bag and wallet say that in the near future the most correct decision is not to buy anything.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book advises paying attention to the details of the dream:

  • after the theft you want to cry - to good news and pleasant meetings;
  • if a branded item is stolen, this portends prosperity and public respect;
  • the robber took the purse and phone, and money - the current relationship will destroy the usual way of life of the sleeping person.

Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

When you dream that your handbag is stolen, this dream book advises you to pay attention to its appearance. The bag was old - to get rid of problems. New - to the loss of what the sleeper values.

It is also important to determine the type of bag:

  1. Sports - the real owner experiences unspoken competition with friends or colleagues.
  2. Ladies' - for a love adventure.
  3. Male - a serious competitor will appear in the professional sphere.
  4. Road - for a pleasant trip. If the bag is empty, the journey will be difficult and exhausting.

Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book:

  • dreamed that the bag was stolen - the beginning of a new spiritual quest;
  • the stolen item was found - problems that seemed to have gone away forever will return;
  • look into someone else's backpack - the sleeping person will be drawn into an extraneous conflict.

Muslim dream book

For men:

  • A man sees this dream as a solution to family troubles.

For women:

  • a vision where a bag is stolen - to a quarrel with a loved one, misunderstanding.

Islamic dream book

The book advises a person to pay attention to his thoughts and lifestyle; perhaps he is overcome by wicked thoughts or has become a hostage to bad habits.

To rob a passerby in a dream means that the sleeping person is infantile and dependent.

Russian dream book

The dreamer's bag was robbed - large financial losses lie ahead.

If a woman's handbag is stolen, an overly talkative acquaintance will disappear from the environment.

Slavic dream book

According to the Slavic dream book, such visions are interpreted as a prediction of an unsuccessful trip or hint to the sleeper that he has chosen the wrong path in life.

Ukrainian dream book

Visions of theft indicate a person’s wrong behavior. Most likely, he offended someone close to him.

Dreaming of an empty bag means disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

Family dream book

For men:

  • a man has dreams where his bag is stolen, he is advised to pay attention to home life- perhaps his significant other is dishonest with him.

For women:

  • a girl sees that she is being robbed - current ones love relationship will end soon;
  • For a married woman, such dreams indicate that temptations will appear in life that could lead her away from her family.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing that a bag has been stolen is a sign of joy; troubles will pass by.

To steal from someone yourself - to form in reality bad opinion about myself.

Love dream book

Stealing things from a bag - to superficial connections.

According to love dream book, if the dreamer steals someone else’s handbag himself, he will take his loved one away from the family.

For men:

  • For the stronger sex, the dream foreshadows troubles; an overly mercantile woman will appear in life who will have to be supported.

For women:

  • a girl in a dream where she was robbed is promised a stormy romantic adventure.

Dream book by numbers

Visions of the theft of a briefcase that visited a sleeper on an odd date promise:

  • losses;
  • troubles;
  • care.

On an even day, they predict a successful completion of a difficult life period.

The dream occurred before sunset - you should take a closer look at your surroundings; the person is in the company of stupid, envious people.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • an empty bag was stolen - the dreamer will get rid of the love affair that was weighing her down;
  • a dream visited a virgin - to deception, the man she trusts only uses the girl;
  • the bag was stolen and the contents were thrown out - the woman is mistaken for a dummy.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • Sleeping and seeing a thief take away a beautiful briefcase means problems. At work, a person may no longer be valued as an employee. A serious competitor may also appear and a successful deal may fall through.
  • If the bag was worn and old, the sleeper will get rid of the burden and fly up the career ladder.

Lunar dream book

Most often, such visions report on a person’s character and emotional experiences.

This book says that the dreamer should pay attention to the color of the stolen item:

  • black - the owner is too modest, this interferes with him and does not allow him to achieve what he wants;
  • white - the sleeper is romantic and vulnerable;
  • brown - serious attitude to life;
  • red - the owner is extremely passionate;
  • blue - a person has the gift of foresight.

Intimate dream book

Dreams of a bag being stolen suggest that the dreamer is not satisfied with his sex life. It might be worth finding a more suitable partner.

Winter dream book

Dream visited during this period of the year - all autumn troubles will be left behind. There is lightness and joy ahead.

Summer dream book

A vision with a stolen bag speaks of the owner’s extravagance. We need to take life more seriously and responsibly.

Autumn dream book

There is a difficult period ahead, it is worth making decisions carefully. Also, a vision of a robbery in the fall predicts unnecessary troubles, an unexpected burden.

Home dream book

A child dreams that his backpack was taken away - to problems in his studies.

For men:

For women:

  • a woman is left without a purse - an idyll and mutual understanding will come to the family.

Creative dream book

If a bag was stolen in a dream - implemented ideas will not bring the expected result. There may be a period of apathy, nothing will please you, and inspiration will not come.

The creative dream book advises not to start any projects after a vision of a bag being stolen.

Video about dreams about theft

Taken from the channel “House of the Sun”.

Bag, especially women's bag ordinary life– an indispensable accessory to any look. The size, shape, and quality of a handbag are often used to judge a person’s well-being, taste, and even habits. It is generally accepted that women's handbags are a complete mess, although, of course, this is not the case.

In a dream, the meaning of a woman’s bag is quite definite. This is a person’s personality, the most necessary and important thing. From the point of view of psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud personally, this is a sign of the female genital organs.

A dream in which your bag was stolen means some doubts about whether you want to be faithful or, more broadly speaking, act solely in the interests of your spouse. Let's consider what a dream in which a bag was stolen means, according to dream books.

Basic values

Your bag, your travel kit, all the things you need and lovingly selected, beautifully packaged in the elegant shell of a fashionable handbag is an important part of not only your image, but also your personality.

Invasion of personal space is what it means if your bag is stolen in a dream. Someone is encroaching on your most precious property, your most precious treasure - your unique personality. Someone willfully invades your space and abuses your time and trust.

  • Perhaps the theft did not occur malicious intent. There are people who believe that others exist only for their pleasures, interests and complaints. Children steal their parents' time so willfully and demandingly that some do not have a single minute left for themselves. Limiting children and raising them is a family matter. Indeed, parents' time largely belongs to children. But to limit strangers who believe that you owe them too much is necessary.
  • You dream that your bag was stolen - it means that you feel a violation of personal boundaries and are ready to resist the thieves. Learn to say “no” to a cute friend who tells you that she took your scarf to wear. Put away your coffee at work, don't allow calls from your phone, and limit discussion of topics of little interest to you.
  • If the fact that your bag was stolen in a dream does not cause irritation, but panic, it makes sense to be very concerned about real life. Aren't you too careless? Check the status of the documents, make sure that no one has access to your personal documents and property papers. In many families, property documents are kept together for rather dubious reasons - people are afraid of offending others by mistrust. And it is precisely this fear that often becomes the basis for abuse and fraud. Your property and the property of your mother, your husband, his mother are different handbags, relatively speaking. You can actually have more than your purse stolen if you don't store your documents properly. If relatives insist that documents should be kept in one place, offer your place and see the reaction. If the proposal causes a protest, the dream has been lost and your bag has almost been stolen.
  • Losing a purse in a dream means parting with a part of your life that was significant to you. Throw away the old and shabby - banish unnecessary memories and intrusive acquaintances from life. As you can see, the implications of losing or tampering with personal property are completely different than if someone tries to steal a bag.

Interpretation of authorities

  • The dream book of Nostradamus calls on you to prepare for the disappointment that the dishonesty of a loved one will cause you. But in reality, it is better to prevent the possibility of dishonesty.
  • Hasse's dream book predicts problems at work and possible disclosure of important personal information. Do not be frank with colleagues, especially about personal matters and problems.
  • The women's dream book assures that the handbag should always be pressed tightly with the elbow so as not to be stolen. The dream means that someone has his eye on your husband or young man, if it is of interest in a financial sense. Also women's dream book warns about mercantile young people who themselves are not averse to getting into someone else’s wallet.


If you saw that your bag was stolen in a dream, this is a sign to reconsider some personal attachments. Maybe some of them are forced on you and are not enjoyable. Other people's children, animals that need to be looked after, other people's illnesses that someone loves to talk about, wasting your time with their whining.

This time is yours, it is stolen from you. You could take music and art lessons or do something else useful for yourself for this hour a day. That's a lot. This is exactly what the dream is about.

Keep yours to yourself and locked up. Finally, buy yourself a new bag that fits you perfectly. Your favorite color, your favorite size, including everything you need for happy walks in your free time. Get yours back and don't let yourself be robbed.

Dream interpretation bag stolen

The bag seen in night vision is a symbol of accumulated life experience dreamer In order to decipher and understand what the dream prophesies, it is necessary to reconstruct the plot seen in as much detail as possible, and it is also necessary to note emotional experiences.

The dream book says that dreams are messages from our subconscious; often in dreams a person sees pictures and objects that are directly related to ongoing events in his real life.

Basic interpretation

Did you dream about your bag being stolen? The dream does not have a very favorable interpretation.

Basically, such dreams are dreamed as a signal that foreshadows problems in the professional and financial sphere.

But for correct interpretation It is necessary to note other dreamed details, because they can radically influence the interpretation.


If you dreamed that your bag was stolen

What is the plot of the dream: the dreamer’s bag, which he previously handed over for storage, was stolen? The dream book indicates that in your environment there is a person who is extremely talkative and all your secrets may be made public.

There were important documents and money? In real life you can earn extra money. It is also possible to increase your salary and conclude a profitable deal.

Notice in a dream that your wallet was taken out of your bag? A bad sign, foreshadowing major material losses that can lead to bankruptcy. The dream interpreter advises those who have seen such a nightly plot not to enter into rash deals in the near future and limit spending on purchases. Also, if you dream that a wallet was stolen from your bag, then this indicates the gentle nature of the dreamer. Selfish people take advantage of his kindness and responsiveness.

The dreamer himself saw how a bag or wallet was stolen - the dream indicates: the dreamer is ready to start his own family.

In a night vision, seeing your wallet stolen at work is a sign of seduction and temptation in real life.

Did you manage to find the stolen item in night vision? This means that in reality the difficulties will pass quickly.

Attempted theft

Why do you dream that you only guess about the theft of your bag? The dream book advises to beware of lies from a friend. A close friend will ask you to borrow money in real life, which may not be returned. For a representative of the fair half, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel with a friend.

Hearing information in a dream that the dreamer’s enemy wants to commit a theft and take out a wallet, money or important documents means that the plan will not be realized.

Who intended to steal the bag

In this story, the main thing to note is who tried to commit the theft.

Native person

If a woman dreamed that her husband tried to steal her bag in order to find out if she had another man, this dream is prophetic and indicates that her husband really does not trust her.

I dreamed that a loved one wanted to steal, in order not to ask for a loan of money - in reality, I would have to make excuses to him for my wrongdoing.


If you dream that the theft of a bag with important documents was committed or is being attempted by a friend of the dreamer, this means that you will have to turn to this person with a request to borrow money.

Why do you dream of catching a person’s hand while attempting to steal? Your subconscious is sending you a signal that you doubt the sincerity of your significant other. Try to assess the situation calmly and do not listen to evil envious people.

In the night story, I dreamed that the dreamer’s friend warned about an upcoming theft - in fact, turn to him for help. The dream book advises not to rush into asking, as this can only aggravate the situation.

Lost bag

Losing her in a dream means expect changes in your life. They will be of a financial nature. The dream may occur on the eve of signing a dubious and ill-considered contract, and the plot seen may also foreshadow an unpleasant meeting with creditors.

In the dream, were you not upset because of the loss, but rather experienced a feeling of joy? The financial situation will stabilize, the dreamer will be able to avoid financial collapse.

how did you feel after the theft?

The loss of accessories (this could be a wallet or bag), seen in dreams, foreshadows a sharp deterioration in the dreamer’s health.

Why do you dream that in lost bag were:

  • Money - the dream book advises to be careful with important documents, do not leave them in a visible place.
  • Documents - the interpreter indicates that the dreamer should carefully review important documents, as there is a gross error there.

Found a bag

Losing and immediately finding a bag in a dream means that the person who sees this dream will definitely achieve success, but this will require a lot of effort.

Finding someone else’s is a sign of a new acquaintance; in the future you will develop strong friendships with this person.

Forget her

Why do you dream that the dreamer forgot your bag? This means that he will have to face various difficulties in life, the solution of which will take a lot of strength and energy from him, and will also have to pretty much empty his wallet.

Interpretation of popular dream books

When deciphering a dream, you need to refer to several dream books, so you can fully analyze the dream and find out with maximum accuracy what the plot you see portends for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the interpretation of the dream book: to see a plot in which your bag was stolen means that in real life you will experience disappointment in sincerity loved one or a close friend.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Was your bag stolen? This dream dreams as a symbol of upcoming problems and troubles at work.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing a person with a bag in a dream means changes in real life.

Losing it means trouble.

Found someone else's? Find out someone else's secret.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric

If you dreamed that your small women's bag was stolen, this means that the dreamer has to find out what others think about him.

A road filled with the dreamer’s belongings means a pleasant journey.

If the interpretation of a dream is not pleasant and frightening, then there is a popular belief that: upon waking up in the morning after having seen an unpleasant dream, it is necessary to tell it to a stream of running water. As you know, water can wash away everything, even negative information. At the end, say: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”

Your rating:

A bag in a dream can predict the future, as well as explain the dreamer's hidden experiences. Having a bag stolen is a pretty bad omen, although there are some exceptions. To understand why you dream that your bag was stolen, it is important to remember everything down to the smallest detail.

A dream in which someone stole your bag close person, shows that in real life, most likely, you are not trusted. If your loved one did this, it sounds like they think you are being dishonest with them. If the thief was a member of your family or another relative, then there is a risk that the relationship with this person will deteriorate greatly in the near future.

Serious reasons to doubt the sincerity of his other half may appear to someone who caught a person in a dream trying to steal a bag. However, the dream also encourages you not to believe rumors and personally check all the information received several times. If you get excited, there is a risk of losing a loved one.

A dream in which a thief stole your bag symbolizes extreme fatigue and worry about your health. The dream book also says that a little rest will significantly ease your condition.

When your bag was stolen in a dream, and you could not recognize who did it, then in reality you will have to face a problem. It will be so delicate that it will only have to be solved alone.

Did you dream that someone else's bag, which was given to you for safekeeping, was stolen? It looks like your secrets will soon be made public. Unfortunately, you will not be able to influence what is happening, and your reputation will deteriorate significantly. The dream book calls for carefully monitoring those around you in order to identify a talkative person.

For more accurate interpretation it is important to remember what exactly was in the stolen bag. If there were documents there, then there is no need to be sad, since this good sign. It is likely that you will be able to find something valuable, something that you have long lost in real life. An influx of finances promises a dream in which your bag with money was stolen. Most likely, you will receive some increase in salary.

Have you had a bag stolen that was empty or that you didn't like at all? This means that you will be able to get rid of unnecessary hassle and worries in reality. The coming days will be filled with new, fresh sensations and carefree laughter.

A dream in which you managed to return all the contents of your handbag is favorable. This dream promises that financial difficulties are about to end.

Valuable comments from readers

    Interesting dream and interpretation :-)!

    Good afternoon. My friend had a dream, but the interpretation is interesting to me, because I am present in it. In a dream, I brought her a book in which almost all the pages were torn out. She asked what it was, to which I replied that I had read it. She says: “What are you talking about, this is a book, you can’t treat them like that.” I grinned in response. The book was not new. All this happened in the mountains, there was white all around, white snow. What could such a dream mean, please explain!)

    • Nellie, be careful not to make hasty decisions, they may be forced by some advice. So make decisions after carefully weighing everything. A book with torn pages means a lack of wisdom in actions.

    My mother is in the hospital with a stroke. And I recently dreamed strange dream: we are in our apartment, my mother is in a tracksuit, and I am doing gymnastics with her.
    But there’s something strange about the house... it’s not finished. That is, everything seems to be halfway up, the windows are walls... And then I see scattered earth and dry branches on the floor. I ask dad, he will take them out.
    Then the doorbell rang, I opened it, and there was a crowd of guests. Classmates, just strangers, friendly people. Everyone is cheerful good mood. And suddenly it became calm.
    What does this dream mean? (I had a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday).

    • Alex, a home can often represent a person’s health. IN in this case the house is not completed - this means that your mother will have a period of recovery after her illness, you will help her overcome difficulties and restore her poor health.

    Good afternoon I had a dream in which my friend and I were in a large shopping center. To get from one room to another, we had to crawl through a narrow passage. I lost my bag in this aisle. In reality, I used to have such a bag, I wore it for a long time, and then gave it to my sister. So, when I discovered it was missing, my friend and I returned back. The woman returned my bag to me. I began to remember what I had in my bag and check the contents. Almost everything was there: some things, papers and a whole wad of money. The only thing missing was a wallet. But then I remembered that there was a small amount of money left in my wallet, 200-300 rubles, and I decided not to be upset. There was only a small regret that bank cards will have to be restored.

    • Olga, the dream indicates a troublesome period where spending money is possible, and very irrational ones at that. After all the events, you will be able to understand that you could have done without them. Losing a bag - plans will have to be postponed, however, the fact that it was returned to you suggests that their fulfillment is still likely, but in the future.

    Good afternoon I had a dream that I went to my mother’s store to buy flowers on her birthday. Later I noticed that in the hand that was holding the bag there was actually a flower, but there was no bag. Suddenly my sister and her friend appeared and helped a little to look for the bag, but in vain. Most of all I was afraid for the phone that was there. I came home - the phone was in my pocket without a SIM card, and the bag was still stolen. I received a message on my phone (without a SIM card): “If you tell, your daughter will suffer or find out about everything.” The very fact is that I’m 18 and I don’t have children), there was nothing else in my bag except university trash. What could this mean?

    • Irina, if the bag was not dear to you in a dream, then in life you will be able to get rid of something unnecessary, something that pulled you back in your development, movement towards your goal. However, you were worried about the phone, which in dreams (as in life) often acts as a symbol of communication. You are probably afraid that some changes will lead to a cooling of relations with someone important to you; there is a fear of encountering disapproval.

    Good afternoon I had a very colorful and full of details dream! My wife and I and her friend went on vacation! We walked and shopped a lot! On the way back we waited for the flight at a huge train station or airport. My wife and her friend wanted to go out for a walk, and they left the bags with me. Two non-suspicious African-American men sat down next to me, and I felt the urge to go to the toilet. I turned towards the bags, the two were sitting quietly, I ran into the toilet, ran out, and my wife told me - we are moving the bags to another place. We had three large bags, my wife’s friend had two large bags, so one of her two bags was stolen, a large one pink color. For some reason the reaction was calm, let's go home... I think I still remember the face of one African American. Why do you have such a dream?

    • Kolya, the dream speaks of overwork and apathy. It is possible that in life there will be a sluggish reaction to what is happening. There is a risk of losses, but very minimal.

    Good afternoon, today I had a dream. From Thursday to Friday. I came to the beauty salon. Actually, this is the first time I’ve seen him. But in the dream I had the feeling that this was not my first time here. Everything is unfamiliar to me, but in my dream I felt like I was a regular customer, all the staff were very friendly. I met one girl with black hair and black eyes, as if I don’t know, we greeted her and talked about something like hello, how are you. This girl had shoulder-length hair, something like a bob. Spectacular. Then I walked further and there were a lot of people there and the chairs were littered with clothes. It felt like the salon was full and I had to wait. I wanted to sit down, and then I caught myself wondering where my bag was. Because I remember that I had my average red bag under the crocodile skin. I started to worry that I had my ID and card there, but only 2000 in cash wasn’t so great. I started looking for my bag in this pile of clothes, but I couldn’t find it. Then I turned to the administrator and said let’s look at the CCTV cameras, she said no problem, but I didn’t see anything there. Then I fell asleep and it felt like I wasn’t dreaming. And suddenly I again dreamed that the administrator girl said we found who stole the bag. I thought in my dream that wow I was actually dreaming about the series, episode 2. I go up to the monitor and in the exaggerated video you can see how this girl took my bag, I was distracted and she took it off my shoulder. I remember that I saw this girl in another room of the salon, sitting with an insolent face and my feeling that there was still justice. I calmed down in my sleep. But I didn’t see my bag anymore and didn’t see whether she gave it to me or not, but from my internal state I think yes.

    • In addition, the bag was stolen by a girl with black hair.

      Tatyana, such concern for a bag in a dream may have a basis in real life. It is possible that in reality you have had a difficult period, filled with anxieties and worries.
      Usually, looking for something in a dream indicates that you are in a fairly tense stressful situation.

    Good afternoon In the dream, an unfamiliar woman snatched my bag from my hands and ran with it. I ran after her, but could not catch up. What is this?

    • Olga, in fact, many interpretations from the article are suitable. Choose what is applicable to your life situation. More often this is interpreted in terms of failures and losses.

    Thank you. I expected this answer. A year earlier, I had the same dream, the same woman tore off my chain with a cross, and since then there has been a streak of failures and losses.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was studying at school and before going to school in the morning I went to the market, I met an old friend who was taking me to an unknown place, I exposed him that he wanted to deceive me, I went on to buy a school one like mine, they brought several options and in what that moment they distracted me and took me away from that place, when I came back it turned out that it had been stolen, and there was money from the bodies and school supplies, I cried that the body had been stolen, and the money was not so little, the main amount was in my pocket and for some reason it was in euro currency, and then one seller helped me find the thief, saying that every 2-3 he steals here and knows where he can be found if we have time, while we were walking, my stepfather called my relatives, he was worried about such a loss, and my mother laughed at what was said about what was stolen, and so we found the thief and I took back my bag with the fight and was very glad that I got mine back.

    • Alexander, although the dream promises some troubles in reality, at the same time it encourages a favorable result, a successful way out of problems.
      It is worth paying attention to the area related to property and finance. Don't trust empty promises.

    I had a dream: in a cafe I forgot my bag containing American dollars and saw new bills as if in reality; I left the cafe and realized that my bag was gone! I started calling and they told me yes, we have your bag, I say the brand of the bag is Louis Vuitton brown; While I was walking with him, it was as if I had another bag, like a summer plastic one, with a hole in it, my gold cross on a chain and my gold watch, all the real things from my life I saw them very clearly. The bag is on the ground at my foot and in a minute it disappears, I didn’t see who stole it, I came to the cafe and they said to me: here is your bag, and there on the sofa there is a light brown bag with the words Tim Hortons, this is a series of coffee places in Canada. I say this is not my bag and woke up. Thank you

    • Svetlana, there is a chance that you will not be at ease, as if there will be some situation in which you will find yourself helpless without something familiar that previously accompanied you.
      In general, the dream reflects failures at the everyday level and problems in the work sphere.
      The result is gaining experience and understanding what not to do in the future.

    I had a dream. I arrived at the hospital with the child and put the bag on the bench. There were other people sitting there. Then I wanted to take the bag back, but it was no longer there. After searching, I found everything that was in it... that is, they took the empty bag. The guy who was sitting next to me helped me find it all. Then I came home and started looking for her there, it was a little far for me to lose her .. but I found someone else, and not in my friend’s old phone, I started looking, there were videos where we walked and fooled around on the street in winter (not this actually happened) and I sat and watched.

    • Anastasia, most likely some kind of trouble will happen. However, after some time you may notice some positive aspects in what happened.