Acoustic, electro-acoustic, semi-acoustic and electric guitars. What makes them different? Acoustic or Electro – What to choose

Read this article if you are unsure about choosing between an acoustic and electric guitar.

Choose the type of guitar you enjoy playing.

As a new player, your first experience is very important in order to achieve success in the future. Choosing the right guitar means choosing a guitar that makes you feel good about its sound. Which type attracts your attention more? This will be the type of guitar that you will be motivated to learn and play.

Calculate your budget correctly.

It would be ideal if the choice between an acoustic and electric guitar was limited only by your desire. However, it may be severely limited by budget. Buying an electric guitar, in general, is expensive because... it needs an amplifier and other gadgets. If you still really want an electric guitar, then it is better to wait a little and save up more money than to buy one instead acoustic guitar.

Playing the electric guitar is a little easier.

Electric guitars have smaller bodies, thinner necks, and lower string tensions. The pickups and amplifier process the sound, so only small touches on fairly light strings are required to get a good sound. However, not everyone likes to connect the guitar to the amplifier and turn it on every time, which, in turn, can kill the desire to play.

Acoustic guitars have higher string tension, requiring more force to play with your fingers or pick.

The top, made of wood, must vibrate to produce sound. This requires more string tension and a little more strong blows with a pick or finger plucking. The body of an acoustic guitar is much larger than that of an electric guitar. The neck is usually thicker to withstand greater string tension. But an acoustic guitar does not require an amplifier; you just need to pick it up and start playing.

Over time, you may develop a desire to play a different type of guitar.

Don't assume that if you choose one type of guitar, you'll be stuck with it for life. Many players eventually begin to strive for a different type. This happens as your skills develop and your desire to learn and play becomes more confident. In this case, you will most likely improve your ability to play both acoustic and electric guitars, while affecting different styles music.

It is important to choose a well-made guitar that you feel comfortable playing.

Many serious playing problems rely on the quality of the instrument and its playability. There is no greater obstacle to developing playing technique and enjoying learning than a poorly made or poorly tuned instrument. Playing both acoustic and electric guitar will feel easy if the instrument is comfortable for you.

Guitar - popular musical instrument. Anyone can master the basic three chords on it. Once you master the game, you will be the center of attention in any company

But the guitar is not as simple as it seems. As your skills develop, you will see what enormous potential lies in such a seemingly simple “yard” tool. But in order to become a pro, you should take the choice of guitar seriously. So which guitar is better?

In this article we will talk about how to choose a guitar for a beginning guitarist. After reading, you will understand what criteria to use to choose a tool.

In the slang of professional guitarists there is the word “beaver”. They call it a very poor quality instrument. Previously, in the city of Bobrov there was a furniture factory, which, oddly enough, also made stringed musical instruments. All products that came out of the enterprise were of very low quality. This is how instruments from the city of Bobrov became a household name.

Tips for those who are about to buy their first guitar:

  1. Be sure to take a friend with you to the store who has been playing the instrument for a long time. An experienced musician was once a beginner himself and knows perfectly well all your aspirations. Perhaps he will tell you based on own experience, which brand of guitar is better?
  2. Budget is an individual matter. But you shouldn’t choose the cheapest or most expensive guitar. Naturally, you think that you are purchasing an instrument to try your hand at playing. But the fact is that a guitar that costs less than 2,000 rubles can even be difficult to tune. How are you going to learn to play it? Let’s say you have a fairly impressive amount of money and decide to give yourself an expensive instrument. You shouldn't do this. Beginners do not feel the difference between a tool for 5,000 or 50,000 rubles. Opt for something in between.
  3. Which one is it? good guitar? The one you like in appearance! This may not be very professional advice, but you cannot play an instrument that does not provide aesthetic pleasure!
  4. Choose the right size. There are different guitars: 4/4, 4/3, 2/4, 1/4. As a rule, 4/4 is suitable for an adult. Teens and petite girls choose 4/3. For children there are sizes from 2/4 and 1/4. The latter is for very little ones; such options are rarely on sale. To figure out what size instrument you need, simply hold it in your hands as if you were already playing it.
  5. Beginners use nylon strings. Pros - metal ones. It happens that beginning guitarists immediately learn to play metal ones and do not lose anything. Please note that this does not apply to a classical guitar. They are for acoustics.
  6. Did you like any tool in the store? Ask your sales assistant to set it up and play something. Keep the sound clean. There should be no rattling. Nothing should irritate your ears.
  7. Don't settle for the first option you like. In any case, arrange auditions for 3-5 applicants. This is the only way you will understand which guitar is better to play.
  8. If you dream of playing an electric guitar, then buy it right away. You shouldn’t torture yourself with a classical instrument whose sound doesn’t bring you pleasure.

Which guitar is better to learn to play: acoustic or classical?

Before talking about manufacturers, you need to decide on the design types of tools.

Classic is immortal

Students music schools Without any options, they start with a classical guitar. For beginners this best option. The classical instrument has a wide and thin neck, which means that untrained fingers should not move and interfere with each other. It is much easier to practice fingerings on such a guitar than on the narrow neck of an acoustic guitar. The "classics" are equipped with nylon strings. This means you will save your fingers from getting started when learning.

It will be easier for you to learn how to tune your guitar yourself, since the nylon is easy to clamp and tighten. Unfortunately, you won't be able to put metal strings on a classical guitar. It's rare that a classic model can withstand steel strings. Don't experiment; you may lose an expensive tool.

Nylon strings provide quiet and soft sound. Music genres which are performed on this instrument are as follows:

  • ballads;
  • plays;
  • romances;
  • Latin American compositions;
  • Spanish compositions.

The “classic” has a much smaller body than the “acoustic”. Thanks to larger size The body of an acoustic guitar produces a deeper sound. The classical guitar is three hundred years old. It appeared in the 18th century in Spain. That is why the instrument is called “Spanish flu”.

Acoustics - rich sound

This type of guitar is much younger. He is only about a hundred years old. The instrument comes from America. Here in the mid-twentieth century, jazz and folk were fashionable, which sounded very picturesque to the accompaniment of an acoustic instrument.

This type of guitar has hard springs, that is, wooden reinforcement slats, which are located under the top soundboard. An acoustic guitar is fitted with steel strings. The sounds it makes are much richer and louder.

To understand which one is acoustic or classical, you need to understand the features of both options. The “classics” were discussed above. Now it’s the turn of the “acoustics”.

The body of the acoustic guitar is quite large. This feature gives a deep sound. This tool has a metal rod in the middle of the section. It is located along the entire length of the neck and is called an anchor. It is needed to protect the string plucked instrument from damage due to the strong tension of the metal strings.

To understand which guitar is better, you should understand the types of strings that are installed on the acoustic version of the instrument. Metal strings on an "acoustic" may have different types braids. The sound directly depends on the metal.

Braid Types

So, which acoustic guitar is better based on the type of string braid?

  1. Phosphorus-bronze. It appears to be an orange-bronze hue. It looks very aesthetically pleasing. The sound of such strings is velvety. The bass is thick, but the highs are less clear.
  2. Steel or nickel-steel. The professionals call them “silver” among themselves, but they know very well that there is no precious metal there. The sound that such strings produce is reminiscent of a silver ringing - bright and distinct. The color of the braid is gray-silver.
  3. Bronze plus tin. Such strings are found on models from the most famous manufacturers. The sound level of high and low frequencies of such strings is optimal.

To the accompaniment of acoustics, they perform works that relate to rock and roll, pop, and chanson. Learning to play a steel string guitar is very difficult. But if you take the risk and endure for about three weeks, your fingers will soon get used to it and you will be able to enjoy the deep sound.

Which guitar is better: acoustic or classical?

  1. Nylon classical guitar strings are much softer. "Acoustics" will provide you with calluses on your hands. Soon your fingers will become rough and you will get used to it.
  2. Steel strings often break, which is also not very pleasant. This does not happen with nylon ones.
  3. Classical music always has six strings. In “acoustics” their number varies from 4 to 12.
  4. For children, a small body of a classical guitar is preferable.
  5. A pick is often used to play an acoustic guitar. This is a special metal plate. She makes the sound louder. When playing on classical instrument such a device is not used.

General conclusion

Having considered all the features, it is difficult to say which one. This choice is individual, and you yourself must decide which option is more convenient for you.

We raised the question, which guitar is better to learn to play, from the point of view physical properties tools. However, they are not decisive when choosing. First of all, the future guitarist should clearly understand his musical preferences.

"Acoustics" gives:

  • loud sounds;
  • high clear tones.

What is performed on an acoustic guitar:

  • pop music;
  • rock and roll;
  • blues;
  • folk;
  • jazz.

On "classics" you will play:

As practice shows, musicians who truly fall in love with the sound of the guitar acquire both options.

The best brands that produce “acoustics”

To answer the question of which acoustic guitar is best for beginners, you first need to get acquainted with the brands that exist on the music market.

Here is a list of recognized champions:

  1. Yamaha. A Japanese manufacturer of musical instruments whose name is on everyone's lips. Regardless of what you choose, a professional instrument or a model for beginners, you can be sure of the sound quality. The main thing that distinguishes this manufacturer is a decent combination of price and quality.
  2. Crafter. Korean brand. Makes tools for both beginners and pros. The brand's products have a wide price range. A buyer with the most modest budget will be able to choose a decent option from a Korean company.
  3. Martinez. Chinese manufacturer specializing in inexpensive product. The company creates analogues of expensive acoustic models. The company makes tools for both professionals, beginners and amateurs
  4. Ibanez. And again a brand from Japan. This manufacturer has proven itself well in the production of bass guitars and electric instruments. However, the company also makes guitars. Distinctive feature This brand is used in the manufacture of mahogany and rosewood.
  5. Gibson. This company produces luxury instruments. It does not need advertising, since it has long gained popularity all over the world. The products of this brand are distinguished by stunningly clear sound and excellent quality materials.
  6. Fender. The manufacturer also specializes in luxury “acoustics”.

Inexpensive “acoustics” for beginners

What is the best acoustic guitar for beginners? Below is a list of good quality budget options.

  1. MARTINEZ C-95. A good tool from a well-known brand. The guitar produces fairly tolerable sounds, considering its low cost. The instrument is made of very high quality, so, most likely, your children will also be able to learn to play it. This is a great option for beginner guitarists. As soon as you understand the basics, you will want to change it to something more advanced. The instrument has a classic design: 6 strings, 19 frets. The neck of the guitar is made of rosewood, the body is made of mahogany.
  2. YAMAHA C-70. An excellent tool for relatively little money. The brand does not need advertising. Guitar with excellent sound quality.
  3. FENDER ESC80 CLASSICAL. If you still don’t know which acoustic guitar is better, then pay attention to this model. According to the pros, she has no flaws. The instrument is made of valuable wood species (spruce, nato, agathis). At the same time, the price is affordable. This model is recommended for students of music schools. Its sizes are designed for children and teenagers - ¾.

Budget “classics” for beginner guitarists

  1. CORT AC250 NAT. This guitar is made of three types of wood. The sound quality is high. Many people like her aesthetic appearance. Manufacturer: USA. Cost: 11,600 rub.
  2. FLIGHT C-250 NA. The company gained popularity in the 80s. Since that time, this guitar model has been recommended for beginners (previously it was called the Flight C-100). The only negative: if a novice guitarist does not properly care for the instrument, the glossy finish will quickly deteriorate. Manufacturer: China. Cost 9500 rub.
  3. ANTONIO SANCHEZ S-1005 CEDAR. If your budget is unlimited, then pay attention to this model self made. This is the brainchild of the world famous Spanish brand Antonio Sanchez. The guitar, which produces a gorgeous, balanced sound, has excellent tuning. If you are still wondering what classical guitar better for beginners, then if you have a high budget, pay attention to this model. Naturally, not everyone can afford this tool (the cost is about 37,400 rubles). And, probably, you shouldn’t buy such an expensive model for children and teenagers who have not yet decided whether they want to play. The guitar is suitable for adult students who know for sure that the instrument will not gather dust in the corner.

  1. Check the tool for external defects. The fact is that if you choose an inexpensive model, you should know that in mass production, tools are often made from wood that is not dry enough. This leads to the fact that the stands immediately begin to peel off from the deck. Check if there are any cracks on the instrument.
  2. Inspect the entire guitar for any gaps between parts.
  3. Check if the bar is straight. It should not be curved outward.
  4. Run your hand along the ends of the frets. If they cling to the palms, then in the future this will lead to microtraumas on the hands.
  5. The guitar must have the correct string height above the neck. How to measure it? There should be a 2mm margin above the sixth string. Above the first - 1.5 mm.

Even if you buy an expensive guitar, you should understand that you will most likely need the help of a professional to tune it. Later you will do it yourself. We hope that this article answered the question: “Which guitar is best for beginners?”

There are acoustic guitars, electric guitar and semi-acoustic. What is the difference between guitars and which one should a beginner buy? Here we will tell you why it is better than acoustics.

Electric guitar: why it is better to buy an electric guitar

An acoustic guitar uses its body to enhance its sound quality. This is what will happen if you walk into a completely empty room without furniture and shout oh? This will create echoes and amplify the sound, especially if the room is not large and has a round acoustic shape! Remember for yourself what good acoustics there are in temples and churches. The same principle applies to acoustic guitar. The string sounds quiet, but thanks to the acoustics (the right body of the guitar), the sound intensifies and changes. In an electric guitar, the body does not play such an important role for the sound - it is ordinary plastic (or wood), which does not change the sound of the strings in any way. But thanks to a guitar amplifier, the sound of the strings is greatly enhanced, and electric guitar sounds very quiet. Like this approximate essence differences between an electric guitar and an acoustic one. But many still prefer. Why?

There are software emulations of acoustics for electric guitars, and an acoustic guitar can also be connected to an amplifier. In any case, the guitar must be tuned correctly, for example, by ear gitarre stimmen, or using guitar tuner. In addition, it is recommended to check the tuning of the strings from time to time, since they will go out of tune on their own. Today’s article will discuss when you should choose an electric guitar over an acoustic one. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, you need to make your choice in favor of one solution or another.

Advantages of an electric guitar

  1. Quiet playing of an electric guitar without an amplifier is very important when there are small children in the house, or irritable neighbors across the wall. Without turning on the guitar amplifier, the guitar will sound so quiet that the sound will not be heard even in the next room
  2. Rifi and tricks for rock songs seem to be inconvenient to play on an acoustic guitar
  3. Chords are easier to play on an electric guitar due to the fact that the neck is slightly narrower and the strings are closer to the neck
  4. Each note can be heard well if the sounds of the strings are amplified by an amplifier
  5. It's easy to use sound distortion and various gadgets that are applicable to rock music.

We have listed the main advantages of electric guitar before the acoustic one. If they are important to you, then feel free to buy an electric device. But in general, advanced guitarists and gourmets should buy an electric guitar, while beginners should buy an acoustic one. An acoustic guitar is a universal musical instrument that can be played anywhere, even in the forest or on the beach. But electric guitar refers to specific additional tools.

This publication was prepared based on materials from the website akustik gitarre lernen, where you can find a lot of useful information at about music, guitars and self-study tool.

If you have long been eager to learn how to play the guitar, the first step should be purchasing the instrument itself. It’s easy to get lost in the wide range of music stores, and there are a lot of nuances in choosing the ideal instrument for your needs.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to choose a guitar for beginners, talk about the features of each type of guitar, and be sure to help you make a choice based on the purpose of using the instrument.

The guitar is a string-type musical instrument, widely known throughout the world. The advantage of the guitar over other instruments is its mobility and the ability to “realize” a wide range of musical genres.

The guitar has many subtypes: a small Hawaiian ukulele, which can be played not only by children, a gypsy seven-string, there is even a double-neck with 12 strings under different brands.

We will look at more classic and common versions and answer the question of how to choose an acoustic guitar, electric guitar or bass guitar.

You first need to figure out what type of guitar you need to know which guitar to choose. An acoustic guitar is self-sufficient, while an electric guitar (like its bass variants) requires electricity.

An amplifier must be purchased along with the electric guitar. The strings for an electric guitar are only metal, while the strings for an acoustic guitar can also be nylon.

Pros and cons of an acoustic guitar:

  • + “live” sound and velvety sound;
  • + independence from the power source;
  • + the ability to install nylon strings;
  • + fairly wide arrangement of strings;
  • + the ability to play anywhere - at home, away, in the park, outdoors;
  • — the volume of the instrument is low compared to an electric guitar;
  • - on classical guitar with nylon strings metal ones cannot be installed.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric guitar:

  • + ability to adjust volume and sound;
  • + large number additional accessories to help diversify the sound;
  • + more sound capabilities due to additional equipment;
  • + more soft strings, located close to the fingerboard;
  • + more compact body;
  • - more artificial sound;
  • — connection to electricity and amplifier;
  • — it is preferable to play at home or in the studio;
  • - higher cost due to the need for additional equipment.

How to choose an electric guitar? First you need to decide whether you need a regular electric guitar or a bass. A bass guitar is the same as an electric guitar, but it sounds an octave lower than usual, has an increased scale length and four strings instead of six.

Their order is the same, the two lower (highest sounding) strings are missing. Most often, the bass guitar is used in groups with other instruments, as part of the rhythm section.

If when choosing strings for an electric guitar the only question is choosing a manufacturer, then how to choose strings for an acoustic guitar? What matters here is whether it has nylon or metal strings.

The classical acoustic guitar is designed with nylon strings only, while less classical versions allow the use of metal strings.

Nylon strings are good for a child's guitar because they are less likely to injure the fingers. However, their main drawback is their dull and insufficiently “rich” sound. If for a beginner this is not critical, then for amateurs it can significantly hurt the ears.

Metal strings are less gentle on the guitarist's fingers, but produce more ringing and loud sounds.

You should choose strings based on your preferences. One thing is worth remembering - if you purchased a guitar with nylon strings, you should not choose metal ones for it. A guitar with metal strings is reinforced because it needs to withstand three times the load.

What guitar material should I choose?

The question of how to choose the right guitar depends on its material. Any instrument good brand made only of wood, in no case plywood or wood veneer. This is especially detrimental to the sound of acoustics: such material does not create the necessary resonance and the extracted melody turns out to be “flat” and quiet.

The more expensive the guitar, the better the quality of the material used for it, the deeper the sound of the instrument. Therefore, how to choose a guitar for a beginner is important: even for learning, buying a cheap guitar (up to 4-5 thousand rubles) is not worth it - playing such an instrument is unlikely to bring pleasure.

Choose good tools from the best manufacturer for amateur use, costing from 6 to 15 thousand rubles. Instruments of the highest price category are designed for professional musicians who know what they want.

If you are asking yourself the question of how to choose an electric guitar, then you should immediately think about choosing a guitar combo amplifier, popularly affectionately called a “combo”. Its task is to compensate for the lack of a resonator and expand the capabilities of the guitar.

It consists of an amplifier, a speaker, and can even add some effects to the guitar sound. There are transistor (inexpensive, but not distinguished by the purity of sound), tube (expensive, but the sound quality is excellent) and combined.

This way your budget will suffer to a minimum. If you are wondering how to choose electro-acoustic guitar, then in addition to it you need to choose special amplifiers for electroacoustics.

Guitar processors are quite complex devices and are used for digital processing of signals coming from a bass or electric guitar. Their task is to expand the musician’s capabilities. A beginner guitarist can do without it.

Which guitar brand should you choose?

How to choose your first guitar from a wide range of brands? They can confuse a novice guitarist, so we have selected the most popular brands whose products you can vouch for. This:

  • Yamaha– Japanese corporation, Japanese quality;
  • Gibson- global music giant;
  • Epiphone- a subsidiary brand of Gibson Corporation;
  • Ibanez.

Taking into account all the nuances described above, you can easily answer the question of how to choose a bass guitar or any other in a specialized store.

You should choose based on:

  • sustain - the time the sound decays, the longer it is, the better;
  • the general appearance of the guitar - without chips, protruding screws, bends, or bulges;
  • the style of music you want to play;
  • locations where you will play.

Choosing a guitar for yourself is not easy, just like choosing a guitar for your child. Look for a guitar based not only on budget, type of playing (fighting or fingerstyle) but also on appearance - good tool will soon become not just a guitar, but also your friend. It is important that everything in it pleases you.

Many beginning guitarists, when choosing a guitar, do not know which instrument to choose. They wonder - What is the difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar?? Which is better to choose? There will be no lessons in this article, we will just talk about the differences between these tools.

Of course, the most important difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar is the sound. The electric guitar is more often used for rock music (and its many genres).

Electric guitar and acoustic guitar come from the same instrument - the guitar. But, despite this, they have different structures and different purposes.

How to turn an acoustic into an electric guitar?

An ordinary acoustic guitar, if desired, can be turned into an electric guitar, although not completely. Let's start with the fact that music stores sell semi-acoustic and electro-acoustic guitars.

It is similar to an acoustic, but it has a special piezo pickup, with which such a guitar can be connected to a computer.

This type of guitar is acoustic. But it is used at concerts, because it can be connected to equipment, so the sound will be loud and will be heard by the audience. If desired, using the equipment, you can attach various effects to an electro-acoustic guitar.

A semi-acoustic guitar looks more like an electric guitar. But the sound in it is produced (as in acoustics) using cavities inside the housing. Instead of a rosette (the round hole in an acoustic guitar), a semi-acoustic guitar uses holes called "f-holes" (so called because they look like English letter f).

This type of guitar is usually used in such styles of music as blues, jazz, and ron'n'roll.

Separate pickup for acoustics

You can also connect an ordinary acoustic guitar to the equipment (for example, to a computer). For this purpose, there are special pickups that are attached to the body of the guitar in the socket area.

You can read more about this in the article "". In this way, the guitar is connected to the computer, and through special music programs You can add any effect to the guitar, for example, distortion (as in an electric guitar when rock or metal is played).

Which guitar should you choose?

Of course, first of all, if you are asking the question “Which guitar to choose - acoustic or electric?”, then you need to understand for what purpose you are purchasing the instrument. If you just want simple songs, then get an acoustic guitar. There will be less hassle, you won’t need any equipment, you can take such a tool with you anywhere. And, of course, you’ll spend less money.

Also, if we talk about acoustics, there are two types of such guitars: acoustic and classical guitar. These are all acoustic instruments, but they have differences. You can read about it here: "