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We have long been accustomed to the phrase “palm of championship” and award it to the most worthy. Saying this phrase in once again, I suddenly thought, what kind of palm tree are we talking about and where did the “palm tree” suddenly come from in our northern latitudes?

As it turned out, we are talking about a date palm: it was with its huge leaves that the triumphants were honored. Let's see what the date palm owes its fame to and what it's like to hold a palm leaf in your hands.

The history of the date palm began long before our era. Dates were grown in the Tigris-Euphrates region for another 4 thousand years BC, in Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Sumer - 6 thousand years BC. Dates are found in pyramids, where they were left as a food supply for the spirits of the dead in the kingdom of the dead.

The role of the date palm in people's lives was so important that this plant became firmly established in the religions of the people who use it. Comes to mind immediately Palm Sunday when the townspeople greeted Christ entering Jerusalem with palm leaves in their hands, later Christians northern countries began to celebrate this day with branches of flowering willow, more accessible in northern latitudes. The date palm is mentioned 20 times in the Quran. And the first texts of the Koran were written on palm leaves. The columns in the ancient temples of Egypt are shaped like a palm trunk, symbolizing the Tree of Life, and the pointed vaults are shaped like palm crowns. Even shoes for Egyptian priests and temple employees were made exclusively from palm leaves.

Despite many millennia of cultivation and use of date palms, people have still not been able to find the wild species from which this benefactor of the human race originated. In all sources it is found only as a plant grown by humans. It is believed that its homeland is Mesopotamia, from where dates spread throughout Arabia and Egypt. Now the date palm is widely cultivated in all regions of the world where the temperature does not fall below +10°C, which is most favorable for good growth and fruiting temperature is about +25°C.

The date palm is widespread in North Africa, where more than half a million hectares of land are allocated for its cultivation. Until recently, Iraq was the largest supplier of dates in the world; after the outbreak of war in the region, this role passed to Egypt. Europe cannot boast of date harvests. The only place in Europe where dates bear fruit is the south of the Iberian Peninsula; the palm growing area here is small and amounts to less than 900 hectares. In the rest of Europe, date palms grow only as ornamental plants.

In the 18th century The date palm was brought to the USA, where it took root well in the hottest states - Arizona and California, and now it successfully produces crops in Mexico, South Africa, Australia and even in Turkmenistan (Kyzyl-Atrek), where, after acclimatization carried out by Soviet scientists in 1939, can even withstand short-term frosts down to -14°C.

The volume of date production in the world currently amounts to 3219 thousand tons per year.

The high sugar content in palm sap makes the plant a sugar-bearing plant. The sap is used to make palm sugar and palm wine Lakbi. The inflorescences and stem secrete up to 3 liters of sweet juice per day. The juice is extracted by cutting the inflorescences and making a transverse incision ov 1 cm deep and 6-7 cm wide at the top of the trunk. It is also cultivated as a sugar plant. forest date palm (Phoenix sylvestris).

A person uses the palm tree 100%, leaving no part of the plant unattended. The young buds are eaten, they are fermented and made into “palm cheese”, the bark is disassembled into fibers, they are used to make twine, ropes and ship rigging. The leaves are used as roofing material, canes and fans are made from them, screens, screens, brooms, hats, coarse fabrics, baskets, and mats are woven. Palm wood serves as a valuable building material in the desert.

Dates are used in the confectionery industry. Substandard and excess fruits are used to feed livestock, and camels are completely content with bones. Date oil is used in cosmetics and in soap production.

Over many centuries of date cultivation, about 5,000 varieties have been developed, which are divided into 3 groups - dry, semi-dry and soft, depending on the softness of the ripe fruit. They also differ in sugar content: soft varieties contain mainly invert sugar (dextrose and glucose), and dry varieties contain sucrose. If dry varieties can be stored for an extremely long time when dried, then soft varieties are used fresh or processed, because they are poorly stored. Most often we see semi-dry varieties of sun-dried dates on the shelves; they make up the bulk of exports.

Dates can be stored for a year in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place, and in the freezer for up to 5 years.

Dates for indoor conditions

But the date palm has spread much more widely around the world as an ornamental plant. It is well known to residents of many European countries. It is successfully grown at home, where it requires space, light, warmth and air humidity. We often “plant” date seeds by simply sticking the gnawed seed into a nearby pot. After 2-6 months, when we have already forgotten about our plantings, dates can sprout, causing our sincere surprise. The fruit pulp contains growth inhibitors, so that well-gnawed seeds germinate before the fruits fall into the ground. Sugaring of fruits does not affect their germination.

Young, actively growing plants must be replanted annually, and adults - no more than once every 4 years, with an annual renewal of the top layer of soil of 2-4 cm.

(Phoenixdactylifera) They are cultivated as the main species for harvesting, and are also used for landscaping large spaces and cities.

Several other species are also widespread.

Preserving and revealing to people more and more of its virtues from century to century, the date palm has become not only a palm, but also a symbol of hospitality among the Arabs. Its virtues are still honored today: September 15 is celebrated annually as Date Palm Day. This decision was made in 1981 at the inter-Arab conference in Baghdad.

At the beginning of November, Tunisia celebrates the date harvest festival every year, in which everyone can take part.

Photo: Tatyana Chechevatova, Maxim Minin, Natalya Aristarkhova, Maria Telnova, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Rita Brilliantova

Palm of Books High Superiority, first place among others as a result of superiority in something over everyone else. Although all the actors performed their roles perfectly, the palm belonged to Ryazantsev. He was a wonderful artist, the beauty and pride of our scene(Karatygin. Notes). - From the custom that existed in Ancient Greece to reward the winner in competitions with a palm branch or a wreath. Lit.: Dictionary Russian language / Under. ed. prof. D. N. Ushakova. - M., 1939. - T. 3. - P. 26.

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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    palm- See the dignity of recapturing the palm, receiving the palm... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. palm of dignity; primacy, primogeniture, priority... Dictionary of synonyms

    Palm of the Championship- (palm branch is a symbol of victory, highest glory). Wed. The new surveyor... dances like that! Even among the dragoons, no one can compare with him! In a word, I took away the palm from everyone. Saltykov. Well-intentioned speeches. 13. Wed. Oceans in... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Palm of the Championship- PALMA, s, f. Tree southern countries, usually with a straight, unbranched trunk and very large evergreen pinnate or fan-shaped leaves. Coconut, date, oilseed etc. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    palm- First place in achieving something, in mastering something. (from the custom that existed in Ancient Greece to reward the winner in competitions with a palm branch) Give away the palm. The palm belongs to whom... Dictionary of many expressions

    palm- (palm branch symbol of victory, highest glory) Wed. The new land surveyor... dances like that! Even among the dragoons, no one can compare with him! In a word, I took away the palm from everyone. Saltykov. Well-meaning speeches. 13. Wed. There were hardly any oceans at one time... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

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    PALM- in Antarctica. Jarg. they say Joking. About something that causes great surprise. Maksimov, 300. Palm. Book First place, superiority in anything. over all others. FSRY, 308; BTS, 777; BMS 1998, 430. To give / give the palm [of championship] to whom... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


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In our country, all citizens are well aware of the meaning of the expression " palm". If you ask any person what this phraseological unit means, he will answer you that the meaning of the idiom is to be first. For example, to take first place in sports shooting, swimming, biathlon, any art, science in production, you never know where. This the phrase means the superiority of one citizen over another, or one team over another.

The history of the expression "palm"

In ancient times, so long ago that even historians cannot say with certainty when it was. In romantic Greece there was a cult of sports. Most ancient Greeks idolized athletes and admired the sculptures of famous citizens. The most prominent figures in sports and art were given special gifts laurel wreaths, and also branches of palm trees. As a rule, branches of date trees were given as gifts. They were considered symbols of glory and victory.
The ancient Greeks depicted the goddess of victory Nike with a palm branch in her hands. According to legend, the goddess gave this branch to the most outstanding winners. Much more later, in Rome empires adopted this custom and began to award such branches to the best military leaders, gladiators and athletes.

IN Russian Empire similar phraseological unit "palm" penetrated at the beginning 19 century. It was then that enlightened Russian citizens became fascinated by ancient Greece. This beautiful and mysterious country attracted them with its mystery and unusualness.
According to historians, for the first time this idiom was 1825 year was used by the popular writer Decembrist and public figure Kondraty Ryleev.
Several years have passed and already in 30-40 's 19 centuries this catchphrase gains particular popularity among educated people, which is successfully used to this day.

Those who are interested in the history of Rome are well aware of the expression " remember the opposite"How many people know how he was depicted in the form of a drawing?
It was a symbol in the form of a lonely palm tree on the shore, which is reflected in the water.
According to the creators of this saying, this symbol expressed the hope that the winners would not be extremely arrogant, arrogant and arrogant.
The carved leaves of the most ancient cultivated tree of the south were a symbol of a glorious victory in the culture of ancient Greece, from where it spread throughout the world.