Where to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years. How to retake the exam

In Russia in full swing The application process for the Unified State Exam is underway. About all the features of the process and the deadline for submission, as well as who has the right to submit applications after the deadline in this publication.

The acceptance of applications for participation in the 2018 Unified State Exam has started across the country. The application must be submitted by graduates of 2018, as well as other categories of people who want to take it for any reason. After reading the article, we recommend that you look at the Unified State Exam 2018 schedule, answers to the most popular questions about the Unified State Exam, and minimum scores. And also choose a specialty and university according to the Unified State Exam.

The application for participation in the Unified State Exam must be submitted no later than February 1, 2018. After this date, you can only submit an application if you had a valid reason that prevented you from submitting it to deadline. The decision to accept applications after February 1 is made by a special state commission.

According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for tests in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline at Unified State Exam questions in your region and find out where you are eligible to submit documents.

Phones « hotline» can be found at official portal ege.edu.ru in the “information support” section. There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign educational institution - a notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter the automated system all your data and originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. While Russian language and mathematics are compulsory for school graduates, this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “credit” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to the exams, but graduates of previous years who take the Unified State Exam “according to at will”, are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact of having a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay in admissions committee the university you have chosen: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam foreign language – decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). The oral part of the exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are applying in the last weeks before the deadline: you may have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

The Unified State Exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is paid additional service, offered by educational authorities - and if you wish, you can use it. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.

Passing the Unified State Exam – important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. Many more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to repeat passing the Unified State Exam was provided only to persons who had not passed the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, the completion of which determines the receipt of a certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or if desired (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom there remains open question obtaining an education document. Although, many universities, which have a shortage of applicants for budget places, sometimes conduct additional set in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 years, full text which you can watch.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all items

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any USE subject is possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: poor health of the examinee, an emergency at the Unified State Examination site, etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a doctor’s certificate), car accident, death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, and not on cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reason, do not be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA has such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

Every year, the most discussed issues among schoolchildren are those related to future changes in the rules for organizing the unified state exam and its retake.

This tendency is quite natural, because it is the most important stage in the life of every graduate, largely determining his prospects for the next few years. Everyone who cares about their future begins to prepare for the Unified State Exam in advance, trying to find out all the details of the upcoming event.

Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that the Ministry of Education adjusts the exam procedure almost every year and makes constant changes to its program. The coming 2019 was also no exception.

Upon completion of the curriculum, schoolchildren will be treated to some innovations approved by a special government commission, which must be familiarized with in advance.

Thus, anyone who wants to be well prepared for the future test will face the additional task of studying the new initiatives of education officials.

The importance of the Unified State Exam for a graduate

The state exam is not just a condition for a graduate to receive a certificate of completion high school, but also a kind of ticket to a successful adult life.

The main confirmation of this is the conditions for admission to higher education. educational institution, according to which, the applicant must have satisfactory Unified State Examination results in several core subjects at once.

The points earned by a graduate during the state exam reflect the level of his knowledge and preparation. The better the Unified State Examination result, the higher the applicant rises in the competition for best place at the university.

This point is especially important for those graduates who plan to obtain a specialty on a budgetary basis, receiving a stipend for their work. Such schoolchildren begin preparing for the final test from the beginning of the tenth grade.

They attend not only scheduled lessons, but also take additional courses, work with tutors and study some subjects in depth. Parents of such children devote all their strength and resources to find the best specialists, capable of increasing the level of knowledge of their children.

Sometimes even the titanic efforts of mothers and fathers to obtain a satisfactory result are not enough and the child fails. The reasons for this can be different: nerves, superficial knowledge or simple bad luck.

In this case, the only option for everyone is to retake the Unified State Exam. This is a lifeboat for those who were unable to board a ship heading to the ocean. independent life.

How will the retake take place?

Government innovations could not ignore such important point, like retaking the unified state exam. Although these innovations can be considered more likely to be positive factors that can significantly simplify the task of a “failed” graduate.

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Education, schoolchildren will have access to a retake not only, but also all others according to which the exam will be held. You will be able to take advantage of the second attempt in only one discipline.

Graduates of previous years, as well as anyone who has been convicted of violations, are not allowed to retake. If a student missed the exam time, but can still prove good reason absence, he can count on two additional attempts: during the autumn session and on a reserve day.

It is also possible to begin acquiring a profession already in the 2019-2010 season at faculties that have a serious shortage and are ready to accept a “belated” student.

Features of work evaluation

While completing exam tasks, the student strives to gain maximum quantity points, which in the future will be converted into final result, based on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether officials will make changes to this table.

Most likely, the already familiar point system will remain, by which the future prospects of graduates will be determined.

The minimum score is a limiting result that entitles the student to receive an official document on graduation from a general education institution.

Fulfilling this condition will not be difficult: to do this, you just need to have basic knowledge of the subjects. As a rule, the vast majority of students score this number of points the first time.

A passing score is the threshold result for admission to a certain higher education institution.

Each university before the start of state exams for official page posts information about the number of points that an applicant must have to begin the procedure for submitting documents to their faculties.

As practice has shown recent years, to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, simple knowledge of the subject is not enough. An excellent result can only be obtained by having extensive practice in solving problems of the same type, as well as significant experience in working with standard Unified State Examination tickets.

Only solid knowledge and the minimum necessary skill will help you gain self-confidence and pass this difficult test.

Video news

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/


I am a graduate of previous years. And I can’t even count how many people I had to explain why I was taking the Unified State Exam. I took the Unified State Exam in 11th grade, but never entered university. The fact is that I then wanted one thing - to go to big city, and it didn’t matter where to study. I couldn’t pay at that time, and my points for a budget one were only good in my hometown. As a result, I went to St. Petersburg College and studied there for 2 years. After graduating from a university, I decided to go to a short-time major. Some of my classmates took the Unified State Exam then, a year ago, when we were finishing college. I didn’t. But I couldn’t get in, so I decided to return to hometown, I miss you, and in universities there is a shortage of specialized courses in one, and in another there is no correspondence. But I couldn’t do it face-to-face. And I decided to work for a year to earn money for my studies. And since we were told in college that starting in 2014 we wouldn’t be able to do it without the Unified State Exam, I had no choice.
In February I signed up for the Unified State Exam and chose Russian, History and Society, which I took in 11th grade. And it will be easier to prepare, just remember where these items are needed in many places. Well, at least you don’t need to take math, but you do have a certificate!
However, it was still difficult to prepare, in the 11th grade I went to tutors, took courses and prepared for school, then everything was forgotten, and there was almost no time to study. I only remember Russian more or less, and even then there was a problem with essays then and now.

I took leave at my own expense for two weeks so that I could pass the exams and have time to prepare.

I somehow remembered how to write the essay correctly, repeated it a little, and then on May 29 I came to the Unified State Examination.

The exam took place in a technical school, where only graduates of previous years write. There were not as many people as among the 11th grade. Not much has changed in 3 years, only in 11th grade I didn’t have to hand over phones and there were no cameras.

I don’t remember now how I wrote Russian, I remember that the text was about truth, I had a hard time figuring out what the problem was about. I came out, and I have the same condition as I had 3 years ago. It seemed that I wouldn’t get a pass. And then another friend played a prank on me, who is finishing school this year and, accordingly, is also taking the Unified State Exam. She sent me a link, saying that these were my results. And there is my first and last name and that I have the worst score. And in the end, that this is a prank, and you can also prank someone by writing the desired first and last name. But what happened to me cannot be expressed in words. And a friend said that she also almost went crazy when her friend sent it to her. But I have no one to prank. I imagined how I told this to a friend 3 years ago, she would have killed me right there.

After the Russian village for history and social studies. I was working through social studies and realized that I still remember something. And she began to study history in full. History has become much more difficult, at least that 3 years ago there were no assignments on maps, posters, stamps and other pictures. Dad helped me repeat, and social studies too, he loves these subjects very much. I also helped at school. I more or less remembered, but I was still scared, what if I came across something in the KIMs that I didn’t know.

And on the morning of June 9, a funny thing happened to me. I’m on my way to the Unified State Exam, and suddenly I remember that gel pens I forgot. I ran out of the bus and ran to the nearest kiosk, at least I got out early. And when I got back on the bus, I discovered that I had taken the pens. I don’t remember how I put it in my bag.

I didn’t answer all the questions; in the last task I chose Peter the Great, and at home I found out that it was his birthday on June 9th.

The fear that I didn’t pass history was greater than for Russian. It continued until the results were published.

And I hoped that I would learn Russian before the social studies exam. But I only found out that the threshold was lowered, which means you have to be a complete idiot not to pass, and I calmed down.

On June 11, when they brought us the KIM for social studies, it turned out that there was no barcode printed on the form. They said not to write anything until it becomes clear. I started looking at the CMM, I already understood what questions I could answer, and then they said that they had brought a different package, and the CMM would be different.

I answered almost all the questions, and Part C wrote so much that I had to ask for another answer sheet. I came out more calm, and there was no need to learn anything anymore.
I came home, and there were the results for Russian-59. In 11th grade there were 60. And graduates of previous years usually always perform worse than they did in 11th grade. And I’m only one point worse, which means I haven’t forgotten Russian that much. I failed my Russian essay a little. I solved the problem, but the comment, the author’s position and my position are zero. Okay, the main thing is that I passed. Honestly, when I analyzed the criteria, I laughed.

I was very worried about the story. It seemed like I wouldn’t get the pass. On June 20, in the morning I started going online every 5 minutes, but still nothing. And I have a 12-hour shift, the Internet on my phone is slow. The administrator helped me out, gave me my phone number, looked at her, 47 points, I was screaming that I passed. In part C, of ​​course, not everything was successful; only points were given for Peter the Great. It’s not scary, I was more prepared for the worst. 3 years ago I had 52 points in history.

I came home, and the results for social studies were already posted. 51 points. 3 years ago it was 52 points, as in Russian it was only one point worse. At least I wrote part C correctly here. And then I realized that everything, the exam, was over. I hope so last time, I definitely won’t be able to stand taking it for the 3rd time.

The Unified State Exam may be a good test of knowledge, but waiting for results is too much stress. A regular exam: I passed it and immediately found out the grade. In college, we once had a test exam, it looked a little like the Unified State Exam. We took the tests directly on the computers, so we immediately knew the grade. So I think if they did the Unified State Exam the same way, you take part A and part B on the computer, and you immediately find out how many points you scored for them. We decide when preparing on the Internet trial options. And part C will have to wait. You just know at least some points right away.

I'm going to apply in absentia to St. Petersburg, I'm still deciding on the faculty. I miss it, but I’ll go twice a year.

And yet, I was very afraid of not passing, because there is no retake this year, although they are going to introduce a year-round Unified State Exam, but when will it be. And I’m 21 years old, I somehow don’t want to put off enrolling for another year, the older you get, the harder it is to study.

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