Natalya Osipova: personal life. Famous Russian ballerina, world celebrity Natalya Osipova Natalya Osipova ballet personal life

There are a lot of all sorts of “Emerald” on “Gossip Man”.) I wanted to make a post about a real ballerina.

I discovered this ballerina three years ago, at a concert for the opening of the renovated " Bolshoi Theater". She danced just gorgeously there, with such drive and such incredible technology! Then she took part in the First Channel project “Balero” with Roman Kostomarov, and took second place there. I think she has a great future. And by the way, her husband, Ivan Vasiliev, is also a great dancer.

Biography, photos and videos.

Natalya Petrovna Osipova- genus. May 18, 1986, Moscow. From the age of five I studied gymnastics, but in 1993 she was injured and had to stop playing sports. The coaches recommended that the parents send their daughter to ballet. She studied at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (class of rector Marina Leonova). After graduating in 2004, she entered the ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater, debuting on September 24, 2004. Since October 18, 2008 - leading soloist, since May 1, 2010 - prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. She rehearsed under the guidance of People's Artist of the USSR Marina Kondratyeva.

In 2007, on tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London on the stage of the Covent Garden theater, the ballerina was warmly received by the British public and received the British National Dance Award, awarded by the Society of Critics ( Critics" Circle National Dance Awards) for 2007 - as the best ballerina in the section " classical ballet».

In 2009, on the recommendation of Nina Ananiashvili, she became a guest ballerina at the American Ballet Theater (New York), performing on the stage of the New York Metropolitan Opera in the title roles of the ballets “Giselle” and “La Sylphide”; in 2010, she again took part in ABT performances on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the roles of Kitri in the ballet Don Quixote, Juliet in the ballet Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev (choreography by K. MacMillan), Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky (production by K. . McKenzie; partner David Hallberg).

In 2010, she made her debuts at the Grand Opera (Clara in The Nutcracker, Ballerina in Petrushka) and La Scala (Kitri in Don Quixote), and performed at the London Royal Opera (Medora in Le Corsair).

In 2011, she performed the role of Katarina in the ballet “The Taming of the Shrew” to the music of D. Scarlatti (choreography by J. Cranko) with the ballet of the Bavarian State Opera. Twice she took part in the Mariinsky International Ballet Festival, performing the roles of Kitri in the ballet Don Quixote and Giselle in the ballet of the same name.

Since December 2012, she has been a guest soloist with the London Royal Ballet, having danced in this capacity three “ Swan Lakes"with Carlos Acosta. Also in October, she - the only guest ballerina among the full-time artists of the Royal Company - participated in a gala concert in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Currently together she is a prima ballerina of the American ballet theatre.

In April 2013, Natalya Osipova signed a permanent contract with the London Royal Ballet.

With her husband, Ivan Vasiliev.

Appearing on the ballet horizon, she quickly made a dizzying and incredible career. But first things first.

How the future prima came to ballet

Natalya Osipova was born on May 18, 1986 in Moscow. At the age of five, her parents sent their daughter to the gymnastics section. In 1993, the girl received serious injury back, and playing sports was out of the question. The coaches recommended that Natalia's parents send their daughter to ballet. From that moment on, Natalya Osipova and ballet became synonymous words.

Natalya completed her ballet training at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Upon completion educational institution joined the troupe of the famous Bolshoi Theater. Her debut took place in September 2004.

Career at the Bolshoi Theater

Natalya Osipova immediately attracted the attention of the capital's public. All of Moscow started talking about her brilliant jumps and flights. And already in the first theatrical season the ballerina danced many solo roles. She captivated the audience with her impeccable performance technique and fantastic lyricism.

In 2007, while on the triumphant tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London, on the stage of the world famous Covent Garden, Osipova was enthusiastically greeted by the English ballet public and was awarded the British National Award as the best ballerina of 2007 in the “classical ballet” category.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that since the fall of 2008, Natalya Osipova has become the leading dancer of the Bolshoi Theater. The ballerina rehearsed her leading roles under the guidance of the outstanding teacher Marina Viktorovna Kondratieva. And there were not so few of them... Medora, Kitri, Sylphide - these images were brilliantly embodied on stage by Natalya Osipova. Giselle in her performance was especially remembered by the audience. In one of her interviews, Natalya admitted that this is her favorite part, and she strives to reveal to the audience not just a beautiful fairy tale, but real story with emotions and experiences. In 2009, the ballerina, at the invitation of the American Ballet Theater in New York, performed in the title roles in the ballets La Sylphide and Giselle on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

Since May 2010, she received the status of prima of the Bolshoi Theater. In the same year, on tour in America, she again performed on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

The creative life of ballerina Natalia Osipova after leaving the Bolshoi Theater

Natalya Osipova is a ballerina who is not like others. For her creative career Numerous fans are closely watching. For them it became a complete surprise departure from the Bolshoi Theater of the great star couple - Ivan Vasiliev and Natalya Osipova. In her interviews, the ballerina explains her decision with the desire to move forward and develop.

Since December 2011, Natalya Osipova has become the prima of the St. Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theater. Here the ballerina is provided with excellent working conditions. In December 2012, she received an invitation to work at the London Royal Ballet. In the same year, Osipova takes part in a gala concert dedicated to the diamond jubilee of Elizabeth II.

Currently, Natalya Osipova is a prima ballerina of the famous American Ballet Theater. In 2013, she was offered a permanent contract with the famous London Royal Ballet.

Personal life and creative plans

Natalya Osipova, whose personal life is constantly in the spotlight, never ceases to amaze lovers of gossip columns. Her fans still remember love triangle, which took shape at the Bolshoi Theater. The ballerina broke up with her fiancé Ivan Vasiliev after he fell in love with dancer Maria Vinogradova. Natalya then left for London. After her departure, Vasiliev and Vinogradova got married.

Today Natalia Osipova's companion is famous artist ballet Sergei Polunin. At one of the press conferences in London star couple officially confirmed that they are having an affair. Natalya Osipova also announced her retirement from classical ballet. She decided to try herself in modern dance.

The upcoming performance with the participation of Polunin and Osipova “A Streetcar Named Desire” aroused great interest. This is their first collaboration on stage. They had never danced together before. The premiere will take place in the summer of 2016 in London at Sadler's Wells Theatre. Natalya will perform the role of Blanche in the play, and Sergei will dance Stanley.

Natalya is now recovering from her injury. She also plans to return to the Royal Ballet soon.

The creative life of Natalia Osipova

Milan, New York, Berlin, Paris, American Ballet Theatre, La Scala, Grand Opera - in a short period of time Natalya Osipova conquered all the leading dance capitals of the world and performed with the best ballet companies.

Her numerous prizes and awards are all a natural continuation of her successful career. The L. Massine Prize, awarded in Positano, Italy, the Benois de la dance prize, the prestigious jury award of the competition " Golden mask" - this is far from full list awards won by the ballerina.

Ballerina Natalya Osipova - about romance and adrenaline.

“I don’t have the most beautiful legs, and I don’t have the most beautiful figure,” she admitted famous ballerina Bolshoi Theater Natalya Osipova.

“I don’t do intrigue”

“AiF”: - Natasha, playing Kitri in “Don Quixote”, you violated all traditional ideas about this legendary role. But here’s what I heard from the audience during intermission: “There are a lot of shortcomings. But it’s impossible to take your eyes off.”

N.O.: - Osipova is not quite a classical dancer according to Russian standards ballet school. Now these are the standards: ballerinas are tall, thin, with ideal leg lines. If you look at me, everything is different. I'm not tall, I don't have the most beautiful legs, and my figure in general. But I think a talented person can and should be allowed to create something new. There is such a thing as a “romantic ballerina”. Strict, aloof. The most romantic ballets are Giselle and La Sylphide. Nobody in my life represented me in these roles: I was always bravura, temperamental, with energy that was overflowing. But she danced both of these ballets in a row in one season. Now these roles are some of my best.

"AiF": - Theater world- this is also behind-the-scenes intrigue. Using “secret passages”, many make their way...

N.O.: - I won’t speak for others. It’s easier for me to work in the gym than to run around and organize intrigues. And in general... I believe that talented people should be good in their essence.

"AiF": - 5 years ago on Moscow international competition ballet you were given third place. This caused indignation in the entire room. They say that “bronze” is the consequences of your conflict with jury member Lyudmila Semenyaka. She was offended that you left her for another teacher.

N.O.: - I am convinced that I took third place because I did not prepare enough. But this was far from a defeat for me, but an impetus to work even harder.

As for Lyudmila Semenyaka, she is a brilliant ballerina and teacher. I respect her very much. We now have absolutely normal relations. Why did you leave?

It happened that way. Some people cannot work with each other: a combination of circumstances, characters. But even during the time that I spent with her, Lyudmila Ivanovna gave me a lot.

Instead of a diet - a stage

“AiF”: - Natasha, you look atypical for a ballerina... Short haircut, leather biker jacket...

N.O.: - I love thrash in everything. Black hair, dark nail polish, leather clothes, motorcycles. When I see them, adrenaline starts pumping in my blood. I have a hard time with conservatism. That’s why I will never be bored in my profession: I don’t set limits or boundaries for myself in anything! My mother is worried: “Natasha, put on a dress, you’ll look like a girl, you’re a ballerina. Why don’t you grow your hair?” But I think you should look and behave the way you feel comfortable. I love to jump, gallop, and have fun. I absolutely love dancing at discos.

“AiF”: - They say that ballerinas lead a half-starved lifestyle...

N.O.: - Nothing like that. Ballerinas have such a workload... Mom feeds me, buys me cakes and other tasty things. But when I'm on vacation, I get better from doing nothing. Then you come to the theater and say to yourself: “That’s it! Let's start working."

Natalia Osipova is called one of the best ballerinas in the world. Appearing on the ballet horizon, she quickly made a dizzying and incredible career. But first things first.

How the future prima came to ballet

Natalya Osipova was born on May 18, 1986 in Moscow. At the age of five, her parents sent their daughter to the gymnastics section. In 1993, the girl received a serious back injury, and playing sports was out of the question. The coaches recommended that Natalia's parents send their daughter to ballet. From that moment on, Natalya Osipova and ballet became synonymous words.

Natalya completed her ballet training at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Upon graduation, she joined the troupe of the famous Bolshoi Theater. Her debut took place in September 2004.

Career at the Bolshoi Theater

Natalya Osipova immediately attracted the attention of the capital's public. All of Moscow started talking about her brilliant jumps and flights. And already in the first theatrical season the ballerina danced many solo roles. She captivated the audience with her impeccable performance technique and fantastic lyricism.

In 2007, while on the triumphant tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London, on the stage of the world famous Covent Garden, Osipova was enthusiastically received by the English ballet public and was awarded the British National Award as the best ballerina of 2007 in the category “classical ballet”.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that since the fall of 2008, Natalya Osipova has become the leading dancer of the Bolshoi Theater. The ballerina rehearsed her leading roles under the guidance of the outstanding teacher Marina Viktorovna Kondratieva. And there were not so few of them... Medora, Kitri, Sylphide - these images were brilliantly embodied on stage by Natalya Osipova. Giselle in her performance was especially remembered by the audience. In one of her interviews, Natalya admitted that this is her favorite part, and she strives to reveal to the audience not just a beautiful fairy tale, but a real story with emotions and experiences. In 2009, the ballerina, at the invitation of the American Ballet Theater in New York, performed in the title roles in the ballets La Sylphide and Giselle on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

Since May 2010, she received the status of prima of the Bolshoi Theater. In the same year, on tour in America, she again performed on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

The creative life of ballerina Natalia Osipova after leaving the Bolshoi Theater

Natalya Osipova is a ballerina who is not like others. Her creative career is closely followed by numerous fans. It was a complete surprise for them that the great star couple, Ivan Vasiliev and Natalya Osipova, left the Bolshoi Theater. In her interviews, the ballerina explains her decision with the desire to move forward and develop.

Since December 2011, Natalya Osipova has become the prima of the St. Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theater. Here the ballerina is provided with excellent working conditions. In December 2012, she received an invitation to work at the London Royal Ballet. In the same year, Osipova takes part in a gala concert dedicated to the diamond jubilee of Elizabeth II.

Currently, Natalya Osipova is a prima ballerina of the famous American Ballet Theater. In 2013, she was offered a permanent contract with the famous London Royal Ballet.

Personal life and creative plans

Natalya Osipova, whose personal life is constantly in the spotlight, never ceases to amaze lovers of gossip columns. Her fans still remember the love triangle that developed at the Bolshoi Theater. The ballerina broke up with her fiancé after he fell in love with the dancer Natalya then left for London. After her departure, Vasiliev and Vinogradova got married.

Today, Natalya Osipova’s companion is a famous ballet dancer. At one of the press conferences in London, the star couple officially confirmed that they were having an affair. Natalya Osipova also announced her departure from She decided to try herself in modern dance.

The upcoming performance with the participation of Polunin and Osipova “A Streetcar Named Desire” aroused great interest. This is their first time working together on stage. They had never danced together before. The premiere will take place in the summer of 2016 in London at Sadler's Wells Theatre. Natalya will perform the role of Blanche in the play, and Sergei will dance Stanley.

Natalya is now recovering from her injury. She also plans to return to the Royal Ballet soon.

Evaluation of the work of Natalia Osipova

Milan, New York, Berlin, Paris, American Ballet Theatre, La Scala, Grand Opera - in a short period of time Natalya Osipova conquered all the leading dance capitals of the world and performed with the best ballet companies.

Her numerous prizes and awards are all a natural continuation of her successful career. The L. Massine Prize, awarded in Positano, Italy, the Benois de la dance prize, the prestigious jury prize of the Golden Mask competition - this is not a complete list of awards won by the ballerina.

Natalya Osipova - this name says a lot to ballet lovers. Some compare her to the Great Maya. This is very flattering for the dancer, but she rejects such compliments, believing that she still has a lot of work to do.

Ballerina standards

Her parameters are considered very suitable for ballet: height 167 cm, weight 46 kg. Natalya Osipova is very proportional, and thanks to her natural abilities and, of course, talent, she received a lot of magnificent roles.

First steps

Natalya Petrovna Osipova was born on May 18, 1986 in Moscow. The parents took the five-year-old girl to gymnastics classes. But two years later she was injured. I had to leave gymnastics. The coaches gave recommendations to dejected parents: send their child to a ballet school. For ten years, Natasha Osipova mastered the technique and became imbued with the Russian approach to ballet parts at the choreography academy. Since that time, Natalya Osipova has not separated ballet from her life. Her debut took place in the Bolshoi Theater troupe in early autumn 2004. Four years later she was already dancing solo parts.

On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater

Balletomanes in Moscow immediately drew attention to the young dancer. She had amazing jumping-flights, virtuosic technique and lyrical performance. In her first season, Natasha Osipova received solo parts: Nancy in La Sylphide, a Spanish doll in The Nutcracker, and a Spanish bride in Swan Lake. She danced the entire classical repertoire at the Bolshoi.

Kitri's spectacular flight across half the stage, performed by Natalya Osipova, is vividly captured in the photograph. As the ballerina herself says, she was immediately carried onto the stage when she heard Minkus’ music. The fiery image of the bright Kitri will forever remain in the memory of many. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the new season of 2008, Natalya Osipova becomes the leading soloist of the Bolshoi. The ballerina learned all her parts under the guidance of the exceptional teacher M. V. Kondratieva. They created the images of Sylphide, Giselle, Medora, Swanilda, Nikia, Esmeralda. Continuing to increase her skills, the dancer gradually deepened her images. They became more insightful. Natalya Osipova especially loved Giselle. The ballerina said in one of her interviews that this is her favorite role, in which it is not just fairy tale, but a sad story about the fragility of love. It is natural that N. Osipova already became a prima ballerina in May 2010.

Foreign voyages

In 2007, the Bolshoi Theater toured London's Covent Garden. The British public and critics reacted kindly to the aspiring dancer. She received the National British Award from the critics' community as the best ballerina of "classical ballet". In 2009, Nina Ananiashvili recommended her to the American ballet theater New York.

In "La Sylphide" and "Giselle" she soared above the stage because she always tried to achieve a level of performance that no one else performs at. In 2010, she was again invited to America, where she performed the roles of Kitri, Juliet, and Aurora. She was accompanied there by simply crazy success, but in 2011 Natalya Osipova chose the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

On the banks of the Neva

Behind this is the desire to expand the repertoire. Will the choreographer be able to diversify the life of the artist and her constant partner Ivan Vasiliev? In any case, the Bolshoi is not canceling any plans related to these actors. The Mikhailovsky Theater did not give the actors any new dance experience, although the ballerina danced the most difficult part of Odette-Odile.

Immediately after her debut, the ballerina flew to America, where she had about 20 performances in 1.5 months: “Firebird”, “La Bayadère”, “Bright Stream”, “Romeo and Juliet”. There she is listed as a “guest star”.

In London

Already in 2012, Natalya Osipova accepted an offer from the London Royal Ballet. Since 2013, she has been assigned to permanent work in the troupe with an indefinite contract. In London she likes the discipline, the repertoire, the long schedule of preparing performances, when everything can be done to the smallest detail. She really appreciates the attention from the staff. Before the performance, the doctor always comes in several times and asks how you are feeling. Make-up artists will apply makeup, support staff will bring costumes and help you get dressed. This is not the case in Russia.

A little about personal

Natalya Osipova, whose personal life is always under close attention press, never ceases to amaze with its statements. She can say that she cannot imagine herself being lonely in old age. She needs a large circle of children and grandchildren. At the same time, she can say that her love lasts for two days, no more. For a long time, her affair with her partner Ivan Vasiliev was discussed. But he suddenly and quickly married ballerina Maria Vinogradova.

Sergei Polunin is now her constant partner and companion. They do not hide their relationship and have officially confirmed that they are having an affair. Polunin declares that he only wants to dance, looking into his partner’s eyes, with Natasha. They also have joint work plans.

Creative activity in modern ballet

The play “A Streetcar Named Desire” with Osipova and the infamous Polunin is being staged famous choreographers. N. Osipova said that she wants to try herself in modern ballet while she is young. This was also facilitated by a dislocated hip, which does not yet allow me to dance classically.

In the meantime, the play Qutb has already been staged. From Arabic it is translated as “axis” or “rod”. The three dancers intertwine their bodies without a hint of eroticism, because the creation of the world is shown.

We hope that N. Osipova will return to classical ballet, for which she was created, and will delight her fans with both familiar, beloved images and new ones, revealing all facets of her unique talent.