Dorenko Sergey Leonidovich. Sergey Dorenko

In general, you need to watch, or at least listen, but to be brief.

✅ No one is interested in the Russian people as non-subjective.

✅ Russia always unmistakably supports only counter-revolution everywhere and always only regression.

✅ We are always for “it will be like grandma’s.”

✅ We must always and everywhere fight against progress for regression. This is our essence. This is our duty to civilization.

✅ Russia was famous for the fact that words meant. Russia was famous for the Byzantine tradition of saying. It was a written text, some guy in a jacket came out and read it out. There is a Roman tradition of oratory - this is public debate, polemics, and there is a Byzantine tradition, which is characteristic of Russia. This is a written text and every word is verified 10 times and has always been so. Russia, the Soviet Union, when it spoke out, no matter how stupid it may sound, it was the icebreaker "Lenin", it went like a division of tanks. Every word meant something.

Then Mrs. Psaki appears in the United States, who makes the light style. For example, she announced that Ukrainians fleeing to the Rostov region had arrived at the resorts of the mountainous Caucasus. “Oh-la-la! This is stupidity,” everyone says. And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says: “Oh-la-la! We need to find one like that, so we need some kind of Russian Psaki and they found it - Masha Zakharova. She is a Russian Psaki, in pure form.

When she started babbling about everything - any nonsense, and from half a turn. We realized that there would be no limit to this, and since she had a lot of kerosene, she went to domestic affairs. She cannot constantly criticize America - this has already become a little boring - and this is where Chubais comes in handy. Chubais is the last reserve of any Russian polemicist, I am saving him too - one day I will need him.

✅ Chubais has one flaw: everything he says is antimoral. Chubais is a biorobot without a moral module.

✅ If you are a person of emotions, then you are with Zakharova. If you are a person who has something between his ears other than two stubs, then you are most likely still with Chubais.

- Are you with Gazmprom or with the leadership of the Chechen Republic.
- I'm with Putin. I think about the benefits. The thought is this: How much does the war with Chechnya cost?
- Large quantity human lives?
- Lives are not worth it, mothers give birth - this is not a problem for Russia at all. It costs money, mothers don’t give birth with money - they don’t know how to give birth, but they give birth to as many boys and soldiers as you want - that’s not a problem. Any attitude of Moscow towards any region must be measured through war.
For example, how much does the war with the Smolensk region cost? Insignificant. We will take the Smolensk region in two hours. This means don’t give them money, screw them!
How much does the war with St. Petersburg cost? More. Let's give this a little.
How much does the war with Dagestan cost? She's standing! Because how long ago we took Chabanmakhi and Karamakhi two villages and it was a wonderful sight. So we need to give something to Dagestan.
The war with Chechnya costs X, we give them Y, which is slightly less. If and when this help becomes more expensive than war, then we will fight, but as long as it is cheaper, we will give money.

✅ I first heard about the concession of the Kuril Islands in the 90s from Berezovsky. He said: “If they arrange the Far East for us the way California is arranged, approximately. If they arrange California for us from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, then let them take it.” He explained: We will miss this territory, because the Chinese are slowly invading there and they are slowly invading us. If we don’t make California there, then the Chinese will make it, but not for us, but for themselves. The question is as simple as day: do we make California there and keep it for ourselves, or do they make California there and kick us out for nothing. not two islands, this is the whole problem Far East.

✅ The problem with Russian diplomacy is that we talk to people who have principles, but we don’t have them.

✅ But no one goes to the Far East. There must be a young, ambitious, interesting person who would speak at the end Voronezh University: “I want to go to Ussuriysk.” But he doesn't want to. This means that he must understand that his Voronezh is a terrible place next to Ussuriysk. Then Ussuriysk should shine, but it doesn’t. He shines with criminal consciousness.

✅ This is the morality of the Far East and the lower classes of society in Russia, who believe that your social status depends on how successfully you humiliate other people. If you are a man, you are obliged to humiliate another man.

✅ If someone doesn’t speak up when we meet, then he is weak, if he is weak, then he is equal to a homosexual. A woman is also a priori equated with a homosexual.

✅ I think that the morality of prison and the army is absolutely important for Russians, especially at the bottom of society.

Born October 18, 1959, Kerch
In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba.
Has diplomas: "teacher of Russian as a foreign language", "translator with Spanish", "translator from Portuguese".
Worked as a military translator.
He worked in Angola for several years.
I went on business trips to Rio de Janeiro, Madrid and Brussels.
Since April 1, 1985 - on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.
From 1990-1993 hosted the programs “120 Minutes”, “Morning”, “News” on Channel 1 and “Vesti”, but RTR.
In 1990, Dorenko became famous thanks to ten reports on events in Lithuania.
Since January 1994, host of the daily political program "Details". He left due to financial and personal disagreements with Svanidze.
Since January 1995, he hosted the “Versions” program on ORT. In September 1995 it was closed with scandal.
In the fall and winter of 1995 he made the non-political program “Characters” on REN-TV, in the spring of 1996 - on NTV.
In the early 1990s, Dorenko worked in news programs on Channel One and RTR, and also collaborated with foreign Spanish-language media. In 1993-1994, Dorenko was the head of the information service of the TV-6 television channel, and since January 1994 he hosted a daily political program on the RTR channel. He left RTR due to disagreements with the head of the channel, Nikolai Svanidze. From January to September 1995, Dorenko hosted the “Versions” program on ORT, but he also left there with a scandal, accusing the channel’s management and its main shareholder Boris Berezovsky of pressure. In the spring of 1996 he worked for NTV. In October 1996, Dorenko returned to ORT, announcing his joining Berezovsky's team. In 1996-1998, Dorenko hosted the weekly information and analytical program "Time", in which he defended the interests of Berezovsky and sharply criticized his opponents, including banker Vladimir Potanin and Deputy Prime Ministers Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais.
In May 1998, Dorenko briefly left the airwaves, becoming the main producer of ORT news programs. But already in September 1998, at the instigation of Berezovsky, Dorenko became the presenter daily program"Time". After his relationship with ORT General Director Igor Shabdurasulov did not work out, Dorenko left the air in December 1998, but in January he came out again with a special analytical program, in which Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov was attacked. In February, Dorenko was again removed from the airwaves, according to some sources, on the personal instructions of Primakov.
From this time until his departure from television in 2000, Dorenko was perceived in the press as an example of a biased, dependent journalist who changed his views in accordance with the views of his patron Berezovsky, and at the same time a “telekiller” who harshly criticized the enemies “ordered” for him.
On June 2, 1999 he was appointed deputy general director MNVK "TV-6 - Moscow" on political and information issues, and in September appeared again on ORT as the host of the "Sergei Dorenko Program". In November 1999 appointed Deputy General Director of ORT. As part of his signature program, Dorenko particularly criticized former Prime Minister Primakov and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the leaders of the Fatherland - All Russia bloc opposition to the Kremlin. It is believed that Dorenko significantly prevented the realization of the presidential ambitions of these politicians and contributed to the rise to power of the current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In September 2000, after the scandalous release of a program dedicated to the sinking of the Kursk submarine, in which Dorenko demonstrated the discrepancy between Putin’s statements about the Kursk and the actual facts, he was again removed from the air, and after Berezovsky sold ORT shares, he was fired from the channel. This decision was made by Konstantin Ernst personally, due to the fact that “in last days the atmosphere around ORT has reached a high level of tension."
On April 28, 2001, Dorenko was charged with hooliganism (Article 213, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Dorenko was given a written undertaking not to leave the place. (“Case” about the attack on the Chief of the Main Staff of the Russian Navy Valery Nikitin).
On May 22, 2001, Dorenko was charged with a new charge under Article 213, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("hooliganism committed with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons." From 4 to 7 years in prison).
On September 5, 2001, he announced that he was going to run for deputies of the Moscow City Duma and did not plan to resume work on television in the near future.
On November 9, 2001, the Kuntsevo court sentenced Dorenko to 4 years of suspended imprisonment.
On March 12, 2002, the Kuntsevsky court decided to recover 20 thousand rubles from Dorenko for moral damage caused to Nikitin.
After leaving Russian television, Sergei Dorenko looked for work on American TV.
Autumn 2002 - work on the editorial board men's magazine, created by the Regional public organization law enforcement officers (ROSPO).
As the director of the publishing house said in an interview with Arguments and Facts, “Sergei Leonidovich big problems with Putin’s team, so for political reasons we try not to highlight him.”
On August 25, 2003, he stated that he would like to run in the elections on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Dorenko noted that “so far I have not met with anyone in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and have not discussed the issue of lists and elections to the State Duma, but if they have their minds up and they call me, then I will go to the elections with them.” “This would give me the opportunity to speak from the podium of the State Duma,” the television journalist explained.
Subsequently, Dorenko became actively involved in social and political activities, mainly in the ranks of the opposition. He announced his possible agreement to run for the Moscow Duma in 2001 and the State Duma in 2003. In the fall of 2003, he joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and tried to campaign for the leader of the Ukrainian communists Petro Symonenko in the presidential elections of Ukraine in 2004. In 2005, Dorenko joined the initiative group to nominate the arrested “oligarch” Mikhail Khodorkovsky to the State Duma, and later participated in joint events with the leaders of the “patriotic opposition” Sergei Glazyev and Dmitry Rogozin, as well as the leader of the National Bolsheviks Eduard Limonov. In 2005, Dorenko published the novel “2008,” which was a satire on Putin. Dorenko's book, which caused a scandal in State Duma, was shortlisted for the 2006 National Bestseller Award.
From 2004 to 2008, Dorenko worked as a presenter at the Ekho Moskvy radio station. In September 2008, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station.

Deputy General Director of ORT

Born on October 18, 1959 in the city of Kerch, Crimean region of the Ukrainian SSR on a blindingly sunny day, at half past three in the afternoon.

After school, Sergei Dorenko decided to enter the Financial Institute in Moscow. For international finance and credit. And in half a dozen different universities. And he still decided to go to philology in order to transfer to economics after the preparatory faculty. Got in. It was a tight fit. 22 points was a passing score, and Sergei scored 22 and a half. Half were from the sports category, but no one there cared about that. This is together with a five ruble certificate. I immediately ended up in a hostel and a construction brigade, met Latins, Africans and Arabs. He was 16 years old. And a state of stupefaction from complete independence. Started smoking.

On March 1, 1980, Sergei Dorenko married Marina Fedorenkova. She was a year younger.

In March 1982, Sergei Dorenko went to Mozambique to work as a translator. In Angola, Sergei suffered from malaria twice. The teachers came up with a job for him and returned him to dialectical materialism. He had to translate the candidate's thesis of one of them from Russian into Portuguese. Five typed pages a day. They gave me a typewriter. Translated at home. The dissertation turned out to be very smart and useful. From it he learned so much about the tribal division of the Angolans and the history of tribal relations that he could give a lecture even now. When the dissertation was completed, he was transferred to work at the Ministry of Fisheries.

In May 1984, daughter Katya was born.

From 1984 to 1985 he served in the army. Sergei Dorenko became a soldier. And at the end of Africa he had another tropical malaria.

Sergei became an employee of the USSR State Television and Radio. He was enrolled in television broadcasting on April 1, 1985. “Just as my television career began on April Fool’s Day, that’s how it went - with a foolishness.” From 1985 to 1991 - editor of the Foreign Relations Service, leading commentator on the information program "120 minutes" of Central Television, correspondent for the program "Television News Service" (TSN).

From 1991 to 1992 - political commentator at VGTRK. He was the presenter of the Vesti program.

From 1992 to 1993 - presenter of the evening programs "News" of the ITA RGTRK "Ostankino".

Since 1993 - Moscow correspondent and commentator for the Spanish CNN News Service.

In 1993 - 1994 - Director of the Information Service of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK).

In January 1994 he hosted the “Details” program on the Rossiya TV channel.

From 1995 to 1996 - member of the editorial board of the REN TV channel.

From April 3 to September 1995, he hosted the information and analytical program “Versions” on Channel I. From October to December 1995, the Versions program was broadcast on the NTV channel.

Since October 1996 - First Deputy Chief Producer of the Directorate of Information Programs of ORTV, author and presenter of the "Time" program.

From August 30 to December 1998 - host of the "Time" program. Since December 1998 - director-producer of analytical broadcasting at ORT OJSC.

In November 1999, he was appointed Deputy General Director of ORT JSC.

Interests, hobbies - car, motorcycle, traveling, computer, walking the dog, rock music of the 1960s - 70s, carpentry.

  • Sergey Dorenko(born October 18, 1959, Kerch) - Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, editor-in-chief radio station " Russian news service" Worked on several television channels and radio " Echo of Moscow" Known for his leftist political views and Islamophobic statements.
  • The childhood and student years of Sergey Dorenko/Sergey Dorenko

  • Sergey Dorenko born in 1959 in the Crimean city of Kerch. His father Leonid Filippovich Dorenko, was a military naval pilot, and the family traveled a lot around Soviet Union. From Kerch, the Dorenko family moved to Irkutsk, then to Omsk, then to Monino near Moscow. To first grade Sergey Dorenko went to the Nizhny Novgorod (then Gorky) region, but his studies, according to Sergei Leonidovich himself, started unsuccessfully. Then the parents took their son to his grandmother in Kerch, where he went straight to third grade. Grandma wasn't interested school life grandson, and he was left to his own devices, but despite this, he studied without C grades, fell in love with books and, returning to his parents, became an excellent student.
  • My father's military service forced the family to move from place to place very often, and Sergey Dorenko I changed about ten schools during my studies. The last one was in Volgograd, after graduating from which he went to Moscow to enter the Financial Institute, and also applied to several other universities. As a result, Sergei Leonidovich entered the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba, to the Faculty of Philology, hoping to later transfer to Economics. Lived in a dorm with Latinos, and had the opportunity to speak Spanish with them, infiltrating their language environment. Dorenko graduated from University with diplomas " teacher of Russian as a foreign language », « Spanish translator », « translator from Portuguese ».
  • Career of Sergey Dorenko/ Sergey Dorenko

  • After graduating from university in 1982, Sergei Dorenko sent on a business trip to Angola Portuguese translator. While still a student, he married Marina Fedorenkova, who was a year younger than him. Later she also came to him in Angola, but in 1984 she flew to Moscow to give birth to their first daughter there Katya. In the same year, Sergei Dorenko also returned to Moscow to stay with his family, but a summons came to join the army, where, due to illnesses suffered in Africa, he served for only six months.
  • Returning from the army in 1985, Sergey Dorenko became an employee State Television and Radio of the USSR, worked as a television editor. Since 1990, Dorenko has been the host of television programs " 120 minutes», « Morning», « News» on 1st channel And " News» on RTR. He became famous after his reporting on events in Lithuania in 1990. He held various positions on television, was the head of the channel's information broadcasting ORT, host of the program “ Time" And " Programs of Sergei Dorenko».
  • Basic " business card» Sergei Dorenko on television there was sharp criticism of high-ranking officials and the disclosure of material compromising them. In 1999, Dorenko showed on TV real estate owned by the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, revealed its dimensions cash and showed a photo of Luzhkov with a famous crime boss donut. After this transfer Sergei Dorenko began to be called “telekiller”. Dorenko’s criticism of such political figures as Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov and even Vladimir Putin .
  • In November 1999 Sergey Dorenko was appointed Deputy General Director ORT, but due to the provocativeness and ambiguity of his programs, he was removed from all positions held on this television channel in 2001. In September 2003, he announced his joining the ranks Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 2004, Sergei Dorenko began collaborating with the radio station " Echo of Moscow", where he broadcast " Dissenting opinion" And " U-turn" This collaboration lasted four years. By the way, according to the rules of Echo of Moscow, staff members of the radio station cannot be members of political parties. Therefore, Dorenko was not a journalist, but a “guest and participant in the programs.” In 2008, Dorenko announced his retirement from the air due to the fact that he was offered to become the editor-in-chief of the radio station. Russian news service».
  • On the radio "Russian News Service" Sergey Dorenko, in addition to the general management of the radio station, became the host of a morning information and analytical show "Rise!", which is published on weekdays.
  • In the summer of 2011, he hosted the program “Russian Fairy Tales” on the REN TV channel, but three months later it was decided to close the program - according to Dorenko, she doesn’t interest him from any point of view, especially creatively.
  • In March 2012, he wrote a statement about leaving the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which he noted that “the party itself as such is becoming ridiculous and ridiculous.” At the same time, he noted that he now intends to use the contributions he paid to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for the development of Wikipedia. “I have systematically contributed to you and to Wikipedia. Wikipedia turned out to be incomparably more important and useful for the organization of life in my country than the Communist Party. Don’t be offended, I will now pay your share to Vicki, they are more useful,” he emphasized in a statement.
  • Since August 12, 2013 Sergey Dorenko will host one of the rubrics in the final information program TV channel "Events". Within the framework of this section, he will present his author’s view on the most interesting events the past day.
  • Personal life of Sergey Dorenko / Sergey Dorenko

  • U Sergei Dorenko And Marina Fedorenkova three children - daughters Catherine And Xenia and son Prokhor.
  • Middle daughter Xenia in 2012 she married the son of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Anton Goreglyad.
  • U Sergei Dorenko there is a dog - a black shepherd named Ventura, which means “luck” in Spanish. Music preferences: hard rock, bands Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, early work groups Queen. Sergey Dorenko enjoys automobile and motor sports, diving, traveling and carpentry.
  • A number of yellow media in 2010 published information that Sergei Dorenko- an affair with an employee of the Russian News Service Yulia Silyavina, with which he hosted the “Rise!” program.

In August 2013, Dorenko married Yulia Silyavina , with whom he has two daughters. The young wife took her husband’s surname and now became Yulia Dorenko. This is the second marriage of Sergei Dorenko.

Sergei Dorenko is a famous television and radio presenter, whom his ill-wishers call a media killer, and his fans call him a truth teller. Currently he holds the position of editor-in-chief of Moscow Speaks.

Sergei Dorenko was born in Kerch in the fall of 1959. The boy was raised in the family of naval pilot Leonid Dorenko and librarian Tatyana Dorenko.

Because of the father's work, the family often changed their place of residence. Soon after the birth of their son, the parents and the child moved to Irkutsk, and from there to Omsk. Then to the Moscow region. But Sergei went to 1st grade in a town in the Nizhny Novgorod (then Gorky) region. However, school did not work out there, and the parents moved their son to Kerch, where his grandmother lived. Here Dorenko went to 3rd grade.

The guy was left to his own devices; the grandmother turned out to be not a strict controller and did not closely monitor her grandson’s successes. Nevertheless, Sergei studied well. The boy became addicted to reading. The last school where the young man received his matriculation certificate and gold medal, was in Volgograd. After receiving his matriculation certificate, Dorenko went to the capital and applied to several universities at once, but his priority was the Financial Institute.

It was not possible to enter the financial department, so Sergei entered the Peoples' Friendship University, choosing the Faculty of Philology. The young man decided that he would soon be able to transfer to the university he was originally targeting. But studying at the university, studying foreign languages and living in a hostel with Latinos was so captivating that Dorenko changed his mind about transferring.

Sergei graduated from the university, receiving diplomas in 3 specialties: a teacher of the Russian language, as well as a translator from Spanish and Portuguese.


The work biography of Sergei Dorenko began in 1982. The young man went to Angola as a Portuguese translator. Then he returned to Moscow, where his family was waiting. But in the capital, a summons to the army was already waiting for Sergei. However, the service was short-lived: due to malaria twice, Dorenko served for only six months.

His journalistic activity began in 1985. After working as an ordinary employee, Sergei was appointed a television editor. Soon Dorenko was entrusted with hosting the programs “120 Minutes”, “Morning”, “News” on Channel One and “Vesti” on RTR.

Dorenko became famous after scandalous reports about the events of the early 1990s in Lithuania. The journalist's career developed rapidly. Sergei became the head of information broadcasting on ORT, presenter news program“Time” and the author’s program called “Sergei Dorenko’s Program”. During this period, the journalist gains ratings thanks to sharp criticism of government officials. Dorenko told viewers about real estate and capital. Criticized, and...

In the fall of 1999, Dorenko was appointed deputy general director of the ORT channel, but in 2001 he was removed from all positions on the channel due to provocative programs and sharp criticism of the authorities. Latest issue The author's program by Sergei Dorenko was a program dedicated to the situation with the Kursk submarine.

In 2003, Sergei Leonidovich joined the ranks of the Communist Party. And in 2004 he began collaborating with Echo of Moscow. Here Sergei hosted the programs “Minority Opinion” and “U-turn” for 4 years.

In 2008, Sergei Dorenko left the airwaves of Ekho Moskvy radio: the journalist was offered to head the Russian News Service radio station. Here Dorenko provided general management and hosted the morning information and analytical show “Rise!” on weekdays.

In 2012, Sergei Leonidovich left the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, doing so loudly and demonstrably: Dorenko said that he would now send party contributions to the development of Wikipedia, which is much more useful for the country than the communists.

Since the summer of 2013, Dorenko was again invited to Echo of Moscow, where he became the host of the U-Turn program. And since 2012, the journalist has mastered the Internet and opened a personal video blog on hosting YouTube. Sergey uses the nicknames rasstriga and pastushok. The blogger’s speeches immediately gained popularity among the journalist’s fans. Dorenko himself does not consider himself an independent journalist, but calls his character absurd.

Since February 2014, Dorenko appeared on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”. Now Sergei Leonidovich is the editor-in-chief of GM.

Personal life

In his marriage to Marina Fedorenkova, Sergei Dorenko had three children. After the couple returned from Angola, the young couple had a daughter, Katya. A year later, in 1985, the second girl, Ksenia, was born. Dorenko's only son, Prokhor, was born in 1999. But the need to raise three children did not save the cracked marriage of Sergei and Marina.

Journalist Yulya Silyavina appeared in the personal life of a famous television and radio host. They met at the RSN radio station, where they hosted the “Rise!” program together.

In 2010, the personal life of Sergei Dorenko was in the top news of yellow publications. Yulia Silyavina gave birth to a daughter, Varya, from Sergei. In the summer of 2013, the couple legalized their relationship. At that time, two girls were already growing up in the family of Sergei and his second wife: in 2011, their daughter Vera was born.

In addition to YouTube, Sergei Dorenko maintains personal accounts in “