Girls who cheated. What to do if a girl cheated on her boyfriend

What could be worse for a man if he found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him? It is difficult to adequately perceive what happened and come to terms with a betrayal that you did not expect. But we will try to understand what to do next.

The simplest and the right way, if you find out that she is cheating on you, send her to hell and look for a decent person with a light heart. After all If you changed it once, you can do it again.

But a girl can be very dear, you cannot break up with her, even if you want to - because of feelings. Then adopt a line of behavior in which you will not reveal that you know everything. After all, if she realizes that you are in the know, she will simply break up with you.


If a girl cheats, then most likely she no longer feels strong sympathy for you. And no one wants to endure reproaches and listen to scandals from someone who is not at all dear to them. She's just taking advantage of her betrayal as a reason to break up with you.

So in your case, it’s better to pretend that you don’t know anything, and at the same time start taking steps to correct the situation.

Reasons for betrayal

If something happened, there are certain reasons for it. It's banal and simple.

Since she cheated, that means you gave her a reason look to the left. It's only your mistakes that caused you to kill a man in her eyes.

Your mistakes

Modern society is trying to instill in a man behavior patterns that are not characteristic of him. For example:

  • To win a girl over, pursue her long and hard;
  • Goodbye insults " to a loved one"(to a girl);
  • Take the first step for the sake of reconciliation, away with pride!
  • “Appreciate her!” Read: let go of all your antics, indulge your whims.

Perhaps these attitudes have long been your “natural” line of behavior. But it's unnatural, and therefore happens unconsciously. You don’t notice this and can’t analyze it, and all because you lack knowledge in female psychology. But everything can be fixed, and you are already on the right track.

Now let's list your typical mistakes:

  • You are trying to establish control over her;
  • You show excessive interest;
  • You invest too many resources into it - emotions, effort, time;
  • Impunity for her “shoals” or even encouraging them(when, after she did something wrong, he did something good for her);
  • You give up your principles so as not to “upset” her for fear that the girl will leave.

If this is the case, then it is not surprising that your girlfriend is cheating on you.

The psychology of a woman does not depend on what kind of good girl you see in her, she needs a strong male and she will always look for him. And if you are guided by public opinion, your upbringing and statements from public pages on social networks, then you're not what she's looking for.

By behaving as described above, you are not guided by your own, true masculine desires. There is no tension in your relationship, which should always be at least in small quantities. She feels at ease and free. The girl cheats because, with good reason, she considers you weak.

Now analyze which of the following are your mistakes

Keeping cheating to a minimum

At first, it is important not to give her time for infidelities and meetings, to reduce their number as much as possible. It’s not difficult to guess at what time your girlfriend cheats on you. Take these moments. Don't even ask about her plans - just confront her with a fact.

You can also keep her busy with other things - let her help you with something.

Naturally, she will sometimes try to refuse you and will still leave. It is unlikely that such moments can be completely avoided, because if a person really wants to, he will do it. But now it’s important for you to make these moments as few as possible.

Start acting differently

Now that you have found where you were wrong, you can completely correct your behavior by changing in her eyes.

  1. First of all show her that you have become colder towards her. Your attention to her should sharply decrease compared to what it was before. Refuse offers to spend time together (citing that you are too busy). Let her see that you have new hobbies.
  2. Make it so that she has a reason to be jealous of you. Act decisively: let your photos with other girls appear on social networks; defiantly move to another room when the phone rings or a message arrives. If a girl cheats, she is practically no longer yours, then you need to start taking action.
  3. Start encouraging any effort or contribution she makes for you. Let her enjoy doing this. The more she invests in you, the higher your value to her will be.
  4. Forget about it completely control and eradicate any hints of jealousy. It's quite difficult, but over time she will realize that you don't care where she is or with whom.
  5. Don't do what she asks. This will increase your value for her.

As you begin to change by following these tips, you will notice how her attitude towards you changes. But it’s too early to relax - all this is not enough!

How to make it yours

You must radiate boundless energy while remaining impregnable and rock-solid.

Stay cold towards her, don't show feelings. Do " closer"Only occasionally. If you want accuracy - approximately 1 case out of 10.

Take pauses so that she feels the difference in your behavior - take her on dates, show signs of attention, evoke emotions in her. After move away as if nothing had happened, be cold.

Such a line of behavior will affect her emotionally and will make her faded feelings awaken. This way you will become in her eyes sensitive, but sexy man, whom she managed to miss. So you will quickly eclipse the image of a lover in her head.

You also need to transform your sex life - each subsequent sex should be the best in her life! Throwing away all the above, main reason The reason that the girl is cheating could be her sexual dissatisfaction.

In conclusion: The average man, having learned that a girl is cheating on him, does everything not to keep her - he makes a scandal, tries to understand her train of thoughts. But if you want someone who has been caught cheating, you need to start by correcting all mistakes and adjusting your behavior. This will change you in her eyes, increase your own value and increase the tension in the relationship.

The article gives general idea about how they act in most cases in such an unpleasant situation, because you must always remember that this applies to everyone, since nothing is ideal in life and no one is ideal.

There are also cases when it was unintentional or was not so from the point of view of a woman, because she could simply take revenge for some kind of insult. But even here, not everything is so simple, because later it may turn out that she completely misunderstood everything and cheated on someone who did not hurt her, and thus she becomes the culprit and a hostage of circumstances. Be that as it may, this article will not be superfluous for everyone to understand what situations may occur in practice and what should be done in them.

A girl cheated on her boyfriend's friend, me with her best friend, a guy in another city

Unfortunately . After cheating on a girl with best friend, not every guy can forgive this. It’s probably better not to even look for reasons or someone to blame, it’s better to end the relationship with both.

Cheating on a guy in another city, here it’s better to figure out how and what happened. Talk to your loved one, find out the reasons.

What to do if a girl cheats and leaves for someone else, how to survive and behave

Time heals, it is impossible to just pick up and let go of your loved one, throw them out of your heart. Try not to think about her, work more, relax with friends. You shouldn’t fight with a guy or humiliate a girl, this is her choice and does not mean at all that you are worse. Everyone has the right to choose what is best for them.

The girl cheated, how to take revenge, teach her a lesson, punish or forgive, forget her

Revenge is not the best thing to do in such a situation. Now you are angry and craving punishment, but over time the pain will subside. It would be better to let go and forgive.

How to determine if your girlfriend is cheating on you or not, how she behaves

If so, some signs may give it away. The first sign will be her indifference to you. If were there before thousands of questions and inquiries, then during the betrayal there will not be a single one. Yes, and calls from SMS will also decrease. There will also be a chill in your intimate life. The phone will be constantly next to her, even when she is sleeping, she will be vigilant so that, God forbid, you do not pick it up.

If a girl cheated, how to get her back, how to apologize

Is it worth it? You need to figure it out and find the reason if you lately They were, to put it mildly, a fool, they didn’t notice her, they ran after other people’s skirts. Then, of course, beg, return, give flowers, gifts. And if you are perfect in every way, and she cuckolded you, you don’t have to humiliate yourself, you have to say goodbye.

How to ask and find out the truth from a girl who is cheating or not

A smart girl will never talk about it, but a stupid girl will tell you without questioning and is difficult to argue with.

My girlfriend's dad is cheating on his mom how to console

Explain that the parents’ personal life is none of her business. Regardless of their relationship, the love for her will not change.

The girl cheated on a vacation at sea, graduation, wedding, work, at a distance, on shift in the north

Most likely it was flirting; we can hardly talk about any serious feelings. It is possible that she has repented and is ashamed. If you are ready to forgive, talk. This applies to everything except the wedding, if a girl cheated on you at your wedding, go to the registry office as soon as possible and file for divorce.

The girl cheated, but I love her, she wants to come back, she denies everything, she’s come to her senses, is there a future for such a relationship?

There is a future when you are willing to forgive and forget. After the betrayal, the girl, having come to her senses and realizing that she doesn’t need anyone except you, will never repeat her mistake. Will cherish and value your relationship.

Why does a girl cheat, but doesn’t leave and says she loves her?

She cannot decide whether each of you is dear to her. Draw the dots yourself, either end this relationship, or set the condition that if she is with him, then there is no turning back.

If a girl cheated with her ex, but decided to stay with you

In this situation, it’s up to you to decide, and it won’t turn out that she will cheat again with her ex. For her, it can be like a game, as if each of you is not a stranger to her.

What to do if a girl cheated once, will she cheat a second time and what to do

It all depends on the situation, maybe the reason is you, your attitude towards it. One betrayal does not mean it will happen again.

What to do if a girl cheated on a guy who is in the army while he was there, how does the guy feel?

For a guy, this is a real betrayal. A frequent case of suicide. The girl should try to make sure that he doesn’t find out about it. The guy needs to pull himself together and try to calm down.

The girl cheated on the guy behind his back for cheating and asks for forgiveness

This is meanness, it is not a fact that this will not happen again. You can forgive, but you don’t need to.

If a girl cheated before marriage and confessed

If you love and are ready to forgive, then start your marriage with a clean slate. If you are married and find out about an old betrayal, then do as your heart tells you and remember that before marriage it is still possible, but during it it is an almost impossible burden.

It's not just men who cheat. Women can also commit this sin. What to do if a girl cheated on you.

First of all, try to accept the situation. Try not to let this event affect your worldview in any way. Hatred of everything will not be able to revive old feelings and remake the past. Hatred can only harden your soul and kill everything in you. human qualities. When you find out about cheating, don’t even think about the bad things. Pills, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and finally, suicide is not a solution, and there are no particular reasons for such thoughts. It's not just you who are being cheated on; cheating is very common. To avoid mental trauma, try not to isolate yourself, talk to friends, share your painful experiences with them.

If your friends cannot help you, contact a qualified psychologist who will definitely help you disengage from thoughts of cheating. Do something, sports, fishing, music, reading, there are so many interesting hobbies around. Doing something you love will take your mind off bad thoughts and experiences.

The most worthy way out of this situation is to forgive the woman, because it is not without reason that they say that love can forgive everything and, therefore, can forgive betrayal. Of course, all people are different and everyone different attitude to problems, but by letting go of the problem it can be solved. A forgiven betrayal is a betrayal that has not yet been forgotten, and often the memory of it, that his only one was in the strange arms of another, can drive anyone crazy, even the strong man, crazy. To avoid this, try to escape reality.

Many men who have been cheated on by a girl, instead of distracting themselves and trying to forgive, simply get drunk, thinking that this will drown out the pain. And they get drunk more than once, which eventually leads to alcoholism. Committing stupid acts, inflicting not only mental but physical injuries on themselves, men do not even think about the tragic consequences that inappropriate actions can entail. A man, having learned about the betrayal, begins to think that everything is over and nothing good awaits him further in life. But this is not at all true. It is clear that after learning about the betrayal, even if you forgive the girl, it is no longer so easy to trust her. This leads to the fact that a man begins to suspect his lady of constant infidelity. Gradually he turns into a detective, trying to find confirmation of his guesses. He begins to check his beloved’s email, check the contents of his purse, and sniff all the smells that come from his beloved’s hair and clothes. Over time, this suspicion leads to the development of various mental illnesses.

Many girls just can't long time dating one guy, they either constantly change their preferences, or date several guys at once, in which case no amount of forgiveness will help, the betrayals will be repeated and repeated. The unresolved betrayal of one girl can become an obstacle in a relationship with another, because the guy who survived the betrayal now does not want to trust. But in human relationships, one of the main feelings is trust in each other. Even if the guy has not forgiven, it is better not to take revenge in such a situation, but to simply let the girl go, although this can be difficult.