Groza Ostrovsky 4 action summary.  A.N. Ostrovsky. Storm. Act I - III

The unenviable fate of young girls who married not out of love, but out of duty, is reflected in the image of Katerina from Ostrovsky’s play. At that time in Russia, society did not accept divorce, and unfortunate women, forced to obey the norm, quietly suffered from a bitter fate.

It is not for nothing that the author describes in detail through Katerina’s memories her childhood - happy and carefree. In her married life, the exact opposite of the happiness she dreamed of awaited her. The author compares it with a ray of immaculate, pure light in the dark kingdom of despotism, lack of will and vices. Knowing that for a Christian, suicide is the most serious mortal sin, she still gave up, throwing herself off the Volga cliff.

Action 1

The action takes place in a public garden near the banks of the Volga. Sitting on a bench, Kuligin enjoys the beauty of the river. Kudryash and Shapkin are walking slowly. Dikiy's scolding can be heard from afar; he scolds his nephew. Those present begin to discuss the family. Kudryash acts as a defender of the destitute Boris, believing that he suffers, like other people who have submitted to fate, from a despot-uncle. Shapkin responds to this that it was not in vain that Dikoy wanted to send Kudryash to serve. To which Kudryash says that Dikoy is afraid of him and knows that his head cannot be taken cheaply. Kudryash complains that Dikiy has no marriageable daughters.

Then Boris and his uncle approach those present. Dikoy continues to scold his nephew. Then Dikoy leaves, and Boris explains the family situation. He and his sister were left orphans while they were still training. Parents died of cholera. The orphans lived in Moscow until their grandmother died in the city of Kalinov (where the action takes place). She bequeathed an inheritance to her grandchildren, but they will be able to receive it after coming of age from their uncle (Wild), on the condition that they will honor him.

Kuligin reasons that Boris and his sister are unlikely to receive an inheritance, because Dikoy can consider any word as disrespectful. Boris completely obeys his uncle, works for him without salary, but is of little use. The nephew, like the whole family, is afraid of the Wild One. He shouts at everyone, but no one can answer him. It happened once that Dikiy was scolded by a hussar when they collided at a crossing. He could not answer the serviceman, which is why he became very angry and then took his anger out on his family for a long time.

Boris continues to complain about his difficult life. Feklusha approaches with a lady who praises the Kabanovs’ house. They say that supposedly nice and pious people live there. They leave, and now Kuligin expresses his opinion about Kabanikha. He says that she completely ate her family. Then Kuligin says that it would be nice to invent a perpetual motion machine. He is a young developer who doesn't have money to make models. Everyone leaves, and Boris is left alone. He thinks about Kuligin and calls him a good person. Then, remembering his fate, he sadly says that he will have to spend his entire youth in this wilderness.

Kabanikha appears with her family: Katerina, Varvara and Tikhon. Kabanikha nags her son that his wife has become dearer to him than his mother. Tikhon argues with her, Katerina intervenes in the conversation, but Kabanikha does not allow her to say a word. Then he again attacks his son that he cannot keep his wife strict, hinting that he is so close to a lover.

Kabanikha leaves, and Tikhon accuses Katerina of motherly reproaches. Upset, he goes to Dikiy for a drink. Katerina stays with Varvara and remembers how freely she lived with her parents. She was not particularly forced to do chores, she only carried water, watered flowers, and prayed in church. She saw beautiful, vivid dreams. What now? She is overcome by the feeling that she is standing on the edge of an abyss. She has a presentiment of trouble, and her thoughts are sinful.

Varvara promises that once Tikhon leaves, she will come up with something. Suddenly a crazy lady appears, accompanied by two lackeys, she loudly shouts that beauty can lead to the abyss, and scares the girls of fiery hell. Katerina is scared, and Varvara tries to calm her down. A thunderstorm begins and the women run away.

Act 2

Kabanov's house. In the room, Feklusha and Glasha are having a conversation about human sins. Feklusha argues that it is impossible to live without sin. At this time, Katerina tells Varvara the story of her childhood resentment. Someone offended her and she ran to the river, got into a boat, and then she was found ten miles away. Then she admits that she is in love with Boris. Varvara convinces her that he also likes her, but they have nowhere to meet. But then Katerina gets scared of herself and assures that she won’t exchange her Tikhon, and says that when she gets completely fed up with life in this house, she will either throw herself out the window or drown herself in the river. Varvara again calms her down and says that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she will think of something.

Kabanikha and her son come in. Tikhon is getting ready to set off, and his mother continues her instructions so that he instructs his wife on how she should live while her husband is away. Tikhon repeats her words. Kabanikha and Varvara leave, and, left alone with her husband, Katerina asks him not to leave her or to take her with him. Tikhon resists and says that he wants to be alone. Then she throws herself on her knees in front of him and asks him to take an oath from her, but he does not listen to her and picks her up from the floor.

The women see Tikhon off. Kabanikha forces Katerina to say goodbye to her husband as expected, bowing at her feet. Katerina ignores her. Left alone, Kabanikha is indignant that old people are no longer revered. Katerina enters, and the mother-in-law again begins to reproach her daughter-in-law for not saying goodbye to her husband as expected. To which Katerina says that she doesn’t want to make people laugh, and doesn’t know how.

Alone, Katerina regrets that she does not have children. Then she regrets that she did not die as a child. Then she would certainly become a butterfly. Then she prepares herself to wait for her husband’s return. Varvara comes in and persuades Katerina to ask to take a nap in the garden. There the gate is locked, Kabanikha has the key, but Varvara replaced it and gives it to Katerina. She doesn't want to take the key, but then she does. Katerina is confused - she is afraid, but she also really wants to see Boris. He puts the key in his pocket.

Act 3

Scene 1

On the street near the Kabanovs’ house stands Kabanikha and Feklusha, who reflects that life has become hectic. City noise, everyone is running somewhere, but in Moscow everyone is in a hurry. Kabanikha agrees that you need to live a measured life, and says that she would never go to Moscow.

Dikoy appears, having taken quite a bit of it to his chest, and starts a squabble with Kabanova. Then Dikoy cooled down and began to apologize, blaming the reason for his condition on the workers, who from the very morning began to demand wages from him. The wild one leaves.

Boris sits upset because he has not seen Katerina for a long time. Kuligin arrives and, admiring the beauty of nature, reflects that the poor have no time to walk and enjoy this beauty, but the rich sit behind fences, their house is guarded by dogs so that no one sees how they rob orphans and relatives. Varvara appears in the company of Kudryash. They kiss. Kudryash and Kuligin leave. Varvara is busy with a meeting between Boris and Katerina, appointing a place in the ravine.

Scene 2

Night. Behind the Kabanovs' garden in the ravine, Kudryash sings a song, playing the guitar. Boris arrives and they start arguing over a place for a date. Kudryash does not give in, and Boris admits that he is in love with a married woman. Curly, of course, guessed who she was.

Varvara appears and goes for a walk with Kudryash. Boris is left alone with Katerina. Katerina accuses Boris of ruined honor. She is afraid to move on with her life. Boris reassures her, inviting her not to think about the future, but to enjoy togetherness. Katerina confesses her love for Boris.

Kudryash arrives with Varvara and asks how the lovers are doing. They talk about their confessions. Kudryash suggests continuing to use this gate for meetings. Boris and Katerina agree on their next date.

Act 4

A dilapidated gallery with paintings on the walls Last Judgment. It's raining, people are hiding in the gallery.

Kuligin talks to Dikiy, asking him to donate money to install a sundial in the center of the boulevard, and at the same time persuades him to install lightning rods. Dikoy refuses, shouts at Kuligin, superstitiously believing that a thunderstorm is God’s punishment for sins, he calls the developer an atheist. Kuligin leaves him and says that they will return to the conversation when he has a million in his pocket. The storm is ending.

Tikhon returns home. Katerina becomes not herself. Varvara reports to Boris about her condition. The storm is coming again.

Kuligin, Kabanikha, Tikhon and a frightened Katerina come out. She is afraid and it shows. She perceives the thunderstorm as God's punishment. She notices Boris and gets even more scared. People's words reach her that thunderstorms happen for a reason. Katerina is already sure that lightning should kill her and asks her to pray for her soul.

Kuligin tells people that a thunderstorm is not punishment, but grace for every living blade of grass. The crazy lady and her two lackeys appear again. Turning to Katerina, she shouts at her not to hide. There is no need to be afraid of God's punishment, but you need to pray that God will take away her beauty. Katerina already sees fiery hell, and she tells everyone about her affair on the side.

Action 5

It was dusk in the public garden on the banks of the Volga. Kuligin sits alone on a bench. Tikhon approaches him and talks about his trip to Moscow, where he drank all the time, but didn’t even remember about home, complains that his wife cheated on him. She says that she needs to be buried alive in the ground, as her mother advises. But he feels sorry for her. Kuligin persuades him to forgive his wife. Tikhon is pleased that Dikoy sent Boris to Siberia for three whole years. His sister Varvara ran away from home with Kudryash. Glasha said that Katerina was nowhere to be found.

Katerina is alone and really wants to see Boris to say goodbye. She complains about her unhappy fate and about human judgment, which is worse than execution. Boris comes and says that his uncle sent him to Siberia. Katerina is ready to follow him and asks him to take her with him. She says that her drunkard husband disgusts her. Boris looks around all the time, afraid that they will be seen. In parting, Katerina asks to give alms to the beggars so that they pray for her. Boris leaves.

Katerina goes to the shore. At this time, Kuligin talks with Kabanikha, accusing her of instructing her son against her daughter-in-law. Here you can hear screams that a woman has thrown herself into the water. Kuligin and Tikhon rush to help, but Kabanikha stops her son, threatening to curse him. He stays. Katerina fell to her death, people bring her body.

Ostrovsky made his heroine of the play “The Thunderstorm” a woman of high morals, spiritual, but so airy and dreamy that she was simply unable to survive in the environment prepared for her by fate. "Storm!" This fatal name is fraught with several meanings. It seems that everything is to blame for the thunderstorm that frightened the already guilty Katerina. She was very pious, but life with an indifferent husband and a tyrant mother-in-law forced her to rebel against the rules. She paid for this. But one might wonder if her fate would have ended this way if there had not been this thunderstorm. Considering Katerina’s natural inability to lie, the betrayal would still have been revealed. And if she had not given herself over to love, she would simply have gone crazy.

The husband, crushed by his mother’s authority, treated Katerina indifferently. She was anxiously looking for love. She initially felt that this would lead her to death, but she could not resist her feelings - she had lived in captivity for too long. She was ready to run after Boris to Siberia. Not from great love, but from these hateful walls, where she could not breathe freely. But the lover turns out to be as weak in spirit as her unloved husband.

The result is tragic. Disappointed in life and in men, childless and unhappy Katerina is no longer kept on earth. Her last thoughts are about saving her soul.

The events of the play take place in, in the fictional town of Kalinov, which is located on the high Volga bank. In the center of events is the family of a local wealthy merchant and, concurrently, the legislator of local morality, Kabanikha. The action takes place in a public garden, on the banks of the Volga, where all the main characters of the play appear on stage. First, the local self-taught mechanic Kulibin discusses the inappropriate behavior of the merchant Dikiy, a rich man and a tyrant, with his young clerk Kudryash and the local man in the street Shapkin. Boris joins them, dear nephew Wild, who tells what brought him from this wilderness and why he is forced to endure the antics of his uncle. Dikoy promised to give away the due part of his inheritance on the condition that Boris would be respectful to him. Kuligin claims that it is unlikely that Dikoy will agree to voluntarily give the money, and Boris complains that it is difficult for him to get used to the customs that reign both in his uncle’s house and in the city.
Next comes a wanderer who praises the city for its splendor and especially Kabanova’s house. In response to Boris’s question about Kabanova’s family, Kuligin calls her a hypocrite who “gives gifts to the poor and eats their family.”
Kabanova appears, accompanied by her daughter Varvara, a rather lively girl who has learned to hide her feelings from her mother. Son Tikhon, not particularly evil, but completely under the influence of his domineering mother, who in her presence will not say a word against him. Along with him is his wife Katerina, a young, rather pleasant than beautiful, calm girl. She just can’t get used to the strict order in her mother-in-law’s family, where no one can express their opinion and, after her free childhood, the situation in her husband’s family resembles a prison.
While walking along the boulevard, Varvara was able to find out the secret of Katerina, who admits that she really liked Boris, that he is not like everyone else and she feels a kindred spirit in him. Varvara invites her to arrange a date, but Katerina is horrified by this proposal and refuses.
The tension of the situation is aggravated by the beginning of a thunderstorm and the city madman, who, at the sight of young girls, prophesies hellish torment for them, shouting that beauty leads to the pool. All this makes a depressing impression on Katerina, and she hurries home to pray and beg forgiveness for sinful thoughts.
Having accompanied her husband on a trip, offended by the humiliation expressed by her mother-in-law, Katerina agrees to meet Boris on a secret date.
The final action takes place in the garden, where townspeople are walking and ruins are visible with a surviving fresco depicting a fiery hyena and a thunderstorm is about to begin again.
Katerina is unable to get rid of the feeling of guilt for cheating. She publicly throws herself at his feet and confesses her sin, which causes Kabanikha’s anger, Tikhon’s horror and confusion, Varvara’s annoyance, Boris’s regret and the gloating of the townsfolk.
Unable to withstand the feeling of sinfulness for her offense and realizing that no one is going to help and support, Katerina throws herself off the steep Volga cliff. Here it isSummary of the play

List of characters:

Savel Prokofievich Dikoy is a merchant, a significant person in the city.

Boris Grigorievich is his nephew, a young man, decently educated.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) is a rich merchant's wife, a widow.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov is her son.

Katerina is his wife.

Varvara - Tikhon's sister,

Kuligin is a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile.

Vanya Kudryash is a young man, Dikiy’s clerk.

Shapkin is a tradesman.

Feklusha is a wanderer.

Glasha is a girl in Kabanova's house.

The lady with two footmen is an old woman of 70 years old, half crazy.

The action takes place in the city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga, in the summer.

10 days pass between the 3rd and 4th actions. Action 1

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Phenomenon 1

Kuligin is sitting on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin are walking. Kuligin admires the Volga. They hear Dikoy scolding his nephew in the distance. They are discussing this. Kudryash says that Boris Grigorievich “got to be a sacrifice to Dikiy,” complains about the obedience of the townsfolk, that there is no one to “suffer” Dikiy in a dark alley “like four or five of us.” Shapkin notes that in addition to the “scold-wild”, “Kabanikha is also good,” who does the same, but under the guise of piety. He adds that it was not for nothing that Dikoy wanted to give Kudryash as a soldier. Kudryash replies that Dikoy is afraid of him, because he understands that he “will not give up his head cheaply.” He regrets that Dikiy does not have adult daughters, otherwise he would “respect” him.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy and Boris appear. Dikoy scolds Boris, he obediently listens, Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells those present about his family and home circumstances. Boris’s grandmother (Dikoy’s mother and Boris’s father) disliked “daddy” because he married a “noble woman.” The daughter-in-law and mother-in-law did not get along, as the daughter-in-law “felt very wild here.” We moved to Moscow, where we raised our children without denying them anything. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister at the boarding school. My parents died due to cholera. A grandmother in the city of Kalinov also died, leaving her grandchildren an inheritance, which their uncle must pay them when they come of age, but only on the condition that they will be respectful to him. Kuligin notes that neither Boris nor his sister will see an inheritance, since nothing will stop Dikiy from saying that they were disrespectful. Boris does “what he is ordered to do,” but does not receive a salary - he will be paid at the end of the year, as Dikiy wishes. All the household are afraid of the Wild One - he scolds everyone, but no one dares to answer him. Kudryash recalls how Dikoy was scolded by a hussar on the ferry, to whom he could not respond in kind, and how Dikoy then took his anger out on his family for several days. Boris says that he can’t get used to the local order. Kuligin replies: “ Cruel morals, sir, in our city... In the philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and stark poverty. Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread. And those who have money, sir, try to enslave the poor so that his labors will be free more money make money...” Kuligin recalls that Dikoy answered the mayor when he came to him based on complaints from workers that they were being calculated incorrectly: “I’ll underpay them by a penny per person, but I make thousands out of this, so it’s for me.” and good!”

Feklusha appears with another woman. Feklusha says that there is “splendor” all around, that “you live in the promised land,” and blesses the “pious people,” and especially the “house of the Kabanovs.” They leave.

Kuligin says about Kabanikha that she is a “hypocrite”, “she gives money to the poor, but she completely eats up her family.” Then he adds that for the general benefit he is looking for a perpetuum mobile (perpetual motion machine), wondering where he can get money for a model.

Phenomenon 4

Boris (alone) says about Kuligin that he good man- “he dreams and is happy.” He grieves that he will have to waste his youth in this wilderness, that he is “driven, downtrodden, and yet he foolishly decided to fall in love.”

Phenomenon 5

Katerina, Varvara, Tikhon and Kabanikha appear. The boar nags her son that his wife is dearer to him than his mother, that if you try the mother-in-law, “you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, so the conversation started that the mother-in-law is completely fed up.” Tikhon tries to dissuade her. Katerina enters into a conversation, but Kabanikha interrupts her and complains to Tikhon that he does not keep his wife at bay. Tikhon replies: “Why should she be afraid? It’s enough for me that she loves me.” Kabanova reproaches her son for “deciding to live by his own will.” We answer: “Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will?” Kabanova notes that if you don’t keep your wife in fear, she can take a lover.

Phenomenon 6

Tikhon reproaches Katerina that he always gets it from his mother because of her. Left without his mother’s supervision, Tikhon wants to go to Diky’s for a drink. Leaves.

Phenomenon 7

Katerina and Varvara are left alone.

Katerina: “Why don’t people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That’s how I would run up, raise my arms and fly..." Katerina recalls the time when she lived with her parents - she went to get water, watered flowers, then with "mama", pilgrims and pilgrims went to church - "I loved to death go to church! It was as if I were about to enter heaven...” She dreamed extraordinary dreams, in which “invisible voices” sang, there was a smell of cypress, etc. Katerina tells Varvara that she feels as if she is standing in front of an abyss, sensing trouble. “If it were up to me, I would now ride along the Volga, on a boat, singing, or in a good three-wheeler...” She admits that she has sin on her mind. Varvara says that after Tikhon leaves, she will come up with something. Katerina shouts: “No! No!"

Phenomenon 8

A half-crazy lady appears with two lackeys, shouts that beauty leads to the abyss, to the pool, points to the Volga, threatens fiery hell.

Phenomenon 9

Katerina is scared. Varvara calms her down, says that the lady “has sinned all her life from a young age... that’s why she’s afraid to die.” Thunderstorm, it starts to rain. Katerina gets scared, she and Varvara run away.

Act 2

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha and Glasha are talking. Glasha says that “all of you are slandering each other” and asks why they shouldn’t live in peace. Feklusha replies that it is impossible to live without sin in the world, says that sin is also found in her - she loves to “eat sweets.” She says that “due to her weakness, she did not walk far, but when she heard, she heard a lot.” He says that there are countries where “there are no Orthodox kings, and the Saltans rule the earth... and, no matter what they judge, everything is wrong... And there is also a land where all the people have dog heads.” Feklusha leaves, Glasha speaks approvingly of the wanderers who talk about everything, “otherwise they would die like fools.”

Phenomenon 2

Katerina tells Varvara about how she was offended in some way as a child and she ran out to the Volga, got into a boat, and in the morning she was found about ten miles away. Then he admits to Varvara that he loves Boris. Varvara says that he also likes Katerina, but it’s a pity he has nowhere to see her. Katerina gets scared and screams that she won’t trade her Tisha for anyone. Varvara argues with her that you can do “whatever you want, as long as it’s safe and covered.” Katerina assures her that if she gets tired of life here, nothing will stop her - she will either throw herself out the window or drown herself in the Volga. Varvara says that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she “will sleep in the gazebo,” calling Katerina with her.

Phenomenon 3

Kabanikha and Tikhon enter, getting ready to go on the road. Kabanikha tells him to tell his wife how to live without him, then she herself pronounces instructions, Tikhon repeats after her. He leaves with Varvara.

Phenomenon 4

Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave. He replies: “If my mother sends me, how can I not go!” Katerina then asks to take her with her. Tikhon refuses, explaining that he needs a break from scandals and everyone at home. Katerina begs her husband to take a terrible oath from her, falls to her knees in front of him, he picks her up, does not listen, and says* that this is a sin.

Phenomenon 5

Kabanikha, Varvara and Glasha arrive. Tikhon leaves, Katerina says goodbye to him, Kabanova makes her bow at her husband’s feet, “as it should be.”

Phenomenon 6

The boar is alone. He complains that the old days show that there is no longer the former respect for the elderly. Young people, in her opinion, don’t know how to do anything, but they also want to live by their own will.

Phenomenon 7

Kabanikha reproaches Katerina for not saying goodbye to her husband as she should. “Another good wife, having seen her husband off, howls for an hour and a half and lies on the porch.” Katerina replies that she doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to make people laugh.

Phenomenon 8

Katerina alone complains that she has no children. She regrets that she did not die in childhood, then she would fly like a butterfly from flower to flower, etc. She plans to wait for Tikhon.

Phenomenon 9

Varvara tells Katerina that she asked to sleep in the garden, where there is a gate, the key to which Kabanikha usually hides, then adds that she took away this key and put another one in its place. Gives this key to Katerina. Katerina shouts: “Don’t! No!”, but he takes the key.

Phenomenon 10

Katerina argues with herself alone, holding the key in her hand, wants to throw it, but then hides it in her pocket. He decides to see Boris, and then “come what may.”

Act 3

Scene 1

The street at the gate of the Kabanovs' house.

Phenomenon 1

Feklusha tells Kabanikha that the time has come last times that in other cities there is “sodom”: noise, running around, incessant driving. He says that in Moscow everyone is in a hurry, that they are “harnessing a fiery serpent” and so on. Kabanova agrees with Feklusha and declares that she will never go there under any circumstances.

Phenomenon 2

Dikoy appears. Kabanova asks why he’s wandering around so late. Dikoy is drunk and argues with Kabanikha, who rebuffs him. Dikoy asks her for forgiveness, explains that he was angry in the morning: the workers began to demand payment of the money owed to them. “My heart is like this! After all, I already know that I have to give, but I can’t do everything with good.” He complains about his temper, which leads him to the point where he then has to ask for forgiveness “from the very last guy.” Dikoy leaves.

Phenomenon 3

Boris tells Glasha that he was sent from home to get Dikiy. He sighs that he can’t see Katerina. Kuligin appears, admires the weather, beautiful places, then adds that “the town is lousy”, that “they made a boulevard, but they don’t walk.” The poor have no time to walk, but the rich sit behind closed gates, dogs guard the house so that no one sees how they rob orphans, relatives, and nephews. Kudryash and Varvara appear and kiss. Kudryash leaves, followed by Kuligin.

Phenomenon 4

Varvara makes an appointment for Boris in the ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden.

Scene 2

Night, ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden.

Phenomenon 1

Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about a free Cossack.

Phenomenon 2

Boris appears. He argues with Kudryash over a place for a date. Then he tells Kudryash that he loves a married woman, who, when she prays in church, looks like an angel. Kudryash guesses that this is “young Kabanova,” says that “there is something to congratulate,” notes that “even though her husband is a fool, her mother-in-law is painfully fierce.”

Phenomenon 3

Varvara arrives, she and Kudryash go for a walk. Boris and Katerina are left alone. Katerina: “Go away from me... I will never atone for this sin!” She accuses Boris of ruining her and is afraid of the future. Boris urges her not to think about the future, “it’s enough that we feel good now.” Katerina admits that she loves Boris.

Phenomenon 4-5

Kudryash and Varvara come and ask if the lovers have gotten along. They answer in the affirmative and are removed. Curly praises the idea of ​​climbing through the garden gate. After some time, Boris and Katerina return. Having agreed on a new date, everyone disperses.

Act 4

A narrow gallery of a building that has begun to collapse, on the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.

Phenomenon 1

It's raining, people running into the gallery and discussing the images on the walls.

Phenomenon 2

Kuligin and Dikoy appear. Kuligin tries to persuade Dikiy to donate money to install a sundial on the boulevard. He scolds Kuligin, tries to get rid of him, says: “So you know that you are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush.” Kuligin explains to Dikiy that it is necessary to install several lightning rods in the city. Dikoy shouts that the thunderstorm is God’s punishment, and not “electricity,” and calls Kuligin an atheist and a Tatar. Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit, and promising that they will talk when he has a million. The rain is stopping.

The play was published in 1859. It came from the author’s pen very quickly. The idea of ​​writing a similar work appeared in Alexander Ostrovsky around July of the same year, and in October it was already published. Written in the genre of a realistic play.

The conflict in it is the struggle of the “dark kingdom” with new trends.

When the work was published, it was discussed and criticized a lot. The prototype of the main character was theater actress Lyubov Kositskaya. She later became the first Katerina on the theater stage. The event that caused the suffering of the young woman was the arrival of Boris in Kalinov and their love. The reader becomes an eyewitness to the events and feelings of the main character, which cost her her life.

The main action of the drama “The Thunderstorm” by Alexander Ostrovsky takes place in the first half of the 19th century. The setting is the city of Kalinov, fictionalized by the author.

Characters in the play


  • Katerina Kabanova- a young woman, the wife of Tikhon Kabanov. Quiet and shy. Pure and correct in thoughts. He experiences the imperfections of the surrounding world very painfully;
  • Boris- a young man who has good education. He came and lives with Uncle Diky Savl Prokofievich. Loves Ekaterina Kabanova;
  • Kabanikha (Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna)- mother of Katerina's husband. A widowed, wealthy woman of the merchant class. He oppresses his entire family in the person of his daughter, son and daughter-in-law, as well as the servants. Not averse to subjugating others to yourself;
  • Tikhon Kabanov- Kabanikha’s son and at the same time Katerina’s husband. He has no opinion, and therefore always obeys his domineering mother.

Other characters:

  • Varvara - Kabanikha's daughter. The girl is headstrong by nature, and her mother’s threats are an empty phrase for her;
  • Kudryash - clerk of the rich merchant Dikiy. Beloved of Varvara;
  • Savel Prokofievich Dikoy - merchant. The person who has heavy weight when solving many important issues in Kalinov. Rude and ill-mannered;
  • Kuligin - tradesman who believes that progress will conquer all the bad things in life;
  • Lady- the lady is out of her mind;
  • Feklusha - wanderer;
  • Glasha - maid Kabanikha family.

Main content

To learn about the conflict and the main storylines works, let's quickly read the play "The Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky, summary by action.

First action

On the high bank of the Volga River in a public garden, the local self-taught mechanic Kuligin talks with Dikiy's clerk - Kudryash - and the tradesman Shapkin. Kuligin and Kudryash argue about how beautiful nature is. The mechanic is completely delighted with her beauty, but for Curly it is nothing.

At this moment, the men notice the merchant Dikiy Savla Profyevich with his nephew Boris. They are talking animatedly about something, the nephew is gesticulating desperately. Meanwhile, the conversation turns to the rude actions and tyranny of the Wild. The merchant approaches Kuligin and his company. He is very dissatisfied with Boris and his arrival in the city.

During the conversation, the reader understands that Boris and his sister have no one except their uncle. It also becomes clear that the grandmother of Boris and his sisters, and therefore the natural mother of Savla the Wild, left her fortune to her grandson. At the same time, specifying as one of the conditions the good relationship between uncle and grandson. The merchant doesn’t want to hear about it.

Dikoy leaves. Boris, Kudryash and Kuligin continue to talk about the difficult temperament of the merchant. A young man complains that he doesn’t have a very good life in the city, since he doesn’t know local traditions. The mechanic said that many in the city earn their money through dishonest labor and claims that if he ever has money, he will collect a perpetuum mobile for the benefit of the people. Feklusha comes and praises all the merchants of the city as benefactors.

Boris feels sorry for the self-taught mechanic because it is unlikely that he will be able to fulfill his dream and invent something useful for society. It's not even about his talent, but about financial issue. He is against staying here and spending his best years. He also scolds himself for the fact that “he foolishly decided to fall in love...” The object of desire is Ekaterina Kabanova.

Then Katerina, Tikhon, Kabanikha and Varvara appear on the stage. Mother and son are having a conversation. The reader observes how this family usually communicates with each other. Tikhon is tired of listening to his mother’s constant instructions, but he still continues to slavishly listen to her. Kabanikha asks him not to conceal his sin and tell her that Katerina has become more important to him than his own mother.

Marfa Ignatievna laments that he will soon not value his mother at all. The daughter-in-law, listening to this conversation, denies the words of her husband’s mother. Kabanikha says even more things so that the others will take pity on her. She claims that she is interfering with the married life of Tikhon and Katerina. Her tirade reeks of insincerity. A second later, the mother is already vomiting and lashing out, calling Tikhon weak-willed.

Marfa Ignatievna believes that Katya must be obedient to both her husband and mother-in-law in everything. “Will the wife become afraid...” - this is the main phrase that characterizes the meaning family relations according to the thoughts of this representative of the “small kingdom” of tyrants. Tikhon agrees that he has a weak character. Marfa Ignatievna leaves. Tikhon complains to his sister about his mother. My sister says that we are all responsible for our actions and our character. Kabanov goes to Dikiy's for a drink.

Next we hear a conversation between Varvara and Katerina. A young woman calls herself a “bird” (“I sometimes think I’m a bird”). And indeed, Katerina literally fades away after she gets married. Like a flower in dark kingdom.

The main character is all in anticipation of something terrible, perhaps even death. She tells her sister-in-law that Tikhon is her unloved husband.

Varvara is very worried about Katerina’s mood and in order to correct it, she does everything in her power - she arranges a meeting for Katerina with another person.

Then the reader sees the Lady again, and she utters prophetic words, pointing to the river: “This is where beauty leads. Into the deep end." Katerina believes this and is very scared. Varvara does not believe Barynya’s words, because she believes that she sees destruction in everything.

Kabanov arrives. Katerina is waiting for her husband because married women in the 19th century it was forbidden to walk alone.

Second act

Varvara believes that Katerina suffers because she has not yet loved. The woman was really very young and was given in marriage. She doesn't want to live a lie with a man she doesn't love. Varvara is convinced that her daughter-in-law should just remain silent, and she feels sorry for her brother.

At this moment, Kabanov needs to leave for 2 weeks on very urgent business. Things are packed, the carriage is delivered, and here the reader observes another scene that humiliates not only the young married couple, but also their feelings. At the suggestion of Kabanikha, Tikhon told his wife not to look at young men. Katerina asked her husband not to leave her, but to take her with him. She has a presentiment of trouble. Kabanov refuses her.

Saying goodbye, Katerina hugged her husband and Kabanikha didn’t like this either, since she seemed to be on a par with him. The wife should fall at her feet, since he is the head. Tikhon himself is forced to fall at his mother’s feet. Kabanikha is sure that the younger generation has completely forgotten the customs of the old days. The reason is that Katerina does not cry bitter tears after Tikhon’s departure.

Katya is alone. She regrets that she has neither a son nor a daughter. She could take care of them. Varya says that at the gate new castle. She came up with this trick to arrange a date between Katerina and Boris.

Katerina realizes that Kabanikha is to blame for many of her misfortunes. She does not want to give in to temptation and secretly meet with Boris. The man himself is of the same opinion. He does not know what feelings Katerina has for him.

Third act

Feklusha and Glasha are having a conversation about morality. At the same time, they consider the Kabanov family to be the last bastion of moral principles, when in Kalinov there is “Sodom and Gomorrah” all around. They remember Moscow and say that it is a very restless and hectic city, and that is why people walk there dissatisfied and sad.

Dikoy arrives, fairly drunk. He wants to talk with Kabanikha. He admits to her that everyone often tries to beg money from him, and most of all he is annoyed with his nephew.

At this moment Boris is walking past the Kabanovs' estate. He would like to look at Katerina, but is forced to deny himself this. Meets Kuligin. They take a walk with him. They start talking about poverty and wealth. The mechanic believes that the rich do not allow anyone into their homes because they abuse their families there.

On the way they meet Varvara. She kisses Kudryash and tells Boris where and when Katerina will be waiting for him.

Night. The ravine under the Kabanovs' garden. Curly sings. Boris confesses to him and Varvara that he loves Katerina. Varya and Kudryash went to the river bank. Boris continues to wait. A young woman appears and is very scared. Nervous. Hugs Boris. They tell each other about their love.

The meeting of lovers does not last long, since Kabanikha may notice the absence of her daughter-in-law. Suddenly Tikhon arrives.

Act Four

Ten days have passed since the previous events. Thunder can be heard on stage. Kalinovites stroll along the alley overlooking the river. Scenes of fiery hell are painted on the wall. Dikoy and Kuligin are arguing animatedly. The mechanic asks the merchant cash on his new invention - a lightning rod. The mechanic tells the Wild that he does not realize the importance of this discovery. The merchant rudely interrupts Kuligin and calls him a “worm.”

Everyone leaves and thunder is heard again.

Katerina has an increasingly clear premonition of death. Kabanov asks her to repent, as he is very concerned about his wife’s behavior. The conversation ends with the appearance of Varvara. Boris appears and greets Kabanov. Katya is paler than death. Varvara makes it clear to Boris to leave, since Marfa Ipatieva might understand something.

Kuligin urges people not to be afraid of thunderstorms.

Katerina claims that today she will become her victim. Her sister-in-law and husband cannot understand her. Varvara asks her not to worry, and Kabanov tells her to go home.

The Lady arrives. He again speaks prophetic words to Katerina. She frantically repents before her husband and mother-in-law. The reader learns that they met for ten days while Kabanov was away.

Fifth act

Kabanov and Kuligin will talk about Katya’s confession. Tikhon thinks that part of the blame lies with his mother, who hates her daughter-in-law. He was able to forget his wife’s betrayal, but Kabanikha’s reaction is an insurmountable obstacle for him. Kabanikhina's family disappears like a sand castle. Her daughter ran away with her lover.

Glasha said that Katerina was nowhere to be found. Everyone rushes to look for her.

Katerina is alone. In atonement, she calls out to her lover. He comes with bad news. He needs to go to Siberia. He can't take her with him. The woman loses all meaning in life and throws herself into the river.

People's screams can be heard. The reader learns from them that an unknown woman threw herself into the water. Tikhon realizes that this is his wife and wants to rush after her. Marfa Ignatievna holds him back. Katerina's body was brought by Kuligin. She is as beautiful as she was when she was alive. There is only a drop of blood on his temple.

Kabanov says: “...for some reason I remained to live in the world and suffer!” He understands that there is no longer a “ray of light” in the dark kingdom. Having read the play “The Thunderstorm” - a summary of the chapters - we understand that Ostrovsky puts into the mouth of Tikhon Kabanov the whole meaning of the tragedy: how bad it is when the forces of the “dark kingdom” win.

It is not even necessary to read “The Thunderstorm” in its entirety - a summary of the actions makes it clear to the reader how difficult it is for the “birds” in the “dark kingdom”. Such as Katerina, Kuligin, Boris and other characters in the play. The events of the play unfold against the backdrop of ordinary everyday affairs, and end in tragedy - the death of Katerina, the main character of the work.

At first glance, the plot is simple and has several lines of development. And it doesn’t end with just the uneasy love between the main character and Boris. The reader observes conflicts minor characters:

  • mechanic Kuligin and merchant Dikiy;
  • Varenka Kabanova and clerk Kudryash.

This is what makes the play special.

Ostrovsky wrote a drama called “The Thunderstorm” after a trip to the cities of the Volga region. He reflected in the work the morals, life and customs of the inhabitants of many provinces.

The drama was written in 1859. During this period it was canceled serfdom. But the author does not mention this event. The main emphasis is on the conflict that arose in the mid-19th century.

Many people like the drama “The Thunderstorm” by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. The author is a major cultural figure. His work is forever enshrined in literature.

He made an invaluable contribution to development. The play “The Thunderstorm” was written after a long trip along the Volga.

Thanks to the Maritime Ministry, a trip was organized with Ostrovsky. The main task The ethnographic expedition was to study the customs and morals of the population of the Russian Federation.

The prototype of the city of Kalinov is many Volga settlements. They are similar to each other, but they also have unique features.

Ostrovsky is an experienced researcher, and he recorded his observations and thoughts in his own diary.

He paid special attention to the life of the Russian provinces and the character of the people. Based on these recordings, the drama “The Thunderstorm” was written.

Pay attention! Long time people believed that the story of the drama was based on real events.

In 1859, when Ostrovsky wrote his book, a native resident of Kostroma disappeared. Early in the morning she left home, and then she was taken from the Volga.

The investigation found that there was a tense situation in the family. The girl had a tense relationship with her mother-in-law, and her husband could not resist his mother, so he did not help defuse the situation.

In Kostroma, the work “The Thunderstorm” was published in the form separate book. During the production, the actors tried to get into character as much as possible in order to be like the main characters - the Klykovs.

Local residents tried to determine the place from which the girl jumped into the water. S.Yu. Lebedev is a famous literature researcher, so he found the same matches.

Brief description of the characters for the reader's diary

There are not many main characters described in Ostrovsky's story.

Important! It is important for readers to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of each character for reader's diary to write an essay correctly and make a brief analysis.


Character name Brief description of the heroes
Katerina This main character. The girl got married early at the behest of her parents. She was raised according to strict traditions, so she believed that a wife must respect her husband and submit to him.

At first, the girl tried to love her husband, but other than pity, she had no more feelings.

Katerina was modest, but her strength of character does not go unnoticed while reading the book.

She was not afraid to confront Kabanikha, who, no matter what opportunity tried to attack the girl

Varvara This is Kabanikha's daughter. She knows how to cleverly lie and get out of different situations resourcefully. But readers still sympathize with her.

Varvara is not like other residents of the city, she tries to live the way she wants, and does not impose society

Kabanikha This is the mother of Katerina's husband. She's tyrannical strong woman, keeps his family in fear. She didn't love her daughter-in-law
Tikhon Kabanov The image fully corresponds to the name. A man of weak character did not protect his wife
Kuligin This is a self-taught mechanic. In the drama, he acts as a tour guide.

Kuligin is kind person who constantly thinks about the common good and honest work. But his desires remained dreams

Wild This is a clerk who is not afraid of the merchant and expresses his opinion at a convenient moment. He is a simple and good-natured person
Boris This is a guest of a provincial town who came to establish relations with Dikiy. His main goal is to receive bequeathed money
Feklusha and Glasha This is a wanderer and a servant. They are uneducated and ignorant people who judge biasedly and sometimes absurdly. Women talk about morality and morality in distorted terms

The events of the drama take place in the mid-19th century, in the city of Kalinov. It is located next to the Volga River. The work is divided into several chapters.

The shortest retelling of actions:

  1. In Act 1, the city residents heard about the evil and greedy merchant Diky. He scolds his nephew Boris. The young man admits that he tolerates his uncle for the sake of his inheritance.

    Boris likes Katerina Kabanova, who married Tikhon. At this time, the merchant Kabanikha went for a walk with her daughter, son and daughter-in-law.

    She reproaches Tikhon for the fact that when he got married, his mother faded into the background. He calms his mother down, and she goes home, and Tikhon goes to visit Dikiy.

    When the girls are left alone, Katerina admits that she secretly loves another person and considers this a great sin.

  2. Tikhon is going to leave for the city for 15 days, and Katerina asks him to stay at home or take her with him. When they say goodbye, Tikhon leaves.

    Varvara is trying with all her might to help Katerina so that she can meet Boris. She contrives and steals the gate keys from her mother.

    Katerina was brought up in strictness and does not want to deceive her husband, but she has a great desire to meet Boris.

  3. The merchant Dikiy comes to visit Kabanikha. He wants to talk it out. The merchant admits that he feels sorry for giving money to employees, even when they earned it honestly.

    Boris secretly approaches Kabanikha's house to see Katerina. Varvara tells him that the girl is waiting for him near the ravine.

    When the young man arrives at the intended place, he sees Katerina. Young people confess to each other that they love each other.

  4. After 10 days, Varvara meets Boris and tells him that Tikhon returned home earlier. At this time, Kabanikha, Tikhon and Katerina are walking around the city and meet Boris.

    When a girl sees her lover, she begins to cry. Varvara hints to Boris that it is better for him to leave.

    People on the street warn that a strong thunderstorm will soon begin, which could lead to a fire. When Katerina hears these words, she tells her husband that today the thunderstorm will kill her.

    A woman passes nearby who calls the girl a sinner, and she admits that she went to Boris for 10 nights.

  5. Tikhon meets with Kulagin and talks about the news. Varvara runs away from home with Kudryash, Boris is sent to another city for 3 years.

    Kuligin advise Tikhon to forgive his wife, but the merchant’s wife is against it. The maid announces that Katerina has left home.

    The girl meets Boris on the street, who says goodbye to her and leaves for Siberia.

    Tikhon sees his wife in the river and wants to save her, but his mother forbids him to do so. Katerina's body is carried ashore, Tikhon blames his mother for the death of his wife.