Natalya Naumenko biography. The participant in the murder, Mike Naumenko, fled from Russia to Germany. In the last years of his life he wrote nothing at all


Director Kirill Serebrennikov is working on the filming of the film “Summer”. The film is about famous Leningrad rock musicians. The plot centers on the leaders of the Zoo and Kino groups Mike Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi.

Already at the production stage of the tape, many friends and acquaintances of both (now deceased) musicians attacked it with criticism. It was also criticized love line, suggesting some romantic relationship between Tsoi and Mike's wife. talked with Natalya Naumenko herself about how she views the hype around this story, as well as what actually connected her with Tsoi, and about what Mike himself was like.

Mike Naumenko at the funeral of Viktor Tsoi: Mike Naumenko’s wife spoke about her friendship with Tsoi

Natalia, could you comment on the situation with the film?

What for? I don’t want to be like those who haven’t read Pasternak but condemn him. Let's wait and see, then we can have a substantive conversation. What I was able to see on the set - the atmosphere, the relationship between the actors and the director - I really liked. I believe Kirill.

Yes, it would have been much easier for me to live if many years ago I had not succumbed to the persuasion of our old friend Alexander Zhitinsky: “I’m writing a book about Tsoi, but no one can really tell about him - not famous, not a poster boy, young...”. We agreed that Alexander would use my text exclusively for auxiliary purposes. That's why I opened up. But Sasha wrote letters asking him to leave everything as it was, because the heroes looked noble and all that jazz. I fell for it again. Now I’m unraveling...

— Was Mike jealous of you and Tsoi?

- There was no reason to be jealous. Although he believed that such friendships were much more dangerous than anything else. I don’t understand why they suddenly jumped into this story? I have a very good attitude towards Vita, but I am not interested in being his “classmate” (relatively speaking), of whom there are probably already three classmates, a girlfriend, an unknown love, a known love... For a very short time, we had, I dare to hope, tender friendship. Congratulations on Girls' Day and Boys' Day (as in Japan, instead of February 23 and March 8) and endless conversations (no matter what anyone says about Tsoi-buk, Tsoi-silent). Deep person, smart. Not too often, but he could have fun and make you laugh with excellent jokes. And all ours love story» - kindergarten. Thank God, you can remember without embarrassment, but with great tenderness.

What kind of relationship did Tsoi and Mike have? Were they friends?

- No, there was no special friendship. I think a friendly relationship... For a while, Mike was a teacher for him. Tsoi said that he definitely needed to know Mike’s opinion about new song. At that time, he had a lot of complexes and was very unsure of himself. And he believed Mike.

Mike Naumenko at the funeral of Viktor Tsoi: Mike Naumenko about Viktor Tsoi

I met Viktor Tsoi in 1981. Then we lived nearby - near Victory Park, about four hundred meters from each other.

Perhaps we were not friends - more like buddies. It seems to me that he had no friends at all - he always emanated some special vibe of loneliness.

I really liked his songs. Straightaway. Back then, out of my youth and stupidity, I considered myself a cool rock star and a master. Naturally, I began to give him advice. I recommended and corrected some things. He took some of this. Let’s say in “Idle Man” the word “mother” comes from me. And there are many such examples. I introduced him - in my opinion, at his request - to BG, who, in principle, made his entire career.

Tsoi and Rybin came to see my wife and me almost every second day, brought a bunch of dry wine (mostly Rkatsiteli on tap from Dagestan for 1 ruble 70 kopecks), sang new songs, chatted, and sometimes stayed overnight.

I remember how, after their very first recording, they, in a state of some euphoria, burst into our apartment around midnight and literally physically forced us to listen to the tape. It’s funny that, by a whim of fate, the “hired” drummer Valera Kirilov played with them at that time, who five years later became a member of our group ZOOPARK, where he works to this day.

Tsoi generally used people very skillfully. He always knew how to make the right contacts, and was very cold and calculating in relationships.

I didn't like the way he changed in last years. This is probably a disease that many rock musicians have had. Money, girls, stadiums - and you start to forget your old friends, keep your nose up and imagine yourself as super cool. Well, he is not the first and he is not the last. We are all humans. I’m just a little surprised that after death they are trying to make some kind of angel out of him. He was not an angel, just as he was not a demon. Like all of us, he was just a man with his pros and cons. But in our country it is desirable to die in order to become completely popular. While you are alive, for some reason you are not appreciated. There are plenty of examples of this, as everyone knows.

I remember the very first KINO concert at the Leningrad rock club. I even played lead guitar on one song (“Once You Were a Beatnik”). Mikhail Vasiliev from AQUARIUM played the bass guitar, and Andrey Romanov played the piano. Alexey Rybin (by the way, one of the two founders of the KINO group, which for some reason no one remembers) then had his pants torn right on stage. interesting place. So the concert was quite fun.

Generally speaking, I always liked Victor's earlier material better. Although, who knows?

Mike Naumenko at the funeral of Viktor Tsoi: biography of Mike

Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumenko (April 18, 1955, Leningrad, USSR - August 27, 1991, ibid.) better known by his stage name Mike - Soviet rock musician, founder and leader of the Zoo group. Author of such songs as “Sweet N”, “Suburban Blues”, “Fleabag”, etc.

Born on April 18, 1955 in a family of Leningrad intellectuals. His father (Vasily Grigorievich, 1918-2007) was a teacher at LISI, and his mother (Galina Florentyevna Naumenko-Braytigam, 1922-2010) was a library worker. I didn't play music as a child. His passion for music began when Mike first heard the music of The Beatles. Then Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan, Marc Bolan, Lou Reed and others had a strong influence on his work.

He started writing songs in school, after his grandmother gave him a guitar. Mike composed his first songs in English. Naumenko studied at a special school and had a good command of the language. There he received the nickname "Mike". Mike's ex-wife, Natalya, claims that his school teacher first called him that in English. The first texts in Russian were written in 1972 under the influence of Boris Grebenshchikov. In addition to music, he was interested in making airplane models, reading Soviet detective stories, and translating from English.

After school, at the insistence of his father, he entered LISI, but after the fourth year he dropped out. He worked as a sound engineer at the Bolshoi Puppet Theater, then as a watchman. All this time he remained a musician.

He died on August 27, 1991 in his apartment from a cerebral hemorrhage as a result of an accident. The drummer of the Zoo group, Valery Kirilov, expressed a different point of view: according to him, Mike Naumenko really died from a cerebral hemorrhage, but it did not occur due to natural causes, but due to a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of a brutal blow inflicted on Mike during a robbery in yard, as evidenced by the loss of the musician’s personal belongings. There is also testimony from one teenager who allegedly saw Mike being lifted from the ground in the yard. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to go up to his home, but there he became completely weak and lay unconscious for a long time, unnoticed by anyone in the communal apartment. When his loved ones finally found him and called an ambulance, it was already too late. However, many people familiar with the circumstances of Mike's death do not confirm this hypothesis.

He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

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KP journalists conducted their investigation into the death of the leader of the Zoo group. For a long time, the death of a rock star was considered an accident. But in this tragedy everything turned out to be not so clear.

On June 28, Kirill Serebrennikov’s film “Summer” about love triangle between the vocalist of the Zoo group Mike Naumenko, his wife Natalya and Viktor Tsoi. According to critics and early viewers, the film turned out to be bright and kind.

Alas, the continuation of this story is much darker. On August 15, 1990, Kino leader Viktor Tsoi crashed in his car. And 12 months later, on August 27, 1991, Naumenko died. He died under very mysterious circumstances - after a fracture of the base of the skull, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage...

Nobody wrote about the cause of death

In August 1991, when Naumenko died, for some reason they did not write about the causes of death. Even in " Komsomolskaya Pravda"for August 28, 1991 known music journalist Artemy Troitsky simply stated a bitter fact:

“Very sad news came from St. Petersburg. Mike, according to his passport, Mikhail Naumenko, the great Russian rocker, has died. In fact, Mike became the father-creator of Russian street rock and roll...”

He lived in a St. Petersburg communal apartment on Borovaya Street. A neighbor found the singer lying at the door to his room at 11 am. He was alive, but could barely move his tongue. The neighbor thought the rocker was drunk and dragged him onto the bed. In the afternoon, Naumenko’s mother and sister came to see him. Seeing the condition Misha was in, they called an ambulance. But doctors only stated death. The reason is that stroke after a strange fracture of the base of the skull, which we have already talked about. Moreover, as it turned out, Naumenko was absolutely sober. However, no criminal case was ever opened.

To find out what the security forces think about death from such an injury, we call our friend, the head of the investigation department, Yaroslav Korelin. We do not specify who the victim was and when the tragedy occurred.

“In case of such damage, we immediately begin to carry out a pre-investigation check under the article “murder,” says Korelin without hesitation. - What, in your case, my colleagues didn’t do this?

The man died back in 1991. We are trying to find out how rock singer Mike Naumenko died.

“It’s strange that the police didn’t look into it then.” We first find out whether the victim had any enemies.

We decide to do the work of the policemen of the 90s and find out who could have wanted Naumenko dead. In the film "Summer" Mike and Viktor Tsoi are shown best friends. Maybe Naumenko was in close contact with the father of the Kino leader? And if so, then it is possible that Robert Maksimovich knows about the enemies of the “Zoo” vocalist. We make an appointment with Tsoi Sr.

When Misha died, I was still in mourning for Vita,” the pensioner sighs. - No matter how harsh it may sound, in 1991 I had no time for Naumenko’s death. In St. Petersburg there is such a chronicler of rock, Andrei Burlaka. Talk to him. He should know more.

“Because of the putsch there was no time for everyday life”

Are you talking about a shitty movie? - comes the irritated voice of Andrei Burlaka from the telephone receiver. - We were friends with Mike. Believe me, this film (“Summer.” - Ed.) is not about Naumenko and Tsoi, but about some modern... [gays]!

We are trying to find out how Mike Naumenko really died!

“I saw the forensic medical examination report with my own eyes. There it is written in blue and white: “Stroke due to a fracture of the base of the skull.”

Didn't this diagnosis seem suspicious to you? Naumenko was sober. What if he didn’t fall on his own, but was pushed? Did your relatives try to get a criminal case initiated?

It was no use! A couple of days before Mike’s death, a putsch occurred and the story of the State Emergency Committee began. The police had no time for such checks.

- Did Naumenko have enemies?

Mike was a man without conflicts. But there are different versions of his death. There, the drummer of “Zoo” Valera Kirillov, even at the wake, promised to find his killer...

"A powerful blow came from a fist"

Valery Kirillov was a close friend of Naumenko. He is one of the best drummers of Soviet rock.

At the wake, I really swore to Mike’s father that I would get the person responsible for his death,” the musician nods.

- Where do you get such confidence that Naumenko was killed?

For a long time there were just suspicions. And when the Internet appeared, I began to comb all sorts of forums in search of at least some clue.

The search led Kirillov to the website Something like an online confessional. Here they anonymously publish shameful stories from their lives. There Valery discovered the following confession:

“I’m well over 40, but I’m tormented by one story that happened in 1991. I was standing in the yard, waiting for friends with whom I was going to drink. A guy came up to me and asked for a light. He began to wonder who I was, what I was doing here. Like, he lives here. Then my friends flew out, and a powerful blow came from his fist. I began to be indignant: what are you doing? To which the friend said with a smile: they thought that he was getting at me. poor fellow - blood started pouring out of his nose and mouth. The man, staggering wildly, wandered towards the entrance and we went to drink...

Then I saw a photograph of Naumenko somewhere. It was the same person. I stopped communicating with my redneck friends. He got married and went to Germany..."

-Are you sure this story is true?

I think yes. The writer knows facts that only a participant in the events could have cited. I asked the neighbors. And the local boy Grisha told how he ran out into the yard, and there people stood over the lying Mike and one person lifted him. I think Naumenko fell from the blow and was seriously injured. But I was able to get to my room.

-Have you tried to find the person who wrote this post?

Certainly! But the message is anonymous. Maybe you journalists can find out? We would then try to find out from him the name of that same redneck friend who hit Naumenko.

Instead of an afterword

After the meeting with Kirillov, we wrote a request to Department “K” of the St. Petersburg police (this department is engaged in catching criminals via the Internet. - Ed.). They asked, despite the expiration of the statute of limitations, to begin an investigation into the fact of “causing death by negligence” of Mikhail Naumenko. And to establish the identity and address of the person who wrote the scandalous post on Waiting for an answer.

Natalya Naumenko – ex-wife, band musician. She was a direct witness to the heyday of Russian rock and roll and rock. In their communal apartment musicians who later became legends gathered on Borovaya: Alexey Rybin and others. In 2018, the movie “Summer” will be released, telling about little known facts from the life of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Vasilievna Naumenko was born on January 21, 1960 in Leningrad. Her maiden name is Rossovskaya.

Natalya is a non-public person; there are a lot of gaps in her biography. All her interviews are dedicated to the famous ex-husband, and she prefers to remain silent about her life before Mike. Nothing is known about her childhood, parents and education.


When Natasha met Mike and they decided to get married, she had to go to Teploenergo, since the organization’s employees were given rooms. Everything was new for the petite girl. Unknown mechanisms of unimaginable size in the boiler room instilled fear that she had to overcome. She worked as a gas boiler operator, simply a fireman.

In 1997, Alexey Rybin published the book “The Right to Rock,” which included Natalya’s memories of life with Mike. Its part received the title “Hotel called “Marriage””.

Personal life

The girl met her future husband, musician and leader of the Zoo group Mikhail Naumenko, when she was 19 years old. She first saw him in a communal apartment on Vasilyevsky Island, Natalya was introduced to her by her cousin Vyacheslav. A month later they met again at Slava’s wedding, Mike joked a lot, and then invited the girl to rehearsals at Big theater Kukol, where he worked at that time.

Natalya Naumenko and Mike Naumenko in their youth

Soon the young man proposed to the girl, but they decided to postpone the wedding, since first of all they had to decide housing problem. Natalya became pregnant and had to go to the hospital. And as soon as she was discharged, Mike immediately took the girl to the registry office. He wanted to legitimize their relationship. Therefore, there was no preparation for the wedding; everything went quickly and chaotically.

In July, Natalya had a son. They originally planned to name the boy Mark, after Marc Bolan. But as soon as the baby was born, everyone immediately began to dissuade new parents from using this name. Therefore, they waited for a long time and decided, and in the end they gave their son the name Evgeniy.

They lived extremely poorly, but, like everyone else in their youth, they did not realize their poverty. Moreover, then everyone in the country lived approximately the same. There were always guests in their communal apartment, among them the leader Viktor Tsoi.

Unlike Mike, who had trouble finding mutual language with the baby, Victor often helped Natalya. He handled little Zhenya with such ease, as if he had already raised at least three children.

There is a version that there was an affair between Natalya and Victor. In 2007, the woman, at the request of Alexander Zhitinsky, who was writing a book about Tsoi, provided the writer with her diary entries. But initially Natasha agreed with Zhitinsky that her memories would be to help him, and not for publication.

Later he assured her that everything looked noble and everything should be left in the book as she had written. The woman agreed. In an interview with Argumenty i Fakty, which Natalya gave in 2018, she said that it would have been much easier for her to live if she had not succumbed to Zhitinsky’s persuasion, but “now she’s clearing things up.”

At that time, Tsoi constantly disappeared in Naumenko’s house; friendly and trusting relationships developed between Natasha and Vitya. They talked a lot, although in the company Tsoi was known as an eternal silent man. One day, before the girl’s 22nd birthday, she asked Mike to give her a gift - to allow her to kiss Tsoi. And although the husband was surprised by such a question, he allowed it.

On her birthday, Mike was at work: he left for a day and was absent from the celebration. Then their first kiss happened, but not the last. True, the woman describes their relationship as “kindergarten”; they even kissed as if they were classmates school party. According to Natalya Naumenko, for a short period they had a tender friendship, but nothing more. Although Mike believed that such friendships were much more dangerous than anything else.

Natalya lived with Mike for 10 years. The couple divorced on August 15, 1991. They did this without scandals and unnecessary showdowns. Together with her son, the woman moved to Moscow. August 27, 1991 – 12 days after official divorce- Mike died. The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. But the circumstances under which it happened still remain unclear.

Natalya Naumenko now

In 2018, director Kirill Serebrennikov will present the film “Summer” at the Cannes Film Festival. The events of the film unfold in the summer of 1981 in Leningrad. The plot centers on the lives of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia. The woman was played by a woman known to viewers from the blockbuster “Attraction”. The roles of musicians went to and.

However, even before the screening, a scandal erupted around the film. - the founder, having read the script, said that it was all a lie from beginning to end. According to him, the characters in Serebrennikov’s painting have nothing in common with the people he knew personally.

Documentary director Alexander Lipnitsky was also skeptical about the film. He believes that the plot is “sucked out of thin air.” At one time, he made a documentary about the Kino group and talked with Alexander Zhitinsky.

From their conversation, he realized that between Natasha Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi there was an easy romantic relationship, at the level of flirting. Lipnitsky noted that he doesn’t really believe in this whole story with the novel, and even if it’s true, it clearly doesn’t fit into the plot of the film.

Natalya answered the question about the current situation around the film ambiguously. She liked what she saw on the set; she believes in director Kirill Serebrennikov. But I don’t think it’s right to express my opinion about a picture without seeing it.

How the idols left. The last days and hours of people's favorites Razzakov Fedor



NAUMENKO MIKE(rock musician, founder of the Zoo group; died on August 27, 1991).

In recent years, Naumenko drank heavily. On this basis, he stopped creating new songs. However, in early 1991, he suddenly came to his senses and took up his pen again. But fate gave him too little time.

Guitarist of “Zoo” A. Khrabunov says: “I returned from work at about three o’clock in the afternoon, tired as a dog. Sasha Markov, a neighbor in the sixth room, told me that Mike fell in the corridor. “He’s still sleeping, and you know, I think we’d better call his mom!” So ​​we did. But, God knows, none of us imagined that something serious could happen to Mike..."

O. Demidova: “When Mike broke up with his wife Natasha, he was going to move in with his parents. This was supposed to happen after his mother returned from vacation. Therefore, she called her son’s apartment on Borovaya on August 27. One of the neighbors answered the phone.

“Mike is sleeping,” they said from the telephone receiver.

And after some time, Galina Florentyevna received a call with the words: “You know, Mike is still sleeping and snoring somehow strangely. Maybe it’s better for you to come?”

The ambulance doctors said that the patient was not transportable and left the wheezing Mike alone. A few hours later, another team confirmed the death of Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumenko “as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage.”

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1982 Mike and joining the rock club What I’m telling you now is known to almost every experienced Russian rock fan. But we agreed that my book is addressed to new generations of fans, to young people who may not know very much about Mike and his

Around director Kirill Serebryannikov Lately too many scandals and trials. Another problem became bigger when rock singer Boris Grebenshchikov expressed his opinion about the film “Summer” about Viktor Tsoi. According to him, the film is a complete fiction of the director, and there is no connection with real events.

Disgraced director Kirill Serebryannikov found himself embroiled in another scandal. This time it was started by rock singer Boris Grebenshchikov. The singer spoke negatively about the new film “Summer” about Viktor Tsoi.

Mike Naumenko's wife Natalya, relationship with Tsoi: Boris Grebenshchikov called Serebryannikov's film a lie

Recently a press conference was held in St. Petersburg, which was dedicated to the release of Boris Grebenshchikov’s album “Time N”. Involuntarily, we started talking about the new film “Summer” by Kirill Serebryannikov, which will soon be released to the public. Filming has finished, all that remains is editing.

The film tells about the summer of 1981 and is dedicated to the life of the leader of the Kino group, Vladimir Tsoi. The main events are the relationship between Vladimir Tsoi and Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoo group, as well as his wife Natalya Naumenko.

According to Grebenshchikov, the script is false, and they lived differently at that time. And the screenwriter, in theory, should have served in the KGB at that time. The rock singer has negative feelings about the film precisely because of his different opinion about life in 1981.

“The script is a lie from beginning to end. We lived differently. In his scenario, Moscow hipsters, who except *** (having sex) at someone else’s expense, can’t do anything else. The script was written by a man from another planet. It seems to me that in those days the screenwriter would have worked for the KGB,” the performer said displeasedly.

At the time of 1981, Boris Grebenshchikov, the leader of the rock group Aquarium, communicated well with both the leader of Kino and the leader of the Zoo group. They talked, drank, created, loved together. And who, if not Grebenshchikov, knows about the lives of Viktor Tsoi and Mike Naumenko, as well as the events of that time.

Mike Naumenko's wife Natalya, relationship with Tsoi: Boris Grebenshchikov about the director of the film Summer

He himself expressed hope for the release of Serebryannikov from house arrest, although there was a mistake in the theft of funds for the needs of the film.

“I hope that Kirill Serebrennikov will be released, but we have different opinions about the film. It seems to me that I am right, because I lived at that time. Any games with the state may end in a pre-trial detention center. The state is a dangerous thing. I mean taking money from the state,” Grebenshchikov clarified.

Let us remember that Kirill Serebryannikov began filming a film about Viktor Tsoi in July 2017. However, after a while, filming was stopped due to an open case about the use and theft of funds from the budget by the management of the Seventh Studio. The film was finally completed while the director was under house arrest. The film “Summer” should be released this year, at the end of summer.

Mike Naumenko's wife Natalya, relationship with Tsoi: the TV journalist's attitude to the new film

Boris Borisovich’s opinion about the film “Summer” was supported by other creators from various fields who were familiar with the events of 1981.

According to Evgeny Dodolev, a television journalist, the script is extremely delicate and illiterate. He completely agrees with the opinion of the rock singer. Dodolev expressed the opinion that the author of the script is not even familiar with the events and characters, and also has dislike for all rock performers and the movement as a whole. However, he expressed the hope that this mediocre script could be saved by the implementation of Serebryannikov’s vision and his talent.

“Two months ago I read the script: it is an amazingly amateurish and illiterate thing. The only hope for Kirill’s talent is that he was able to refine it. The motivations that are attributed to the characters, and their portraits in general - I see in this the scriptwriter’s deep hostility towards the entire rock movement and the people who personified it in those years. They are shown flat there. primitive. The person doesn’t know the material at all,” the journalist said.

Mike Naumenko's wife Natalya, relationship with Tsoi: Alexander Lipnitsky's opinion about the film Summer

Alexander Lipnitsky, rock musician and documentary director, was initially ironic towards the film. Lipnitsky clarified that he had not read the script, but knew about the project and was opposed to it. Director at creation documentary film I interviewed the writer Alexander Zhitinsky about the Kino group.

Zhitinsky at that time was working on creating a book about the leader of the group, and talked about the entries that Natalya Naumenko made in her diary. Natalya’s romantic experiences and relationship with Viktor Tsoi were indeed described there, but they were as insignificant as flirting. Therefore, when he heard about the creation of a film in which the relationship between Natalya and Victor would be based, Lipnitsky immediately reacted ironically.

“... I treated this ironically, because the whole story there was sucked out of thin air, it doesn’t look like a film. Even if it's true, which I doubt. So I have no illusions that anything interesting will come out of this. Despite the fact that I have great respect for Kirill Serebrennikov, as a theater director,” said the director.

Mike Naumenko's wife Natalya, relationship with Tsoi: Artemy Troitsky about the film Summer

Artemy Troitsky, musical critic, on the contrary, he was not against making a film. He read the script, saw the characters, even the one who plays Trinity himself, and approved. However, the romance between Tsoi and Natalya, according to him, is not valid, “a very strong overreach.” According to him, no one had heard about this novel, if it existed, perhaps even some of the participants in the triangle.

The critic also clarified that Grebenshchikov’s opinion based on one script is not very fair, because the director most likely made his own adjustments.

“On the other hand, I took this script as nothing more than an excuse to talk about the truly fun and inspiring times that reigned in St. Petersburg in the early 80s. And here you have to watch the film: how much this atmosphere is conveyed and how convincing is what the director wanted to express with this film. And he, as far as I understand, wanted to make a film primarily about time, and not about love drama", Troitsky said.