Presentation truth or dare. Board game Truth or Dare: forget about complexes

The game “Truth or Dare” has always been popular, the questions to which are amazingly diverse. All your secret plans can come out here. The questions for the Truth or Dare game can be tricky, but that's what makes it interesting.

A cheerful company will always find entertainment. At the peak of popularity for any generation was and will be the game "Truth or Dare", the questions and tasks for which are as different as a person's imagination allows.

It places no restrictions on age or number of players. It is not surprising that those who are not familiar with this entertainment, once they start taking part in it, do not remain indifferent. The game absorbs a person completely. At the same time, it does not carry any negativity. With its help, you can not only learn a lot about the participants, but even resolve your personal relationships. After all, there were often cases when it was in this way that it was possible to resolve conflicts and begin romance novels. But this absolutely does not mean that the game is only mercenary in nature. Everyone has their own benefit. At the beginning, you need to decide what the main goals are being pursued during the game. For some it is, indeed, just entertainment and a fun pastime, for others it is individual and purely personal meaning. But no matter what the primary goals are in the end, the main thing is that everyone enjoys this game.

Its rules are quite simple, they are not difficult to master and follow. First of all, it is necessary to decide who will open the range of questions and tasks, as well as in which direction to transmit the information. Usually everything happens in a banal way - clockwise. But you can move away from systematic rules and, before voicing an alternative, point to the person to whom the words will be addressed. So, the beginner offers to choose between truth and dare. If the player named the first option, then he is asked one question, to which an honest, specific answer must be given. In the case when a participant decides to take an action, he is given the task to complete, no matter how absurd it may seem. In any case, everything will depend on the fantasy, imagination and looseness of the players. After a question has been answered or an instruction has been given, this person invites the other to choose truth or dare.

This game does not require a specific circle of people. These don't have to be friends. It is perfect for groups of colleagues, a corporate party, or strangers. A loving or married couple can play it on a quiet family evening, involving their children. The most interesting thing is that this game lately It is becoming popular even on the Internet. In this case, you must confirm your actions with photos or links, depending on the task. Well, the truth must be the truth! It's all about human responsibility. When playing in a real company, questions and tasks can be spontaneous. Or they must be prepared in advance and written on special cards. With the help of blanks, you can start “Truth or Dare” to warm up and tune in to the desired wavelength. And then act according to the circumstances. It is important to ensure that questions and tasks are not repeated for the same person.

During the game, one of the participants may refuse to answer on a given topic or perform a specified action. The reasons for this can be completely different. The most common reasons are not desire, embarrassment or personal beliefs. In this case, that player is assigned a different question or task as punishment, without the opportunity to choose. If this situation is repeated three times in a row, then such a participant must leave the team.

Questions for the game "Truth or Dare" can be different, even on intimate topics. It all depends on what contingent of people take part. You can start with simple and not pretentious questions. For example: “Who do you like and who don’t you like from those sitting next to you?”, “What is your character?”, “Do you like making fun of people and friends?” and so on, in a given semantic context. After each participant has completed at least one of the points, it is worth complicating the game. The uniqueness of the entertainment has always been given by the opportunity to ask piquant questions. The main thing is to consider what kind of people are nearby and what range of interests they belong to. In a work team, you can ask who got a high position and how, including details of the intimate life of the secretary and boss. The main thing is not to go beyond what is permitted, so as not to harm yourself.

Here are the top most absurd and tricky questions:

What “skeletons in the closet” are you hiding?

What is your biggest regret in life?

Would you agree to spend an intimate night with me?

Do you get turned on by striptease?

How much have you gained?

Do you always tell the honest truth to your loved one?

What was the worst sex you had and with whom?

Do you constantly read other people's letters or SMS?

Have you cheated or are you cheating on your loved one?

What's the worst or most useless gift you've ever received from a loved one?

The list goes on and on. The main thing is to understand what you are asking and the consequences of the question. Often in the game "Truth or Dare" you learn details that ruin your life in the future. You should be careful about your fantasies.

There are many different types of entertainment that suit most people's tastes. But the most popular game these days is truth or dare. With this entertainment, players can not only have a lot of fun, but also learn the deepest secrets of their comrades. The thing is that in these simulators you will be asked questions that you have to answer.

If you do not want to do this, then you have to perform a certain action. What exactly you will do is decided by the players or the computer. Well, are you interested in the games that you will find in this category? Then you should know some positive qualities before you go through one of the simulators.

When launching most entertainment, you need to be prepared for the fact that several users must take part in them. This helps you spend time with your friends without getting bored and having fun. The graphics in these games are average, but that doesn't mean you'll be bored. The reason for such fun is the questions that will have the most various directions. Here you will not find repetitive tasks, which allows participants to hear new answers and complete unpredictable tasks. It is worth mentioning musical accompaniment, which is present in every game, since all the melodies are unusual and help participants have fun in this section.

Also, after launching each simulator, you will be shown instructions telling users about all the nuances of the gameplay. These games will be able to be played not only by adult players, but also by the younger generation of gamers. The fact is that there are no wars, murders or rivers of blood here, which will allow children to spend time in peace.

Rules of the game

Truth or Dare for children is a game in which you will be accompanied by four princesses. In these games you will meet Anna and Elsa, Rapunzel and Ariel. Each of them has secrets that no one knows about. And in order to find them out, you have to play an unusual game with them. You will spin the bottle and once it points the neck at one of the princesses, she will be able to choose what she wants to do next. Now the girl must decide whether she will tell you the truth or perform some action. Depending on the princess's answer, you will have to help her, perform some actions, or learn some facts from life. The game is considered completely completed only after you talk to all the princesses and help them tell their secrets.

To better understand the game, you will need to read the rules, they can be found in the game settings! Before you go to the playing field, you need to know what qualities each player should have. The first thing you should use while passing some simulators is dexterity, because sometimes the tasks that will be given to you are too difficult. Also, users who decide to play these games must be honest. The fact is that you need to give truthful answers to all the questions that you are asked, since sometimes the further result will depend on them. Only brave and courageous players will be able to perform all the actions that the computer or their fellow players entrust to them.

Truth or Dare for adults is a simulation game in which several players must take part at the same time. After spinning the reel, the user who is pointed to by a small arrow must decide what he will do next, answer a question or perform an action. Depending on the choice, a sign will be displayed showing the task or question. Only after the participant has fulfilled all the conditions does he spin the reel and the turn passes to the next user.

The Blumhouse studio continues to bring good and eternal things into the world: it produces batches of low-budget ($1-5 million) horror films and hopes that at least a couple will “shoot.” Perhaps everyone wins: horror authors get funding and a chance to become famous, and audiences get a steady influx of not-so-trash horror films into cinemas. "Truth or Dare" fits perfectly into Mr. Bloom's canon, but the glory of " Have a nice day death” or, even more so, “Away” is not in sight for her. Why? To begin with, the game wants to play a game with you (hehehehe!)

- Truth or Dare? True! Did you like the film?

Yes. It successfully interweaves elements of such hit films and franchises as “Final Destination” an evil force evenly goes in a circle from hero to hero until it mows down every single one of them; the hero hides from fate in a “soft” room; “It” (It Follows) evil lies in wait for the heroes everywhere and always, appearing either in the form of a familiar person or in the form of a creepy old woman in a nightie; “Call” the curse must be urgently “transferred” to other people in order to get out of the game yourself. And the initial conditions themselves - a group of over-aged dunces fall under the hands of an inexorable unknown force - create an interesting collision to watch. Unless it occurs to you to empathize with one of the characters.

- Truth or Dare? Action! Choose a more decent translation of the film title.

The task is difficult. Foreign “stable” expressions like the Halloween “Trick or Treat” are difficult to translate as briefly and succinctly; the result is a freak like “Trick or Treat”. IN in this case A popular children's game in the States, “Truth or Dare,” is similar to the game of forfeits: participants must take turns answering a question truthfully (such as “Who do you love?”) or perform some stupid task (such as jogging naked). It is not entirely clear how to test players for truthfulness, but the degree of stupidity of tasks is solely on the conscience of the questioner. The fact that evil forces “invade the game” (I don’t know what exactly is meant, but it sounds cool) gives the game an unexpected twist - the game itself will “test” you for the truth, and the tasks given are the most unpleasant. Where “break your friend’s arm” is the most innocent. How to translate this is completely unclear. "Truth or Dare?" gives it away as a clerk. Google pops up options for “Truth or Dare?” or “Truth or Dare?” You can offer creative options like “Truther or corpse?” or “Don’t hide anything or act stupid,” but that probably won’t look good on a poster. “Confess or try?” Damn, even worse. There is also a 2012 film with the same name, it was popular in our country as “Play It Till You Die.” Well, let it remain “Truth or Dare”.

Truth or Dare? True! Why didn't you like the ending?

The endings of films with pseudo-original concepts are deplorable. It is difficult to surprise the viewer as much as in “The Sixth Sense” or “The Ring” so that the jaw drops. In “Truth or Dare,” the dynamics rapidly slow down the heroes go on a trip to Mexico three times (!!!), twice go for interrogation to the same detective Game burdened with new irrational rules When the heroine, towards the end, says to another character: “If you don’t perform the action, trust me!” it seems like she came up with something that we, as viewers, missed. But no trick follows after this In general. The final “solution” invented by the heroine does not stand up to criticism at all (although it echoes her answer to the first question of the game about whose life she will choose - her own or a bunch of other people). No, such stories need to be completed beautifully, within the framework of the established rules. Otherwise it turns out to be cheating.

- Truth or Dare? True! How do you like the acting?

Actually, not at all. The film suffers from a flaw typical of American horror films: the schoolchildren are played by aunts and uncles in their thirties. Lucy Hale previously starred in Scream 4, but I don’t remember her at all. Tyler Posey is supposedly the star of Werewolf and Scream (again!), but I haven't watched them. But I don’t think I should be proud of my role in Scary Movie 5. I wonder who he played in Damages 16 years ago? Is it really the kid that Schwartz saves?

Truth or Dare? True! You can’t, the game chooses itself! Why? Who knows, that’s how it is in the film. Ok, so what? Action! Stop writing a review. Good…

"Truth or Dare" - fun game, which you can play with friends during a party or when you don't know what to do, but don't want to play noisy games so as not to disturb your loved ones. Playing this game may feel quite awkward at times, but believe me, you will have a lot of fun. Before you begin, explain the rules of the game to all participants. Enjoy your game!


Organization of the game

    Select players. The game can involve from three to seven or eight players. However, what more people, the longer your game will take. Warn your friends that they may sometimes feel awkward during the game. You can play this game online, but it won't be as much fun as if you played face-to-face.

    Make sure everyone is comfortable before the game even starts. Explain the rules and essence of the game. Tell your friends that they have the right to refuse to participate in the game. Those who agree to take part in the game are asked to sit in a circle. You can sit at a table or on the floor. Make sure everyone is comfortable.

    Agree on the rules of the game. Write down the rules so you can refer to them if you have questions. One of the rules of the game is not to choose the same task twice in a row. For example, if you choose truth two times in a row, you must choose action the next time. It is important to discuss the ground rules in advance. Decide what you will and will not do so that it is not discussed during the game.

    • What questions should you not ask (if any)?
    • Where will the activities take place?
    • Can others watch the actions being performed?
    • Is it possible to involve other participants in performing actions?
    • Can adults be present during activities?
    • What should not be included in the activities?
    • Will you play in order or spin the bottle to determine the player?

    Composing questions and actions

    1. Make a list of questions. Each person must make up their own questions before starting the game. It is not always easy to make up questions or come up with wishes during the game. You can create similar questions:

      • What awkward situation happened to you at school?
      • Who do you like from the opposite sex?
      • If you only had 24 hours, what would you do?
      • What's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?
      • If you had to choose between two parents, who would you choose?
    2. Create fun activities. They must be strange enough to make a person think before attempting them. However, they should under no circumstances be dangerous. For example, you can use actions like this:

      • The player will need to greet everyone he meets during the day and say: “I noticed you. Aliens are watching you.”
      • Using a permanent marker, the player must apply "makeup" to their face.
      • The player must place his hands in the other player's pocket and keep them there for 15 minutes.
      • The player must howl at the moon for 10 minutes in the courtyard.
    3. If you can't formulate a question, you can ask other players for help. If during the game you don't want to ask your questions, you can ask other participants to help you with the question. You can collaborate with other players if you can't think of a question or action, but ask them for permission. Remember that you will be making an action for a person, not someone else.


      Select the player you will start with. If you are going to play in order, do it this way: The first player will ask a question to the person sitting to their left. Or choose the person who will ask the first question (the first player), he will be the first to spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle points to (the second player) will have to answer a question or perform an action. Here is an example of the game progress:

      • Player 2: "Truth."
      • Player 1: "When last time did you eat your snot?
      • Player 2: "Ummm... last Tuesday."
      • Player 1: "Truth or dare?"
      • Player 2: "Action."
      • Player 1: "Okay. You need to eat a tablespoon of hot sauce in less than 30 seconds."
      • Player 2: "Ugh. Okay, let's go!"
    1. Move on to the next player. The next player will be the person who just answered the question or completed the task. This player must ask the next player a question or spin a bottle to determine the next player. Continue playing the game according to this principle, starting each time with a question.

      Be aware of the extent of how far the action can go. Don't do anything illegal or hazardous to your health. If someone does not want to perform an action, all players make their wishes for him, and he must choose which one he will perform. Think carefully about whether you should choose another action, as it may turn out to be even worse. Remember that you you can refuse from performing an action if it goes beyond the rules of the game or your own principles.

    • If someone does not want to perform a given action, agree with him. Do not assume that this person is afraid and is not ready to share personal information with others.
    • Be careful when wishing for truth or dare. No matter what exactly you ask the player for, remember that this may later affect his attitude towards you.
    • Another reminder: a person may not do the action you wished for him. For example, if you asked him to smell your smelly feet, the person may not do so as it will make him feel uncomfortable. Don't make people feel bad while playing.
    • You can always refuse. The action may cause discomfort or get you into trouble. Remember that you can always refuse. Stand your ground, even if they put pressure on you.


    • Never do dangerous things or answer too personal questions that will make you feel awkward, even if your friends ask you to do so. If they don't understand that you don't want to do this, then they are not your friend. Friends will never force you to take drugs, hurt yourself or others, or do similar things.

Is there a more exciting game on the Internet than Truth or Dare for adults? Of course not, and you will understand this as soon as you start the gameplay. Here you can decide for yourself how many users will take part in the game. Also, you yourself must decide which of your comrades will enthusiastically play this simulator with you. Are you ready to plunge into a world where you can find out all the secrets of your friends? Then it's time to head to the playing field.

Before the game begins, be sure to fill in the names of all participants in the appropriate fields. You find yourself on the playing field on which the reel is located. To start the game you need to spin it using a special button. When he stops, an arrow will indicate which player should answer the question. But before it appears, the computer will ask you what you want to do next, tell the truth or perform some action. If you choose the truth, then you will immediately see a sign with a question to which you must give a truthful answer. Having chosen an action, the computer will tell you what needs to be done in order to proceed to the next rotation.

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