Anton lyrnik and Andrey Molochny are the best. Andrey milky. Anton Lirnik now

Participant's name: Anton Anatolyevich Lirnik

Age (birthday): 23.09.1976

City: Kirovograd, Ukraine

Education: KDPU im. V. Vinnichenka

Family: married

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Anton Lirnik was born and raised in Ukraine, was an ordinary boy and none of his relatives could even think that he would become an artist.

After school, he entered the pedagogical institute, choosing the faculty of journalism.

Two years later he decided to transfer to philological, however, after the first semester he was expelled and the reasons for this are still unknown. But, most likely, Anton was dizzy by KVN, in which he took part, combining entertainment with study.

As part of the KVN team "Alaska" Anton even managed to visit the Major League
and perform from the Maslyakov stage - as Lirnik will later tell, this experience determined a lot in his life.

In 2006, he teamed up with a duet named after Chekhov. Together the guys are actively storming the stage of the Ukrainian Comedy Club, and then Russian.

The success of the duet was enormous, the guys could easily conquer television and further, however, the tragedy in Anton’s life became an obstacle to further career growth.

Daughter Maria was diagnosed with brain cancer, the family struggled in vain with the disease, the girl underwent a number of operations, but it was not possible to save the child.

From that moment on, Anton’s life lost all meaning, the artist decided to leave the country, as far as possible, so as not to see anyone and not listen to constant condolences.

Anton lived abroad for more than two years, trying to come to terms with the horror, and it was his friends who brought his life back.

Since then, Anton has been working at the Empire of Good— The studio is engaged in creating scripts for TV series and films. He also returned to Andrei Molochny’s team, becoming the director and author of stories for the “Swallow’s Nest” project.

At the same time, Anton is engaged musical career- he is a songwriter for the group “Lirnik Band”, he performs some hits himself, and it’s easy to find videos with his participation on the Internet. Lirnik is also an active blogger, his accounts on social networks are quite popular.

Anton Lirnik’s personal life also began to gradually improve - he married a second time to Valeria Borodina, and soon she gave birth to his daughter Sophia.

However, the marriage did not last long, and the couple divorced. Now Lirnik is married for the third time, his chosen one is Marina Gorudko, but the couple does not have any children together yet.

Also, Anton Lirnik will continue to perform in the Duo. Chekhov together with Andrei Molochny.

Photo by Anton

Anton Lirnik has an Instagram where you can often see photos and videos from his life.

All issues of “Duet im. Chekhov" online:

About the duet named after. Chekhov (DiCh)

This is what viewers are looking forward to when watching. And it always causes intrigue what kind of situation will be played out this time.

Either this is a visit to an elite French restaurant, or a scene from the life of realtors, or incidents with the delivery of building materials, etc. A special feature of the duo is their scenes from family life a major businessman and his glamorous blonde wife.

At the same time, the expressive manner of performances, combined with the usual equanimity of Anton Lirnik, simply generate endless bursts of laughter, as in auditorium, and on the other side of the television screen.

The artists know how to intrigue and turn on the audience in the best possible way. For many viewers, even the very origin of the name of their small but very well-coordinated team is a mystery. The question is, what does Chekhov have to do with it?

Maybe this is some kind of hint at the intelligence of their humor and high-quality literary texts? Or the fruitfulness of their creativity? But, if we use this approach, then it would be more logical to name the duet after Tolstoy. After all, they have already created more than 800 texts.

If you release full meeting the duo’s works (and the guys write them themselves), then the volume will be no less than four volumes of “War and Peace”. There also seem to be no questions about the quality of literary processing of texts, although at the very beginning it was for this that they received a portion of criticism from.

By the way, this is where the intrigue of the birth of the duo’s name is revealed. After the first viewing at the selection, Martirosyan said that it seemed as if they didn’t even know Chekhov’s name. Since then, the guys decided to immediately cut off such suspicions: they not only know the name of the great writer, but are now bringing “GAME” to the masses (DiCh is the abbreviated name of the duet).

For a long time he tried to combine his progress in the field of education (he never completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic of beef market conditions) with playing KVN. Andrei became interested in her while still a student. Moreover, his energy was enough to be the captain and administrator of the teams in which he played.

In the last one - Kyiv "Alaska" he meets with

“Anton Lirnik and Andrey Molochny are on the stage of the Comedy Club!” - this phrase is often heard by a TV viewer who has decided to devote his Friday evening to watching his favorite comedy show. Probably everyone knows the Chekhov duet. These guys can make you laugh in a matter of seconds. Surprisingly, they come up with all their miniatures on their own, and - for a second - there are already more than 800 of them. In terms of volume, they have already “surpassed” the most famous work L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. If you are ardent fans of this duet or, conversely, hearing about them for the first time, then this article is for you. I would like to talk about Andrei Molochny. Let's begin!

Andrey Molochny: “Comedy Club”

As already mentioned, Andrey Molochny performs brilliant numbers with his partner Anton Lirnik. His game can instantly cause an explosion positive emotions in the hall. Let's bet that you know little about your pet? Let's dive into the life of a resident.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Molochny was born in Korosten, which after finishing school, he entered the Agrarian Institute in Kyiv. Like all students, I lived in a dormitory, received a small stipend, and even managed to save for a gift for my mother. He graduated from high school with a PhD thesis on the beef market, but never finished it. The brilliant and sparkling whirlpool of show business swirled around him.

Humorous career

Andrey Molochny first appeared on stage back in school. He says that he liked to perform in front of his classmates during breaks. At home, he often watched KVN, knew the names of almost all the teams and memorized the numbers so that he could later show them to his friends. Even then they kept repeating to him what awaited him. theater institute, but Andrey chose a different path. And then he still returned to his calling - creativity.

While studying at the university, he played in different KVN teams: “On the ears”, “NAU” and others. Some of them were participants in the top league of Ukraine. He says without modesty that he was the center, the actor, the leader, and the soul in them.

In the spring of 2006, Andrei Molochny, together with a teammate from one of the teams, Anton Lirnik, decided to create a Duo named after Chekhov. Few people know that it was originally planned to give it a different name - a duet named after Lenin, but it turned out to be “DiCh”. Undoubtedly, this creative tandem can be called the foundation of the entire Ukrainian Comedy Club. And already in the summer of 2006, the guys became residents of the Moscow Comedy Club, where they still work, being one of the most successful and famous duets. They starred in more than 100 episodes of this famous comedy show.

By the way, the Ukrainian version was published in the same 2006 on the Inter channel and existed until 2010. It should be noted that Andrei Molochny not only performed in the show as an artist, but was also its editor-in-chief.

Acting and producing activities

Just 2 years after starting work at Comedy, he released the sketch show “Faina Ukraine”, where he became an author, actor and producer. There he works together with his longtime acquaintance Sergei Pritula. Viewers saw 100 episodes of the project.

In 2009 Andrey plays main role in the film "Figaro", where he works with famous actor Ivan Okhlobystin. In the spring of 2010, it was broadcast on one of the Russian TV channels. new project“Maskvichi”, where Andrei Molochny played the main role.

In 2010, the Comedy Club in Ukraine closed, and Molochny came up with an updated version of the Real Comedy stand-up show. Duet named after Chekhov becomes its honorary resident. Anton Lirnik became the production director, and Andrey became the general producer. Filming takes place at the Milk Production studio. We think there is no need to add who its founder is. The show is broadcast on two channels at once and within a year and a half has been gaining great popularity.

From significant works Molochny studio is worth noting the historical series “Ruriki”, where, of course, there was a place for humor. 20 episodes were aired. Andrei says that the channel’s management did not understand what kind of program they had in their hands. And he adds that he is ready to develop stories for the continuation of the series if any channel is interested in it.

Personal life

Andrey received certain benefits from his studies: he met his love and future wife, Natalya. Andrei Molochny’s wife is not a media person and attended her husband’s performance only once, and then at the duo’s fifth anniversary in 2011. Our hero claims that his wife is his true love. Pure feeling, according to Andrei himself, became the key to their happy family life.

Natalya gave birth to four sons to the comedian, and he himself considers children the main happiness in his life. He successfully divides his time between career and family.

Today, the duo in general and Andrei Molochny himself have a lot of fans who are sure that there is no one better than them. The guys themselves are constantly expanding their audience and the geography of their concerts. Well, all that remains is to wish them only prosperity and new projects!

Anton Anatolyevich Lirnik is a comedian, TV presenter, screenwriter and musician originally from Ukraine. Resident of the Comedy Club (as part of the Chekhov Duet together with Andrei Molochny), former KVN player.

Childhood and adolescence

Anton was born and raised in a creative, intelligent family. In his youth, his father played in the Odessa student theater together with Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Roman Kartsev and had a wonderful sense of humor, which was passed on to his children: Anton and two older brothers.

As a child, Lirnik was a multi-talented child: he read a lot, studied violin for four years in music school, went in for sports. Having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man entered the pedagogical institute, faculty of journalism, although his family wanted to see him become a lawyer. After the second year, he transferred to another university for the philology department, but never graduated.

IN student years He became interested in playing KVN, played for the Gulf Stream team, and at the same time worked part-time as a host of entertainment programs on local television.


In 2000, Lirnik was invited to study at the Kyiv school of journalism. He took advantage of this offer, moved to the Ukrainian capital and never returned to Kirovograd. After graduating educational institution, Anton worked as a journalist, wrote scripts, hosted programs on the radio and on the Inter TV channel.

At the same time, he played in KVN for the Alaska team and during one of his performances he met Andrei Molochny, his future partner in Chekhov’s Duet.

In 2006, Anton became one of the creators of Comedy Club UA, the Ukrainian analogue of the popular show. At the same time, the “Duet named after Chekhov” was born, which instantly became popular both in Ukraine and abroad. Soon, talented comedians became residents of the Russian Comedy Club, toured half the world and won the sincere love of connoisseurs of good humor.

"Duet named after Chekhov." In the jewelry store

The Chekhov Duet has produced more than a hundred sketches. Among them are the most popular numbers “How taxi drivers swear”, “Collective farm oligarch buys a yacht”, “Husband and wife from a sex therapist”, “Partisans in captivity” and many others.

In 2012, the Ukrainian Comedy Club closed. It was replaced by the stand-up project “Real Comedy” with “Duet named after. Chekhov" as honorary residents. Anton Lirnik took the position of director of the project.

Lirnik Band – “Zhiguli”

At the same time, Anton took up musical activity, created the group “Lirnik Band”, writes lyrics for his songs and shoots videos for them. Representatives of Avtovaz liked the composition “Zhiguli” so much that they decided to make it business card enterprises. In 2012, the group’s first collection, “Platinum Album,” was released, which included not only original compositions, but also comic parodies of hits by popular artists.

Together with the talented Ukrainian screenwriter Andrey Zabiyaka, Lirnik organized the Empire of Good, which produces and creates films and entertainment programs, such as the series Swallow's Nest and the comedy sitcom Taxi.

Anton is a member of the jury of the Ukrainian “League of Laughter”, and since 2016 he has been a star guide in the author’s “VIP Guide” program.

Lirnik is a participant in the sensational play “A Man in Great Demand”, the central female role in which Olga Buzova performs.

Personal life of Anton Lirnik

Anton got married early for the first time, and at the age of 22 he already became the father of little Masha. At the age of eight, the girl died of an incurable cancer. The death of their daughter from brain cancer was a terrible blow for her parents. Anton and his wife Tatyana could no longer stay together and separated.

There is no way to survive this. This is impossible. You can only get used to this thought. It should just settle into ashes in your chest.

The man was saved from depression by his favorite job, which he threw himself into. For a long time the comedian did not dare to create new family, but meeting Valeria Borodina again returned his interest in life. In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Sonya, but this marriage broke up a few years later.

Lirnik is a passionate bibliophile, reads a lot, collects rare publications, and recently wrote the book “Three in Thailand, not counting the dogs.”

Anton Lirnik now

In 2017-2018, Anton, together with his Comedy Club colleague Roman Yunusov, worked on a new entertainment television program, “Weekend Show.” They (as well as Polina Sibigatullina) tried on the role of presenters. The program had no clear genre boundaries: it combined stand-up, sketches, parody, and the “vine” genre, popular among video bloggers. The pilot episode of the show was shown on STS in the summer of 2017.