Wifi turned off on the router. Should I turn off my WiFi router at night?

Today we will consider with you a rather controversial topic, which many users will find frankly unworthy of any article - whether it is necessary to turn off the router and how to turn off Wi-Fi on the router.

Agree, this is not the most understandable request. If you purchased wifi router for your home, then, naturally, you will use its functionality to the fullest. So why deprive this device of its purpose? It is in this article that we will try to give you an answer to this question and the above.

Do I need to turn off my router?

First, let's look at this question - do you need to turn off the router and, in particular, do you need to turn off the router at night? Enough difficult question, which is still being considered today a huge amount users on various forums, in comments and articles. In fact, whether or not to leave a router on is a personal matter for each individual, as opinions vary quite a bit.

Some people prefer to turn off the router or distribution Wi-Fi networks due to supposedly malicious electromagnetic radiation. Others do this so that they are not disturbed by the light from the indicators at night. Still others think that constant operation of the router can lead to its early failure.

However, we recommend that you ignore all these arguments. You can turn off the router or its Wi-Fi network distribution, but only if you wish. Moreover, as has already been proven by many, constantly turning the router off and on (meaning disconnecting from the network), on the contrary, can lead to its rapid death.

Let's summarize and move on to the next point of the article. Do I need to turn off my router? No, this is not necessary. His constant work will not affect anything, especially your health.

How to turn off Wi-Fi on a router?

Now let's take a closer look interesting question— how to disable the Wi-Fi network on the router? Let's imagine that you bought yourself a router, installed it, but, bad luck, you don't need its functionality yet. What to do in this case? Why not reset all the settings, disconnect the wires and pack it back?

That's right, there is no need for this, since you can leave the router in place, i.e. The Internet connection will still pass through it to the computer, but will disable the Wi-Fi network broadcast. Moreover, you don’t even have to “shamanize”, since such functionality is already in the router settings themselves or even on its case. Let's take a closer look.

Some routers from this manufacturer have a special button, clicking which will allow you to stop broadcasting the Wi-Fi network. Usually, it is located next to the WAN and LAN connectors, i.e. on the back of the case, and is called Wireless, Wi-Fi and the like. Sometimes it can be located next to the Reset button or combined with it or with the WPS button. There are even triple buttons that combine the functionality of WPS, turning off Wi-Fi and reset.

A single click on it will not deactivate functionality you don’t need—you need to click on it and hold it down for five to ten seconds.

If you do not have such a convenient button, then you can also disable the Wi-FI network in another way - through the web interface of your router. To go there, you need to go from your computer browser (or any other device) to the IP address indicated on the router box or on its case (the most commonly used address is ).

Once you are in the settings of your router, go to the Wireless network section. There you will find an option that will be responsible for distributing the Wi-Fi network. It may be called differently, but the meaning will be the same: turning it off will stop broadcasting the wireless network.

After turning off Wi-Fi network broadcasting, save the settings in the web interface of your router. That's it. Now your router will not distribute Wi-Fi, which you need at the moment there is simply no need for time. Accordingly, in order to reactivate Wi-Fi distribution, you will have to go to the Wireless network settings and enable the previously disabled option.

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On a laptop. Thus, the connection to the Internet is broken, important notifications and alerts do not arrive, but, as you know, it is impossible to live without the Internet. Many blame device manufacturers for this - laptop or router, although the problem is most often easily solved with a couple of mouse clicks.

Today we will learn the basic possible reasons If a similar situation arises, we’ll find out what to do if WiFi on your laptop stops working.

WiFi turns off on a laptop - we solve the problem!

If the laptop’s connection to the Internet via WiFi is unstable and constantly breaks down, then there may be several reasons for this - how certain settings operating system, or a malfunction of the device, or poor communication from the provider or cellular network operator.

xxx: Previously, when guests came to the house, they were offered tea.
xxx: And now - the WiFi password =)

Perhaps you should also pay attention to this video to understand what factors affect the stability of the WiFi connection.

Disable battery saving

The main reason why WiFi constantly turns off on laptops lies in the power and energy saving settings. Since a laptop is a battery-powered mobile device, manufacturers are trying to reduce the power consumption of the device in favor of greater autonomy and longer battery life.

By default, device performance when running on battery power is slightly reduced in favor of energy saving. Also, to avoid wasting electricity on unused functions, the operating system turns off some computer components. For example, if the WiFi connection is idle or not actively used, the WiFi adapter can be disabled to save power. Therefore, your favorite laptop, left unattended, carefully disables unnecessary functions and deprives you of a stable connection to the Internet.

Power settings are located in the control panel. However, please note that the manufacturer often sets additional programs, allowing you to control energy consumption, and the reason for turning off WiFi may be hidden in them.

Open the taskbar and select Power Options. The control panel and the item we need can be easily found using the search.

In the power supply window that opens, you can see which power management scheme is currently active for you, and also proceed to its detailed settings.

In the window that opens, you can configure the screen timeout and sleep timeout. We are interested in the point that changes advanced power options.

Find the item responsible for WiFi operation. Here it is long called a wireless network adapter. Change the value to high performance.

After changing the power plan, reboot your device and check if the problem is resolved.

Reboot the router

If the problem persists, rebooting the router may help. The most in a simple way will turn off the power supply and turn on the device.

You can also reboot the device through the administration panel by going to or in your browser, entering your username and password, and clicking the appropriate button. The exact address and reboot method depend on the device model, and the login and password must be changed from standard admin/admin to your personal ones.

Checking the network signal and the stability of the Internet connection

We discussed how to increase the speed of a wi-fi router and the Internet in one of the previous articles. In our situation, it’s worth paying attention to how far the router is from the laptop and what obstacles the signal passes through.

If, in addition to WiFi, the Internet is unstable over a wired connection, it may be worth calling your provider and resolving the issue of poor Internet with them.

Internet speed can be easily checked using online service speedtest.net- after all, if the values ​​differ from those declared by the provider to a lesser extent, this is a reason to be puzzled by the quality and level of the signal.

Reinstalling the driver

Reinstalling the wireless adapter driver may also help. To do this you need to do the following:

  • go to the website of your laptop manufacturer;
  • enter the model of your device;
  • select the operating system;
  • download the latest version and install the new driver.

Download method software differs from the manufacturer and model of the device. Try to download the latest versions of drivers for your operating system and device.

We have analyzed the most popular reasons leading to the fact that WiFi laptop keeps turning off. It’s good if the problem was solved by changing the power plan, and the performance of both the router and the laptop does not raise any questions. If the problem cannot be solved, it may be worth contacting a specialist.

Router TRENDnet TEW712BR, new from the store. I configured it according to the instructions. Wi-Fi turned on normally, the signal level was “good”. After some time (~1 hour), the Internet on the laptop disappears. The icon indicates that wireless internet No. Both the WAN and WLAN lights on the router are working properly. On a desktop computer connected to the same router via a wire, there is Internet. I turn the router off and on and the connection is restored.

When after 15 minutes, and when after 6 hours everything repeats. I can’t blame the laptop, because I experimented with two different laptops (Wind8) and two different smartphones (Android and iOS), the picture is absolutely identical both when connected and separately. I tried to change the channel, changed the encryption. The effect is zero. I came to the store, they didn’t bother to sort it out, they exchanged it for another one of the same kind. Worked for ~5 hours and the same thing. Either the entire batch is defective (unlikely) or I misunderstand something. There are few networks around - countryside. There are no “electromagnetic emitters” either, just an ordinary residential building. Tell. Thanks in advance. Waiting for an answer. Alexey.

  • Smart-Tronics

  • Smart-Tronics

  • Kventin

    Hello, I have the same problem, I’m surfing the Internet from a laptop, connected via WiFi, it connects without problems, but it keeps cutting out, literally every 3 minutes, the usual speed is 1.5 Mb/s, what can I do about this? Thanks in advance.

  • Vova

    Hello, I have the following problem: the tablet connects to wifi, the signal is normal, and after 2 minutes, 3-4-5 doesn’t matter, it turns off and turns back on, so to speak, it restarts, what’s the problem, please tell me!!!

  • Victor

    Good day, until recently there was ADSL, and Wi-Fi worked fine, a week ago I connected the Internet via fiber optics and problems began with Wi-Fi on the laptop. On my friend’s smartphones and laptop everything works fine, but on mine it breaks after 2-5 minutes and I need to reconnect, but the connection is not lost and there is access to the network, but it’s as if the speed is zero. I tried everything I found on Google, changed power settings, changed channels, etc. When updating the firewood, the connection disappears altogether, it says “unknown network”, “connection is limited”, I had to roll back. I don’t know what to do, maybe you can help.
    laptop Lenovo G780 Win8.1
    Broadcom 802.11n network adapter
    GPON router Ericsson T073G
    If you need any more information, I’ll write it.

  • Mrs. X

    Hello. In general, a problem has arisen. There is a Rostelecom network fiber, which distributes Internet and TV, and another modem is connected to it, D-Link DIR-300, which distributes Wi-Fi. What exactly is the problem?
    I turned off the power to the computer and modem, and then turned it on again, because this is the only way to bring the monitor back to life. But the monitor is fine, the problem is with Wi-Fi. The Internet remained on the computer, but Wi-Fi stopped working completely. Not visible on any device. Neither on smartphones nor on laptops. I rebooted the computer, the modem, turned it on and off, turned off the power again - all to no avail. Actually, I don’t know what to do anymore. I hope for your help.

So, you have configured your wireless router, but for some reason something is not working. I will try to consider the most common problems with Wi-Fi routers and ways to solve them. Most of the problems described can equally occur in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 and the solutions will be similar.

From my work experience, as well as from the comments on this site, I can identify the following typical problems that users encounter when, it would seem, they have configured everything exactly and according to all sorts of instructions.

  • The router status indicates that the WAN connection is down
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone does not see Wi-Fi, but sees neighbors’ access points
  • Constant disconnections
  • Local city resources of the provider, torrent, DC++ hub and others are not available

If I remember other typical things like the above, I’ll add to the list, but for now let’s get started.

  • (provided that the router is configured correctly)
  • What to do if when connecting it says:
  • What to do if .

Wi-Fi connection disappears and low download speed through the router (through a wire everything is fine)

In this case, changing the wireless network channel can help you. We are not talking about those situations that also occur when the router simply freezes, but only about those when wireless connection disappears on its own on certain devices or in specific places, and it is also impossible to achieve normal speed Wi-Fi connections. You can read more about how to select a free Wi-Fi channel.

WAN is broken or the Internet is only on the computer

The main reason why this problem occurs is with WiFi router om - connected WAN connection on the computer. The point of setting up and operating a wireless router is that it will establish a connection to the Internet on its own, and then “distribute” access to other devices. Thus, if the router is already configured, but the Beeline, Rostelecom, etc. connection available on the computer is in the “connected” state, then the Internet will only work on the computer, and the router will take virtually no part in this. In addition, the router will not be able to connect the WAN, since it is already connected on your computer, and most providers only allow one connection from one user at a time. I don’t know how clearly I was able to explain the logic, but even if it’s not clear, just take it for granted: for everything to work, a separate provider connection on your computer must be disabled. Only the connection via local network, or, in the case of a laptop, etc. - a wireless network connection.

It is impossible to access the address to configure the router

If you encounter the fact that when you type the address to access the settings of your router, the corresponding page does not open, do the following.

1) Make sure that in the local network connection settings (your direct connection to the router) is set to: obtain an IP address automatically, obtain DNS addresses automatically.

UPD: Check whether you enter this address exactly into the address bar - some users, when trying to configure the router, enter it into the search bar, resulting in something like “The page cannot be displayed.”

2) If the previous point did not help, use the run command (Win+R keys, in Windows 8 you can simply start typing the word “Run” on the start screen), enter cmd, press Enter. And in command line mode, enter ipconfig. Pay attention to the “Default Gateway” value of the connection used for configuration - it is at this address that you should go to the router administration page. If this address differs from the standard one, then perhaps the router was previously configured to work on a specific network with certain requirements. You can reset it to factory settings. If there is no address at all at this point, then, again, try resetting the router. If that doesn’t work, you can also try disconnecting the provider’s cable from the router, leaving only the cable that connects it to the PC - this may solve the problem: make the necessary settings without this cable, and after everything is configured, reconnect the provider’s cable. Pay attention to the firmware version and, if relevant, update it. If this does not help, make sure that the “correct” drivers are installed for the computer’s network card. Ideally, download them from the manufacturer's website.

Settings are not saved

If for some reason the settings are not saved after entering them and clicking “save”, and also if you cannot restore the settings previously saved in a separate file, try performing the operation in a different browser. In general, in case of any strange behavior of the router admin panel, you should try this option.

Laptop (tablet, other device) does not see WiFi

In this case, the most possible different options and they are all about equally common. Let's go in order.

If your laptop does not see the access point, then first of all, check whether the wireless module is turned on. To do this, look at the “Network and Sharing Center” - “Adapter Settings” in Windows 7 and Windows 8, or in Network Connections on Windows XP. Make sure your wireless connection is turned on. If disabled (displays gray), then turn it on. The problem may have already been resolved. If it doesn’t turn on, see if your laptop has a hardware switch for Wi-Fi (my Sony Vaio, for example, has one).

Let's move on. If the wireless connection is turned on, but is constantly in the “No connection” status, make sure that the required drivers are installed on your Wi-Fi adapter. This is especially true for laptops. Many users, having installed a program to automatically update drivers or have a driver installed automatically by the Windows operating system, believe that this is the right driver. As a result, they often encounter problems. The required driver is the one that is located on the website of your laptop manufacturer and is intended specifically for your model. Laptop computers often use specific hardware, and using drivers (not just for network equipment) recommended by the manufacturer can avoid many problems.

If the previous option did not help you, try logging into the “admin panel” of the router and slightly changing the wireless network settings. First: change b/g/n to b/g. Did it work? This means that the wireless module of your device does not support the 802.11n standard. It's okay, in most cases, this will not affect the speed of network access. If it doesn’t work, try manually specifying the wireless network channel there (usually “automatic”).

And another unlikely one, but possible option, which I had to deal with three times, and twice for the iPad tablet. The device also refused to see the access point, and this was solved by setting the United States region in the router instead of Russia.

Other problems

If the connection is constantly disconnected while working, make sure that you have installed latest version firmware, if this is not the case, update it. Read the forums: perhaps other clients of your provider with the same router that you have already encountered such a problem and have solutions to this matter.

For some Internet providers, access to local resources, such as torrent trackers, game servers and others, requires setting up static routes in the router. If this is the case, then you will most likely find information on how to register them in the router on the forum of the company that provides you with Internet access.