What does it mean when you dream about heights? Interpretation of dreams about fear of heights

Why do you dream about heights?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Being at a high altitude and being afraid of it means taking actions that are incorrect from the point of view of the law; don’t be afraid - the path to a career is open.

Why do you dream about heights?

Spring dream book

Look from above - strive for a goal that you will achieve with your perseverance and work.

Why do you dream about heights?

Summer dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are standing at some height - to achieve your goals.

Why do you dream about heights?

Autumn dream book

To see in a dream how you are climbing a height in a team of climbers - in reality you are a very timid person and will never reach heights.

Why do you dream about heights?

Indian shamanic dream book

If in a dream you are standing at a height and are afraid that you might fall, close relatives are in serious danger (associations with a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty when losing loved ones). The dream requires a person to protect family members from danger.

Why do you dream about heights?

Dream book of yogis

Height up the stairs - transition to more high level.

Why do you dream about heights?

Home dream book

Height - achievements. Being somewhere high is a feeling of loneliness; anxiety during shift life situation; reach new heights in life; looking at something high - new goals and aspirations; being impressed by other people's achievements; be on tall building- spiritual growth; If you feel fear, you lack confidence in your abilities.

Why do you dream about heights?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, seeing yourself at the top means in reality achieving what you really want.

If in a dream you are at the top, and you are afraid to look down, in order to achieve what you want, you can violate the rules of law.

If you dream that you are not at all afraid of heights, rapid promotion awaits you.

I dreamed that you were watching everyone from above - thanks to your hard work and patience you will achieve what you want.

Falling from a hill in a dream means a serious deterioration in health.

Falling from a height means the situation becomes uncontrollable, you are no longer able to change anything.

Dreaming of jumping from a height - fate will do it again sharp turn, and you will find yourself in new conditions that you will need to get used to as quickly as possible.

Being afraid of heights means a change in habits and established traditions. Maybe tastes will change and even interests will become different.

Looking from above - a new place of work, friendly team and high wages.

A dream in which a child falls from a height - your chronic fatigue affects family relationships, perhaps you have become overly irritable and harsh in your relationships with children. Small children always require a lot of attention and strength, try to maintain composure and be more tolerant.

Why do you dream about heights?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing yourself somewhere high is a sign of serious illness.

Falling from a height means a serious illness.

Seeing the heights of heaven is a sign of joy.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with state of mind the dreamer, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

People perceive heights differently, some have a fear of heights, are afraid to look down from above, while others are uncontrollably attracted to heights. Depending on this, interpretations of plots in which a person dreams of very high heights may also differ.

If in life you belong to the first category and see a dream in which you are afraid of falling from a height, then this is the personification of your inner lack of freedom, which does not leave you even when you reach considerable heights in life.

If in a dream you are high enough and you are not afraid of falling from a great height, then in real life you will achieve a position, social status, without looking back at the negative components that any career advancement carries. Being on top is your goal in itself.

If you happen to fall from a great height - the dream reflects your deep pessimism - when faced with a problem, even a minor one, you seem to be paralyzed, you lose your will.

Pay attention to the specific circumstances of the fall from height. Why did you fall, yourself or someone pushed you? Did you fall or jump from a height? How did the fall or jump from a height end, did you get injured (which organ?) or remained unharmed?

Dreams in which a person falls from a height into water deserve special attention. In this case, water symbolizes new, but as yet unexplored possibilities with a considerable amount of potential danger. An unsuccessful jump from a height into the water can lead to the death of a person, but if you jump into the water from a height skillfully, the dream can mark the entry of the sleeper into a qualitatively new period of life, undoubtedly a successful one.

If you dreamed about height according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Climbing to heights in any way means increased financial well-being.

Watching someone else rise is a dream of envy.

Meaning of sleep - height - Hasse's dream book

Height in a dream represents the heights of life in itself. in a broad sense understanding.

Looking down from a height and feeling a fear of heights - the dream warns you against the desire to sit “in someone else’s sleigh”, to achieve something in which you cannot realize yourself.

Jumping from a height and crashing is a dream of a serious illness.

If you have climbed to a height, but cannot come down, you will strive very hard for something in life (in work or in your personal life), and having achieved it, you will understand that it is not yours. But you need to think now, a dream gives you a chance to reconsider your desires.

Why do you dream about heights - esoteric dream book

Being afraid of heights in a dream means missing out on a very good chance in reality.

Seeing a friend fall from a height is a warning: your action may harm him. At the same time, the question will seem trivial to you at first, but subsequently the real losses for this person will be serious.

If someone who drives a car dreams that another person, unfamiliar to him, is falling from a height, he may become the culprit of the death of other people on the road.

A dream for a woman in which her husband falls from a height means that he will lose his social status or lose his job. She should support him at this difficult moment, everything will work out over time.

Seeing a child fall from a great height for those who do not have children in reality means the collapse of hopes.

If parents dream that their own small child falls from a height - he is in danger of injury, strengthen your guard.

A child who has already grown up in real life falls from a height - the dream is an acute signal that not everything is all right with him, perhaps he is addicted to drugs.

Why do you dream about heights, Longo’s dream book

If you dream of great heights, your plans are grandiose or even overly ambitious.

The meaning of a dream about the unreality of plans is enhanced if at the same time you also tried to jump high.

If at the same time you were afraid of falling from a height, your capabilities are still much more modest than your ambitions.

Being on top with someone - this person fuels your inflated ego.

Falling from a height means loss of a high position in society or illness.

To see a person you know fall from a height - the dream has the same meaning for him.

If you dream of jumping from a height, you will lose financial independence through your own fault.

Why do you dream about heights - a modern dream book

Diving from a height into water in a dream is a very risky undertaking, an action that can mean either a new successful start in life or a complete collapse of all hopes and existing achievements.

Descending from a height is a warning dream that your life has gone downhill, you are beginning to degrade as a person. If you don’t stop, you can slide down to what is popularly called the bottom.

Seeing in a dream how some child fell from a height - to failure in new affairs for the sleeper. For applicants and students - failure in an exam, for a pregnant woman - a threat of miscarriage or an unsuccessful abortion, for a business entrepreneur - an unsuccessful investment in a new project.

Looking down at someone means that you may make a wrong decision that will have a bad effect on your affairs.

Looking down on someone in a dream has a literal meaning and can mean arrogance or a clear advantage over a rival, or sometimes both.

Looking down from the window predicts obstacles in business. See interpretation: window.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Height

If you were high in the dream, this indicates that your plans are overly ambitious; alas, your capabilities do not yet correspond to them.

You were not alone there - the dream suggests that your ambition is fueled by people who do not really wish you well.

Falling from a height - a dream about trouble or a sudden onset of illness; saw another fall - the meaning applies to him or someone close to you; plans after such a dream will not be realized.

Rising in height (no matter how) - a dream to an increase in material well-being; saw how someone else did it - you will have to envy other people’s successes.

Interpretation of dreams from

In dreams, everything is literally permeated with riddles, hints, secrets.

Sometimes dreams have everyday, everyday plots, and sometimes the symbols and signs are so bright and concrete that immediately after waking up you want to interpret and find out the secret - what does the dream promise?

One of these striking symbols is height. A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and alarming. Heights are different, and some people experience fear and apprehension, sometimes even panic, while others, on the contrary, experience a craving for heights and euphoria from being above the ground.

Height in dreams can be a symbol of achieving heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer’s ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn about something. It depends on the details of the “high-altitude” dream, and these details can be like this:

  • You fall from a great height in your dreams.
  • Stand high above the ground, afraid of falling.
  • You fell to the ground from a height.
  • You are standing on the roof of a building.
  • You are going to jump down in a dream.
  • Fly by plane.
  • Stand on a high tower, on an observation deck.
  • Are you in a dream? high mountain.
  • You jump with a parachute in your dreams.
  • Watching someone fall from a height.
  • Look down from above calmly, without fear, with pleasure.

All these “high-altitude” dreams can bring different emotions to the dreamer, but the main thing is what they carry different meanings, and sometimes very important. Remember not only the details of your dream, but also the emotions that you experienced - this will also help you understand the dream in the right way and make the right decision in reality.

Fall or fly...

To explain what heights mean in dreams, the dream book should ask the right question, taking into account everything that happens in dreams. Where exactly the dreamer had to be, what he experienced - all this is extremely important for the interpretation of the “high-altitude” dream.

1. Falling in a dream from a great height, flying down, experiencing fear - this can be a serious shock and frighten, but it does not promise any catastrophe. This indicates that the dreamer sets himself in reality too serious, sometimes impossible tasks.

You are probably putting too much on your own shoulders, demanding the simply impossible from yourself - you shouldn’t do this, slow down. Set realistic tasks and goals, complete them calmly and confidently, and then set the next ones.

2. T Such a dream in which heights seriously frighten you, you experience terrible fear and panic - a hint that you are not only too demanding of yourself, but also too critical. Again, the interpreter recommends being more realistic, soberly assessing your own strengths, and setting tasks according to your capabilities.

3. To fall to the ground from any height in a dream - good sign, it portends you overcoming obstacles. If any goal now seems unattainable to you, be sure that you will overcome everything and reach great heights.

4. As the dream book says, the height below, below you, if you are standing on the roof of a building, indicates your ambitions. You plan a lot, and perhaps even talk about your plans, but you do little. It's time to use your strength and start taking active action.

5. If in your dreams you not only stood at the top, high above the ground, but also intended to jump down - such a dream may indicate your desire or readiness to leave your usual life.

Change, for example, a noisy city for peace, do something more measured. A re-evaluation of life awaits you, and perhaps you will radically change a lot by understanding what your heart wants.

6. Dreaming of flying high in the clouds on an airplane or other flying vehicle is a hint of your habit of building illusory dreams and hopes, sand castles. Be more realistic, evaluate life more soberly to avoid disappointments.

7. Have you stood on a high tower in your dreams? awaits you high position or an attractive new position. In any case, feel free to expect recognition and honor, you will soon earn it.

8. Standing on a high mountain in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will achieve something very serious, you will simply make a breakthrough, and you will reap the benefits of your achievements for a long time. So now work with the firm confidence that it is not in vain.

9. If you jumped with a parachute in your dreams, you are clearly missing some sharp or simply fresh sensations. You have probably been stuck in everyday life for too long, you are accustomed to routine, but your soul is asking for vivid experiences, a shake-up.

10. To watch someone fall from a height in a dream means to experience a reassessment of values. Someone's experience or example will make you think very seriously about own life, about goals and dreams, and you will want to change a lot in your usual reality.

11. If you looked from above in a dream calmly, without fear or even with pleasure, know that you will soon achieve incredible heights and accept high position and honors with dignity. This is wonderful!

“High-altitude” dreams are a reason to think carefully about your life, look at your daily actions and actions, and listen to your own heart. What does it want, and is this how you live, are you moving there?

You build your own reality, remember this, and do not let circumstances control your life - and amazing heights will await you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Very often people have dreams in which they fall from a height. Why do you dream about heights? folk sign says this means that the person is actually growing. But the period of active growth lasts mainly in childhood and adolescence, and dreams of falling also occur in adult dreamers. So what do such dreams actually prophesy to us?

  • Dream Interpretations give general interpretation In such stories, it is explained that falling from a height is more often observed by individuals who in real life take on impossible tasks, often give in to dreams and hope for a sudden win.
  • There is no need to be scared if you had to fall in a dream - this will not be an omen of something serious, you just need to understand what a big height actually means in a dream: such a dream opens a person’s eyes to reality and the reasons for his failures, while hinting at the fact that that the sleeper is too critical of himself and demanding of people.
  • The dream book claims that the one who sees his own fall in a dream will be able to overcome all obstacles in reality. And if the dreamer does not receive injuries or injuries, then in reality he will not have to sacrifice anything to implement his plans.
  • People often dream that they are afraid of heights. Such dreams are a subconscious reflection of their real ambitions and reverent attitude towards their achievements. The dream book recommends letting go of all worries and doubts and fully enjoying your victories.
  • If real altruists and public figures in a dream there is a desire to jump into an abyss, then in reality such people experience overwork from various kinds of responsibilities and duties. The dream book claims that such a dream makes it clear that such individuals do not need to give up their mission, they just need to take a break from business and have a good rest.

  • Dream books also explain in detail what dreams of fear of heights mean. People experience such fears in reality when they are not one hundred percent sure that they are right and consider their ideas to be too innovative. However, such dreams try to make the dreamer understand that he has nothing to fear, he just needs to finish what he started and get the desired result.
  • For managers in a dream, being afraid of falling from a height means seeing from the outside all the pros and cons of their character. The dream is trying to convey to the dreamer that his desire to control people is not a need, but just another whim. And even when the desire to be a leader in his real life comes true, the result will be a heavy burden of responsibility.
  • Sometimes dream books warn that if in a dream a person made a jump from a height, then in reality he will have to face grief and disappointment. The dream book also says that all the troubles will not be long-lasting and particularly tragic, but the dreamer, despite this, will take them to heart quite closely.
  • Often, the dream book connects the dream of a height and the readiness to jump from it with the desire of people to feel euphoria in their reality. The beauty of free flight in a dream makes it clear to the dreamer that only everyday life and acquired complexes prevent him from fulfilling his destiny in reality.
  • When in a dream a sleeper witnesses another person falling from a height, then he needs to correctly set priorities in real life and reassess his own values. The dream book advises getting rid of arrogance and arrogance and then everything will fall into place.

How to interpret fear of heights in a dream

  • Why do you dream about fear of heights? For people, acutely feeling such fears in a dream, according to the dream book, means the onset of a period for mobilizing all mental and physical strength in order to be prepared for all the life trials that await them in reality.
  • If a sleeper sees himself standing on a hill in a dream, then in reality the position this person is not a leader, rather the opposite - he is always in the shadow of events. The dream book says that fears in a dream about falling can indicate the stability and strength of all aspects of the dreamer’s life.
  • Sometimes people have to watch events from the past from a bird's eye view in their dreams. The interpretation of such a plot is as follows: a person will definitely achieve in reality everything he wants only if he makes every effort for this. Dream books promise that the result of such efforts will be only positive.
  • Parents need to remember that everything that their children dream of falling from a height is associated with warnings and recommendations from dream books to pay more attention to their own children, especially their mood and emotional outbursts in behavior.
  • Miller's dream book gave exactly the opposite meaning to dreams about heights. That is, the sage argued that a person who sees himself on the top of a mountain in a dream has never reached heights in reality. In such cases, the interpreter’s advice was the same: it is necessary to accept everything as it is, not to exchange your life for constant rivalries and competitions.
  • A decisive jump and an obvious fall down in a dream will be a warning to the sleeper. Main character such a dream is a person capable of such extraordinary actions, but despite this, the dream book gives him advice to remain reasonable in real affairs, otherwise he will be disappointed.

  • Why dream of such a height that a person does not feel fear of? In fact, according to dream books, the interpretation of such a dream is simple: in reality the dreamer will be able to achieve some success. At the same time, he will be able to maintain his high position for a long time.
  • But if in a dream the sleeper clearly experiences fear of falling, then he needs to be careful in real life. Dream books warn of the possibility of injury or being involved in deception. It is possible that the environment around the dreamer of such a dream is not friendly enough towards him at the moment.
  • Adults should definitely pay attention to dreams in which children fall from heights. The dream book recommends taking into account the personality of this child, perhaps he is the one who needs support and understanding.