Where to look for ghosts? The most terrible ghosts in the world

Commonly haunted places in all legends and scary stories are often repeated. Has its own ghosts different countries world, including in Russia and European countries.

Where do ghosts live?

It is believed that the most likely places for ghosts to appear are cemeteries, old houses, and castles. There are ghosts near places where someone died. According to parapsychologists, the spirit of the very first person buried there, who is the so-called “owner,” “lives” in cemeteries.

For inexplicable reasons, ghosts often choose to “live” in medieval castles in Scotland, Ireland and England. Most likely, this is due to the fact that many aristocratic families keep their terrible family secrets, which have become the reason for the appearance of family ghosts. England has long been the center of ghosts. London is richer in ghost legends than other cities.

The scariest ghosts in Europe

The most common ghosts in Europe are black monks and white ladies - these are dark shadows and white blurry figures that people periodically see in old houses and medieval castles.

"Black Nun"

It is known about the “Black Nun” who lives in an English castle. According to legend, this nun is Sarah Whitehead, who comes to the bank in the hope of finding her brother there. The brother was once an employee of this bank, but was accused of forging checks. Sarah was so shocked by what happened that to this day she is looking for her brother within the walls of the bank.

The Ghost of Beverly Square House

One of the creepiest ghosts lives in London in a house in Beverly Square. They say that several people died just from the sight of this ghost. According to one version, the ghost appears in the form little boy, who died of fear in his room. According to another version, the ghost is a young girl whom her uncle wanted to seduce. To avoid harassment, she allegedly jumped out of the window.

The third version says that the ghost appears before people in the form of a pale-faced man. Wanting to see one of London's creepiest ghosts, tourists turned a house in Beverly Square into a place of pilgrimage.

Poveglia Island

Poveglia Island is considered a mysterious place in Venice. It is closed to tourists, and police boats cruise along the island's shores. There is a twelfth-century bell tower on the island. Lovers of the unknown claim that bells can often be heard from the direction of this bell tower.

It is known that during the Roman Empire, everyone infected with the plague was brought to the island to die. History repeated itself in the sixteenth century. Poveglia became the place where those infected with the bubonic plague were brought. They were dumped into huge pits and left to die. They say that the cries of these unfortunates are heard from time to time over the island. Several centuries later, the island began to play the role of a quarantine point. In the last century, a nursing home was built on the island. After the head physician committed suicide, Poveglia was deserted; people no longer wanted to return to this island.

Anne Boleyn's Ghost

According to legend, the headless ghost of a woman has been wandering the stairs of the Tower Castle for many years. This woman is Anne Boleyn, who was the second wife of Henry VIII Tudor. The king, having noticed the beauty Boleyn at one time, elevated her to the throne. It was she who brought the Renaissance and Reformation to England and gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth.

After being accused of adultery and witchcraft, Anna was executed by beheading. Anne Boleyn's ghost has no head; it holds its head under its arm. Last time this ghost was seen in 1940.

The most famous ghosts in Russia

Each of us has heard legends about ghosts. Among them there are completely good-natured ghosts, and there are also those who have been scaring people for many years. Aliens from the other world, approaching a person, sow fear and panic.

In Russia there are ancient houses, historical places and castles, about which there are many legends. According to some of them, ghosts still live in such houses and castles.

Ghost Town

Near Chelyabinsk there is the Arkaim fortress, which is also called the “Russian Stonehenge”. Scientists, in addition to buildings and street ruins, discovered wells, remains of metallurgical furnaces, water supply systems, and mines. The inhabitants left Arkaim almost four thousand years ago, but before leaving, they set their city on fire. It is believed that they had serious reasons for this.

People who have visited Arkaim talk about the ghosts that live there. Tourists on Mount Shamanke often see moving shadows. Once, during an excavation, an archeology student heard a voice calling her to the excavation center. The girl went there alone. Upon returning, the student cried for a long time, talking about the ghosts of the ancient inhabitants of the city of Arkaim.

Sukharev Tower

A famous place in Moscow is the Sukharev Tower. There the engineer, astrologer and alchemist Jacob Bruce, who lived during the time of Peter I, spent all his nights. According to legend, he kept the famous “ Black Book", written by the Prince of Darkness himself. This book terrified the townspeople.

Even after the death of the famous alchemist, the light in the Sukharev Tower continued to light up every night. In 1934, the warlock's tower was demolished, but the ghost of a dry old man appears quite often in that place.

Misers with Myasnitskaya

In Moscow on Chistye Prudy there is Myasnitskaya street. The Kusovnikovs' house once stood on it. The couple were famous for the fact that, despite all their wealth, they were misers and misers. They never invited guests or gave anyone gifts.

Gathered in long trip, the husband and wife decided to hide all the treasures in the fireplace. After their departure, the unsuspecting servant lit a fire in the fireplace. As a result, the wealth burned completely. Upon learning this news, the wife died immediately. With the words “Oh, my money, my money,” the ghost of the old man still haunts the nearby alleys to this day.

The most famous ghost in history

The ghost most often seen by people is called the "White Lady". This collective image, which would suit more than one lady of past centuries. Eyewitnesses most often describe this ghost as a lady in white, with deep-set sad eyes and a pointed face.

The White Lady is a woman who was forced into marriage with evil old man. He bullied her all his life. Just before his death, he asked his wife for forgiveness, but was refused. The old husband cursed his wife, which is why she still appears in the family domain in the guise of the White Lady. The white lady is Perchta Rozmberk, and her tyrant husband is the aristocrat Jan Lichtenstein. We know about a portrait depicting the White Lady. There is a signature on it in an unknown language. It remains undeciphered to this day.

By the way, according to the site, it is photographs of ghosts that become famous and are sold for fabulous money.
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No child questions the existence of ghosts. But with age, people stop believing in otherworldly phenomena. Denial of the existence of another world continues until a person encounters something unusual and unknown. And this makes him question whether ghosts exist or not.

Nature of the phenomenon

There is no effect without a cause. If a person encounters a ghost, there must also be some logical explanation for this. And it will depend on common views to the world.

  • Skeptics. People who deny the existence of otherworldly phenomena consider ghosts to be an ordinary hallucination. The vision does not have to be caused by illness. Hallucinations also occur periodically in healthy people. If a ghost is seen in a photograph, skeptics claim that it is nothing more than a film defect. With the advent graphic editors It has become even easier to depict a luminous silhouette in a photo. The suspicious creatures in the photo are just fake. The skeptic also believes that lack of education forces people to see the unusual in completely explainable phenomena.
  • Scientists. The words “skeptic” and “scientist” cannot always be considered synonymous. Some very educated people take ghosts and apparitions seriously and study the nature of this phenomenon. However, scientists have still not been able to establish the exact cause of the visions. According to one version, people see creatures from another dimension. These creatures probably see us too and consider us ghosts. According to some scientists, ghosts may be aliens from distant planets.
  • Mystics. These include psychics, magicians, parapsychologists, believers or simply superstitious people prone to mysticism. These people don't question whether ghosts exist or not. Visions, from the point of view of mystics, are explained simply: we observe the souls of the dead, creatures from the higher (angels) and lower (demons) worlds. At the same time, to the question of how to relate to incorporeal creatures, each representative of this category will answer in his own way. The opinion will depend on religion or belonging to any mystical movement.

Of course, visions cannot be explained only by a morbid imagination, increased religiosity or lack of education. Official science recognizes that psychic energy cannot be destroyed. Knowing this, we can assume that after the death of a person, a certain energy structure remains, which religious people call the soul.

Meetings with the unknown

Explorers of the other world not only are not afraid of ghosts, but also deliberately seek meetings with them. To do this, they go to anomalous zones. This could be an old building, such as a castle. Stone fortresses built centuries ago often keep terrible secrets. The walls of the castles remember the inhuman tortures and executions to which the feudal lords subjected prisoners, servants, or even their own relatives.

The ghost of a little boy haunts the Swedish castle of Haringe, built in the 11th century. Axel Horn (that was the child’s name) froze to death under the walls of the building. According to legend, the boy was left to freeze on the street by his own aunt. Today, the castle houses a hotel. One of the guests of Haring claims that, having woken up at night, she noticed a figurine of a boy near her bed, whom she mistook for her nephew. The woman invited him to lie down next to him and was very surprised to feel an unnaturally cold body next to her. In the morning it turned out that the nephew slept all night in his bed and did not go to his aunt’s bed.

In March 2011, an earthquake occurred in Japan, which was accompanied by a tsunami. Thousands of people became victims. At the same time, unusual incidents began to occur with taxi drivers working in the earthquake area. Drivers have encountered customers asking for rides into dangerous areas, despite warnings from taxi drivers not to go there. Along the way, strange passengers suddenly disappeared right from the car.

In his book " Long journeys"parapsychologist Robert Monroe has suggested that our visible world surrounded by several layers of subtler worlds. In the layers closest to us live people who have never been able to accept their death. They try to return to their former life, often feeding on the energy of the living. It is these deceased who have not found peace that from time to time come into our world in the form of luminous silhouettes, translucent figures, etc.

Do ghosts exist or not? modern science unable to answer. Not every “sensational” photograph of a ghost should be taken as evidence of the existence of the other world. However, one should not completely reject the presence of other dimensions with its inhabitants. Perhaps scientists will be able to answer all questions in 200 - 300 years.

Everyone understands that interaction with the supernatural world is very strange and frightening. If you were unlucky enough to grow up in a haunted house where you were terrified by poltergeists, then there is a good chance that you will live your whole life and never encounter supernatural forces. No ghosts, no ghosts, no spirits. Absolute boredom. But don't worry! In this article you will find information about several places inhabited by spirits, and you can actually visit them yourself to tickle your nerves. If you are planning to visit any haunted house, then you should definitely pay attention to the places described here. The point is that even if you don't encounter a real ghost, you will still find a lot of interesting things to do. You don't have to look for a medieval castle to experience real fear and horror. The point is that in modern history There are enough incidents that bring buildings and places into disrepute and give rise to numerous rumors that ghosts live there. So if you dream of seeing a ghost, choose something from this list and go on an exciting journey.

Bobby McKee's World of Music

It's worth noting right away that many so-called "haunted places" turn out to be disappointing. IN best case scenario you can hope for a floating eye, a transparent spirit, or, if you're especially lucky, the rattling of ghostly chains. However, Bob McKee's World of Music is where you will meet a real invisible cowboy who will scare you to death.

Mysterious house in Winchester

Under normal circumstances, inheriting a large fortune is definitely a good thing, even if it comes at the cost of your life. loved one, who left you this condition. Sure, you may be upset about losing your husband to tuberculosis, but if you're making $20 million in the process and an extra $1,000 a day in income, the grief becomes much easier, especially if it's sample money. 1881, when people couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have one million dollars. And this is exactly what happened to Sarah Winchester when her husband, the creator of one of the most famous lines in the world firearms, died. However, as everyone knows perfectly well, than more money, those more problems. What was Sarah's problem? The fact is that Sarah began to be haunted by the spirits of all those who were killed with a Winchester rifle, and this, as you know, is a lot.

"Queen Mary"

If you want to combine a stay on a luxury cruise ship with the fact that you don't have to sail anywhere, and a reminder that a hellish afterlife will rob you of even your chance at peace after death, you should definitely visit the Queen Mary cruise ship. a liner turned hotel that anchored forever off the coast of California. Unfortunately, the evidence of ghosts here is extremely dubious, which can be understood by the fact that the main ghost here is called the “lady in white.” This is the name given to a ghost when there is no desire to put in the effort to come up with something worthwhile. However, there is some good news. The fact is that “Queen Mary” has a very rich history, not related to supernatural world, so you can still enjoy your visit.


While we're on the subject of California attractions, why not stop by the famous Alcatraz Island to see the ghost of Al Capone appear to play your banjo? As a national park, Alcatraz doesn't offer any tours that specialize in ghosts, but you won't need a guide to see anything spooky, as this local prison has housed some of the country's worst criminals.

Route 322 and the Bones of "Mad" Anthony Wayne

Who would have thought that a man who earned the nickname "mad" would not find peace after death? If you don't know this story, here it is. short excursion: Anthony Wayne was a general during the American Revolution. He became famous for his fiery temper, which he showed when he was blamed for several humiliating defeats, including when British troops sneaked into his camp without firing a single shot and using only bayonets. After he demanded the opportunity to clear his name, he began to use tactics, the essence of which was to kill all living things.

Villisca Ax Murder House

It is worth noting that Villisca is quite open about what happened in this house in 1912. Yes, there were ax murders here. The killer killed six people with an ax at once, and what is especially horrifying is the fact that he waited in the attic all day to choose the right moment to attack. Despite the fact that there were quite a few suspects in the case, including a relative who had previously threatened to kill one of the victims multiple times, as well as one Blackie Mansfield, who several years later committed several more ax murders, the crime remains unsolved to this day. day. And rumors that this house is inhabited by the ghosts of victims have been circulating here for more than a hundred years.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

The building of this sanatorium looks so frightening that it is not surprising that there are rumors about it involving ghosts. Especially considering that it was built to house people with tuberculosis and was later expanded because too many people were dying in it. It is worth noting that for its time it was very well equipped. Tiny rooms were needed to accommodate as many patients as possible while isolating them from each other. For those who had the disease in the early stages, more spacious rooms were provided. And even the body chute that was located in the backyard and was used to hasten the death of patients was created to make the process less painful for them.

Chickamauga Battlefield

If you go looking for haunted places while in the United States of America, sooner or later you will find yourself on one of the battlefields Civil War. The most famous, naturally, is Gettysburg: the site where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous speech. However, if ghosts are what you're interested in, then you should head to North Georgia, where the Chickamauga Battlefield is located.

Myrtle's Plantation

Myrtle's Plantation has broken all records for ghost presence, leaving behind even the invisible cowboys and the ghost of Al Capone playing a banjo solo. It is as if a list of all the possible criteria for a place to be haunted by spirits was given, and in the case of Myrtle's Plantation, all the boxes were simply checked. Rumor has it that it was built on a Native American cemetery and, naturally, was cursed as a result. It is said that ghosts of children appear in the windows of the house, and that at least ten murders were committed there, and the ghosts of each victim remain in the house.

Gates of Hell

Most places inhabited by spirits explain this phenomenon by the tragedies that occurred there, as a result of which spirits settled there and could not find peace. But Chatham County doesn't have time to make up stories about past tragedies and look for mediators to justify the presence of ghosts. It turns out that it is there, in the local forest, that there is a place where the Devil himself periodically appears to sow new horrors in the human world.

Who are ghosts and apparitions? Do they exist or is it a figment of human imagination? It is known that legends about ghostly phantoms were especially widespread in the Middle Ages. It is also known that almost all medieval castles were notorious. There were rumors that ghosts lived there and disturbed the lives of the owners. What's really behind these rumors? Today there is documentary evidence that ghosts really exist.

By the way, ghosts and apparitions are synonyms, although experts argue that the word “ghost” has a narrower meaning and is characteristic of the rest human souls, and any phantom can be called a ghost.

It should be noted that in the Middle Ages, haunted castles were not something special. On the contrary, family estates, in which the spirits of ancestors lived, were considered beneficial for their owners. Most often, the spirits of suicides and those who died wandered through the castles violent death, as well as children. The living heard groans, tapping, laughter, observed the movement of objects, and saw human outlines. It is believed that ghosts freely pass through any objects and walls, since they are subtle-material entities. And in fact, according to eyewitnesses, these objects are most similar to holograms, white clots of energy.

Now there are hundreds of specialists in the world who call themselves ghost hunters. They are equipped with special equipment that allows them to see ghosts indoors and outdoors. Modern cameras with increased sensitivity are able to record the movement of these objects, since they pick up vibrations of the subtle world, invisible to us.

Why and where do ghosts appear most often?

What happens when a ghost appears in a house? The air becomes heavy, strange things begin to happen, objects and even people can disappear. There are ghosts who behave calmly and do not bother the living, but there are also those who are clearly trying to ruin people's lives.

Why is this happening? Apparently, every dead spirit has its own purpose on earth. Some come to their relatives in order to warn them of danger and thereby protect them from misfortune. Others appear to take revenge, to remind the living of the sins they have committed. As a rule, the restless souls of suicides, stuck between two worlds, wander around their former homes.

Psychics and mediums are convinced that the energy of ghosts is destructive for people, because ghosts are energy vampires who are fueled by the emotions of the living. This is especially true for ghosts of children.

Contacts with ghosts

Mediums call ghosts spirits and work with them on those subtle levels where these spirits are stuck. They conduct seances to find out what the uninvited guests really want.

In our world there are many magicians who call themselves the chosen ones due to the fact that they are able to communicate with dead spirits, whom they see without any devices. Spirits provide them with assistance and protection in matters of magic.

There is documentary evidence of successfully conducted spiritualistic seances. But here’s a fact: everyone participating in such sessions soon goes crazy or dies under unusual circumstances. According to mediums, this happens because when invading the subtle worlds and establishing contacts with spirits, a person gives up part of his own energy, which means he becomes vulnerable to otherworldly reality.

Therefore, those who wish to make contact with spirits should first think very, very carefully. These entities themselves, with rare exceptions, cannot harm a living person, but the desire to visit other world most often it ends very badly. So is it worth the risk?..

IN modern world Many people classify themselves as superstitious. They believe in the existence of ghosts and otherworldly forces and get scared every time a black cat appears in front of them.

Some people calmly react to such behavior, others vehemently advocate that there really is nothing like that. However, modern science has not yet been able to prove that ghosts exist. Nor has it been proven that they are fiction.

Many superstitious people are concerned about the question of where they are. If we turn to literature and cinema, we can make a whole list of such locations:

  1. Cemeteries.
  2. Abandoned buildings.
  3. Old uninhabited private houses.
  4. Dark forest.

In addition to these main points, there are others places where ghosts live. So, today the most popular haunted houses are tourist places.

They say that these incorporeal creatures live off the fears that people experience when they see such a creature. It is thanks to human horror that a ghost can long time live among people.

There is also an opinion that the ghost, which often frightens people, becomes more clear and bright, making it visible in photographs and even with the naked eye.

So, here are the most popular tourist places where ghosts live:

The catacombs of Paris attract not only tourists who like to tickle their nerves.

Many fans of extreme entertainment have repeatedly tried to illegally enter the territory of the catacombs in order to take pictures and explore the territory of the dungeon.

The catacombs themselves are a network of tunnels, the length of which is more than 180 km. Currently, about two kilometers are open to tourists.

Several million people are buried in these tunnels! It is not surprising that a place with such energy is home to many ghosts.

By the way, many tourists have repeatedly noted that moans and howls can be heard outside the walls. Some people have even seen ghosts in these places. And a few years ago a horror film was made about this place.

This building is a former sanatorium where tuberculosis patients were treated and rehabilitated. Currently, the place looks intimidating not only inside, but also outside.

The sanatorium is located in the United States and has been recognized many times as the creepiest place in the country. There is a terrifying tunnel here, which during the operation of the sanatorium was used to remove the bodies of deceased patients.

Spooky Island located in Italy near Venice. There are many stories associated with him that will make your blood run cold.

The first mention of the terrible island is associated with the plague. To avoid the spread of the epidemic, sick people were brought here and left to die a painful death. After people died, their bodies were burned.

Therefore, experts say that the territory of the island is simply strewn with the ashes of human flesh. To this day, rare visitors to the island hear eerie screams and frightening sounds, although the island is completely uninhabited.

There have been legends about this place for many years. And if previous stories are associated with mass death of people, then here everything is a little different.

Pripyat is widely popular among extreme sports enthusiasts who do not think about the consequences of their actions.

Of course, now the level of radiation in these places has decreased significantly, but just a couple of decades ago it was dangerous to be here. Many stories about strange creatures found in these places have no scientific confirmation. Despite this, Pripyat still attracts tourists to this day.