The supernatural exists. List of supernatural creatures and description. Legends about supernatural creatures Is there supernatural in the world

The supernatural has always attracted the attention of many people of all nationalities on all continents. This inexhaustible, permanent interest invariably influenced myths, religious ideas, folklore and even the ordinary everyday life of every nation. We can study and discuss this entire heritage endlessly. In this article we will touch on this phenomenon only from one side - from the side of the inhabitants of what we usually call “supernatural beings”. List and description of all such creatures in in full would make up a whole library, so we will limit ourselves to the most famous and popular in modern culture creatures.


The word "gnome" translated from Latin means underground inhabitant. These creatures are known in almost all regions of the earth where there are mountains or deserts. The traditional, familiar image of a gnome comes from German-Scandinavian folklore, but is also known among the Slavs (for example, Polish dwarfs are relatives of gnomes). Their own dwarf people, living in mountain dungeons, are also found in the Urals, where they are called either Chud or Chuchka. According to widespread legends, these supernatural beings are engaged in jewelry making, mining all kinds of treasures and, among other things, have significant knowledge of medicine.

Nature of the gnomes

The word “gnome” itself, according to one version, began to be used in the 16th century by Paracelsus, the famous European doctor and occultist. He used it to designate the spirits of the earth - elementals. The latter are supernatural beings that set in motion the world around us, by influencing one of the four primary elements - earth, air, fire or water. So, the spirits, called gnomes by Paracelsus, lived in the element of earth. Later, this term began to denote the entire list of supernatural creatures that, according to legend, live underground and are united by common features - appearance, crafts, etc.


Goblins are another category of supernatural neighbors of humans. In general, they can be considered as distant relatives of gnomes. They also live underground, in mountain gorges dotted with caves. Like gnomes in many legends, goblins do not tolerate the light of the sun. But if gnomes are representatives of Scandinavian and German folklore, then the goblin is a character from Romanesque culture. These supernatural creatures got their very name from the Old French language.

The appearance of goblins is described in legends very differently. But the constant feature of all of them is incredible ugliness. Goblins are similar to humans and can range in height from thirty centimeters to two meters. When necessary, they know how to turn into beautiful people. But they are always given away by their long ears, claws on their hands and sinister animal eyes. The only exception to the rule is the English hobgoblins, who play the role of cute brownies in British folklore, which we will talk about next.


The creatures that are known in Russia as brownies are perhaps the most widespread character in world folklore. Of course, they are described differently and interacted with differently, but everywhere these creatures top the list of supernatural beings. IN Slavic tribes they were also called the Kut gods. The brownie lives with the family in their home and monitors the housekeeping, safety and favorable atmosphere. However, if the owners are careless, then he can appear as a formidable, frightening creature. About where this keeper of home comfort comes from, consensus there wasn't. Someone believed that this was a manifestation of the first ancestor, the progenitor of the family. Others insisted it was a deceased family member. With the Christianization of Rus', the belief in brownies did not disappear, but the popular opinion began to prevail that it was either a spirit sent by God, or, conversely, a small demon planted by the devil in order to harm the inhabitants to the best of his ability. However, there was also a belief that unrepentant sinners become brownies, whom God sends as punishment to serve people as protective spirits.

Russian brownies

One way or another, the brownie was the one on whom the well-being of the family depended. Therefore, they always tried to build a good relationship with him. It was customary to feed the brownie by leaving a plate of food for him in a special place. The grateful spirit protected the home from thieves, from fire, and warded off troubles and misfortunes. The brownie was especially concerned about livestock, and mainly horses. It was believed that at night he tinkered in the stable, making sure that the horse did not remain hungry or unkempt. Like other supernatural creatures, in Russia it was believed that the brownie could predict the future. For example, if at night you hear roaring, howling, crying and similar ominous signs, then you have to expect trouble. If at night there is quiet laughter, joyful exclamations and the like, then the family will be in for a pleasant surprise.

Some legends also feature female brownies. In some cases, we are even talking about entire families of brownies. However, this is much less common in folklore.


Very popular supernatural creatures, the list of which includes hundreds of varieties around the world, are dragons. Currently, their popularity is increasing, thanks to the massive passion for the fantasy genre in art. Legends of supernatural beings, looking like huge lizards that cut through the air and breathe fire, are known literally on all continents among all tribes and peoples. Storyline in them can be very different, accordingly different and cultural codes and the symbols they carry. In Asia, for example, dragons are the wisest creatures who came down from heaven and gave people knowledge, culture, medicine, taught them magic, agriculture and morality. In the West, on the contrary, they were chthonic monsters, bringing with them only death and destruction. In Christian times, the dragon was often associated with the devil, but at the same time it was a favorite heraldic symbol. The battle with him to save a woman or acquire wealth is a typical plot for European as well as Slavic folklore.


Our list of supernatural creatures continues like this interesting character like a unicorn. He is usually depicted as a horse with a beautiful straight horn growing from his forehead.

The earliest images of this animal come from India, and their age is estimated at four thousand years. Gradually from Asia this character penetrated into ancient Greece and Rome. However, there he was considered a very real animal. Such beliefs spread among the Greeks thanks to a doctor named Ctesias, who spent many years in Persia, and upon returning to his homeland in Hellas, described in his writings massive Indian donkeys with a horn growing on their foreheads. This all took place in the 5th century and was later popularized by Aristotle. The traditional equine appearance of the unicorn today was not originally taken for granted. He was imagined with the body of both a goat and a bull, and according to some descriptions, this creature looked more like a rhinoceros.

Unicorns in later legends

In later Western European myths, the unicorn was represented as a ferocious creature, meeting which promised death. But, being the personification of morality and holiness, this creature could only be tamed by a virgin and kept in submission only by a golden bridle. It is not surprising that with the spread of Catholicism, this animal became one of the emblems of the Virgin Mary. His enemies were elephants and lions. The belief in them was so strong in Europe and Russia that as early as the 19th century, naturalistic research was carried out to find out whether supernatural creatures called unicorns actually existed or not. Some European monarchs, including those, were proud that their staffs - attributes of royal power - were made from the horn of this animal. There was even a European market for the purchase and sale of these horns, in which Russian merchants(mostly Pomors) played an important role. Today it has been established that these horns actually belonged to narwhals.


Werewolves are another supernatural creature, the list of varieties of which exceeds all imaginable limits. But they all have common feature- they have the ability to transform from people to animals, and vice versa. Most often these are wolves, but in fact there are legends in which heroes turned into birds, fish, and other animals. The difference between werewolf transformations and other magical transformations is that they do this either of their own free will or under certain conditions, but in any case they turn back into people. In Russian mythology, even one of the heroes named Werewolf had this ability, according to folk legends, and prince Similar stories are extremely popular in Indian, Scandinavian and Celtic mythologies. In addition, the ability for such transformations was almost everywhere assigned to sorcerers and witches. During the Inquisition, the accusation of such an act served as a reason to initiate an investigation into connections with the devil.

Sometimes a distinction was made between werewolves from birth and those who became one for some reason. A werewolf could be born if a person whose mother ate the meat of an animal killed by a wolf during pregnancy, or who bore the curse of werewolf herself. And one could acquire the ability to turn into animals either magically or become an apostate. It was believed that in the latter case a person becomes a werewolf, however, after death. The latter also include children who died unbaptized. Accordingly, some werewolves experience this ability as a curse, others use it as a magical gift and know how to control this ability.

Ghosts and ghosts

Ghosts are perhaps the only supernatural creatures whose list and photos can be viewed from a strictly scientific point of view. This phenomenon is so unprecedented that it goes beyond the boundaries of myths and legends and is part of everyday life. And these days there are a lot of people, even those who grew up in advanced civilization, but who are confident in the existence of ghosts. Moreover, huge amount eyewitnesses state that they had or are in contact with them. We are talking not only about mediums and parapsychologists, but also about specialists within the framework of strict academic science. However, the number of the latter is small. But the number of eyewitness testimonies, mysterious photographs and videos depicting ghosts is enormous.

According to the most common beliefs, ghosts are the souls of dead people. Why they appear in this world and what their nature is - there is no consensus. But almost no one doubts that the dead appear in the form of translucent silhouettes.


Finishing our list of supernatural creatures are mermaids. In modern culture, this is a very ambivalent character. It must be said right away that beautiful maidens with fish tails are not mermaids, they are sea maidens. Mermaids are girls in completely human form, originating from Slavic legends. In pre-Christian times, they were considered the spirits of rivers, and after Christianization, the belief spread that drowned women who committed suicide became mermaids. They are not accepted in the afterlife, and therefore they are forced to serve their punishment on earth, living at the bottom of the river. The only night when mermaids come ashore is night


As already mentioned, the characters listed above are not all supernatural beings. The list can be continued to tens and hundreds of thousands of names, if you delve into the beliefs of each people in detail. Those who are curious will no doubt be able to do this and find a lot more new unknown material.

It's no secret that people are always interested in what is unknown. The most mysterious creatures arouse genuine interest, and also influence legends and folklore different countries and peoples.

In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the least known creatures, however, no less scary and frightening. Whether they are mythical is up to you to decide.

There are two alternative versions of the appearance of the Wendigo.

  1. Based on the first, it is believed that the brave warrior sold his soul in order to protect his tribe from an impending threat. After the tribe was saved, he went into the forest and was never seen again.
  2. Another version says that the Wendigo began to lose his human appearance due to the use of black magic, and was also a cannibal. Either way, this monster eventually appeared.

Many compare it with, but outwardly it is completely different from. And the behavior of the Wendigo has significant distinctive features.

The growth exceeds the statistical average, but it cannot be called huge. However, he is very thin. According to some descriptions, it is clear that sometimes parts of the body may be missing due to frostbite: toes, the tip of the ear or nose. The body is covered with matted hair, or may be completely bald.

Wendigos love to stalk their prey. When they overtake a lonely traveler, they begin to scare him by making sounds. When the person begins to look around in search of the source of the sound, the wendigo attacks.

You won't be able to escape because wendigos are very fast and resilient. As a rule, no one manages to survive an encounter with this monster.

The only way to kill this monster is to stick an iron or silver blade into the heart.

The folklore of every country is filled with stories of reborn people who received new abilities. One of these creatures was the shtriga, or strix.

Humans from birth, they became human due to their unhealthy eating habits. human meat.

In the Middle Ages, shtriga referred to witches. It is possible that they could be a type of vampire Ancient Rome.

Ultimately, shtrigi are dead. mythical creatures, but using vitality killed families, prolongs its existence.

You can kill a monster only with a hot iron while eating.

Draugs or Draugr

Like the shtriga, they were originally human. But after death they turned into the living dead.

The draugs live in the cemetery, next to the Viking graves. Approaching any settlement, they sow fear and death, destroying everything in their path.

Surprisingly, draugs are mentioned in some books. For example, "The Saga of the Men of the Sandy Shore" tells the story of Thorolf.

Being a draugr, he killed people, after which the valley was empty. Draug are also mentioned in The Saga of the People of the Sand Valley.

These monsters love to inhabit the tombs of rich people, thus protecting their property from thieves.

Draugs are strong, have pale skin, and are also capable of increasing in size. Having killed a person, the monster first drinks his blood and then begins to eat him.

It is believed that draugs appear in the form of smoke, freeing themselves from their graves.

Icelandic legends say that the only way to kill a draugr is to cut off its head, then burn it and scatter its ashes over sea ​​water.

These mythical creatures prefer to live next to sea ​​coasts. Freeing themselves from their graves, they look for victims among the sailors.

They can take on different guises, scaring people to death. For example, algae grows instead of a head.

Sea legends say that draugs can take the form of stone or seaweed. Before you step on something like this, you need to spit on it.

If a draugr gets onto a ship in the form of a stone, then the ship is doomed to destruction along with the entire crew. And sometimes draugs can be harbingers of death.


The word "ghouls" comes from Arabic myths and refers to demons. They lived in cemeteries, and according to legend they are the descendants of the Iblis.

Iblis are genies who have an analogue in Christianity - Satan. Iblis harass women, and if they succeed, then ghouls appear.

Iblis could wander the earth, since Allah was testing people in this way: whether Iblis could sow immorality and vice in their heads.

According to some reports, ghouls are living in the desert, capable of taking the form of hyenas or other animals.

Luring the wanderers deeper, the ghouls ate them. They gave preference to children, but sometimes they did not disdain the dead.

They most often take the form of werewolves, but can take the form of any creature they kill, including humans and animals.

In order to renew their appearance, they, like snakes, shed their old skin.

It is impossible to distinguish by appearance whether it is a real person or a shapeshifter.

The only thing that gives them away is the glow in their eyes, which can only be seen in video footage or photographs.

Familiars. Black Dogs

Witches with black magical abilities have peculiar animals - familiars.

These mythical creatures are connected to the owner by demonic bonds or magic.

European witches prefer cats, weasels, toads or owls. Shamans use a totem as a familiar.

Black dogs can also be familiars to black witches.

Antique English legend talks about Black Shack, who foreshadowed death by his appearance. In 1577, A. Fleming described its appearance in the book “A Strange and Terrible Miracle.”

The dogs appear in bright flashes of light and disappear, but the place chosen is exclusively magical.

Japanese legends They also mention black dogs that were sacrificed to bring rain. In Asia, the blood of black dogs was considered a powerful talisman.


To summon this creature, you need an altar, as well as a number of magical objects for the ritual: human blood and a special cross.

Once the Reaper appears, he takes the life of the one who summoned him to restore balance.

The Reaper is not a demon, it is simply the appearance of death, which was called a psychopomp.

They served as a kind of guide to the afterlife. Charon in Greece, Valkyries in Norway, Anubis in Egypt and so on. Some shamans, for example, are psychopomps themselves.

Reapers have power over time and people's consciousness. It can change the vision of the world, of the person himself.

The appearance of the Reaper is different for each individual case, but it is generally accepted that he appears in rags or burial clothes.

There is an assumption that Peter Pan was a kind of guide to the afterlife, since the book describes how he accompanied children on their journey after death.


In the Middle Ages, this phenomenon was associated with sorcerers who wore magic clothes or a belt.

As they are also called, they covered the body with a potion, put on a special belt and turned into a wolf with enormous power and endurance. Later, the myth of the magic belt gradually disappeared.

It is now read that werewolves can turn themselves during the full moon. It is unknown how much of this is fiction, but a Roman writer left one story that told real events involving a werewolf.

In many folklore stories different nations There is an opinion that werewolves are outcasts, vicious people.

In Armenian folklore there is a mention of women who were possessed by a spirit for their sins. They could turn into wolves and were forced to kill their own children.

IN North America There is a legend about a loup-garou who arrived from France. After conversion, this creature turned into a monster for 101 nights in a row, and during the day experienced torment and suffering. Most often, they were expelled by people, which angered the lou-garou, contributing to bitterness and murder.

You can kill them with silver: a bullet or a blade. But it is also possible to cure lycanthropy. If you kill the progenitor, the one who turned the werewolf, then all those infected by him will be freed.

IN Slavic mythology There was a Volkolak. You could become one of your own free will. Most often, sorcerers turned into werewolves to enhance their abilities.

An evil spirit from old Russian mythology. He was several centimeters tall, his body was covered with black fur, and his head was bald. Anchutka had no heels.

There is an opinion that you cannot say his name out loud, otherwise Anchutka will instantly appear in front of you.

The place of residence is usually a field, a bathhouse or a body of water. The main condition is proximity to people, but away from other supernatural beings.

Field anchutki are the most peaceful. Baths and swamps have a perky disposition, they joke evilly, putting a person’s life in danger.

Swamp anchutki grab swimmers by the legs and try to drown them, and bath anchuts scare people with strange sounds or appear in scary images.

Anchutki can be invisible. They move quickly and are afraid of iron and salt.

Shakers and Navya

Shakers - causing diseases. Most often mentioned in conspiracies.

They appear as 12 ugly women. Are in connection with evil spirits, and when a person is sick, they appear next to him in the guise of a devil.

Navya are the spirits of death. Old Russian creatures that send diseases to both people and livestock. Their involvement in disasters was not ruled out.

At night they wander through the dark streets, killing all travelers. The only way to escape from Navya was not to leave the house, protecting it with amulets.

An endless variety of creatures and monsters are present in various myths and religions. Differing in appearance and abilities, they always created problems for people, and most often killed them.

Of course, the existence of each has not been proven, so whether to believe in them or not is entirely your choice.

Photos from open sources

Mysterious events that defy rational explanation constantly occur in all corners of the planet. (website)

However, not all of them receive worldwide fame. Only the most amazing supernatural cases become the subject of conversation among residents of all countries. So, everyone knows about the American Area 51, where the military studied an unidentified flying object they had shot down with an alien corpse on board, or about Egyptian pyramids, near which trees grow several times faster, and the water purifies itself.

Undoubtedly, in such a large and eventful country as Russia, there were also many paranormal events that captured the imagination of not only the Russians themselves, but also all earthlings. Therefore, many of us may ask a logical question: what supernatural phenomena that happened directly to our people are best known abroad?

Tunguska meteorite

This amazing event took place back in the days Russian Empire. On the morning of June 30, 1908, in the area of ​​the Siberian river Podkamennaya Tunguska, a colossal explosion with a capacity of fifty megatons of TNT occurred, which is comparable to the power of the largest hydrogen bomb. As a result of the explosion, trees were toppled over an area of ​​over two thousand square kilometers, and windows flew out of houses within a radius of several hundred kilometers from the epicenter.

Photos from open sources

The event, accompanied by an intense glow in the sky, was recorded by all observatories on the planet. According to the official version, it exploded over Siberia, but for some reason its debris was not found. Many experts suggest that it was not a meteorite that was to blame, but Russia’s testing of a secret weapon, or the experiments of the legendary physicist Nikola Tesla, or the tricks of aliens. To this day, this incident is shrouded in mystery, and world scientists are still scratching their heads over it.

Soviet cosmonauts, as pioneers of space research, had a hard time, because due to imperfect equipment, emergency situations arose very often. Space flights were further aggravated by the fact that our astronauts suffered from aliens who flew close to them. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit reported that unidentified flying objects were approaching their ships.

Incredible facts

Scientists have proven that the human brain can function at 100% even when solving the simplest problems. The question arises: what are the capabilities of the human mind? From time to time, interesting and controversial reports appear about phenomena that we do not understand, as well as about people who, in their opinion, have unusual abilities.

In most cases, scientists and various types of researchers only state facts, and it’s up to us whether to believe in human superpowers or not .


A healer is a person who is able to see and understand all forms of illness, whether physical or psychological abnormalities. Such people feel the pain of others.

Almost everything traditional healers enjoy biokinesis(ability to manage someone else's body) , allowing them to control organic tissue. In this way they heal themselves and others.

The downside to this ability is that some healers can become so sensitive to the illnesses of others that they themselves become ill with the same illness. In addition, one traditional healer, having cured his “colleague,” may lose his gift forever.

There are a lot of people with such abilities. As a rule, they become doctors or nurses. But still, the majority of people who are able to heal without the use of medications and surgical interventions go into so-called alternative medicine.

Important! Remember that not all diseases can be cured using methods traditional medicine, while delay associated with untimely diagnosis and improper treatment can cost the patient his life!

Brazilian healer

Joao Teixeira is a Brazilian healer who treats thousands of people every day. The healing is extremely in an interesting way: The healer performs complex surgical operations without medications, and the blood is practically invisible.

Juan is able to cure serious illnesses with the help of psychological suggestions. According to the healer, his abilities occur due to the interventions of higher beings who use Juan's body. He believes that the souls of once deceased healers, doctors or hypnotists mediate to him.

Russian healer

Juna is a famous Russian healer, psychic and recognized phenomenon. Her superpowers were studied by Soviet scientists, who were unable to explain this anomaly.

Juna has extremely strong energy, with which she influences biological field a person, fills him with energy and heals the body. Her healing operations are based on non-contact massage (keeping hands at a distance from the body).

American healer

Edgard Cayce was probably the most amazing person XX century. This is a great healer and clairvoyant, thanks to whom many people in the world believed in forces and phenomena that are inexplicable from the point of view of science.

Casey made all the diagnostics and predictions in a state of trance. According to the healer, during a hypnotic sleep he found himself in the “Akashic Chronicles” - the energy-information sphere of the Earth, where all the present, past and future of a person are recorded.


Xenoglossy is a phenomenon that allows some people to understand foreign languages without having previously studied them. There are people who are born with such a gift, while many can spend a lot of effort and time learning foreign languages.

Strike by lightning

Nikolai Alexandrovich Lipatov from the Vologda region in 1978 he was struck by lightning and miraculously survived, but the miracles did not end there. Unexpectedly for himself and those around him, he began to speak fluently three European languages.

After a car accident

Gennady Sergeevich Smirnov from the Tula region in 1987, as a pensioner, he was pressed against a fence by a truck trailer, and when pressed, he hit his head hard. The very next day he began to speak in German, which I absolutely did not know before.


Clairvoyance is the ability to see the unknown. Such people can be in one place and know what is happening in a completely different place at a very great distance.

Clairvoyants see the future, the past, and the present. As a rule, they psychic abilities are based on visions of some episodes from the lives of other people.

Famous clairvoyants

Leo Tolstoy - Russian writer, mystic and clairvoyant, whose desire for holiness and truth became an example for many.

Vanga – world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant.

Gurzhdiev - famous Russian clairvoyant, mystic. He worked for several intelligence agencies simultaneously during World War II.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev famous for his chemical table, which is now used by the whole world. However, no less interesting is the story of the creation of this table, which he saw in a dream.

Important! Today, even the most ardent skeptics do not exclude the existence of the gift of clairvoyance. However, before you go to a clairvoyant, think about the fact that you can easily be deceived, because it’s no secret that modern world various kinds of fortune telling and predictions are profitable business, and most of the “sorcerers”, “magicians” and “fortune tellers” are ordinary charlatans.


An empath is a person who feels the emotions of others. This ability is more common in children , who are very insightful to the world and people around them. This power may disappear with age, but there are people who manage to maintain the ability throughout their lives.

As a rule, empaths strive to become teachers and consultants, since their calling is to help other people. In essence, an empath can be compared to a good psychologist, and if we add logic to the ability to understand people, then many of us can confidently be called a kind of empath.

Most empaths worry constantly periods of depression, caused by other people's negative emotions getting the better of them. People with such abilities must learn to block the emotions of others so as not to absorb the negativity of others, and also surround themselves with positive people.

Energy vampirism

Energy Vampire- this is a person who, when in contact with other people, uses their energy (feeds on it), and he does this most often unconsciously.

Such people try to surround themselves with as many friends, acquaintances and colleagues as possible in order totakethey have vitality. They are able to read the thoughts of others, which they can use for selfish purposes.

All this makes the energy vampire capable of dominating others.

P.S. Today every second person can be called an energy vampire, because modern life filled with negative emotions and communication with people we don’t always like. In addition, we have forgotten how to enjoy everyday things: a child’s smile, bright sun over your head.


Pyrokinesis is the ability of a person to cause fire with the power of thought. These people can also intensify an already burning flame.

There are two main forms of this power.

Fire is like heat

A person with this type of pyrokinesis can provoke fire occurrence. Moreover, for each such person, the created fire has an individual visual form. The created flame can burn anyone except the one creating it.

This very dangerous force which is widespread in recent years. People with pyrokinesis have difficulty managing their emotions and may become angry for unknown reasons.

Fire like light

This form of pyrokinesis is a fireball of energy that produces light. People who create such energy know how to control their emotions. This energy flow similar to the light of the sun or the light of a light bulb.

Spontaneous combustion in Australia

It should be noted that spontaneous combustion of people is not uncommon. Similar phenomena are regularly recorded that cannot be explained from the point of view of science or physiology.

In the Australian city of Brisbane in 1996, a naked girl ran into the street screaming wildly. When she calmed down a little, she said that she had come to this city with her boyfriend for the weekend.

Her friend went to take a bath and she went to bed. After which he went out, lay down next to her in bed and suddenly caught fire within a minute turning to dust.

Spontaneous combustion in Peru

The rector of a church in the city of Orellano (Peru) read a sermon to his congregation in 1993. When he began to read about the fiery hyena that awaits sinners in Heaven, he screamed terribly and turned into fire club.

The parishioners began to flee from the church in horror. When they returned, they found the priest’s clothes completely intact, containing only ashes.

Spontaneous combustion in Spain

Madrid resident Roberto Gonzalez listened to a toast at his own wedding in 1998. suddenly flared up and turned to ashes in less than a minute. Hundreds of people witnessed the tragedy, but the element of fire did not affect anyone or anything else.

The nature of such phenomena studied by scientists has not been established to this day.


An illusionist is a person who can change the structure of molecules in objects. This can be used to disguise something.

Some illusionists use consciousness, to create an illusion, while others prefer specific items, or rather their movement in space. Many compare illusionists to magicians, since both are artists whose main goal is to capture the viewer’s attention and believe in the impossible. But! Illusionists use human subconscious delusions to achieve their goal, and magicians use sleight of hand. As a result, neither one nor the other (according to scientists) has anything to do with magic and supernatural abilities.

As a rule, the best illusionists use their gift for personal enrichment and glorification (an example is David Copperfield), or find use of their abilities in psychiatric institutions, trying to help people with mental disorders.


Levitation is an ability that allows a person to raise his body above the ground, that is, to fly (such a gift requires a great concentration of strength and energy). However, examples of levitating objects are more common.

Medieval levitation

Messages about this mysterious phenomenon have been known since the dark Middle Ages. Thus, Joseph of Cupertino, a member of the French Order, was mentioned as “often rising and hovering in the air,” causing shock among the public.

Levitation in Mexico

There is information that such "flying people" can unexpectedly move long distances. So, in October 1953, a man in military uniform found himself on the street in Mexico City, speaking to passers-by in a foreign language.

It later turned out that he was a Filipino who, in a few seconds, was transported from Manila, where he was guarding the governor's palace. Local residents were delighted with the “balloonist” and gave him a warm welcome.

Levitation in India

Such flights did not always end successfully. Thus, an employee of the Portuguese colony in India in 1655 instantly flew to his homeland in Portugal. Because he violated the "order" God given", the Inquisition decided to burn him at the stake.

Interesting facts! according to some scientific research, levitation is explained by the ability of individuals to reduce their own weight in a way unknown to science. The only thing that scientists cannot understand is how this can be done.


The art of suggestion is the ability to control the minds of other people. This is a very dangerous power, because people who possess it are able to influence the actions of others with the power of thought.

Wolf Messing

In order to instill a certain thought in a person, verbal contact is not necessary, since it is possible to influence a person’s thoughts at a distance. This technique was used by the hypnotist Wolf Messing.

He could keep a person under hypnosis while over long distances from it, hundreds of kilometers away.

Thanks to his extraordinary abilities, Messing gained fame as a magician and wizard. They tried to use his talent the mighty of the world this for your own purposes.

It was because of his hypnotic sessions that he managed to anger Hitler so much that he promised huge money for the capture of the magician.

Wolf Messing said that he acquired the ability to hypnosis thanks to long training. The hypnotist was confident that all people have the ability to inspire thoughts; they just need to develop such abilities in themselves.


Regeneration is a human ability that allows you to heal yourself short terms. Known cases tissue regeneration in sick people without the use of modern medicine treatment methods. At the same time, they experience physical pain during the regeneration process. This ability is explained by the fact that the brain can influence the process of restoration of body tissue.

Some sources describe amazing, but unlikely cases of immortality of such people, who supposedly can be killed only in one way: by cutting off the head so that their brain cannot restore the body. Of course, these are all rumors, but as they say, “there is no smoke without fire.” Therefore, the question of the existence of people capable of regenerating themselves remains open.

Seeing spirits

Gift see spirits is actually very common, but not everyone uses it. There are harmless spirits and evil ones. Some mediums can physically interact with ghosts, which is not always safe.

Some people who have this ability are afraid of spirits, others take advantage of this and contact them.

The best mediums

Edmund Gurney (1847-1888) - author of the book “Living Ghosts”, was confident that a person’s soul can appear to other people 12 hours before death and the same amount after. He claimed that such visions were the final astral flight of the dying person.

Sir William Barrett (1844-1925) was professor of physics at the Royal College of Science in Dublin for 37 years. He said the following: “I am absolutely convinced that those who once lived on earth can communicate with us.”

Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) is known for his studies of life after death. He began studying this phenomenon in the 1880s. From 1901 to 1903 he was president of the Society for Psychical Research. Also Oliver Lodge is the author of the book "Raymond, or

Life and Death", which talks about contacts with the spirit of his son Raymond after his death at the front.


Lycanthropy is a paranormal phenomenon that causes metamorphoses in the body, due to which a person turns into another creature (most often a wolf). Many werewolves only change into one specific animal.

But! Scientists call lycanthropy special mental state, in which a person, although he considers himself a werewolf, is actually not one, since he does not modify his physical fitness. At the same time, the lycanthrope is extremely dangerous for society, since it shows aggression and indomitable strength.

Stories about werewolves

According to legend, in the middle of 1760, in one of the central parts of France, a certain beast was frightening local residents. Livestock and people began to disappear every day. Witnesses described him as a wolf large sizes by giving him a name Loup Garou . They tried to shoot him, but the werewolf turned out to be immortal. It all ended with the hunters killing him with a silver bullet right in the heart.

Robert Fortney from Michigan in 1938 encountered creatures that looked like werewolves. As he claimed, five animals attacked him at once. He even shot one of them, but he was seized with horror when the most ferocious beast stood on hind legs and looked at him with a grin.

Let's look at a relatively recent case. Truck Driver Scott On August 27, 2005, a strange incident was reported on the radio, and company director Ian Pannett had already told everyone about what had happened. Moving along the highway, the driver saw some kind of animal tormenting a dead deer on the side of the road. According to him, the beast was not like any known one: a mixture of a wolf and a monkey.

Today, such a wide popularity of lycanthropy is facilitated by a huge number of films about werewolves and vampires.


Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of thought. This ability requires an understanding of energies, which not many people can learn.

These people concentrate on the object, which encourages it to move without being touched. People who know how to learn telekinesis practice a lot and do not stop there. They can even do this all their lives and not truly master this ability.

Telekinesis in France

A recorded case of telekinesis occurred with a French woman Angelique Cotten at the age of 14 years. On January 15, 1846, she and three other friends were engaged in embroidery. Suddenly the embroidery fell out of the girls’ hands, and the lamp flew into the corner.

Her friends did not hesitate to blame Angelica for what had happened, since strange events often occurred in her presence: furniture moved away or chairs flew around the room.

Telekinesis in Russia

The most famous case of telekinesis in Russian history is called the “Kulagina phenomenon.” In the sixties of the last century, experiments were carried out involving Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina , which made objects move and changed the trajectory of their movement.