Ilya Novikov: Friends, the Titiev case and the conspiracy against Savchenko. Ilya Novikov: Friends, the Titiev case and the conspiracy against Savchenko Ilya Novikov will no longer play

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Now Ilya Novikov is better known as Nadezhda Savchenko’s lawyer, and not a player of “What? Where? When?”

This week it became known that the famous player “What? Where? When?”, lawyer Ilya Novikov, was forced to leave the club of experts due to the fact that. As a result, a wave of criticism fell on the leadership of the game show.

The scandal began with an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets by the host of the TV quiz show Boris Kryuk, who said that Novikov should have left the club of experts as soon as he decided to take on the case of the Ukrainian serviceman.

“Understand, if you defend Savchenko and you are a ChGK player, then it means that ChGK is also for Savchenko,” he explained, adding that the game exists outside of politics.

PGC and politics

Ilya Novikov, in turn, stated that he has no complaints against Hook, and he sees no reason why others should have them.

“When I took on Savchenko’s case, I understood that it could create trouble for the program that airs on Channel One. And then I already told Boris Kryuk that I was ready to leave at any moment,” the lawyer told the BBC Russian Service .

According to Novikov, he maintained an even relationship with Boris Kryuk and recently corresponded with him.

“I was generally inclined to silence this story, because I have absolutely no goal of creating problems, including reputational ones, for the people who make this program. There are no complaints against the people, their position is clear,” the lawyer added.

However, the public, watching this situation from the outside, found reasons for complaints.

“On the contrary, the expulsion of Novikov testifies to the bias of the leadership of the ChGK, this is a shame,” - wrote on Twitter user va244.

“That is, according to this logic, Chikatilo’s lawyer was for Chikatilo. It would be better if he remained silent, the host of the intellectual club,” - is indignant Roman Zholud.

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption "ChGK" is outside of politics. And if you decide to get involved in politics, you need to say: thank you, I will do it,” said Boris Kryuk

In particular, Viktor Sidnev managed for several years to combine participation in a television quiz show and work as mayor of Troitsk. Nothing stopped lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky from working in the civil service and participating in games.

"Ilya Novikov is one thing, but lawyer Novikov is another"

Problems with the presence of lawyer Savchenko on Channel One did not begin immediately.

Novikov says that until the end of 2015 everything was calm, but with the trial in the Savchenko case reaching the finish line, “it became impossible to pretend that Ilya Novikov is one thing, and lawyer Novikov is another.”

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Game show executives have always emphasized that "What? Where? When?" stays out of politics

In addition, apparently, one of the factors that made Ilya Novikov’s departure from ChGK inevitable was the radio broadcast " Full contact"journalist Vladimir Solovyov.

“The television company defended Ilya Novikov for a couple of years, that’s for sure. This became impossible after Vladimir Solovyov’s broadcast, in particular. There was absolutely terrible rhetoric there,” ChKG player Mikhail Skipsky told the BBC Russian Service.

One of the daily issues morning show, which is hosted by Soloviev and Anna Shafran on Vesti FM radio, in March was dedicated specifically to Ilya Novikov and his participation in the ChGK.

“When he calls Maria Zakharova [the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry] such words, and in our country there is no one who will punch him in the face, and Ernst [Konstantin Ernst - general manager Channel One] shows this complete ***** in his program “What? Where? When?”, does this mean that Ernst supports this?” Solovyov asked in an episode about Novikov.

Ilya Novikov is indeed known for his harsh statements against Russian officials.

“Telling publicly to people like Foreign Ministry Speaker Zakharova or TFR Speaker Markin that you consider them ******* is also important. In the moral dimension (well, and as a bonus, my perverted sense of humor pleases their reaction and the reaction of others like them). Play in a game show is less important" - explained his statements Novikov on Facebook in a post about his departure from ChGK.

Formally a lawyer, essentially a politician

“When there was politics in the country and you could be in the opposition, no one particularly cared what views the TV club experts held. “What? Where? When?" - television show, a club, a hobby, this is not a job for anyone,” Ilya Ber, a member of the board of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?", operating separately from the game show.

According to him, the case of Ilya Novikov is the first such incident.

“None of the club members had ever been touched because of politics before this incident. I suspected that this could happen. The atmosphere in the country has changed, and what could be done before, without thinking about the consequences, can now not be done, or it can be done but with consequences,” Behr added.

“It is clear that the situation in the country has changed, but if it had not changed, then there would be no Savchenko case,” Ilya Novikov himself is sure.

However, ChGK player Mikhail Skipsky believes that the political motivation for Novikov’s removal is actually exaggerated.

“We had such a young man Volodya Tsoi, he was very cool guy on your team. And then he became a deputy in Leningrad region from " United Russia“and didn’t play because of the TV company’s rules. This is an example of the opposite situation,” Skipsky said in an interview with

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky sees no reason why Novikov cannot return to the game next season

The same opinion is shared by the government's plenipotentiary representative in the highest courts and a participant in the "What? Where? When?" Mikhail Barshchevsky.

“Novikov was defended by Savchenko for a year and a half, and there were no problems, because he was engaged in professional lawyering. In the last six months of the trial, he began to make political statements no longer as a lawyer, but as a person involved in politics,” he explained.

According to him, Novikov formally acted as a lawyer, but essentially as a politician.

“It was in this situation that he had to leave the club. What he did on his own, to his credit, I must say,” he added.

“When I was handling the Chubais case ten years ago, I left the club for almost a year. It was a completely natural decision, because it was a high-profile, politicized case,” Barshchevsky recalled.

ChGK players are confident that Ilya Novikov will eventually return to the TV quiz show.

Barshchevsky said he sees no reason why Novikov cannot start playing again soon.

Mikhail Skipsky suggests that the return will occur in a few years.

“I’m sure that Ilya will return to the program in a few years, because we have such a cheerful situation in our country. Turkey, six months later, again became our great friend, and I’m sure that the same story will happen with Ukraine,” he suggests.

In the meantime, it will be impossible to see not only Savchenko’s lawyer, but also other members of his team on television. They all refused to sit at the gaming table without Ilya Novikov.

Ilya Novikov was kicked out of the club “What? Where? When?"

Ilya Novikov is expelled from the “What? Where? When?" for defending a Ukrainian pilot as a lawyer.

Ilya Novikov was expelled from the “What? Where? When?" for representing the interests of the former Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko in court.

TV presenter Boris Kryuk spoke about this in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

"With all my good attitude to Ilya, he had to choose first what was more important to him - the club or political career, and then deal with Savchenko. Understand, if you defend Savchenko and you are a “ChGK” player, then “ChGK” is also for Savchenko,” said Boris Kryuk.

The TV presenter also emphasized that ChGK has nothing to do with politics: “If you decide to get involved in politics, you need to say: thank you, I will do it. First, say goodbye to us, and then deal with Savchenko.”

Ilya Novikov in the studio of the Ukrainian TV channel 112

As an example, when the reputation of the community suffered due to the actions of players, he cited the incident that happened with expert Georgy Zharkov, who participated in the television version of the game since 1994 ().

“A criminal case was opened against him for molesting students. Excuse me, but people immediately began to associate "What? Where? When?" and pedophilia,” Hook noted.

Graduated with honors Russian Academy justice.

Since 2005, he has been teaching there at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Advanced Training for Judges.

Since August 2011 - senior partner in the law office "Goncharova, Novikov and Partners".

Since January 2013 - partner of the consulting company Tenzor Consulting Group. Currently has the status of a lawyer. Among Novikov’s clients is Ukrainian serviceman Nadezhda Savchenko, convicted in Russia for involvement in murder Russian journalists. In connection with this case, I learned Ukrainian in less than 2 years.

He made his debut in “What? Where? When?" in 2002. He was repeatedly recognized as the best player of the team, and repeatedly received the highest awards in the television game - “Crystal Owl”, as well as “Diamond Owl”.

In the sports version of the game he plays for the Ksep team. Multiple medalist of world championships, world champion in 2014. Champion of Russia in 2002, 2013 and 2014. Winner of the Nations Cup (unofficially called the “World Championship among national teams”) in 2006 as part of the Russian national team. Winner of the 2005 ChGK European Student Cup. According to the MAK ChGK website, it is one of the 11 players who took part in all ten of the first world championships in sports “What? Where? When?".

Ilya Novikov is a famous Russian lawyer, whose biography details many people want to know. After all, he distinguished himself not only for his achievements in the intellectual game show, but also for the colorful court hearings in which he took part. Therefore, in the article we will tell you about the path Ilya took before he became a people’s favorite and, at the same time, an “enemy of the Kremlin.”

Ilya Novikov was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals on February 11, 1982. Since childhood, the boy was drawn to books and, unlike his peers, Ilya sat for hours reading. Such curiosity helped him graduate from school with flying colors and enter the Russian Academy of Justice.

As a student, Ilya not only managed to master the standard curriculum, but also continued to enjoy reading, which became an excellent “foundation” for his subsequent participation in the show “What? Where? When?".

Interesting! According to his loved ones, Ilya loves reading so much that he buys himself more than 10 books a month.

In 2005, Novikov graduated from university with honors and got a job in a law office. Despite his young age, Ilya is already entrusted with the Wasserman case related to the Mary Jane company, which he wins in court. At the same time, Novikov is studying teaching activities, which he subsequently abandons because he does not have enough time for judicial practice.

Since 2013, Ilya has become an employee and partner of a well-known law firm. He mainly dealt with disputes and issues related to economic offenses.

Ilya Novikov defended Nadezhda Savchenko in Russia

The only exception was the case of Lektorovich - the culprit of the accident, as a result of which a young girl died. The family of the accused turned to Ilya because the residents of the village in which they lived had boycotted them. Novikov was able not only to help the accused, achieving a well-deserved sentence of imprisonment for a period of three years, but also reassured people so that they would not persecute Lektorovich and his relatives.

But lawyer Ilya Novikov caused a real stir among the public by defending the military pilot from Ukraine Nadezhda Savchenko. Five years ago, a woman was detained by Russian law enforcement officers on suspicion of murdering several Russian media representatives and crossing the border without warning. Ilya himself believes that this whole matter is based more on political machinations. Therefore, Savchenko’s release from custody is not his merit at all.

"What? Where? When?"

Novikov first appeared on television at the age of fourteen, when he participated in the intellectual program “Wheel of Fortune.” Unfortunately, the game was lost for him, as the young man could not answer just one question.

Then, Ilya again tries himself in another intellectual project, after which he is invited to take part in the famous TV show “What? Where? When?". It was a simple sports tournament in which Ilya’s team took an honorable first place. This is what became their “ entrance ticket” for a full-scale television version of the show.

Despite the fact that the first few games were not entirely successful, Novikov continues to work hard on his knowledge, increasing it. As a result, already in 2004 Ilya becomes the best player, for which he receives a cup in the form of a crystal owl. In 2011, another crystal bird was added to his collection.

After 3 years, Novikov received the “Diamond Owl”, and in 2016 he was kicked out of the club because he came to the defense of Savchenko. It was officially announced that the man himself left the television project, but behind the scenes everyone understood the real reason given circumstances.

Personal life

Novikov was lucky with his career, but as for relationships, things are not going as smoothly as he would like. At first, he was credited with an affair with Elena Potanina, who was also a member of the club of experts. They appeared together not only at parties and various events, but also even on TV. At one of the meetings of the club of intellectuals “What? Where? When?" Elena announced that the lawyer proposed marriage to her. That was where it all ended, as the couple soon separated.

Ilya Novikov in Elena Potanina

And although Novikov hid his subsequent “love affairs,” it turned out that he was still married to Anna Shutova, who was also a member of the intellectual club. After a two-year relationship, the lovers got married. They did this not in the usual registry office, but at the North Pole on an icebreaker, where they were signed by the captain of the ship. After two years of happy married life, the couple broke up. There were rumors in his close circle that Ilya, while married, had an affair on the side. But neither Ilya Novikov nor his ex-wife did not comment on the breakup or its cause.

Ilya Novikov now

Today, Novikov’s life, as before, is still as busy. In 2017-2018, he managed to:

  • win several court hearings;
  • become a laureate of the prestigious award. S.L. Arias;

  • take part in the Ukrainian meeting of the club of experts;
  • actively maintain your pages on social networks;
  • write books.

Interesting! INIn one of his interviews, Ilya said that he is not at all worried about being expelled from the Russian version of “What? Where? When?”, since this TV show is not as priority for him as those lives that he did not allow the government to “break”.

The host of the intellectual game Boris Kryuk was not satisfied with the profession of an expert

Co-owner and host of the popular show “What? Where? When?" Boris KRYUK said that team player Ales MUKHIN, lawyer Ilya NOVIKOV should leave the show due to political views.

In theory Boris Kryuk, advocate Ilya Novikov had to weigh everything and decide: either participate in the club of experts or be the lawyer of the Ukrainian pilot-killer Nadezhda Savchenko. According to him, the club is outside of politics, in this case it turns out that “What? Where? When?”, represented by lawyer Novikov, comes out in support of the enemies of Russia. The TV presenter’s rather strange generalization, of course, caused a resonance in a variety of circles. Many politicians play in the club, the same lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky- Plenipotentiary representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the highest courts. And Novikov is not a politician. He's a lawyer. And like any lawyer, he is forced to work, including with various scum. This is his profession. And if, for example, a chef turned out to be an expert and was forced to cook for prisoners, would he also be kicked out?

Lawyer Ilya Novikov himself reacted to what was happening with restraint. In one of social networks the lawyer left a comment that he did not understand this campaign against himself.

“After the interview with Boris Kryuk, some kind of campaign has already arisen in support of me and in condemnation of him. I have no complaints about Boris, and I don’t understand why others should have them. I understood perfectly well when I accepted Savchenko’s defense in July 2014 that this could cause trouble: “What? Where? When?”, broadcast on Channel One. The first thing I did after signing the protection agreement was call the producers and said that I understand their difficulties and would leave at any time.” “For the first year and a half, this was not yet a problem, but by the spring of 2016, when Savchenko’s trial reached the finish line, it became impossible to pretend that all this had nothing to do with politics.” “Boris warned me that the more I say this, the more difficult it is for him to defend me. And that I need to decide on my priorities. But I decided on them a long time ago. My advocacy work is most important to me. The only thing I haven’t talked about before, and which is worth saying, since this topic has begun to be discussed publicly. My team was supposed to play in the spring series in March 2016, but they refused to sit down at the table without me. This really touched me. Thank you, Ales, Yulia, Gunel, Grisha and Stas. Boris should find a way to get them back quickly.”

To complete the information, let us recall that in Russia a court sentenced Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko to 22 years in prison. She was accused of involvement in the death of journalists in Donbass. Savchenko was later pardoned and exchanged for the Russians Evgenia Erofeeva And Alexandra Alexandrova, wrongfully convicted in Ukraine, allegedly for participating in hostilities in the Donbass.

IN in this case, when the situation with the accused pilot has, in principle, left the “political front line,” maybe the participants in the television project should calm down. If Novikov had previously discussed the situation with the producers of the project and himself proposed a way out, why did Boris Kryuk bring the issue into the public field? Indeed, sometimes it is better to chew, even snot, than to talk nonsense.


Ilya Novikov was repeatedly recognized as the team's best player. Two-time winner of the Crystal Owl (autumn 2004, summer 2014), winner of the Diamond Owl (final 2014). In 2010, for the first time in his career, he won a super blitz - a round that only one player out of six plays at the table (by coincidence, in the decisive round, when Novikov was left alone at the table, he got a blitz, which is usually played by the whole team). In the 2011 summer series of games, he withdrew his candidacy from voting for the award of the Crystal Owl and a large cash prize in favor of his teammate Grigory Alkhazov.

October 4, 2019

Family of Ilya Novikov


Novikov Ilya Sergeevich

Russian Lawyer

Transfer Player What? Where? When?

Ilya Novikov was born on February 11, 1982 in Moscow. His mother was of Ukrainian origin, and his father was Russian. Since childhood, the boy gravitated towards knowledge and read actively. I got seriously interested in school mind games. His favorite TV show was the show “What? Where? When?”, and Ilya dreamed of getting there. At the same time, I read Erle Stanley Gardner’s detective stories about lawyer Perry Mason and decided to become a lawyer.

Ilya Novikov made his debut on television at the age of fourteen as a participant in the “Wheel of History” program on the RTR television channel. Then the guy did not become a winner, although he managed to answer one of the quiz questions. In the same year he took part in intellectual program“Own game”, where he also did not win. He participated in the show three more times, where he was able to win two victories in 2001 and 2002.

After school, Novikov applied to the Russian Academy of Justice. As a student, the young man became a member of a team that took part in the sports version of the game “What? Where? When?". The future lawyer and expert also read a lot, buying up to ten different books a month.

The famous game “What? Where? When?”, which made Novikov famous, the guy got there in 2002, thanks to his participation in the sports version of this program. His team won the Russian Championship and the guys were invited to watch. However, becoming a member of the elite club “What? Where? When?" Only Ilya succeeded. Novikov ended up on Marina Ufaeva’s team, which did not win that game. But the expert was not upset, continued to improve his knowledge and became a regular participant in the show. The next two games also ended in defeat for the young expert.

Success came to Ilya in 2004, after he was repeatedly recognized as the best player on the team and received the Crystal Owl. This victory brought him fame and popularity among television viewers. Ilya came to the project together with his club colleague and girlfriend Elena Potanina. They managed to answer ten questions correctly, but the eleventh question brought them defeat and zero cash prize. At that time, he also took part in the extreme show “Cruel Intentions”, where, as part of a pair competition with singer Elena Perova, he was able to achieve the title of semi-finalist.

After graduating with honors from the academy in 2005, Ilya began practicing law and began teaching at the department of criminal procedure. A little later, he began teaching judges in advanced training courses. Being a practicing lawyer, he had to give up work at the Faculty of Advanced Studies in order to be able to continue working in court.

In August 2011, he became a senior partner in the law firm Goncharova, Novikov and Partners. As part of his partnership with the bureau, Novikov became the lawyer of the famous expert Anatoly Wasserman, who filed a lawsuit against the Mary Jane company, which was illegally using the image of the polymath. The lawyer was able to prove the similarity of the image created by the company to his client. Thanks to Novikov’s efforts, Wasserman should receive compensation in the amount of one hundred and ten thousand rubles.

Ilya was again nominated for the Crystal Owl in 2011, but refused the award in favor of another connoisseur Grigory Alkhazov. In the same year, he became a participant in the popular TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Two years later, Novikov became the owner of the “Crystal Owl” as part of the show “What? Where? When?”, became the best player of the year, receiving the “Diamond Owl”.

Partner in law firm"Tenzor Consulting Group" became active in January 2013, where it mainly deals with arbitration disputes and cases related to economic crimes. In the same year, he became a lawyer in the case of businessman Sergei Lektorovich. The lawyer's client was accused of violating the rules traffic which led to an accident and the death of a young girl. Lektorovich’s relatives turned to a lawyer after city residents turned against Sergei. Novikov achieved a fair court decision, reassuring the public: his client was found guilty, received a well-deserved punishment in the form of three years in a penal colony, and paid monetary compensation to the victim’s family.

Novikov has been one of the lawyers of Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko since 2014. Ilya’s client was accused of complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists near Lugansk. Later, illegal border crossing was added to the charges. Russian Federation. The lawyer himself believed that the issue of Savchenko’s release was not so much a court decision as a political decision by the Russian leadership.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko October 4, 2019 entered into an agreement with Russian lawyer Ilya Novikov for defense in a number of open criminal cases.

Family of Ilya Novikov

Ilya also met his future wife on the show “What? Where? When?". Anastasia Shutova has been participating in the game since 2011. After the acquaintance between colleagues began romantic relationship, and in July 2013 the couple went on a trip to the North Pole, after which they got married that same year. However, in 2015 the couple separated.