How to operate a cash register correctly. How does the online cash register work?

Smile and be friendly! If your day is not going well, then leave all your worries at home and be polite during your shift, even with the nastiest clients. You don't have to be intrusive, but your customers are more likely to be happier if you serve them slowly but with a great attitude than if you serve them very quickly but rudely. If you can't rejoice at at the moment, then at least pretend.

Learn the basics of operating a cash register. Whether it's an antique manual mechanism or a modern cash register, you need to know how to perform all the basic functions that will be repeated on at least every third or fourth customer. If the cash register has buttons for quick dialing amounts, such as 5, 10, 20, then learn how to use them. During the first few days, review the basic rules if you have a spare minute and ask a more experienced cashier to check that you are doing everything correctly.

Find out how to conduct cash transactions, which happen quite often, but not every day. For example, if you sell gift certificates about once a week, it would still be best to learn how to do it. It is also important to know what to do if you make a mistake, or if any problem arises - what should you do if you gave the wrong change but have already closed the cash register, if someone wants a refund, or if the machine is frozen? If this was not explained to you during training, then ask your manager or a more experienced cashier to explain everything to you.

Find out who you can turn to in an unclear situation. In the beginning, you won't be able to remember every detail of the training, especially those cases that you have never encountered during your work, but you need to know where this information can be found if you encounter this problem. It would be a good idea to at least look through the manual for using the cash register so that you know approximately where what information is located.

Keep track of how your client will pay. Some people pay in cash and need change, while others pay for their purchases by bank card, and they will need to enter their code and wait for the transaction to take place. At this time, they can do other necessary things, for example, put shopping in bags.

Know your store's assortment well so you can give advice and compliments. Even if you are a simple cashier and you do not work on the sales floor, you are still a store employee and may be contacted with questions. If you know that some purchase is very profitable, then let your customer know that this product is very good, or that you think it is the most best choice from what was proposed and what the client did right choice. Be honest and don't overdo it, a small compliment will add value to the purchase and your client will be happy with the purchase.

Hi all. You most likely chose your profession out of despair. Well, did I guess right? The salary is small, frequent fines and office checks.

And also theft. But you are only responsible for the cash register. That is, for money. If it’s negative, pay from your own wallet. At the end of each shift.

Well, don't be so scared. I rose to the rank of senior cashier. In general, let's go.

* You must learn to quickly and accurately count large and small money, scan goods and give change. Don't forget about receipts. Pack your herring (and more) in free plastic bags.

* There is nothing difficult in mastering a cash register. Sometimes a return is required. This is where the first turmoil begins.

* Learn to be calm. Without iron endurance, nothing will work out for you. The work of a cashier is carried out in an endless stream of customers, among whom there are dissatisfied, angry, conflict-ridden and grumpy ones. And if you start reacting to every creature, you won’t even last a week.

* Be careful what you punch. Particularly quick ones will become distracting, talk with their teeth, carefully pushing the stroller behind their back. Take a look at it unobtrusively. If you hear any disturbances, just ignore them. They can call you names, humiliate you, insult you. An experienced cashier will do his job, remembering that the store, to put it easier for you, is a stall where there are different heads. Rough, but intelligible. If a customer scolds you, imagine yourself as a psychiatrist facing an aggravated patient. I did this, it became easier to work.

* To learn how to work at the checkout, you need to understand that no one in the store will praise or thank you. The administrator believes that you are obliged to do what he says. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to the labor exchange.

* And here is the most important thing. Make friends with your replacement. Through thick and thin! If something happens, she will replace you, but you don’t let her down either. Remember that you are working in the same team. If you fall apart, it means someone will have to quit. It's good if there are no setups. Otherwise you will still have to pay the shortfall. I went through all this when I started working as a cashier.

* Sometimes you will be asked to replace the seller. You also place piece goods on racks located next to the cash registers. Don't forget to print out the current price tags.

* The store has its own “kitchen”. Over time, you will be initiated into it. But for this you need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

I have a mink coat, an average lousy foreign car, a dacha in the Moscow region and a refrigerator packed to capacity. Despite the fact that I live without a husband, in a three-room apartment.

If you have any questions, please ask. I will answer in full.

Varvara Dmitrievna Ponomar.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Course audience

The audience of the course is cashiers-sellers, but the buyers of the course are IT specialists who train these sellers and/or management retail enterprise, paying for training.

Course Features

In retail sales, cashiers do not stay in one place for long. To quickly train new students you need effective, simple and understandable educational materials. This is exactly the course for a young seller in 1C: Retail that I bring to your attention.

The material is designed for personnel without any initial knowledge and skills of working in 1C and is made in the form of operational instructions. Each instruction corresponds to an operation, for example, “Login to the system”, “Issuing money to the cash register cash register”, “Opening a cash register shift”, etc. The instructions are duplicated with videos for those who would rather see once than never read.

Initially, the course was created for clothing stores and was tested specifically for them (the screenshots contain the corresponding topics). New sellers, who had never worked in 1C before, started working on the very first day with virtually no problems.

The documentation corresponds to release 2.2.6.

Main method of application:

Conduct staff training using video lessons;
- distribute instructions to cashiers-sellers;
- fine for violations.

Course leader - Dmitry Kuleshov

Engaged in automation retail since 1998. Author and developer of early industry solutions for retail trade (1999 - 2003). He worked at the 1C company from 2008 to 2016 as the head of the industry direction “Trade, logistics and services.” Develops since 2016 own business in the field information technology. The main directions are system integration and software development for trade and logistics.

Course scope

48 A4 pages and approximately 45 minutes of video.


Not issued

How the course works

Courses are delivered in the form of instructions, which in turn can be purchased in non-editable PDF format - for those who need to simply teach, or editable DOCX - for those who need to brand them for themselves. And in the form of video instructions, where everything that is written in the instructions is shown and voiced - for those who do not read the instructions.

System requirements for taking the course

Adobe PDF Reader for instructions.

Any video player that supports HD MP4 video.

If you decide to open your own business, then you cannot do without a cash register. In trade, a cash register is considered an essential item, because a well-established cash accounting system today is impossible without this device. This article will tell you in detail how to use cash register.

What criteria should you use to choose a cash register?

To answer this question It is important to consider certain factors:

  • The scale of your business activity.
  • The nature of the company itself.
  • Pace and dynamics of development.
  • Planned turnover (this may also include the sale of services).
  • Intensity of cash flow.
  • Preferences in the functionality of cash register equipment.
  • Price range of this device.

Now you need to figure out how to use the cash register.

Using a cash register

After purchase, cash register equipment must undergo mandatory sealing at the central service station and registration with the tax service. After this, legal use is possible cash register equipment.

So, let's tell you how to use a cash register. The instructions look like this:

  1. When starting your working day, you need to connect your cash register to the network.
  2. Check the date and, if necessary, correct it.
  3. The current date must be greater than the previous Z-report. This is necessary to activate the current mode.
  4. Take X-report. For different models of cash registers, the key combination when taking reports may differ, but in any case, the manufacturer must indicate in the instructions how to use the cash register.
  5. After this, zeros will appear on the machine’s screen, and this is where the cashier’s main work begins: amounts are entered, totals are summed up, and receipts are printed.
  6. During a shift change, the amount accumulated in the cash register register is reconciled with the cash in the cash register (an X-report is taken).
  7. At the end of the shift, you also need to take out the X-report, check the amount with the cash in the cash register and take out the final Z-report. In this case, the information is copied into the fiscal memory and the daily revenue counter is reset to zero.

Additional cash register functions

We have covered the main points of how to use it, now let’s move on to additional functions.

Today you can pay in every store using a plastic card. Here you need an option cashless payment or a separate section on the cash register (this depends on the model of the equipment itself). To do this, you need to read the instructions or consult with another employee.

You also need to find out in advance how discounts work on a particular cash register (this could be simply a reduction in the amount or a specially built-in function).

To cancel an erroneous transaction or to issue a refund, there is a special button on the cash register. But here important point is also the fact that different organizations approach such issues differently.

We must not forget about the receipt tape in cash register equipment, because it tends to end at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, when colored stripes appear on a check, you urgently need to replace the receipt paper with a new roll:

  1. To do this, you need to remove the plastic cover that covers the tape.
  2. Remove the old roll from the rod and place the new one on it.
  3. Now you need to slip the end of the paper tape under the shaft and press the corresponding button on the cash register.
  4. Next, close the lid and tear off the blank receipt.

The receipt tape must be updated in a timely manner so that it does not end at the control receipt, otherwise a failure may occur on the cash register equipment.

So, we looked at how to use a cash register correctly. At the same time, you need to work carefully and concentratedly, since they are the ones that are checked first. Improper operation may result in penalties.

The most common cash registers

The simplest and most common cash register is commercial equipment of the Mercury brand. It appeared on the market in the 90s of the last century and since then has firmly occupied its niche. Over the years, many models of this brand have been released.

How to use the Mercury cash register

It was already mentioned above that these devices are quite easy to use. Their main work is described in four steps:

  1. Turn on the device and check the correct date and time.
  2. Setting up the cash register mode (press the "IT" button three times).
  3. Punching the receipt (purchase amount, pressing the "PI" and "Total" buttons, respectively).
  4. Removing a shift report (press the "RE" button twice and the "IT" button twice).

Other functions are described in detail in the manufacturer's instruction book for each specific model.

Cash register equipment for pharmacies

When answering the question about what kind of cash registers pharmacies use, you need to imagine the equipment of a completely new named healthcare institution or its re-equipment. In principle, any cash register is suitable for a pharmacy, but installed modern computer equipment is much more convenient to use and looks more aesthetically pleasing.

This will increase its competitiveness and attract additional customers. Such equipment is, of course, not cheap, but it pays for itself quite quickly, especially since you can get by with simpler and cheaper options to begin with. When installing such equipment, we must not forget about the reader for plastic cards, because this type calculation has already firmly entered our lives today.

According to Federal law No. 290-FZ dated July 3, 2016, retail enterprises using cash registers must upgrade or replace them. How it works online cash register? It will generate not only paper, but also electronic checks. Data on each sale through fiscal data operators (FDO) will be sent to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (IFTS) and buyers’ computers and phones. The innovation will not complicate the work of cashiers, since all processes will be automated.

Advantages of using new cash register equipment

For legislators, the transition to new uniform payments at retail outlets (online cash registers) allows you to:

  • Tighten control over revenue accounting;
  • Replenish the state budget;
  • Increase the level of buyer protection (the purchase document in electronic form will be available at any time);
  • Streamline the trading processes of online stores, which will also have to issue electronic and paper checks.

Entrepreneurs will also receive some benefits:

  • There will be no need to maintain cash register equipment, since sellers will change the fiscal drive themselves;
  • it will be possible via the Internet (without visiting the Tax Inspectorate);
  • Tax officials will be able to control sales without going out for inspections.

There is a possibility that traders on patent andUTII Those who do not currently use cash registers will receive a tax deduction when purchasing an online cash register.

How the online cash register works

To understand how the new devices will work, it is necessary to determine how they differ from the old equipment, and how information will flow into the Tax service.

The main difference between the new cash register technology is the replacement of the electronic control tape with a fiscal drive. This block will allow you to enter, broadcast and save information about sales for the year. You will also need a keyboard to send a copy to your phone or computer. To connect to the Internet, equipment must have 2 types of inputs - wired and wireless.

The data will not be transferred to the Tax Service, but to fiscal data operators - legal entities, to which the FSB issued the appropriate license.

Operators must:

  • Have an expert opinion. Evidence of the ability to ensure stable and uninterrupted processing and transmission of information;
  • Ensure copying, safety and confidentiality of the received data;
  • Possess a license from Roskomnadzor, FSTEC and the Federal Tax Service, allowing to provide telematic communication services.

All traders must have an agreement with one of the fiscal data operators by February 1, 2017.

Updated sales scheme

At the beginning of the working day, the cashier is required to issue a report on the beginning of the shift, and at the end of the working day - a report on the closure. 24 hours after the start of the shift, the opportunity to generate a check ends.

After the new equipment issues a check, a fiscal sign is generated, the information will be sent to the OFD for verification. The operator will check and save the information. If the data is reliable, it will be transmitted to the trading enterprise And Tax office. It will be impossible to complete a sale without a unique OFD number.

At the request of buyers, sellers will be required to send copies of receipts to a computer or phone. But paper checks will also be issued, but the new equipment will add a QR code to them, allowing you to check at any time whether the sales data has been received by the Federal Tax Service.

The question arises, what does an online cash register receipt look like? It will have more details than a document from old equipment. The following lines will be added:

  • Information about the taxation system;
  • Data about the place where the purchase was made (address of an offline store or website address if it is an online store);
  • Type of calculation (income or expense);
  • Form of payment (cash or electronic means);
  • Number assigned by the OFD;
  • Registration number assigned in CCP;
  • Cash register number assigned at the factory;
  • Name of the OFD;
  • OFD address on the Internet;
  • Buyer's email or phone number.

The seller is solely responsible for the timely transmission of sales information. If there is no Internet connection, data can be saved for up to 30 days. This is enough to establish a connection or connect to a new channel. At this time, the cash register itself will generate receipts. They will go to the OFD after communication is restored.

If strict reporting forms are used for calculations, then this information must also be sent to the operator.

The process of switching to new cash register equipment

The first question: how to switch to an online checkout. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Determine at the CTO (cash machine maintenance center) whether it is possible to update old equipment;
  • Deregister and update your old device or purchase a new one;
  • Buy the appropriate software;
  • Put cash register equipment(updated or new) for registration.

Updated equipment must have a new name, passport and number.

At the time of registration of equipment, an agreement with the OFD must already be drawn up.

If an enterprise is located in an area where there is no Internet network, it will transmit information to the Tax Inspectorate in the traditional way.

At the same time, correction checks and strict reporting forms for corrections are introduced, designed to correct errors in calculations. They will be allowed to form only until the end of the shift. There will be no opportunity to correct the mistakes of previous shifts.