Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Univ. Bashkir State Art Museum named after M.V. Nesterova. Museum of Archeology and Ethnography

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography means the totality of scientific archaeological and ethnographic funds of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev Ufimsky scientific center RAS, some of which are exhibited in special rooms - the halls of archeology and ethnography.

Founder of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev UC RAS ​​with the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography - Kuzeev Rail Gumerovich (1929–2005).

The scientific school created by the founder of the IEI UC RAS ​​R. G. Kuzeev gave impetus to the development of a number of scientific areas modern science: ethnology, archeology, archaeography, source studies, sociology of culture. Dozens of candidate's theses on the most pressing problems archeology of Eurasia, ethnic history and geography of the peoples of the region, ethnopolitical processes in modern society.

The opening of a specialized museum in 1976 was a natural result of targeted archaeological and ethnographic research by scientists of the republic and the region in the 50–70s, carried out on the initiative of the outstanding scientist R. G. Kuzeev, who was at the origins of the MAE and the Department of the Peoples of the Urals, Center for Ethnological Research, and then the Institute of Ethnological Research. His fundamental works on ethnography, theory of ethnicity and culture, ethnology were included in the golden fund national science. He trained dozens of candidates and doctors of science, and created his own theoretical and methodological school of ethnology. R. G. Kuzeev - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Academician of the Academy of Sociology of Russia, Honorary Academician of the Chuvash National Academy, Academician of the International Turkic Academy, Member of the Society of Orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the South Ural Branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Professor of a number of Russian and foreign universities.

Many years of work scientific achievements And social activities R. G. Kuzeev, who contribute to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia, are highly appreciated by the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and awarded with orders and medals.

Coordination of work and methodological guidance of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography is carried out by the Museum Council under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academic Council of the Institute of Ethnological Research named after. R.G. Kuzeev UC RAS. Based on the results of its activities, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography annually submits to the Museum Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences a report on research, organizational, exhibition, stock, expedition and scientific educational work.

The main activities of the museum are acquisition, systematization, accounting and storage of archaeological and ethnographic funds, popularization of the latest results of archaeological and ethnographic sciences in the field of studying the history and culture of the Southern Urals.

Partner organizations:

  • State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
  • Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera), St. Petersburg
  • Russian Ethnographic Museum, St. Petersburg

In Ufa, the first sign with a QR code was opened at the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography [VIDEO]

A sign with a QR code appeared near the building of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Institute of Ethnological Research of the UC RAS. As explained at the Center for Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Belarus, “quick response” is a modern marking method that allows you to obtain the maximum amount of information about an object.

“Now almost every person has a mobile phone with a camera and Internet access. Using the appropriate application for reading QR codes, any tourist or city resident can go online to materials describing a given museum, and navigate through it. virtual tour, listen to the accompanying audio recording,” said the head of the CICT of the Republic of Belarus, Marat Rakhimkulov.

Similar QR codes will appear at at least 200 more cultural sites in Ufa, said the Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan Amina Shafikova. On the website " Cultural codes of our city", currently operating in test mode, information on a number of objects has already been prepared. The museum on Karl Marx Street, 6, was not chosen by chance: the cultural institution is located in an architectural monument of the 20th century - mansion merchant Elena Ponosova-Mollo.

The project “Cultural codes of our city” is being implemented under the auspices of “ Open Republic» Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The work is carried out by the Center for Information and Communication Technologies with methodological and information support from the Ministry of Culture of Bashkortostan.

Museum of Archeology and Ethnography (Ufa)

Museum of Archeology and Ethnography organized at the Institute of Ethnological Research of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, open to visitors only on organized excursions upon prior request. Single visitors can join groups after inquiring about the opportunity by telephone.

The museum is located in the House of E. A. Ponosova-Mollo (an architectural monument).

In the mid-1970s, the famous Bashkir ethnologist, doctor historical sciences, Professor Rail Kuzeev initiated the creation of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Ufa Scientific Center in Ufa Russian Academy Sci.

The decision to organize it was made on January 20, 1976, and a few years later, in 1980, the Museum was opened to visitors. The Academic Museum amazes with its holdings: it is one of the largest repositories of archaeological, ethnographic and anthropological collections collected during scientific expeditions. It contains the richest collections on all periods of the ancient and medieval history of the Southern Urals, and has accumulated valuable materials on the culture and life of the peoples of the region.

The uniqueness of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography lies in the fact that it operates within the framework of a scientific institution - the Center for Ethnological Research of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEI UC RAS).

Museum collections are not only stored, they are the fundamental basis for scientific research by the institute’s scientists.

Museums of Ufa

In Ufa, the M.V. Art Museum is open to visitors. Nesterov, National Museum, Museum of Military Glory, Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, Museum of Geology and Minerals, Forest Museum, as well as memorial house museums: S.T. Aksakova, M. Gafuri, A.E. Tyulkina, Sh. Khudayberdina.

Bashkir State art museum named after M.V. Nesterova

Born in Ufa famous painter, member of the Itinerants community Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov. In 1913, he presented his hometown with a collection of works by Russian masters of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, which included works by Shishkin, Levitan, Yaroshenko, Korovin, Benois, Polenov, Arkhipov and many other artists, whose work is now included in the golden Russian Art Foundation. A valuable part of this gift were paintings by Nesterov himself. Until 1919, the paintings were in Moscow, then the collection was transported to Ufa and placed in the house of the timber merchant M.A. Laptev. The museum opened to the public in 1920. And in 1954, the art museum received the name of its founder.

The collection of the Bashkir State Art Museum is capable of satisfying the most demanding viewer. Its exhibitions dedicated to Russian painting very fully illustrate the development of Russian art, from the second half of the 18th century to the end of the 20th century. The 18th century exhibition consists mainly of ceremonial portraits of unknown masters from the circle of Borovikovsky and Levitsky. The beginning of the 19th century appears before visitors in the works of Tropinin, Kiprensky, Bryullov and S. F. Shchedrin. The artistic movements of the second half of the century are illustrated by paintings by Ge, Perov, Savrasov, Kuindzhi, Levitan, Repin and other equally famous painters. The collection of Russian painting and graphics of the early 20th century is also extremely interesting, where all the main artistic associations of that time are represented - “World of Art”, “Union of Russian Artists”, “Jack of Diamonds”, “Blue Rose”.

The museum's collection of Western European art consists of works by such masters as A. Canaletto, N. Lancret, C.-J. Vernet, J.-P. Pannini, L. Backhuysen, A. Dürer, J.-B. Piranesi, F. Bartolozzi et al.

Particularly noteworthy is the collection of Bashkir folk decorative and applied art, which includes unique examples of weaving, embroidery and wood carving (the oldest copy of this collection dates back to the 18th century).

The collection of Russian art of the early 20th century contains a very vibrant collection of paintings by the “founding father” of Russian futurism, David Burliuk. These works were created by Burliuk during his stay in Bashkiria (1915-1918). Today, the museum collection of works by David Burliuk in the Bashkir Art Museum (37 canvases) is one of the most complete and high-quality collections of his paintings in Russia. This is impressionistic, futuristic painting, cubo-futurism.

The museum is located at: st. Gogol, 27. Open every day except Monday.

National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan is the oldest scientific and educational institution in the Russian province. It was founded in 1864. Located in the city center, in a building that is an architectural monument of the 19th century.

The museum's collections include significant ethnographic, natural science, numismatic collections, jewelry, weapons, and archeology. The museum collection also includes a collection of handwritten Arabic books. And in the ethnography hall you can take an interesting and unique excursion into the past - see a life-size national yurt with all the traditional Bashkir utensils, as well as the national clothes of the peoples living on the territory of Bashkiria (it is demonstrated on wax mannequins).

The museum is located at: st. Sovetskaya, 14. Open daily from 11 to 18, except Mondays. Excursion services only by prior arrangement.

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, together with the Department of Source Studies, Archeology and Ethnography and students specializing in the department, represent a single harmonious organism studying cultural traditions Komi region. The department and the museum, together with students of the Faculty of History, have been studying the material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the European Northeast for 30 years. During this period, archaeological and ethnographic expeditions were organized to different regions of the Komi Republic, and a special seminar was created to study traditional culture Komi and a laboratory for the study of historical and cultural monuments, during the course of which significant archaeological and ethnographic material was accumulated, on the basis of which numerous scientific works both university staff and students.

The museum, on the one hand, is one of the educational structures of the Faculty of History, which is part of the Department of Source Studies, Archeology and Ethnography, on the other hand, it is a reflection of the research successes of archaeologists, ethnologists, and museologists of the university. The work of the museum combines various functions- scientific, educational, cultural, educational, educational. But since the museum is a university museum, the main activity is aimed at ensuring visibility in the teaching of specific disciplines. In the work of the museum, a special place is occupied by the promotion of historical knowledge among schoolchildren; a special methodology is used that takes into account age characteristics schoolchildren's perceptions.

Historical background

The museum's first collection appeared in 1973. Archaeological finds were presented at the exhibition. This practice of demonstrating the results of field work has become a tradition. However, working within temporary exhibitions has become difficult. The accumulated material on various archaeological eras, the design of visualization in the educational process put new task- organization of permanent exhibition. And in 1978, the first permanent exhibition of archaeological material was organized, arranged in cultural and chronological order. All work to create a scientific concept and design the exhibition was carried out on a voluntary basis. And only in 1982 the museum officially received its status. Initially there was only an archaeological exhibition, but later an ethnographic exhibition was also organized. In 1999, in connection with the relocation of the Faculty of History to a new building, a new exhibition was created that meets modern requirements of science and museum design. Vuzovsky museum complex this level is the only one in the northern region of the European part of Russia, which harmoniously embodies the latest achievements scientific knowledge in the field of archeology and ethnography, new educational technologies and modern museum design.