The most beautiful Ukrainian women in the world. Famous beautiful Ukrainian women

Alla Mazur


Alla Mazur started her life path like a true perfectionist. She graduated from school with a gold medal and strived to gain knowledge. While still at school, Alla began writing articles for the local regional newspaper in the Khmelnitsky region.

Then Mazur made the choice of her profession. Then she took confident steps towards mastering the profession of a journalist. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Alla Mazur’s first places of work were Ukrainian Radio and Channel One of Ukrainian Radio. It was she who prepared and hosted radio marathons for the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and during the 1991 presidential elections.

In 1993, she was invited to work at UT-1 as a presenter information program UTN. Alla Mazur hosted the first domestic talk show about economics and politics, “Perechrestya”.

Since January 1997, Alla Mazur has been the host of TSN on the “1+1” channel. It was she who conducted the first broadcast of TSN on January 1, 1997.

Now Alla Mazur hosts the information and analytical program “TSN-Tizhden” - a selection of the main news for the week.

Alla is not married. She is raising a six-year-old son, Artem. Mazur is the winner of a huge number of awards in the field of journalism and television.

Elena Frolyak

“Facts. Information release"

She was born in Kazakhstan, where she lived with her parents until she was 6 years old. Then they moved to the small town of Kosiv in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Plays the piano. Favorite composer - Rachmaninov. In high school, Elena became friends with the editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper “Sovetskaya Hutsulshchina” Lyudmila Gorodenko. This acquaintance determined Frolyak’s professional choice. She entered the Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University at the Faculty of Journalism. After graduation, she worked on Ivano-Frankivsk television. Elena did her internship there.

Her first material was about the airport. Elena worked in Ivano-Frankivsk for three years: as a presenter, director, and reporter. Frolyak later admitted that this work was exhausting, but she liked it.

Then Elena moved to Kyiv. She began working on the “Vikna” program on UT-2, then on STB, and in 2000 on ICTV.

Elena Frolyak is married, mother of two children: son Anton and daughter Natalya.

She loves to do household chores and pay attention to her family. Loves to plant flowers Off the air, I'm a wife, loving mother And good housewife in his house outside the city. I'm at my country house.

Elena Frolyak is an honored journalist of Ukraine, winner of numerous professional awards.

Tatiana Vysotskaya

Tatyana was born on September 29, 1977 in Askania-Nova, Kherson region. She received her education there.

Vysotskaya began her journey on television at the age of 15 - as the host of a youth music program, then as a regional news presenter. Since 1998, she became a journalist for the New Channel. After some time, she began to work part-time in the news and conduct a medical project live.

Tatyana prefers to spend her free time usefully and in peace - reading intellectual literature and knitting. Loves nature, especially mountains and the sea.

Tatyana is married and has a son, Stanislav.

Natalya Moseychuk

Natalya Moseychuk was born in Turkmenistan. Since her father is a military officer, the family often changed their place of residence. Natalya Moseychuk began her career in 1993 as a presenter and journalist for Zhytomyr television. Four years later she moved to Kyiv and began working on the Inter TV channel. In 1998, she reported on the TV channel “YUTAR”. Since 2003, Moseychuk has been a permanent presenter at Channel 5. Since August 2006, Natalya Moseychuk has regularly hosted TSN news broadcasts on 1+1. In fact, working on “1+1” was the presenter’s long-standing dream.

Natalya is married. She is also the mother of two sons: the youngest is one year old, the eldest is 15 years old.

Oleg Panyuta

Channel "Ukraine"

Events of the week

In 1993, Oleg Panyuta received a diploma from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in journalism. For three years, Panyuta was engaged in editorial activities. In 1996, he went to study in Washington under the program for press secretaries. Until 1997, he worked as press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine.

From 1999 to 2004 he worked on the New Channel as editor and head of the morning information block, as well as the host of the program “Reporter. Ranok", "Reporter. Business", "Reporter. Kyiv".

From 2005 to 2013, Oleg Panyuta worked on the Ukrainian channels “Inter” and “1+1”.

Since November 2013, he has been hosting the “Events of the Day” program on the Ukraine TV channel.

Oleg Panyuta is married and has a 15-year-old daughter, Anna.

We are used to seeing these ladies in a serious business role. It is from their lips that we learn latest news politics, economics and culture. However, in addition to having high intelligence and the ability to stand perfectly in the frame, they are all simply charming women. We invite our readers to learn a little more about the most beautiful leading Ukrainian news...

Irina YUSUPOVA, Inter

Irina has been working on the channel since 2002. At first she was engaged in social work, then moved to political journalism. From 2005 to 2008 she was Inter’s own correspondent in Moscow. A less than a year ago I got the chance to try myself as a presenter. Yusupova admits that the first broadcasts were very exciting for her: “I’m not a biorobot. When I worked as a journalist, it was necessary to navigate my material, but now I have to understand the most basic things in each of the stories in the issue. So that the viewer does not perceive me simply as a head that reads the text.”

Married, no children.

Lydia TARAN, Channel 5

Initially, Lida gained experience as a radio presenter. I got on TV by accident. New channel it had just opened, and she was asked to come and audition. That day I saw the camera for the first time. But she confidently sat down in a chair and began to say something. Over the course of several years, she managed to work both in sports news and as a presenter of political marathons.

Since 2005 he has been working at Channel 5. The only one among the news anchors was seen in a candid photo shoot.

She is married (her husband is the host of the New Channel Andrei Domansky), and has a daughter.

Natalia MOSEICHUK, “1+1”

My television career started at Zhytomyr regional television in 1993, where she worked as a presenter and journalist. Then - the capital and work on the country's leading channels. She especially “lit up” on Channel 5.

Natalya came to TSN for the “pluses” in August 2006. He understands the tricky Ukrainian politics quite well, and professionally (when necessary, quite demandingly and harshly) puts guest politicians in their place.

She is active not only at work, but also at home. She tries to do almost everything around the house herself. The signature dish is baked fish or meat.

Married, has a son.


She was born in Nikolaev, where she began working on television at the age of 18. Already at the age of 19, she “got into the picture” and began working as both a journalist and a presenter. And at 21 she moved to Kyiv and since then she has been working at STB for 5 years.

In addition to her journalistic education, she has a diploma in psychology. He is interested in psychology and everyday life. She also loves to “create with her hands”: she sews clothes for herself, makes interior items, and paints with watercolors.

Married, has a son.


Came to ICTV in 2000. First as a reporter, and then as a parliamentary correspondent. At the end of 2001, she opened the morning news broadcast of the channel as a presenter. And since February 2006, she has been the author and presenter of “Facts of the Week with Oksana Sokolova.”

In everyday life, he loves jazz and books that make you think and empathize.

Married, has a son.

Oksana GUTZAYT, New Channel

At the age of 15, she fulfilled the standard for Master of Sports of Ukraine in rhythmic gymnastics, participated in many international tournaments, worked as a coach.

Since 2002 - presenter of sports news at the World Ukrainian Sports Agency, and since 2004 - on the New Channel.

He loves to travel with his family. Visited many countries. Paris made the greatest impression on her.

Married (husband is Olympic fencing champion Vadim Gutzeit). There is a daughter.

The whole country knows them by sight. Thanks to them, thousands of Ukrainians freeze in front of their television screens. Especially for the readers of [email protected], we have chosen, in our opinion, the most stylish and fashionable TV presenters of Ukraine who “save face” not only on the set, but also outside it.

Katya Osadchaya

Katya is a repeated winner in the “most stylish girl” category from various publications. Just look at her incredible hats, which we already wrote about. TV presenter, journalist and model was born on September 12, 1983 in Kyiv. Katya began her modeling career at the age of 13 and completed it at 18, having managed to take part in filming in Japan, Germany, England and France. Upon returning to Ukraine, Osadchaya married deputy Oleg Polishchuk. In 2002, Katya gave birth to his son Ilya. She graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History of the Kyiv National University named after T. G. Shevchenko. And I decided to devote myself to journalism. In 2007, she was included in the rating of “100 most influential women Ukraine". Currently, she can be seen on the “1+1” TV channel in the programs “ Social life" and "Voice of the Country".

Olga Freimut

Refined and discreet Olga Freimut ( real name– Konyk) was born on February 25, 1982 in Novy Rozdol, Lviv region. Olga is a journalist by profession, but she managed to work as both an actress and a model. She lived in London for some time, where she worked as a journalist on the BBC television channel. She was not officially married, but she lived with TV director Alexander Rakoed for a long time. Olga has a six-year-old daughter, Zlata, whom she gave birth to in London from a British man named Neil. In 2010, Freimut became an official fashion collection Ukrainian designer Oksana Karavanskaya. Currently, she can be seen on the New TV Channel in the programs “The Inspector General” and “Who’s on Top?”

Masha Efrosinina

One of the most beautiful presenters of Ukrainian TV, producer and actress Maria Efrosinina was born on May 25, 1979 in Kerch. By education, Masha is a certified translator from English and Spanish languages. The girl got her first job as a presenter at the age of 19 on the UT-1 TV channel. In addition to working on television, Efrosinina has such events as “Pride of the Country” and “Eurovision”. In addition, in 2007, Masha appeared on the stage of the Theater on Podol as an actress in the play “It’s So Easy to Help, or Where Children Come From,” and also starred in TV series. Maria is officially married to businessman Timur Khromaev, the couple has a daughter, Nana. Information about an imminent divorce, which lately They are discussing it very vigorously in the press, Masha does not confirm it. Currently, she can be seen on the New TV Channel in the ShowStowon program.

Oksana Marchenko

Today Oksana is one of the most recognizable and popular presenters on Ukrainian television. Born future star April 28, 1973 in Kyiv, by education - a history teacher. She got into television at the age of 19 and has been working in this field ever since. Marchenko has two marriages and two children behind him. Now Oksana lives with her second husband, politician and businessman Viktor Medvedchuk, her youngest daughter Dasha and son from her first marriage Bogdan. In 2012, Oksana Marchenko was named “The most beautiful woman in Ukraine” according to Viva magazine. The image of Oksana on the screen is contradictory. Some admire her luxurious outfits, while others reject them for their excessive pretentiousness. However, ignore her bright image impossible. Currently, the presenter can be seen on the STB channel in the shows “Ukraine’s Got Talent” and “X-Factor”.

Lilia Rebrik

The sweet and feminine TV star and actress Liliya Rebrik was born on May 8, 1981 in Chernivtsi. Rebrik is an actress by profession. She graduated with honors from the Kyiv Institute theatrical arts them. Karpenko-Kary. On her account huge amount roles in theater and cinema. In addition, Lilya is also a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The star is married to choreographer Andrei Dikiy, whom she met while participating in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. Last year the couple had a daughter, Diana. Currently, she can be seen on the STB channel in the “Everybody Dance!” programs. And " Incredible stories love."

Photo: press services of TV channels, personal pages on social networks

You may not know it, but you definitely know several beauties of Ukrainian origin, representatives of pop culture. Ukraine has always been famous beautiful women that could hypnotize a man from any country in the world. Remember the story of Roksolana or Anna Yaroslavna. And now this country has something to boast about in the field of beauty, sexuality and charm.

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Having become famous in her country as a child, Tina Karol is now one of the sexiest beauties in Ukraine. Mastery of the piano and unique voice allowed Tina Karol to be one of the most recognizable faces of Ukraine in the 2000s. She is now younger and more attractive than ever. By the way, Tina is still a soloist of the song and dance ensemble Armed Forces Ukraine.

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It is known both in Ukraine and throughout the European Union. Ruslana is probably the most famous of Ukrainian pop stars. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Istanbul in 2004, Ruslana is also a successful political and public figure.

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It would be unforgivable to ignore Yulia Tymoshenko in such a list. This is one of the most famous prime ministers of Ukraine and the most famous prisoners. Yulia Tymoshenko, no matter where she is, always knows how to create a visual impression. The whole of Ukraine is following the changes in her image. And her legendary “braid” will forever remain in history.

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If you didn’t know, Milla Jovovich was born in Kyiv. She is a famous American model and actress known throughout the world. She starred in big budget blockbusters, including The Fifth Element and the Resident Evil film series. Milla is considered one of the world's celebrities with the most beautiful eyes.