Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Prayer to Saint Anastasia. Life of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

By Orthodox tradition At baptism, a baby is given the name of one of the saints glorified by the church. But during the times of atheism, this rule was not observed. For example, at the beginning of the 2000s, many newborn girls were named after the heroine of the then popular TV series “Poor Nastya.” For girls with the name Nastya who wish to observe Christian customs, it is useful to turn to the host of Christian saints in order to find among them their patroness and with dignity celebrate Anastasia's name day, Not fictional character, but a celestial goddess glorified by the Lord.

Anastasia in the Orthodox Monthly Month

A month's word is an appendix to liturgical books that lists the days of remembrance of saints for each day of the year. Calendars are compiled on its basis. From the list of Orthodox names that complements the calendar, you can find out how many times a year and on what dates the day of the angel Anastasia and name day is celebrated.

In the first case honor the patron saint, assigned at baptism (not to be confused with the Guardian Angel, an incorporeal being). The name days of Nastya or Nastasya will be the days of remembrance of the remaining saints of the same name.

Translated from Greek, Anastasia means “resurrection.” Ancient Christians loved to name their daughters in honor of the main event of Sacred history, and the pagans who accepted the new faith called themselves that in the face of their tormentors, hoping to be resurrected after death for eternal life.

When performing the ceremony of naming a name, now included in the baptismal rite, the day of the angel Anastasia is determined. According to the church calendar, the memory of the saint of God closest to the date of birth is calculated. This is not important: at the request of the parents or the person being baptized by the Angel, another patroness can be chosen. The priest will call her name while reading a special prayer.

Days of universal saints

Anastasia’s name day is celebrated 11 times according to the Orthodox calendar. Of these, 4 commemorate ecumenical (revered by all Orthodox churches) saints. Dates are indicated according to the new style:

Locally revered saints

Saints whose memory is celebrated only in Russia are called locally revered. Orthodox Church. All Anastasias listed below are glorified as new martyrs who suffered during the persecution of the church in Soviet Russia:

  • April 5 - Venerable Martyr A. (Bobkova), novice;
  • August 10 - A. (Kamaeva), abbess;
  • November 11 - A. Lebedeva, laywoman;
  • December 17 - A. (Titova), novice;
  • July 17 - A. Romanova, Grand Duchess, daughter of the last Tsar Nicholas II;
  • May 10 - A., a girl, a laywoman, shot dead by the Red Army soldiers along with other Christians trying to stop the seizure of church valuables.

On June 5, the memory of the saints of Rostov-Yaroslavl is celebrated, among whom is mentioned the abbess of the Uglich monastery Anastasia, who died at the hands of the Poles in Time of Troubles(1609). Until her death, she and her sisters cared for wounded soldiers in the monastery hospital.

The list indicated in the Russian calendar is far from complete. The Eastern Orthodox calendar points to October 28 in memory of Anastasia of Latria. Latr - mountain in Ancient Greece(now Turkish territory), where in the X-XI centuries. Monks lived there. In terms of the number of hermitages and monasteries, it could be compared with Holy Mount Athos. During the conquest of these places by the Mohammedans, many of the monks became famous for their martyrdom. Among them was the ascetic Anastasia, information about whose life has not been preserved.

Male names

In ancient times, many women's names were derived from men's names. The church monthbook includes several saints Anastasias (Anastases). Now it's beautiful Greek name not common in Russia. But its rare owners can pray to eight patrons at once:

  • January: to the Egyptian martyr (8), Constantinople (21), Persian and Pechersk martyr (22).
  • April: Martyr of Georgia (15), Patriarch of Antioch (20) and Venerable Abbot of Mount Sinai (22).
  • October: Martyr of Salona (25).

Angel Day Traditions

In the old days, the holiday of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, January 4 (December 22, O.S.), was called “Nastasia’s Day.” Based on the title of saint, she was revered as the patroness of pregnant women who were about to “be released from their bonds.” This interpretation was associated with many semi-pagan traditions that greeted “Nastin’s Day”: embroidering amulets for women in labor, prohibiting housework, slaughtering cattle, etc.

Orthodoxy encourages customs associated exclusively with the veneration of the heavenly patroness. On this day, the birthday girl went to church to receive communion, after which she set the table for the guests and gave alms. On Angel's Day, the hero of the occasion was presented with festive cakes, popular prints with sayings from Holy Scripture, and newborns were given a personalized icon.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia lived during the time of Emperor Diocletian (284-305). She was the daughter of the Roman senator Praetextatus, who professed a pagan faith. Her mother Fausta secretly believed in Christ.

Anastasia was distinguished by her nobility, spiritual and physical beauty, good character and meekness. As a girl, Anastasia was entrusted by her mother to teach the Christian Chrysogonus, known for his learning and piety. Chrysogon taught Anastasia the Holy Scriptures and the fulfillment of God's law. At the end of the teaching, Anastasia was spoken of as a wise and beautiful maiden.

After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius, who also came from a senatorial family. But under the pretext of a fictitious illness, she retained her virginity. Sometimes, the husband tried to use violence, but Anastasia, with the invisible help of a guardian angel, escaped from his hands.

There were many Christian prisoners in the dungeons of Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners - she washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Her teacher and mentor languished in prison for two years. Meeting with him, she was edified by his long-suffering and devotion to the Savior. Saint Anastasia’s husband, Pomplius, having learned about this, severely beat her, placed her in a separate room and placed guards at the door. The saint grieved that she had lost the opportunity to help Christians. After the death of Anastasia’s father, Pomplius decided to kill his wife in order to inherit all her property and live with another wife using other people’s money. Treating her as a captive and slave, he tortured and tormented her daily. The saint wrote to her teacher: “ My husband... torments me as an opponent of his pagan faith in such a grave conclusion that I have no choice but to surrender my spirit to the Lord and fall dead" In his reply letter, Saint Chrysogon consoled the martyr: “ Light is always preceded by darkness, and after illness health often returns, and after death we are promised life." And predicted imminent death her husband. After some time, Pomplius was appointed ambassador to the Persian king. On the way to Persia, he drowned during a sudden storm.

Now the saint could again visit Christians languishing in prison. Along with freedom, she received the entire parental inheritance, which she used for clothing, food and medicine for the sick.

At that time, King Diocletian was informed from Rome that the prisons were filled with a great multitude of Christians, that, despite various torments, they did not deny their Christ, and that in all this they were supported by the Christian teacher Chrysogon.

At Roman Emperor Diocletians The most severe persecution of Christians broke out in the empire. The first 19 years of his reign were marked only by martyrdom among the soldiers, because the soldiers continually refused to make the required sacrifices to the gods, and for this they were executed. Christians felt so calm that even opposite the emperor's palace in Nicomedia a large Christian church stood.

But at the end of his reign, Diocletian undertook a widespread persecution of Christians. Within one year, one after another, he issues as many as four edicts (decrees) against Christians, and these edicts predetermine the ever-increasing scale of persecution. First there was confiscation of church property. After the confiscation of shrines and church property, arrests and executions of the clergy followed. Every single clergy person was subject to persecution: not only bishops, but also all lower clergy, of whom there were very many at that time, because there was no firm boundary between clergy and ordinary church employees: for example, gatekeepers in churches or orderlies who served church hospitals and almshouses were also considered clergy. All Christians were forced to return to paganism, and protesters were tortured.

"The Last Prayer of the Christian Martyrs." J.-L. Jerome.

Having learned about Chrysogon, Diocletian ordered him to be sent to him in Aquileia (a city in upper Italy) for trial, and to execute all Christians. Anastasia followed her teacher. Diocletian hoped to convince Chrysogonus to renounce Christ, but he could not withstand the free speeches of the saint and ordered his head to be cut off. The body of Saint Chrysogonus, after his martyrdom, according to Divine revelation, was placed in an ark and hidden in the house of the presbyter Zoilus. 30 days after his death, Saint Chrysogonus appeared to Zoilus and predicted the imminent death of three young Christian women who lived nearby - Agapia, Chionia and Irene (†304; Comm. April 16). And he ordered Saint Anastasia to be sent to them. Saint Anastasia had such a vision. She went to the presbyter, prayed at the relics of Saint Chrysogon, then, in a spiritual conversation, strengthened the courage of the three virgins before the torture ahead of them. Saints Agapia and Chionia were thrown into the fire. Here they died, but their bodies remained intact. And one of the soldiers wounded Saint Irene with an arrow from a tight bow, after which the saint died. After the death of the martyrs, Anastasia herself buried their bodies.

Saint Anastasia began to wander. Having mastered the art of medicine by that time, she zealously served Christians imprisoned everywhere. Anastasia spent all her funds to help those in need, and poured gold, silver and copper figurines into money and fed many hungry people, clothed the naked, and helped the weak.

In Macedonia, the saint met a young Christian widow, Theodotia, who, after the death of her husband, was left with three infant sons. Blessed Anastasia often lived with the widow and she helped her in pious labors.

Soon Anastasia was captured as a Christian and handed over to Diocletian (since Anastasia was from a noble Roman family, only the emperor could decide her fate). However, frightened by her wise speeches, with the words “ It is not proper for the Tsar's Majesty to talk to a mad woman.", Diocletian handed her over to the high priest Ulpian so that he could persuade her to sacrifice pagan gods or subjected to cruel execution. The priest invited Saint Anastasia to make a choice between rich gifts and instruments of torture, placed on both sides near her. The saint, without hesitation, pointed to the instruments of torture: “ Surrounded by these objects, I will become more beautiful and more pleasing to my longed-for Bridegroom - Christ..." Before subjecting Saint Anastasia to torture, Ulpian decided to desecrate her. But as soon as he touched her, he became blind, a terrible pain gripped his head, and after a while he died.

Saint Anastasia was freed and, together with Theodotia, continued to serve the prisoners. Soon Saint Theodotia and her three infant sons were committed to martyrdom (they were thrown into a fiery furnace) in their hometown Nicaea (c. 304; commemorated July 29 and December 22).

Execution of Saint Anastasia

Meanwhile, Saint Anastasia was put on trial in Illyria. The selfish ruler secretly invited her to cede all her wealth to him: “ Fulfill the commandment of your Christ, who commands you to despise all riches and to be poor" To which the wise Anastasia wisely replied: “ Who would be so crazy as to give you, a rich man, what belongs to the poor?»

Saint Anastasia was imprisoned for the second time and tortured by hunger for 60 days. Every night Saint Theodotia appeared to the martyr, approved and strengthened her in patience. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, the hegemon of Illyria ordered her to be drowned along with the convicted criminals, among whom was Eutychian, persecuted for his Christian faith (December 22).

The soldiers put the prisoners on the ship and went out to the open sea. Having reached the depths, the warriors drilled several holes in the ship, and they themselves got into a boat and sailed to the shore. The ship began to sink into the water, but the prisoners saw the martyr Theodotia, controlling the sails and guiding the ship to the shore. 120 people, amazed by the miracle, believed in Christ - Saints Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them.

Having learned about what had happened, the hegemon ordered the execution of all the newly baptized. Saint Anastasia was stretched over a fire between four pillars. This is how Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker completed her martyrdom. Her body, undamaged by the fire, was buried in the garden by a certain pious woman, Apollinaria. At the end of the persecution, she built a church over the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia.

Relics of Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker

In the 5th century, the relics of Saint Anastasia were transferred to Constantinople, where a temple was built in her name. Later, the head and right hand of the great martyr were transferred to the monastery of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker, which was established near the city of Thessaloniki.

Monastery of St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker


The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia is depicted on icons with a cross in right hand and a small vessel in the left. The cross is the path to salvation; in the vessel there is holy oil, healing wounds.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia is called "Pattern maker", since the Lord has given her the power to heal bodily and spiritual illnesses, to loosen the bonds of those unjustly condemned, and to give consolation to those in prison. They also ask the saint for protection from witchcraft.

Troparion, tone 4:
On the occasion of the victorious Resurrection / you were called truly eminent, / the martyr of Christ, / you brought victory to your enemies through torments with patience, / for the sake of Christ, your Bridegroom, / whom you loved. / Pray to him to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:
In the temptations and sorrows that exist,/ those who flow to your temple, / receive honest gifts/ from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasia: / for you are ever the source of healing for the world.

The feat of martyrdom. St. Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The origin of the name “Anastasia” is associated with the ancient Greek language and translated means “resurrection”, “return to life”. There is also a paired male name with the same meaning, but it is not widely used among us.

About popularity female name testify Orthodox calendar. IN church calendar we will meet 15 saints with this name, most of them (10 people) are martyrs. One Venerable Anastasia is the mother of Saint Sava of Serbia, one Alexandrian hermit, who, according to legend, lived in a monastery under the name Anastasia the eunuch, one passion-bearer is the daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, another nun and Saint Anastasia of Latria.

No less impressive is the list of saints with double male name Anastasius - he numbers 20 Orthodox ascetics from different countries.

Anastasia's birthday

Rarely the owners of the name can boast of such an abundance of patron saints. Nastya can celebrate name day on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, 5 and 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11 and 12, December 17.

Saints named Anastasia

IN Orthodox calendar you can find at least fifteen saints with this name, let's try to talk a little about the most famous ascetics.

Among the ascetics with the name Anastasia, the first place in fame will be the patron saint of prisoners - Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Her earliest life that has come down to us was compiled in the 6th century, so we know almost nothing about the life of this saint.

The Great Martyr Anastasia suffered in 304 during the cruel persecution of Emperor Diocletian. This was an emperor who wanted to save the crumbling Roman Empire. As the Christian writer Lactantius notes in his essay “On the Death of Persecutors,” persecution for faith was total: “All people, (without distinction) of gender and age, were driven to the stake; and there were so many of them that they were surrounded not individually, but in crowds, and were set on fire; the servants were drowned in the sea, with a millstone tied to each of their necks. No less wild persecution affected the rest of the people, because the judges, scattered throughout all the temples, drove everyone to sacrifice... The dungeons were full, unheard-of types of torture were invented, and, no matter what case the trial was carried out, in secluded places and in front of the tribunal they were located altars, so that those involved in litigation first make sacrifices and, under such circumstances, speak out about their affairs.”

Anastasia fearlessly visited Roman prisons and helped the sufferers. After the death of her teacher, she traveled through the provinces of the Roman Empire, where persecution raged. She visited Greece and Macedonia, alleviated the suffering of prisoners - brothers in faith. She was soon captured and, as a Christian, sentenced to be burned at the stake.

The Great Martyr was widely revered in the West already in the 4th century. Its honest head was in the monastery of St. Anastasia not far from Greek city Thessaloniki, but on the night of April 22-23, 2012, unknown persons stole the relics of this ascetic.

Anastasia the Roman or the Roman

In 250 or 256 in Rome, after prolonged torture, another martyr named Anastasia was beheaded. Becoming an orphan at the age of three, the noble girl was brought up in a Christian community near eternal city. She was very beautiful, and at the age of 20, rejected suitors handed her over to the mayor Prov. He demanded that she renounce Christ and marry some patrician. Anastasia refused, the enraged persecutor ordered her to be tortured naked in front of the crowd, but the saint continued to glorify the Savior and was eventually executed. Her body was found by local Christians and buried in the outskirts of Rome.

Anastasia Rimskaya

Apparently Rome had a special attraction for martyrs named Anastasia. After the sermon of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, one resident of the eternal city accepted the new faith. During Nero's persecution, Anastasia and her friend Vasilisa buried the bodies of dead Christians. After torture, she was beheaded as a Roman citizen in 68. (Roman citizens, as we can learn, for example, from the Acts of the Apostles, had a number of privileges: they could demand the trial of the emperor, so the Apostle Paul was taken to Rome, and he himself spent several years in prison awaiting trial. Roman citizens could not shameful executions were used (crucifixion or being eaten by wild animals in the arena), so they were executed with the sword.

The ancient historians Suetonius and Tacitus briefly report on the reasons for Nero’s persecution of Christians. The text of the latter in the XV book of the Annals connects the persecution of followers of the new faith with the great fire of Rome and the emperor’s desire to blame the Christians: “So Nero, in order to overcome rumors, found the guilty and put to the most sophisticated executions those who, with their abominations, had brought upon themselves universal hatred and whom the crowd called Christians. Christ, from whose name this name comes, was executed under Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate; suppressed for a while, this harmful superstition began to break out again, and not only in Judea, where this destruction came from, but also in Rome, where everything that is most vile and shameful flocks from everywhere and where it finds adherents. So, first those who openly admitted that they belonged to this sect were captured, and then, on their instructions, a great many others were caught not so much in the villainous arson as in hatred of the human race. Their killing was accompanied by mockery, for they were dressed in the skins of wild animals so that they could be torn to death by dogs, crucified on crosses, or those doomed to death by fire were set on fire at nightfall for the sake of night illumination. Nero provided his gardens for this spectacle; At the same time, he gave a performance at the circus, during which he sat among the crowd dressed as a charioteer or drove a team, participating in a chariot race. And although the Christians were guilty and they deserved the most severe punishment, yet these cruelties aroused compassion for them, for it seemed that they were being exterminated not for the sake of public benefit, but as a result of the bloodthirstiness of Nero alone.”

The relics of the holy martyr Anastasia are in Rome.

Anastasia Romanova

The youngest daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was born on June 18, 1901. She was the fourth child in the family and was educated at home from the age of 8. The curriculum included French, English and German languages, history, geography, God's Law, natural sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dance and music.

Anastasia Nikolaevna did not like grammar, she wrote with many errors, and called arithmetic “disgusting.” At the same time, Anastasia had a very kind character - she loved pets, adored candies and sweets and willingly shared them with others.

Anastasia’s teachers said that the girl had an easy character. She loved to play hide and seek, lapta, and serso (a game in which you need to throw rings onto a peg). She willingly climbed trees, loved to weave flowers into her hair, and was tenderly attached to her brother Alexei, spending whole days with him during attacks of his illness.

Growing up, during the First World War in a hospital, she gave concerts for the wounded and helped her sisters and mother in their ministry as Sisters of Mercy.

Together with the rest of the royal martyrs, she was shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

The legend of the rescue of Anastasia Romanova. After the execution royal family The story of the miraculous rescue of Nicholas II’s youngest children, Anastasia and Alexei, became widespread. The most famous false Anastasia was Anna Anderson, who claimed that she was saved by a soldier with the musical surname Tchaikovsky. The impostor was quickly exposed, and two genetic examinations carried out in 1995 and 2011 put the final point on this issue.

Born in Rome, in the family of Senator Praetextatus. The father was a pagan, the mother of Favsta was a secret Christian. After the death of her mother, regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her father married her to the pagan Pomplius. In order not to break the vow of virginity and avoid the marital bed, Anastasia constantly referred to incurable disease and kept it clean.

There were many Christian prisoners in the dungeons of Rome at that time. In beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited prisoners - she washed and fed the sick, unable to move, bandaged wounds, and consoled everyone who needed it. Saint Anastasia’s husband, Pomplius, having learned about this, severely beat her, placed her in a separate room and placed guards at the door. The saint grieved that she had lost the opportunity to help Christians. After the death of Anastasia's father, Pomplius, in order to take possession of a rich inheritance, constantly tortured his wife. After some time, Pomplius was appointed ambassador to the Persian king. On the way to Persia, he drowned during a sudden storm.

Now the saint could again visit Christians languishing in prison; she used the inheritance she received for clothing, food and medicine for the sick.

Saint Anastasia began to wander in order to serve Christians imprisoned wherever possible. This is how she received the gift of healing. With her works and words of consolation, Saint Anastasia eased the imprisonment of many people; by caring for the bodies and souls of the suffering, she freed them from the bonds of despair, fear and helplessness, which is why she was called the Pattern Maker.

It became known that Anastasia was a Christian, she was taken into custody and taken to Emperor Diocletian. Having questioned Anastasia, Diocletian learned that she spent all her money on helping those in need, and poured gold, silver and copper figurines into money and fed many hungry people, clothed the naked, and helped the weak. The emperor ordered the saint to be taken to the high priest Ulpian, so that he could persuade her to sacrifice to the pagan gods or put her to cruel execution.

The priest invited Saint Anastasia to make a choice between rich gifts and instruments of torture, placed on both sides near her. The saint, without hesitation, pointed to the instruments of torture: “Surrounded by these objects, I will become more beautiful and more pleasing to my desired Bridegroom - Christ...” Before subjecting Saint Anastasia to torture, Ulpian decided to desecrate her. But as soon as he touched her, he became blind, a terrible pain gripped his head, and after a while he died. Saint Anastasia was freed and, together with Theodotia, continued to serve the prisoners.

Saint Anastasia was imprisoned for the second time and tortured by hunger for 60 days. Seeing that the famine did not harm the saint, the hegemon of Illyria ordered her to be drowned along with the convicted criminals, among whom was Eutychian, who was persecuted for his Christian faith. The soldiers put the prisoners on a ship and went out to the open sea. Far from the shore, they got into a boat, and made several holes in the ship so that it sank. The ship began to sink into the water, but the prisoners saw the martyr Theodotia, controlling the sails and guiding the ship to the shore. 120 people, amazed by the miracle, believed in Christ - Saints Anastasia and Eutychian baptized them.

Saint Anastasia lived in the 3rd century after the Nativity of Christ. At this time, the Roman emperor initiated a persecution of Christians - they were considered state criminals because they did not honor the emperor as God, confessing the One God - Christ.

In the prisons and dungeons of Rome, many innocent people convicted only for their religion awaited a terrible execution. Among them were old people, women, and children. Saint Anastasia was the wife of a noble pagan Roman to whom she was forcibly married, but she herself wanted to remain in virginity, like a nun. She secretly came to prisons to ease the suffering of people: she brought food, medicine, made bandages, and looked after the weakened. Of course, she did all this out of compassion for people. However, when her husband found out about this, he locked her in her room, as if in a dungeon, and severely beat her. However, Saint Anastasia prayed a lot while imprisoned - and her tormentor disappeared during a storm.

Then the saint continued her work and went to help prisoners throughout the Roman Empire. She knew how to heal illnesses, and the Lord also endowed her with the gift of healing severe wounds and illnesses through prayer to God.

With her words, help and labors, Saint Anastasia eased the suffering of many people. She was called the Pattern Maker, that is, freeing from shackles, because next to her people seemed to get rid of imprisonment, and truly they also got rid of the shackles of despair, melancholy and illness.

Saint Anastasia found a calling in helping others and living for the sake of other people. However, she herself was subjected to torture by the persecutors of Christians - such a feat could not go unrecognized. The saint was crucified and burned, but the fire could not damage her body. The relics of Anastasia are exactly what they call them. the bodies of the saints were taken by one of the Christian women, Apollinaria, and buried among the vines.

Her relics to this day heal all those who suffer and ask the saint for help, her exploits and life remain an edification good life, human malice and heavenly rewards for virtue. They stayed in Sirmium, where she died, then the Christians transferred the relics to Constantinople. Particles of the saint's relics are found in many churches. The most revered shrines are:

  • in Benediktbeuern;

  • on Holy Mount Athos;

  • in the Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Croatia.

Memorial Day for Anastasia the Pattern Maker is January 4. Catholics celebrate her memory on December 25, Christmas Day.

Icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The image of the Great Martyr Anastasia is an image of a woman with a cross in her right hand and a small vessel in her left. In the vessel, according to the icon painters, there is oil - olive oil, used to treat the sick in ancient times. Today, fir (as olive or sunflower oil) is consecrated at every All-Night Vigil in every church. Perhaps Saint Anastasia also anointed the wounds of those suffering with blessed oil so that the medicine would also be spiritual, because she healed with prayer to the Lord.

In Greece, Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker is also called the Healer, because the saint healed spiritual wounds among her contemporaries, freed them from fear and anxiety, delivered them from despair, and cured them from illnesses. The name Anastasia itself translated from Greek means “Resurrection”.

The image of Saint Anastasia is traditionally found in maternity hospitals and prisons. The prisoners ask the intercessor for an acquittal or a reduction in the sentence. And pregnant women literally understand the name “Pattern Maker” and consider Saint Anastasia to be a helper in their successful liberation from the shackles of pregnancy.

What to pray for in front of the icon of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker is a particularly revered saint in Greece, but in Russia they also know about her: several churches are dedicated to her in two capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. She is especially revered by prisoners.

Saint Anastasia is asked for

    getting rid of sins and bad habits;

    liberation from worries, fears and heaviness in the heart;

    about successful childbirth as liberating from the bonds of pregnancy;

    innocently convicted about justification and triumph of justice;

    imprisoned criminals - about the Lord's forgiveness of their sins and a reduction in their sentences.

Strong prayer from prison, deliverance from prison, acquittal of an innocent person to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Through prayers to Saint Anastasia, innocently convicted people gain hope for a just outcome of their case, and criminals repent, hoping for a reduction in their sentences. They usually pray in solitude, in front of an icon, but if it is not possible to visit a temple or chapel (they are usually found in places of detention), you can pray to the saint anywhere, even in your own words, however, the petitions are described in detail in the prayer.

You can pray to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker online using the text below

You, Saint Anastasia, were named the namesake of the Resurrection of Christ, O martyr for the Lord, you defeated all enemies with your patience for the sake of Christ, Whom you loved and whom you glorified, and reached the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to the Lord God to save our souls.

They turn to the help of the Pattern Maker, asking for liberation and forgiveness of sins with the following prayer:

O wise Great Martyr of God Anastasia, who endured much suffering! Your soul is in heaven at the Throne of God, and on earth given to you by the grace of God you work healings and miracles; be merciful to us, people praying to you, asking for your help, pray to the Lord for us, ask for forgiveness of our sins, help in good deeds mercy, in serving the God of strong faith, humility, joy, meekness and obedience to God, grant recovery to the sick, deliverance and intercession to those suffering in prison, free innocent prisoners and pray to the Lord Jesus to grant us a quiet death in old age and Kingdom of Heaven, so that together with you we glorify the Lord in joy in the Holy Trinity. Amen

Prayer to Anastasia the Pattern Maker for release, reduction of sentence

O Saint Anastasia, Healer and Pattern Maker! Help me in trouble, do not leave me with help. You rejoice in God’s mercy, but in your holy image you are within the walls of my dark prison, so grant that I, God’s servant (name), find consolation from the Lord of God. Direct my prayers to the Lord and ask for forgiveness of my sins.
Because of my crimes, I ask you to be my intercessor, a prayer book before the Lord about my sins. Bend over me, a prisoner, be my comforter in sorrows, a healer in illnesses, a guard in attacks. Ask God for grace for me, unworthy, who prays to you and loves you. Amen

Through the prayers of Saint Anastasia, may the Lord protect you!