The story of CJ from GTA San Andreas. Carl Johnson is a fictional character in the computer game GTA. What happened after the game

Floor Male Age 25 in game, 42 years old (current) Nationality African American Distinctive features hairstyle, tattoos Universe Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Voice acting Young Maylay

Character nicknamed " cJ"(short for his name, English. Carl Johnson) - (b. 1967) main character games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. One of the leaders of a street gang " Grove Street Families"in Los Santos.

Biography in GTA: San Andreas


The character, nicknamed "CJ", was born in 1967. After the death of his younger brother Brian in 1987, Carl leaves Los Santos and moves to Liberty City. There he works for Joey Leone, the son of Salvatore, boss of the Leone mafia family. In 1992, Karl returned to hometown, having learned from his older brother Shawn Johnson (eng. Sean "Sweet" Johnson) (in the Russian version - Handsome) about the murder of his mother.

Los Santos

Returning to his hometown, Karl instantly finds himself in a whirlpool of events. The taxi in which Karl was traveling home is stopped by police officers: Frank Tenpenny, Jimmy Hernandez and Eddie Pulaski, who turn out to be Karl's good old acquaintances. He is accused of killing a policeman and is forbidden to leave the city. The Grove Street Families gang, created by his family, is on the verge of collapse. Melvin Harris, nicknamed "Big Smoke" and Lance Wilson, nicknamed "Ryder", who form the backbone of the gang, are involved in strange matters. The rival gang "Ballas" controls most of the city and actively distributes drugs. Cj's older brother Sean tries unsuccessfully to put everything in order. Cj's sister Kendle is dating Caesar (in Russian - Cesare) Vialpando from a Latin American gang and therefore cannot get along with her older brother. At first, Sidzhey is also not eager to change everything, although he is surprised by this state of affairs. Nevertheless, he gradually understands the essence of what is happening (as it seems to him). He manages to increase his authority a little, and it seems that the gang will soon take a leading position in the city. Sean calls a gang rally under the Mulholland Bridge Interchange. Unexpectedly (thanks to Caesar) it turns out that Ryder and Smoke (in Russian - Steam Locomotive) have been working for Tenpenny for a long time. Karl realizes that Sweet is trapped and at the very least, prison awaits him, if not death. He quickly goes to the showdown site and finds his wounded brother. He gets into a shootout with Ballas. At this moment, a squad of police appears and takes everyone who is not yet dead at the crime scene, including CJ and his brother. Sweet ends up in a prison hospital, and the Grove Street gang finally falls apart.


Carl wakes up in a police car with a bag over his head. In addition to him, old acquaintances Tenpenny and Pulaski are sitting in the car, as well as a newcomer to the department - officer Jimmy Hernandez. As the conversation progresses, it turns out that Sean is alive, but is in the prison infirmary, and also that the cops again need someone to do their dirty work. CJ is given relative freedom of action, with instructions not to meddle in Los Santos, in exchange for a promise to kill a witness in the case of corrupt police officers. He makes several new acquaintances, including Caesar's cousin Catalina, known to the player from Grand Theft Auto III. With her, he commits several robberies, then participates in illegal races, where he meets an influential member of the Triad from San Fierro, Wu Zi Mu, nicknamed "Woozie". He also meets a strange hippie named "The Truth". The Righteous Man (as his nickname translates) grows “grass” on his farm. Just as CJ arrives to pick up the goods, a police helicopter finds them. Having shot down a helicopter from nowhere with a grenade launcher from a hippie, CJ gets behind the wheel and, together with the Righteous Man, goes to San Fierro, to the garage he won at the races.

San Fierro

Upon arrival, the garage turns out to be a crumbling shed with a leaky roof. CJ is furious, but his sister offers to fix the garage and open car business. The righteous man suddenly realizes that he has the necessary acquaintances in this area. With their help, the case gets off the ground, and CJ gets money. However, he does not forget about his brother and the gang, and conducts his own investigation into what is happening in his hometown. It gradually becomes clear that a criminal syndicate is located in San Fierro, through which drugs are supplied to Los Santos. CJ ingratiates himself with the heads of the syndicate. In San Fierro, these are pimp Jizzy, T-Bone Mendez and Mike Toreno. Ryder acts from Los Santos, and, accordingly, Smoke. Having learned everything he needed, Carl kills Jizzy in his pimp-mobile, then kills T-Bone on the pier during a deal, kills Ryder in the ensuing chase, then shoots down a helicopter with Toreno on board and blows up a crack factory. At some point, an unknown person calls him and invites him to meet at a ranch near Las Venturas.


After the San Fiero missions, a stranger calls Carl and asks (or rather orders) him to come to a ranch in the desert in the Tierra Raboda area. The stranger turns out to be Mike Toreno. In fact, he was not in the helicopter that Carl shot down. Mike turns out to be a CIA agent who was ordered to head the syndicate Loco (as a saboteur). Toreno promised Karl that he would release Sweet from prison if he completed the tasks. After several impossible tasks, Toreno sends CJ to buy an abandoned airfield, and invites Karl to do it by criminal means. As a result, Karl buys the airstrip for large money. Toreno immediately sets a task for Karl: to learn to fly.

Las Venturas

At some point, Woozy Moo calls him and offers him a stake in the casino in exchange for help, including removing obstacles and robbing a rival casino. While working on this, Karl accidentally sees how Madd Dogg(in Russian - Mad Cupcake), famous rapper, tries to commit suicide. Karl, in a rather clever way, saves Dogg from death (feeling guilty towards him for his moral decline, because earlier in Los Santos, while helping his friend, an aspiring rapper, he stole Madd Dogg’s diary with all the entries) takes him to hospital, simultaneously offering himself as a new manager. Having successfully robbed the Caligula casino, receiving his share in the Vusi casino, Karl tries to develop it. family business further. During this, Tenpenny calls him and asks him to meet. Having completed another dirty job, CJ gives Tenpenny a dossier on him. Tenpenny leaves, and Officer Hernandez, at the cost of his life, gives CJ a chance to kill Pulaski, and he takes it. At this time, Madd Dogg leaves the hospital, finds Carl, and he decides to return to Los Santos, but to Madd’s mansion. An unexpected obstacle appears here - Dogg, being drunk, sold his mansion to the drug lord of the gang. "Los Santos Vagos". CJ, however, is not at all bothered by this; He decides, with the help of Woozy, to recapture Madd Dogg's mansion.

Return to Los Santos

Having successfully recaptured Madd's mansion, CJ settles there with his sister and Caesar. Recording new album Dogg, Carl bumps into Toreno right in the studio. He asks him to do nothing at all: hijack a military fighter from an aircraft carrier in San Fierro, simultaneously shooting down three pursuers, and at the same time sink three ships not far from his ranch. Karl succeeds in this too, although he almost dies. The next time he meets Toreno in his studio with a "request", Carl doesn't hesitate to put a gun to his forehead. Suddenly the phone rings and Sean says he's just been released. Toreno's request is that Carl just needs to take his brother out of prison. Having picked up Sean, Carl is going to go to the mansion, buying clothes for his brother along the way, but he unexpectedly gets angry and forces CJ to go to his native area, which is in ruins. Sean resolutely declares that he will not go to any mansion, and CJ has to help his brother retake the area. Gradually they begin to win back authority and other areas from Ballas. At this time, a show trial is held over Tenpenny, which ends in acquittal on all counts. Seeing this, CJ and his friends are outraged, and a real riot against the police begins on the streets. Sean finds out where Smoke is hiding. Karl alone, leaving his brother in the car, fights his way to Smoke. Unsuccessfully he tries to convince him to surrender, Smoke opens fire. Karl kills him. Tenpenny appears, holding CJ at gunpoint. With the help of cunning, Karl avoids death, but is forced to save his brother, who recklessly rushed to fire truck Tenpenny. After a long chase, Tenpenny loses control and falls off a bridge. With difficulty he gets out of the car and dies from his injuries.

Carl Johnson - main character games, voiced by rapper Young Maylay. Born in Johnson House, Ganton, Los Santos. Mother - Beverly Johnson, and not just a mother, but a mother of many children and a single mother.

In addition to Carl, the Johnson family included brother Sean (the oldest), brother Brian (the youngest), and sister Candle (the youngest).

Little is known about his father, but Old Rhys remembered him, although the sanity of the subject's mind can be doubted. Sij himself says that he never knew and does not remember his dad.

Karl did not leave until 1987 (at least for a long time). It was in his youth that he received psychological trauma when he was swimming in the sea and a used condom floated into his face. Since then he hasn't been too fond of water.

In 1987, a series of events occurred when the corrupt police began to put pressure on her, and she gradually weakened under their yoke. In addition, young Brian dies this year, and Carl, after all these upheavals, leaves for Liberty City.

Karl's age does not have an exact value, since the year of his birth is not mentioned anywhere. But we can assume that if he buys alcohol at a bar during the game, then in 1992 he was at least 21 years old. Accordingly, he must be 16 in 1987 when he leaves for Liberty, but since he leaves in his own vehicle, he must have a license, and this is at least 18 years old. Therefore, it must be that at the time of the events of GTA San Andreas, Karl is somewhere between 23 and 25 years old, since he looks quite young (besides, he is not too tall).

Outwardly, Karl resembles rapper Dr. Dre and football player Thierry Henry. The color of his eyes, apparently, is blue, which indicates an admixture of European blood in him. Cj is the second main character in the series to "officially" smoke marijuana.

By the way, Cj is Carl’s nickname, made up of two letters of his initials C and J (Carl Johnson). Therefore, using his name as "Carl CJ" is incorrect.

Life in Liberty City

Carl's time in Liberty is interesting primarily because it connects San Andreas with another part of the series of games. But, unfortunately, not too much is known about this.

In Liberty City, CJ worked with Salvator Leone's son (Joey) and was engaged in car thefts and go-stopping on the streets for the entire five years until Sweet calls him and says that his mother was killed in a drive-by shooting.

And Karl comes back.

Life after San Andreas

At the end GTA stories San Andreas, Carl Johnson becomes a young millionaire. He owns many lands, real estate and has investments.

But after 1992 there is no information about him. It is possible that he died, as Rockstar Games made it clear that in the new world Grand Theft Auto (after 2008) there is no room left for old heroes.

Although, inquiring minds found in Liberty City a poster advertising a certain “Fruntalot”, which depicts someone who looks like a matured and more respectable Karl (in a hat and suit) with a glass of wine. Perhaps Carl returned to Liberty after '92 and expanded his business?

Simple calculations say that in 2008, at the moment, he should be at least 38 years old.

And finally, there is a direct reference to Carl in the Rockstar game: Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. After killing the Sasquatch, you receive a trophy that translates to "Look No More for CJ."

Personality of Carl Johnson

Unlike previous heroes series (Claude and Tommy), Carl has a bigger heart than them. He does not kill without a twinge of conscience, but is often very worried or gives his victims a chance. He forgives Pulaski, and when he kills members of his gang, he sincerely repents and regrets it.

But, on the other hand, he is an integral personality who persistently strives to conquer new territories and heights, and stops at nothing when it comes to other competing gangs.

Chris Bellard (Young Maylay)

Voiced by Carl "CJ" Johnson.
I’ll say right away - in CJ, and in the world of Chris Bellard (or Young Meilei - his pseudonym), I have practically nothing.
The rapper, quite famous in a narrow circle, became famous (and that’s a strong word) throughout the world thanks to the voice acting of the character
from GTA - San Andreas.

Clifton Collins

Voiced by Cesar Vialpando.
Born June 16, 1970 in Los Angeles, California. The actor, who managed to appear in several films,
the most famous are “Mindhunters”, “Corrupt”, “Babylon”. By the way, in the film "Corrupt" there is
episode where the police, including Clifton, break into the house of a local gang, who calmly
play in... GTA San Andreas, for PS2, I wonder if the bandits in the film knew that the policeman was Caesar?...

Faizon Love

Voiced by Shawn "Sweet" Johnson.
Born June 14, 1968 in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Also an actor, and also not a celebrity. He played in the following films - “Everything is captured!”, “Meteor Man”,
"Understudies", "Third Prison", "Friday".

Yolanda Whittaker (Yo-Yo)

Voiced by Kendle Johnson.
Date of birth: August 4, 1971 - American rap artist with the pseudonym Yo-Yo. Grammy nominated
familiar to most hip-hop fans and music critics in the 90s. Much of her music deals with the issue
gender discrimination in rap music. Yo-Yo founded the hip-hop movement IBWC - Intelligent Black Woman's Coalition.

Clifton Powell

Voiced by Melvin Harris (Big Smoke).
Born August 31, 1947 in New York, USA. Actor, producer, known since 1981. Famous paintings- "Let's rise from the depths"
"New Day", "Band of Brothers", "House", "Ray".

Aaron Tyler (Mc Eiht)

Who is voiced in the game by Lance "Ryder" Wilson.
The famous rapper under the pseudonym MC Eiht was born on May 2, 1967 in Los Angeles, California. In 1993 MC Eiht released
first album. Currently collaborating with Snoop Dogg and Spice 1. He has starred in two films.

Samuel L. Jackson

Who is voiced in the game by Frank Tempenny.
One of the most professional actors in Hollywood (according to many critics) was born on December 21, 1948 in Washington, DC.
capital of the USA. He starred in a huge number of films of various genres, among them are “Games of Patriots”,
"Jurassic Park", " Pulp Fiction", "Die Hard 3: Retaliation", "Jackie Brown", "Shaft", "Formula 51",
"Three X's", "1408". The average fee for a role is $10 million. How much did he get for voicing the corrupt
Policeman Tempenny in GTA - San Andreas is unknown.

Chris Penn

Who is voiced in the game by Eddie Pulaski.
Chris Penn, Sean Penn's younger brother, was born in 1965 into an acting family. The fact that all his relatives
working in cinema could not help but affect him, and he also became an actor. The first major role was in the famous "Fight"
fish" by Francis Ford Coppola (1983). His other film roles are "Reservoir Dogs", "Beethoven 2", "Rush Hour", "Rush Hour 2",
"Special Agent Corky Romano", "My Criminal Uncle".
On January 25, 2006, Chris Penn was found dead in his Santa Monica apartment.

James Yaegashi

Who is voiced in the game by Wu Zi Mu.
A rising actor, he has starred in several films, his latest roles being in the films “Bioshock” and “Superheroes”.

Peter Fonda

Who is voiced in the game - The Truth.
Born February 23, 1940 in New York, USA. An actor distinguished by his original roles, which is similar to his
hero from GTA games- San Andreas. He made his film debut in 1963. He starred in the films “Easy Rider”, “Opening of the Season”,
“Murder Squad”, “Racing with the Devil”, there are also many directorial works. His heroes in films and heroes of his films
very similar to Truth - the same peace-loving hippies with their own, very original worldview.

Cynthia Farrel

Who is voiced in the game by Catalina.
Born June 26, 1981. In real life she is not like her heroine, she is involved in helping children, she founded
charitable foundations.

James Woods

Who is voiced in the game by Mike Toreno.
Date of birth: April 18, 1947, Vernal, Utah, USA. He grew up in a professional military family, where
discipline and order. In 1969 he moved to New York, where he made a career as a film actor. His most outstanding works are
"Once Upon a Time in America", "Salvador", "Cop", "Chaplin". Woods was nominated for "Salvador"
Oscar, and in 1986 and 1989 he received an Emmy Award. In October 1998, Woods was deservedly inducted on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
received his "star". By the way, you could also see in the film “Scary Movie 2”, where he brilliantly performed
cameo role priest

David Cross

Who is voiced in the game by Zero.
Born on April 23, 1949 in England. British violinist, master of the electric violin. Collaborates with many musicians
V given time lectures at London Metropolitan University.

William Fichtner

Who is voiced in the game by Ken Rosenberg.
Born November 27, 1956 in Log Island, New York, USA. He spent his childhood years at a military base, as the son of a regiment.
After graduating from school, he moved to New York to master the profession of an actor. Acts in both films and theater, the most
His famous roles are “Heat”, “Contact”, “The Perfect Storm”, “Pearl Harbor”, “Equilibrium”, “Ultraviolet”, “Escape”.

Jason Taylor (The Game)

Who is voiced in the game by Mark Wayne (B-Dup).
Born November 29, 1979 in Los Angeles, California. Parents are African American, but there are Spanish and Indian
roots. The famous rapper, known under the pseudonym The Game, began his career in 2005 with the release of his first album
"The Documentary" and two Grammy Award nominations. In 2001, due to a drug deal gone wrong (as well as
B-Dup, he was selling dope) he was shot five times, Taylor survived after spending five days in a coma. Has a sound recorder
label, collaborates with many famous rappers.

Tracy Morrow (Ice T)

Who is voiced in the game by Madd Dogg.
Date of birth: February 16, 1958, in Newark, USA. Ice T is one of the most intelligent stars in hip-hop, as well
It is believed that he has the saddest, toughest and sharpest rhymes. Began his career back in the 80s,
collaborating with many record companies. He released his first album in 1987, followed by
a series of others, even more successful. In 1996, he returned after a long break, releasing the album "Return Of The Real",
After which he starred in the series “Law and Order”.

Frank Vincent

Who is voiced in the game by Salvatore Leone.
Born August 4, 1939. He starred in the films “Raging Bull”, “Deadly Thoughts”, “Casino”.

Arturo Molina (Kid Frost)

Who is voiced in the game by T-Bone Mendez.
Born May 31, 1964 in Los Angeles, California. The first and widely recognized Mexican-American rapper.
Solo career started in the 80s, exactly when his main rival was Ice T.

Charles Murphy

Who is voiced in the game by Jizzy B. Real name is Charles Murphy.
Born July 12, 1959 in New York, USA. The brother of comedian Eddie Murphy, like his brother, Charlie acts in films -
"Anniversary", "Ninja, what you need."

Shaun Ryder

Who is voiced in the game by Maccer.
Born 23 August 1962, vocalist of Manchester band Happy Mondays, founders of the so-called
"Manchester sound". He acted in films, you could see him in the film "The Avengers" (1998).

Danny Dyer

Who is voiced in the game by Kent Paul. Real name: Danny Dyer.
Born July 24, 1977 in London, England. Actor, his filmography - “Directly”, “Outside the Law”, “Isolation”.

Jas Anderson

Who is voiced in the game by Jeffery Martin (OG Loc).
Actor. He starred in the films “They”re Just My Friends”, “Conviction”, “Hire a Liar”, “Rock the Paint”, “Johnny Zero”.

The GTA series of computer games has become legendary, attracting millions of fans around the world. All five parts turned out to be truly outstanding, and the additions to them were no worse than the original projects. This is best demonstrated by “San Andreas” - an addition to the third part of “GTA”, which completely changed both the city in which the events take place and storyline, as well as the main character. In the new part, he became a young black man, Carl Johnson, nicknamed CJ, who will be discussed in this article. If you played this part"GTA", then you are already familiar with it, however, it is likely that you do not know all the details about it. And if you don’t know him at all, then this material will be even more interesting for you, and will also awaken in you a desire to get to know this hero better. Carl Johnson is one of the most popular and beloved protagonists in the entire series. And now you will find out why he got such fame.


So, what kind of hero is this? First, it’s worth talking about what its history is, that is, briefly describing the events that happened before the game. According to the plot, Carl Johnson was born in 1968 in Los Santos in big family- he had an older brother, and then a younger one appeared, as well as a sister. While still a teenager, he joined a local gang called the Grove Street Families, in whose life he took an active part. However, in 1987, when he was nineteen years old, everything changed a lot - Carl's younger brother Brian died. The latter began to blame Brian for his death. As a result, Carl Johnson left his hometown, trying to escape his past, and moved to Liberty City, where he got a job for a local mobster - he stole cars for him, without getting involved in more serious matters. But after five years, everything changes again.

Return to Los Santos

In 1992, when Karl turned 24, he learns from his older brother that his mother was murdered. That is why he returns to Los Santos, but in the end he remains there. The thing is that the gang that defended his hometown suffers greatly from the attacks of others, so even innocent people become victims. And, naturally, only Carl Johnson can save the situation. “GTA: San Andreas” starts from the moment the main character returns to his hometown, where he begins to earn a reputation for himself from scratch, gradually gaining authority in his gang and increasing its influence in the city. As a result, the Grove Street Families regain their influence and seize territories one by one, until the cunning police chief arranges a clash between the gangs, as a result of which all important figures are removed from the scene - someone dies, someone ends up in prison , as Karl's older brother. Karl himself finds himself in the province, far from the lost Los Santos, where he is supported by his sister and her boyfriend. With their help, he begins active work even in cramped conditions - that’s Carl Johnson. "San Andreas" will allow you not only to control this character, this game will allow you to get used to his role and fully empathize with him.

Village of Angels

In GTA: San Andreas, Carl Johnson will go through various difficulties, and he will have a very difficult time in the village. The fact is that due to threats from the police, he will have to give up everything he had to do their dirty work for them. Naturally, at the same time, Karl retains hope of returning to his hometown in order to restore everything there after the lawlessness caused by the police. But for now he has to carry out tasks from the police, in the process of which he meets Pravda, a local marijuana dealer, with whom he makes friends. As a result, he leaves with him for San Fierro to start new life, working in a garage that he managed to win. The story of Carl Johnson, of course, does not end there - after all, he is still destined to return to Los Santos.

San Fierro

Having opened his own garage, Carl Johnson begins a new life, but not at all as harmless as it may seem from the outside. After all, he continues to earn the most money mainly from stealing cars, and not from repairing them. At the same time, he contacts those people who were associated with the destruction of his native gang, gains their trust, finds out all the necessary information, and then eliminates them. He eventually gets to Mike Toreno, whose helicopter CJ blows up. However, everything turns out to be not so simple.

Las Venturas

At a certain moment, an unknown person meets Karl, who turns out to be the same Mike Toreno. No, he didn’t survive the helicopter crash, he simply wasn’t there. The fact is that Toreno is not a bandit at all, but an undercover agent who promises to free his older brother Carl in exchange for help. As a result, CJ works for the Los Santos police, for Toreno, and for himself. Gradually, he rises higher, buys his return to Los Santos from the police, and also saves the life of a famous rapper by becoming his manager. And this is a direct trip to Los Santos. But the problem is that the rapper’s mansion was sold, so CJ will have to recapture it in order to safely return to Los Santos, where he will have to complete Toreno’s last task, after which his brother will be free.

And again Los Santos

In Los Santos, in a mansion, CJ begins a completely new life. As for Toreno, he gives Carl an incredibly difficult mission to hijack an airplane, during which he almost dies. When Toreno shows up again, CJ is about to finish him off on the spot, but suddenly the phone rings and Carl's older brother reports that he has been released from prison. Now CJ has to pick him up - he invites his brother to go to the mansion, but he convinces Karl that they need to restore their area and win back influence. This is what they are starting to do, and extremely successfully. The police responsible for the riots end up in court, but are acquitted. In the end, Carl has to deal with this. When order is restored, CJ begins another new life, in which he is practically the master of his hometown.

What happened after the game?

These events fit into the game “GTA: San Andreas,” but Karl’s story did not end there. No, he does not appear in subsequent games, but references to him can be found everywhere. If you pay attention, you will notice that you will see Carl Johnson more than once. His photograph can be seen on a huge billboard in the fourth part of the game, where he looks very respectable. He is reported to have become a millionaire, receiving income from a variety of sources - even to the casino in Liberty City, where his name can be found in the corresponding addition to the fourth part of the series.

Karl's personality

It is also worth talking about what kind of character Karl has - after all, so far you have only learned his life story. Carl Johnson in real life would not be a very noticeable person, because he has a very calm and quiet character, but at the same time he has the incredible ability to earn authority for himself with absolutely everyone around him. He does not like to kill and prefers to resolve matters in a more peaceful way, but if necessary, such as if his family's honor is involved, he can be incredibly cold-blooded and even cruel. As for his personal life, he is extremely shy and sometimes even too naive. It was thanks to this that Catalina manipulated him during the game, leaving him when she didn’t need him.

If you want to know a little more about the "technical" side of CJ, there are several interesting facts, which may even surprise you. For example, the fact that this particular character in the entire series of games is the most capable - he can fly airplanes and helicopters, ride a bicycle, handle dozens of various types weapons, change your hairstyle, get tattoos, pump up muscles and much more. He also became the first hero to gain the ability to swim and shoot from two guns - previously the heroes of the series drowned in water and only shot with one hand.