Biography of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas characters. Actors in GTA: San Andreas Prototypes of gta san andreas characters

Probably everyone wants to know the fate of the heroes of their favorite Grand series Theft Auto: San Andreas, who voiced them, how everything was created, and why the characters are exactly the way they are, all the secrets and secrets of each character you will find in this article, the game is fraught with many secrets, even those that you did not know.

Carl Johnson (CJ)
Carl Johnson, nicknamed "CJ", is the main protagonist of the video game. One of the favorites of the African-American street gang “Grove Street Families” in the town of Los Santos. Following the death of his younger brother Brian in 1987, Carl leaves Los Santos and moves to Liberty City. There he works for Joey Leone, the son of Salvatore, the leader of the Leone mafia family. In 1992, Carl returns to his hometown of Los Santos after the death of his mother, Beverly. Cj learned about the murder of his mother from his own older brother, Okrug. In Los Santos, Carl is met by Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski, two corrupt operatives. The officers drive Carl through the area controlled by Ballasamy and throw CJ out of the moving police car and assure him that they will keep an eye on him.
Soon after his mother's funeral, Carl discovers that another part of his family (and former gang, the Grove Street Families) are having difficulties with some competitors. Karl finds himself drawn back into the street of gangster life, apparently, at one point he tried to give it all up in the past. Realizing that everything will not be as fast as he expected, Karl travels throughout the state of San Andreas to take control of the streets and protect his family.
Carl Johnson is voiced by Chris "Young Maylay" Bellard, a young rapper who hopes to make some money from the triumph of GTA San Andreas.

Shawn "Sweet" Johnson
Sweet is considered CJ's older brother and believes that Carl is to blame for the demise of his own younger brother Brian. A sweet, powerful and uncontrollable figure, he leads the Grove Street Gang family with an endless list of problems. doesn't like the fact that his sister Kendle is dating Cesar Vialpando for his status in Varios Los Aztecas. Sweet will not respect Carl until he has "paid his own debts" and makes up for the time he left.

Sweet is voiced by Faizon, who has starred in various productions from 1992 to the present. Faizon was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1968.

Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris
Long time family friend and member of the Grove Street family. Big Smoke is quite thick and obsessed with products. Currently, with the goal of creating a new drug business with the Loco Rider San Fierro Syndicate. Sweet refuses to take the role. Kendle believes that newest business, no doubt financed his newest house in Idlewood.

Big Smoke, voiced by Clifton Powell. He has appeared in films such as Danger Society II (1993).

Lance "Ryder" Wilson
Ryder, a loose cannon, is quite passionate about the Grove Street families and one of CJ's oldest comrades. Small, skinny, but fierce. In the quest mission "Ryder", Ryder is unhappy to discover that the owner of a "perfectly folded pizza" has a respected Grove Street, having cleared the gang graffiti tag from its walls. Ryder chooses to drive CJ, not forgiving him during the 5 years he spent in Liberty City. Ryder tries to set up his own business with T-Bone Mendez, Mike Toreno and Jizzy B (all members of the Loco Syndicate). Disloyal and stingy.

Ryder is voiced by MC Eiht, the lead rapper of Compton's Most Wanted. He starred in the movie Danger Society II in 1993.

Officer Frank Tenpenny
Corrupt cop. Is an honorary officer when he is infected by the maniacal bully that has been bothering CJ since he left for Liberty City. Tenpenny heads the LSPD's anti-gang unit, popularly known as C.R.A.S.H. Despite his distaste for CJ, he will constantly find an excuse to keep him alive. Often accompanied by Officer Pulaski. Tenpenny and Pulaski built their criminal empire by taking out anyone who stood in their way. Is involved in racketeering, corruption, drugs and sexual violence. The two silenced Officer Ralph Pendelbury afterward as he threatened to turn over evidence to the state. They say the death happened in a “non-gang related incident.” Independent, powerful and fierce.

Officer Tenpenny is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, who was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Jules Winnfield in the film Pulp Fiction (1994). Jackson is known for playing bitter, loud characters.

Officer Eddie Pulaski
Tenpenny's right hand. Pulaski (also a member of the corrupt C.R.A.S.H) has wanted to destroy CJ for many years, but Tenpenny constantly finds an excuse to keep him alive. Most powerful and ferocious when accompanied by his superior, we soon discover that he is attacked by a coward. Tenpenny and Pulaski built their criminal empire by taking out anyone who stood in their way. The two silenced Officer Ralph Pendelbury afterward as he threatened to turn over evidence to the state. They say the death happened in a “non-gang related incident.” Is involved in racketeering, corruption, drugs and sexual violence.

Officer Pulaski is voiced by Chris Penn, who began acting at age 12 at the Loft Company in Los Angeles. Born in 1962, Penn has a black belt in karate and has appeared in more than 50 different films.

Officer Jimmy Hernandez
3rd and newest member of the corrupt Lspd branch. However, Hernandez is not as malicious as Tenpenny and Pulaski, he is ready to follow them for a cut. He calls himself "a pretty good cop." Hernandez does not agree with the methods of Tenpenny and Pulaski, and later tries to expose them. Tenpenny soon discovers and Hernandez pays the cost.

Officer Hernandez, voiced by Armando Riesco, who acted similarly in GTA Vice City and Midnight Club II. Riesko similarly made some pedestrian voices in GTA San Andreas.

Cool, relaxed and collected. Suggested simply as "Woozie" by his comrades, this is Oriental gentlement heads up The Mountain Cloud Boys-A Triad gang. Woozie is blind, but he trained his own senses to such an extent that you would not see his handicap. He is proud of his own capabilities as an experienced driver racing car and golf pro. Woozie is obliged to protect his boss, ran Fa Li, and eliminate his viatnamese competitors (Da Nang Boys) in order to guarantee his place in the Red Gecko Tong. Woozie now runs the Four Dragons casino in Las Venturas, but the Sindacco family wants to sabotage its opening. Blessed with "indescribable fortune."

Woozy is voiced by James Yaegashi, who began his acting career in 1999 with a major role as "Cole" in the movie Spin the Bottle.

Likewise recognizable as Mr. Farley. Ren Fa Li leads the Reddish Gecko Tong, one of the most excellent gangs of the Triad. The Vienna gang (Da Nang Boys) is preparing a full move into the United States and has begun a number of attacks on Farley's people. The blood feather triad has been one hundred percent destroyed, and now they intend to hit Farley. Wu Zi Mu is obliged to carry out a memory on Mr. Farley in order to guarantee his place in the Red Gekko Tong.

However, he doesn’t tell much (in fact, he doesn’t tell anything at all - just an occasional grunt) RAS Fa Li is voiced by Hunter Platin. Platin performed a similar voice in Manhunt, Midnight Club II, GTA Vice City and Grand Theft Auto 3.

Su Xi Mu
Often referred to simply as Susie. Su Xi Mu can help Woozie and RAS Fa Li, and assumes the Triads basically. His main place of work is located in a bookmaker's market in Chinatown, San Fierro. It appears that there are connections with RC freak Zero. The triads are currently having difficulties with a gang called "The Da Nang Boys", who are preparing to move completely to the United States.

Su Xi Mu is voiced by Richard Chang, who played the prosecuter in the film Return to Paradise (1998) and Ghafar in the 2004 film Kejar America.

Barry "Huge Bear" Thorne
Barry, often referred to as the "huge bear", is considered one of the oldest members of the Grove Street family. Huge Bear is quite devoted to the hood. Often seen close to OG B-Dup, who was able to pump him up. For this purpose, B Dup controls the bear's life and forces him to do his own direct duties. Currently, the bear is in a terrible state due to its own drug addiction.

Huge Bear is voiced by a huge boy who hosts a radio show on Los Angeles power station 105.9 FM. He moved to Los Angeles at the age of 2.

Kendle Johnson
Carl's sister, Kendle, argues quite a bit with her sweet brother. Kendle is unhappy because Carl was not around to help the family. She dates Cesar, a childhood friend of CJ's and a veteran member of the Varios Los Aztecas gang in Los Santos. Kendle is said to be the “brains” of the Johnson family. She has assumed Beverly's importance in the Johnson household since her passing.

Candle is voiced by Yolanda Whittacker, nicknamed "Yo-Yo". She is well known as a hip-hop MC called Yo-Yo, who was discovered by actor/MC/producer Ice Cube.

Cesar Vialpando
Tattoo from top to bottom - a friend of youth CJ in the town of Los Santos. Caesar meets with Kendl, CJ's sister. Cesar is obsessed with stolen cars, and heads the Varios Los Aztecas, a gang that is currently miniaturizing. A man of honor and integrity, who eventually leads Cesar and Karl to become close comrades. He constantly looks at SJ, and vice versa. Caesar is Catalina's cousin.

Cesar is voiced by Clifton Collins. Collins began his acting career in 1991 and starred in the film Danger Society II in 1993.

Fiery. Cesar Vialpando's cousin is the most terrifying female character in GTA series 3. Catalina lives in an isolated cabin in Fern Ridge, Red County—complete with freshly dug graves in the backyard. Obsessed with robbery. Catalina is in love with Karl, despite her bad disposition towards him. She proceeds to date Claude Speed, the "snake without a tongue" (widely recognized as the GTA3 Guy). The two prepare to move to Liberty City. Powerful, unhealthy, constantly looking for interest.

Catalina is voiced by Cynthia Farrell, who similarly played Catalina in GTA 3 (2001).

Claude's playfulness
“A snake without a tongue.” We are able, after all, to put a name on the main protagonist of GTA3. Claude is currently dating Catalina, a crazy bitch (as Carl adores her) living in Fern Ridge, Red County. Claude is a talented street racer. Carl beats him in a suburban race and is rewarded with business in a garage in San Fierro, which, to his amazement, is running downhill and no one wants. Claude prepares to move to Liberty City with Catalina.

As in Tera (2001), Claude does not speak a single word and therefore has the voice of an actor.

Mark "B-Dup" Wayne
OG B-Dup recently (and suspiciously) moved out of his own Ganton home and into the Glen Park area - balla. Gossip implies that he drifted apart from the knocking gang and into "the rest of the activies." Allegations of false imprisonment and kidnapping of comrades persist. I often saw up close with Barry the “huge bear” Thorne, whom he pumped up.

B-Doop is voiced by Jayceon Taylor, who is referred to as "the video game". The video game was born into the lives of a gang of banging and fussing—his dad being Crazy Block Crip and his mom Hoover Crippelette. He remembers how he saw his ancestors preparing for the journey.

Jeffrey "OG Loc" Martin
Wannabe gangsta rapper Jeffrey Martin. No criminal record, apart from a couple of unpaid parking tickets, but, of course, no danger to society. Stay away from his music. Speaking about his own music, he released only one album, “Straight from Tha Streetz,” which he recorded shortly after returning from prison. At the same time, some say that he was the worst rapper in history, others say that he is absolutely newest look hip-hop. The exceptional person who prevents him from becoming a star is Maddog (or so he thinks).

OG Locke, voiced by Jonathan Anderson, who starred in the 2002 film The Fountainhead.

Actor from Manchester, UK. A former member of boozy Manchester dance group The Gurning Chimps, Maccer was once a millionaire poster boy for hedonism. A “return tour” is currently planned. Born in Salford in 1965, Maxer made partying a lifestyle, and hard partying a religion. He invented a musical image that became known as "very baggy." There are no drugs, he didn’t try it, he didn’t practice any form of lynching, and he didn’t break any musical taboos. Check the Maccer official web portal, here.

Maccer is voiced by Shaun Ryder. Ryder was the singer/vocalist for the group "Happy Mondays" from the late 80s to the mid 90s. Currently the vocalist of the band "Black Grape."

Kent Paul
Kent Paul moved from Vice City to San Andreas. It appears that Kent has a severe drug addiction. Thinks of himself as a criminal mastermind when he is in fact, and not. First seen during the quest mission Las Venturas, in which Paul and his old friend Maxer are stuck in the Arco del Oueste as a result of one of the "adventures" of the truth. It appears that there are connections with Ken Rosenberg and the crowd at Caligula's Palace casino. Maxer often calls him "Paulo" and "P".

Kent Paul is voiced by Denny Dyer, who similarly played Kent Paul in GTA Vice City (2002). Dyer began his acting career in 1993.

Ken Rosenberg
Simply referred to as "Rosie" by his comrades. Ken, just like he was in Vice City, has no confidence and suffers from severe psychological depression for the sake of a troublesome mafia gang. Leon and Sindacco are not in a position to decide who should run Caligula's casino, and for this reason Rosie is put forward as a neutral party. If one family attacks another, the opposition will kill Ken. For the sake of the drug problem, Ken can no longer work with the law. It appears that there are connections with Maxer, Kent Paul and Madd Dogg.

Ken Rosenberg is voiced by Bill Fichtner, who began his acting career in 1987 and also played Ken Rosenberg in GTA Vice City (2002).

Don Salvatore Leone makes his 2nd appearance in the Grand Theft Auto series. Leone returns to the series with his girlfriend Maria and his gang, the Leone family. Salvatore agreed to collaborate with the Sindacco family and launch a casino in Venturas. This is due to the fact that Salvatore promised $5,000,000 to Shindako, for this reason he cannot afford to allow Shindako to cheat him. Forelli will similarly take part and will use every good chance they see to eliminate their opponents.

Salvatore is voiced by Frank Vincent, who similarly played Salvatore in Grand Theft Auto III (2001) and starred in the 1990 film "Goodfellas."

Jethro & Dwaine
Jethro works at the Xoomer gas station in Easter Basin, San Fierro. He appears to have a severe drug problem. Dwayne runs a hot dog joint close to the tram terminal in Kings. Business is slow and he soon finds himself working with hid old pal Jethro for CJ's garage in Doherty. Both heroes were introduced in GTA Vice City, in which Vercetti bought his own shipping business.

Jethro is voiced by John Zurhellen and Dwaine is voiced by Navid Khonsari. Both were featured in GTA Vice City, Manhunt and Max Payne.

Mike Toreno
Toreno is in charge of the Loco Syndicate. Toreno, a shadowy CIA agent, owns a ranch in Tierra Robada, north of Garver Bridge. Toreno blackmails Carl into helping him with his international drug smuggling schemes. Mike has a lot of opponents, and he uses CJ as his own shield. Constantly watching. It appears that there are connections with T-Bone Mendez, Jizzy B, Ryder and Big Smoke.

Mike Toreno provided the voice of James Woods, who won the Best Entertainer section of the Oscar for the role of Richard Boyle in the film Salvador (1986).

T-Bone Mendez
The T-bone is the muscle of the Loco Syndicate. T-Bone made time for the dark resin run from Mexico. He killed 2 men inside. It appears that there are connections with Jizzy B, Mike Toreno, Ryder and Big Smoke. Likewise is part of the San Fierro Rifa, a Latin American street gang located in Garcia, a major hub for the international drug trade.

T-Bone Mendez, voiced by Kid Frost, is an East Los Angeles Mexican rapper - best known for his song "The Sun Don't Shine" from the movie "Americanize Me."

Jizzy B
Jizzy can help set up a deal for Loco Syndicate, but says his cut is very small. He runs the "Jizzy Pleasure Domes" in Juniper Hollow, San Fierro, a premium destination for adult entertainment (stuffing stuff into other people's panties). Jizzy is considered one of the biggest pimps and hustlers on the West Coast. It appears that he has connections with T-Bone Mendez, Mike Toreno and other drug dealers. The most powerful.

The Sperm Giant is voiced by Charlie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's brother. Murphy began his acting career in 1989 when he played Jimmy in "Harlem Nights."

Maddog the recording artist is a local legend. He experienced a huge personal tragedy when his leader was killed, and turned to alcohol and drugs (cocaine). He owns a house in Mulholland, Los Santos. Maddog is by no means seen on the streets and has nothing to do with gangs. Albums include "Huslin' Like Gangstaz," "Still Madd" and "Forty Dogg." According to OG Loc, Maddog is the only person stopping him from becoming a big star.

Maddog voices Ice T, the hip-hop artist is best known as the daddy of gangsta music, which spawned the careers of artists like N.W.A., Snoop Dogg and the Geto Boys.

Zero is a 28-year-old electronics geek who runs an RC shop in Garcia, San Fierro. It delivers reality statements on a scale of 1/10. Zero insists that this is not a toy market. Currently fighting with rival supplier RC Berkley. Berkeley, hell-bent on revenge, cared zero because he had been beaten up at a science fair years ago. It appears that there are connections with the Zim and the Triads.

Zero is voiced by David Cross, who began his acting career in 1992 when he starred in the film Amelia Earhart: Final Flight (1994). Cross similarly starred in "Scary Movie 2", "Men in Black II" and voice-acted in "Halo 2" in the same year he made GTA San Andreas.

A measured, measured and measured man is a hippie! Of course he drives a rather special looking hippie van which he calls the "Mothership". Among the companions are Jethro and Dwayne, who are similarly considered hippies. They met in fierro Lovin "89, probably. It appears that he is connected with Officer Tenpenny.

Voiced, of course, by Peter Fonda, who began his acting career in 1961 when he played the role of doctor Mark Cheswick in the movie Tammy Tell Me the Truth. In 1969, Fonda produced and costarred in the definitive anti-1960s statement, Easy Horseman, for which he shared an Academy Merit nomination for best original screenplay.

Old Rice
Reece is CJ's hairstylist—first seen in "Ryder" mission at Old Reece's facial hair company in Idlewood. Rice has been the main source of news in Idlewood for many years, for this reason, if you need information, visit him.

Rice gives different hairstyles, some of which include dripping Jheri curls, a stylish afro and a tall flathead. Rhys knew Beverly, Carl's late mother.

Brian And Beverly Johnson
Brian was Carl's younger brother who died in a tragedy 5 years ago. Carl allowed Brian to die, and Sweet condemned Carl for his death. Beverly is CJ's deceased mother. She was killed by chance while riding Balla, shooting while they were essentially out for sweets. She was always very proud of her own children.

These 2 heroes are not in the video game, however they were mentioned in a couple of versions.

Maria is a returning hero from Grand Theft Auto III. Her importance in GTA San Andreas is quite small compared to her role in Grand Theft Auto III, but she is only there to tie up loose ends into novels and demonstrate how she is connected to Salvatore.

Maria is voiced by Debi Mazar, who was born in 1964. Mazar has appeared in over 50 different films, including Goodfellas (1990), Jungle Fever (1991) and Malcolm x (1992). Mazar performed a similar voice in Grand Theft Auto III (2001).

Denise Robinson
Denise is considered one of the 6 women in the video game that you can work with. Denise has close ties to the Grove Street families and enjoys doing drive-bys. You start meeting her after the quest mission “burning preference”, in which Karl is obliged to protect her from the blazing home of the gang in Vagos hood. You need a fair amount of sex appeal to attract attention from her. Denise works from 16.00 to 06.00. You will gain 100% progression to open the pimp suit, which will automatically go to your wardrobe.

Denise Robinson is voiced by Heather Alicia Simms who began her acting career in 1966. She starred in such films as "Slow Run" (1968) "SH Shock Act" (2004), also the soundtrack in the title Rockstar "Red Dead Revolver" (2004)

Michelle Cannes
Michelle is considered one of the 6 women in the video game that you can work with. Michelle is believed to be a mechanic and can be found in the water cooler inside the driving school in San Fierro. Michelle loves obese guys, so spend a little time eating fatty foods before asking her out. Michelle is open from 00.01 to 12.00 and getting 100% progression will unlock the racing outfit.

Michelle Cann is voiced by Vanessa Aspilaga, who began acting in 1993, in which she played Maria in the movie "Mr. Excellent."

Helena Wankstein
Helena is considered one of the 6 women in the video game that you can work with. Helena is a nutty character, and she hangs on the balcony of the shooting range in Blueberry gear. Helena loves average guys with loads of sex appeal, and is open from 08.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 02.00. Getting 100% progression with Helena will unlock the country outfit.

Lena is voiced by Bijou Philips, who began her acting career in 1999, in which she played the autograph girl in the movie "Sugar Town."

Barbara Sternwart
Barbara is one of 6 women in the video game that you can get involved with. Barbara is a police officer, divorced with 2 children. You can get it at the sheriff's parking lot in El Quebrados. Barbara is open from 16.00 to 06.00 and loves dating fat men. If you get arrested while on a date with Barbara, she'll get you out of jail free of charge. Having scored 100% C, Barbara sends a police outfit to your wardrobe.

Barbara is voiced by Daniel Lee Greaves, who has made countless guest appearances on the show "Whoopie."

Katie Zahn
Katie is a nurse. You can get her at the suburban club Avispa in San Fierro, where she practices T"AI Chi. Katie adores guys with tons of sex appeal and muscles, so load up before you beg her! If you're wasted while dating Katie, she will allow you to keep your weapon when you are released. Getting 100% progression with Katie will unlock the doctor suit.

Katie is voiced by China Chow, who began his acting career in 1998. She starred in such films as "Huge Hit" (1998), Sol Goode (2001) and Frankenfish (2004).

Millie Perkins
Millie is one of 6 women in the video game that you can hook up with. Millie the croupier is at Caligula's casino in Venturas and you start dating her during the heist quest mission "The Key to Her Heart". Millie loves guys with tons of sex appeal. Millie is open in her own home at exactly 12.00 every single day, and her dating is unlocked by the gimp suit.

Millie Perkins is voiced by Orfeh, who also voiced the Rockstar title Max Payne 2. Orff is similarly driven by her own role in the 2004 film Temptation.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas characters in real life.

Main characters

Carl Johnson (CJ)

Having learned about the murder of his mother, Carl returns home from Liberty City to Los Santos. There he learns another news - the Grove Street Families, the Johnson family gang, which was one of the strongest groups in the city several years ago, has almost completely lost control over the streets. In addition, the police department wants to pin the murder of a police officer on Karl, which he did not commit. The main character will have to go through many trials and adventures in the vast state of San Andreas. Despite persecution from corrupt cops, betrayal of friends, death of loved ones and the insidious intentions of mafia bosses, Karl defends the honor of his family with dignity.

Sean "Sweet" Johnson

The older brother of the main character of the game - Carl Johnson. Sean believes Carl is responsible for the death of his younger brother, Brian. Sweet is the head of the Grove Street Families gang and is respected by the Grove Street Families. At the same time, he has many enemies in other groups. It is to him that CJ must prove his worth and the right to fight for the honor of the family.

Sister Carla. Kendle constantly quarrels with her older brother Sean and is clearly not happy that Carl left for Liberty City, leaving the family at a difficult time. She is head over heels in love with Caesar Vialpando from an influential Latin group in Los Santos. After the death of her mother, Kendl fell on the shoulders of taking care of the house and brothers.

Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris

An old friend of the Johnson family, one of the most influential figures in the Orange Grove Families. Despite being overweight, Smoke often carries out dirty operations that require physical strength and dexterity. Melvin is an independent figure in the gang, so he runs his own affairs in San Fierro without Shawn Johnson's consent.

Lance "Ryder" Wilson

Ryder is Carl's longtime friend and Shawn Johnson's right-hand man. He carries out all the bloody and important assignments in the gang and has a very high authority among the “Roshchinskys”. Together with Ryder, CJ will get into more than one scrape.

Almost all of Caesar's body is decorated with tattoos. Perhaps this is what helped him win the heart of Candle, Carl Johnson's sister. Caesar is obsessed with cars, with a particular interest in stealing expensive sports cars and extravagant lowriders. Vialpando is one of the authorities in the Los Santos group Varios Los Aztecas. Having overcome the initial hostility, Caesar and CJ become friends and do a lot of dirty deeds together.

Like most Asians, Wu is calm and focused. His friends call him simply “Woozy,” but underneath the frivolous nickname he is the ruthless leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys, the group that runs the affairs of San Fierro.

Even complete blindness does not hinder him. For for many years he managed to adapt to the eternal darkness and seriously develop his other senses. Today Wu Zi Mu is known as one of the best racing drivers and a successful golfer. His goals: to develop the empire of his boss Ran Fa Ly, destroy his opponents from the Vietnamese gang The Da Nang Boys and lead the Red Gecko Tong triad.

Officer Frank Tenpenny

Frank Tenpenny is one of two corrupt Los Santos police officers who are trying in every possible way to ruin Karl's life. He is distinguished by his particular cruelty and disregard for everything except the criminal empire he created. Tenpenny is officially the head of C.R.A.S.H. - Department for Combating Organized Crime. Unofficially, he is engaged in underground business: racketeering, drug trafficking, bribery of officials, violence. Another cop helps him in this - officer Eddie Pulaski.

Officer Eddie Pulaski

Officer Pulaski is the second in command of C.R.A.S.H, and it is he who helps Frank Tenpenny run his shady business. He hates Karl fiercely, which, however, does not prevent him from collaborating with the “boss”. Their latest operation is the murder of Detective Pendelbury, who was trying to lead the criminal couple to clean water. It was this corpse that the corrupt cops “hung” on Carl Johnson.

Minor characters

Officer Jimmy Hernandez

Jimmy - new employee Department of C.R.A.S.H. He strived to be an honest cop, but Pulaski and Tenpenny involved him in their dirty deeds. Hernandez disagrees with his bosses' methods, but keeps his mouth shut. At the end of the game it will still count towards him.

He is also "Farley", the head of the Red Gecko Tong, one of the largest triads in San Fierro. Ra Fan Ly's main enemies are the Vietnamese bandits from The Da Nang Boys, who have already managed to destroy one of the triads and are now targeting Red Gecko Tong. However, Farley also has ill-wishers among his allies...

Also known by the nickname "Susie". Another person from the triads, the right hand of Wu Zi Mu. Su Zi Mu runs a bookmaker's office in San Fierro Chinatown. Su's main opponents are the Vietnamese from the gang The Da Nang Boys. Zero, the owner of an electronic toy store, was spotted among the contacts.

Owner of an electronic toy store in the Garcia district of San Fierro. However, Zero believes that he is not just selling toys, but smaller copies of real vehicles, controlled by remote control.

The man's name says it all: a peaceful hippie quietly floating along the river of life. The Truth drives a stupid minivan called The Mothership and is friends with Jethro and Dwayne, both hippies like himself. Unfortunately, Pravda is doing business with Officer Tenpenny, and this, of course, will negatively affect his future fate.

Caesar's cousin. Yes, yes, it was against her that we fought in Liberty City! As it turns out during the course of the game, betrayal, deceit, secrecy and thirst for money distinguished Catalina already in her youth. The aspiring bitch settled in a squalid shack in Red County, away from prying eyes. Her yard is a small cemetery. As we already know, favorite activity Catalinas - organization of robberies.

As the plot progresses, she will involve the main character in her dirty deeds. Despite the boorish attitude that Catalina shows towards Carl, she truly loves him. Alas, a breakup is inevitable. Her next victory on the love front is... do you remember the main character? GTA3? So, now we finally know his name - Claude. It is with him that Catalina intends to move to Liberty City.

Talented race car driver, also known as the "tongueless snake" and the main character GTA3. This nickname is a constant reminder of his muteness. Together with Catalina, Claude intends to move to Liberty, and we already know how their story will end. There is absolutely no need for voice acting for obvious reasons.

Mark "B-Dup" Wayne

B-Dup recently moved to the Glen Park area - the territory of The Ballas gang. According to rumors, Mark has retired from criminal affairs, but in fact continues to be involved in drug trafficking. He often hangs out with Barry "Big Bear" Thorne.

Jeffery "OG Loc" Martin

Young rapper and member of the OGF gang. Jeffrey’s criminal career can hardly be called solid, but he has already been to prison. Once freed, OG Loc recorded a rap album called "Straight from Tha Streetz", and now Jeffrey's thoughts are all about music. Some claim that Martin is the worst rapper in history, others consider him a real discovery in the genre. Alas, competition from Madd Dogg prevents him from becoming a full-fledged “star”.

Madd Dogg is a state legend, one of the best rappers and producers on the West Coast. After tragic death his manager, he became depressed and quickly became addicted to alcohol and drugs. His luxurious villa, located in the hills of Vinewood, costs a fortune. Madd Dogg has been known to have ties to the Vagos gang, and was even forced to give up his mansion for drug debts. His most famous albums are "Huslin" Like Gangstaz", "Still Madd" and "Forty Dogg". OJ Lock's main competitor and nemesis.

A former member of the Gurning Chimps, Macker is now a recording artist. He was born in Salford (UK), later moved to Manchester, where he became interested in show business. Macker invented his own style - "extremely baggy", managing to break every conceivable musical rule.

Known for his addiction to drugs and sadomasochism, as well as his personal Internet site located at His circle of acquaintances includes Kent Paul and Ken Rosenberg.

We first met Kent in GTA: Vice City. After leaving the City of Vice, Paul moved to San Andreas, became addicted to drugs, and now he often takes doses in the company of his friend Macker. Kent maintains friendship with his old acquaintance - former lawyer Ken Rosenberg, whom he met back in Vice City.

Chris Bellard (Young Maylay)

Voiced by Carl "CJ" Johnson.
I’ll say right away - in CJ, and in the world of Chris Bellard (or Young Meilei - his pseudonym), I have practically nothing.
The rapper, quite famous in a narrow circle, became famous (and that’s a strong word) throughout the world thanks to the voice acting of the character
from GTA - San Andreas.

Clifton Collins

Voiced by Cesar Vialpando.
Born June 16, 1970 in Los Angeles, California. The actor, who managed to appear in several films,
the most famous are “Mindhunters”, “Corrupt”, “Babylon”. By the way, in the film "Corrupt" there is
episode where the police, including Clifton, break into the house of a local gang, who calmly
plays...GTA San Andreas, for PS2, I wonder if the bandits in the film knew that the policeman was Caesar?...

Faizon Love

Voiced by Shawn "Sweet" Johnson.
Born June 14, 1968 in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Also an actor, and also not a celebrity. He played in the following films - “Everything is captured!”, “Meteor Man”,
"Understudies", "Third Prison", "Friday".

Yolanda Whittaker (Yo-Yo)

Voiced by Kendle Johnson.
Date of birth: August 4, 1971 - American rap artist with the pseudonym Yo-Yo. Grammy nominated
familiar to most hip-hop fans and music critics in the 90s. Much of her music deals with the issue
gender discrimination in rap music. Yo-Yo founded the hip-hop movement IBWC - Intelligent Black Woman's Coalition.

Clifton Powell

Voiced by Melvin Harris (Big Smoke).
Born August 31, 1947 in New York, USA. Actor, producer, known since 1981. Famous paintings - "Rise from the Depths",
"New Day", "Band of Brothers", "House", "Ray".

Aaron Tyler (Mc Eiht)

Who is voiced in the game by Lance "Ryder" Wilson.
The famous rapper under the pseudonym MC Eiht was born on May 2, 1967 in Los Angeles, California. In 1993 MC Eiht released
first album. Currently collaborating with Snoop Dogg and Spice 1. He has starred in two films.

Samuel L. Jackson

Who is voiced in the game by Frank Tempenny.
One of the most professional actors in Hollywood (according to many critics) was born on December 21, 1948 in Washington, DC.
capital of the USA. He starred in a huge number of films of various genres, among them are “Games of Patriots”,
"Jurassic Park", "Pulp Fiction", "Die Hard 3: Retaliation", "Jackie Brown", "Shaft", "Formula 51",
"Three X's", "1408". The average fee for a role is $10 million. How much did he get for voicing the corrupt
Policeman Tempenny in GTA - San Andreas is unknown.

Chris Penn

Who is voiced in the game by Eddie Pulaski.
Chris Penn, Sean Penn's younger brother, was born in 1965 into an acting family. The fact that all his relatives
working in cinema could not help but affect him, and he also became an actor. The first major role was in the famous "Fight"
fish" by Francis Ford Coppola (1983). His other film roles are "Reservoir Dogs", "Beethoven 2", "Rush Hour", "Rush Hour 2",
"Special Agent Corky Romano", "My Criminal Uncle".
On January 25, 2006, Chris Penn was found dead in his Santa Monica apartment.

James Yaegashi

Who is voiced in the game by Wu Zi Mu.
A rising actor, he has starred in several films, his latest roles being in the films “Bioshock” and “Superheroes”.

Peter Fonda

Who is voiced in the game - The Truth.
Born February 23, 1940 in New York, USA. An actor distinguished by his original roles, which is similar to his
hero from the game GTA - San Andreas. He made his film debut in 1963. He starred in the films “Easy Rider”, “Opening of the Season”,
“Murder Squad”, “Racing with the Devil”, there are also many directorial works. His heroes in films and heroes of his films
very similar to Truth - the same peace-loving hippies with their own, very original worldview.

Cynthia Farrel

Who is voiced in the game by Catalina.
Born June 26, 1981. In real life she is not like her heroine, she is involved in helping children, she founded
charitable foundations.

James Woods

Who is voiced in the game by Mike Toreno.
Date of birth: April 18, 1947, Vernal, Utah, USA. He grew up in a professional military family, where
discipline and order. In 1969 he moved to New York, where he made a career as a film actor. His most outstanding works are
"Once Upon a Time in America", "Salvador", "Cop", "Chaplin". Woods was nominated for "Salvador"
Oscar, and in 1986 and 1989 he received an Emmy Award. In October 1998, Woods was deservedly inducted on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
got my star. By the way, you could also see in the film “Scary Movie 2”, where he brilliantly performed
cameo role of a priest.

David Cross

Who is voiced in the game by Zero.
Born on April 23, 1949 in England. British violinist, master of the electric violin. Collaborates with many musicians
V given time lectures at London Metropolitan University.

William Fichtner

Who is voiced in the game by Ken Rosenberg.
Born November 27, 1956 in Log Island, New York, USA. He spent his childhood years at a military base, as the son of a regiment.
After graduating from school, he moved to New York to master the profession of an actor. Acts in both films and theater, the most
His famous roles are “Heat”, “Contact”, “The Perfect Storm”, “Pearl Harbor”, “Equilibrium”, “Ultraviolet”, “Escape”.

Jason Taylor (The Game)

Who is voiced in the game by Mark Wayne (B-Dup).
Born November 29, 1979 in Los Angeles, California. Parents are African American, but there are Spanish and Indian
roots. The famous rapper, known under the pseudonym The Game, began his career in 2005 with the release of his first album
"The Documentary" and two Grammy Award nominations. In 2001, due to a drug deal gone wrong (as well as
B-Dup, he was selling dope) he was shot five times, Taylor survived after spending five days in a coma. Has a sound recorder
label, collaborates with many famous rappers.

Tracy Morrow (Ice T)

Who is voiced in the game by Madd Dogg.
Date of birth: February 16, 1958, in Newark, USA. Ice T is one of the most intelligent stars in hip-hop, as well
It is believed that he has the saddest, toughest and sharpest rhymes. Began his career back in the 80s,
collaborating with many record companies. He released his first album in 1987, followed by
a series of others, even more successful. In 1996, he returned after a long break, releasing the album "Return Of The Real",
After which he starred in the series “Law and Order”.

Frank Vincent

Who is voiced in the game by Salvatore Leone.
Born August 4, 1939. He starred in the films “Raging Bull”, “Deadly Thoughts”, “Casino”.

Arturo Molina (Kid Frost)

Who is voiced in the game by T-Bone Mendez.
Born May 31, 1964 in Los Angeles, California. The first and widely recognized Mexican-American rapper.
He began his solo career in the 80s, precisely when his main rival was Ice T.

Charles Murphy

Who is voiced in the game by Jizzy B. Real name is Charles Murphy.
Born July 12, 1959 in New York, USA. The brother of comedian Eddie Murphy, like his brother, Charlie acts in films -
"Anniversary", "Ninja, what you need."

Shaun Ryder

Who is voiced in the game by Maccer.
Born 23 August 1962, vocalist of Manchester band Happy Mondays, founders of the so-called
"Manchester sound". He acted in films, you could see him in the film "The Avengers" (1998).

Danny Dyer

Who is voiced in the game by Kent Paul. Real name: Danny Dyer.
Born July 24, 1977 in London, England. Actor, his filmography - “Directly”, “Outside the Law”, “Isolation”.

Jas Anderson

Who is voiced in the game by Jeffery Martin (OG Loc).
Actor. He starred in the films “They”re Just My Friends”, “Conviction”, “Hire a Liar”, “Rock the Paint”, “Johnny Zero”.

GTA: San Andreas is considered one of the most successful games in the series. The concept here is classic. The character gets into trouble with gangs who want to divide the city, and completes his tasks, improving his reputation among various crime clans. A lot of exciting missions, a large selection of cars with the possibility of tuning them, gang wars with the seizure of territory - this is not the whole list of what made another brainchild of Rockstar Games a truly cult game. But this list would not be complete without including such an important element as the characters of GTA: San Andreas. Many critics and gamers note the well-developed nature of their characters and their organic integration into the storyline. Rockstar created a city in which you really want to live, and each of its significant neighbors has its own unique destiny. But the original game did not stop its development, and over time many mods and additions appeared. GTA: San Andreas - mods - a few more additional pages in the great history of a criminal city in which you will not be bored.

A special feature of the game was the voice acting. All the main characters of GTA: San Andreas were voiced by iconic personalities. These are mainly rap musicians.

Who's in charge in San Andreas?

It is clear that there are plenty of criminal leaders in the game, but the main character is trying to be in no way inferior to them. Central character The game's name is (also abbreviated as CJ), and he, like most of the predecessors of the GTA series, has a lot of problems with the law in part of the Los Santos metropolis. After many attempts to change his failures with drugs and corruption scandals, the hero leaves his hometown and heads to Liberty City. The character of Karl was voiced by actor Yang My Lai. The prototype of the main character could very likely be the young vocalist of the band Faithless, Maxi Jazz.

Return to San Andreas

Five years later, Karl returns to his native place, and then, in fact, the game GTA San Andreas begins. The passage starts after preliminary communication with the police, to whom Karl remains indebted. Eddie Pulaski and Frank Tenpenny are corrupt cops who promise to keep an eye on him. The gangster atmosphere awaits the main character again.

After a successful first bike ride, Karla meets home, where he immediately learns of the murder charge. The native Grove street awaits new adventures that will now accompany the main character on every corner. CJ will not tolerate mistreatment of his family and therefore decides to return to business. Other important characters from GTA San Andreas will help him.

What new can CJ do?

In addition to fast driving in cars, bicycles and motorcycles, which has always been characteristic of GTA heroes, the main rebel of San Andreas has gained new skills that have not been seen before. Now Karl will be able to boast of the opportunity to swim and jump with a parachute. He will begin to master fashion trends, constantly changing clothes and trying on new haircuts. But most importantly, the game has new system, allowing you to train your character. By riding, shooting and fist fighting these skills will grow. Gym will allow you to throw it off extra pounds and improve strength characteristics.

Some mods complement the already wide capabilities of the main character of GTA: San Andreas. Character textures can also be changed thanks to add-ons.

Location of the game

San Andreas is a large fictional state through which the main character will move. The action begins in the city of Los Santos, where Karl's house is located. But after just a few missions it will be possible to move along the map. At the same time, there are practically no restrictions similar to those encountered in previous GTA games. A variety of cars for GTA: San Andreas will help you overcome the path between distant places. And there really will be plenty to choose from.

In the state, you can visit and try out your capabilities in several cities, including: Los Santos, Las Venturas, Dillimore and Angel Pine. Different characters will be found in both urban and rural areas. But the main epicenter of events will still remain Grove Street in Los Santos.

The game's territories are surprisingly vast; it takes months to get acquainted with different corners this game world, where the unsurpassed characters of GTA: San Andreas await.

Fantastic Four

Charles would hardly have been able to advance further than Grove Street if not for his closest associates. The first part of the game ends with the four heroes (CJ, Sweet, Ryder and Big Smoke) faking their deaths by blowing up a car. These four most important characters from GTA: San Andreas will be a real storm in Los Santos. They are the pioneers, after which many new characters for GTA: San Andreas will appear.

Big brother

Sean Sweet Johnson, nicknamed Sweet Johnson, is one of the most respected members of the Grove gang. He, like Karl, often takes risks for the sake of his family and seeks a way to take revenge on the guilty members of the Ballas organization for the murder of his mother.

Since Karl left home 5 years ago, he and his brother severed their ties for a long time, and now the relationship is not so strong. But after CJ’s “big contribution” to the common cause, the friendship between the brothers again becomes strong and reliable. Sean has a rather serious character and often does not take the jokes of his comrades. The main goal of his life is to keep his family strong. He is wary of drug trafficking and is not very fond of Mexican gangs.

Sweet was voiced by FaizonLove, who is known for his voice in the series “Alf”

Carefree Rider

Lance Ryder Wilson doesn't like to rush. He is the Johnson family's next-door neighbor. He likes hip-hop artists from Easy-E from NWA. This character received the nickname Unpredictable because of his harsh character. Ryder holds a grudge against Carl for running away from the city during difficult times. He is constantly sarcastic about this topic. The protagonist first interacts with Lance during a robbery of a local restaurant chain, a recurring feature in the Grand Theft Auto series. The first attempt was unsuccessful, but that was just the beginning.

During the entire game, Ryder never took off his black glasses, and his trick is constantly smoking cigars. He constantly tries to demonstrate his level of intelligence, considering himself a genius (maybe because he once dropped out of school).

Where does Big Smoke come from?

Big Smoke is the name of the friends of Melvin Big Smoke Harris, who shuts down the magnificent four local gangsters. Smoke is a rather obese uncle who always doesn’t mind eating. His views on drugs differ from the Svitovs, and there are some plans to open a drug business near San Fierro. But this idea does not have the support of the rest of the gang. The intrigue remains whether Smoke will be able to resist the temptation of a big jackpot on the side. Melvin has a lot of ambitions and a lot of shops in the area under the hood. In Smoke's missions you will be able to try a variety of cars for GTA: San Andreas.

A family is incomplete without women

Kendl Johnson is one of the few main female characters in the game. She is quite grumpy, but loves both brothers. True, Kendle cannot understand Sean's hostility towards Mexicans. By the way, he often has affairs with them. But when you need to speed up an important process or guide your brothers on the right path, she is right there! The sister does not participate in missions, but is a rather interesting character. One of the gangs that the guys from Grove Street oppose, the Orange Grove Families, is related to her because her boyfriend, Cesar Vialpando, is from there. Karl is trying in every possible way to change the situation and quarrel between the incompatible couple.

Other important characters

In fact, the game has a lot of both primary and characters who play a less prominent role. But in order to collect them all, an entire encyclopedia would be needed. Here we will try to add those who left a really important mark on the fate of C.J. and promotion storyline GTA. Based on the biographies of these characters, one can get an idea of ​​​​the close connection of the game with African-American culture, and in particular with music. GTA: San Andreas mods also added several interesting characters to the game.

Parody of a gangsta rap singer

Og Loc (Jefferey OG Loc Martin), who appears a few missions into the game, really looks like a failed singer. He is hung with chains, wears a bandana, but does not stand out in anything special. Jeffrey is almost harmless, he has no problems with the police, except for a few. He is trying to create a unique style of music, which should mix hip-hop and reggae. In the game you can listen to what he composes. Og Lok is a comic parody of the image of a rapper in general.

Hermit Legend

Mad Dog (Madd Dogg) is the opposite of Martin, a legendary rap musician who broadcasts on one of the main radio stations - Radio Los Santos. He used to work hard and sell millions of records, but in the game he lives in solitude. Mad's mansion on Vinewood Hills will be an interesting object from an interesting mission in the style of stealth action. Mad no longer wants to participate in the turbulent life of local gangs and isolated himself in the wilderness. But there is also a dark side to the biography - now he is a slave to drugs and alcohol.

Old Rice

Old Reece is a good-natured man who owns a chain of hair salons. In each of them you can learn something new about life around you. And the barbershop, where Old Reece himself works, is a place where Karl is always ready not only to get a haircut, but also to talk. Rhys is especially warm towards Carl and is always ready to provide a little extra work if CJ needs it.

Failed love

CJ will have several affairs in the game. One of the most dangerous is Catalina. She is ready to shoot Karl and can immediately throw herself on his neck. girl with in a beautiful voice and amazing Mexican pronunciation, which is always ready to stand up for itself and even restore order in nearby settlements.

Catalina is the second important female character in the game. Lives in rural areas, in a small van, in the hills. Karl will have to help her in several unforgettable tasks.

Bad Cop

Frank Tenpenny is one of the main villains of the game. Even though he wears a police badge. He absorbed all the stereotypes characteristic of a law enforcement officer in a black neighborhood. Constantly being sarcastic and playing a double game. He figures prominently throughout the storyline. And the part of the game after Karl's kidnapping is based on the insidious plans of this antagonist.

The voice of the character Tenpenny was done by the unsurpassed Samuel L. Jackson.

The game GTA: San Andreas, the passage of which is difficult to forget, has created many amazing characters, which will remain in the memory of fans of the series for a long time. There are many more funny, charismatic or simply naive characters waiting to be revealed, including Officer Pulaski (Tenpenny's partner), the anarchist Mike Toreno, the lucky Barry Thorne, the funny Woozy and the hate-filled Truth.