Homemade chum salmon ambassador. How much chum salmon is salted? How to salt chum salmon at home

Until recently, I believed that any salted red fish was an exclusively store-bought product. I especially liked chum salmon spicy salting– aromatic, lightly salted, with unobtrusive notes of some spices. True, it was not easy to find one in our stores, so it was not often possible to enjoy the delicious fish. And all because I didn’t know whether and how to pickle chum salmon at home.

Thanks to my neighbor - she told me how to salt chum salmon with spices correctly and tasty. It turned out that the recipe is not complicated at all! And for the family budget, this option is more than acceptable, since fresh or frozen chum salmon is much cheaper than already salted chum salmon. By the way, you can also salt frozen fish using this recipe - just let it thaw completely at room temperature or in the positive compartment of the refrigerator.

Fish salted in this way turns out very tender and tasty. In addition to chum salmon, you can cook spicy pink salmon, salmon, trout and even mackerel this way. By the way, here it is.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: pickling.

Total cooking time: 24 h

Number of servings: 10 .


  • chum salmon – 800-900 g.
  • salt – 2 tbsp.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Note to the owner:

  • So that the pleasure is not overshadowed by anything, it is important to understand how long red fish salted in this way can be stored. It is advisable that the period does not exceed 7-8 days. Store the pieces in a small container with a lid on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Don't forget to add vegetable oil.
  • If you suddenly pickle too much chum salmon, you can extend its shelf life by putting the excess in the freezer. True, it is not advisable to do this if the fish has already been frozen before salting.

Delicious red fish - did you immediately think of salmon? In fact, there is a much less fatty and expensive alternative - chum salmon! By the way, in terms of the presence of healthy fats, for which salmon fish are so praised, chum salmon is in no way inferior to its counterparts! So you can safely cook this fish! Now we’ll tell you how to deliciously pickle chum salmon at home!

Choosing the “right” chum salmon for salting

The first stage is choosing chum salmon for salting! If we don’t catch it ourselves, we select it in the store according to the following criteria:

  • The scales should be silvery - this means that spawning changes have not yet begun in the fish, which affect its usefulness and taste!
  • Pay attention to the color of the meat! It's good if it's bright enough, but not chemical! Pale, yellowish fish should not be taken.
  • The fish rots from the head, remember? Therefore, it is better to buy a whole carcass! With red gills and bulging eyes!
  • Check the density of the meat - press it with your finger! If it “falls into place” quickly, you can take it!

When the choice of chum salmon for salting has been made, you can begin salting chum salmon at home. And there are several ways!

But first the fish needs to be cut! Be sure to separate the head and tail, remove large bones, but you don’t have to peel the scales - they won’t affect the taste!

Pickling chum salmon - the first recipe!

Mix salt, sugar, ground pepper and finely chopped bay leaf! Dip pieces of fish in this mixture and place in the refrigerator for a day. After that, we take out each piece, put it in a bag - and in the freezer for 3 days! Keta is ready!

Pickling chum salmon under pressure - recipe two!

Cut the chum salmon into pieces, then lemon juice, sugar, salt - rub the fish with it all! Place bay leaves and peppercorns in a deep bowl. There is a heavy dish on top - this is a kind of oppression. After 5-6 hours in the refrigerator, the lightly salted fish is ready.

Pickle chum salmon in brine - recipe three!

Pickling chum salmon in brine is very simple! Boil water with spices - dill, parsley, allspice, maybe cumin, and of course - salt. Then cool the brine. Chop the fish, put it in a jar, sprinkle with parsley and dill. Fill with brine and add lemon slices! All this first stands at room temperature and then goes into the refrigerator! Wait 8-12 hours!

Salting chum salmon using the dry method - recipe four!

Mix salt, sugar and vodka! You should get a homogeneous mass. We lubricate the fish pieces with it. We put it all in the refrigerator. You can eat it after 5-7 hours, or you can leave it in the freezer and eat the fish all winter long!

Now you know that pickling chum salmon is easy! The main thing is to be careful and think creatively! And if you salt the prey you freshly caught with your own hands, it turns out even tastier!

Pickling chum salmon at home is quite simple. First you need to choose the right fish.

Chum salmon most often ends up on store shelves deep frozen. In this case, it is better to choose a product that is frozen once. It is easy to distinguish it from multi-frozen ones - by appearance. The fish should be silver in color, undamaged, with straight fins. It is better to choose a whole carcass, including the head. You will spend more time cutting it, but you will be sure that the fish is not spoiled.

Many factors influence how to properly pickle chum salmon. Everything is important: from the material of the container in which salting occurs to the grinding of the salt. The container for salting chum salmon should be plastic or enameled. Do not choose metal utensils - the finished fish may acquire a metallic taste. Salt should be rock salt or first grind. It draws out excess moisture from the fish and allows it to brine in its own brine. The optimal amount of sugar to salt is 1:3. When salted, chum salmon turns out drier than salmon. Therefore, when cooking, you can add a little olive oil to the fish. It will make chum salmon meat juicier.

How to properly pickle chum salmon?

So, the fish has been selected. All that remains is to salt it properly.

First you need to let the carcass defrost. After this, cut it crosswise into two parts. We separate the ridge and large bones. Mix 1 tbsp. salt with 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Add spices and peppercorns to the mixture to taste. Coriander and bay leaves add a particularly piquant taste to the fish. Sprinkle the fish pieces with the spicy mixture and place them in a container, skin side up. Salt for 2-3 days. Salted chum salmon It will become more elastic and tender if you sprinkle it with cognac. For 1 kg. Fish takes 2-3 tbsp.

Another recipe - salmon ambassador. Cut the fish into pieces 2-4 cm thick. Prepare the brine. In 1l. add 2 tbsp of water. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, bay leaf, 5 peppercorns. Heat and let cool. Pour brine over chum salmon. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 days. Transfer to the cold for 4-5 days.

For pickling fish fillet It's best to stick to the next method.


  1. Chum salmon fillet - 1 kg.
  2. Salt - 3 tbsp.
  3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Ground pepper- 1 tsp.


  • Remove scales from the fish, if any. Cut into two parts: cut along the ridge towards the tail.
  • Divide the chum salmon into two halves, trying to leave the ribs on the backbone. The fillet should remain on the skin.
  • Dry the chum salmon meat and rub with the salt mixture. Place the fish in a plate or tray, skin side down. Place the second part on top. Both pieces of chum salmon should lie fillet to fillet.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Salted chum salmon in oil


  1. Fish carcass - 1 piece.
  2. Coarse salt -3 tsp.
  3. Sugar - 1.5 tsp.
  4. Refined vegetable oil


  • The fish should not be completely defrosted. We cut the carcass, remove the fillet. Cut it into wide pieces.
  • Mix salt and sugar. Place chum salmon in a container, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar, and pour in oil.
  • It should completely cover the fish. Place the next layer of fillet in the same way. Place the fish in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


  1. Chum salmon - 700 gr.
  2. Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  3. Salt - 2 tbsp. l
  4. Sugar - 1 tsp.
  5. Bay leaf
  6. Black pepper


  • We cut the fish, separate the fillet, cut it into small portions. Mix oil and spices. Add the oiled brine to the chum salmon.
  • Mix. Place the fish in a clean jar and pour the remaining oil on top. We put the chum salmon in the refrigerator for a day. The appetizer is ready.

Another recipe for making chum salmon has the mysterious name sagudai. Using this method, the fish turns out juicy and tender, melting in your mouth. Sagudai is a traditional dish from the north of Russia. It can be prepared from any fish of the salmon family.

How to cook sagudai from chum salmon?


  1. Chum salmon fillet - 500 gr.
  2. Medium onion - 2 pcs.
  3. Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.
  4. 70% vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  5. Water - 100 ml.
  6. Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste


  • Cut the fillet into small pieces. Cut the onion into half rings. Salt and pepper the fish, add bay leaf. Fill chum salmon with oil.
  • Prepare the marinade: mix water and vinegar. Add it to the fish.
  • We put chum salmon in the refrigerator under pressure. Readiness is determined by the color of the fish - it should turn slightly white.

Salted chum salmon - incredible delicious snack. There are many recipes for how to pickle chum salmon at home. The cooking principle is almost always the same. You need salt, sugar, spices for the marinade and 2-3 days in the refrigerator for pickling. note that the most important factor, affecting the taste of the finished product is the quality of the fish!

Especially for LadySpecial.ru - Olga Agramakova

Marinade for lightly salted red fish

Lightly salted red fish always goes with a bang!

Both in the daily menu and in the festive feast! Let's try to cook it at home with a delicious marinade.

For 1 kg of fish fillet (salmon, salmon, trout) take:

4 tablespoons sea ​​salt coarse grind,

1 tablespoon cognac,

2 tablespoons granulated sugar,

20 g fresh dill,

grated zest of 1 lemon.

Rub the fish fillet thoroughly with sugar and salt.

Roll in chopped dill and grated lemon zest.

Sprinkle with cognac.

Let's close cling film by making holes for free air access.

Let's put the fish in the refrigerator for a few hours to salt.

After 4 hours you get an excellent lightly salted taste.

If you leave it overnight, the fish will turn out even more appetizing and tastier!

Home-salted chum salmon has several advantages over the mass store-bought product.

The main thing is that you can cook the fish to your taste, and not “finish” the purchased one by soaking it in milk or flavoring it with spices. An additional bonus: the delicacy will cost significantly less.

And also, salting fish is an interesting and creative process, like any other new step along the culinary path.

If you decide to try your hand at this kind of cooking for the first time, you are welcome to visit our page. Here we will tell you in detail how to pickle chum salmon at home.

Fresh or frozen?

Chum salmon is a fairly large fish. Buying a fresh one-meter specimen for ten or twelve kilos is a common thing for Far Easterners. But to other regions of the country, the catch of Pacific fishermen is sent in the freezers of refrigerators.

As a rule, chum salmon comes into trade in the form of large steaks or fillets. This is convenient: whole fish carcasses are salted for about a week, and steaks and fillets – only a few hours.

You need to defrost delicate chum meat without haste or fuss. No warm water or, God forbid, a hot oven!

The fish should be placed in a suitable sized container and sent to the refrigerator or cellar. After about a day, the meat will defrost.

Frozen red fish can also be cut with a sharp knife. Then add salt and place under load. Will be ready in a couple of hours.

What's the salt?

IN in this case, the meaning of the question that worries beginners has not only figurative, but also the most direct meaning.

The essence of the art of preparing salted fish is precisely to measure out the correct amount of salt.

We will not delve into complex factory technologies, the ratio of salt to product mass and the volume of water in the brine.

The recipe proposed here was developed taking into account all the requirements for a quality product.

Use rock salt only with large crystals, without additives. But if you want to feel the taste of the ocean, stock up on coarse sea salt.

Follow this procedure and you will succeed.

If you “miss” a little and the fish turns out to be a little over-salted, it doesn’t matter. “Peresol” can be soaked in cool water for several hours. In the next salting, take into account the mistake you made.

Recipe No. 1. Dry pickling with lemon

You will need:

  • kilo fillet (with skin);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • five to six peas of allspice (grind);
  • two bay leaves;
  • a few slices of lemon.

Prepare the dry mixture: mix pepper, salt and sugar in a bowl.

Rub the mixture onto the fish. Place the first layer of fillets in a container, skin side down. Arrange bay leaves and lemon slices. Place the second layer skin side up. We close the container, wrap it in film to seal it, and send it to the cold.

Ready – in 6-8 hours.

Recipe No. 2. Salting in oil with mustard

  • kilo fillet (without skin);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • one tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • one teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • glass of salad sunflower oil(unrefined);
  • one tablespoon of dry mustard.

Prepare a dry mixture of pepper, mustard powder, salt, sugar.

Rub the mixture onto the fish. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Place in layers in a deep container. Fill with oil. Close and shake. We send it to the refrigerator.

Ready – in 10-12 hours.

This recipe for salting chum salmon is suitable for preparing any fairly fatty red fish. Not only chum salmon, but also salmon and coho salmon. But it’s better not to cook pink salmon this way – it might turn out a little dry.

Salting chum salmon at home can be done in three ways.

  • Firstly, you can use the simplest pickling mixture - salt and sugar.
  • Secondly, you can add a little dry zest of some citrus to the salt and sugar. The most suitable is orange zest. However, lemon, grapefruit or tangerine zest also works great.

Why do you need to add zest to the pickling mixture? This helps give the fish a fresh aroma and eliminates the fishy smell that many people find unpleasant.

  • Thirdly, you can salt chum salmon or any other red fish using spices. You will get a real spicy ambassador.

What ingredients will be needed?

It all depends on the salting method you choose.

Regular salting

For 1 kg of fish fillet with skin, take 2 tablespoons of salt (non-iodized) and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Pickling with citruses

Everything is the same, you just need to add a little dry citrus zest.

Spicy pickling

To the specified amount of salt and sugar, add ½ teaspoon of ground coriander, one 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, one teaspoon of dill seeds. You can also add 1-2 bay leaves, breaking them finely. You will get this pickling mixture.

How to salt chum salmon at home. Cooking steps

Thaw the fish fillet. If possible, we do this slowly - inside the refrigerator. And not at room temperature.

When the fish has melted, wash it, clean it if necessary and pat dry with a paper towel.

Place the fillet in a glass or enamel container. And sprinkle both sides with the pickling mixture. We sprinkle it, not rub it into the pulp.

If we use citrus zest for flavoring, then place several small pieces on and under the fish.

If we are preparing spicy salted chum salmon, then we also cover the fillets with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.

In total, chum salmon will be salted at our place for 24 hours.

Initially we place it skin side down. After 12 hours, turn over. Then after 12 hours we turn it over again, etc.

We no longer carry out any manipulations with fish. We just turn it over and that’s it.

After two days, lightly salted chum salmon is ready.

Separate the pulp from the skin.

Mode in small pieces. And we eat with pleasure.

By the way, before you start salting fish yourself, it’s not a bad idea to look at how real professionals do it.

How healthy is chum salmon, salted at home?

After all, it contains salt, sugar and fats. Is it possible to get fat from it?

No, you can't. And yes, it’s useful.

  1. There is no need to be afraid of the presence of salt in the dish, since if anything... Our fish is lightly salted. And, therefore, there can be no talk of any excess salt consumption.
  2. As for sugar, it enters the flesh of fish in such an insignificant amount that it is also not capable of causing any negative effects on the body.
  3. And finally, the most important thing - fats. In red sea ​​fish There are many omega-3 fatty acids present. And it is the presence of these compounds that explains the benefits of this product. Especially if our fish are wild. Since there are significantly fewer omega 3 acids in farm versions.

There is no way to gain weight from omega-3 fatty acids. Because they make you lose weight. These fatty compounds will also not be able to cause any other harm to health.