Why do you dream of a black raven and should you be afraid of it? Basic interpretations: why do you dream about a black raven? Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream of a Crow? if you dreamed of a black crow on the window what does it mean

From time immemorial, the black raven has been the personification of evil. He was considered a “witch bird” and contact with him was avoided in every possible way. According to other knowledge, the raven is a bird that symbolizes the wisdom of centuries and generations. The opinion of dream books about what this bird is dreaming about is also ambiguous. Therefore, it would be best to check the plot seen in a dream with several interpreters.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book gives this interpretation of a dream in which you see a black raven knocking on your window with its beak: the knock is not loud - pay attention to your life, you are probably doing something wrong. And if it knocks very loudly, then you need to change both your guidelines and priorities.

Interpretations of the Gypsy Dream Book

Often, the explanations offered by the Gypsy interpreter differ significantly from all other prophecies. Here, for example, is what a black raven dreams about, according to this “oracle”:

  • a large flock of noisy crows predicts a noisy party and fun;
  • the “night bird” flying in circles promises unexpected news;
  • saw in a dream how a bird left its nest - delay the implementation of your plans;
  • croaking birds settled on your windowsill - for a family celebration;
  • holding little crows in your hands means a period of peace and joy.

Flocks of Crows: From Bad Weather to Trouble

Did you dream of a lot of crows circling in the sky? Compare the interpretations of several interpreters and choose the one that suits your reality. Dream Interpretation by Tsvetkova believes that a loud flock of crows is a sign that someone is very bad opinion about you.

Popular uprisings, disasters and troubles are prophesied by Aesop's dream book to the dreamer, who in a dream observed how many birds with coal plumage were screaming while sitting in the trees. But the Slavic dream book promises a change in weather conditions if in a dream there are many crows huddled together.

Feathered friend as a symbol of loss and news

Pastor David Loff, suggesting why you dream of a black raven flying into the window of your apartment, promises the loss of something valuable and important for the sleeping person. But if a bird flew out the window, circled in the house and flew out into the street, then this vision means quarrels with household members.

Did you dream that a little crow flew into the house and settled on your shoulder? You will receive some news that you have been waiting for for a very long time. A tame black raven sits on your hand and eats the food you offer? This means that you will be able to find common language with a competitor.

An aggressive crow is a sign of problematic situations

If you want to understand why you dream of a big black raven attacking and pecking you, then you will find the simplest and most accurate explanations in the Eastern Dream Book.

Did you dream of a big screaming bird that attacks you, protecting its chick? You will learn some secrets of your child. And if you see in a dream that big raven pecks you in the face, then take a closer look at your surroundings - someone, posing as your friend, is plotting against you and weaving intrigues against you.

The image of a mystical bird disgusts many. However, among the ravens there are birds with fairly developed intelligence, even talking. Ravens are birds of witches and wizards along with owls; they evoke mystical awe and sometimes horror. Does a crow foretell death? Why do you even dream about a black crow? Let's consider all versions of interpretation from dream books.

Popular interpretation of dreams about a raven

The image of a crow in a dream is a warning - be careful, do not trust strangers. The croaking of a bird in a dream warns of the spread of rumors about the dreamer, about a hostile environment. A vision of a flock of crows has a bad interpretation - this is a warning of sadness, illness and trouble.

The raven is considered a bird-harbinger of trouble, however, in a dream it warns of danger - it does not prophesy. If you saw a crow in a dream, you should take a closer look at your life and surroundings - take off rose-colored glasses. The crow helps the dreamer avoid trouble in life, warning of the evil being prepared against him.

The interpretation of the dream will also depend on the appearance and behavior of the bird:

  • what size was the crow;
  • what color was the plumage;
  • what the crow did in the dream;
  • how many crows the dreamer saw;
  • what the dreamer was doing.

Crows of unnaturally large sizes warn about cunning deception, which can lead to disastrous consequences in the dreamer’s life. It is important to recognize this deception in time. If a girl in love sees a crow, she will be deceived by her loved one, and a very vile one at that.

Jet black plumage birds portend sadness, even depression. However, sadness is not necessarily associated with some kind of grief: the dreamer may simply be overwhelmed by melancholy and despondency.

A bad sign is raven pecking at body dreamer: this is a warning about the onset of illness. A cancerous tumor is possible exactly in the place where the raven pecked.

If a black raven appeared in a dream in the company of a familiar dreamer, this indicates dark soul this person. You shouldn't trust him: it's dishonest man capable of any meanness.

If the raven caws On the eve of a financial transaction or a major purchase, it is better to postpone the undertaking. This step will not lead to anything good - damages, losses, breakdowns and thefts.

Crow knocks on the window with its beak? This is a warning of impending danger. After what you saw, you should not:

  • returning home late;
  • drive a car;
  • plan trips somewhere;
  • don't get involved in big things.

However, this only applies to crows with black feathers. The knocking of a white bird's beak portends the receipt of favorable news.

What does it mean bird flying into the window? If the crow had dark plumage, expect unpleasant guests. If the plumage was of any other color, the guests will be delighted.

Flock of Crows circling above the dreamer foreshadows bad things. This could be a serious illness of the dreamer himself or even news of the death of a relative. Also, a flock of crows can warn of a trap that enemies are preparing.

Crow flying in the clear sky does not bode well: this dream foretells good changes in the dreamer's life. Moreover, the dreamer expects pure luck and tremendous success.

Try grab the crow with your hands- to disagreements with others. If the dreamer hunts a crow with a weapon (the same slingshot), this portends success in his intended affairs.

Feed the bird by hand- to meet a reliable person who will become a friend and adviser to the dreamer. This is a very auspicious dream.

If the raven sat on his shoulder— get ready to attack enemies. The dreamer will have to make efforts to prevent the secret intrigues of his enemies and stop them. Perhaps something illegal is being prepared.

If crow attacks the dreamer, in reality, he will receive unexpected news that will turn his life upside down. If you were injured by a raven in a dream, expect meanness from someone who was considered a decent person.

Dead bird carcass prophesies good news: all troubles are behind, all enemies are defeated, a bright streak is coming in the dreamer’s life.

Kill a crow in a dream- to victory over enemies. The dreamer will be able to figure out the insidious plan of his enemies and destroy their plans.

Crow chick portends good changes in your personal life. Single people will meet their soul mate, family relationships will strengthen.

If the crow talked in his sleep, you should try to remember what you heard - this is very valuable information for the dreamer, which will help in life.

Interpretation from dream books

  • ABC of dream interpretation sees in the image of a black crow a harbinger of sadness and misfortune. A flock of crows foretells trouble or someone's death. Killing a crow in a dream means getting rid of problems and suffering.
  • Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi gives meaning to the color of the crow's plumage: a green bird brings good news, a white or yellow bird portends illness, a black bird is a harbinger of trouble.
  • Newest dream book considers the crow to be a harbinger of misfortune or illness. If a crow croaks, the disease will take a protracted form, but healing will occur.
  • Russian dream book believes that the raven dreams of lies. A crow foretells the death of a loved one; killing a crow means defeating enemies.
  • Family dream book foreshadows sad events. Hearing croaking means bad news and bad influence from people. The crow warns young men about the treachery of their beloved person.
  • Dream Interpretation 2012 considers the crow to be a herald of otherworldly forces: look for strength and wisdom within yourself. Crow is the messenger of the spirit world: expand your consciousness to experience other spheres of existence and another reality. Limited perception hinders your spiritual development.
  • Dream book of the 21st century interprets the image of a croaking crow as a bad omen. Killing a bird means defeating a dangerous opponent, seeing a flock means meeting a swindler, a flying raven means bad news, eating bird meat means sadness. A crow with an object in its beak is considered a good sign - the dreamer will receive money from an unexpected source or win the lottery.

The meaning of the dream about Crow (Mythological dream book)

Why do you dream of a raven - a mythical character among many primitive peoples of America, Asia, Ancient Rus', including shamanic traditions; one of the "wonderful birds". The raven lives for a very long time, feeds on carrion and corpses - a symbol of greed, loneliness, wisdom, time, demonic; in a dream, the raven often acts as a harbinger of sad news, misfortune, evil fate or someone’s death; less often a sign of initiation into magical knowledge. Killing a raven means victory over enemies or a way out of a critical, dangerous situation.

I dreamed of a Raven (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

  • A raven seen in a dream is a sad omen. He predicts various troubles and misfortunes for you in reality.
  • For married spouses, seeing a raven is a sign of infidelity of the other half.
  • If you dreamed of a raven flying straight at you, this is a very negative sign, predicting imminent death to the dreamer.
  • Hearing a raven cawing in a dream often means bad news or other unpleasant events in life that will make you grieve. But often a croaking crow turns out to be just a sign of bad weather. So don't rush to get upset.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Carrion

Why do you dream about a raven? In a dream, seeing a crow in a dream is a harbinger of trouble, trouble, failure and even death. Many people associate their grief with this bird, because of its black color, and because crows are an integral part of any cemetery and, according to legends that have reached us, they peck out the eyes of the dead. There are many folk signs associated with this deadly bird. Perhaps these signs, deposited in your subconscious, evoked the image of a raven in a dream: “A raven croaks - to a dead man”, “Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf”, “A raven croaks at a church - to a dead man in the village; croaks on the ground - to the dead man in the yard”, “Through which the yard the crow flew cawing, there will be a dead man there.”

  • Watching a raven leave its nest in a dream is a harbinger that you should abandon the business you have started, because it will only bring troubles and misfortunes.
  • Seeing a raven sitting on a tall tree means that your troubles will not end soon, and therefore in reality you should gain strength and overcome all life’s adversities with dignity.
  • If in a dream a raven looks at you intently, then you will become an involuntary witness to a sad incident.
  • Why do you dream that a raven is circling over your head? The dream prophesies trouble.
  • If a raven circles above you screaming, then this is a fatal symbol, indicating a serious illness or death of a person close to you.
  • Destroying crow's nests in a dream means you should abandon the business you have started, because it will bring great misfortune. Perhaps the dream suggests that unexpectedly you will cause the death of someone close to you.
  • If you saw a raven carrying a snake in its paws, the dream suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to make what you think is a valuable acquisition, which will cause you a lot of trouble.
  • If you dreamed of a loudly croaking raven, then the dream warns that in reality you should be very careful in communicating with other people, because with your sometimes very harsh words and unfounded remarks you greatly offend others, as a result of which there is a possibility that in the near future time you will be left completely without friends. So the raven is a clear confirmation of one simple truth: before you say something, you need to think several times, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of a dream about City Birds (Russian folk dream book)

Why do you dream of a raven in a dream? This is a very ambiguous sign. On the one hand, it has long been considered a harbinger of trouble. Therefore, if you dream of a raven, this can often predict various troubles for you. But on the other hand, the raven is also a symbol of wisdom. Interpretation similar dream depends mainly on the impression it left behind.

Try to determine in what mood you woke up. If your soul was heavy, this turns out to be a sign that you should pull yourself together and be more vigilant so as not to adequately withstand the blows of fate. But if you were calm, the dream of a raven only confirmed that you were doing everything right. You have nothing to worry about.

Seeing a Waterfall, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Raven - It all depends on its color. If he is black, someone close to him will become seriously ill.
  • A white raven who is sick, on the contrary, will recover.
  • A croaking raven brings evil and misfortune to the house.
  • The dying raven will appear new friend(girlfriend). If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it couldn’t be better, everything is fine; if - from Saturday to Sunday, upcoming changes in your personal life will have great value and the consequences are not only for you; a dream from Sunday to Monday means a trip abroad.
  • Most often, if a raven does not pay attention to you in a dream, it means that your “other half” is going “to the left”.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do Ravens dream about Crows?

  • Seeing a raven in a dream is always an unpleasant and menacing omen. In folklore beliefs, the raven is the messenger of death. Therefore, it is believed that a raven in a dream promises death to the dreamer.
  • However, this dream has another meaning. If you dreamed of a raven, this is a warning that in reality you will suffer from someone’s treachery. Try not to share your plans with others and not blindly trust people without sufficient reason.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a raven mean in a dream?

  • Seeing a screaming raven is a negative sign.
  • To kill a raven means to escape from a dangerous rival.
  • Seeing a flock of ravens means an upcoming meeting with a swindler.
  • A raven sitting next to you means sadness.
  • Why do you dream of a raven in flight - bad news.
  • Eating a crow in a dream means trouble.
  • If you dreamed of a crow that was carrying something in its beak and dropped it, it’s a good sign; the dream predicts you a profit or an unexpected receipt of money, a find.

The meaning of the dream about the Messenger of Death ( Vedic dream book Sivananda)

A raven is an ominous and unpleasant sign if it appears in a dream. This bird has long been considered by most peoples to be the servant of death, its messenger. Thus, if you dream of a raven, it means that you will have to lose someone close to you. According to Vedic sources, a raven in a dream predicts participation in a sad funeral procession.

Ancient French dream book

Raven - interpretation of a dream

  • Seeing a raven in a dream is a sign of imminent sadness.
  • A raven's wing spread over you means imminent danger in reality.
  • Why do you dream of a raven croaking loudly and unpleasantly - it means losses.
  • You are participating in a raven hunt - a good harvest is expected.
  • Flocks of crows that you dreamed of on the plain predict disasters and famine.
  • Seeing crows dead is a very good sign.
  • Crows in flight - warning about mortal danger waiting for those to whom they fly.
  • If your husband turns into a raven in a dream, this is a sign of sadness.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Raven in a dream?

  • You saw a raven, in most cases it means that you are actually facing health problems, you will have to suffer some kind of disease. And if you have not visited a doctor for a long time and have not undergone a medical examination, when you see a raven, you should definitely correct this mistake. Remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later.
  • If you dream of the cry of a raven, in reality expect to receive bad news soon.
  • A raven in a dream can be a positive sign. But only if you dreamed that you were eating crow meat. There is a crow in a dream - the dream predicts you making a profit, prosperity, and gaining wealth. A well-fed and prosperous life awaits you. In any case, this is how this dream is interpreted ancient book dreams. And although in reality you are unlikely to eat crows, who knows? Anything can happen in a dream.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Crow from your dream

  • Seeing a raven - a dream can be interpreted in several ways, but in any case it is negative. Very often, seeing a raven in a dream means that you will soon receive news of someone’s death. The image also suggests that in your behavior you are very susceptible to the influence of your family, perhaps your father, which ultimately destroys your life and does not bring you happiness.
  • But the raven can also symbolize your own negative personality traits. As you can see, a raven in a dream is a complex symbol. And in order to figure out what exactly such a dream promises you, you should remember in detail all its details and trust your own intuition.

The meaning of the dream about the Messenger (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream about the Raven - a sad messenger, announcing with its cry and even its very appearance about misfortunes and troubles.
  • If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, then soon there will be a military conflict, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for the crows and sorrow, mourning for the people.
  • Seeing a screaming raven means death is looming over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come.
  • If crows build nests in trees in a dream, it foretells a disease that will strike people and livestock, so that they will stop eating animal meat. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy.
  • If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, then the dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and the birds will not find grains, they will die in large numbers, if they are not saved, flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest.
  • To kill a raven in a dream - in reality you will be powerless in the face of the fatal illness of someone close to you, medicines will not help, no matter how much you rely on them and on doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will make him brighter last days in this world.
  • In a dream, you kill a black bird (a fatal disease), considering it the source of suffering, in fact, death is a relief for the patient, and he knows it, and you need to come to terms with it.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Raven as an image in a dream

  • Seeing a raven is a warning about some losses in reality.
  • If you dreamed of a screaming raven or simply heard its cry, such a dream predicts misfortune.
  • The worst meaning is a dream in which you saw a flock of ravens flying around your house, circling above it or near it. The dream is considered a harbinger of death.
  • Seeing a raven stealing something means mortal fear awaits you in reality.
  • Scare a raven in a dream - you will be able to track down a thief or expose the machinations of a fraudster.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which the Raven dreamed

Raven, crow - If you dreamed of a crow or a raven, this indicates that your existing relationship is at the stage when the external obscures the internal essence. You feel good in bed, but you yourself don’t really know what feelings, other than passionate desire, bind you and make your new union so attractive to both of you. Upon sober reflection, you begin to understand that harmony and mutual understanding between you reign only in bed, while in usual time you have a hard time finding something to talk about. Most likely, you are truly connected only by intimate relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a raven mean in a dream?

  • It is not without reason that the raven is considered an ominous bird. If he appears in a dream, this turns out to be a very alarming sign. In most cases, seeing a raven is a warning that you will soon experience some kind of loss.
  • If you dreamed of a screaming raven, this predicts misfortune for the dreamer.
  • And if a raven flew around the house in a dream, this is a sign of approaching death.
  • Seeing a raven stealing something means you will have to face a situation that will cause you mortal fear.
  • Only a vision in which you frightened and drove away a raven has a positive meaning. It suggests that in reality you will be able to track down a thief or expose a fraudster in your circle.

The meaning of the dream about the Thing Bird (Lunar Dream Book)

Why do you dream about a raven? Raven is a prophetic bird that predicts various important events in your life. If you dreamed of a raven, this is a warning about the imminent onset of pregnancy. Try to think in advance about how desirable she is to you. If you are married or have been dreaming of a child for a long time, the dream can make you very happy. And, conversely, if now you are not ready for this, the vision warns you to try to take all the necessary precautions in time.

A raven seen in a dream is a harbinger of trouble, trouble, failure and even death. Many people associate their grief with this bird, perhaps because of its black color, or perhaps because crows are an integral part of any cemetery and, according to legends that have reached us, peck out the eyes of the dead. There are many folk superstitions associated with this deadly bird. Perhaps these signs, deposited in your subconscious, evoked the image of a raven in a dream: “A raven croaks - to a dead man”, “Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf”, “A raven croaks at a church - to a dead man in the village; croaks on the ground - to the dead man in the yard”, “Through which the yard the raven flew, cawing, there will be a dead man there.”

Watching a raven leave its nest in a dream is a harbinger that you should abandon the business you have started, because it will only bring troubles and misfortunes.

To see a raven sitting on a tall tree in a dream means that your troubles will not end soon, and therefore real life You should gain strength and overcome all life's adversities with dignity.

If in a dream a raven looks at you intently, then you will become an involuntary witness to a sad incident.

If you dreamed that a raven was circling above your head, then such a dream prophesies trouble. If a raven circles above you screaming, then this is a fatal symbol, indicating a serious illness or death of a person close to you.

Destroying crow's nests in a dream is a sign that you should abandon the business you have started, because it will bring great misfortune. Perhaps such a dream indicates that, unexpectedly for yourself, you will cause the death of someone close to you.

If in a dream you saw a raven carrying a snake in its paws, then such a dream suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to make what you think is a valuable acquisition, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dreamed of a loudly croaking raven, then the dream warns that in real life you should be very careful in communicating with other people, because with your sometimes very harsh words and unfounded remarks you greatly offend others, as a result of which there is a possibility that Soon you will be completely without friends. So this dream is a clear confirmation of one simple truth: before you say something, you need to think several times.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Raven

The raven is a sad messenger, announcing with its cry and even its very appearance about misfortunes and troubles.

If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, then soon there will be a military conflict, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for the crows and sorrow, mourning for the people.

Seeing a screaming raven is a sure sign that death is looming over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come.

A dream in which crows build nests in trees foreshadows a disease that will strike people and livestock, so that they will stop eating animal meat. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy.

If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, then such a dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and the birds will not find grains, they will die in large numbers, if they are not saved, flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest.

To kill a raven in a dream - in reality you will be powerless in the face of the fatal illness of someone close to you, medicines will not help, no matter how much you rely on them and on doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will make his last days in this world bright. In a dream, you kill a black bird (a fatal disease), considering it the source of suffering, in fact, death is a relief for the patient, and he knows it, and you need to come to terms with it.

Interpretation of dreams from

In many cultures around the world, the crow holds a special place. A variety of mythical properties were attributed to her. Some folk tales indicate that this bird is a guide to other world, and according to other legends she is considered a messenger from the afterlife.

To understand why the crow dreamed, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot. You should not think that this bird is a harbinger of sadness; dream books offer a variety of interpretations. It is very important to remember appearance the crow that appeared in your night dreams. Your behavior regarding the bird you saw in a dream is also important.

Seeing a crow from afar

If in a dream you saw a crow in the distance and did not touch it, then this is a very favorable sign. It symbolizes your confidence and fearlessness. At the present time, you feel like a powerful person and you can handle a lot.

Why do you dream of a black raven?

Very often the question arises as to why a black raven dreams. Such a dream can be a direct warning that in real life they want to deceive you. To avoid this for some time, you need to be safe and control everything that happens around you, as well as personally check any information that comes to you. But if you dream of a black crow in a cage, then this symbolizes that you have a strong influence on the people around you.

A large number of crows seen in a dream warns that the time has come to pay attention to your own health. And if in your night dreams you did not see the bird itself, but heard its croaking, then this warns that in reality you may commit a rash act or make the wrong decision. It is unlikely that this will lead to serious consequences, but there will be troubles.

dead crow

If you happened to see a dead crow in a dream, then there will be no troubles in the near future. You can calmly go about your planned activities. Other dream plots may mean the following:
    Many noisy crows jumping on the ground and sitting on tree branches foreshadow a noisy party with friends. A crow flying through the air foretells receiving important news. There is a high probability that you will not be ready for them, since they will be too unexpected. A crow flying out of the nest indicates that it is advisable to abandon the plan for a while. Flocks of crows in the trees are a harbinger of a large family gathering at which there will be discuss important issues.

A white crow seen in a dream is considered good sign. He indicates that the dreamer’s merits will be fully appreciated in the near future and this, of course, can be expressed in material rewards. Besides, white crow may symbolize an extraordinary person whom the dreamer will soon meet.

Actions of a crow in a dream

If you dreamed that a black crow was staring at you in a dream, you should not be afraid. Such a dream indicates that you will see something important in real life. But at the same time you will only be a witness, not a participant. And when a crow flies up to you in a dream and sits next to you, it symbolizes your sadness. Moreover, it may well be inexplicable and causeless. You need to force yourself to be more optimistic about life.

A crow flew into your house

If, according to the plot of the night's dreams, a crow flew into open window your home, then this foreshadows a family reunion. But you should pay attention to the following:
    If a crow, having flown in, continues to fly around the room, then harmony and calm will come to the family, without any effort on your part. If the crow sits on the furniture, then in order to create a friendly family you will have to work hard.
If a black crow pecks at a window glass in a dream, then this warns that danger is looming over you in life. But if it does white birds, then there is nothing to fear, but you need to wait for good news that will bring joy to your home. Other actions in a dream in which a crow dreamed can be interpreted as follows:
    Killing a crow means winning a victory over enemies or competitors. Eating crow meat in a dream means you will soon fall in love and spin in a whirlpool of feelings and emotions. Hunting a crow is a harbinger of a good harvest. Catching a crow with your hands means entering into a serious conflict with someone in reality. Picking up little chicks means expecting a period of calm and prosperous life.

Aggressive crow

If you dreamed of an aggressive crow that attacks you, then this is an unfavorable sign. He foretells that the dreamer will have to experience feelings in reality that will be very unpleasant for him. And if the bird did attack and managed to defeat you, then this portends a separation from your loved one, due to the machinations of ill-wishers. But if, as a result of the battle with the crow, you managed to fight off, then you will be able to maintain your relationship with your loved one, although you will have to go through a difficult period. Also, a victory over a crow can portend bright victories in the business sphere.

Talking Crow

When, according to the plot of the dream, it flew into your home talking crow, you need to remember her croaking. If the bird warned of danger, then in reality it is necessary to exercise caution. Some dream books focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that the louder the crow’s croak, the greater trouble a person can expect in reality.

A black raven is pecking you

When storyline based on the fact that a black raven pecks at some part of the dreamer’s body, this portends serious illness. This is a very disturbing dream that is of a warning nature. Therefore, it is better to undergo a medical examination after such a dream.

Feed the crow

If in your night dreams you have to feed a crow, then you will easily overcome any obstacles on the way to your goals. This will be due to the fact that no enemies will be able to interfere with you. You will be able to uncover all the intrigues of your enemies, and you will definitely achieve success.