KVN in elementary school. Mathematical KVN script for primary grades

KVN in Russian for elementary students


2 teams of 8 people each participate. Each team has its own symbol,


Stage decoration:

"There is no force more powerful than knowledge: a person armed with knowledge -


A.M. Gorky.

"Learn Russian - years in a row,

With soul, with zeal, with mind!

A great reward awaits you,

And that reward is in himself."

Sabir Abdullah.

KVN motto:

I came to the club without frowning.

Be cheerful until the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And our program is the highlight.

Don't be shy, don't break down,

Obey all laws!

Host: So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply of ideas!

And who are they for?

For you!

1. Greeting the teams.

A). We are funny guys

And we don’t like to be bored

We are with you with pleasure

We will play KVN.

And let the struggle rage more intensely,

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

B). We answer together

And here there is no doubt.

Today there will be friendship

Mistress of victories.

And, competing, together with you

We will remain friends.

Let the fight rage on

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

All participants sing a song about KVN (to the melody of the song “Smile”).

Our friendly class loves KVN,

And he will announce the meeting now.

Here are the fans, and here is the jury.

The path to victory is difficult, no matter what you say.

We are entrusted with you

Conduct a successful battle

To test resourcefulness and knowledge.

You are great, native language,

You are rich, native language,

You are our friend, and that is what we will all believe.

2. Warm-up “Guess the name of our team”

The captain of each team reports:

1) Our team name represents the name of the item, answers the

questions Who?, What?, in a sentence there is a subject and a secondary


2) The name of our team indicates the name of the item's actions,

answers the question What does it do?, it can be a predicate in a sentence.

The presenter asks questions to the fans:

What is the name of each team? What other parts of speech do you know?

3. Competition "Answer five!"

The competition consists of 2 stages.

1) Count how many sounds and how many letters.



Cash register






2) Make up a word by rearranging the letters.

Lanpe (pencil case)

Tarpa (desk)

Ganik (book)

Vatra (herb)

Chkaru (handle)

Kisark (paints)

Vonzok (bell)

Elon (deer)

Find extra word. Justify your answer.

4. Competition "Where are the native words, the same roots?"

On the board - 2 rhymes with related and unrelated

in words:

Squirrel, little white, whiten,

Water, water, led,

Leaf, fox, little fox,

Elk, flap, calf,

Mountain, hill, town,

Dog, sand and sand.

Sailors, marine, walruses,

Root, root, cakes,

Cold, hillock, chill,

A nose, wears a sock.

Seed, seed, family,

Suddenly, girlfriend and friends.

Each team writes out from its rhyme only

related, cognate words, denoting the root in them.

The first players to complete the task on each team

go to the board, indicate roots in related words and

explain why the remaining words are not related.

5. Competition “Who would help us find out where the console is, where


The words are written on the board in 2 columns:

(behind) the mountain


(Under) the pine tree

(Over) scream

(On) the mountain

(About) judge

(In) the yard

(From) teach

(C) armchair scarf

(C) was dragged by a puppy...

(Po) dragged

(Over) the corner...

(By) ruffled

(From) all sides...

And (by) rushed

(On) the balcony.

Players open the brackets and explain whether they are combined or separate.


6. Fan competition "Form a noun"

Adjectives are written in 2 columns on the board:

Stupid -... (stupid)

Boastful - ... (braggart)

Strong - ... (strongman)

Lazy - ... (lazy)

Brave - ... (daredevil)

Old - ... (old man)

Chatty - ... (chatterbox)

Strong - ... (strong)

Brave - ... (brave)

Naughty - ... (naughty)

Rich - ... (rich)

Wise - ... (sage)

Loud - ... (screamer)

Little - ... (baby)

Kind - ... (kind)

Rude - ...(rude)

You need to choose a cognate for the adjective

noun – the name of a person.

7. Captains competition

Task: find a word by its parts.

1) Root - related to the road,

The prefix is ​​hidden in the assembly.

Suffix as in diary

The whole thing penetrated into space. (Satellite.)

2) My root is in “price”.

In the "essay" find the prefix for me.

You met my suffix in the “notebook”,

Everything is in my diary and in the magazine. (Grade.)

8. Competition "Replace with one verb"

Assignment: replace each phraseological phrase with a verb

close in meaning.

Poke your nose - (to be curious)

Pout lips - (to be offended)

Lose your temper - (get angry)

Hack on the nose - (remember)

Talk with your teeth - (distract)

Scratching tongues - (chattering)

Lead by the nose - (deceive)

Run away - (run away)

Puzzle - (think)

Nod off - (doze off)

9. Competition "Object or action?"

Players must indicate which of the highlighted words represents

object, and which is the action of the object, and prove the answer

asking questions.

1) Fired up the oven to make pies


2) The bucket started leaking and the water became


3) A bear in the forest, not knowing the rules,

Once I was driving a motorcycle.

1) Snow cover the entire field


2) Katyusha sang, she sang all the songs

began to sing.

3) Who is without a brush and whitened,

Whitewashed the roofs of the city?

10. Fan Contest

Task: find the hidden words.

Stable - (lion), scythe - (wasp),





fishing rod,


11. Competition for teams “Can we write a dictation in “4” and

to "5"

Each team member writes 1 sentence, 1 participant


Russian language

I love Russian language lessons. In these lessons we learn to understand the power and beauty of our native language. How much is in it apt words! The Russian language is sonorous and beautiful. In the words you can hear the howl of a blizzard, the buzzing of a bee. Pushkin wrote poems in this language, Tolstoy wrote short stories for children.

12. Competition " Homework"The teams were given the task in advance to pick up riddles about the forest and its inhabitants. Members of one team make riddles, and the second team guesses them. Then they change roles. You can

turn to fans for help.

13. The jury announces the score. The presenter sums up

competitions. Rewarding participants.

14. KVN participants perform the song “Serious Conversation” (music by N. Prokudin, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take it with anxiety.

She is difficult, but without her

It would be a bad life!

Don't compose a telegram

And don't send a postcard,

Even my own mother

Happy birthday can't be wished!

Sending congratulations,

Remember the rule of declination.

Gender, number and cases

Keep it in mind!

And prefixes and particles -

Like cunning little animals!

They want to frolic

Deceive the students!

Love you, grammar!

You are smart and strict.

You, my grammar,

I will master it little by little!

15. Summing up

The presenter thanks the children for participating in the competition. Jury

announces the results.


Knowledge is a mysterious book of human wisdom that amazes all people on the planet at any age with its amazing pages. It is never possible to flip through these mysterious pages to the end, which means that throughout his life, every day a person discovers new and new page books of knowledge, becomes wiser and more literate.

The phonogram sounds fun music or songs about school. Two leading students (hereinafter referred to as teacher assistants) come out.


Knowledge is light, but ignorance is darkness!

This truth is right.

We invite all the guys

Play with us!


Along with humor and jokes

Let's take a minute to learn

And let's check which one of you

Knows more at this hour.


Today, the two most friendly teams that meet in the club of cheerful and resourceful people will go to mysterious world words.

But first we must greet our experts. Meet!

1. Welcoming teams to the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

1st team - “Seekers”.


Explore everything

Find out everything

Easy trails

Don't look.

2nd team - “Dreamers”.


Burn yourself

Light up others.

To be ahead -

(They're coming, greetings from the teams).

1st competition: “In the world of proverbs and sayings.”

Listen to this folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings:

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

They give two non-scientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it.

Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

And now the task: continue the proverbs and sayings about knowledge. (The team that named the most proverbs wins).

Possible answers:

I read it new book— met with a friend.

Knowledge is the tree, and action is the fruit.

Live forever and learn.

He who does not consult is not deceived.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

What I studied is what I learned.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster.

Without effort there is no knowledge.

Study, think, otherwise there will be no point.

A dropout is worse than an unscientist.

2nd competition: “Say it in one word.”

Tasks are read to each team in turn. It is necessary to call a combination of two words one word, i.e. define the previous phrases:

Brave man... (brave man)

Chatty man... (chatterbox)

Lazy man... (lazy)

Wise man... (sage)

Rich man... (rich man)

Rude man... (rude)

Strong man... (strong man)

Cheerful man... (cheerful fellow)

3rd competition: “Explain the aphorism.”


Well done, now listen to some statements about the knowledge of great people and try to explain how you understand these words.

“Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free and great” (D. I. Pisarev).

“One can reveal more than another, but no one can reveal everything” (Ancient Roman saying).

“Whoever studied the sciences, but does not apply them, is like one who plowed, but did not sow” (Saadi).

“By teaching others, we learn ourselves.” (Seneca).

The teacher invites students to think about these statements. The team whose reasoning was more convincing wins.

4th competition: “Literate”.

Three people perform from each team. The teacher or assistants distribute several cards to each team.

The teacher suggests inserting the missing letters where needed.

Wonderful, terrain, smooth, but...ki, po...write, announcement, tr...kick, potato.

Beautiful, rope...nik, how...ky, lo...ki, oh...give, under...drive, snow...zhinka, d...rk.

Count how many sounds and how many letters there are in words.

Yula - ... Hedgehog - ...

Skates - ... Days - ...

Sun - ... Heart - ...

5th competition: “Make a word.”

Make as many new words as possible from the letters of the word “transport”. The one who names wins last word. (Sport, cake, mouth, nose, dispute, cable, variety, port, litter, growth, toast, post, crust, ar, tone, note, trail).

6th competition: “The fourth wheel”.

Determine which word out of five is superfluous in this combination:

Water, driver, underwater, water carrier

flood, flood, flood, water

7th competition: “Through the mouth of a baby.”

The teacher or the leading guys ask both teams questions at the same time. To guess the hidden word, several leading questions are asked. The team whose members guess the meaning of this word faster wins:

If it is not there, then there is no joy;

Without it there is not life, but existence;

They always wish it to each other, especially in letters; you can't buy it for any money.


Every person dreams of him, that everything will be good in his life;

But no one knows where to look for him;

There is a fabulous bird that brings it.


Such a person brings everything into his house - whether he needs it or not;

He doesn't like to give gifts or share candy;

It’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway.

A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed;

Adults say that this helps to educate correctly;

A person is deprived of something, not allowed to go out for walks because of a bad deed.


We always miss her, and therefore we often wish her for someone leaving or leaving;

She accompanies someone everywhere, and therefore he is happy;

When it happens, they say “Well, lucky!”

For a correct answer on the first attempt - 3 points, on the second - 2 points, on the third - 1 point.

8th competition: “Correct the mistake in the proverb.”

In this competition, you need to correct the mistake and name the proverb correctly. The speed of task completion is taken into account. The team whose players completed the task faster wins.

Assignment to the first team:

The woman is busy, but there is a clamp. (The woman is with the cart, it’s easier for the mare).

Troubles torment, but hands do. (Troubles torment, but teach intelligence).

You can't put on a scarf without difficulty. (You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty).

Assignment to the second team:

The eyes are frightening, but they teach the mind. (The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing).

You can't take a fish out of the pond just for the sake of it. (You can’t put a scarf on just any mouth).

If only there was a neck, it would be easier for the mare. (If there was a neck, there would be a clamp).

9th competition: “Overtaking”.

All children are given questions that must be answered at a fast pace. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer. In the end, the team whose players scored more reward points for correct answers wins.

Dull noise from friction. (Rustle)

The junction of sewn pieces of fabric. (Seam)

Baby jackdaw. (Galchonok)

A thorny bush with sweet and sour berries. (Gooseberry)

Car driver. (Chauffeur)

Crew of a ship, plane, tank. (Crew)

A visit, trip, or travel of a group of people for a special purpose. (Excursion)

Underground railway. (Metro)

A magical tablecloth on which food appears by itself. (Self-assembly)

One side of a sheet of paper or book. (Page)

10th competition: “Homework”.

Members of one team tell their opponents riddles about the forest and its inhabitants.

What is the tallest grass on earth? (Bamboo)

Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the leg)

Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (Identical)

Summing up, determining the winners and awarding.

"Mathematical KVN" forprimary school

Target: Forming students’ interest in mathematics through playful and entertaining material.


1. Give children joy and pleasure from educational games.

2. Develop logical thinking, imagination, ingenuity, speech.

3. Improve the ability to make a whole from parts, and computational skills.

4. Develop in students communication competencies(communication culture, ability to work in groups)

5. Foster friendly relationships, revenue, and the desire to help teammates.

“Mathematics should then be taught that it puts the mind in order” (M.V. Lomonosov). Mathematics disciplines the mind and teaches logical thinking (M.I. Kalinin). Mathematics is the language in which all exact sciences are spoken (N.I. Lobachevsky).

I. Opening remarks. Self-determination for educational activities.

Smile, mentally wish each other peace and goodness. Wish each other success in conducting this KVN.

Dear guys! Today we are holding KVN in mathematics. Who knows how to decipher KVN?

Today KVN is not simple, but fun and entertaining. Fun questions, poems, riddles, and puzzles await you. After all, this is all our mathematics - amazing, interesting, fascinating and not at all boring!

Since ancient times, people have called mathematics the queen of sciences because mathematics is used in various fields of knowledge. One of the most important sections mathematics - arithmetic.

Arithmetic is the science of numbers, the properties of numbers and operations on them.

Mathematics! The world would be uninteresting without her. There wouldn't be scientific discoveries neither on sea, nor on land, nor in the Universe. Guys, let's hasten to make an extraordinary journey into the world entertaining tasks, riddles and questions.

To work as a team, you need to know some rules:

Work together, all together;

Be able to listen to your friend;

Do not offend a friend who has made a mistake;

Don't laugh at a team that is losing;

Don't get angry if you lose.

Command representation:

Leading. Today two teams participate in our KVN.

Teams, please greet each other.

Please welcome, dear jury.

Teams take turns saying their name and motto together.


1 Captain:

Our team - "Friendship"

Motto: Friendship and success!


We will defeat everyone today!
All for one, one for all,
Then the team will be successful!

2 Captain:

Our team – “Sun”

Motto Sunny is like this:
We win with kindness!


We love the beauty of summer,
Sun, sea and game.

II. Conducting KVN Presenter: The best mathematicians do not lose heart, calculate quickly, solve problems well, are inquisitive, and always live cheerfully and amicably. Let's start KVN.

Competition 1. “Warm-up”

Presenter: I assign tasks to the teams. If a team does not solve its problem, another team solves this problem for it.

1) 125 pears grew on an oak tree. The boys came and knocked down 25 pears. How many pears are left on the oak tree?

2) What can you see with your eyes closed?

3) When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

4) Which figure has no beginning or end?

5) There were 3 green tomatoes on the windowsill. A day later they turned red. How many green tomatoes are left?

6) how many ends do two sticks have?

7) Guess it, guys:
What kind of figure is an acrobat,
If it gets on your head,
Will it be exactly 3 less? (9)

8) Dima is 5 years old, and Katya is 9 years old. Who is younger?

Competition 2. “Guess the word”

Teams are offered puzzles made using numbers.

Teacher. Decipher the hidden words. And you can only do this if you solve the puzzles. Teams solve puzzles. For each puzzle, the team receives a point.

O 5 (again); R 1 a (Motherland); 100 lb (pillar);

40 A (forty); with 3 f (swift); 100 faces (capital);

Competition 3. “Solve the problem.”

Presenter: In one minute, each team must decide greatest number tasks.

The jury keeps track of time and counts the correct answers.

Tasks on sheets of paper.

Tasks of team number 1.

1. The girl has 5 apples. She ate all but 3. How many apples does she have left? (3)

2. Which number has as many numbers as letters? (100 - hundred.)

3. How many months are there in a year? (12)

4. 3 ostriches were flying. The hunter shot one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)

5. 7 candles were burning. 2 of them went out. How many candles are left?

6. The table cover has 4 corners. One of them was sawed off. How many angles are there?

Tasks of team No. 2.

1. A goose weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (3 kg.)

2. How many ears do 5 mice have? (10)

3. The field was plowed by 6 tractors. 2 of them stopped. How many tractors are there in the field? (6)

4. Dunya was carrying 12 apples in a sieve, and the bottom fell. How many apples are left in the sieve? (Not a single one: the bottom fell out.)

5. How many legs do 2 centipedes have? (80)

6. How many sides does a square have?

Competition 4.Attentive team

From geometric shapes make a figure (sticky paper) one animal at a time (cat and fox)

Playing with spectators

Guess the puzzles.




"Captains Competition" – 5 "Magic word"

Host: Come on, our captains, come into the ring.

Captains must: come up with as many words as possible using the word “Triangle”.

Angle, coal, goal, cinema, current, cat, hands, three, count, mouth, rivers, zero, trill, etc.

Presenter: game with the audience. Guys, you are given pieces of paper with figures on it. You have to count how many triangles there are in the picture.

III. RESULT. Reflection:

It's game over

It's time to sum up the results!

The jury gives the floor.

On the screen are seven colorful butterflies in order of the colors of the rainbow. On each butterfly there is a letter:

Follow the butterflies with your eyes in the order I name, connect the letters and read the word: green butterfly, red, purple, yellow, blue, orange, blue. What word did you get? (Well done.)

After the jury spoke and awarded the winners.


Friends! Our KVN is over.

You tried your best

We look forward to seeing you all again.

Until we meet again, goodbye everything.

Author: Vertinskaya Marina Viktorovna, teacher primary classes.
Place of work: TOGKOU boarding school No. 33.

Description: Literary KVN can be used both in lessons and in extracurricular activities in elementary school. Interesting and exciting tasks activate students and increase interest in the subject.
Target: development of communication skills and creative abilities of students.
Tasks: develop the ability to think and reason logically; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and the ability to work in a team; broaden the horizons of students.
Who will win, who will lose -
This secret is bothering you.
But we wish you success,
Happiness, joy and laughter!
And let the fight rage faster,
Stronger competition.
Success is not decided by fate,
But only your knowledge!

1. Greeting the teams
- Exercise– Write the team name on a piece of paper and introduce the team.

2. Warm up
- Answer questions(teacher reads, children answer: “Who is faster!”)
- Letter package (envelope)
-Who writes books? (writer)
- Break between lessons (recess)
- The largest bird in the world (ostrich)
- What does elk lose every winter? (horns)
- What are words that have the same root called? (cognate)
- President of Russia (V.V. Putin)
- Select Lomonosov’s middle name:
- What was it called? native village Lomonosov:
- How old was Lomonosov when he left his parents’ home:
- What language were classes taught at the University of the Academy of Sciences:
Old Slavonic
- By observing which planet, Lomonosov made a discovery of world significance?

3. Decipher the name of the competition (Captains Competition. Envelopes with letters are distributed, you need to collect the word).

4. Captain competition (tasks are distributed to each captain).
For captains: For example: Oatmeal - poultry and porridge.
Kiwi is a bird and...
Comet - carp and...
Zephyr is a butterfly and...
Frigate is a bird and...
Phalanx is a spider and...
The slipper is multicellular and...
Loach is a fish and...
A saucer is a mollusk and...

For the team: connect the parts.

5. Solve crosswords and puzzles (the task is given to each team).

4. Rings and blooms (bell).
6. Makes ice and snow (frost) from water.
7. Your favorite time of year is when there are big holidays (summer).
8. An insect that lives near water and drinks blood (mosquito).
9. Liquid without which no one can live (water).
1. Gray, with a tail, afraid of cats (mouse).
2. The place where wheat grows (field).
3. The largest in the ocean (whale).
4. Milky-way's mother (cow).
5. Mother of the foal (horse).


How many triangles:

6. Description of fairy tales and fairy tale heroes. Guess the animal story (the task is given to each team, they complete it against the clock).
1) The heroine of this fairy tale, taking advantage of a chance find of money, not only made a profitable purchase for her birthday, but also successfully married a brave lamplighter. What kind of fairy tale is this?
2) The heroes of this fairy tale are flying child kidnappers. Taking advantage of human carelessness, the flying villains stole little boy and gave it to Baba Yaga. The sister of the unfortunate child had to undergo severe trials. In order not only to save his brother, but also not to fall into the clutches of kidnappers again. What kind of fairy tale is this?
3) The heroes of this tale are young brothers-builders, two of whom, because of their frivolity in their assigned work, almost fell into the teeth of their bosom gray enemy. And only the construction skills of one of the brothers prevented the bloody drama from breaking out. What kind of fairy tale is this?
4) The hero of this fairy tale is a bloodthirsty villain who, with his mustaches, scared all the animals to death, and it is not yet known how this story would end scary story, if the stupid kid hadn't accidentally eaten the mustachioed villain. What kind of fairy tale is this?
5) The heroine of this fairy tale has the rare ability to give gold things to her owners. However, instead of joy, these gifts bring only tears. What kind of fairy tale is this?
6) The heroes of this fairy tale are a forest family, into whose house a naughty girl accidentally ended up. The invasion of an uninvited guest not only deprived the owners of a delicious dinner, but also caused damage in the form of broken furniture. What kind of fairy tale is this?
7. Make as many words as possible from the word (in 5 minutes)

8. Summing up (a game is played with the teams)