Natalya Osipova: I'm always interested in trying everything new. Natalya Osipova became the prima ballerina of the Perm theater Natalya Osipova personal life

Russian ballerina Natalia Osipova, known as a prima ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theatre, the London Royal Ballet and the American Ballet Theatre.

Natalya was born in Moscow in 1986. Masterfully controlling her body, she became interested in gymnastics, however, after two years, this type of self-development had to be abandoned - seven-year-old Natasha received a serious injury that precluded further studies. On the advice of the coach, the parents took the girl to ballet school, where Natalya found herself and her business in for many years. She later received professional training at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

The creative path of Natalya Osipova / Natalya Osipova

Ten years after the first exercise at the barre, Osipova has already been accepted into the ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater. Four years later she plays leading roles, and in 2010 she becomes a prima ballerina. However, wanting to develop further, in 2011 Natalya moved to St. Petersburg and there became the prima of the Mikhailovsky Theater.

At the same time, the ballerina takes part in foreign productions: she is increasingly invited to perform at the Grand Opera, La Scala, the Royal Opera of London, the American Ballet Theater, and the London Royal Ballet.

However, despite the great demand in classical ballet, Natalya is increasingly looking away modern dance. According to the artist, her injuries and the routine of ballet rehearsals led to this decision.

Into the modern world dance shows yesterday's ballerina enters not alone, but with her partner, scandalous Sergei Polunin. Together they perform in a production of three one-act ballets on the stage of Sadler's Wells Theater in London.

Natalya Osipova: “When we united, many thought that I had gone crazy. They immediately began to give me all sorts of advice. But I always did what I wanted. And if my heart tells me that I should do just that, then that’s what I will do.”

Critics still assess Osipova's new style as controversial and in need of improvement, but at the same time they do not lose faith that Natalya will still win the favor of the public in modern dance.

Natalya Osipova is one of the five best ballerinas in the world who managed to conquer the famous European stages. The girl’s career developed rapidly; at the age of 24, Natasha was already a prima dancer at the Bolshoi Theater. IN lately the ballerina worked in Europe and America, but in 2017 she decided to work in her homeland, and not just anywhere, but in provincial Perm. Her role called her there.

Childhood and youth

Natasha was born into a Muscovite family in 1986. When the girl was 5 years old, her parents took her to gymnastics, but her relationship with this area did not work out. Point at sports biography caused by a severe back injury. The coaches advised me to try my hand at dancing, so Natasha ended up in ballet.

Osipova has the Moscow Academy of Choreography behind her. From the walls educational institution the girl went straight to the troupe of the legendary Bolshoi Theater, where she first appeared on stage in the fall of 2004.


The capital's public fell in love with young ballerina. Ballet connoisseurs never ceased to admire the brilliant jumps and flights, the lyricism of the image and the perfect technique of performance. In the very first season, Natasha began to be trusted with solo parts. The actress lasted seven years at the Bolshoi.

In 2007, Natalya Osipova, as part of a grand tour, performed for the first time on the stage of the famous London Covent Garden. The audience warmly welcomed the ballerina, who also received the British National Award in the category “classical ballet”. A year later, her native theater awarded the talented girl the title of leading dancer.

Natasha tried on the images of Kitri in the production of Don Quixote, Sylphide in the ballet of the same name, and Medora in The Corsair. The role of Giselle caused a storm of delight. However, the brilliant performance is understandable, because this is Osipova’s favorite character of all that she had the chance to embody. The girl admitted to journalists that every time she went on stage, she tried to convey emotions and experiences fairy tale.

In the spring of 2010, the ballerina reached the pinnacle of her career at the Bolshoi Theater, becoming its prima. At the same time, the dancer received offers from the leaders of foreign temples of Melpomene. The American Ballet Theater turned out to be particularly persistent; at the invitation, Natalia shone several times at the New York Metropolitan Opera, dancing in “Giselle” and “La Sylphide”.

In 2011, Russian ballet fans were surprised by the news that Osipova and her partner had left the Bolshoi. Star couple went to St. Petersburg, where Natalya was appointed prima singer of the Mikhailovsky Theater.

Later, the actress told the press that in Moscow she was “overstayed at being young”, her repertoire froze in one place - the girl did not want to remain the eternal Kitri. And in the St. Petersburg theater the field for unlocking potential turned out to be wider. The dancer transformed into Odette in Swan Lake, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, and the princess in Sleeping Beauty.

Every year Osipova's star burned brighter. Soon the girl was invited to the London Royal Ballet (Coven Garden), and in 2012 she already performed at a grand concert in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign. The invited soloist managed to dance three “Swan Lakes”, and Carlos Acosta became her working partner. In the future, the theater signed a permanent contract with the artist.

For short term Natalya managed to become a world celebrity, performing with the best troupes on the planet on the stages of Milan, Berlin, Paris, and New York. She became the prima of the American ballet theater. Plus, Natalya Osipova is the winner of numerous awards. In her piggy bank " Golden mask", Leonid Massine Prize, Benois de la dance prize, Grand Prix of the International Ballet Award "Dance Open".

There was a time when Natalya betrayed classical ballet. The girl tried her hand at modern dance.

Personal life

Ballet fans admired beautiful novel, which flared up between Natalya Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev almost from the moment they graduated from the choreographic academy. Fans were convinced that the couple would definitely go down the aisle, but they were overtaken by disappointment. The Bolshoi Theater prima and Vasiliev broke up. The reason was love young man to the dancer Maria Vinogradova, who later became his wife.

At the Italian La Scala theater during a rehearsal for the production of Giselle, Natalya met already famous actor ballet Before this, the man managed to appear at social events with his colleague Yulia Stolyarchuk, but one day fans suddenly noticed a tattoo of the inscription “Natalia” on the dancer’s hand. The couple later admitted at a London press conference that they were in love.

The ballet stars first appeared on stage together in 2016, performing the roles of Blanche and Stanley in the play A Streetcar Named Desire. In May 2017, rumors spread that the ballet actors had broken up; Natalia allegedly preferred an unknown conductor to Sergei, although the couple still published joint photos on Instagram.

In every interview, journalists do not forget to take an interest in the actress’s personal life, but Osipova is not verbose on this matter. In one of her last conversations with representatives of the press, she noted:

“We communicate very well, we still have a good and even wonderful relationship.”

Natalya Osipova now

In 2017, on the official website of Perm opera house there was good news that Natalya was becoming his prima. It was Osipova's decision. The girl told media representatives that one evening she thought that she had not danced “Romeo and Juliet” for a long time, a performance in which the actress brings great pleasure to work. Having looked through all the world's theaters, I did not find the production anywhere, only in the Russian provinces. A call from a ballerina of such magnitude surprised and incredibly pleased Alexei Miroshnichenko, director of the Perm Ballet.

Osipova’s first performance as a prima singer was the play “The Nutcracker,” or rather, its original version. In a non-trivial production, the authors tried to convey the depth and tragedy of the music. The work is also notable for the fact that, unlike the original, it has a happy ending. On February 1, 2018, the premiere of “The Nutcracker” took place at the Moscow State Kremlin Palace. Natalya dances in a play with actor Nikita Chetverikov.

In the spring, the ballet star performed at the Mariinsky Theater in the role of Queen Mekhmene Banu in the play “The Legend of Love.” Together with choreographer Vladimir Varnava, he is preparing “Cinderella” for the August premiere in America, after which the production will come to Russia.

Trailer for the film "Dancer"

On May 26, Channel One showed documentary film about Sergei Polunin “Dancer”. Director Stephen Cantor presented a study of the dancer’s life, combining family chronicles, archival materials and interviews with friends and relatives. Natalya Osipova also took part in the creation of the film.


  • Spanish Bride, Swan Lake
  • Marie, "The Nutcracker"
  • Queen Mekhmene Banu, “The Legend of Love”
  • Anna Anderson, "Anastasia"
  • Giselle, "Giselle"
  • La Sylphide, "La Sylphide"
  • Medora, "Corsair"
  • Esmeralda, "Esmeralda"
  • Princess Aurora, Sleeping Beauty
  • Juliet, "Romeo and Juliet"
  • Laurencia, "Laurencia"
  • Kitri, Don Quixote
  • Aegina, Spartak
  • Firebird, "Firebird"
  • Carmen, "Carmen Suite"

There are a lot of all sorts of “Emerald” on “Gossip Man”.) I wanted to make a post about a real ballerina.

I discovered this ballerina three years ago, at a concert for the opening of the renovated Bolshoi Theater. She danced just gorgeously there, with such drive and such incredible technology! Then she took part in the First Channel project “Balero” with Roman Kostomarov, and took second place there. I think she has a great future. And by the way, her husband, Ivan Vasiliev, is also a great dancer.

Biography, photos and videos.

Natalya Petrovna Osipova- genus. May 18, 1986, Moscow. From the age of five she was involved in gymnastics, but in 1993 she was injured and had to stop playing sports. The coaches recommended that the parents send their daughter to ballet. She studied at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (class of rector Marina Leonova). After graduating in 2004, she joined the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe, making her debut on September 24, 2004. Since October 18, 2008 - leading soloist, since May 1, 2010 - prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. She rehearsed under the guidance of People's Artist of the USSR Marina Kondratyeva.

In 2007, on tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London on the stage of the Covent Garden Theater, the ballerina was warmly received by the British public and received a British National Award in the field of dance, awarded by the Society of Critics ( Critics" Circle National Dance Awards) for 2007 - as the best ballerina in the “classical ballet” section.

In 2009, on the recommendation of Nina Ananiashvili, she became a guest ballerina at the American Ballet Theater (New York), performing on the stage of the New York Metropolitan Opera in the title roles of the ballets “Giselle” and “La Sylphide”; in 2010, she again took part in ABT performances on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the roles of Kitri in the ballet Don Quixote, Juliet in the ballet Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev (choreography by K. MacMillan), Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky (production by K. . McKenzie; partner David Hallberg).

In 2010, she made her debuts at the Grand Opera (Clara in The Nutcracker, Ballerina in Petrushka) and La Scala (Kitri in Don Quixote), and performed at the London Royal Opera (Medora in Le Corsaire).

In 2011, she performed the role of Katarina in the ballet “The Taming of the Shrew” to the music of D. Scarlatti (choreography by J. Cranko) with the ballet of the Bavarian State Opera. Twice she took part in the Mariinsky International Ballet Festival, performing the roles of Kitri in the ballet Don Quixote and Giselle in the ballet of the same name.

Since December 2012, she has been a guest soloist with the London Royal Ballet, having danced in this capacity three Swan Lakes with Carlos Acosta. Also in October, she - the only guest ballerina among the full-time artists of the Royal Company - participated in a gala concert in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Currently together she is a prima ballerina of the American ballet theatre.

In April 2013, Natalya Osipova signed a permanent contract with the London Royal Ballet.

With her husband, Ivan Vasiliev.

Ballerina Natalya Petrovna Osipova is known not only in her homeland, Russia, but also far beyond its borders. She performs as a prima dancer at the London Royal Ballet and the Mikhailovsky Theatre. Fans line up for concerts with her participation.

A talented girl was born in the capital itself - Moscow on May 18, 1986. Initially, she was not attracted to ballet, but to gymnastics, but due to an injury she had to stop classes. According to the recommendations of specialists, the parents sent the girl to ballet, because she showed quite good performance. high hopes and talent needed to be developed. After school, Natalya became a student at the Moscow Academy of Choreography, and upon graduation she joined the Bolshoi Theater troupe.

Further, Natalya Osipova’s career developed at an enviable speed. In 2007, she already received an award as the best ballerina. classical ballet, and in 2009 she was invited as a ballerina to the American Ballet Theater for the main roles. Not everyone has such luck; many talented ballerinas never bother to get on such stages.

But Natalia’s achievements did not end there. She continued to improve and develop, she conquered new heights of both domestic and foreign ballet. Now Natalya Osipova holds the honorary title of prima of the American ballet theater. Since 2013, a permanent contract has been concluded between her and the Royal Ballet (London).

Despite the fact that Natalya reached incredible heights in her profession, many critics wondered how she managed it. After all, her figure is far from ballet standards and ideals, her mannerisms are also far from refined, and her movements sometimes reveal a lack of proper staging. However, everything is covered by Natasha’s charisma and ability to make jumps in a way that no one else can do. Many people look at her hovering in the air, at how she sometimes just floats above the stage and wonder how this girl can do it all. But famous ballerina does not reveal his professional secrets.

In Natalya Osipova’s personal life, not everything is as smooth as in her career. For several years she had an affair with her stage colleague Ivanov Vasiliev. The couple spent a lot of time together not only on stage, but also off it. However, at one point something happened in their relationship that put an end to it. The guys simply decided to break up, and at the same time stopped collaborating together. Now the press is saying that Ivan has decided to marry Maria Vinogradova. But Natalya Osipova continues to be an enviable bride. The girl tactfully avoids questions about her personal life, and if she does answer them, it is only that she now has a lot of work and there can be no talk of any personal life.
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Natalya Osipova is the most famous Russian ballerina in the world in her generation. Already the first performance of the graduate of the Moscow Academy of Choreography became a sensation. Osipova was invited to the Bolshoi, but was kept “young,” not allowing her to expand her repertoire.

She probably would have remained the eternal Kitri from Don Quixote, but together with her partner Ivan Vasiliev, the ballerina slammed the door and went to the troupe of the St. Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theater, and then to Covent Garden. Already in London, the prima of the Royal Ballet Natalya Osipova became a world ballet star. "RG" found out how she got to Perm to perform as Masha in "The Nutcracker" new production theater

Natalya, how did you get from London to Perm?

Natalya Osipova: It was my initiative! I sat one evening and thought: I haven’t danced Kenneth MacMillan’s “Romeo and Juliet” for a long time - it’s one of those performances from which I get great pleasure. I spontaneously called David Hallberg, it’s a shame that with such a wonderful partnership we only danced Romeo and Juliet three times. They began to think: the play was not performed in London, it was not performed in America, neither at La Scala, nor in Munich. And then it hit the network - Macmillan is going to Perm! And she wrote to Lesha (ex-soloist Mariinsky Theater, artistic director Perm Ballet Alexey Miroshnichenko).

Just like that, without an agent, spontaneously?

Natalya Osipova: At first they didn’t believe me, they called and asked if I was Natasha. And when they believed it, they brought in Teodor Currentzis and MusicAeterna, since the performance would be in Perm. IN last moment Hallberg suffered an injury, but it was too late for me to retreat. In addition, I rarely visit Russia and my parents were happy that I would drop by to see them in Moscow on my way to Perm. As a result, I danced two performances, receiving great pleasure from the choreography and from working with open kind people. So they began to discuss what else could be done.

Then there was “The Firebird” at the Diaghilev Festival?

Natalya Osipova: I managed to learn it on my days off: rehearsals in Covent Garden are scheduled long in advance, and you can’t break the rules. Giselle also danced in Perm.

Russian ballerina, prima of the Royal Ballet Natalya Osipova has become a world ballet star. Photo: RIA Novosti

Is Masha in The Nutcracker a childhood dream or a ballerina must have?

Natalya Osipova: No, I didn’t dream about Masha, and when I wasn’t allowed to dance with her at the Bolshoi, I wasn’t even upset. Then she danced at the Paris Opera in Nureyev’s version, rehearsing with the excellent teacher Laurent Hilaire, now the head of MAMT. When you watch, it chills you, and even more so when you dance. I respond to Tchaikovsky.

The Perm "Nutcracker" directed by Alexey Miroshnichenko is new, it appeared only a month ago. What's special about it?

Natalya Osipova: Peter Wright's version is coming to Covent Garden, albeit with a reference to Lev Ivanov's original choreography from the end of the century before last. And Lesha Miroshnichenko spoke so infectiously about the drama in Tchaikovsky’s music, which should be revealed. I caught fire. In Perm Masha, the meaning is actually sharper, more dramatic, the ending is open and gives options. Miroshnichenko’s heroine is not a little girl playing with dolls, but a girl, she already feels a lot and is ready to understand what actions should not be taken. She realizes that wrong steps can ruin a life. And that love is fragile, it costs nothing to break it. This idea is very close to me. I even remembered my first love, when any harsh word could be a disaster. It’s the same in the play - Masha is just wondering if she needs a prince, and then she immediately loses him. This fits very well with the music of the final adagio.

But everyone saw a happy ending with this music?

Natalya Osipova: Yes, it’s unusual and contrary to standards, but I’m always for things that touch more. Let there be more feelings, and the audience will decide what is best for them.

After the established relationship with Perm ballet Are there any plans to dance with other Russian theaters?

Natalya Osipova: In three weeks I have “The Legend of Love” at the Mariinsky Theater, dancing the strong queen Mekhmene Banu. I think I've missed the power of Russian performances.

So, we’ll be waiting for you at the Bolshoi soon?

Natalya Osipova: There was an invitation from Vladimir Urin, but the performance did not take place due to my fault. Maybe the situation will change, everyone treats me wonderfully, they officially invited me to participate in a concert in honor of the anniversary of Marius Petipa at the end of May.

I didn’t dream about Masha, and when they didn’t let me dance her at the Bolshoi, I wasn’t even upset

What about the performance? You have long-standing contacts with your manager ballet troupe Mahar Vaziev?

Natalya Osipova: It’s not working out yet, although we have really warm relations. You see, I enjoy choosing what to dance myself. At the Mariinsky Theater I chose "Legend...", in Munich "The Taming of the Shrew". Ahead at Covent Garden is "Manon Lescaut" with David Hallberg and "Giselle", which we haven't performed together for five years, and the premiere of " Swan Lake"Liam Scarlett.

Should we wait for solo programs?

Natalya Osipova: Yes, I love the choreography that is being done right now. We agreed with producer Sergei Danilyan to make “Cinderella” with choreographer Vladimir Varnava, we will present it in August in America and then bring it to Russia. I have planned my evening of contemporary choreographers, five authors, for September, and Alexei Ratmansky will finally stage a 15-minute duet for me. At the end I will dance “The Dying Swan”.

Natalya Osipova: I wouldn’t call it sarcasm, maybe everything will be quite serious. A tribute to what I love about dance - the opportunity to express myself.