Statuses are sad to tears

Everyone has had a moment in their life when they tripped and fell. You lie there and think that there is no more left to fight...

Having caught the corner of my eye on all the ugliness of our life, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it awakens.

Life is like a telephone without network. At first you search long and hard for her, but once you catch her, you realize that no one is waiting for your call.

When you have everything planned, life suddenly happens to you.

Best status:
Today life in Once again gave me a powerful kick in the ass for my childish naivety, as if hinting that she knew her place in this unfortunate and cruel world. And then you think, what could I hope for?

When rage doesn't want to be alone, it also takes sadness with it. Together they come to anger, which also hides sadness and hides powerlessness.

Sometimes it seems that people with a sad look have understood something in this life or have gone through its severe trials and pain.

Only real fools take life seriously, those who don’t understand that they won’t get out alive anyway.

Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it.

There are things that teachers cannot teach, life teaches these things

Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough!

Life is everything long haul to death...

Childhood is a whole long field of naive eavesdropping, hearing what one should not hear.

If you ask me in 200 years what is happening in Russia, I will answer – THEY DRINK AND STEAL.” (Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls: because they can. It's part of physiology.

Life leaves like gas from a lighter. Without fire and with stench

Life is a complicated thing, but only for those who are trying to understand what life is.

I found my place in life, but it’s taken...

Sometimes time likes to repeat old stories...

Life here is like in a chicken coop - move your neighbor, shit on the one below.

Life goes away so quickly, as if it is not interested in us.

Life is shit, but we have a shovel

Life is beautiful even when tears are flowing down your cheeks... but when you cry, you don’t think so

There is always a dark spot on our radiant horizon - and this is our own shadow.

A person's secret desires are easy to guess. You just have to listen to the fact that he most often scolds and criticizes

do you want anything?? – yes, strong coffee without sugar, “Davidoff black”, and so that the heart can’t stand it

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.

Hello! How are you? -Yes, everything is great! But you don’t even realize that I’m writing about the fact that I’m all super choking in tears...

It's time to change not your status, but something in your life...

In the twilight there is no difference between the absence of light and the absence of darkness

We get used to smiling at those who don’t want to smile, and looking great at the moment when we want to scream in pain...

Life is terrible only when you think about it, but when you live it it is beautiful!!!

Yesterday's children are no longer interested in their once-favorite toys or bedtime stories... For some, drugs and alcohol become a priority. It's "fashionable". They spend a long time on the Internet. And what's in there? Instead of emotions - emoticons. They take everything to heart => Suicide. And what will happen next?

There's only one in my life white stripe– roll of toilet paper

Life is controlled by two people - Horseradish and Toad, horseradish knows everything, and the toad strangles everyone..

Everything in life is going well, it’s just passing by

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding little thing, but giving flowers is already a serious step...

Life gives you a lot of topics to think about, but little time!

They say that our life is a striped zebra. My life is a black donkey!

Life is a game! poorly conceived, but the graphics are awesome!

a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind

Life, of course, is not sugar... but it will be okay with beer.

It's better to burn out than to fade away (Kurt Cobain)

I pour some coffee, take out a chocolate bar, take my favorite book and lock myself in the kitchen for half an hour. - Mom, what are you doing there? - Children, don’t interfere, I’m doing a good job for you...

At night: - Maaam, bring water. - Get up and bring it yourself! - Well, maaam, well, bring it. - If you whine, I'll give you a belt! - Well, when you get up to get your belt, bring some water at the same time.

We would give up a lot if we weren’t afraid that others would pick it up... Sometimes dialogue with ourselves leads to disappointment in ourselves...

She wandered the streets, these wet and gray streets, as gray as her soul... soiled and thrown into the trash.

When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man, she starts doing dirty tricks

She will smile, dream, invent and will definitely become the most for someone great joy in the world..

Law of life: handsome boys there is always a lot in public transport, but for some reason they are not in my personal life

In a moment of all-consuming fear, a person is able to love everyone who shares this fear with him

And why are men afraid of women? Well, what can a woman do? Well, spoil your mood, ruin your life... Well, that’s all!

The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeats and disasters.

There are no sadder words than “everything could have turned out differently”...

She loves to break the rules. That's why she has a bad reputation. No, not because of her behavior. She just lives the way others want.

Look out the window at 5 am, the world is so beautiful without people

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream about you in my dreams. I love, I scream, I cry...what do I mean in your life???

Don't hit someone who's lying down! HE'S TRAMPLED!!

Sweet girl, but sad. Kind, sensitive, but the joy is artificial... Cantankerous, smart and disobedient, soulless towards certain people...

Time does not heal, alcohol heals, seconds spent with someone else heal. They heal long streets and avenues with lights, huge glasses behind which you can’t see tired eyes, they heal dreams of summer, oh new life, and time. Time does not heal, time passes by, but nothing changes...

Why all this showdown through contact messages or SMS? Isn't it better to sit down next to each other, have a good conversation and understand that you are made for each other?

The higher the culture, the more refined the rudeness.

Life is shit, but we have a shovel

She loves to dream... Although no, she lives in dreams. She always thinks about things that will never come true. And he believes... that there is not long to wait...

My business? For all the “norms”, for him – “the best”. And only for best friend: “The sun, crap out of nowhere...”

There are people I regret knowing

If you love life, don't waste time - time is what life is made of

We are silent when we should scream... we stand when we should run... we laugh when we should cry and we lose what we should not lose...

she now rarely cries at night, she only tells her mother about the most important things, now access to her heart is closed, and you are unlikely to understand what she is so often silent about..

Temporarily unavailable. She left to arrange her personal life. I don’t know where. When I will return, with whom and for what purpose is unknown...

Vanilla lipstick, long eyelashes, mountains of chocolate and the night when she stopped dreaming about him..

Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

She stopped blushing her cheeks and painting her eyelashes so thickly, she began to distinguish what it means to love and fall in love..

It’s bad, very bad that people don’t purr like cats. It would be immediately clear how a person treats you and, if anything happens, you could purr in response

She walks along the main street of the city with her friends... Laughs loudly... And she doesn’t care what people around say... She is happy!.

She doesn't smell like expensive Gucci perfume a kilometer away. She doesn't click her heels on the asphalt.. She smells like coffee and cinnamon and wears Nike.. And you love her like that, because she is real, because she is.. Yours.

Life is beautiful... and I don’t care if it’s not true!!!

Announcement! Lost the meaning of life. Please return for a fee...

I want a dark streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley =))

It is closed and difficult to reach. She's sick, it's hard not to fall in love with someone like that...

It is better to love and lose than not to love at all.

who cares what others think, huh? Look into your heart and do what will help you become happier.

There is no need to smile in a person’s face if there is so much hatred in your soul...

Remember, if it’s difficult for you, it means you’re walking on the right road, in the right direction.

A resourceful person, if he falls face first into the dirt, gets up and convinces everyone that it is healing and he did this on purpose

I’m not the last bastard... There were two more people behind me.

I hid from the cruel reality under a warm blanket...

Only fools never change their minds

Ability to fill smartly free time- is the highest level of personal culture...

Sometimes you even have to simulate a shipwreck so that the rats can escape further

Sometimes, when you feel that everything is in chocolate, life is wonderful, you turn your back on it, but that’s when it hits you right in the head!

she cried for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor, with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of her... she left beautifully, with her head held high...

Today I feel bad, but tomorrow I will definitely smile for you...

She doesn’t say anything, she knows too much.. She puts on a smile out of habit.. Here She is, look! Everyone hates her, she is adored by a select few.

I will drink, smoke, swear... And wait until YOU tell me “enough”...©

If you live a long time, you will soon grow old.

If you want to be Great in life, then first you must overcome the Great Laziness within yourself!

Sad statuses that bring you to tears - When you are betrayed, it’s like your arms were broken... You can forgive, but you will never be able to hug...

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...

Stabs in the back are most often inflicted by those whom you protect with your chest.

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

The one who cares is sad.

Losing someone you loved is scary, but it’s even worse to never meet him.

Each of us is dedicated. To someone or someone.

We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return...

It seems to me that the most terrible habit of humanity is to say goodbye to each other forever.

When you are betrayed for the first time, it's like being shot point blank. Immediate death. When you are betrayed twice, you no longer feel anything. You are already dead.

We live in peculiar times: we are afraid to scratch our iPhone, but we are not afraid to shit in people’s souls.

The worst thing... is when you love each other, but you're both proud

We are probably too proud to say to each other: “I miss you”...

People don't notice what we do for them, but they notice what we don't do.

There are people whose departure leaves a part of you. You're not dying, no. It's just not what it used to be. You react to things differently. You think differently. Even the smile is different...

It happens that a person, with his behavior, with his words, gradually kills in us all the good things that we felt for him.

It’s sad to meet those people who knew everything about you... even the most secret things... and now, when passing by, they don’t even say hello.

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will be unclear which of you is shedding tears

We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and not even say hello. That's life for you...

I will be the drunkest guest at their wedding and I will shout “Bitter” the loudest, because I will really be bitter, very bitter...

...But you know, they don’t drown because they don’t know how to swim. They drown when they have no strength to stay on the shore. Sergei Lukyanenko

I pretend that everything is fine. Dying from the inside.

Leave your tears, because there is no other way, smile, girl - the proud do not cry. And in spite of the insult, you must laugh, even if your heart breaks from pain!

Looks like now is the time to add plantain to your life.

Tears can mean more than a smile... Because we smile at everyone, but we cry only because of those we love...

The memories are overwhelming. Thoughts are suffocating. Feelings kill...

You let people into your sea, and they kill your fish.

It is not difficult to swallow grievances, but it is difficult to digest them...

At some point you realize that everything has an end. Bret Easton Ellis. Lunar Park

It's so hard to understand that there is nothing left to lose...

You get burned by one person, and then you don’t trust the whole world.

There are no sadder words than “everything could have turned out differently”...

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

The biggest heartache we are delivered by our own illusions, fantasies and dreams.

Time does not heal. It just teaches you to live with pain...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much do you feel when it hurts...

Sometimes I really want to turn off my phone just to be lost, but I'm afraid that when I turn it back on, I'll realize that no one was looking for me.

More than anything else, I regret that fate brought us together. I used to be happy, but now I'm sad because of your indifference...

I'm losing everyone I'm attached to. Every time I open up to a person, they leave my life.

There are actions that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nobody.

I think there is nothing worse than a big quarrel before the death of a loved one.

I'm not upset that he didn't call. I'm offended that I waited like a fool.

You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will be unclear which of you is shedding tears...

How many times have I heard the phrase “there is nothing worse when Mom cries.” I agree, that's true. but only those who have seen the Father’s tears truly understand what pain is.

I'm tired of people because all they do is disappoint me. And I'm also tired of myself, because I place too much hope on others...

Yes, they say that failure makes us stronger, but it's hard to breathe when no one believes in you.

Tears can mean more than a smile... Because we smile at everyone, but we cry only because of those we love...

I feel as usual... I’m very sad and everything is so familiar... and there’s no meaning in my heart for a long time. In my soul, as in the weather now, there is only frost...

When letting go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to slowly sink...

This is how it happens: one constantly says that he loves, and the other truly loves. And now, having parted, one begins to look for a replacement old love, and the other just continues to love...

Tears are not a sign of weakness, they are a sign that a person has a soul.

Sometimes you want to say something important, but they ask you to wait. and you understand that you probably don’t need to say anything anymore.

I’m sad about our relationship... Just recently we walked everywhere holding hands and were so happy together, but now we blame each other for our shortcomings...

We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return...

Life is designed in such a way that when you are sad, you can only find peace with someone who is also feeling bad...

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

He was worst person in my life. Or the best, I don't know yet. If it is true that you have to learn from your mistakes, then he is my best mistake. He is my brightest and most favorite failure.

A little sadness is eloquent, but with great sadness you can no longer find words...

The love of the person you love makes you happy. The hatred of a loved one helps to stop loving him. The indifference of a loved one kills.

Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you apart.

When people leave, let them go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played...

But this is really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

One thing you don’t understand when you hug another is that you will never be happy with him...

Now I wear dark glasses. People ask me less why I always have sad, tear-stained eyes.

I helped strangers and didn't ask for thanks. I was dying in my soul, and people passed by.

We often don't appreciate what's nearby until we lose it.

I'm not afraid to admit anything. I'm afraid that no one needs my confessions...

The pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are missed the most.

The strongest feeling is disappointment. Not resentment, not jealousy or even hatred... After them, at least something remains in the soul, after disappointment - emptiness.

You comfort your friends when they feel bad. When you feel bad, you have no friends.

The most sincere words are spoken by people precisely when they are choking from the abundance of tears pouring from their eyes.

Those people who have forgiven most often and endured the longest usually leave once and for all!


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In the life of each of us, no matter how easy and successful everything turns out, there is always a place for sad moments, thoughts, and events. Sadness, in its concept, is inherent in everyone - both humans and animals. Devoted pets are always sad and miss their absent owner or their soulmate, because everyone knows very well that animals have as many emotions as humans. Sadness from boredom, due to loneliness, quarrels or simply bad weather. After all, how many people are in this state, looking at the pouring rain! It is not always true that a person’s sadness to the point of tears shows bad events; often this feeling of despondency makes one understand the importance of what is happening or the awareness of longing for a loved one or loved one. Sometimes it is even useful to be sad, but, of course, in moderation. Even happy man will be able to find a reason to be sad, retire with his thoughts, and perhaps put them in order. You can always find good side even in the most hopeless situation. And walking along the path of life is much more fun and easier if you solve all problems with positive thoughts in advance. All feelings and emotions are not given to us in vain; they all help us, to one degree or another, cope with different life situations and you should never neglect what is going on in your soul and your heart. Sad to tears statuses are presented specifically for you and your sad moments in life.

The sage was asked: “If a person loves, will he return?” The sage replied: “If a person loves, he will not leave.”

Love doesn’t end because we don’t see each other... people believe in God all their lives without seeing him...

If in the morning you hug something other than your pillow. And everyone can wish for pleasant dreams at night. And you brew two mugs of coffee in the morning - You have found everything in life, all you have to do is not lose it!

I learned to remain silent about the love I wanted to shout about...

I love you. - Prove it! - How? - Shout what you love so that everyone in the world can hear. He quietly approached and whispered in my ear: “I love you.” Why so quietly and why in my ear? He: - Because the whole world for me is you.

A person is weakest when he loves someone, and strongest when he is loved by someone...

We have gone our way from “You can call me.” .. To the sharp “You don’t need to call me.” We put all the chips on “Fall in Love”... But we should have put on “Love” And it became too late for us to make amendments. . And there is no reason to call again... And our bet didn’t work... We had to bet on “Love”

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

There are still two of us: me and my freedom.

Once they asked a sage: “What is more important - to love or to be loved? The sage answered: What is more important for a bird, the left wing or the right?”

I love to love my beloved, I love to be his beloved!

Men don't like love without sex, women don't like sex without love. Women eat while talking, men talk while eating. Women bathe and men swim. That's why some have swimsuits, others have swimming trunks. Women have dreams, men have plans. A man loves with his eyes, a woman with her ears. Women hide their age, men hide their income. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and to a woman's heart - through the registry office. A divorced man is free. A divorced woman is lonely. We are different...

When silence between the two of you doesn't bother you, you know you've found someone special...

Relationships, love - they are like a book. It will take years to write. But it only takes one moment to burn it.

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If two people are destined to be together, no matter how many separations, tears and troubles they experience, fate will still unite them.

The one who truly loves you is the one who secretly prays to God for you.

A man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

There are a lot of hands and eyes behind there. But only your face is the most precious thing... We love only once in this life. And then we look for people similar to him...

How important it is to be loved. For real, seriously. The only one necessary to the point of madness, to tears. To be loved without fear, without suspicion and anxiety, without fear and empty doubts, since God intended love.

Don't love him, but be his lover. Don't miss it, it will pass with time. Don't follow him like others do. If he needs you. He will come to you himself

There are two types of guys: some are jealous of every post, and others say “jealous, she’s mine”

It doesn't matter where or with whom you spend time. It matters who you think about when you close your eyes.

You don’t need courage to offend a loved one, you need courage to ask for forgiveness later...

We say the most important words in our lives silently

It’s better to tear where it’s thin, let it be painful and inopportune. Love is when they want a child, everything else is a world of sympathy. Let there be a lot of envy and flattery on every page of life. Love - when they want to be together! Everything else is just a habit.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

Many men are afraid of women to whom they need to grow up; it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop...

You can't give too many flowers to a woman, or too many toys to a child.

Should I judge someone who was wrong?
Everyone makes mistakes... Can everyone forgive?
I know that for heaven forgiveness is like a charter...
God’s rule is to give a circle to everyone who is drowning...

We teach someone, forgiving ourselves mistakes,
Not understanding how important it is to understand others...
If we have sunlight in fate,
This does not mean that they had it the same way...

Someone hasn't seen kindness since birth
And that’s why I got angry at the world...
But flowers will bloom in his soul,
If you give warmth and love in return...

People break quickly and forever,
Only when broken, not everyone is able to live...
And it’s not without reason that disaster befalls fate...
This is a lesson to cherish your loved ones...

Everything can be cured... And pride is an insidious throne,
And an indifferent look, but I know:
He who is afraid of love is doomed...
The one who judged others sinned doubly...

© Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

I will heal with time - the best of healers...
And God will reward everyone according to their deserts...
On the one hand, I have no one to trust,
On the other hand, at least no one will betray you.

Now I have become my own boss:
I go to visit people I haven’t been to for a long time.
On the one hand, I feel sorry for what collapsed,
On the other hand, I couldn’t do it anymore.

All the doors are closed and all the stones have been torn off.
From now on I became a stranger forever.
On the one hand, without love it’s very cold,
On the other hand, I feel calmer alone...

I will go my own way as best I can,
They don’t love, they don’t remember, they don’t believe, they don’t wait...
I know one thing: it's better to be alone,
Why expect that you will be betrayed, as always...

Don’t sulk, Lap... we can stick everything together...
You shouldn’t have screwed up your little face...
They don’t like people like you, they don’t feel sorry for them, -
People like you get caught in a noose...

So what if we're sliding over the edge?!
So what if everything is bursting at the seams?!
That you and I play exquisitely, -
You are in loyalty, I am in the one who is drunk in her trash...

Being sick for a long time, they say, is dangerous,
To hell with everything, we are still together...
We wish we could survive this stupid runny nose,
And we will survive the rest...

Over the years we change a lot.
Here are three women looking at me.
- You were better -
one of them said.
I met her ten years ago.
Touching the mountains of the snowy land,
A fiery sunset blazes in the distance.
“You’re still the same,” says the second,
Forgotten five years ago.
And the third, without opening my dear hands,
He whispers to me hotly, full of trepidation:
- You were worse... Say that you didn’t love them... -
She doesn't know what I was like.

© Rasul Gamzatov

Forever is too honest
But it is obviously a pure lie.
And it’s easy to throw them away,
No matter how you throw it, you'll definitely hit the target.
"Forever" is never false
Although it sounds like a hackneyed myth,
They pronounce it hastily...
Or with pathos, loudly, sobbingly.
"Forever" takes away hope
Or gives the opportunity to love.
A collision with him is inevitable,
It is impossible to replace it.
It's impossible to believe him
And it’s terribly scary to understand.
Forever is a merciless word,
If the verb “lose” is nearby.

I believe in beautiful souls and sincerity of eyes...
And that good people live among us...
And even when it's too painful and hard to breathe,
I believe in goodness, this faith cannot be destroyed...

I was betrayed and often left in trouble...
I went through it, and the traitors... Who are they? Where?
Life has its own filter and it will filter out fate
All those who seemed to have not heard the heartfelt plea...

I believe that everyone brings a lesson with their appearance,
To make you stronger when you didn’t help in difficult times...
And someone comes to give us their hand,
Put on your feet, and believe, and not judge...

I believe that there is no indifference in the distance,
What in good soul smiling rainbow light...
This soul has words like a priceless spring...
They will spill, and life will change in an instant...

And someone will say: “I believe that there is kindness”
And he will help others from the heart, just like that...
All the garbage of grievances and embittered thoughts is a bag
I shook myself off, and now everything will be fine!

I believe that the soul does not become stale over the years, not at all...
Trust is where love is... This is the main essence...
And if you believe that happiness comes from fate,
The Universe, believing in you, will give you everything...

© Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

My father once told me:
-There are rare reasons for tears.
When you walk down the aisle,
You don't leave a man.
When the baby is born,
Don’t hide your tears from happiness.
Hear a child's laughter in your ears,
May these tears be sweet.
There is another reason
To cry for a long time without stopping.
When death comes to your home
And a silent pain sets in.
And the rest is all bullshit,
Don't spread slush on your face.
You are smarter, my daughter.
Don't let your eyes cry.

© Amina Novak

Boris Poplavsky

The soul is empty, the clock is going backwards.
Gray snow rushes from the ground to the sky.
Huge eyes close together.
No one knows where the laughter comes from.

The sick bird closed its wings.
Sand in your teeth, sand in cold flowers.
Dry roots of hungry flowers.

Everything will be the way you want it in winter.

The soul is empty, the clock is going backwards.
Atlas in the languor of unbearable laziness
He bends down on his dirty knees.
How hard the world is, how hard it is to breathe.
How long should I wait.

Lev Ozerov

I'm going to live my whole life.
All life passes in anticipation,
And only on short dates,
When it's impossible to decide
What does it mean to be or not to be,
Between the proud moment of recognition
And the bitter moment of parting -
I am living, but not preparing to live.

It seemed like I was just dreaming about it all,
But the pain overtook me in reality!
Everyone says: turn the page...
I'd rather rip out an entire chapter.

© Julia Olefir

Letting go is hard...
It's hard to fall out of love and say goodbye.
The wing was shot
To my bright, soaring bird.
Shared fate
Well, we have ourselves to blame for everything.
You won't force a fight
Never, since he doesn’t need you...

And he doesn’t cry
The tears dried like bare salt.
It's time to lock the door
And come to terms with the pain.
Paid in full
For forbidden feelings and passions,
Only guilt gnaws:
For such absurd happiness.

But was it there?
All questions are always unanswered.
They dried out a long time ago
All my springs are covered
Even songs in full
I loved you like the plague
And now I'm cold
And I'm going straight to hell from heaven.

Well, don't stir it up.
The pain will soon be covered with frost
And don't rush to judge
I can handle it with the skill of a thief
I'll keep this pain
Somewhere far away and for a long time...
You don't believe in love
So there’s no point in me spreading myself thin.

And the globe was spinning and spinning...
Dreams, like birds, soared to the heights
Today someone met someone,
And you and I just parted ways.

Like this. Easily. In a few moments
They released each other. No problem?
But at that moment from contact
I felt warmer than ever.

But you were silent, and I was silent with you.
We have no obligations, no rings.
What will a new beginning be like?
When is such a meaningless end?

It seems to me that we are one step away from a record
Out of stupidity. Alas, out of my mind...
We parted easily, beautifully, proudly,
But just... why? Where? to whom?..

© Zlatentsia Zolotova

Bakhyt Kenzheev

Speak - as if speaking to the pain,
mutter without looking back, endure.
The sunset glow fades,
and the holy fool sleeps on a chain.

It was salty, windy, young.
Across the river is a state-owned plant
strong aroma of hops and malt
the red-eyed haze pours over

so far - but the barley will grind,
the hops will fade, listen to me.
The holy man sleeps, does not move,
the absurd passions of the tambourine.

Soon, soon the splinter will split off
from a chopped trunk -
will blow patter, nonsense
in curtained mirrors,

chilling at night with anise,
burning with weeds -
speak anyway, rewrite
pinkish sound pattern...

I'm very sorry, I've forgotten how to trust people,
Bit by bit, burning them in parts.
The moment will come, and you and I will no longer be
To love as before, forgetting about each other.

And what’s sad is that you and I are not to blame,
Nature designed us this way.
We fell asleep, rich in feelings,
We woke up unloved, strangers.

What is inherent in nature to arise,
It is by nature that it ceases.
I'm starting to gradually lose the habit
So that later you can say goodbye in cold blood.

We're leaving little by little now
To that country where there is peace and grace.
Maybe I'll be on my way soon
Collect mortal belongings.

Lovely birch thickets!
You, earth! And you, plain sands!
Before this departing host
I am unable to hide my melancholy.

I loved too much in this world
Everything that puts the soul into flesh.
Peace to the aspens, who, spreading their branches,
Looked into the pink water.

I thought a lot of thoughts in silence,
I composed many songs to myself,
And on this gloomy earth
Happy that I breathed and lived.

I'm happy that I kissed women,
Crushed flowers, lay on the grass,
And animals, like our smaller brothers,
Never hit me on the head.

I know that the thickets do not bloom there,
The rye does not ring with the swan's neck.
Therefore, before the departing host
I always get the shivers.

I know that in that country there will be no
These fields, golden in the darkness.
That's why people are dear to me,
That they live with me on earth.

© Sergey Yesenin

Nothing is hunting. I would press my knees to my chest,
Cover yourself with a blanket and don’t count the time.
Don’t knock on the wall with your forehead, don’t fence in the gardens,
And don’t weigh the endless “this way”, “wrong way”,
And fall asleep and see a huge transparent ball,
And myself in this ball, curled up in a ball,
How I sleep soundly, breathing deeply in my sleep,
And the wind carries me far through the air.
And the air waves rock me, sing,
My cradle rolls like a rainbow wheel,
And I see my stupid life in a dream,
And it’s easy because I know that this is a dream.

© Not Alien

Each of us once “almost died.”
Sitting on a chair. Drawing the curtains tightly.
Assuming this is the ending
all the best non-stories combined.
But everyone had their own reasons.
Someone lost loved ones, wealth, nerves.
Alcohol killed someone. For some, debts.
Everyone who has lost has lost faith at some point.
Each of us has ever thought - That's it.
The last bright note has sunk into oblivion.
He smoothed out the wrinkles on his forehead. The face turned to stone.
Each of us was dead alive An idiot.
Everyone “almost died” at least for a moment.
Shuffled around the world with a sluggish gait.
Come on. There is only one ending in life.
In every other “final” lives... The beginning...

© Alyonushka Light

Nina Berberova

In the pre-evening hour,
In the fog of the old streets
Sometimes it floats towards us
The forgotten sound of a guitar.
Or opened the door
From there, where are they dancing?
Or in the window now
Kissing a beauty?

Over this pavement
She rings as before
With ancient melancholy
By happiness and hope.
Someone else sings it
Now at sunset,
She remained the one
What it once was.

And you? Years have passed
River water is faster
You love as always
You have become even more faithful
You have become even more tender
Than on first dates,
Your heat is more painful
More painful than confession.

Bella Akhmadulina

Not the same as twenty years ago,
but the same day. He's halfway with me
was abandoned, and twilight fell on the garden
They did not fall then and will only fall now.

Barometer, I came up with my own mind
to the truth that it is hot, the same thing
and busy with opinions. And the wasp - Duchess
claws and gnaws with an insatiable body.

I recognize landscape and still life.
And the same someone near the post office
to this day the envelope will not tear,
fearing that the news would be sad.

Still the same pallor of emptiness in the sea.
The bather, scorched by the same light,
crosses seas and stanzas
the foggy region, becoming wet and sung.

The sea and the swimmer united,
mullet and seagull, rusty honey and sting.
And I have my own victim here:
here is a footprint in the sand - here the girl ran.

I remember the one who meant
write in a notebook until the blue dawn.
I slowly walk towards her -
twenty years more beautiful and more mortal.

“You write everything,” I say with a grin.
Give it up, step back from the fatal matter.
How I pity your youth.
And how ridiculously you are dressed, child.

How in vain is everything you wait for now.
Everything will be: books, and love, and fame.
But I am afraid of the eve of your losses.
Be quiet. I know. I have a right.

And you are arrogant towards other people. You
You cannot know what I know now:
in monstrous chains of silence
you will pay for your guilt before them.

Run away from troubles - stay safe from troubles.
Fear the vanity of mortal excess.
You say something important in response,
but I can’t hear you, you can’t hear me.

Remember me sometimes
Only with joy in the heart, with a smile,
I didn't mean any harm to you
My passion for you was a mistake.

It seemed to me that besides you,
I don't need anything else.
Oh, how crazy I am.
To go crazy just from looking at it.

Don't hold grudges against me
I shone with you then,
Well, just think, I was in love,
Well, guess what, it didn’t work out.

Remember me sometimes
How I gave you the mood
And having met me by chance,
Smile, don't pass by.

© Tatyana Yatsishina