Jim Morrison biography personal life. Jim Morrison: Icon of the Psychedelic Revolution. Alternative cause of death

Jim Morrison is a charismatic, unique and gifted rock musician. Over the course of his 27-year life, he managed to become a legend who has remained popular for more than 50 years.

His group “The Doors” will forever go down in world history. musical culture. Jim Morrison is a unique charm, a memorable voice and a destructive lifestyle that led to his sudden death.

The biography of the future idol of several generations began in the medium-sized city of Melbourne, located in the American state of Florida, on December 8, 1943. His father was George Morrison, who later received the rank of admiral, and his mother was Clara Morrison, nee Clark. The parents gave their illustrious son Irish, English and Scottish roots, although the boy spent his childhood in the States. Jim was not the only child in the family: George and Clara also had a daughter, Ann, and a son, Andrew.

WITH youth Morrison Jr. never ceased to amaze school teachers with his intelligence (the musician’s IQ level was 149). At the same time, he knew how to charm those around him and win him over. But in the still waters there were devils: for example, Jim loved to lie, and reached a virtuoso level of skill in this matter. He also loved cruel pranks, the object of which was most often his little brother Andy.

Since the father of the future musician was a military man, the whole family had to move. So, when the boy was only four years old, he saw a sight that made a huge impression on him. We are talking about a terrible accident: on a highway in New Mexico, a truck carrying Indians got into an accident. The bloody corpses lying on the road made Jim experience fear for the first time in his life (he said so in an interview). Morrison was sure that the souls of the dead Indians had entered his body.

Little Jim's passion was reading. Moreover, he read mainly the works of world philosophers, symbolist poets and other authors, whose works are quite difficult to understand. As Morrison's teacher later said, he contacted the Library of Congress. He wanted to make sure that the books Jim told him about existed. Most of all, the boy liked the works of Nietzsche. In his free time from reading, he liked to write poetry and draw obscene caricatures.

Also in childhood, the Morrison family visited the Californian city of San Diego. Having matured, the future leader of The Doors was not at all tired of numerous moves and getting used to life in new cities. In 1962, at the age of nineteen, he went to Tallahassee. There the young man was accepted into Florida State University.

However, Jim did not like Tallahassee too much, and already at the beginning of 1964 he decided to change something in his life by going to Los Angeles. There the guy began studying at the cinematography department of the prestigious UCLA University. At that time, the teachers of this university were Joseph von Sternberg and Stanley Kramer, and at the same time the young man also studied at UCLA.

Music career

While studying at both universities, Jim Morrison did not work too hard. At Florida State University, he studied the work of Bosch, studied the history of the Renaissance and studied acting. At the University of California, he studied cinematography, but all this was more in the background for him than in the foreground. Jim did well in all subjects thanks to high level intelligence, but preferred alcohol and parties to study.

Jim Morrison abused alcohol and drugs

Apparently, then he decided to create his own rock band. He even wrote to his father about this decision, but he took another fixed idea of ​​his impulsive son for a bad joke. Sadly, after this, Jim’s relationship with his parents went wrong: to all questions about them, he answered that they had died, and the Morrisons themselves refused to give interviews about the work of their son even years after the musician’s premature death.

It wasn't just his parents who didn't see Jim as successful. creative person. As his senior thesis after graduating from UCLA, he was supposed to direct his own film. Morrison actually worked on his own film, but other students and teachers did not see anything in this film that could represent artistic value. Jim even wanted to quit his studies just a couple of weeks before receiving his diploma, but his teachers dissuaded him from such a rash act.

However, studying at the University of California had its advantages for creative career performer. It was here that he met his friend Ray Manzarek, with whom he later organized a cult The group Doors.

The Doors

The band was founded by Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek, who were joined by drummer John Densmore and his friend guitarist Robbie Krieger. The band's name, in Morrison's style, was borrowed from the title of the book: "The Doors of Perception" - a work by the author famous for his dystopian novel "O Wonderful One". new world" The title of the book translates as “Doors of Perception.” This is exactly what Jim wanted to become for his fans—a “door of perception.” His friends agreed on this name for the group.

Jim Morrison and The Doors

The first months of the life of The Doors were unsuccessful. Most of the musicians who made up the group turned out to be outright amateurs. And Morrison himself at first showed extreme timidity and embarrassment on stage. During the band's first concerts, he turned his back to the audience and stood that way throughout the entire performance. In addition, Jim continued to drink alcohol and drugs, and he did not hesitate to come to performances while intoxicated.

Back then they called him “that hairy guy.” Jim's height was 1.8 m. Surprisingly, Morrison's charisma worked even from behind: although the band performed unsuccessfully, because of his charm, The Doors quickly acquired their own army of female fans who liked the secretive guy and his enchanting voice. And then the band was noticed by Paul Rothschild, who decided to offer The Doors a contract on behalf of the Elektra Records record label.

The band's first album, “The Doors,” was released in 1967. The songs “Alabama Song”, “Light My Fire” and others instantly blew up the charts and made the group famous. At the same time, Jim Morrison continued to use illegal substances and alcohol - perhaps this is partly due to the mystical flair of the group’s songs and performances.

Jim inspired and charmed, but the idol himself at this time sank deeper and deeper to the bottom. IN recent years of his life Morrison scored overweight, fought with police, even survived arrest on stage. He went on stage drunk and lost his temper in public. He wrote less and less material for the group, and singles and albums had to be worked on by Robbie Krieger, and not by the band's frontman.

Personal life

Photos of Jim Morrison even today evoke enthusiastic sighs from the fair sex, so it is not surprising that women loved him. There have been many speculations about Morrison's novels, and many of them may not be without foundation. Serious relationship contacted him with the editor music magazine Patricia Kennelly. The girl met the frontman of The Doors in 1969, and in 1970, Patricia and Jim even got married according to Celtic customs (Kennely was interested in Celtic culture).

Jim Morrison with Patricia Kennelly

This event further fueled public interest in Morrison, who began to be accused of being addicted to the occult. It never came to an official wedding. However, in an interview at that time, Jim claimed that he was in love with his betrothed, and that their souls were now inseparable.

Official cause of death

In the spring of 1971, Jim and his girlfriend Pamela Courson went to Paris. Morrison intended to rest and work on a book of poetry. During the day, Pamela and Jim drank alcohol and took heroin in the evening.

At night, Morrison began to feel unwell, but he refused to call an ambulance. Pamela went to bed, and at approximately five o'clock in the morning on July 3, 1971, she discovered Jim's lifeless body in the bathtub, in hot water.

Alternative cause of death

Many alternative options for the death of the leader of The Doors have been proposed. Suicide, a staged suicide by FBI employees fighting representatives of the hippie movement, a drug dealer who treated Jim to too strong heroin. In fact, the only witness to Morrison's death was Pamela Courson, but three years later she also died of a drug overdose.

The grave of the iconic musician is located in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. To this day, the cemetery is considered a place of worship for fans of The Doors, who even covered nearby tombstones with inscriptions about how much they loved the band and Morrison. After his death, Jim was included in the "27 Club".

Seven years after Morrison's death, the studio album An American Prayer was released, featuring recordings of Jim reciting poetry set to a rhythmic musical background.


  • The Doors (January 1967)
  • Strange Days (October 1967)
  • Waiting for the Sun (July 1968)
  • The Soft Parade (July 1969)
  • Morrison Hotel (February 1970)
  • L.A. Woman (April 1971)
  • An American Prayer (November 1978)

South American poet, essayist, songwriter, vocalist of The Doors. As a musician he is known as Jim Morrison.

Born on December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, Florida, in the family of US Navy officer George Stephen Morrison and Clara Clark Morrison. James Douglas was the first child in the family (later he had a brother and sister), he had a mixture of Irish, Scottish and British blood.

The military family had to constantly move from place to place; during one of these trips, an incident occurred in the state of New Mexico, which, according to the poet himself, greatly influenced him. As a four-year-old boy, he saw Indians hit by a truck on the road, and their bloody bodies were scattered along the road. Jim said that it was then that he discovered death for the first time, and that the souls of those dead redskins were circling around, and one or two moved into his soul. Proof of the significance of the episode in the poet’s biography is the repeated mention of this accident in poems, songs, and interviews. Back in school age, at the age of 15, Jim begins to take notes in notebooks, keeps a diary, and writes poetry. He would later destroy all of his teenage and young adult records.

In 1963, Jim graduated from school and entered the Florida Institute, where he stayed only for a semester, after which he submitted an official request to transfer him to the California Institute in Los Angeles (UCLA).

In early 1964, Jim became a student in the film department of this institution. Throughout this period, he occasionally hitchhiked across America and visited Mexico. Jim spent Christmas of the same year with his family, it was last time when he saw his own parents. In 1965, a few weeks before the end academic year, Morrison decides to drop out of college, but after a while he is drafted into the army (not for the first time). In August, an eminent meeting took place on Jim's beach with an old acquaintance, Ray Manzarek. Jim showed Ray some of his own lyrics and sang one of the songs he was writing at the time, but without accompaniment. Ray was amazed and they decided to create a rock band. So, after some time, the group The Doors was born: Ray Manzarek (keyboards), John Densmore (drums), Robbie Krieger (guitar) and Jim Morrison (vocals).

1966 was a difficult year for young musicians who wanted to break through, but it became surprisingly fruitful in creatively. The group's repertoire included about 40 songs, most of the lyrics for which were written by Jim. In the summer of that year, the musicians signed an agreement with a record company to release an album.

From now on begins a noisy, full of scandals social life singer, charismatic personality, sex symbol of America in the late 60s, drinker, weed and cocaine lover - Jim Morrison. Many fans often had no idea that their idol was also a writer - James Douglas Morrison. By the way, he himself strictly distinguished between these two roles, which is why he published poetry collections only under his full name.

In March 1969, there was a “famous” concert by The Doors, after which Morrison, who already had a rebellious style, was accused of indecent behavior, a scandal arose, and the group was banned concert activities. Jim himself was accused of a criminal act - inappropriate behavior on stage, and in addition: indecent undressing, open sacrilege and rowdy. A long trial begins, Jim is threatened with 7 years in prison. Jim tries to hide from the press, his mistress Pamela Kursan begs him to give up his singing career and have a quiet relationship with her family life, which will allow him to engage in poetry. Despite all this, creatively this year has become very fruitful for Morrison: two books of poetry are being published, both in small editions. As time goes on, concerts resume.

According to friends, Morrison always carried a notepad and pen with him; he wrote down his thoughts, verbal experiments, and sketched poems and songs. Jim was fond of the works of William Blake, Charles Baudelaire, Rimbaud, William Yates, Friedrich Nietzsche and the beat poets (Ginsberg, Kors). All these creators greatly influenced his poetry, which was also affected by Morrison’s passion for world mythology and the culture of the American Redskins.

1970 - the trial continues, the process itself begins to become overgrown with additional charges. Jim, often drunk, gets into all sorts of nasty stories that only complicate things. Jim has another mistress - Patricia Keneally, later she manages to get pregnant from him and have an abortion. In general, Jim's affairs with the ladies are very complex and confusing: in addition to Pamela and Patricia, the Swede Ingrid appears. But despite all this, it seems that Pamela Kursan specifically was main woman in his life.

At the end of the year Jim once again started talking about leaving the group; he is attracted to cinema, theater, and literature. But they still persuade him to play several concerts. On December 12, 1970, the last concert The Doors in full force.

Beginning of 1971 - Morrison begins several huge projects: preparations for filming in Italy, negotiations regarding the recording and publication of a CD with poems, discussion of a play in which Jim was to play one of the main roles. But the new one turned out to be more successful album The Doors. After the recording, Jim thought about going to Paris.

On March 6, Jim flies to Paris following Pamela, who has been living there for several weeks. In May, they travel together to Corsica.

On July 5, there was a rumor that Jim had died, but few believed it, because it had happened before that Jim had spread rumors about his death. On July 6, The Doors manager and Jim's friend Bill Sydance arrives in Paris. Pamela met him at the rented apartment, closed coffin and death certificate. Official reason- heart attack. According to the official version, at 5 o'clock in the morning on July 3, Pamela woke up and saw that Jim was not around. She found him in the bathtub and, realizing that he was really unwell and this was not a joke, called the emergency room. But it was too late.

On July 7, the coffin was lowered into the ground at the Père Lachaise cemetery. Only 5 people were present at the funeral of the last sworn poet.

Military life involves frequent moves, and one day, when Jim was only four years old, something happened in New Mexico that he later described as one of the most important... Read all

(eng. Jim Morrison, full name James Douglas Morrison - English. James Douglas Morrison - American singer, poet and musician, leader of The Doors. Born December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, Florida. Died July 3, 1971 in Paris.

Military life involves frequent moves, and one day, when Jim was only four years old, something happened in New Mexico that he later described as one of major events of his life: a truck with Indians overturned on the road, and their bloody bodies lay on the road. “I discovered death for the first time (...) I think at that moment the souls of those dead Indians, maybe one or two of them, were rushing around, writhing, and moved into my soul, I was like a sponge, readily absorbing them.”

Having entered UCLA, the Faculty of Cinematography, he leads a bohemian lifestyle, reads a lot, takes psychotropic substances, and is interested in mysticism and beatniks. Thesis Jim receives a mixed reaction from the teachers, and he leaves the university with a scandal.

Soon, with his friend, also a UCLA student, Ray Manzarek, and joined by guitarist Robbie Krieger and drummer John Densmore, they created the quartet the Doors, taking the name from a line by William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed,/Every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite” (Russian. When the doors of perception are clear / Everything appears as it is - infinite). The group began performing in local pubs and their performances were frankly weak, partly due to the amateurism of the musicians, partly because of Jim Morrison’s timidity: at first he was even embarrassed to turn his face to the audience and sang with his back to the audience. In addition, Jim often came to performances drunk. Fortunately for the group, they had an army of female fans, and the next “last time” of the angry club owner resulted in calls from girls asking when they would see “that hairy guy” again.

Soon the group was noticed by producer Paul Rothschild from the recently opened Elektra label, which had previously only released jazz performers, who risked offering the Doors a contract (the group entered Elektra's circle with such giants as Love). The group's first single, "Break On Through", entered the top ten of the US Billboard charts, and the next, "Light My Fire", took first place on the chart - an extremely successful debut. The Doors' first album, released in early 1967, also took first place in the charts and marked the beginning of Dorsomania. The use of hallucinogens, in particular LSD, had a direct impact on the work of Jim and the Doors: mysticism and shamanism became part of the stage act. “I am a Lizard king. I can do anything." - Jim said to himself in one of the songs (“I’m the lizard king, I can do anything”).

IN future fate Jim's life was a downward spiral: drunkenness, arrests for indecent exposure and fights with police, the transformation from a girl's idol to a fat, bearded slob. More and more material was written by Robbie Krieger, less and less by Jim Morrison. Late concerts of The Doors consisted mostly of drunken Jim bickering with the audience. In 1971, the exhausted rock star goes with his friend Pamela Courson to Paris to relax and work on a book of poetry, where he soon dies. There are still rumors surrounding his death. It is believed that Morrison was killed. The only person to see his body was Pamela Carson, who died three years later.

Jim Morrison is buried in Paris at the Père Lachaise cemetery. His grave became a place of cult worship for fans, who covered the neighboring graves with inscriptions about their love for their idol and lines from The Doors songs.

In the early 90s, director Oliver Stone made the film “The Doors,” dedicated to Morrison. The role of the leader of The Doors was played by Val Kilmer.

In 1978, the album American Prayer was released: shortly before his death, Jim dictated his poems onto a tape recorder, and the musicians of The Doors put musical accompaniment on the poems.
But everything is not so simple: Jim’s lyrics, his songs, sincerity and charisma, sociality, shocking and suicidal nature of his work, his charm fascinated and fascinate listeners. Some compositions have become permanent bases for jazz and electronic arrangements. modern musicians. Overall, The Doors cannot be removed from the history of rock and from the lives of millions of fans.

27 November 2014, 16:19

Good afternoon, dear gossips!

Recently, several channels showed programs about the group the Doors, or rather, about Jim Morrison, who was the main pearl of the team. I immediately wanted to make a post about it. Since he is considered one of the most charismatic frontmen in the history of rock music. He is known both for his distinctive voice and for his unique stage presence, his self-destructive lifestyle and his poetic creativity. Magazine Rolling Stone included it in the list of 100 greatest singers of all times. And I absolutely agree with this. Who, if not him)

Jim Morrison was born in Melbourne, Florida, the son of the future Admiral George Stephen Morrison and Clara Morrison (maiden name Clark). Jim also had a brother, Andrew, and a sister, Anne. Jim was of mixed Scottish, English and Irish blood.

Moves are frequent in the life of military men, and one day, when Jim was only four years old, something happened in New Mexico that he later described as one of the most important events of his life: a truck carrying Indians crashed on the road, and their bloody and sick bodies fell out from the truck and lay along the road.

“I knew death for the first time (...) I think at that moment the souls of those dead Indians, maybe one or two of them, were rushing around, writhing, and moved into my soul, I was like a sponge, readily absorbing them.”

Morrison considered this incident the most significant in his life, returning to it in poetry, interviews, and in the songs “Dawn’s Highway,” “Peace Frog,” “Ghost Song” from the album An American Prayer, as well as “Riders on the Storm.”

Jim spent part of his childhood in San Diego, California. In 1962, he entered Florida State University in Tallahassee. In January 1964, Morrison moved to Los Angeles and enrolled in the film department at UCLA, where he made two films during his studies. Jim liked performers such as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, Love and the Kinks.

IN State University Florida in Tallahassee, Jim studied the history of the Renaissance, in particular the work of Hieronymus Bosch and acting, and played in student productions of plays. After that, Jim studied at the film department of the University of California, but did not take his studies very seriously, and was more interested in parties and alcohol. At the end of 1964, Jim came to his parents for Christmas. This was the last time he saw them. A few months later, Jim wrote a letter to his parents saying that he wanted to create a rock band. But he did not find understanding from his father, who replied that this was a bad joke. After that, when asked about his parents, Jim always said that they died. Apparently, the parents also treated Jim coolly, because even many years after his death they refused to comment on their son’s work. The film that was his graduation work neither teachers nor students accepted it. Jim was very worried about this, and even wanted to leave the university two weeks before graduation, but the teachers dissuaded him from this decision.

The Doors

While studying at UCLA, Jim met and became friends with Ray Manzarek.

Together they formed the group The Doors. After some time, they were joined by drummer John Densmore and John's friend, Robbie Krieger. Krieger was introduced on Densmore's recommendation and was then included in the group.

The Doors took the band's name from the title of Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception (a reference to the "opening" of the "doors" of perception through the use of psychedelics). Huxley, in turn, took the title of his book from a poem by the English visionary poet William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.” everything would appear as it is - infinite). Jim told friends that he wanted to be that “door of perception.” The name of the group was adopted unanimously.

The group began performing in local pubs and their performances were frankly weak, partly due to the amateurism of the musicians, partly because of Jim Morrison’s timidity: at first he was even embarrassed to turn his face to the audience and sang with his back to the audience. In addition, Jim often came to performances drunk. Fortunately for the group, they had an army of female fans, and the next “last time” of the angry club owner resulted in calls from girls asking when they would see “that hairy guy” again. Six months later, the group had the opportunity to perform at the best club on Sunset Trip - Whiskey-A-Go-Go.

Soon the group was noticed by producer Paul Rothschild from the recently opened Elektra Records label, which had previously only released jazz performers, who risked offering the Doors a contract (the group entered Elektra's circle with such giants as Love).

Paul Rothschild

The group's first single, "Break On Through", entered the top ten of the US Billboard charts, and the next, "Light My Fire", took first place on the chart - an extremely successful debut. The Doors' first album, released in early 1967, also took first place in the charts and marked the beginning of Dorsomania. One composition of the album - The End, conceived as an ordinary farewell song, gradually became more complex, acquiring universal images.

Jim Morrison on this song several years after the album's release:

"The End"... I really don't know what I was going to say. Every time I listen to this song it seems different to me. At first it was a farewell, perhaps to a girl, or perhaps to childhood.

The use of hallucinogens, in particular LSD, had a direct impact on the work of Morrison and The Doors: mysticism and shamanism became part of the stage act. “I am a Lizard king. I can do anything." - Jim said to himself in one of the songs (“I am the king of the lizards. I can do anything.”).

The Doors managed to become not only a musical phenomenon, but also cultural phenomenon. The band's sound lacked bass, emphasizing hypnotic organ lines and (to a lesser extent) original guitar parts. However, The Doors' popularity was largely due to the unique charismatic personality and deep lyrics of their leader Jim Morrison. Morrison was an extremely erudite person, interested in the philosophy of Nietzsche, the culture of the American Indians, the poetry of the European Symbolists and much more. In 1970, Jim married practicing witch Patricia Kennealy; the wedding was held according to a Celtic witchcraft ritual.

Jim's subsequent fate was a downward spiral: drunkenness, arrests for indecent behavior and fights with police, transformation from an idol for girls into a fat bearded slob. More and more material was written by Robbie Krieger, less and less by Jim Morrison. The Doors' later concerts consisted mostly of drunken Morrison arguing with the audience.

In 1971, the rock star went with his friend Pamela Courson to Paris to relax and work on a book of poetry.

With Pamela

According to the official version, Morrison died on July 3, 1971 in Paris from a heart attack, however, real reason no one knows his death. Among the options were: a heroin overdose in the Parisian club Rock-n-Roll Circus, suicide, a staged suicide by the FBI, which was then actively fighting participants in the hippie movement, and so on. There are still rumors surrounding his death. The only person who saw the singer's death was Morrison's girlfriend, Pamela. But she took the secret of his death with her to the grave, as she died of a drug overdose three years later. Jim Morrison is buried in Paris at the Père Lachaise cemetery. His grave became a place of cult worship for fans, who covered the neighboring graves with inscriptions about their love for their idol and lines from The Doors songs.

(English Jim Morrison, full name James Douglas Morrison - English James Douglas Morrison) - American singer, poet and musician, leader of the group. Born December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, Florida. Died July 3, 1971 in Paris.

Moves are frequent in the life of military men, and one day, when Jim was only four years old, something happened in New Mexico that he later described as one of the most important events of his life: a truck with Indians overturned on the road, and their bloody bodies lay on the road . “I discovered death for the first time (...) I think at that moment the souls of those dead Indians, maybe one or two of them, were rushing around, writhing, and moved into my soul, I was like a sponge, readily absorbing them.”

Having entered UCLA, the Faculty of Cinematography, he leads a bohemian lifestyle, reads a lot, takes psychotropic substances, and is interested in mysticism and beatniks. Jim's thesis causes a mixed reaction from teachers, and he leaves the university with a scandal.

Soon, with his friend, also a UCLA student, Ray Manzarek, and joined by guitarist Robbie Krieger and drummer John Densmore, they created the quartet the Doors, taking the name from a line by William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed,/Every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite” (Russian. When the doors of perception are clear / Everything appears as it is - infinite). The group began performing in local pubs and their performances were frankly weak, partly due to the amateurism of the musicians, partly because of Jim Morrison’s timidity: at first he was even embarrassed to turn his face to the audience and sang with his back to the audience. In addition, Jim often came to performances drunk. Fortunately for the group, they had an army of female fans, and the next “last time” of the angry club owner resulted in calls from girls asking when they would see “that hairy guy” again.

Soon the group was noticed by producer Paul Rothschild from the recently opened Elektra label, which had previously only released jazz performers, who risked offering the Doors a contract (the group entered Elektra's circle with such giants as Love). The group's first single, "Break On Through", entered the top ten of the US Billboard charts, and the next, "Light My Fire", took first place on the chart - an extremely successful debut. The Doors' first album, released in early 1967, also took first place in the charts and marked the beginning of Dorsomania. The use of hallucinogens, in particular LSD, had a direct impact on the work of Jim and the Doors: mysticism and shamanism became part of the stage act. “I am a Lizard king. I can do anything." - Jim said to himself in one of the songs (“I’m the lizard king, I can do anything”).

Jim's subsequent fate was a downward spiral: drunkenness, arrests for indecent behavior and fights with police, transformation from an idol for girls into a fat bearded slob. More and more material was written by Robbie Krieger, less and less by Jim Morrison. Late concerts of The Doors consisted mostly of drunken Jim bickering with the audience. In 1971, the exhausted rock star goes with his friend Pamela Courson to Paris to relax and work on a book of poetry, where he soon dies. There are still rumors surrounding his death. It is believed that Morrison was killed. The only person to see his body was Pamela Carson, who died three years later.

Jim Morrison is buried in Paris at the Père Lachaise cemetery. His grave became a place of cult worship for fans, who covered the neighboring graves with inscriptions about their love for their idol and lines from The Doors songs.

In the early 90s, director Oliver Stone made the film “The Doors,” dedicated to Morrison. The role of the leader of The Doors was played by Val Kilmer.

In 1978, the album American Prayer was released: shortly before his death, Jim dictated his poems onto a tape recorder, and the musicians of The Doors put musical accompaniment on the poems.
But everything is not so simple: Jim’s lyrics, his songs, sincerity and charisma, sociality, shocking and suicidal nature of his work, his charm fascinated and fascinate listeners. Some compositions have become permanent basis for jazz and electronic arrangements by modern musicians. Overall, The Doors cannot be removed from the history of rock and from the lives of millions of fans.